The Rum Diary · A Novel

The Rum Diary · A Novel

The Rum Diary" was begun in 1959 by then-twenty-two-year-old Hunter S. Thompson. It was his first novel, and he told his friend, the author William Kennedy, that "The Rum Diary" would "in a twisted way... do for San Juan what Ernest Hemingway's "The Sun Also Rises" did for Paris." In Paul Kemp, the novel's hero, there are echoes of the young Thompson, who was himself honing his wildly musical writing style as one of the "illnarrator, speaks for the unfocused angst of those times: "In a sense I was one of them-- more competent than some and more stable than others-- and in the years that carried that ragged banner I was seldom unemployed. Sometimes I worked for three newspapers at once. I wrote ad copy for new casinos and bowling alleys, I was a consultant for the cockfighting syndicate, an utterly corrupt high-end restaurant critic, a yachting photographer and a routine victim of police brutality. It was a greedy life and I was good at it. I made some interesting friends, had enough money to get around, and learned a lot about the world that I could never have learned in any other way.