The most difficult (and almost inevitable) part of love is heartbreak. Some lucky dogs may never experience it, but most of us do, and it hits hard.
These spells are all about tending to your heart, accepting what happened, and releasing the negativity so it will no longer hold you back. When we dwell on past loves, we leave little room to accept a new love in. Sometimes we take up so much subconscious space in our brain that we only manifest what left us hurt. This chapter will help you to reprogram on your own terms.
Use these spells with a lot of tenderness. Rushing to heal is never wise; it takes time. Make sure you don’t trigger yourself by going too fast or doing too many spells, and do not drown your feelings in order to “get over it.” You deserve as much time as it takes to feel good about releasing the past, and these spells are meant to help you on the journey, not eradicate the pain.
This may seem like common sense to some and nearly impossible to others, but it’s a necessary step to start moving on. In the age of technology, residual energy lies at our fingertips 24/7, and we must take measures to establish boundaries that protect our heart. Even the most amicable breakups need time to heal. A constructive and effective way to do this is to get your ex out of sight and out of mind.
Your phone • Your ex’s contact information
This spell is best performed under Waning Moon energy. It will help you release. Virgo and Gemini, which are both ruled by Mercury, are best for Tech Witch spells.
• Ground yourself by completing a full-body scan from your head down to your toes, sinking into your body. Tech Witch spells are very cerebral so intentionally focus your breath into your whole body for balance.
• Take your phone and, one by one, go into each of your ex’s social media accounts, phone numbers, and other possible opportunities of connection.
• Each time you go into an account, go to the “Block” option. Block them while you say, “I release you.”
• Remember to breathe deeply through each account.
• Close your circle, and in about two weeks’ time, you’ll feel renewed. The memory of your ex will turn to dust.
If you’ve already performed the shadow work ritual from chapter 3 (page 42), you know how freeing this type of journaling can be. While it’s difficult to bring our shadow into the light, it gives us the power to accept what we can’t control and move on. Make sure to firmly ground yourself before you begin your spell and be as honest with yourself as possible. Go slowly if you need to.
A pen • Paper • Your honesty
This spell is best performed under Waning Moon energy so you can release what doesn’t serve you. Water signs are excellent for this type of emotional deep dive, but Earth signs will keep you grounded.
• Ground yourself by breathing in deeply while you root yourself firmly into the ground. As you imagine being anchored deep into the core of the Earth, become sturdy like a tall tree with flowing branches.
• Take your pen and paper and begin to journal on the following prompts.
♦ What do I regret about my previous relationship, and how can I shape it into a lesson?
♦ What left me hurt in my previous relationship, and how can I express gratitude for it?
♦ What truly served me in the relationship? What didn’t? How did I play a part in those roles?
• Meditate on your answers and try to be as nonjudgmental as possible with yourself.
• Close your circle and envision releasing your past into the cosmos.
TBH, this bath has a strong smell, but it will help to cut the cords between you and your ex. Be sure to not rinse off after the bath, as the purifying and banishing properties of the ingredients must stay on your skin for twenty-four hours to fully dissolve the energy. It’s best to perform this spell at home. If you don’t have a bathtub, make the mixture in a bowl and anoint yourself with it as you shower.
Salt • About 1 cup of apple cider vinegar • Lemons, cut into four rounds • Black pepper
This spell is best performed under Dark Moon energy for potent banishing. Water signs are best for bath magick.
• Run your bath with lukewarm to cold water and add all of your ingredients.
• Enter the bath and ground yourself by doing a full-body scan from the top of your head down to your toes.
• Take the lemon rounds and start to rub yourself with them in the bath, envisioning the citrus clearing out any resentment, negativity, or hurt.
• Soak in the bath for as long as you want. Just make sure you’ve covered your whole body, even the soles of your feet, with the lemon rounds. Be cautious of your eyes, and if you are standing in the shower, try not to slip.
• Once you have anointed yourself with the lemon rounds, empty the bath and envision your heartbreak swirling down the drain with the water. If you are in the shower, imagine the water running off of you is taking your pain with it.
• Do not rinse off. Close your circle and head directly to bed. You can shower the next night to rid yourself of the vinegar aroma.
This spell releases emotional ties to your ex-partner. If you still feel a connection, for instance, in your dreams, this spell works wonders. If you have more advanced witchcraft tools like a blade of obsidian, a selenite wand, or an athame, feel free to use them in this spell.
Obsidian blade (optional) • A selenite wand (optional) • An athame (optional) • Your hand • A broom
This ritual is best performed under Waning to Dark Moon energy. Water signs will help you psychically connect to this visualization.
• Ground by breathing deeply into your chest, doing a full-body scan from the top of your head to your toes.
• Take whichever tool you have, even if it is the side of your hand in a karate-chop position, and begin to wave it over your body, starting from the top of your head and moving all the way down to the soles of your feet.
• As you wave your tool, imagine actual cords being cut and falling to the ground. All these cords are representative of the ties to your past love.
• Imagine the cords snapping, curling, and twisting to the ground, creating a pile beneath you on the floor.
• Once you have cut every cord, take your broom and visualize yourself sweeping up all of the cords.
• Toss these cords in the toilet and, when you flush, imagine all of the ties going down with the water in the bowl.
• Close your circle and notice any residual energy in your dreams. You may need to repeat this if you still have lingering messages in your dreams.
TIP If you want to make the investment, an athame, or witch’s blade, represents the element of Air and is my favorite for this kind of work. Obsidian is a black stone that absorbs negative energy and comes in blade form. A selenite wand is a moon-ruled crystal that has incredible energetic cleansing properties. Otherwise, your hand works just fine.
Black salt is a key ingredient in any Witch’s cabinet and is excellent for banishment and protection. Once you make your own, you can use it in a variety of ways to keep you safe, including sprinkling on your doorstep to keep out unwanted visitors. This spell will teach you how to keep your dreams free and clear of any exes so you can sleep without seeing their dumb face.
Sea salt • Ground black pepper • Charcoal • A mortar and pestle • A sachet
This spell is best performed under Waning Moon energy in order to release. Water signs are best when working with dream realms.
• Ground yourself by breathing in freedom and exhaling pain. Feel your lungs expanding, and continue breathing deeply until you feel lighter.
• Add your bits of charcoal and ground black pepper to your mortar.
• Grind them together with your pestle until you get a fine black powder.
• Slowly mix in your sea salt, adding pinches until you get a nicely coated black mineral.
• As you mix, imagine yourself having a comfortable night’s sleep, free from any dreams or nightmares about your past relationship.
• Place your black salt mixture in your sachet and tie it tight, making sure nothing leaks out, and close your circle.
• Place your sachet under your pillow, and let it work by absorbing your dreams.
“Yoni” is the Sanskrit word for “womb” and has been used to describe the vagina or vulva. Although it appears in the title of this spell, you don’t need to have a vagina to perform it! It works equally well with all genitalia. The purpose of this spell is to banish the leftover energy from a sexual encounter that you wish to forget, whether it was a flop of a one-night stand or an ex you wish you had never dated.
Filtered water • A stockpot • Rosemary • Juniper • Basil • A towel
This spell is best performed on a Waning Moon to Dark Moon to rid your body of the energy. Fire signs or Air signs are great for this kind of cauldron and steam work.
• Ground yourself by completing a full-body scan from the top of your head down to your toes. Stop for a moment at your sacral chakra, located in your lower abdomen, intentionally opening it up.
• Take half a pot of your filtered water and bring it to a boil, and then take it off of the heat.
• Slowly mix in your herbs until you can smell the aroma to your liking.
• Place your pot on the floor, and with your towel around your waist, squat over your pot/cauldron.
• Be very careful to not burn yourself, waiting about five minutes after boiling to see if you can handle the steam. You are dealing with a VERY sensitive area of your body.
• Visualize the energy of that sad sex leaving your body, evaporating with the steam.
• After ten to twenty minutes, the spell has done its work.
• Close your circle and empty your pot in the toilet, flushing away the banishment herbs.
NOTE: This should not be performed if pregnant or if you have an IUD.
Ah, the toilet. It’s a funny vessel, but it’s a MUST for a modern Witch! It’s the best way get rid of energies that do not serve our best selves. You’ll understand this spell as you watch your past disappear down the porcelain throne.
A pen • Paper • Lighter • Toilet
This spell is best performed under Waning Moon energy so you can purge all of your leftover feelings. Fire signs are best for this type of passionate work.
• Ground yourself by sinking into the floor in the bathroom, rooting yourself deeply into the Earth.
• Grab your pen and paper and start writing a letter to your ex. Do not hold back and do not censor yourself. This should be free-flowing and passionate. Drop those f-bombs.
• Once you have said everything you wish to say in your letter, use your lighter to light the paper from the bottom up, letting all of the tension go.
• Drop your burning paper into the toilet, and as you flush, repeat, “Animosity won’t hold me back, there’s nothing keeping me from being on track.”
• Close your circle and notice if you feel the release.
This spell should only be used under very specific circumstances and as a last resort, as it gets sticky in terms of free will. This spell is used to stop gossip that an ex is spreading and to stop them from contacting you once the relationship is over if you have already done everything in your power to end it. It’s important to mention that this should not be used in lieu of contacting authorities if your safety is at risk.
A jar • Filtered water • A talisman of your ex, like a photo of them, something they left behind, or their name written on a piece of paper
This spell is best performed under Dark Moon energy, when banishment is most potent. Scorpio and Aries, warriors ruled by Mars, are best for this kind of work.
• Ground yourself by breathing in for a count of three and exhaling for a count of three. When you breathe in, notice your lungs filling up with power, then exhale with gusto.
• Take your jar and fill it about three-quarters of the way with your filtered water.
• Then take the talisman of your ex and place it in the jar. Imagine that they are moving on with their lives, forgetting you existed, and stopping in their tracks when they begin to move toward you. Create a barrier around you and your life in your mind’s eye.
• Place your jar in the back of your freezer and forget about it. If you remove the frozen jar prematurely, your ex’s attention may return to you. Hide it behind the frozen peas you’ll never eat and let it fade from your memory.
• Once you are finished, close your circle, and breathe a sigh of relief.