Song of Songs 8   

1 If only I could treat you like my brother, G

one who nursed at my mother’s breasts,

I would find you in public and kiss you,

and no one would scorn me.

2   I would lead you, I would take you,

to the house of my mother g who taught me. H

I would give you spiced wine to drink

from the juice of my pomegranate.

3   May his left hand be under my head,

and his right arm embrace me. h

4   Young women of Jerusalem, I charge you,

do not stir up or awaken love

until the appropriate time. i

Young Women

5   Who is this j coming up from the wilderness,

leaning on the one she loves?


I awakened you under the apricot tree. k

There your mother conceived you;

there she conceived and gave you birth.

6   Set me as a seal on your heart,

as a seal on your arm. l

For love is as strong as death; m

jealousy is as unrelenting as Sheol.

Love’s flames are fiery flames n

an almighty flame! I

7   A huge torrent cannot extinguish love;

rivers cannot sweep it away.

If a man were to give all his wealth J for love, o

it would be utterly scorned.


8   Our sister is young;

she has no breasts. p

What will we do for our sister

on the day she is spoken for?

9   If she is a wall,

we will build a silver barricade on her.

If she is a door,

we will enclose her with cedar planks. q


10   I am K a wall

and my breasts like towers.

So in his eyes I have become

like one who finds L peace. M

11   Solomon owned a vineyard in Baal-hamon. r

He leased the vineyard to tenants. s

Each was to bring for his fruit

one thousand pieces of silver. t

12   I have my own vineyard. N,u

The one thousand are for you, Solomon,

but two hundred for those who take care of its fruits.


13   You O who dwell in the gardens,

companions v are listening for your voice;

let me hear you! w


14   Run away with me, P my love,

and be like a gazelle

or a young stag

on the mountains of spices. x