@, 155
a lot, 13
abroad, 98
after that, 116
ages, for, 35
agree with, 13
alike, 25
all excited about, to be, 115
all stressed out, to be, 115, 118
am, 3
angry about, to be, 141
apps, 156
are, 3
aren’t, 3
as a matter of fact, 1, 3, 13, 17, 35, 59, 69
as if that weren’t enough, 81, 82
at a loose end, to be, 132
at night, 1
at the moment, 1
be a bit uppity, 103
be doing, 93
be glad to meet you, to, 1, 2, 13
begin with, to, 82
believe, to, 139, 140, 141, 142, 145
bells and whistles, all the, 59, 63
best thing, the, 117
better still, 128
box, to think outside the, 103, 107
buddy, 115
bunch of, a, 97
camp out, to, 1
can, 47, 48, 49, 59, 70, 71, 130
case, to be on someone’s, 81, 83
cats and dogs, to be raining, 118
change, to not want, 141
change one’s mind, 61
character, 25
clear the air, to, 146
come, to, 73
come over, to, 73
committed to, to be, 141
con, 103
cons, 104
concerned about, to be, 140
conservative on, to be, 141
controversial issues, 139–149
could, 47, 49, 59, 70, 103, 130
could hardly, 115
could possibly, 94
counterproductive, 143
couple of, a, 1, 6, 13, 35, 93
creeped out, to be, 119
cry on someone’s shoulder, to, 81, 83
decide about, to be unable to, 141
definitely, 128
depressing, 13
disappointed about, to be, 141
disaster, a total, 103
disgusting, to be, 142
do, 3
do/does, 145
do you mind, 85
does, 3
doesn’t, 3
don’t, 3
don’t hesitate, 69
don’t tell me, 115
dot, 155
dot com, 155
dot edu, 155
dot gov, 155
dot net, 155
dot org, 155
e-mail, 155
e-mail address, 155
embarrassing, to be, 143
emojis, 156
emotionally affected, to be, 141
encouraging, to be, 141
even if, 13
excited about, to be (all), 115
exciting, to be, 141
fan, 13
fantastic, 1
feel strongly about, to, 153
fence about, to be on the, 141
fingers, to cross one’s, 35, 39
for ages, 35
for starters, 82
for the time being, 35
fraternity, 28
friction, 106
from time to time, 81
get ahead of one’s self, to, 35, 40
get ahead of, to, 36
get along with, to, 25
get back to someone, 74
get up, to, 25
give someone a ride, to, 128, 132
go ahead and, to, 73
go ahead, to, 73
go out, to, 13
going to, to be, 13, 59, 93, 95, 115, 128
good time, a, 1
good, to be, 141
grab a bite, to (eat), 13, 18, 69
grossed out, to be, 119
guy, 25
had to, 130
handle, to, 108
hands, to shake, 2
happens, if that, 139
happy to meet you, to be, 1, 2
hardly, could, 115
hate, to, 141
have, 60
have a feeling, to, 35, 36, 40
have in common, to, 13
have one’s fingers crossed, to, 35, 39
have to, to, 47, 48, 50, 59, 103, 130
have too much on one’s plate, 52
hesitate, to, 69
hesitate, to not, 75
honest with you, to be, 13, 17
hope that, to, 145
horrible, to be, 142
how long, 1
I’m, 1
IM, 156
ignorant of, to be, 142
impossible, 143
in front of, 120
in the first place, 25, 27, 81, 103, 104
in touch, to keep, 40
in town, 1
interested in, to (not) be, 141
is, 3
isn’t, 3
jet-lagged, 1
job, to be on the, 38
junior, 98
just the opposite, to be, 81
keep in mind, 36
keep in mind, to, 146
keep in touch, to, 40
keep on, 107
know, to, 1
know anything about, to not, 141
last night, 1
late, 13
let me, 71
let someone know, to, 35, 36, 40, 47, 71
liberal on, to be, 141
like, to, 141
like to, would, 13
load off one’s mind, to be a, 72
load off one’s shoulders, to be a, 69, 72
look like, to, 47
loose end, to be at a, 132
love to, to, 13
love to, would, 13
maintain that, to, 140
make sure that, to, 145
make up one’s mind, 61
matter, to, 83
may have, 130
meeting, 1
mention, not to, 25
might have, 130
mind, change one’s, 61
mind, to, 85
mind, to not, 59
moderate on, to be, 141
moment, at the, 1
more of a, 1
must have, 130
must not, 50
mustn’t, 47
neck, to be a pain in the, 115, 118
necessary, to be, 145
never mind, 61
next, 116
no wonder, 25
non-committal on, to be, 141
none, 59
not, 3
not exactly, 81, 86, 89, 103, 107
not mind, to, 59
not to mention, 25
not yet, 129
now and then, 87
obvious, to be, 143
of course, 47, 52, 69, 81, 106
oh, 127
on, 48
on someone’s case, to be, 81, 83
on the job, to be, 38
open to new ideas, to be, 141
opinion about, to have an, 140, 141, 143
opposite, to be just the, 81
others, 1
ought to, 50
out to get someone, to be, 81, 83
outside the box, to think, 103, 107
own, 145
pain in the neck, to be a, 115, 118
paper, 117
party, to, 1
passionate about, to be, 141
plate, have too much on one’s, 52
plus, 13, 17, 25, 81, 82, 103, 104
pouring down rain, to be, 115, 118
practicable, 143
prefer, to, 13
prerequisite, 60
pretty well, 127
pro, 103
probably won’t, 95
productive, 143
promise, 1
promise, can, 59
promising, to be, 141
pros, 104
pumped (up), to be, 35, 36, 39, 115, 118
put one’s two cents in, to, 103, 107
put someone’s name up, to, 107
quite, 25
quite the character, to be, 28
rain, to be pouring down, 115, 118
raining cats and dogs, to be, 118
rather, would, 47
ready for, to be, 1
relief, to be a, 141
realize, to, 119
really, 1, 13, 25, 27, 35, 59, 81, 106
required to, to be, 60
requirement, 60
ride, to give someone a, 132
right away, 47
say, to, 16
scary, to be, 142
second, 115
see eye to eye, to, 146
see how, to, 142
seem to, to, 25
senior, 98
senior citizen, 98
serious about, to be, 140, 141
shake hands, to, 2
should have, 130
shouldn’t, 81
show someone a good time, to, 6
show up, 1
show up on someone’s doorstep, 7
smileys, 156
so, 13, 17, 26, 81, 86, 115, 127
sometimes, 25
sophomore, 98
sound, to, 69
speak, to, 16
squat, 106
stand, can, 13
stand, to, 15
starters, for, 82
starving, to be, 13
staying, to be, 1
step in the right direction, a, 35, 39
stressed out, to be (all), 115, 118
sudden, all of a, 116
suddenly, 115
supposed to, to be, 51
sure, to be, 145
surprised, to be, 1
take it all out on someone, to, 81, 83
tell me about yourself, to, 5
tell you, 13
tell you the truth, to, 115, 119
text, to, 156
the truth is, 27
then, 1, 25, 27, 60, 81, 94, 103, 115, 116, 128
there are, 35, 37, 59, 61, 81, 103
these are, 2
think about, to, 59
think outside the box, to, 103, 107
this is, 2
throw in the towel, to, 81, 85
time to time, from, 86
tomorrow, 1
too much on one’s plate, to have, 48
towel, to throw in the, 81, 85
truth, 25
truth is, the, 27
try and, to, 37
try out, to, 37
tweet, to, 156
unconscionable, to be, 143
unfair, to be, 142
unfortunate, to be, 143
unfortunate, to seem, 139
unnatural, to be, 142
unnatural, to seem, 139
up for something, 128
up to, to be, 35
unthinkable, to be, 143
viable, 143
vital, to be, 145
want, to, 60
want to know about, to, 141
waste of time/money/effort, 143
weaknesses, 86
well, 1, 25, 27, 69, 94, 103, 115
well, pretty, 127
what are you up to, 35
what’s more, 103
which, 47
will, 26, 47, 49, 70, 93, 96, 130
wishy-washy about, to be, 141, 143
wonder, 28
wonder, no, 25
work, to, 59
worried (about), to be, 140, 144
worry, 1
worst, the, 81
worthwhile, 143
would like, 50, 59, 61, 70, 103
would like to, 13
would mind, 70
y’all, 106
yeah, right, 2
yet, not, 129
you all, 106
you could say, 13
you know, 1