Page Frame Number Database

In several previous sections, we’ve concentrated on the virtual view of a Windows process—page tables, PTEs, and VADs. In the remainder of this chapter, we’ll explain how Windows manages physical memory, starting with how Windows keeps track of physical memory. Whereas working sets describe the resident pages owned by a process or the system, the page frame number (PFN) database describes the state of each page in physical memory. The page states are listed in Table 10-16.

Table 10-16. Page States



Active (also called Valid)

The page is part of a working set (either a process working set, a session working set, or a system working set), or it’s not in any working set (for example, nonpaged kernel page) and a valid PTE usually points to it.


A temporary state for a page that isn’t owned by a working set and isn’t on any paging list. A page is in this state when an I/O to the page is in progress. The PTE is encoded so that collided page faults can be recognized and handled properly. (Note that this use of the term “transition” differs from the use of the word in the section on invalid PTEs; an invalid transition PTE refers to a page on the standby or modified list.)


The page previously belonged to a working set but was removed (or was prefetched/clustered directly into the standby list). The page wasn’t modified since it was last written to disk. The PTE still refers to the physical page but is marked invalid and in transition.


The page previously belonged to a working set but was removed. However, the page was modified while it was in use and its current contents haven’t yet been written to disk or remote storage. The PTE still refers to the physical page but is marked invalid and in transition. It must be written to the backing store before the physical page can be reused.

Modified no-write

Same as a modified page, except that the page has been marked so that the memory manager’s modified page writer won’t write it to disk. The cache manager marks pages as modified no-write at the request of file system drivers. For example, NTFS uses this state for pages containing file system metadata so that it can first ensure that transaction log entries are flushed to disk before the pages they are protecting are written to disk. (NTFS transaction logging is explained in Chapter 12.)


The page is free but has unspecified dirty data in it. (These pages can’t be given as a user page to a user process without being initialized with zeros, for security reasons.)


The page is free and has been initialized with zeros by the zero page thread (or was determined to already contain zeros).


The page represents read-only memory


The page has generated parity or other hardware errors and can’t be used.

The PFN database consists of an array of structures that represent each physical page of memory on the system. The PFN database and its relationship to page tables are shown in Figure 10-37. As this figure shows, valid PTEs usually point to entries in the PFN database, and the PFN database entries (for nonprototype PFNs) point back to the page table that is using them (if it is being used by a page table). For prototype PFNs, they point back to the prototype PTE.

Page tables and the page frame number database

Figure 10-37. Page tables and the page frame number database

Of the page states listed in Table 10-16, six are organized into linked lists so that the memory manager can quickly locate pages of a specific type. (Active/valid pages, transition pages, and overloaded “bad” pages aren’t in any systemwide page list.) Additionally, the standby state is actually associated with eight different lists ordered by priority (we’ll talk about page priority later in this section). Figure 10-38 shows an example of how these entries are linked together.

Page lists in the PFN database

Figure 10-38. Page lists in the PFN database

In the next section, you’ll find out how these linked lists are used to satisfy page faults and how pages move to and from the various lists.

Figure 10-39 shows a state diagram for page frame transitions. For simplicity, the modified-no-write list isn’t shown.

Page frames move between the paging lists in the following ways:

Every physical page in the system has a page priority value assigned to it by the memory manager. The page priority is a number in the range 0 to 7. Its main purpose is to determine the order in which pages are consumed from the standby list. The memory manager divides the standby list into eight sublists that each store pages of a particular priority. When the memory manager wants to take a page from the standby list, it takes pages from low-priority lists first, as shown in Figure 10-40.

Each thread and process in the system is also assigned a page priority. A page’s priority usually reflects the page priority of the thread that first causes its allocation. (If the page is shared, it reflects the highest page priority among the sharing threads.) A thread inherits its page-priority value from the process to which it belongs. The memory manager uses low priorities for pages it reads from disk speculatively when anticipating a process’s memory accesses.

By default, processes have a page-priority value of 5, but functions allow applications and the system to change process and thread page-priority values. You can look at the memory priority of a thread with Process Explorer (per-page priority can be displayed by looking at the PFN entries, as you’ll see in an experiment later in the chapter). Figure 10-41 shows Process Explorer’s Threads tab displaying information about Winlogon’s main thread. Although the thread priority itself is high, the memory priority is still the standard 5.

The real power of memory priorities is realized only when the relative priorities of pages are understood at a high level, which is the role of Superfetch, covered at the end of this chapter.

The memory manager employs two system threads to write pages back to disk and move those pages back to the standby lists (based on their priority). One system thread writes out modified pages (MiModifiedPageWriter) to the paging file, and a second one writes modified pages to mapped files (MiMappedPageWriter). Two threads are required to avoid creating a deadlock, which would occur if the writing of mapped file pages caused a page fault that in turn required a free page when no free pages were available (thus requiring the modified page writer to create more free pages). By having the modified page writer perform mapped file paging I/Os from a second system thread, that thread can wait without blocking regular page file I/O.

Both threads run at priority 17, and after initialization they wait for separate objects to trigger their operation. The mapped page writer waits on an event, MmMappedPageWriterEvent. It can be signaled in the following cases:

The mapped page writer also waits on an array of MiMappedPageListHeadEvent events associated with the 16 mapped page lists. Each time a mapped page is dirtied, it is inserted into one of these 16 mapped page lists based on a bucket number (MiCurrentMappedPageBucket). This bucket number is updated by the working set manager whenever the system considers that mapped pages have gotten old enough, which is currently 100 seconds (the MiWriteGapCounter variable controls this and is incremented whenever the working set manager runs). The reason for these additional events is to reduce data loss in the case of a system crash or power failure by eventually writing out modified mapped pages even if the modified list hasn’t reached its threshold of 800 pages.

The modified page writer waits on a single gate object (MmModifiedPageWriterGate), which can be signaled in the following scenarios:

Additionally, the modified page writer waits on an event (MiRescanPageFilesEvent) and an internal event in the paging file header (MmPagingFileHeader), which allows the system to manually request flushing out data to the paging file when needed.

When invoked, the mapped page writer attempts to write as many pages as possible to disk with a single I/O request. It accomplishes this by examining the original PTE field of the PFN database elements for pages on the modified page list to locate pages in contiguous locations on the disk. Once a list is created, the pages are removed from the modified list, an I/O request is issued, and, at successful completion of the I/O request, the pages are placed at the tail of the standby list corresponding to their priority.

Pages that are in the process of being written can be referenced by another thread. When this happens, the reference count and the share count in the PFN entry that represents the physical page are incremented to indicate that another process is using the page. When the I/O operation completes, the modified page writer notices that the reference count is no longer 0 and doesn’t place the page on any standby list.

Although PFN database entries are of fixed length, they can be in several different states, depending on the state of the page. Thus, individual fields have different meanings depending on the state. Figure 10-42 shows the formats of PFN entries for different states.

Several fields are the same for several PFN types, but others are specific to a given type of PFN. The following fields appear in more than one PFN type:

The remaining fields are specific to the type of PFN. For example, the first PFN in Figure 10-42 represents a page that is active and part of a working set. The share count field represents the number of PTEs that refer to this page. (Pages marked read-only, copy-on-write, or shared read/write can be shared by multiple processes.) For page table pages, this field is the number of valid and transition PTEs in the page table. As long as the share count is greater than 0, the page isn’t eligible for removal from memory.

The working set index field is an index into the process working set list (or the system or session working set list, or zero if not in any working set) where the virtual address that maps this physical page resides. If the page is a private page, the working set index field refers directly to the entry in the working set list because the page is mapped only at a single virtual address. In the case of a shared page, the working set index is a hint that is guaranteed to be correct only for the first process that made the page valid. (Other processes will try to use the same index where possible.) The process that initially sets this field is guaranteed to refer to the proper index and doesn’t need to add a working set list hash entry referenced by the virtual address into its working set hash tree. This guarantee reduces the size of the working set hash tree and makes searches faster for these particular direct entries.

The second PFN in Figure 10-42 is for a page on either the standby or the modified list. In this case, the forward and backward link fields link the elements of the list together within the list. This linking allows pages to be easily manipulated to satisfy page faults. When a page is on one of the lists, the share count is by definition 0 (because no working set is using the page) and therefore can be overlaid with the backward link. The reference count is also 0 if the page is on one of the lists. If it is nonzero (because an I/O could be in progress for this page—for example, when the page is being written to disk), it is first removed from the list.

The third PFN in Figure 10-42 is for a page that belongs to a kernel stack. As mentioned earlier, kernel stacks in Windows are dynamically allocated, expanded, and freed whenever a callback to user mode is performed and/or returns, or when a driver performs a callback and requests stack expansion. For these PFNs, the memory manager must keep track of the thread actually associated with the kernel stack, or if it is free it keeps a link to the next free look-aside stack.

The fourth PFN in Figure 10-42 is for a page that has an I/O in progress (for example, a page read). While the I/O is in progress, the first field points to an event object that will be signaled when the I/O completes. If an in-page error occurs, this field contains the Windows error status code representing the I/O error. This PFN type is used to resolve collided page faults.

In addition to the PFN database, the system variables in Table 10-19 describe the overall state of physical memory.