
Smoothing, also called blurring, is a simple and frequently used image processing operation. There are many reasons for smoothing, but it is usually done to reduce noise or camera artifacts. Smoothing is also important when we wish to reduce the resolution of an image in a principled way (we will discuss this in more detail in the "Image Pyramids" section of this chapter).

OpenCV offers five different smoothing operations at this time. All of them are supported through one function, cvSmooth(),[46] which takes our desired form of smoothing as an argument.

void cvSmooth(
  const CvArr*  src,
  CvArr*        dst,
  int           smoothtype = CV_GAUSSIAN,
  int           param1     = 3,
  int           param2     = 0,
  double        param3     = 0,
  double        param4     = 0

The src and dst arguments are the usual source and destination for the smooth operation. The cvSmooth() function has four parameters with the particularly uninformative names of param1, param2, param3, and param4. The meaning of these parameters depends on the value of smoothtype, which may take any of the five values listed in Table 5-1.[47] (Please notice that for some values of smoothtype, "in place operation", in which src and dst indicate the same image, is not allowed.)

Table 5-1. Types of smoothing operations, meaning of their parameters, and the depth and number of channels (Nc) supported by each operation.

Smooth type


In place


src depth

dst depth

Brief description


Simple blur



8u, 32f

8u, 32f

Sum over a param1xparam2 neighborhood with subsequent scaling by 1/(param1xparam2).


Simple blur with no scaling




16s (for 8u source) or 32f (for 32f source)

Sum over a param1xparam2 neighborhood.


Median blur


1,3, 4



Find median over a param1xparam1 square neighborhood.


Gaussian blur



8u, 32f

8u (for 8u source) or 32f (for 32f source)

Sum over a param1xparam2 neighborhood.


Bilateral filter





Apply bilateral param1xparam1 filtering with color sigma=param3 and space sigma=param4.

The simple blur operation, as exemplified by CV_BLUR in Figure 5-1, is the simplest case. Each pixel in the output is the simple mean of all of the pixels in a window around the corresponding pixel in the input. Simple blur supports any number of channels and works on 8-bit images or 32-bit floating-point images.

Not all of the smoothing operators act on the same sorts of images. CV_BLUR_NO_SCALE (simple blur without scaling) is essentially the same as simple blur except that there is no division performed to create an average. Hence the source and destination images must have different numerical precision so that the blurring operation will not result in an overflow. Simple blur without scaling may be performed on 8-bit images, in which case the destination image should have IPL_DEPTH_16S (CV_16S) or IPL_DEPTH_32S (CV_32S) data types. The same operation may also be performed on 32-bit floating-point images, in which case the destination image may also be a 32-bit floating-point image. Simple blur without scaling cannot be done in place: the source and destination images must be different. (This requirement is obvious in the case of 8 bits to 16 bits, but it applies even when you are using a 32-bit image). Simple blur without scaling is sometimes chosen because it is a little faster than blurring with scaling.

Image smoothing by block averaging: on the left are the input images; on the right, the output images

Figure 5-1. Image smoothing by block averaging: on the left are the input images; on the right, the output images

The median filter (CV_MEDIAN) [Bardyn84] replaces each pixel by the median or "middle" pixel (as opposed to the mean pixel) value in a square neighborhood around the center pixel. Median filter will work on single-channel or three-channel or four-channel 8-bit images, but it cannot be done in place. Results of median filtering are shown in Figure 5-2. Simple blurring by averaging can be sensitive to noisy images, especially images with large isolated outlier points (sometimes called "shot noise"). Large differences in even a small number of points can cause a noticeable movement in the average value. Median filtering is able to ignore the outliers by selecting the middle points.

The next smoothing filter, the Gaussian filter (CV_GAUSSIAN), is probably the most useful though not the fastest. Gaussian filtering is done by convolving each point in the input array with a Gaussian kernel and then summing to produce the output array.

Image blurring by taking the median of surrounding pixels

Figure 5-2. Image blurring by taking the median of surrounding pixels

For the Gaussian blur (Figure 5-3), the first two parameters give the width and height of the filter window; the (optional) third parameter indicates the sigma value (half width at half max) of the Gaussian kernel. If the third parameter is not specified, then the Gaussian will be automatically determined from the window size using the following formulae:

image with no caption
image with no caption

If you wish the kernel to be asymmetric, then you may also (optionally) supply a fourth parameter; in this case, the third and fourth parameters will be the values of sigma in the horizontal and vertical directions, respectively.

If the third and fourth parameters are given but the first two are set to 0, then the size of the window will be automatically determined from the value of sigma.

The OpenCV implementation of Gaussian smoothing also provides a higher performance optimization for several common kernels. 3-by-3, 5-by-5 and 7-by-7 with the "standard" sigma (i.e., param3 = 0.0) give better performance than other kernels. Gaussian blur supports single- or three-channel images in either 8-bit or 32-bit floating-point formats, and it can be done in place. Results of Gaussian blurring are shown in Figure 5-4.

Gaussian blur on 1D pixel array

Figure 5-3. Gaussian blur on 1D pixel array

The fifth and final form of smoothing supported by OpenCV is called bilateral filtering [Tomasi98], an example of which is shown in Figure 5-5. Bilateral filtering is one operation from a somewhat larger class of image analysis operators known as edge-preserving smoothing. Bilateral filtering is most easily understood when contrasted to Gaussian smoothing. A typical motivation for Gaussian smoothing is that pixels in a real image should vary slowly over space and thus be correlated to their neighbors, whereas random noise can be expected to vary greatly from one pixel to the next (i.e., noise is not spatially correlated). It is in this sense that Gaussian smoothing reduces noise while preserving signal. Unfortunately, this method breaks down near edges, where you do expect pixels to be uncorrelated with their neighbors. Thus Gaussian smoothing smoothes away the edges. At the cost of a little more processing time, bilateral filtering provides us a means of smoothing an image without smoothing away the edges.

Like Gaussian smoothing, bilateral filtering constructs a weighted average of each pixel and its neighboring components. The weighting has two components, the first of which is the same weighting used by Gaussian smoothing. The second component is also a Gaussian weighting but is based not on the spatial distance from the center pixel but rather on the difference in intensity[48] from the center pixel.[49]You can think of bilateral filtering as Gaussian smoothing that weights more similar pixels more highly than less similar ones. The effect of this filter is typically to turn an image into what appears to be a watercolor painting of the same scene.[50] This can be useful as an aid to segmenting the image.

Gaussian blurring

Figure 5-4. Gaussian blurring

Bilateral filtering takes two parameters. The first is the width of the Gaussian kernel used in the spatial domain, which is analogous to the sigma parameters in the Gaussian filter. The second is the width of the Gaussian kernel in the color domain. The larger this second parameter is, the broader is the range of intensities (or colors) that will be included in the smoothing (and thus the more extreme a discontinuity must be in order to be preserved).

Results of bilateral smoothing

Figure 5-5. Results of bilateral smoothing

[47] Here and elsewhere we sometimes use 8u as shorthand for 8-bit unsigned image depth (IPL_DEPTH_8U). See Table 3-2 for other shorthand notation.

[48] In the case of multichannel (i.e., color) images, the difference in intensity is replaced with a weighted sum over colors. This weighting is chosen to enforce a Euclidean distance in the CIE color space.

[50] This effect is particularly pronounced after multiple iterations of bilateral filtering.