Song of Songs 1   

1 The Song of Songs, which is Solomon’s. a


2   Oh, that he would kiss me with the kisses of his mouth!

For your caresses A are more delightful than wine. b

3   The fragrance of your perfume is intoxicating; c

your name is perfume poured out. d

No wonder young women B adore you.

4   Take me with you e—let’s hurry.

Oh, that the king would bring C me to his chambers.

Young Women

We will rejoice and be glad in you;

we will celebrate your caresses more than wine.


It is only right that they adore you.

5   Daughters of Jerusalem, f

I am dark like the tents of Kedar, g

yet lovely h like the curtains of Solomon.

6   Do not stare at me because I am dark,

for the sun has gazed on me.

My mother’s sons were angry with me; i

they made me take care of the vineyards. j

I have not taken care of my own vineyard.

7   Tell me, you whom I love: k

Where do you pasture your sheep? l

Where do you let them rest at noon? m

Why should I be like one who veils herself D

beside the flocks of your companions? n

Man E

8   If you do not know,

most beautiful of women, o

follow F the tracks of the flock,

and pasture your young goats

near the shepherds’ tents.

9   I compare you, my darling, p

to a G mare among Pharaoh’s chariots. q

10   Your cheeks are beautiful with jewelry, r

your neck with its necklace.

11   We will make gold jewelry for you,

accented with silver.


12   While the king is on his couch, H

my perfume I releases its fragrance. s

13   The one I love is a sachet of myrrh to me, t

spending the night between my breasts.

14   The one I love is a cluster of henna blossoms to me, u

in the vineyards of En-gedi. v


15   How beautiful you are, my darling.

How very beautiful!

Your eyes are doves. w


16   How handsome you are, my love. x

How delightful!

Our bed is verdant;

17   the beams of our house are cedars,

and our rafters are cypresses. J