administration: as career for French burghers, 102, 231n.112; earnings of, 231n.116, 232n.117
agent and structure, 180. See also structuration theory
Anderson, Perry, 19
army: and assessments in Hansa, 241n.107; size of French, 226n.34, 230n.86; size of Genoese, 66; size of Venetian, 242n.6, 250n.16
Baldwin, John, 93
Barraclough, Geoffrey, 55
Becker, Marvin, 75
belief system: of burghers and church, 220nn.49, 51; and collective mentality, 220n.4; and commercial revolution, 73-76; defined, 204n.24; in Germany and France, 235n.13; individualism, 221n.60; and medieval hostility to trade, 71; and new political discourse, 219n.30; routinization of, 219nn.37, 39
Blockmans, Wim, 107
Bodin, Jean, 104
Bull, Hedley, 16. See also Grotian school
Burgundy: feudal nature of, 211n.53
Byzantine Empire, 50, 137, 139; and Italian city-states, 146
Capetian Dynasty: administration in, 99; and bishoprics, 230n.93; emergence of, 77, 78; as logical providers of protection, 31
Caporaso, James, 27
Carolingian Empire, 37, 43, 44, 78, 159
Champagne fairs, 217n.19
Charlemagne, 37, 52, 78; administration under, 99; and the church, 43, 44. See also Carolingian Empire
Charles IV, 121
Charles V, 111
Chevalier, Bernard, 107
church: and the emperor, 117, and Gelasian doctrine, 47, 48, 98; 215n.115; and Gregorian reforms, 72, 73; hierarchical organization of, 46-51; and Petrine doctrine, 46; revenue sources of, 45; in Roman Empire, 42; universalist claims of, 42-51, 212n.74. See also Investiture Conflict
city-leagues: against feudal lords, 118-120; German examples of, 238n.57; objectives of, 121. See also Hansa; Swabian-Rhenisch League
city-states: fragmented sovereignty of, 148, 149; and refeudalization, 177; weaknesses of, 172-178. See also towns
coinage: and debasement, 93, 162; in France, 161, 162; in Italy, 135, 174, 177; German variety of, 121; Hanseatic variety of, 122, 161-162; medieval variety of, 251n.39
Collins, Randall, 44
communes. See towns
competitive efficiency, 15; and city-states, 173; defined, 201n.47; elements of, 159-167
credible commitment, 167; and ability of Hansa and sovereigns, 168, 169
diachronic comparison, 20
Dodgshon, Robert, 35
Dollinger, Philippe, 126
Dumezil, George, 69
Dunbabin, Jean, 101
Durkheim, Emile, 12; unilinear view of, 18, 19
Dutch Republic, 156, 157; leadership in, 260n.l78
elective affinity, 27
emperor. See Holy Roman emperor
England, 156; affinity of king and towns, 256n.19; as atypical case of state formation, 205n.30; coinage of, 252nn.46, 54; mercantilist policies in, 254n.81; relations with Hansa, 123, 127, 164, 167
entrepreneurs, political, 171. See also methodological individualism
European Community (European Union), 189-191, 193
evolution: nonlinear view, 22-25; unilinear view, 4, 5, 18-20; unilinear view, flaws of, 12, 19-21, 202n.63
factor endowment model, applicability of, 204n.23
Fesler, James, 100
feudalism: defined, 36; origins of, 37, 38; personal bonds in, 38-42
Florence, 138, 141, 143-147, 154; and subject cities, 173-175. See also city-state
focal points: and external sovereignty in city-states, 175; sovereign agreements as, 168, 233n.152
fragmented sovereignty, 148; of city-states, 173-175. See also logic of organization
France: administration in, 99-102; Capetian domain in, 78, 80; and clash with church, 96-98; coinage in, 161, 162; legal system in, 71, 101, 162, 163; and medieval army, 226n.34, 230n.86; mercantilist policies in, 165; nobles and king in, 94-95; and rationalization of economy, 159-163; revenue of, 94, 260n.176; and Sicily, 140; towns and king in, 89-94, 102-105. See also Capetian Dynasty; towns; trade
Frederick I Barbarossa, 57, 114; feudal strategy in Italy, 141, 145; and Italian towns, 135, 139; and Roman law, 103
Frederick II, 55, 114-116, 139, 140, 141, 145, 170; and universalist claims, 117
freeriding: and belief systems, 27; in the Hansa, 163-165
Garrett, Geoffrey, 190
Genoa, 133-135, 137, 141, 143, 144, 146, 147; army size of, 66; revenues of, 66
Ghibelline, 140, 235n.18, 245n.59
Giddens, Anthony, 193
Gilpin, Robert, 17; on systems change, 12
Gould, Stephen Jay, 22-25, 179, 186
Gourevitch, Peter, 26
Gregorian reforms: and influence of Clunaics, 212n.73. See also Investiture Conflict
Gregory VII, 49; and anti-imperial strategy in Italy, 139. See also Investiture Conflict
Grotian school, 193
Guelph, 140, 143, 147, 235n.18, 245n.59. See also Welf
Hallam, Elizabeth, 40, 93, 102
Hamburg, 124, 128, 164, 168, 171, 172
Hansa (Hanse): and assessments for war, 241n.107; confederated nature of, 241n.101; and credible commitment, 255nn.99, 101; Dutch towns in, 164, 168; end of, 154, 167; information costs in, 122, 123; institutions of, 125; jurisdiction in, 128; law codes in, 242n.112, 253n.57; meaning of, 65, 121, 238n.64; nonterritorial logic of, 129, 169-171; origins of, 119, 120; objectives of, 121f; regional groups in, 124-126, 240n.90; and relations with Denmark, 164; and relations with England, 123, 164, 167; revenue sources of, 127; size of towns, 112, 113; type of trade, 122; voting procedures in, 240n.86; and wars with states, 127
Hanseatic League. See Hansa
Hay, Denys and John Law, 141
Held, David, 189
Henry I (Germany), 53
Henry II (England), 59
Henry III (Holy Roman Empire), 47
Henry IV (Holy Roman Empire), 49, 57, 114, 118
Henry V (Holy Roman Empire), 114
Henry VII (Holy Roman Empire), 115
Hibbert, A. B., 136
Hintze, Otto, 26
historical institutionalism, 225n.28
Hobbes, Thomas, 153
Hohenstaufen, 114, 115, 139, 141, 145
Holy Roman emperor: feudal strategies of, 114-117; German king as, 234n.2; and Italian towns, 140-142
Holy Roman Empire: failure of, 54, 55; origins of, 52; universal nature of, 52, 117
Holzgrefe, J. L., 68
Hundred Years War, 68
hyperpolarity, in the medieval system, 198n.16
institutions: efficiency-of-organization and efficiency-of-scale, 250n.19; non-optimality of, 26
Interregnum, 116
Investiture Conflict, 45, 47-49, 111, 139; and German fragmentation, 113, 114, 116; and town support for emperor, 118
Islam, and sovereign, territorial states, 191
isomorphism, 171, 257n.127. See also mimicry; mutual empowerment; selection
Italy. See city-states; towns
iterative behavior, 169
John (Lackland), 39
Justice: and legal systems in France, 162, 163; and variety of codes in Hansa, 162, 163
Keohane, Robert, 26
Kratochwil, Friedrich, 68
Le Goff, Jacques, 69
Lensen, Leo, and Willy Heitling, 126
Levi, Margaret, 82
Lewis, Bernard, 191
livres. See pounds
logic of organization: as nonterritorial or territorial, 12, 34-36, 154; in religious communities, 191, 192; and sovereignty and fragmented sovereignty, 34-36; in universal empires, 16, 17, 117
long cycle theory, 156
Louis VII, 39, 90, 93, 117, 166
Louis IX (Saint Louis), 97; and control over minting, 161, 162; and rationalization of justice, 104, 163
Lübeck, 65, 112, 118, 123-128, 146, 156, 161, 164, 171, 172
Marshal, William, 39
Marx, Karl, 18
Mattingly, Garrett, 17
methodological individualism, 14, 26; and evolution, 205n.32
methodology, 196n.9
Milan, 116, 133, 135, 141, 147
mimicry: by city-states, 177; by German lords, 172; as part of selection, 171-172
Moore, Barrington, 26
Morrall, John, 57
mutual empowerment, 15; of city-states, 175— 176; as part of selection, 167-171
neorealism, 12; medieval system and, 201n.44. See also Waltz
network externalities, 192. See also path dependency
nobility: as a caste, 40, 41; and mercantile pursuits in Italy, 136, 137. See also belief system
Normandy, duke of, as king and vassal, 39
Normans, and alliance with papacy, 49, 139
North, Douglass, 31
Otto I (the Great), 53
Otto II, 53
Otto III, 53
papacy, and anti-imperial strategy in Italy, 139-141. See also church, the; Investiture Conflict
Parker, David, 107
Parker, Geoffrey, 85
Peace of Westphalia, 27, 176, 178; and the Hansa, 16, 170, 171, 241n.109; importance of; 257nn.124, 125; Krasner on, 205n.31
Philip II Augustus, 12, 39, 93, 97, 102, 160, 163, 166
Philip IV (the Fair), 79, 92-98, 104
Pirenne, Henri, 61, 62; corroboration of, 216n.7, 235n.6
Podesta, 142
poststructural theory: and critique of neorealism, 13; and state origins, 14
pounds, types of, 230n.80
prévôt. See provost
principal-agent problem, 209n.22
property rights, 141; and lack of, under feudalism, 221n.53. See also Roman law; seisin
provost, 99
punctuated equilibrium, 7, 22-25, 186, 202n.62, 204n.17
revenue: French, 94; French compared to Italian, 260n.176; German, from Sicily, 117
Reynolds, Susan, 79
Rice, Eugene, 21
Roman law, 79, 81; and belief system, 103; in France, 71, 101; in Germany, 111, 114; and Italian towns, 136; property rights in, 41, 75, 105; and sovereignty, 57, 103, 105, 166; and trial proceedings, 75. See also justice; property rights; seisin
Rörig, Fritz, 62
royal domain: and nonterritoriality under early Capetians, 210n.38; as public, 165
Ruggie, John, 13, 14, 68, 102, 193; on non-state organization, 34; on systems change, 12
Saltman, Michael, 41
Sandholtz, Wayne, and John Zysman, 190
seisin, 41, 70, 71. See also property rights; Roman law
selection: mechanisms of, 28, 158, 178, 179; by war, 155-158
self-help, 240n.96; and transaction specificity, 189
seneschal. See bailiff
Sicily: French acquisition of, 140; Hohenstaufen acquisition of, 115, 139; revenue from, 117; urbanization in, 142
Skocpol, Theda, 26
sovereign state: and capitalism, 201n.52; as deviation from world norm, 214n.103; future of, 188-194; spread of, 197n.15. See also sovereignty
sovereignty: defined, 3, 36, 195n.4; as distinct from absolutism, 153, 261n.179; fragmented or consolidated, 154; as imagined concept, 67, 68; and modern state system, 16. See also logic of organization
standardization. See coinage; justice; weights and measures
state, meanings of, 195nn.2, 3, 4. See also sovereignty
state system: and imperial organization, 252n.55; and structuring of behavior, 17
Statutum in favorem principum, 55, 115
Stephenson, Carl, 89
Stone, Lawrence, 85
structural realism. See neorealism
structuration theory, 199n.17; and critique of neorealism, 13, 15; and problems of operationalization, 14; and state origins, 14
Swabian-Rhenisch League, army strength of, 121. See also city-leagues
synchronic comparison, 5, 20, 84, 154; and punctuated equilibrium, 25
system: different views of, 11-17; medieval versus modern, 13. See also logic of organization
systems change, 156; unit change as, 11, 15–17, 196n.8
taille (taillage, tallage), 89-91, 93, 163
taxation: and conflict between king and church, 96-98; and exemption for nobility, 94. See also taille
Thomson, Janice, 169
three orders, theory of, 70
Tilly, Charles, 29-33, 82, 85, 154
Toul, John, 39
towns: and discord with French king, 218n.27; importance of, 62, 216nn.7, 12, 227n.45; as innovative force, 233n.146; nonfeudal character of, 229n.74; preferences of, 63-67; types of, 217n.18
—French: and affinity with king, 89-105; chartering of, 90-93; size of, 87, 88
—German: founding of, 118, 120; preferences of, 119, 120; types of, 119, 237n.43
—Hanseatic. See Hansa
—Italian: alliances with foreign powers, 139, 140; aristocracy in, 66; army strength, 133; factionalism in, 136-140; origins of, 135; preferences of, 133, 134, 140-146; size of, 132, 133; revenues of, 145, 146
trade: importance of, 61; and town formation, 62
—French: nature of, 64, 65, 87, 88, 226n.41
—German: nature of, 64, 65, 112
—Hanseatic: See Hansa
—Italian: competition with Iberians, 147; nature of, 64, 65, 133, 242n.8; profit margins in, 243n.10
transaction costs, 65, 88, 111, 112, 122, 123, 161; and path dependency, 25
trial by ordeal, 71
Unger, Roberto, 51
universal empire. See logic of organization
usury, 74
Valois Dynasty, 89
Venice, 133, 134, 137, 141-147, 154; army size of, 242n.6, 250n.16; revenue of, 157, 260n.176; and subject cities, 173-178
Waltz, Kenneth, 12, 14, 15. See also neorealism
Walzer, Michael, 67
warfare: and Capetian state, 82-86; and selection, 155-158; and state formation, 29-33
Weber, Max, 18, 35; on elective affinity, 27, 69
weights and measures: in France, 160, 161; in Germany, 121; in Hansa, 122, 159-160; in Italy, 135, 174
world systems theory, 18
Zupko, Ronald, 159