Page numbers in italics indicate illustrations. Titles of works will be found under the author’s name, unless anonymous, in which case they are alphabetized by title.
- Abeles, Simon and Lazar, 306–307, 309
- Abramino, Giuseppe (Verona), 221, 291
- Abramovich, Nachum (an accused in 1577), 241
- Abravanel, Isaac, 271
- Abregé du procés fait aux Juifs de Mets (1670), 252–256
- Acta Sanctorum, 10, 25–26, 27, 41–42, 92, 166, 191, 200, 243, 244, 269, 303, 305, 312, 340, 380, 393n60, 417n117
- Aelred of Rievaulx, 22
- Aelwerd (in William of Norwich story), 21
- Æthelberht (saint), 21
- Æthelberht of Hereford (saint), 21
- Æthelred of Ramsey (saint), 21
- afikomen, 245, 264, 368
- Aimar (prior, in William of Norwich story), 25
- Alberettus (Alberetti), Andreas, 287–288
- Albert I of Germany (Duke of Austria and Styria), 154, 255
- Albert of Świniarów. See Świniarów blood libel
- Alexander III (pope), 24, 101
- Allè, Girolamo, 182
- Ambrose, Adrienne Nock, 19
- Amelot de La Houssaie, Abraham-Nicolas, Abregé du procés fait aux Juifs de Mets (1670), 252–256
- Ancona blood libel (1711), 293–298, 325–326
- Andreas (father of Simon of Trent), 46, 49, 53–54, 57, 120
- Andreas Oxner of Rinn: Beatus Andreas (papal bull, 1755), 127, 301, 313–314, 315, 323, 324, 327, 340, 353, 378, 483n87; Benedict XIV and, 11, 311–314, 322, 476n68; cult of, 11, 22, 123–124, 191, 311–314, 313; in Ganganelli report, 11, 339–341; modern unofficial persistence of cult, 383; in Der Stürmer, 380
- Angelini, Giuseppe and Maddalena (of Ancona), 294
- Angelo / Engel (in Simon of Trent narrative), 47, 50, 53, 54, 56, 57, 58, 71, 92, 117, 129, 401n34, 402n56
- Anna (in Simon of Trent narrative), 51, 71, 74
- Annales ecclesiastici (by Baronio and continuators), 91–92, 100, 104, 162–166, 203, 254, 269, 271, 317, 380
- Anselm of Canterbury, 19
- Anti-Defamation League, 1
- anti-Talmudists. See Frankists
- anti-Trinitarianism, 204, 440n179
- Antoniano, Silvio (canon of St. Peter’s), 103
- Antonius (in Ancona blood libel), 297
- Approvino degli Approvini, 69, 73, 83, 405n123, 406n126, 413n41, 423n246
- A quo primum (papal encyclical, 1751), 316–317, 327, 330, 332, 358
- archives and archival records, 10, 11, 44, 98–99, 123–127, 163, 194, 195, 207, 221, 229, 236, 243, 269, 310, 352, 375, 456n42; chronicles as, 153; Church, 269, 303, 324, 359; Jewish archives, 283, 284, 375, 483n96; memory and, 236, 243, 249, 322, 380;
- Areford, David, 131, 136
- arma Simonis, 137, 140, 423n232
- Aron / Gromek (in Świniarów blood libel), 238, 239
- art and iconography of Simon of Trent, 7, 8, 44, 89, 91, 97, 98, 121, 126, 127–137, 129–134, 140–149, 141, 144–146, 150
- Astrucas (accused in Valréas case), 35
- Audivimus (papal bull, 1179), 24
- August II (king of Poland-Lithuania), 259, 265, 269, 461n123, 462–463n165
- August III (king of Poland-Lithuania), 272, 276, 359, 465n223
- Augustine of Hippo, 122–123, 264, 432n53; City of God, 223
- Augustynowicz, Joseph (apostolic notary), 322, 330, 480n27
- Azemar (Franciscan friar in Valréas case), 35
- Bałaban, Majer (or Meir), 456–457n42, 457n54, 478n2
- Bale, Anthony, 394n67
- Bandino, Giambattista, 103
- Baronio, Camillo, 104
- Baronio, Cesare, 91, 100, 104–106, 114, 119, 162–163, 165, 166, 169, 203, 206, 254, 271, 317, 336, 380, 416n93
- Basnage, Jacques, History of the Jews (1716), 271, 308, 310, 474–475n48
- Batory, Cardinal Andrzej, 202
- Batory, King Stefan, 195, 241, 242
- Battista di Campofregoso (duke of Genoa), 98
- beatification process, 7, 101–103, 301–302, 303–305, 378
- Beatus Andreas (papal bull, 1755), 127, 301, 313–314, 315, 323, 324, 327, 340, 353, 378, 483n87
- Beccaria, Cesare, On Crimes and Punishments (1764), 374
- Beham, Sebald, 450n90
- Beilis, Menachem Mendel, and Beilis affair (1911–1913), 11, 375–376, 382
- Belhomo (in Pavia blood libel), 111, 112
- Bella (in Simon of Trent narrative), 71, 74
- Bellarmino, Roberto (Cardinal), 103
- Bell’Haver Crucifero, Thomaso, Dottrina facile et breveper ridurre l’hebreo (1608), 188
- Benedictines, in child martyr cults, 394n67
- Benedict XII (pope), 255
- Benedict XIV (pope; formerly Prospero Lambertini), 11, 300–322; Andreas Oxner cult, recognition of, 124, 127, 301, 311–314, 313, 322, 324; A quo primum (papal encyclical, 1751), 316–317, 327, 330, 332, 358; Beatus Andreas (papal bull, 1755), 127, 301, 313–314, 315, 323, 324, 327, 340, 353, 378, 483n87; Bonelli and, 310–311, 358; on children martyred by Jews, in De servorum Dei, 302–305; death of, 324, 336; debates over blood libel in lifetime of, 305–311; De servorum Dei beatificatione et beatorum canonizatione (1734–1738), 301–302, 305, 311, 312, 314, 315, 340, 472n3; Enlightenment reputation of, 300–301, 472n1; Ganganelli report and, 324, 325, 327, 332, 335, 336, 340–341, 382; on Martyrologium romanum, 104; official condemnation, 18th-century Polish Jews’ efforts to elicit, 355; Poland / Poland-Lithuania and, 276, 300, 314–322, 325; as Promotor Fidei (Devil’s Advocate), 302; Roman Jewish community and, 315, 320–321; Vitti and, 191; on Werner of Oberwesel, 42
- Benedig (accused in Valréas case), 35
- Berek Alexander (accused in Sandomierz), 258–261
- Bergamo, church of San Bartolomeo, painted sequence of Simon of Trent narrative, 135
- Bergomensis, Jacobus Philippus, See Foresti, Jacob Philip of Bergamo
- Berko (later Michael; Jewish child in Grabie blood libel), 364–371
- Berlaymont, Philippe de, 419n149
- Berlin, host desecration (1510), 162
- Bernardino da Feltre, 122, 149
- Bernard of Clairvaux, 163, 189, 254, 270, 316–317, 326, 337–338, 341
- Berne blood libel (1287), 168, 171, 211, 248
- Ber of Bolechów, 481n50
- Bershadskii, S. A., 455n21
- Beruguette, Pedro, 422n228
- Biale, David, 397–398n141
- Bidermann, Ernest, 312
- Bielski, Marcin, 170–171, 430n25
- Bieniasz (in Lublin blood libel), 244, 245, 246
- Binia / Dina (later Barbara; Jewish child in Grabie blood libel), 364–371
- Bishop, Jennifer, 44
- Black Death, 154, 172, 264, 265
- Blado, Paolo, 469n44
- Błedy Talmutowe (1758), 347–348
- Blois massacre (1171), 27–32, 33, 34, 229, 450n101
- blood, discussions of Jewish attitudes toward / use of: Benedict XIV and, 307, 308, 320–321; cultures of knowledge and, 161, 171, 189–190, 199, 204–205; in emerging medieval blood libel narrative, 34–35, 36, 38–39; in ethnographic / cultural texts, 175, 176, 177–178, 180, 182; Frankists on, 331–335, 354; Ganganelli report on, 323–324, 338, 340–341; in Italian blood libel cases, 282, 283–285, 292; in Jewish responses, 210–211, 215–216, 217, 218–219, 221; legacy of Simon of Trent and, 107, 112–113; modern (19th and 20th century) blood libel accusations, 489–490n114; official condemnation, 18th-century Polish Jews’ efforts to elicit, 349, 350, 353–355, 378–379; in Polish / Polish-Lithuanian blood libel cases, 239–240, 244–246, 248, 260, 263, 264, 269–271, 273, 364, 365, 368, 369; in Simon of Trent narratives, 51, 55, 57, 81–82, 92–93, 117–118, 121, 122–123
- blood cure for leprosy, 39, 248, 392n39, 457n68
- blood libel, 1–13, 377–384; attraction of far right, fascist, and white supremacist groups to, 1–4, 3, 380–383, 381, 398n156; Benedict XIV and, 11, 300–322 (See also Benedict XIV); cultures of knowledge and, 9–10, 152–207 (See also cultures of knowledge); defined, 4; emergence in medieval Europe, 4–9, 14–42 (See also medieval emergence of blood libel); “facts,” becoming, 166–170, 199, 377; Ganganelli report on, 10–11, 323–344 (See also Ganganelli report); Jewish responses to, 10, 208–235 (See also Jewish responses); modern (19th and 20th century) instances of, 377, 379–383, 489–490n114; official condemnations of, 11–12, 378–379 (See also official condemnations and protections); viewed as singular crime versus serial occurrence, 92–93, 116, 190. See also Simon of Trent, and other specific blood libels; specific locations and countries
- blood piety, Christian, 39, 41
- blood / sweat flowing from corpse in presence of murderers, 121, 361, 420n178
- Blurton, Heather, 23
- Bodenschatz, Johann Christian, Kirchliche Verfassung, 181
- Bodian, Miriam, 234
- Boemus, Joannes, 180
- Boener, Johann Alexander, 181
- Bolesław the Pious (Prince of Great Poland), 196, 201
- Bollandists, Acta Sanctorum, 10, 25–26, 27, 41–42, 92, 166, 191, 200, 243, 244, 269, 303, 305, 312, 340, 380, 393n60, 417n117
- Bomberg, Daniel, 184
- Bona (in Simon of Trent narrative), 71, 74, 85, 270
- Bona of Savoy (duchess of Milan), 111, 112, 221, 284, 292, 293, 380
- Bonafortuna, Antonio Valentino, 294–298
- Bonafortuna, Giuseppe, 294–298
- Bonanzi, Paolo, 281
- Bonaventura (of Trent), See Seligman
- Bonelli, Benedetto, Dissertazione apologetica (1747), 190, 310–311, 340, 358, 475n50
- Bonfinius, Antonius, 248, 457n67
- Bono, Giovanni, 97, 103
- Börner, Christian Friedrich, 271
- Botero, Giovanni, 204
- Brancato de Lauraea, Cardinal Laurentio, 268
- Braun, Georg, Civitates orbis terrarum, 169
- Brenz, Samuel Friedrich, 215
- Bretorio, Bernardino, 221, 291
- British Movement, 1–2
- broadsheets (also broadside), 6, 44, 45, 77, 98, 99, 132, 135, 144, 145, 147, 261, 262, 306, 320, 423n232, 423n243, 427n297
- Brunetta (Engel’s mother, in Simon of Trent narrative), 76
- Brunetta (Samuel’s wife, in Simon of Trent narrative), 46, 49, 51–52, 56, 59, 73–76, 77, 81
- Budek (in Cracow blood libel), 170–171
- Burcellas (accused in Valréas case), 35
- Burnett, Stephen, 179
- Buxtorf, Johannes, Synagoga judaica, 178–180, 182, 286
- Bynum, Caroline, 39, 41
- Bzovius, Abraham, 100, 163–164, 165, 166, 169, 189, 206, 271, 431n41, 458n68
- Caeca et obdurata Hebraeorum perfidia (papal bull, 1593), 280
- Calas, Jean, 374
- Calfurnio, Giovanni (Johannes Calphurnius), 95
- Caliò, Tommaso, 299
- Calmet, August, Dictionnaire historique (1722), 181
- Calzavacca (Calzavacha), Giovanni, 111–112
- Canizza (in Ancona blood libel), 294, 295, 297
- cannibalism, 4, 37–38, 48, 190, 388n11, 447n46
- canonization / beatification process, 7, 101–103, 138, 301–302, 303–305, 378, 473n21
- Canons / canon law, on saints and saint-making, 12, 24, 84, 410n205
- Capgrave, John, 25
- Capistrano, Giovanni, 97, 149
- capital punishment, See death penalty
- Capodilista, Antonio, 81–82
- Capriolo, Elia, 135
- Carbone, Ludovico, Summa summarum casuum (1606), 102
- Carboni, Francesco, 186–187, 189, 439n158
- Cardoso, Isaac, Las excelencias de los hebreos (1679), 210, 214, 221–223, 234, 270, 284, 308, 421n197, 446n30
- Carlebach, Elisheva, 173, 177, 178
- Carolina (law code of Charles V), 223, 372, 373
- Carthage, Fifth Council of (401), 24
- Carus, Joannes Baptista, 287
- Casimir the Great (king of Poland), 170, 196, 201
- Catani / Catanei, Giovanni (of Ancona), 294–298
- Catherine the Great, 359
- Catherine of Sweden (saint), 102–103
- Catholic Counter-Reformation and Protestant Reformation, 5, 100, 101, 103, 161–172, 173, 177, 191, 379
- Cavalchini, Guidobono (Cardinal), 479n3
- Celsus (saint), 22
- Cerveno, St. Martin’s church, fresco of Simon of Trent, 136
- Cesidio (saint), 104
- Charles of Blois, cult of, 415n71
- Charles of Parma, 276
- Charles V (Holy Roman Emperor), 221, 223, 256, 267, 284, 286, 291, 292, 293, 380, 449n73
- Chaucer, Geoffrey, “Prioress’s Tale” (Canterbury Tales), 1, 26
- Chaves, Heronimo, Chronographia (1572), 433n79
- Choroduski, Alan, 341
- Christian Hebraism, 152–153, 168–169, 175, 179, 183–184, 187, 188, 191, 206–207, 287
- Christiani, Friedrich Albrecht, Der Jüden Glaube und Aberglaube (1705), 180, 181–182
- Christina Alexandra (queen of Sweden), 140
- Christological imagery: blood libel narratives using, 18–20, 59, 94, 96–97, 111, 119–120, 127, 129–131, 135–136, 147, 149, 421n197, 422n226, 423n245, 423n247; in Jewish responses, 232–234
- Chronicle of the Monastery of St. Peter’s (late 14th / early 15th century), 26
- chronicles, 152, 153–172; early modern post-Reformation texts, 161–172; “facts” about Jews in, 166–170, 199; Jewish chronicles, rarity of, 208–209; Leipzig report on, 271; medieval texts, 154–161; on official condemnations and protections, 165–166; Polish chronicles, 170–172; printed editions of medieval texts, 164–165. See also Liber chronicarum, and other specific chronicles
- Cipolletta, Giuseppe (of Ancona, rabbi), 294
- Clement III (pope), 410n206
- Clement V (pope), 184
- Clement VIII (pope), 103, 280, 332, 468n9
- Clement XI (pope), 293, 326, 471n76
- Clement XIII (pope), 293, 324, 326, 335, 342, 343, 355, 357–358, 366, 382
- Clement XIV (pope). See Ganganelli, Lorenzo; Ganganelli report
- cognitive bias, 383
- Cohen, Jeffrey, 18
- Cohen, Jeremy, 224
- Colmar Annals, 380
- conciliarism, 74
- condemnations of blood libel narratives. See official condemnations and protections
- Conditi, Don Donato (of Ancona, priest), 294
- confirmation bias, 4, 383
- Constantine (Roman emperor), 39
- converts and conversion from Judaism: Abeles, Simon, death of, 306–307, 309; accusations against Jews, converts making, 309, 310, 339; in chronicles and texts about Jews, 157, 165, 173, 174, 178, 182, 185–188, 206, 429n3; Cupientes Iudaeos (papal bull, 1542), 439–440n168; of Frankists, 332–333, 335, 342; Ganganelli report on, 178, 339, 341–342, 347; Grabie blood libel and, 371; information sources, converts as, 34; Jewish responses and, 215; kidnapping of Jewish children for purposes of conversion, Polish rumors of, 330; as official Catholic policy, 187–188, 299, 336–337; Polish converts alleging persecution from Jews in Poland, 315; Sandomierz blood libels and, 265, 463n170; Simon of Trent and, 50–51, 74–76, 107, 109, 118; Wagenseil’s polemic against blood libel and, 308; Wojsławice blood libel and, 346–347; in Zytomierz / Markowa Wolica blood libel, 319–320
- Corcos, Tranquillo Vita (rabbi), Memoriale (1705) and Memoriale additionale (1706), 222, 282–287, 292–293, 324, 335, 341, 342, 469n46, 482n80, 482n82, 483n95
- Corsini, Cardinal Andrea, 343, 349–350, 352, 355–358, 366, 369
- Counter-Reformation, Catholic, and Protestant Reformation, 5, 100, 101, 103, 161–172, 173, 177, 191, 379
- counter-Talmudists. See Frankists
- Cracow blood libel (1406 / 7), 170–171
- Crassino of Novara (in Simon of Trent story), 71, 85
- Crescas (accused in Valréas case), 35
- Crescas, Hasdai, 234
- Crusades and Crusaders, 33, 163, 189, 229, 270, 337
- cult of Simon of Trent: abolition of (1965), 12–13, 446n26; Albert of Świniarów compared to Simon, 244; arma Simonis, 137, 140, 423n232; beatus / saint designation and, 7, 101–103, 114, 138, 213, 311, 378, 392n33; corpse of Simon, 66, 72, 74–75, 93–94, 98, 100, 123–124, 125, 139, 214, 421n193, 423n232; Council of Trent and, 99–100, 103; devotional spaces and procession routes in Trent, 137–140, 141, 425n270; Hinderbach and, 7, 44, 64, 73, 88, 99, 103, 138, 140; in Italy, 279, 299; lives of the saints / Martyrologum romanum, inclusion of Simon in, 7, 8, 100, 104–106, 108, 114, 118, 137, 213; Mariani publication written to raise funds for, 125–126; in Martyrologium romanum, 7, 8, 104–106, 108, 114, 118, 137, 213, 302, 303, 304, 378, 379; modern unofficial persistence of, 383; official condemnations of, 7, 9, 12–13, 43, 83–84, 118–119, 124–125, 132–135; officium for, 97, 103, 105, 137, 138, 143, 144; path to papal recognition of, 100–106, 118, 137, 268–269, 378; in Poland / Poland-Lithuania, 142–151, 144–146, 150, 194, 198, 205, 320; popularity of, 139, 140, 279; publications about Simon and, 97–98; relics, 43, 45, 98, 99, 100, 101, 135, 138, 140, 142, 261, 340, 414n46, 425n270; trial of Jews for death of Simon and, 44, 62–65, 73, 84, 88
- cultures of knowledge, 9–10, 152–207; Bollandists’ Acta Sanctorum, authoritativeness of, 200; ethnographic / cultural texts, 173–182, 176; “facts,” blood libels becoming, 166–170, 199, 377; in Germany, 172, 173–182, 191, 206–207; Hebraism, Christian, 152–153, 168–169, 175, 179, 183–184, 187, 188, 191, 206–207, 287; Hinderbach and Simon of Trent case, 88; impact of, 203–205, 383–384; Internet and confirmation bias, 4; in Italy, 172, 173, 182–191, 206–207; Jews, Christian knowledge about, 152–153; in Poland / Poland-Lithuania, 172–173, 191–207; regional epistemologies, 172–173, 206–207; theological texts, 172–173, 182–183, 184, 187, 191–192. See also chronicles
- Cum nimis absurdum (papal bull, 1555), 187
- Cupientes iudaeos (papal bull, 1542), 439–440n168
- Cusumano, Nicola, 305
- Czechowic, Marcin, Odpis (1581), 204–205, 206, 440n179
- Czołowski, Aleksander, 453n3
- Dainessius (in Simon of Trent narrative), 46
- Damascus affair (1840), 375, 458n75
- David (in Simon of Trent narrative), 117, 118
- David, Zdenek, 171
- dead bodies, Jewish rules on touching, 38, 397n132
- death penalty / capital punishment, 278, 299, 329, 355, 367, 371, 372, 373–374
- de Espina, Alfonso, Fortalitium fidei, 170, 172, 190, 193, 206, 210, 211, 214, 216–217, 248, 271, 380, 412n23, 444–445n10
- de Facinis, Antonius, 405n115
- de Franchi, Curzio, 104
- de Fundo, Giovanni, 71
- de Gara, Giovanni, Sefer minhagim (1589), 182
- de Giglis, Giovanni, 82
- de’ Giudici, Battista (bishop of Ventimiglia), 59, 60, 64–71, 73–74, 76–83, 85, 87, 96–97, 107, 125, 128, 161, 213; Apologia iudaeorum invectiva contra Platinam, 213
- del Prà, Laura, 135
- del Val, Cardinal Rafael Merry, 382, 383
- de Malefaratis, Petrus, 70
- de Marinis, Giovanni Battista (or de’ Marini), 341, 382
- Dembowski, Mikołaj (bishop), 332
- de Prevo, Carlo, 144, 147, 263
- de Salis, Giovanni (podestà), 46, 50, 51, 52, 53, 55, 61, 68, 70, 74, 161, 194, 406n134
- de Spina, Alfonso, See de Espina
- de Sporo, Jacobo, 73–74, 406n134
- de Susannis, Marquardus, De Iudaeis et aliis infidelibus (1558), 166, 332
- de Vaschetis (Guaschetta), Giovanni Antonio, 82
- de Zaulis, Dominicus, 287
- Decretales, 24, 101, 410n206
- Decretum (Gratian’s), 24,
- Didier (in Metz blood libel), 250–251, 458n76
- La difesa della razza (1942), 4
- Dina / Binia (later Barbara; Jewish child in Grabie blood libel), 364–371
- Divina, Giuseppe, 425n270
- Długosz, Jan, 170
- Documenta judaeos in Polonia concernentia (1763), 357–359, 362
- dog metaphors for Jews, 110–111, 148, 180, 240, 413n27
- Dominican Order, chronicles, 32, 167; Cologne 174, 184; relations with Jews and, 275, 336; Jews / blood libels and, 61, 80, 185; letter from head of, 174, 273, 284, 326, 341, 344, 382; Pfefferkorn / Reuchlin affair, 174, 184
- Donato (in Pavia blood libel), 111, 418n130
- Dragonet de Montauban, 35, 37
- Dulceta (in Simon of Trent narrative), 71, 74
- Durand / Durantus (accused in Valréas case), 35, 36
- Durini, Angelo Maria, 487n58
- Dweck, Yaacob, 437n135
- Eckius, Johannes, 197, 199, 442n209
- economic role of Jews, in Christian society, 49, 109, 151, 199, 201, 216–218, 253, 275–277, 329–330, 448n54
- Eder, Johannes (Jesuit), 306, 309
- Edward the Martyr (saint), 21
- Einbinder, Susan, 28, 229
- Einsiedler, David, 451n108
- Eisenmenger, Johann Andreas, Endecktes Judenthum (1700), 270–271, 307, 464n198
- Ela (in Żytomierz / Markowa Wolica blood libel), 319
- Eli ben Raphael, 479n3
- Ems, Gregorius, 84
- Endingen blood libel (1470), 80, 98, 106, 107, 221, 380
- Engel / Angelo (in Simon of Trent narrative), 47, 50, 53, 54, 56, 57, 58, 71, 92, 117, 129, 401n34, 402n56
- England: 25–27, 164 (See also Hugh of Lincoln; William of Norwich); expulsion of Jews from, 26; Der Stürmer blood libel issue, reaction to, 380–382
- Ephraim bar Jacob of Bonn, 30, 31, 395n91
- epistemology / epistemologies: 255; blood libel and, 262, 268–269; epistemological communities, 380; epistemological trajectories, 152; new era, 123, 180, 370; regional, 9, 172–207, 208. See also cultures of knowledge
- Epistle of Rabbi Samuel Maroccanus, 191–192
- Erfurt chronicle (Annales erphordienses), 32–33
- Esposito, Anna, 75, 403n66
- ethnographic / cultural texts about Jews, 173–182, 176
- Etsi Judaeos (papal bull), 201
- Eucharist and Eucharistic practices, beliefs, and imagery, 38, 41, 154, 165, 171, 186, 187, 194, 232, 233, 240, 246, 283, 353,
- Everard (bishop, in William of Norwich story), 24–25
- Exodus Rabbah, 39
- expulsions of Jews: blood libel publications calling for, 84, 110, 111; from England, 26, 218–220; “facts” about Jews justifying, 166; from France, 15, 31, 157, 164, 167, 252, 317, 332, 480n35; Hubicki on, 199; from Papal States, 196, 268, 280; from Rawa, Poland, 195; from Regensburg (1519), 162; from Sandomierz, 265; from Spain, 171, 212, 332; from Trent, 49; from Vienna, 268
- Facebook, “Jewish ritual murder” page, 1
- Fantuzzi, Antonio, 450n90
- Fegella (Feigele; in Lublin blood libel), 245
- Ferdinand III (Holy Roman Emperor), 140
- Ferdinand IV of Hungary, 140, 425n278
- Fiani, Shabbatai (rabbi), 323
- Filipino, Morganti (Ancona), 296
- Fino, Adriano, 190
- Fioghi, Fabiano, Dialogo fra il cathecumino et il padre catechizante (1582), 185, 438n148
- Fleury, Claude, 180, 436n121
- Foresti, Jacob Philip, of Bergamo, Supplementum chronicarum, 98–99, 157, 160–161, 193, 206, 214, 405–406n124, 446n32
- Forli, See Motta
- Fortis, Isaac, 267, 268
- Fosi, Irene, 299, 478n2
- Fra Angelico, 422n226
- France: blood libels in, 15, 27, 164, 167, 210, 250–256; expulsions of Jews from, 15, 31, 157, 164, 167, 252, 317, 332, 480n35; official pronouncements of French Kings about Jews, effectiveness of, 396n100
- Franciscans: blood libel / child murder cases and, 35, 72, 75, 98, 119, 122, 148–149, 310, 331, 420n170; Moroccan martyrs, 97, 102
- Franco, Ambrogio, Martirio del Beato Simone Tridentino (1586), 114, 137, 138, 142, 418n147, 424n257
- Frank, Jacob, 331, 335, 342, 350, 485n24
- Frankfurt Brückenturm, mural of Simon of Trent on, 5, 6, 135, 253, 307
- Frankists, 333, 354, 366, 481n44 331–335, 337, 339, 342, 347–349, 353, 354, 366, 481n44
- Frederick I Barbarossa (Holy Roman Emperor), 34
- Frederick II (Holy Roman Emperor), 5, 32–34, 94, 178, 283
- Frederick III (Holy Roman Emperor), 45, 71, 221, 256, 270, 284, 291, 292, 293, 380, 449n73
- Freiburg blood libel (1502), 98, 107–108
- Fridenheim, Caspar Joseph, Mikve Israel-Die Hoffnung Israel (1769), 364
- Frising, Otto, De gestis Friderici, 163, 254
- Fulda blood libel (1235), 5–6, 32–34, 36, 39, 40, 42, 86, 164, 178, 283
- Gaguin, Robert, 27
- Galatino, Pietro, De arcanis catholicae veritatis (1518), 182, 183–185, 188, 205, 437n135
- Gallerani, Girolamo Antonio (Viterbo), 281, 288–290
- Ganganelli, Cardinal Lorenzo (later Clement XIV), 10, 222, 293, 324, 343
- Ganganelli report (1759), 10–11, 323–344; acceptance of preliminary report, 327; approval of final report, 342; Benedict XIV and, 324, 325, 327, 332, 335, 336, 340–341, 382; blood, on Jewish attitudes toward / use of, 323–324, 338, 340–341; comparing Polish and Italian court cases, 279, 298; contents and argument of preliminary report, 324–327; on converts and conversion, 178, 339, 341–342, 349; final report, 335–344; Frankists and, 331–335, 337, 339, 342; as internal document not released to public, 342–344, 350, 379, 483n96; Jewish sources used by, 222, 293, 324, 335, 482n80, 482n82; modern (19th and 20th century) use of, 375–376, 380, 382; Poland, evidence collected from, 328–331; publication of, 375–376, 379, 382–383, 389n19; on Simon of Trent and Andreas of Rinn, 339–341
- Gans, David, Tsemaḥ David (1592), 214, 444n7
- Garampi, Giuseppe, 364–367, 369, 371, 374
- Garani, Carlo, 275
- Gasparro Baldassare Nicolò (in Ancona blood libel), 294
- Gavanto, Bartolomeo (a Barnabite), 104
- Genebrand, Gilbert, Chronography, 271
- Gentilotti, Giovanni Benedetto (of Trent), 119
- Gerardo da Fiandra (Gerardus Lisa), 110
- Germany: blood libel cases, medieval and early modern, 80, 106; cultures of knowledge and blood libel in, 172, 173–182, 191, 206–207; Nazis’ Der Stürmer, blood libel in, 2–4, 3, 200, 380–382, 381; Simon of Trent and, 106–108, 380–382, 381; William of Norwich in German martyrology, 27; witch trials in, 232. See also specific blood libels, by location or name
- Gesti, Antonio (of Trent) and Martirio di S. Simone di Trento (1589), 114, 115, 137, 138, 139, 424n255
- Ghezzi, Placido Eustachio, 282, 284, 286, 290
- Ghisleri, Michele, 103–104
- Gioiello di Core (Viterbo), 281, 288, 290, 291
- Giovanni da Feltre, 50–51, 53, 54, 80
- Giovanni da Padova, Martirio crudele dato da gli ebrei a S. Simone innocente da Trento (1690), 142, 261
- Giovanni de Gara (printer), 182
- Giovannino di Volpedo, 114
- Godwin (priest, in William of Norwich story), 24
- Gonzaga, Eleanora, 140
- Gonzalez-Fernandez, Fidel, 101
- Górski, Jan, Index errorum (1569), 192
- Gostynin blood libel (1595), 195, 242
- Gottardi, Alessandro Maria, 12–13
- Gottfried, Johann Ludwig, Historische Kronyck (1698), 150
- Götz, Nicolaus, 160
- Grabie blood libel (1774), 363–374
- Gratian, 24, 154
- Grayzel, Solomon, 397n114
- Gregory, Brad, 233
- Gregory I (pope), 431n32
- Gregory IX (pope), 24, 101, 255, 270, 283, 332, 336, 341, 410n206
- Gregory X (pope), 43, 83
- Gregory XIII (pope), 11, 103, 104–105, 118, 137, 138, 303, 304, 324, 332, 378, 463n166
- Grèzes, Henri de, 42, 398n147
- Groicki, Bartłomiej, 370; on torture 372–373
- Gromek / Aron (in Świniarów blood libel), 238, 239
- Grotius, Hugo, 334, 370; blood libel and, 247–249
- Guarinoni, Hippolytus, 123–124, 311–312, 421n193
- Guillem Chaste (Franciscan friar in Valréas case), 35
- Guldinbeck, Bartholomeus, 64
- Guldon, Zenon, 441n195
- Hájek, Václav, of Libočan, Bohemian Chronicle (1541 / 1596), 171–182, 193, 206
- Ha-Kohen, Joseph (or Yosef), 169, 210, 211–213; Emek ha-bakha, 209, 211, 226, 444n8, 446n12; Sefer divrei ha-yamim, 211
- Halpern, Israel, 465n232
- Halpron, Jacob, 182
- Hanover, Nathan Nata, 448n54
- Harff, Arnold von, 99
- Harold of Gloucester, 26
- Harrington, Joel, 231
- Hayward, Paul A., 21
- Hebraism, Christian, 152–153, 168–169, 175, 179, 183–184, 187, 188, 191, 206–207, 287
- Heinrich IV of Absberg (bishop of Regensburg), 107
- Heinrich of Schlettstett, 80, 408n175
- Helżbieta / Kalżuchna (child in Punia blood libel), 109
- Henri III (king of France), 251–252
- Henry III (king of England), 26
- Henry (archbishop of Mainz), 337
- Henry (count, in Richard of Pontoise narrative), 31
- Herc, Abraham, 263, 264–265
- Herc, Jacob, 261–263
- Hess, Ernst Ferdinand, 178
- Hildegard of Bingen, 154
- Hillel of Bonn, 450–451n101
- Hinderbach, Johannes (prince-bishop of Trent), 7, 88, 377–378; art and iconography of Simon of Trent promoted by, 91, 97, 98, 127–128, 135; Bonelli using archive of, 310; bull partially exonerating, 97–98; chronicles used by, 160, 170; conciliarism of, 74; confrontation with pope over appointment as bishop, 45–46; cult of Simon of Trent and, 7, 44, 64, 73, 88, 99, 103, 138, 140; death of, 99–100, 114; Endingen blood libel, knowledge of, 106; Foresti’s chronicle on, 161; historical consciousness of, 88; initial disappearance of Simon reported to, 46; Jewish responses to, 72, 85, 86, 124; legality of trial defended by, 78–84; preservation of Simon’s body, expenditures on, 125; publications about Simon of Trent and, 93–98, 131; records of Simon of Trent case and, 44, 59–62, 65, 123, 403n80, 405n118; Regensburg blood libel and, 107; resistance to ducal and papal interventions, 63–70, 73–78; Tiberino narrative and, 49; truthfulness and authenticity of records, issues regarding, 70–73; vernacular Italian blood libel literature and, 110; Werner of Oberwesel, interest in, 42
- Hirsch, Solomon Zvi, 446n36, 450n84; Yudisher teryok, 214–215
- Hoffman, Ludovicus (Jesuit), 200, 442n213
- Holy Innocents, cult of, 22, 23, 27, 100, 126–127, 243, 302, 314, 392n39
- holy innocents of Pharaoh, Jewish counternarrative of, 39, 392n39, 458n68
- Honorius Augustodunensis, Sigillum Beatae Mariae, 19
- Hoogstraten, Johannes, 184
- Hoornbeek, Johannes, 220, 223, 448n64
- Li horribili tormenti del beato Simone di Trento, 110–111
- host desecrations: Berlin (1510), 162; conflation with blood libel, 42; Deckendorff (1337), 154, 429n8; official condemnation, 18th-century Polish Jews’ efforts to elicit, 353; Passau (1478), 83; in Poland, 100, 170–171, 172, 194, 198, 272; in post-Reformation chronicles, 162, 164, 169, 170–171, 172; Poznań (1399), 170, 189, 431n41; Sternberg (1492), 429n8; theolgoical motivations for accusations of, 453n138, 474–475n48
- Hsia, R. Po-Chia, 7, 60, 89, 97, 106, 107, 108, 173, 237, 400–401n19, 403n66, 443n242
- Hubicki, Szymon, Żydowskie okrucieństwa nad Naświętszym Sakramentem y dziatkami chrześciańskimi (1602), 195, 197–200, 203, 238, 244
- Hugh of Lincoln (Little Hugh), 1–2, 25–27, 382, 383, 393n60, 474n46
- Hussites, 40
- Hystorie von Simon zu Trient (Kunne chapbook; 1475), 66, 66–69, 128–131, 129–133, 135, 137
- ibn Verga, Solomon, Shevet Yehudah, 29, 215–218, 223–227, 229, 270–271, 447n46, 447n48, 448n57
- iconography and art of Simon of Trent, 7, 8, 44, 89, 91, 97, 98, 126, 127–137, 129–134, 140–149, 141, 144–146, 150
- imperial condemnations. See official condemnations and protections; specific emperors
- Innocent III (pope), 317, 410n206
- Innocent IV (pope): Beilis affair and, 382; Benedict XIV and, 311, 317; Ganganelli report and, 326, 327, 336, 338, 341; Jewish responses and, 211, 220, 221; letters and reissuance of Sicut Iudaeis by (1247), 5–6, 11, 32, 34–38, 43, 255, 270, 283; Simon of Trent and, 83, 118, 203
- Inquisition (or Holy Office): archival evidence from, 11; Jewish responses to blood libel and, 220, 223; Jews’ confidence in, 298, Poland’s lack of, 325, 326; Polish blood libel cases and, 220, 273, 275, 315, 323ff; Spanish Inquisition, 223, 231; torture, use of, 231; Viterbo, Ancona, and Senigaglia blood libels, involvement in, 295, 309. See also Ganganelli report
- Ioannetto of Cologne, 303
- Isaac (in Simon of Trent narrative), 51, 57, 58
- Isaac (in Świniarów blood libel), 238
- Isidore of Seville, 184
- Isotta (in Ancona blood libel), 296
- Israel (later Wolfgang, in Simon of Trent narrative), 46, 53, 56, 107, 117, 129, 401n34, 402n59
- Italy, 279–299; blood libel cases in, 111–114, 280–291, 293–299; cultures of knowledge and blood libel in, 172, 173, 182–191, 206–207; vernacular pamphlets about Simon in, 110–111, 114, 114–127. See also specific blood libels, by location or name
- R. Itzhak (in Richard of Pontoise narrative), 29
- Iwaszkiewicz, Jarosław, 147
- Izbica Kujawska blood libel (1779), 374
- Jabłonowicz, Wojciech (Albertus, Poznań blood libel 1736), 272
- Jachim (in Świniarów blood libel), 238–239
- Jacob ben Naftali of Gniezno (or Naftali of Gniezno), 272, 283, 284, 285
- Jacob of Brescia, 85
- Jacob of Riva, 85
- Jacques de Voragine, Golden Legend, 41
- Jampol blood libel (1756), 323, 324, 328
- Jankowski, Thomas (in the Grabie case), 363
- Jean de Bernin (archbishop of Vienne), 36, 38
- Jenson, Nicholas, 91
- Jerome (saint), 81
- Jeronimo de Santa Fe, 187, 439n158
- Jesuits: Abeles, Simon, death of, 306–307; Andreas of Rinn and, 312–313; Guarignoni, Hyppolitus and, 312; Jews and, 275, Lublin, 243–244; Sandomierz, 257, 271; suppression of order in Poland, 366–367, 371; Świniarów blood libel and, 243–244; Wojsławice blood libel and, 346–348; see also Bollandists; Pinamonti, Giovanni Piero; Skarga, Piotr;
- Jewish responses, 10, 208–235; Abeles, Simon, death of, 306–307; Ashkenazi responses, 10, 28, 32, 87, 208–209, 214–215, 226–229, 231–232, 234–235; to Beilis affair, 375–376; Benedict XIV and, 306–307; to Blois massacre, 28–31; Christian / non-Jewish sources, appropriation of, 209–215; Christological imagery in, 232–234; consolidation of blueprint for, 291–293; diplomacy, 5, 10, 39, 87, 148, 383; to Fulda, 34; to Hinderbach, 72, 85, 86, 124; holy innocents of Pharaoh, Jewish counternarrative of, 39, 392n39, 458n68; to Italian blood libels, 280, 281–287, 290–293; kidnapping of Jewish children for purposes of conversion, Polish rumors of, 330; legal strategies and tools, 221–222; martyrs / kadoshim, accused Jews as, 10, 227–234, 260, 451n102, 453n137; to Metz blood libel, 251–252, 253–256; to modern (19th and 20th century) cases, 382–383; to Mojeki’s Żydowskie okrucieństwa, 197; official condemnations and protections, citing, 221–222, 255–256, 267, 283–284, 291–292, 320, 366, 369–370; to persecution, ill treatment, and deaths of Jews, 220, 222–234; polemical treatises, Sephardic, 215–220; to Polish blood libels, 240–242, 259, 265, 266–269, 272–274, 320–322, 364–371, 461n123; publication of documents, 356–359, 383; public condemnation of blood libels, 18th-century Polish Jews seeking, 345–356; Sephardic responses, 10, 32, 208, 209–214, 215–220, 223, 226–227, 231–232, 234, 235; to Simon of Trent case, 63, 69–70, 72, 73, 84–88, 118, 124–125, 212–214, 221; torture, discussions about use of, 220, 222–227, 231–232; to Valréas, 36, 39; to Werner of Oberwesel, 40
- Jewish ritual murder. See blood libel
- Jews: earliest visual representations of, 15, 16, 17, 157, 390n4; economic role of, in Christian society, 49, 109, 151, 199, 201, 216–218, 253, 275–277, 329–330, 448n54; eschatological / messianic calculations by, 92, 412n12; forced to listen to sermons, 109–110, 188, 315; Frankists, 331–335, 337, 339, 342; Karaite Jews, 333, 354, 366, 481n44; marranos, 147, 427n303; minhag literature, 173–174, 182, 183. See also blood, discussions of Jewish attitudes toward / use of; blood libel; converts and conversion from Judaism; expulsions of Jews; official condemnations and protections; Roman Jewish community
- Johannes Petrus of Padua (preacher), 72
- John of Tynemouth, 25, 26, 393n60
- Jopin (in Hugh of Lincoln story), 2
- Josel of Rosheim, 177
- Joseph (biblical), 253
- Joseph (in Lublin blood libel, 1636), 245–246
- Joseph (in Verona blood libel), 256
- Joseph I (Holy Roman Emperor), 267, 268
- Josephus, 154
- Józefowicz, Jakub, 363, 364, 367
- judicial issues. See legal issues
- Julius III (pope), 326, 332
- Juzefowicz, Israel Iser, 322
- Kabbalah and Kabbalists, 116, 183, 205, 206, 331; Christian Kabbalah, 183–184; seen as superstition, 205,
- kadoshim / martyrs, accused Jews viewed as, 10, 227–234, 260, 451n102, 453n137
- Kakhna (in Wojnia blood libel), 241
- Kalisz, Moses, 276
- Kalisz blood libel (1763), 358–359
- Kaluski, Reverend (in Sandomierz blood libel), 259–260
- Kalwaria Zebrzydowska, painting (now lost) in Bernardine monastery, 148–149, 428n314, 428nn308–309
- Kalżuchna / Helżbieta (child in Punia blood libel), 109
- Kamieński, Hieronym, 363
- Kammermeister, Sebastian, 14
- kapparot, 174, 180, 181, 199, 228
- Karaites, See Frankists
- Karwicki, Andrzej Dunin, 258
- Kazimierz (near Cracow), 203
- Kazimierz the Great (king of Poland, see Casimir the Great)
- Kembter, Hadrian, Acta (1745), 312
- Kemp, E. W., 24
- Kidush ha-shem shel Reb Matis, 451n102, 451n108
- kiddush ha-shem (martyrdom), 10, 28, 227, 229
- Kielce pogrom (1946), 377
- Kierelis, Szymon (or Kyrilis, Wilno), 149, 244
- Kikinesh, Adil, of Drohobycz, 228–229, 451n108
- Kimhi, David, 186
- Kirchner, Paul Christian, Jüdisches Ceremoniel, 181
- Kleczkowski, Stanislaus, 357–358
- Koberger, Anton, 14, 170
- Korona, Marek, 440n179
- Korpiska, Joannes (in Lublin), 246
- Kossakowska, Katarzyna, 348
- Kowalski, Waldemar, 260, 266
- Krasnowski, Jerzy, 147, 256, 261–263
- Kromer, Martin, 170
- Krzemieniec blood libel (1753), 322, 330–331
- Kubarka, Agnieszka, 272
- Kunig, Matthias, 107, 417n105
- Kunne, Albrecht (or Albert), chapbook produced by, 66, 66–69, 128–131, 129–133, 135, 137
- Kurtzhandel, Löbl (Levi), 306
- Lachman (in Lublin blood libel, 1636), 244–245
- Lachrymabilem Iudaeorum in Regno Francie (1236), 165, 283
- Ladvocat, Jean-Baptiste de, 354, 486n35
- Lambertini, Prospero. See Benedict XIV
- Landschut blood libel case (1440), 50–51
- Langmuir, Gavin, 18, 22, 391n13
- Lateran IV, Council, 84, 410n205
- Lazarus / Lazzaro (in Simon of Trent narrative), 56, 60, 61–62, 92, 117, 118
- League of Cambrai, 99
- legacy of Simon of Trent in European culture, 89–151; Andreas of Rinn and, 312, 314; in art and iconography, 7, 8, 44, 89, 91, 97, 98, 126, 127–137, 129–134, 140–149, 141, 144–146, 150; blood libel accusations in Italy, 111–114; Council of Trent and, 99–100; cultures of knowledge and, 160, 167–168, 169, 190, 194, 195, 198, 204, 205, 271; interest in Jewish rituals and culture, 173; Latin publications about Simon, 90, 91–99, 100; liminality and, 89, 101; Metz blood libel and, 252–253; Nazis’ Der Stürmer, 380–382, 381; north of the Alps, 106–110 (See also Germany; Poland); Sandomierz blood libels and, 142–143, 144, 145, 261, 264, 270, 427n306; as singular crime versus part of serial occurrence, 92–93, 116, 190; vernacular pamphlets about Simon in Italy, 110–111, 114, 114–127, 137; Viterbo blood libel and, 281, 284. See also cult of Simon of Trent
- legal issues: cultures / practices, 43, 51, 78ff, 278, 299, 301, 352–353, 372–374; Jewish legal strategies and tools, 221–222; judicial / legal reforms in Europe, 370–374; Simon of Trent trial, legality of, 58, 59, 78–84, 87–88, 97
- Leipzig report by Ollearius (1714), 270–271, 380
- Leopold I (Holy Roman Emperor), 268
- Leopold (brother of Holy Roman Emperor), 312
- Leo X (pope), 103, 184
- leprosy, blood cure for, 39, 248, 392n39, 457n68
- Leusden, Jean, Philologus Hebraeo-Mixtus (1663), 364
- Lévy, Raphaël, of Boulay, and Metz blood libel (1669–1670), 222, 237, 250–256
- Leyzorowicz, Merch, 330
- Liber chronicarum (also Nuremberg Chronicle or Weltchronik): framework of world in, 168; Jews, Christian knowledge about, 154–157, 155, 156; medieval emergence of blood libel narrative and, 14–15, 16, 17, 27, 41; Metz blood libel pamphlet referring to, 252; pirated editions, 90, 91, 99, 157; Schedel’s publication (1493), 14–15, 16, 17, 27, 41, 91, 99, 132, 135, 154–157, 155, 156, 168, 170, 380, 381, 459n90; Simon of Trent in, 17, 91, 99, 132, 135, 154.15, 459n90; Der Stürmer using, 380, 381
- Limor, Ora, 184
- Lincoln Cathedral, 1–2, 26, 382
- Lindanus, William Damasus, 105
- Lippomano, Luigi, 100, 108
- Lisbon massacre (1506), 162, 212, 430n27
- Little Red Riding Hood, 458n76
- liturgy: blood libel and, 23, 31, 38, 58, 94, 193; Council of Trent and revision of, 103–104; officium for Simon of Trent, 97, 103, 105, 137, 138, 143, 144. See also qinah
- Litwinianka, Maryan Janowa and her son Demian, 249–250
- Lombardus, Marcus, and Conrad Huser, De Imposturis, 204, 206, 434n89
- Łomski, Jerzy, 249–250
- Lorenzino da Marostica, 114
- Louis III (Elector Palatine and Duke of Bavaria), 40
- Louis VII (king of France), 316–317
- Louis XIII (king of France), 252, 253
- Louis XIV (king of France), 251, 252
- Łubieński, Kazimierz (bishop), 263, 265
- Łubieński, Władysław (archbishop), 332
- Lublin blood libels (1636 / 1659), 244–249
- Lucatelli, Bartholomeo, 297–298
- Lucius (accused in Valréas case), 35–36
- Luther, Martin, 174, 204; Jesus Was Born a Jew (1523), 176; On Jews and Their Lies (1543), 176, 177, 178
- Lutherans and Lutheranism, 99, 247, 264
- Maciej Kazimierz (child in Poznań), 272
- Maciejko, Paweł, 331
- Maciejowski, Cardinal Bernard, 243, 456n36
- MacLehose, William F., 392n33
- Madruzzo, Aliprando, 145, 427n297
- Madruzzo, Cristoforo, 100
- Madruzzo, Cardinal Ludovico, 104, 140
- Magdeburg Centuries, 162
- Maharam of Rothenburg, 452–453n127
- Maimonides, used in arguments against blood libel 163, 273, 285, 397n132, 465n213 469n41
- Mainz, Council of (813), 24
- Małachowski, Jan (bishop of Cracow), 258, 261
- Malcherowa, Katarzyna, 453n131
- malkot, 174, 181, 436n123
- Malvicino, Antonio, 111, 112
- Marbach chronicle (Annales marbecenses), 32, 33, 34, 396n109
- Marcucci (physician in Viterbo blood libel), 289
- Marcus Atilius Regulus, 450n90
- Marek (in Świniarów blood libel), 239, 243, 246–247
- Margareta Gelbegret, 53, 54, 62, 80
- Margaritha, Antonius, Der gantz Judisch Glaub (1530 and later editions), 173–174, 177–178, 180, 181, 199; blood accusation and, 177–178
- Maria Amalia of Saxony, 276
- Maria Anna (queen of Spain), 98, 123, 140
- Marian associations in blood libel stories, 19, 23, 120, 418n124, 420n170
- Mariani, Michelangelo, Il glorioso infante S. Simone (1668), 99–100, 119–127, 126, 136–137, 139–140, 142, 214, 361, 420n170
- Marianna (in Grabie blood libel), 363, 368, 371
- Marina (in Wojnia blood libel), 241
- Markowa Wolica / Żytomierz blood libel (1753), 148–149, 318–322, 323, 325, 328–330, 348, 361
- marranos, 147, 427n303
- Martini, Raymondo, Pugio fidei (13th century / 1643), 183–184, 437n135
- Martin V (pope), 40–41, 267, 398n154
- martyrdom: child martyrs, 15, 21–22, 23, 302–305, 392n33, 394n67; kadoshim / martyrs, accused Jews viewed as, 10, 227–234, 260, 451n102, 453n137. See also saints and saint-making
- Martyrologium romanum: Andreas of Rinn excluded from, 314; Simon of Trent in, 7, 8, 104–106, 108, 114, 118, 137, 213, 302, 303, 304, 378, 379
- Mary (Jesus’s mother), 19–20, 23, 48, 75, 96, 110, 111, 120, 130, 136, 164, 288, 318, 418n124, 420n170
- Mary (Simon’s mother), 96, 120
- Mary Magdalene, 130
- Mathias (in Lublin blood libel), 244, 246
- Matthew Paris, 2, 25, 26, 164, 165, 219, 380, 448n60
- Maximi fructus monitum (1699), 256–257, 267–268, 307
- Maximilian I (Holy Roman Emperor), 107
- Maximilian II (Holy Roman Emperor), 221, 256, 284, 291, 292, 293, 380
- Mayer / Mohar (in Simon of Trent narrative), 57, 58, 117
- Mayr, Johann, 162
- Mazarine, Master, 422n227
- McCulloh, John, 18, 23
- Medici, Paolo Sebastiano, Riti e costumi degli ebrei confutati (1736), 182, 309–310
- medieval emergence of blood libel, 4–9, 14–42; Fulda and Valréas cases, 5–6, 32–39, 40, 42, 86, 398n146; Harold of Gloucester, 26; Hugh of Lincoln, 1–2, 25–27, 393n60; in Liber chronicarum (1493), 14–15, 16, 17, 27, 41; Richard of Pontoise and Blois massacre, 15, 27–32, 33; Robert of Bury St. Edmunds, 26; saints and saint-making, 7, 8, 15, 20–22, 23–27, 40–42, 398n146; Werner of Oberwesel, 15, 40–42, 398n154; William of Norwich, 4, 7–8, 15, 16, 18–27, 40, 395n103. See also Simon of Trent
- Meilla (dead child in Valréas case), 35
- Meir of Dubno, 362
- memory: 8, 9, 15, 25, 26 32, 44, 47, 87, 91, 101, 125, 144, 152, 191, 212, 214, 236, 238, 243, 247, 256, 277, 280, 379; grammars of, 153–172; local, 263; memory trail, 5, 18, 26, 27–32, 119, 247, 383
- Menasseh ben Israel: Hope of Israel, 234; Vindiciae judaeorum (1656), 218–221, 222, 223, 226, 448n57
- Menchey, Giovanni, 69
- Merback, Mitchell, 475n48
- Meshorer, Itzḥak bar Ḥayim, 229
- Metz blood libel (1669–1670), 222, 237, 250–256, 458n76
- Michele de Carcano (Michele of Milan), 72, 75, 405–406n124
- Miczyński, Sebastian, 200–202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 266, 443n219
- Middle East, blood libel in, 2
- Miechowita, Maciej, 170
- Mikulski, Stanisław, 481n50, 481n52
- Milan, official condemnation of duke of, 111–114, 221, 256, 270, 284, 291, 292, 293, 326, 380
- Mildorfer, Josef Ignaz, 312
- minhag literature, 173–174, 182, 183
- Młodziejowski, Andrzej Stanisław, 371
- Mocenigo, Pietro (doge of Venice), 133–135, 221, 255, 270, 280, 284, 291, 307, 326, 380
- Modena, 291
- Modena, Leone, 182, 184, 309, 339
- modern (19th and 20th century) blood libel accusations, 377, 379–383, 489–490n114
- Mohar / Mayer (in Simon of Trent narrative), 57, 58, 117
- Mojecki, Przecław, Żydowskie okrucieństwa, mordy, y zabobony (1598), 192–197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 203, 237, 241, 242, 257, 310
- Molanus, Joannes, Usuardi martyrologium (1568 / 1573), 106, 416n100
- Molkho, Shlomo, 212
- Montaigne, Michel de, 223
- Monumenta Germaniae Historica, 164–165
- Morgan, Mary S., 166
- Morosini, Giulio, 182, 310, 339, 469n47
- Mortara, Marco, 375
- Moses (in Simon of Trent narrative), 47–49, 54, 55, 57, 58, 62, 68, 86, 87, 92, 110, 116–117, 129, 130, 401n34
- Moszko (in Wojsławice blood libel), 348
- Motta blood libel (or Forli, 15th century), 160
- Mroczkowiczowa, Maragaretha and Catherina (in Sandomierz blood libel), 257–261
- Münster, Sebastian, Cosmographia (1567), 157, 158–159, 167–169, 171, 204, 211–212, 445n22
- Murner, Thomas, Hukat ha-pesah (1512), 175, 176, 177
- Murschel, Anna, 232
- Naftali of Gniezno (see Jacob ben Naftali of Gniezno)
- Naftolowicz, Samuel Szmulko, 322
- Napoleon, 375
- Nardini, Cardinal Stephano, 65
- Nastaska (in Świniarów blood libel), 238, 239
- Navagerio, Luca, 135
- Nazis and blood libel, 2–4, 3, 200, 380–382, 381
- Neander, Michael, 248
- Neri, Filippo, 419n149
- Neta of Mantua, 362
- Nicolas of Lyra, 113, 285, 339
- Noahide laws, 30, 395n94
- Nodkowicz, Jakub (in Grabie), 363, 364, 367
- Norwich, 4, 15, 18, 24, 40, 164, 166, 219. See also William of Norwich
- Nostra Aetate (1963), 12
- notaries, authority and trustworthiness of, 71
- Novello, Sebastiano (Portobuffolè), 114
- Novi (Novi Ligure) blood libel (1513), 213
- Nuremberg Chronicle. See Liber chronicarum
- Nussdorfer, Laurie, 71
- Odoricus de Brezio, 74
- official condemnations and protections, 11–12, 378–379; ambivalence regarding, 11–12; Bonelli on, 310–311; chronicles mentioning, 165–166; first medieval imperial and papal condemnations (for Fulda and Valréas), 5–6, 32, 33–39, 86; in Freiburg, Sappenfeld, and Worms blood libels, 107–108; French kings, effectiveness of official pronouncements about Jews by, 396n100; importance of, 384; Jewish responses citing, 221–222, 255–256, 267, 283–284, 291–292, 320, 366, 369–370; at Lincoln Cathedral, 1–2; modern (19th and 20th century) use of, 380, 382–383; in Pavia blood libel, 112–114; Pinamonti on, 189; in Poland / Poland-Lithuania, 195–196, 200–203, 205, 206, 266–270, 272–274, 276–277; public condemnation of blood libels, 18th-century Polish Jews seeking, 345–356; in Richard of Pontoise narrative, 30–31, 34; Rothschild letter from Vatican, 11, 375–376, 382–383; of Simon of Trent cult, 7, 9, 12–13, 43, 83–84, 118–119, 124–125; to Werner of Oberwesel persecutions, 40; William of Norwich and, 395n103. See also Ganganelli report, and other specific documents
- Olkusz blood libel (1787), 374–375
- Ollearius, Gottfried, 270–271
- O’Malley, John, 440n168
- ordeal by water, 29, 395n90
- “Orleans Letter,” 28–31. See also Blois massacre
- Osiander, Andreas, Whether It Was True or Believable … (1529), 178
- Paladini, Alba, 437n135
- Pallantrotti, Mechiore, 469n47
- Pallotta, Antonio, 294
- Palmieri, Mattia, of Pisa, 160
- Pancras (saint), 22
- Pantaleon (saint), 22
- Paolo de Novara, 71–72, 85–86, 125
- papal bulls: Audivimus, 24; Beatus Andreas, 127, 301, 313–314, 315, 323, 324, 327, 340, 353, 378, 483n87; Caeca et obdurata Hebraeorum perfidia, 280; Sancta Mater Ecclesia (1584), 187–188; Sicut Iudaeis, 84, 165, 317; Vices eius nos, 109–110; Vineam sorec, 188. See specific bulls and popes.
- papal condemnations and protections. See official condemnations and protections; specific popes
- Parone, Giovanni, 262
- Passover seder / Last Supper imagery, 129, 130, 422nn227–228
- Pastrizio, Giovanni (Ivan Paštric), 287, 335, 469n47
- Paszka, Nicolas and Ignacy, 359–361, 360
- Paul II (pope), 410n206
- Paul III (pope), 267, 268, 269, 326, 341, 353, 378, 439–440n168, 446n26, 483n80
- Paul IV (pope), 342
- Paul V (pope), 185
- Paul VI (pope), 12
- Paul (apostle), 113
- Paul of Burgos, 175, 285, 339
- Paul (monk in Lublin), 246–247
- Pavia blood libel (1479), 111–114
- Pavini, Giovanni Francesco, 61, 71, 82–83
- Pellikan, Konrad, 168–169
- Peñaforte, Raymondo de, Decretalium (1234), 204
- Pencz, Georg, 450n90
- Peretz, Yitzhak Leybush, 451n108
- Perini, Valentina, 424n252
- persecution, ill treatment, and deaths of Jews, 2, 22; accused Jews as martyrs / kadoshim, 227–234, 260, 451n102, 453n137; Basnage on, 308; Blois massacre (1171), 27–32, 33, 34; efficacy of torture, discussions about, 220, 222–227, 231–232, 307–308, 365, 370–371, 373–374; at Fulda, 32–33; in Grabie blood libel, 365, 371; Hugh of Lincoln and, 26; Jewish responses to, 220, 222–234; in Lublin blood libels, 249; Poway shootings (2019), 2; in Poznań blood libel, 274–275; in Sandomierz blood libels, 259, 260, 264, 265; in Simon of Trent case, 6, 52–59, 61, 62, 63, 72, 74, 75–76, 80–81; in Valréas case, 35, 36, 37; Werner of Oberwesel and, 40; William of Norwich, no association with, 2; in Zytomierz / Markowa Wolica blood libel, 318, 319
- Pete, Istavan, 243
- Peter Comestor, 154
- Peter Lombard, 154
- Peter the Venerable, 163
- Petrus Alphonsus, 429n3
- Petrus Bernardus, 35
- Pfefferkorn, Johannes, 174–176, 178, 180, 181, 204, 270, 271; blood accusation and, 174; Ich heyss eyn Buchlijn (1508), 174–175; Der Juden Spiegel (The Jews’ Mirror, 1507), 174, 175
- Pfortzheim blood libel (1271), 121
- Pharaoh, Jewish counternarrative of holy innocents of, 39, 392n39, 458n68
- Pharetra fidei (1490s / 1514), 173
- Philip II Augustus (king of France), 15, 27, 164, 447n50
- Picart, Bernard, Cèrèmonies et coutumes religieuses de tous les peuples du monde (1723), 180–181, 182
- Pichi, Pietro (Dominican), 185–186
- Pietromartino di Anversa (Pier Martino Fiammingo), “San Simonino da Trento” (painting, 1597), 145–147, 146, 427n306
- Pikulski, Gaudenty, Złość żydowska (1760), 331, 334, 347–348, 481–482n61
- Pinamonti, Giovanni Piero, La sinagoga disingannata (1694), 188–190, 191, 439–440n168, 439n158
- Pistorius, Johannes, 204
- Pius V (pope), 196, 268, 332
- plague. See Black Death
- Planctus Mariae, 23
- Pliny, Historia naturalis, 39, 168
- Pliskowski, Szloma, 248
- pointed hats, as iconographic markers for Jews, 128, 129, 131, 132, 133
- poisoning, Jews accused / suspected of: church officials, 71, 86; food, 239; wells / water, 2, 86, 124–125, 154, 157, 165–166, 170, 172, 189, 212, 336, 376, 444n7, 445n22
- Poland / Poland-Lithuania, 236–278, 323–344; Benedict XIV and, 276, 300, 314–322, 325; blood libel cases in, 5, 9, 10, 92, 93, 100, 108–110, 142–143, 147–149, 194–195, 197–198, 237–250, 256–278, 318–322, 328–331, 345–353, 358–361, 360, 363–375, 377; chronicles about, 170–172; Council of the Four Lands in, 197, 242, 267, 348, 362, 442n196; Crown Tribunal in, 197–198, 237–238, 240–242, 258, 260, 263–264, 272, 352; cult of Simon of Trent in, 142–151, 144–146, 150, 194, 198; cultures of knowledge and blood libel in, 172–173, 191–207; Frankists in, 331–335, 337, 339, 342, 347–349, 353, 354; Ganganelli report, evidence collected for, 328–331 (See also Ganganelli report); Inquisition, lack of, 325, 326; kidnapping of Jewish children for purposes of conversion, rumors of, 330; knowledge about Jews in, 153; legal reforms in, 370–374; Leipzig report of Ollearius, 270–271, 380; modern (19th and 20th century) blood libel accusations, 377, 379–383, 489–490n114; partitioning of Poland, 362–363, 366–367; publication of documents by 18th-century Polish Jews, 356–359; public condemnation of blood libels, 18th-century Polish Jews seeking, 345–356; status of Jews in, anxieties about, 275–277, 315–317; turmoil, reform, and a decrease in accusations, 359–376, 489–490n114; Visconti’s efforts in, 348–362, 360, 366, 369, 483–484n101, 484n10, 487n58. See also specific blood libels, by location or name
- Pollmann, Judith, 153
- Poniatowski, Stanisław August (Stanisław II August of Poland), 359, 364, 374
- Portobuffolè (1480), 114, 418n144
- Portugal. See Spain and Portugal
- Pösing blood libel (1529), 178
- Potocki, Feliks Wincenty, 349–350, 352, 356
- Poway shooting (2019), 2
- Poznań, blood libel (story), 209, 229–231, 235; (blood libel 1736–1740), 272–278, 300, 315, 321, 344; host desecration (1399), 170, 189, 431n41
- Pranaitis, Justinius Elisejevitch, 376
- Processus judiciarium (1761), 348
- protections for Jews. See official condemnations and protections
- Protestant Reformation and Catholic Counter-Reformation, 5, 100, 101, 103, 161–172, 173, 177, 191, 379
- Prynne, William, A Short Demurrer to the Jews Long Discontinued Remitter into England (1655), 218–221, 226
- Przeradowski, Paulus (Paweł), 462n161
- Ptolemy, 168
- Publilius Syrus, 223
- Pucellina (in Richard of Pontoise narrative), 28, 29
- Punia blood libel (1574), 108–109, 194
- Pusculo, Ubertino, Symonides (1482 / 1511), 76, 81, 89, 95, 96, 121, 136, 213, 413n33
- qinah for the killed Jews in Trent, 86–87
- Quaglioni, Diego, 79, 82, 403n66
- Quaranta, Stefano, Summa bullarii (1608 and later editions), 202–203, 268
- Quentell, Heinrich, 160
- Rader, Matthaeus, Bavaria Sancta, 380
- Radliński, Jakub, 238
- Radulph (monk attacking Jews, reactions), 163, 254–255, 270, 316, 317, 326, 337–338, 341
- Radziwiłł, Prince Michał Kazimierz, 312, 328, 479n19
- Ragusa (Dubrovnik), 220
- Raimondo, Francesco, 98
- Raphael (notary in Simon of Trent case), 71, 405n115
- Rapoport, Hayyim Cohen, 481n50
- Rashi, 402n60
- Rawa blood libel (1547), 195
- red bonnet of Didier (in Metz blood libel), 251, 458n76
- red tunic, Simon of Trent depicted in, 120, 136, 147, 427n301
- Regensburg: blood libel (1476), 83, 107; expulsion of Jews from (1519), 162
- Regina (in Kalisz blood libel), 358–359
- relics: of Albert of Świniarów, 243; of Andreas of Rinn, 313; Lublin blood libel and, 246; Canons and Councils on, 12, 24, 101, 103, 410n205; Hinderbach’s interest in, 44; of Simon of Trent, 43, 45, 98, 99, 100, 101, 135, 138, 140, 142, 261, 340, 414n46, 425n270; of Werner of Oberwesel, 41
- Replika na powództwo instygatora sądowego i jego donosicielów (1774), 367
- Reuchlin, Johannes, 175, 183, 184
- Richard of Pontoise (Richard of Paris), 15, 27–32, 157, 169, 268, 303
- Ricius, Paul, 178
- Rigord (French chronicler), 27, 447n50
- Rinaldi, Odorico, 91–92, 100, 163, 165, 166, 169, 189, 203, 255, 317, 336, 337, 382
- Ristretto della vita e martirio di S. Simone fanciullo della citta di Trento (1594?), 114–118, 419n149
- ritual murder. See blood libel
- Robert of Bury St. Edmunds, 26
- Robert of Torigni, 28, 163, 395n80
- Rolevinck, Werner, Fasciculus temporum (1474 and later editions), 41, 98, 100, 157–160, 168, 170, 171
- Roman Jewish community: Benedict XIV’s crackdown on, 315; Ganganelli report and, 323; on Viterbo blood libel, 325; on Żytomierz / Markowa Wolica blood libel, 320–321
- Romano, Giulio, 450n90
- Roper the Tailor (in Simon of Trent narrative), 51
- Rosa, Salvator, 450n90
- rose, symbolism, 19
- Roth, Cecil, 382–383
- Rothschild, Baron Nathaniel Mayer, 11, 375–376, 382–383
- Rottaler, Wilhelm, 72, 406n126, 406n128
- royal condemnations and protections. See official condemnations and protections; specific rulers
- Różana blood libel (1659), 426n290
- Rozmarynowski, Franciszek, 345–346
- Rudolph II (Holy Roman Emperor), 40
- Rufach, 168–169, 432n52
- Sabbatianism, 331
- Sacra Consulta, 282–284, 286, 288, 290–291, 309, 325
- saints and saint-making: Albert of Świniarów, 243–244; Andreas of Rinn, 11, 22, 123–124, 191, 311–314, 313; Benedict XIV (as Prospero Lambertini), on child martyrs, 302–305; canonization / beatification process, 7, 101–103, 138, 301–302, 303–305, 378, 473n21; Canons and Councils on, 12, 24, 84, 101, 410n205; Catherine of Sweden, 102–103; Charles of Blois, cult of, 415n71; child martyrs, 15, 21–22, 23, 302–305, 392n33, 394n67; Holy Innocents, cult of, 22, 23, 27, 100, 126–127, 243, 302, 314, 392n39; liturgical revisions to calendar after Council of Trent, 103–104; medieval emergence of blood libel narratives and, 7, 8, 15, 20–22, 23–27, 40–42, 398n146; “private” cults, 101–102. See also cult of Simon of Trent; relics
- Sales, Francesco de, 101
- Salvador, Jona, 253
- Salvert, Lucas de Toux de, 364
- Samen, Josef, 281, 288, 290, 291
- Samuel (in Simon of Trent narrative), 46, 47, 49, 50, 51, 53–57, 61, 63, 86, 92, 117, 129, 142, 401n34, 402n56
- Sancta Mater Ecclesia (papal bull, 1584), 187–188
- Sandomierz: blood libels (1698 / 1710–1713), 142–143, 147–148, 247, 256–271, 427n306, 461–462n137; Simon of Trent and infanticide murals, St. Paul’s Church, 142–148, 144, 145, 261, 427n306, 462n147
- Sanguszko, Aleksander, 351
- Sanguszko, Duke Paweł, 277, 466n241
- Sansone, Francesco (Francesco Nani), 72
- Sappenfeld blood libel (1540), 108
- Sara (in Simon of Trent narrative), 74
- Sawina / Sawin blood libel (1595), 195, 242
- Saya di Piacenza, 111
- Schario, Jakub, 263
- Schedel, Hartmann. See Liber chronicarum
- Schmidt, Heinrich, 153
- Schreyer, Sebald, 14
- Schweitzer (in Simon of Trent narrative), 53–54, 72
- Scultori, Diana, 450n90
- Second Crusade, 163, 189, 337
- Sedlnicki, Karol Józef, 349
- Sefer geulat Israel (ca. 1696), 208–209
- Sefer ma’aseh ha-shem, 229
- Seligman / Bonaventura son of Mayer (in Simon of Trent narrative), 52–58, 64, 80, 403n64
- Seligman / Bonaventura the cook (in Simon of Trent narrative), 51–53, 56, 58, 64
- Senensis, Sixtus, Bibliotheca sancta (1566), 192, 204
- Senigalia blood libel (1721), 291, 293, 298, 320
- Sephardic Jews and blood libel, 209, 210–211, 215–226, 445n12; literary responses and torture, 220, 222–227. See also Shevet Yehudah and Jewish responses
- Serafinowicz, Jan, 368, 463n170
- Serbelloni (papal nuncio in Poland), 276–278, 463n166
- Serra, Niccolò, 327–328, 332–335
- Seven Years War, 351
- Sforza, Giovanni Galeazzo (duke of Milan), 111–114, 221, 256, 270, 284, 291, 292, 293, 326, 380
- Shevet Yehudah by Solomon ibn Verga, 29, 215, 227, 229, 270, 271, 427n306; popularity, 218; Menasseh ben Israel and, 223; torture in, 223–227; in Yiddish 215, 226–227
- Shlomo bar Shimson, 31
- Shoham-Steiner, Efraim (also Ephraim), 39
- Sichardus, Joannes, En damus chronicon (1529), 160
- Sicut Iudaeis (papal bull), 84, 165, 317; blood libel and, 34–35, 37, 40, 97, 203, 317, 396–397n115, 410n206
- Sigismund III (king of Poland), 366
- Sigismund August (king of Poland-Lithuania), 108, 353
- Sigismund (duke of Austria and Tyrol), 58, 63, 73, 84, 93, 95, 406n131
- Simḥah, Solomon, “Shaḥar avi todah,” 232–233
- Simon, Richard, FACTUM servant de réponse au livre intitulé Abrégé … (1670), 222, 250, 253–257, 270, 284, 338, 383
- Simon of Trent, 6–9, 43–88; abolition of the cult, 12–13; in Acta Sanctorum, 41; Benedict XIV (as Prospero Lambertini) on, 302–304; body of, 66, 72, 74–75; Bonelli on, 310, 311, 475n50; documentation of, 44, 56, 59–60, 70, 123; executions of Jews accused of killing, 58–59; in Ganganelli report, 11, 339–341; Holy Innocents, cult of, 22, 126–127; influence / power struggles in Trent and, 44–46, 62–63, 81–83, 87–88; initial disappearance, discovery / autopsy of body, and arrests of Jews, 43, 46–47, 49–50, 79; interrogations of witnesses and suspects, 50–58; interventions in case, ducal and papal, 44–45, 58, 59, 63–70, 73–78; Jewish responses to, 63, 69–70, 72, 73, 84–88, 118, 124–125, 212–214, 221; Jewish women and children imprisoned over, 6, 59, 60, 61, 62, 65, 71, 72–75, 84, 85, 407n136, 407n145; Kunne chapbook, 66, 66–69, 128–131, 129–133, 135, 137; late-sixteenth-century painting of, 7, 8; legality of trial, 58, 59, 78–84, 87–88, 97; in Liber chronicarum (1493), 17, 91, 99, 132, 135, 154.15; modern attempts to revive cult of, 2; persecution, ill treatment, and deaths of Jews, 6, 52–59, 61, 62, 63, 72, 74, 75–76, 80–81; relationship of witness statements to Tiberino narrative, 53, 54, 55–59, 402nn55–56, 403n64; representations of, 5, 6, 7, 8, 45, 90, 115, 126, 129–134; Richard of Pontoise narrative by Gaguin and, 27; in Rolevinck’s Fasciculus temporum, 160; significance of case of, 42; suspensions of trials, 58, 59, 63, 64, 93, 404n83; Tiberino narrative, 45, 46–49, 53, 54, 55, 62–64, 77, 80, 83, 106, 149, 400n12; trial records, order and narrative of, 59–63; truthfulness and authenticity, issues regarding, 70–73, 76–77; as turning point in history of blood libel, 377–378, 379; Wagenseil on, 307–308, 310, 311; wounds on body, 50, 124, 421n197. See also cult of Simon of Trent; Hinderbach, Johannes; legacy of Simon of Trent in European culture
- Simonsohn, Shlomo, 397n114
- “Simon Triumphant” iconography, 115, 126, 135–137, 140, 141, 149, 424n251
- Simon victima iconography, 6, 17, 45, 128, 135–136
- Sixth Crusade, 33
- Sixtus IV (pope): Simon of Trent and, 7, 59, 61, 63, 64, 65, 73, 83, 84, 86, 91, 94, 96, 97, 102–103, 124–125,132–133, 268, 303, 340, 378, 407n136; Foresti’s chronicle on, 161
- Sixtus V (pope), 7, 11, 97, 105, 114, 118, 137, 138, 149, 300, 303, 305, 314, 324, 340, 378
- Skarga, Piotr, Lives of Saints (1579), 108–110, 142, 194, 195, 204, 205, 237, 427n306
- Skowieski (in Świniarów blood libel), 242–243
- Sleidanus, Johannes, 161–162
- Śleszkowski, Sebastian, 200, 202–204, 206, 207, 237–240, 243, 247, 258, 266, 268, 443n239
- Śliwicki, Piotr Hiacynt, 354
- Sloman (Solomon; in Simon of Trent case), 85
- Slonik, Benjamin, Seder miẓvot nashim (1577 / 1616), 182
- Słupecki, Jerzy, 247–249
- Smerlowicz, Joachim, 108–109
- Smith (in Lublin blood libel), 247
- Sołtyk, Kajetan (bishop), 148–149, 479n23; Markowa Wolica blood libel, 318–322, 328–330, 348; Ganganelli and, 336; Grabie accusation and 370; publications and, 485n11
- Sommariva, Giorgio, 114, 418n144
- Soncino, Gershom, 184
- Sowińska, Helena and Rosa, 272, 275
- Spain and Portugal: expulsion of Jews from, 171, 212, 332; Lisbon massacre (1506), 162, 212; Sephardic Jewish responses to blood libels, 10, 32, 208, 209–214, 215–220, 223, 226–227, 231–232, 234, 235; Simon of Trent’s toe given to queen of Spain, 98, 123, 140; Toledo, violence against Jews in (714), 445n12
- Spanish Inquisition, 223, 231. See also Inquisition.
- Spondanus, Henri (continuator of Annales ecclesiastici), 163, 189, 206
- Stadnicki, Adam, 197–198, 240
- Stanisław II August Poniatowski (king of Poland), 359, 364, 374
- Stanislawski, Michael, 215, 226
- Staszów blood libel (1610 / 1611), 456n40
- Stefan Batory (king of Poland-Lithuania), 195, 241
- Stern, David, 60
- Stow, Kenneth, 31–32, 395–396nn98–99, 398n147
- Strabi, 168
- Streicher, Julius, 200, 380
- Studziński, Stefan and Adam, 318, 328
- Stumphius, 248
- Der Stürmer, blood libel in, 2–4, 3, 200, 380–382, 381
- Sulzbach blood libel (1699), 307
- Super non cultu (papal decree, 1625), 103
- Surius, Laurentius (Lorenz Sauer), 191, 206; Commentarius brevis in orbe gestarum (1566), 161–162; Lives of Saints, 41, 100, 106, 108, 119, 194, 213, 214, 399n160, 446n32
- Świniarów blood libel (1598), 197–198, 199, 200, 237–244, 561–562n137
- Sylvester (saint), 39
- Syrenius, Szymon (also Syreniusz and Syreński), 200, 457n67
- Szembek, Fryderyk, 243–244
- Szmer (in Sandomierz blood libels), 264
- Szmuyłowicz, Zelman, 267
- Szydłów blood libel (1597), 193, 242
- Talmud, Frankist rejection of. See Frankists
- Taranto, Giovanni Giacomo Giovani da, 119–120
- Teofilowicz, Marcin (Martino Telofilo Polacco), 142
- Tertullian, 219
- theological texts about Jews and Judaism, 172–173, 182–183, 184, 187, 191–192
- Thibaut (count, in Richard of Pontoise narrative), 28, 29, 30, 31
- Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica, 284–285, 447n42
- Thomas of Canterbury, 220
- Thomas of Monmouth, The Life and Passion of William of Norwich (1172–1174), 18–27, 302, 396n103
- Tiberino, Giovanni Matthia (Johannes Matthias Tiberinus): at autopsy on Simon of Trent, 50, 303; chronicles influenced by Simon narrative of, 166; Germany, influence of Simon narrative in, 106–107; Hystoria completa (1476), 95, 422n221; “I Am the Boy Simon” (1476), 95–96, 107; Italian translations of Simon narrative, 110; Italy, influence of Simon narrative in, 110, 111, 116, 119, 123; Kunne pamphlet and Simon narrative of, 129; narrative on Simon of Trent, 45, 46–49, 53, 54, 55, 62–64, 77, 80, 83, 106, 149, 303, 400n12; preservation of Simon’s body, expenditures on, 125; publications of Simon narrative, 91–93, 95; “Salve, Sancte Simone” (1478), 97–98; Simonian epigrams, 1482 collection of, 95, 96–97; Wagenseil’s doubts about Simon narrative of, 307; witness narratives and story of, 53, 54, 55–59, 402nn55–56, 403n64
- Tinkle, Teresa, 23
- Tobias (in Simon of Trent narrative), 46, 47, 49, 50, 52–54, 56–58, 67, 92, 128, 140, 144, 145, 146, 147, 401n34, 402nn55–56
- Tobias / Tuvia (Rożana blood libel), 426n290
- Toledo, violence against Jews in (714), 445n12
- toleration of Jews in Christendom: efforts to undermine, 110, 113, 123, 193–194, 201, 290; Etsi Judaeos on, 201; Sicut Iudaeis calling for, 34–35, 37, 40, 84, 97, 396–397n115, 410n206; as traditional policy, 110, 201, 282–283, 290
- Tomassini, Luca, 289–290
- Torres, Lodovico, 103
- Torrigiani, Cardinal Ludovico Maria, 334, 361–362
- torture: discussions about efficacy of, 220, 222–227, 231–232, 307–308, 365, 370–371, 373–374. See also persecution, ill treatment, and deaths of Jews
- Trattarotti, Girolamo, 310, 475n56
- Trent, trial of Jews in: archival documentation and records, 44, 59–63, 70–73, 89, 123; duke of Austria and, 58, 63, 73, 84, 93, 95, 406n131; literary narratives, 47–49; papal intervention in, 59, 64–65, 73–75; validity of, 70–73, 75, 78–84. See also de’ Giudici, and Simon of Trent.
- Trent, Council of, 99–100, 101, 103
- trial of the Talmud (1240), 38
- Trithemius, Johannes, Chronicon, 164, 380
- Troyes, Jewish martyrs of (1288), 232–233
- Trulli, Giovanni, 289–290
- Tryndoch, Andrzej, 368–369
- Tura, Cosme’, 422n226
- Turluru (in Pavia blood libel), 111, 112
- Tutino, Stefania, 162
- Tuvia / Tobias (Różana blood libel), 426n290
- Tyczyn blood libel (1764), 359–361, 360
- Tyrnau / Tyrnavia blood libel (1494), 457–458n67
- Ulpian, 222–223
- Urban V (pope), 415n71
- Urban VIII (pope), approval of cults, 314; Super non cultu (1625), 103
- Urszula of Lublin, 109
- Usque, Samuel, Consolation for the Tribulatio of Israel (1553), 209, 210–211, 226, 445n12
- usury, 47, 49, 109, 163, 165, 196, 197, 199, 210, 216–217, 223–224, 307, 317, 405n124, 440n168, 447n52
- Valenti Gonzaga, Cardinal Silvio, 276, 277
- Valréas blood libel (1247), 5–6, 35–39, 40, 42, 86, 211, 398n146
- Vauchez, André, 24, 42, 398n142
- Venice: Mocenigo, Pietro, condemnation of blood libel by (1475), 133–135, 221, 255, 270, 280, 284, 291, 307, 326, 380; Rialto Bridge display of blood libel painting (1705), 280, 282, 285–286, 291, 309, 326
- Vernier / Verny. See Werner of Bachrach
- Verona, 68, 110, 291, 470n70; archives, 221, Cardoso, Isaac and, 214, 221; blood libel (1603), 221, 256, 279, 284, 291–292, 293; Ganganelli report and blood libel in, 326, 338, 482n78; use of the blood libel decree from, 380
- Veterani, Benedetto (Officer at the Holy Office), 313, 343, 483nn97–98, 486n37
- Vices eius nos (papal bull, 1577), 109–110
- Vienna expulsion of Jews (1670), 268
- Vincent de Beauvais, Speculum historiale, 154, 157, 210, 445n14; Hinderbach and, 75, 80
- Vineam sorec (papal bull, 13th century), 188
- Virgulti, Lorenzo, 336
- Visconti, Antonio Eugenio (papal nuncio), 324, 343, 344, 348–362, 366, 369, 483–484n101, 484n10, 487n58
- Vital[e] (in Simon of Trent narrative), 53, 55–56, 58, 403n34
- Viterbo blood libel (1705–1706), 222, 279, 280–291, 298, 309; as defense blueprint, 291–293, 309, 325, 342; Ganganelli and, 324–325
- Vitti, Giovanni Pietro, 190–191, 200
- Viva Cantarini, Isaac, Vindeo sanguinis (1681), 222, 223, 270, 284, 448n64
- Vives, Juan Luis, 223
- Volpedo blood libel (1482), 114
- Volpini, Antonio, 281
- von Brühl, Count Heinrich, 356, 357, 358, 366
- von Carben, Victor, 174, 434n89
- von Pappenheim, Erhard, 61, 62, 173, 175
- von Sonnenfels, Ludwig, 339
- Wagenseil, Johann Christoph, Benachrichtigungen (1705), 178, 270, 271, 307–308, 310, 311, 417n117
- Waldensians, 248
- Walsham, Alexandra, 88
- Wasilyw, Patricia Healy, 22
- Węgrzynek, Hanna, 195, 241, 242, 441n195, 456n21
- Weinreich, Max, 209, 451n108
- Weißenohe blood libel (1303), 193–194
- Weltchronik. See Liber chronicarum
- Werner of Bachrach (also Werner of Oberwesel or Vernier / Verny) 15, 40–42, 157, 168, 305, 380, 398n154
- Wężyk, Walenty, 350–351, 352, 359
- white supremacy, 1–2, 383
- Wijaczka, Jacek, 441n195
- William of Norwich: Benedict XIV on, 303; in chronicles, 154, 157, 163–164, 166, 172, 448n60; Frankist debates and, 332; Jewish responses to, 219–220; medieval emergence of blood libel and, 4, 7–8, 15, 16, 18–27, 40, 395n103; Pinamonti on, 189; in Roth’s preface to Ganganelli report, 382
- winemakers, Werner / Vernier of Oberwesel as patron saint of, 41, 42
- witches, witchcraft, and witch trials, 75, 205, 231–232, 245, 310, 374
- Wodzicki, Stanisław, 374–375
- Wohyń / Brześć blood libel (1663), 249–250
- Wojnia blood libel (1577), 241, 455n21
- Wojsławice blood libel (1761), 346–352, 356, 364, 484–485nn10–11
- Wolfhart, Konrad, 168–169
- Wołłowicz, Antoni Erazm, 328, 336
- Wolodkowicz, Philip Felician, 352
- Worms blood libel (1540), 108
- Wulfer, Johann, 450n84
- Wurtisen, Christian, 164
- Yavan, Barukh Mi-Ereẓ (Polish Jewish emissary), 332, 356
- Yiddish songs and tales about blood libels, 10, 209, 215, 226–235, 240, 306, 365; Christian imagery in, 233–234; martyrdom in, 234–235; torture in, 231–232, 235, 365. See also Jewish responses
- Yerushalmi, Yosef Hayim, 215, 444n1, 446n30
- Yushchinsky, Andrei, 382
- Yuval, Israel, 29, 412n12
- Zainer, Ginther, Die Geschicht und Legend von … Symon von de Juden au Trent (1475), 131–132, 134
- Zainer, Johann, 107
- Zalman, Solomon, 276, 465n232
- Zamparinus (in Viterbo blood libel), 288
- Zanvil, Shlomo, of Krzeszów (in a Yiddish song), 228
- Zasław blood libel (1747), 277–278, 300, 320, 361, 466n241
- Zelig, Eliyakim ben Asher, of Jampol (Jacob Selig or Zelik), 323–324, 334, 335, 342–344, 345, 349, 356, 357, 362, 369, 383n96, 478–479nn1–3
- Zembrzyński, Joseph (Józef), 462n161
- Zeno, Jacopo, 72
- Zoller, Friedrich, 422n226
- Zovenzoni, Rafaele, 46, 63, 93–95, 119, 128, 400n12
- Żuchowski, Stefan, 142–143, 148, 238, 241, 247, 257–269, 271, 272, 310, 368, 460n109, 462–463n165
- Żyndul, Jolanta, 148
- Żytomierz / Markowa Wolica blood libel (1753), 148–149, 318–322, 323, 325, 328–330, 348, 361