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ISBN 978-1-61837-309-0
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Cover design by Elizabeth Mihaltse Lindy
Interior design by Nancy Singer
Image credits: DEPOSITPHOTOS.COM: @ourlifelooklikeballoon.hotmail.com 46, 53, 101 (mirrors); VECTEEZY.COM 57 (scissors); 83, 127 (phone); 115 (banana); NANCY SINGER: 65; FREEPIK: 37; 46 (lipstick); 50 (heart); 53 (mascara); 61 (cauldron); 70 (speech bubble); 95 (jar); 97; 101 (lips); 124, 127 (heart) MACROVECTOR 59; 88 (honey jar) NATKACHEVA 45; 46 (lips); 113 RAWPIXEL.COM 88, 95, 123 (flowers); SHUTTERSTOCK: ISAEKA11 57 (magazines); LENA NIKOLAEVA 2; 4; 20; 30; 33; 34; 49 (hand); 50 (arrow); 61 (branch); 69; 70 (hearts, icons); 75; 79; 88 (flowers, hearts, butterfly); 95 (bottle); 106; 115 (pear, cherries); 123 (crystal); 124 (arrows, ornaments); 141; TANOR 49 (girl); YEROMA (border design throughout)