Introduction: The Power of the “Story”
From Reader to Writer in Twenty-Nine Easy Steps
The Ontological Status of Language
Reconstructing the Self through Words: The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle
Reconstructing the Self through Words: Kafka on the Shore
2: Into the Mad, Metaphysical Realm
Martian Winds and Wells: Hear the Wind Sing
Into the Chilly Gloom: Pinball, 1973
Passages to the World of the Dead
Metaphysical Realism: Norwegian Wood
The Unconscious “Shared Space”: The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle
Exploiting the Mind-Body Split
An Uncontrolled Substance: After Dark
3: Gods and Oracles, Fate and Mythology
The Early Underworld: Cold Storage
Fate versus Free Will: Kafka on the Shore and 1Q84
4: Murakami Haruki as Literary Journalist
Toward a Definition of Literary Journalism
From Creative Nonfiction to Journalistic Fiction
Fictional Realities and Real Fictions
5: Forbidden Dreams from “Over There”
Once More into the “Other World”
Through the Doors of Perception