The Beginner's Guide to Histamine Intolerance

The Beginner's Guide to Histamine Intolerance
Joneja, Janice
Berrydale Books
health , histamine intolerance
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If you’re struggling with your health, but the doctor can’t find anything actually wrong with you, then perhaps you have Histamine Intolerance. It’s a condition with a range of unpleasant symptoms, which can include headaches, flushing, itching, hives, swollen facial tissues, racing heart, digestive problems, irritability and more.

Many doctors don’t know much about Histamine Intolerance, although it’s estimated that 1% of the world’s population suffers from it. If you’re one of them, you’ll know first-hand how distressing and frustrating the disorder can be.

Dr Janice Vickerstaff Joneja saw the misery that this condition caused sufferers, and made it the focus of her research work; she’s been studying the condition and helping patients since the 1990s.

She’s now created this easy-to-read guide—which will help you understand if you have Histamine Intolerance, and what you can do about it—with clear advice and explanations, lots of interesting real-life cases, plus diet and treatment recommendations.

If you wonder if your symptoms could be caused by Histamine Intolerance—or if you believe they are and want to know what to do about it—this book is for you.