
Note: Page numbers in italics represent figures such as checklists, worksheets, and sample documents.


accountants, 51, 179–187

accounting, 671–689. See also financial statements

      about, 671–672

      auditing services, 182

      automated vs. manual systems, 672–673, 687

      components of accounting systems, 676–683

      cost accounting, 684

      criteria for good systems, 673, 675

      internal control policies, 684–686

      inventory control and, 680

      methods of, 674–676, 765

      payroll, 683

      record keeping, 688–689

      for solopreneurs, 715–716

accounting software, 462

accounts payable, 682–683, 686

accounts receivable, 335–339, 678–680, 730

accrual accounting method, 674–676, 765

advertising. See also marketing strategies

      ad size vs. frequency, 531

      classified ads, 562–564

      cooperative, 531, 564–566

      direct mail, 536–561

      out-of-home, 534

      persuasive words in, 530

      print, 522–530

      radio and TV, 530–536

      where to advertise, 521–522

      writing ad copy, 522–527

advertising checklist, 569–570

affiliates, 637–638

assets, 697

attorneys, 51, 169–179

auditing services, 182


baby boomers, 84

background checks, 386–389

backing up data, 455

bailout clauses, 284

balance sheets, 164, 696–698, 699, 732

banking relationships, 51, 228–230, 239–240

bargaining positions, 260–264

bargaining styles, 261–262

bartering, 728–729

Better Business Bureau (BBB), 336

bill collection, 335–339

billboard advertising, 534

blogging, 644–646

bookkeeping. See accounting

bounced checks, 342

brand audits, 509

brand building, 503–512, 512

brand equity, 509

break-even analysis, 710, 711–714

broadcast advertising, 530–536

brochures, 540–545, 543–544

brokers, 50–51

budgeting, 203–205, 206–207, 466, 519–520, 721–729

business cards, 295, 298–300

business descriptions, 158–159

business insurance. See insurance

business opportunities, 74–79. See also franchising

business opportunity trade shows, 69–70

business plans, 155–167

      about/defined, 157, 162

      components, 157–165

      ecommerce plans, 470–472

      financing and, 165–166

      marketing plans and, 514–521, 515, 715

      reasons for, 155–157, 167

      for solopreneurs, 715

      updating, 166–167

buying existing businesses, 48–62. See also business opportunities; franchising

      business brokers and, 50–51

      choosing the right business, 48–50

      contracts, 61

      evaluating businesses, 51–60, 52–54

      family-run operations, 57

      financing options, 56

      location considerations, 278

      negotiating price, 60–62

      pros and cons, 48

      transitioning to new ownership, 61–62

buying vs. starting a business, 47–48


cable TV advertising, 533–535

calendar years, 754

capacity, 237–239

carts and kiosks, 276

cash accounting method, 674–676, 765

cash-flow analysis, 307, 702–704

cash-flow statements, 164, 698–702, 703, 733

catalogs, 552–556

certified public accountants (CPAs), 179–187

chargebacks, 345–346

chart of accounts, 676

check acceptance policies, 339–342

cloud technology, 454

COBRA (Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act)

      benefits, 406

cobranding, 282

collateral, 236, 239

commercial leases, 284–290

commercial lenders, 230–232

commercial space, 272

communication technologies. See also connectivity technologies

      “follow me” phone functionality, 487–488

      instant messaging, 493–494

      phone systems, 488–489, 491

      smartphones, 489–491

      virtual fax machines, 488

      web calling/VoIP, 491, 494–495

      which model is best, 495–496

community organizations as research resources, 115

competition, 104–106, 162–163, 278–279. See also unique selling proposition

computer peripherals, 462–465

computers, 454–456, 458–461

connectivity technologies. See also communication technologies

      equipment and software, 453–456

      learning about, 486–487

      networking, 456–458

      wireless technology, 485–486, 491–493, 496–497

copywriting, 522–527

corporations, 140–148, 146, 153–154, 737, 756

cost accounting, 684

cost of good sold, 693–694

cost-of-living leases, 286

coupons, 566–567

coworking spaces, 269, 272–273, 433, 436

credibility, 475–476, 584

credit applications, 334–335

credit card cash advances, 229, 232–233

credit cards, accepting, 343–349

credit histories, 237

credit policies, 332–334, 730

credit unions, 418–420

crowdfunding, 204–205

customer creditworthiness, evaluating, 334–335

customer loyalty, 624

customer retention, 549

customer service, 615–624

cyber-insurance, 354–355


deal points, 263–265

debit cards, accepting, 350–352

deductible expenses. See tax deductible expenses

deferred salary, 736

depreciation, 694

design and development plans, 163

direct mail, 536–561

      advantage of, 536

      brochures, 540–545, 543–544

      catalogs, 552–556

      effective inserts, 536–537

      fliers, 550–552, 553

      mailing lists for, 538–540

      newsletters, 556–561

      package mailings, 560

      postcards, 549–550, 551

      sales letters, 545–549, 546–547

      surveys, 118, 120–124

direct sales, 76

direct writer insurance agents, 364

discount deal websites, 563

discrimination and harassment policies, 425–428

distribution strategies, 161–162

distributors, 317

document sharing technology, 453

doing business as (dba) names, 147

dollar-control inventory systems, 308

domain names, 472–474

Dun & Bradstreet (D&B), 115–116


ecommerce, 470–474, 482–484. See also websites

ecommerce marketing, 109

economic development agencies, 279

80-20 rule, 615

Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS), 746

email auto-responders, 475

email marketing, 118–119, 634, 638, 641

employee benefits, 402–420

      basic benefits, 402–403

      common mistakes in offering, 405–407

      family leave, 404

      health insurance, 366, 406, 407–411, 749

      legal requirements for, 403–404

      low-cost benefits, 416–420

      retirement plans, 408–416, 739, 749

employee leasing, 391–394

employee manuals, 415

employee policies, 420–428

Employer Identification Number (EIN), 744–745

employing people, 371–400. See also employee benefits; employee policies

      after the hire, 389–390

      alternatives to full-time employees, 390–400

      analyzing job needs, 372–373, 374

      building sales teams, 603

      cross-training employees and, 389

      demographics and, 276–277

      describing the job, 373–375, 376–377

      determining job requirements, 373–375

      EEOC guidelines, 382

      employment practices liability insurance, 356

      family members as employees, 385, 741

      goals and, 371–372

      interviewing candidates, 383–386, 388

      job applications, 379

      outsourcing vs., 399–400

      paying employees, 420–423

      payroll withholding taxes, 683, 745–748

      prescreening candidates, 379–383

      reasonable accommodation and, 380

      record keeping, 389–390

      recruiting candidates, 372–379, 384, 387, 396

      reference and background checking, 386–389

      virtual assistants, 450–451

      workers’ compensation insurance, 355–357, 363, 750

      writing job ads, 375–377

endorsements, 528

enewsletters, 556–561, 640, 642

engagement tools, 644–645

entrepreneurial personality, 9–14


      backup computers and drives, 454–456

      basic needs, 118, 432–435

      budgeting for, 466

      buying new, 440–443

      buying used, 443–445, 448, 458

      computer peripheral, 462–465

      computers, 454–456, 458–461

      connectivity-related, 453–458, 485–486. See also connectivity technologies

      credit card processing, 348–349

      debit card processing, 350–352

      fax machines, 434, 463, 464–465, 488

      financing purchases, 229, 435

      incubators and, 435

      leasing vs. buying, 330, 436

      mailing, 323–330

      mobile devices, 448–449

      office productivity software, 461–162

      shared office spaces and, 436

      shopping for, 467

      technology-related, 451–452

equipment deductible expenses, 457, 757

equity financing, 209, 718

Etsy shops, 41

executive summaries, 158–160

exempt and nonexempt employees, 420–421

expert status, 584


Facebook pages, 654, 661–664, 665

factoring, 718–719

Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), 420–423

family leave, 404

family support, 10, 39–40

fax machines, 434, 463, 464–465, 488

financial analysis tools

      break-even analysis, 711–714

      budgeting, 721–729

      gross profit and markup, 706–710, 711, 712–713

      ratio analysis, 725–726, 727

      sensitivity analysis, 730–734

      working capital analysis, 717–721, 720–721

financial guidance, 700

financial management, 691–693. See also accounting; financial analysis tools; financial statements

financial planning, 38–39, 692–693

financial ratios, 725–726, 727

financial statements, 164–165

      about, 686–687

      balance sheets, 164, 696–698, 699, 732

      cash-flow statements, 164, 698–702, 703, 733

      creating, 693

      income statements, 164, 693–695, 695, 731


      angel investors, 215–221

      budgets and, 203–205, 206–207

      business plans and, 165–166

      for buying existing businesses, 56

      crowdfunding, 204–205

      equipment purchase, 229, 435

      equity financing, 209, 718

      family and friends as sources, 196–203

      for franchise businesses, 231, 236, 251

      grants, 252–253

      loans. See loans

      peer-to-peer (P2P) lending, 204

      pitching to investors, 211–212, 213, 215, 220–221

      self-financing, 191–196, 192

      short-term working capital, 718–719

      startup costs and, 198, 199–200, 760

      venture capital, 213–215

first in, first out (FIFO) inventory accounting method, 314–315

fiscal tax years, 754

50l(c)(3) organizations, 149–154

fixed assets, 682

fixed costs, 706–707

flat leases, 286

fliers, 550–552, 553

focus groups, 117–118, 120–121

Form 940 (Employer’s Annual Federal Unemployment Tax Return), 747

Form 941 (Employer’s Quarterly Federal Tax Return), 746–747

Form 990 (Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax), 151–154

Form 1099-MISC (Miscellaneous Income), 729, 750, 751–753

Form I-9 (Employment Eligibility Verification), 745

Form W-2 (Wage and Tax Statement), 748

Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD), 66–70, 74

franchising, 63–74

      benefits, 63–65

      buying existing franchises, 73–74

      choosing and evaluating franchises, 65–72, 67–68

      definition, 63

      financing programs, 231, 236, 251

      is it right for you, 64–65

      trade shows, 69–70

funding sources. See financing

FUTA (Federal Unemployment Tax Act) taxes, 747


general ledgers, 677–679

generational marketing, 85–86. See also niche marketing

gift certificates, 555

goal setting, 14–19, 20–22

government loans, 241–251

grants, 252–253

graphic design, 524

gross profit margin, 706–708

guarantee and surety agreements, 239


headlines in ads, 525–527

health savings account (HSA), 408

hiring employees. See employing people

homebased businesses, 268–272, 274, 301, 762–763

hosting services, 479–481


ideas for your business, 25, 26–34, 37

image, 291–302

      about, 291–292

      business cards and, 295, 298–300

      exterior appeal and, 293

      location and, 280–281

      logos and, 294–298

      office design and, 292, 293–294

      promoting your business and, 590

      signage and, 301–302

      stationery and, 300–301

IMing (instant messaging), 493–494

importers, 317

income statements, 164, 693–695, 695, 731

incorporating, 146–148. See also corporations

incubators, 36, 281, 435

independent contractors (ICs), 399, 748–754

independent craftspeople, 317

independent credit card processing companies, 347

independent sales organization (ISO), 348

Individual Retirement Account (IRA), 413–414

industrial space, 273

industry expert status, 584

installment loans, 225

insurance, 353–370

      about, 353–355, 363

      auto, 359–360

      business interruption coverage, 361

      business overhead, 364

      cyber-insurance, 354–355

      disability, 362–363

      general liability, 357–359

      health insurance, 366, 406, 407–411, 749

      life, 362

      package policies, 360

      property/casualty, 360–361

      resources for, 365

      umbrella coverage, 361

      workers’ compensation, 355–357, 363

insurance agents, 364–368

insurance brokers, 364

insurance claims, 359, 367

insurance costs, 364

insurance planning, 368–369, 369–370

interim loans, 226

internal control systems, 684–686

international cell phone usage, 490, 491

inventory control, 303–321

      about, 303–304

      accounting systems and, 680–682

      avoiding excess inventory, 305–306

      buying inventory, 316–321

      cash flow and, 307

      computerized, 310–313

      inventory accounting methods, 314–315

      inventory turnover, 313–314

      maintaining sufficient inventory, 304–305

      tracking inventory, 307–310, 680–682

      tracking material costs and, 680

investors. See also financing

      angel investors, 216–221

      pitching to, 211–212, 213, 215, 220–221

      venture capital, 213–215

invoicing, 335–339

iPads, 492


laptops, 460–461

last in, first out (LIFO) inventory accounting method, 314–315

lawsuits, 178–179

lawyers, 169–179

leased employees, 391–394

leasehold improvements, 285–228

leasing equipment, 330, 436

leasing space, 284–290

legal advisors, 169–179

legal business structures, 137–154

      choosing, 137–138, 150, 152–154

      corporations, 140–148, 146, 153–154, 756

      dba names, 147

      limited partnerships, 153

      LLCs, 138, 143, 148–149, 755–756

      LLPs, 147, 153

      nonprofit organizations, 149–154

      partnerships, 138, 140–141, 147, 149, 152–153, 755–756

      S corporations, 138, 144–146, 154, 756

      sole proprietorships, 138–139, 147, 152, 755

letters of credit, 227

liabilities, 697–698

liability, personal, 140, 142

licenses, business, 142

limited liability companies (LLCs), 138, 143, 148–149, 755–756

limited liability partnerships (LLPs), 147, 153

limited partnerships, 153

LinkedIn, 14, 372, 381, 588, 642, 654, 666

lists, 119

loan agreements, 238

loan applications, 223–253

loans. See also financing

      applying for, 233–237

      banking relationships and, 239–240

      documentation, 238–239

      franchising, 231

      government, 241–251

      lender decision factors, 237–239

      sources of, 228–233

      special purpose, 250–251

      types of, 223–227, 229, 719

local search, 635–637

locating your business, 267–289

      about, 267–268

      accessibility and parking, 277–278

      building’s infrastructure, 281–282

      carts and kiosks, 276

      commercial leases and, 284–290

      competition and, 278–279

      demographics and, 275–277

      evaluating locations, 283

      existing business locations, 278

      foot traffic and, 277

      growth potential, 282

      image and site history, 280–281

      in incubators, 36, 281, 435

      locating your business, 269

      operation style and, 275

      ordinances, 281

      proximity to other businesses and services, 279–280

      shared space, 272–273, 433, 436

      types of locations, 268–269

      utilities and other costs, 282

logos, 294–299, 301–302

loyalty programs, 557


magazine ads/advertising, 529

mail order companies, 345–346

mailing equipment, 323–330

mailing lists, 537, 538–540

manufacturers, 317

market research, 101–124. See also targeting markets

      about, 101–103

      competitor research, 104–106, 107–108

      consumer research, 104

      government resources, 111–113

      industry trends, 103–104

      online resources, 110–111

      primary research, 106, 116–124

      secondary research, 106–116

      surveys, 104, 110, 113–114, 116, 117–124

marketing budgets, 519–520

marketing plans, 514–521, 515, 715

marketing strategies, 518–570. See also brand building; online marketing; social media marketing

      about, 513

      advertising checklist, 569–570

      advertising options, 521–522

      classified ads, 562–564

      co-op advertising, 531, 564–566

      developing, 518–519

      direct mail. See direct mail

      generational marketing, 84, 85–86

      measuring effectiveness, 566–569

      niche marketing, 84–92, 636

      pre-launch, 520–521

      print advertising, 522–530

      radio and TV advertising, 530–536

      targeting markets, 83–92, 93–94, 160–161, 275–276, 514–515, 517, 520

      where to advertise, 521–522

markup, 706, 708–710, 711

media, targeting, 573–575, 664–667, 14, 658

mentoring groups, 269–270

mentors, 183

merchant accounts, internet, 349–350

merchant cash advances, 229

merchant status, 334–348

microtargeting, 533–536

mindset, entrepreneurial, 11

mission statements, 92–99

mobile credit card processing, 346–347

mobile devices, 448–449

mobile offices, 272

mobile working, 448

multifunction devices (MFDs), 463, 464–465


naming firms, 126–127

naming your business, 125–135

negotiating, 60–62, 259–266

net leases, 286

networking, 586–592. See also social media networking

networks, computer, 453–458

newsletters, 556–561, 640, 642

newspaper ads/advertising, 527–529

niche marketing, 84–92, 636

nonprofit organizations, 149–154


Office of Women’s Business Ownership (OWBO), 243

office productivity software, 461–162

online businesses, 41

online credit card payments, 349–350

online legal services, 177

online marketing, 628–642

      attracting visitors, 629–638

      permission marketing, 628–629

      spam and, 641–642

      visitor retention, 638–641

online payments, accepting, 349–350

online presence, 469

online selling, 470–474, 482–484. See also websites

online shipping services, 326

online transaction security, 351

Online Women’s Business Center, 19

open-to-buy, 316–317

operating cycles, 717, 719–720, 720–721

operating expenses, 694, 696

operations and management plans, 163–164

ordinances, 281

OSHA compliance, 423–425

outsourcing, 399–400

overtime requirements, 422–423

owner’s equity, 698


paid search services, 633–635

partnerships, 138, 140–141, 147, 149, 152–153, 737, 755–756

part-time employees, 397–399

part-time online businesses, 41

part-time vs. full-time businesses, 35–43

paying yourself, 735–741, 740

PayPal, 331, 346–347, 350, 752

payroll services, 425

payroll withholding taxes, 683, 745–748

percentage leases, 286

permission marketing, 628–629

place-based advertising, 534

point-of-sale (POS) software systems, 310–313, 483

pop-up retail operations, 275

positioning, 516

positioning statements, 573

postal equipment, 323–330

postal service tools and services, 325

postcards, 549–550, 551

premiums, 559

prepaid legal plans, 175

press kits, 577

press releases, 576–577

pricing strategies, 161

primary research, 116–124

print advertising, 522–530

printers, 464–465

professional employer organizations (PEOs), 392–394

profit, 694

promissory notes, 238–239

promoting your business. See public relations

public relations, 571–586. See also marketing strategies; networking

      advantages over advertising, 572

      defined, 572

      generating publicity, 572–575

      image and, 590

      press releases, 576–577

      publicity photos, 575

      social networking with media, 664–667

      social responsibility and, 580–581, 582

      special events, 578–586

      talking to media, 575–578


radio frequency identification (RFID), 309

ratio analysis, 725–726, 727

real estate agents, 285

record keeping, 181–182, 389–390, 688–689, 763–765

reference checks, 386–389

referrals, 612

relationship building, 616–617, 668

rentable space, 284

research. See market research

resource sharing, 433

resumes, 380–383

resumes, personal, 13–14

retail space, 272

retirement plans, 408–416, 739, 749

risk assessment, 33–34, 35

Roth IRA, 413–414


S corporations, 138, 144–146, 154, 756

salary setting, 735–741, 740

sales, 594–613

      closing the sale, 609

      cold-calling, 598–602

      first-time incentives, 608

      following up, 602, 609–610, 616–617

      goals in, 162

      guarantees and, 594

      overselling, 597

      pricing higher than competitors, 611

      referrals in, 612

      sales presentations, 604–609

      selling benefits vs. features, 310

      speaking effectively, 610–613

      traits for success, 595

      USP and, 594–598

sales contract negotiation, 265–266

sales letters, 545–549, 546–547

sales revenue, 693

sales taxes, 756–757

Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees (SIMPLE), 414

search engine marketing (SEM), 629–633

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificates, 351

security online, 351

security software, 461–462

self-assessment, 13–14, 18, 24–26, 27–30

self-employment tax, 139

self-financing, 191–196, 192

selling. See sales

sensitivity analysis, 730–734

7(a) Loan Program, 242–243

sexual harassment policies, 356, 426, 427

shared office spaces, 269, 272–273, 433, 436

short-term working capital, 718–721

signage, 301–302

Simplified Employee Pension (SEP) Plan, 415–416

situation analyses, 514–515

Small Business Administration (SBA) loans, 241–251, 246

Small Business Training Network, 244

social entrepreneurship, 582

social media communities, 269–270

social media marketing, 643–655

      automating, 653–655

      benefits of, 643–644

      content marketing, 649–653

      definition, 643

      engagement tools for, 644–645

      images in, 644

      social bookmarking, 648–649

      surveys, 119

      tips for success with, 636

      video marketing, 646–648

social media networking, 657–668

      about, 657–658

      center of influence connections, 667–668

      Facebook pages for, 661–664, 665

      groups and discussion forums for, 660–661

      high-level networking, 658–659

      with media connections, 664–667

      relationship building, 668

      with target market, 659–660

social responsibility, 580–581, 582

sole proprietorships, 138–139, 147, 152, 737, 755

solopreneurs, 16–18, 43–45, 269–271, 715–717

spam, 641–642

Square, 331, 346, 483

Squarespace, 472, 476

startup costs, 198, 199–200, 760

state income taxes, 747–748

step leases, 286

stocks, 142, 146

story angles, 573–574

stress, 40–42

structuring your business. See legal business structures

suppliers, 315, 317–321


tablets, 492

tag systems, 308

target market connections (TMC), 659–660

targeting markets, 83–92, 93–94, 160–161, 275–276, 514–515, 517, 520

tax deductible expenses, 757–766

      business operating expenses, 757–759

      equipment purchases, 457, 757

      health insurance premiums, 366, 749

      home office related, 762–763

      meals and entertainment, 761

      record keeping, 763–765

      retirement plans, 408–416, 739, 749

      travel, 762

      vehicle use, 759–761

tax planning, 182, 743–744, 765–766

tax years, 754

taxes. See also legal business structures

      deductible expenses, 749, 757–763

      independent contractors and, 748–754

      legal business structures and, 755–756

      nonprofit organizations and, 149–154

      paying yourself and, 737

      payroll, 683, 745–748

      record keeping, 763–765

      retirement plans and, 408–416, 739, 749

      sales, 756–757

      state income, 747–748

taxpayer identification numbers, 744–745

teleworking, 448–449

temporary employees, 394–396

testimonials, 528

testing job candidates, 388

timing of starting a business, 23–24

tip credits, 421–422

trade associations, 109

trade creditors, 718

trade shows, 69–70, 305, 316, 318

trading points, 264, 265

trolling, 663–664

Twitter, 494


Uniform Franchise Offering Circular (UFOC). See Franchise Disclosure Document

unique selling proposition (USP), 594–598

unit-control inventory systems, 309

usable space, 284


variable costs, 706–710

vendors as financing source, 232

video marketing, 646–648

viral articles, 651–652

virtual assistants, 450–451

virtual fax machines, 434, 488

voice mail, 475

VoIP (voice over internet protocol), 491, 494–495


W-4 (Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate), 745

web businesses, 470–474, 482–484


      browser compatibility issues, 481

      checklist for successful, 483

      creating, 474–477

      creating and organizing content, 477–479, 480, 482

      credibility and, 475–476

      designing, 478–479

      hosting services, 479–481

      privacy practices, 483

      security practices, 481

      shopping carts on, 482–483

      turnkey solutions, 475–476, 480

win-win compromises, 264–265

wireless technology, 485–486, 491–493, 496–497

Women’s Business Centers, 243

working capital, 717–721

workplace safety, 423–425


year-end financial statements, 698