
age-restricted developments, 119–122

Anderson, R. John, 36–37

architecture, 95, 113, 150

arterial-collector system, 68–69

back alleys, 129, 131

Baltimore, 136–138

beauty, experience of, 93–95

Bicycle Universe, 54

bike shelf, 62

bikeshares, 17


     and adults, 5, 62–66, 89, 98–99, 142–143, 155

     and children, 61–62, 99, 155

blood alcohol content, 124, 125

Bogota, Colombia, 71

Brooklyn, 102–103

buses, 16–17, 21, 54–57, 96

cabs, 53, 56, 122, 124, 137

calories, 82–83, 84

car accidents, 60, 125

car culture, 46–48, 49, 50–51, 68, 147

car ownership, cost of, 18, 20–25

car sharing, 53–54

Chico, California, 36–37

child abduction, 58

children, walking with, 39–40, 44–45, 58–61, 74–75, 155

Ciclovia, 71

city government, 34–35, 37, 149

climate, 72, 148

clothing, 149

community design, 109–110, 113, 150, 156. See also arterial-collector system; grids.

commuting, 16–17, 81, 106–107, 136–137, 142–143, 144

contacts. See interactions.

Cop in the Hood: My Year Policing Baltimore’s Eastern District, 146

crime, 60, 145. See also child abduction.

Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED), 60

cycle tracks, 65

daily walking, 154–155

Denmark, 63, 72

diversity, in investment, 31–32

Doe Mill, 36–37

dog walking, 115

drinking, and driving, 122–125

driving, and stress, 90–92

endurance walks, 87

Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room, 30

environmental benefits, 38, 95–97, 138

exercise, and walking, 83–88, 90

eyes on the street, 59, 60

financial benefits, 18–29, 137, 143. See also professional benefits.

Florida, Richard, 30

freedom, by walking, 47, 48, 50–51

front-back relationship, 131–132

Futurama, 48

gas, cost of, 20, 24–26, 143

Gaithersburg, MD, 38–40

Gehl, Jan, 44, 113

Gentry, Renee, 51

grid system, 68, 69

Harris, Eliza, 142–143

health benefits, 82–87, 90, 92–95. See also stress.

history, of cities, 112–114

Home Owners Associations (HOAs), 34, 35–37

homeownership, 127

household spending, 18, 19, 27–28

housing. See real estate.

infrastructure, for walking and biking, 65, 147, 156–157

intangible benefits, to walking, 38–39

interactions, 29–31, 114–116, 147, 149. See also neighbors; professional benefits; socializing.

Jacobs, Jane, 59

Jeffers, Kristen, 152–154

Kansas City, 37, 106

Kirkwood, Dawn, 8–9

Khoury, Marina, 38–40

lanes. See back alleys.

lawn care, 126

Lenexa, Kansas, 88–89

long-distance travel, 20, 24, 55, 56, 144

Los Angeles, 74–75

Lydon, Mike, 102–103

Make Walking & Biking Easy Tips, 25, 52, 62, 89, 96, 107, 116, 122

mental health, 92–95, 97

mileage, reduction of, 22–26

Monderman, Hans, 91, 92

monthly pass, for buses, 96

Moskos, Peter, 146

moving, to new house, 117, 155

neighbors, engaging with, 39, 81, 109–110, 138, 153

noise, 147

obesity, 38–39, 82, 86–87

Orlando, 142–143

parks, 127, 129

Parolek, Karen, 98–99

physical fitness, 83–87

policing, 60, 145–146

Polyzoides, Cristina, 74–75

poverty, 153

problematic issues, 144–145, 146–150

professional benefits, 29–30, 81–82

public versus private. See front-back relationship.

public transit, increased use, 5. See also buses; trains.

Raleigh, NC, 80–82

real estate, diversity in, 32–34, 117–122, 144, 149

retirement communities, 119–122

The Rise of the Creative Class, 30

road safety, 91, 99

Rodgers Forge, 137–138

routes, variety of, 66, 68–69, 70–71, 88

running, 12, 69–70, 86, 88–89

safety, 59–61, 81, 88, 99, 145. See also road safety.

Savannah, walkability, 4, 13, 50, 69, 88, 106, 129

schools, 32, 58, 59, 61, 99, 137, 145

Sease, Tony, 44–46

sharing economy, 53–54. See also bikeshares.

shoes, 116

shopping options, 144–145

Sirota, Stuart, 136–138

sitting, 83

snow days, 72–73

socializing, and walking, 104–135

Sobel, Lee, 16–17

St. Louis, 37

street closures, 70–72

stress, 27-28, 90–92

three-mile-per-hour city, 113

Tomasulo, Matt, 80–82

tourist hotspots, in US, 134

traffic calming, 82

trains, 16, 55, 56

transportation, spending on, 18. See also car ownership.

trash, 129, 131–132

vacations, and walking, 133–135

violence, and children, 58–59

virtuous circle, 24

walkable neighborhoods, 32–34, 35–37, 117–122. See also by name.

walkability, defined, 3, 152–153

walking, increased use, 5

walking station, 52

Walkscore, 34, 136, 137

Walk Your City, 80

Washington, DC, 16–17

working at home, 10–12

yard work, 126–127

zoning issues, 149