
Abercrombie, David 172

ablative 79–80

Académie Française 135

accusative 79–80, 132–4

afeared 70

aggravare 1

alphabets see scripts

alternative 1

American Revolution 176, 182

analytic 54

Appalachians 66–76

Arabic 39, 53, 85, 90, 120, 154

Arawak 39

Aristotle 115

article 56, 82

Austen, Jane 134

awful 2, 7

Bacon, Francis 66, 68

Bantu languages 50

BBC 94, 100, 113, 120

beauty of language 12, 28–9, 85–93, 136, 177

Bhutto, Benazir 45

Bible 68, 134

bluff 176

Bogarde, Dirk 61

borrow 6

borrowing (see loan words)

Brontë, Charlotte 134

Bushman languages see Khoisan languages

case 79–80, 94–95, 100, 132, 161

change in language 1, 90, 178

as inevitable 8, 72, 124, 177

as undesirable 1, 77

reasons for 104, 123, 178–9

views of 17–18

Chaucer, Geoffrey 68, 69, 71, 110, 119, 179

Chinese 41–2, 53, 81, 82, 135, 151, 173

Chomsky, Noam xv

Church, Roman Catholic 9

Cicero 10, 14

clarity 23–31

classroom language 43, 44, 47–8, 75

Clinton, Bill 100

codification 95, 96

collective noun 64

compound 11, 166

conjunction 78

consonant 33–4, 172

doubling 34

voiced v. voiceless 36

controversy 19, 177

converse terms 6

Cook, Capt. James 159

corn 180

correctness 63, 142–9

creole 56, 92, 120

Crystal, David 16, 19

Dalabon 160, 162

Danish 135

Dante Alighieri 12, 136

Darwin, Charles 113, 121

dative 79–80

Decker, Thomas 95

declension 79

definiteness 82

Defoe, Daniel 134

Deliverance 70

Demiin 165

derivation 54

Descartes, René 29

Dharuk 160

Dickens, Charles 134

dictionary 3, 96

different from/to 94–5

discrimination on grounds of language xvii, 65, 99

disinterested 2–5, 7

double negative 109–10, 113–22

Douglass, Frederick 103

dove 123, 128–9

Dravidian languages 50

Dryden, John 66, 71

Du Bois, William 103

Dutch 50, 153, 154

Dyirbal 137

Ebonics see English, African-American Vernacular


and spoken language 63

Education Act 59, 60–1

language denigrated in 87

language used in 10, 111

system 74

tertiary 60–1

Elizabeth I 66, 67, 71

English passim

affixes 4

African-American Vernacular 86, 92, 109, 120

American, 40, 42, 45, 127, 128, 153, 172

American v. British 32, 85, 176–82

Appalachian 66–76, 86

as an official language 88

Australian 91, 127

bad 139–49

Belfast 99

Birmingham 85

borrowing in 14

British 45, 64, 127

Canadian 127, 128–9

Cockney 85, 92

codification of 95, 96

compared with other languages 50

East Anglian 150

Estuary 94

Glaswegian 85, 88, 89

in decline 15–22, 58–65, 176–82

Irish 40, 91

London 99, 150

New York 86, 139–49, 150

New Zealand 42, 45, 46, 127

Norwich 87

Old (Anglo-Saxon) 13, 38, 69, 81, 119, 178

pronunciation 1, 16, 19, 54, 63, 85, 172, 177, 179–80

replacing Latin 11, 165

rhythm 154

Scottish 40, 172

Southern (US) 139–49

South-West (UK) 150

speed of 155

spoken 63, 100

standard 63, 75, 87, 96, 99, 106, 109, 120

structures of 1, 52, 53, 54, 55, 81, 82, 109

syllables 152

Texan 86, 129, 150

use of 9, 12

Erasmus, Desiderius 117, 136

Eskimo (see also Greenlandic) 39

Esperanto 52

ethnicity 87, 88

Fanagalo 54–5

feminism 47

Fijian 83

Finnish 56, 135, 151, 155

Flintstone, Fred 125

fortnight 180

Fowler, Henry W. 113, 121


as a source of English words 37, 38, 39

as clear and logical 23–31

Breton 86

Canadian 86, 91

compared with other languages 52

connotations of 85

lacking compounds 11

Old 2

Parisian 86, 91

puns 28

replacing Latin 11, 165

rhythm 154

speed of 153, 155

structures of, 51, 55, 109, 120, 135

vocabulary 27

French Revolution 30

functions of speech (informative v. facilitative) 45

funny 8

Garig 160

gay 18


grammatical 51, 55, 83, 135

sex 41–9, 90, 155

genetic origins of linguistic

differences 105

genitive 89–80


compared with other languages 50, 52, 54

connotations of 29, 85, 91

speed of utterance 153, 155

structures of 26, 51, 55, 134, 151

vocabulary 7, 11, 12, 51

Germanic languages 50

gotten 179

government 64


acquisition of 54

bad 16, 94, 96

book 83–4, 96

definition 77

descriptive 96

learnt early in acquisition 51, 63

lessons 58

mental 83–4, 96, 99

part of linguistic knowledge 51, 53–6, 77

prescriptive 95, 96

tests 64, 107

grammatical differences between languages 82, 135–6

grammaticality 108–9


Classical π, 24, 25, 38, 39, 177

Modern 91, 152

Greenlandic 54

Gunwinygu 160

Guugu Yimidhirr 159–60

Hagège, Claude xv

Hakluyt, Richard

harmonic v. disharmonic relationships 162–3

Harris, Joel Chandler 21

Hawaiian 53–4

Hebrew 37, 90

hesitation 151

high rising terminal 127

Hollywood 70

holp 68–70

homograph 36

homonym 5, 37

homophone 36

Hopkins, G. M. 59

Hottentot languages see Khoisan languages

Hungarian 120, 151

Huxley, Aldous 134

I v. me 16, 100, 132–8

Ilgar 160

imply 5–6

impoverishment 99

inadequacy of dialects 87

Independent, The 64

Indo-European 2, 178

infer 5–6

inferiority, linguistic 9–14, 104–7, 140, 148

infinitive, split 95, 136

inflection 54, 56, 82

initiation language 165

insecurity, linguistic 92, 146, 148

intelligibility 87

interpersonal function 45

intonation 78, 172, 173

Irish 52

Italian 11, 12, 29, 85, 91, 152, 153, 154, 156

Iwaidja 160

Jackson, Jesse 103

James I 71

Japanese 41, 53, 152, 153, 172

Johnson, Samuel 21, 96

Jonson, Ben 134

Jordan, Barbara 103

journalism see media

Kayardild 161, 166

Kentucky 66–76

Khoisan languages 53–4

kilometer 19

King, Martin Luther 103

Kunwinjku 163–4, 166

Labov, William xv, 17, 126, 141, 148


as a self-regulating system 8, 19

Lardil 165

Larkin, Philip 113


as a high prestige language 96, 136–7, 165

as a low prestige language 10–11, 14

as a source of English words 1, 2, 14, 37, 38

as a source of English grammar 95, 100, 136

current uses 9

structures of 26, 79–81, 82, 132, 134, 135, 161

vocabulary development 14

learn 6, 70

legislation on language 89

lend 6

lexical <-e> 36

literacy 59–63

functional 59, 61

loan words 10, 14, 30, 97, 166

logic 23–31, 109–10, 113–22, 140

look-and-say 61

Lounsbury, Thomas 15

Lovelace, Richard 68

Lowth, Robert 96

macropods 160, 164

Major, John 118

Managkari 160

Mandarin see Chinese

Maori 9–10, 13, 56, 81, 82, 83, 135

Marrgu 160

Marlowe, Christopher 66, 134

mathematics 114, 117

Mayali 160, 162

me see I


change in 1–8

extension 166

socially negotiated 7–8

media 15–22, 62, 69–70, 74, 85, 123–31, 170

mentalese 26

Milton, John 37


Mitterrand, President F. 25

morals and language 58, 60

morpheme 34–5, 37, 54

Mparntwe Arrernte 164

Murray, Lindley 117

Mussolini, Benito 62

My Fair Lady 174

National Curriculum 58

New Statesman 62

New Zealand 10

Newton, Sir Isaac 11

nice 1–2, 7

Nkrumah, Kwame 103

nominative 79–80, 95, 132–4

non-standard varieties 64, 87, 89, 92, 109, 140

North Carolina 66–76

Norwegian 50

noun 77, 135, 176

number 80, 162

object, direct 80, 132, 135, 161

Observer 59, 61, 62

official language 10, 88

Ojukwu, Odumegwu 103

Ontario 128

orthography see spelling

Orwell, George 20, 113, 117

Ozarks 66–76

parental role in language acquisition 107–8

participation markers 101

particle 78, 81, 82

passive 26

past tenses of verbs 27, 68–9, 180

pause 151

perfect 27, 80

person 80

phoneme 53, 153

phonics 61

pidgin 54–6

Pinker, Steven 26

Plautus, Titus M. 134

pleasantness of speech 85–93, 147

Polish 50

polysynthetic 162

prefix 78

present 80, 98

Press-Herald (Lexington) 70

Prince of Wales 176–7

Prior, Richard 173

Private Eye 117–8

pronoun 77, 165

dual 83, 162

inclusive 83, 165

harmonic 163

interrogative 137

personal 132–8, 162

relative 95

second person 52

trial 83

Pulp Fiction 125

Pygmalion 174

Python, Monty 125

quantifier, universal and existential 114–15

racism 64, 106

Ralegh, Sir Walter 66

reckon 180

related languages 50, 58, 160

rhythm 154, 172

Rivarol, Antoine de 23–4, 26, 28, 30

Romansh 11–12

RP (Received Pronunciation) 170


of grammar 16, 77, 83, 96–8, 108

of usage 51–2

written v. spoken 64

Russian 12, 50, 52, 110, 120, 154, 161

Saturday Night Live 125

schwa 37, 180

Scotsman 18

scripts 33, 53

security, linguistic 142

self-hatred, linguistic 87

sex see gender

sexism 43, 64

Shakespeare, William 16, 64, 66–76, 98, 120, 134

Shaw, George Bernard 174

Shipley, Jenny 45

Sidney, Sir Philip 68

silent letters 35, 38, 53

Slavic languages 50

slovenliness 86, 100–1

social class 64, 87, 88, 99

social confidence 47

social connotations 88, 92

solidarity 147

South Africa 54

Spanish 29, 88, 91, 109, 120, 154, 155, 172

speaking rate v. articulation rate 151

speed of articulation 145, 150–8, 173

spelling 32–40, 52–3, 58, 61–2

standard variety/language 29, 63–4, 75, 87, 92, 95, 96, 100, 108, 140, 170

status 44–5, 75, 88, 90, 99

stereotyping 29, 85, 91, 145, 148, 171

Stevenson, Adlai 21

stress-timing v. syllable-timing 154

style 95, 135

subject 80, 97–8, 132, 135, 161

subject complement 133

subjunctive 179, 180

suffix 78

Swedish 39, 50, 52, 54, 173

Swift, Jonathan 59

Switzerland 11–12

syllable 53, 152

Sylvester 125

synonym 4, 8

synthetic 54

tag question 181

Tamil 50

Tarzan 55

task orientation 45

Tatar 50

teach 6

television (see also media) 10, 85, 123–31

Telugu 50

Tennessee 66–76

tense 80, 98

Thai 110

Thatcher, Lady Margaret 17, 45, 100

Times 18, 176

Turkic languages 50

Turkish 53

Tutu, Desmond 103

ugliness see beauty

Ulster Scots 71

Uncle Remus see Harris, Joel Chandler

uninterested 2–5

uptalk see high rising terminal

Vaugelas, Claude Favre de 23

verb 77, 135, 176

auxiliary v. lexical 97

verbal deprivation 103–12

Vietnamese 54

Vincent 126–7

vocabulary 16, 51

creation 13–14, 97, 166

size 51, 163–5

spread 124

vocative 79–80

voice quality 172, 173

voiceprint 174

vowel 33, 172

long and short 34, 35

obscure see schwa

Warlpiri 166

Waugh, Evelyn 20

Wayne’s World 125

Welsh 52

West Virginia 66–76

wimp 18

word class 77

word order 267, 80–1, 133

writing systems see scripts

Xhosa 50

Zulu 50, 135, 156

!Xóõ 53