Oakes, John, 312

Obama, Barack, 4, 391

O’Donovan, Patrick, 64–65

Office of Strategic Services (OSS), 125, 127–30, 388. See also Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

Officer, Keith, 103

Operation Therese, 144–45

OSS. See Office of Strategic Services (OSS)

Owen, Taylor, 272

Packard, Reynolds, 33–35

Pai Chung-hsi, 55, 79, 83, 113–16

Pakistan, 374–75

Palmer, Frank, 289

Panikkar, Sardar K. M., 87, 103–4, 173–75, 180–81

Paracel Islands, 171

Paris, 162

Parman, S., 284–85

Parwanto, 292

Pasternak, Boris, 196

Pathet Lao, 205, 208, 239, 381, 384

Patti, Archimedes L. A., 129–30

Pearson, Lester, 104, 234, 235, 238

Peet, John, 192

Peking: Associated Press (AP) bureau in, after Communist takeover, 117

businesses in, 7, 9, 338–39

Chen Yi in, during 2003, 72

Clubb as last American diplomat in, after Communist takeover, 34

College of Chinese Studies in, 9, 10

Cultural Revolution in, 305–7, 338–39, 341–42, 356

description of, 337–39

different names for, 6

documentary on Forbidden City in, 311

Great Hall of the People in, 269, 301, 326, 333, 338, 341, 349, 351–55, 372, 375, 376

Opera House in, 16, 93

Sihanouk in exile in, 242, 269, 277

social life in, 33

ST in, during Chinese Civil War, 7–11

surrender of, during Chinese Civil War, 82–83, 300

Toppings in, during 1971, 337–39, 345–55

Yenching University in, 10, 95–98, 100–101

The Peking Letter (ST), 9

Peking Literature and Art, 302

Peng Dehuai, 29, 44, 179, 182, 301, 302, 339–40

Peng Zhen, 201, 304

Pengpu, China, 61–65, 73, 75–77

Pentagon Papers: acquisition of, by New York Times, 328–30, 361

authenticity of, confirmed by New York Times, 330

on bombing of North Vietnam by U.S., 230, 241

contents of, 328–29, 394–95

on domino theory, 146

on Eisenhower and French Indochina War, 184–85

and Ellsburg, 328–29

and Ellsburg case, 361–64

on French Indochina War, 146

on Geneva Accords (1954), 187

historians’ and analysts’ work on, 328

legal considerations in publication of, 331, 358–59

length of, 328, 330

and New York Times generally, 2

newspapers in competition with New York Times over, 359

and possible invasion of Vietnam by China, 170

preparation of, for publication by New York Times, 330–32, 334–35, 345

publication of, by New York Times, 345–46, 352, 358, 394–95

on Ronning, 235, 362

target date for publication of, in New York Times, 334, 345

U.S. Supreme Court ruling on publication of, by New York Times, 358–61

and Watergate scandal, 362–64

Zhou Enlai on, 352, 362

People’s Daily, 110, 301, 355

People’s Liberation Army (PLA): and Chinese Civil War, 1, 7, 15, 26, 28, 37–38, 73n, 83, 89, 90n, following p. 110

and Cultural Revolution, 306

and war against Japan, 340. See also Chinese Civil War

People’s Republic of China. See China

Phat Diem, Vietnam, 159

Philippines, 4–6, 125, 130, 154, 170

Phleng, Neal, 246–47

Phouma, Souvanna, 205, 208, 239, 384

Ping-hsing Pass, Battle of, 27, 31

PKI. See Indonesian Communist Party (PKI)

PLA. See People’s Liberation Army (PLA)

Plaut, Walter, 33

Pol Pot, 171, 242, 243, 269, 273–77

Poland, 220, 323

Pomfret, John, 321

Potsdam Conference/Treaty, 127, 130, 190, 353

Powell, Herbert B., 177

Powers, Francis Gary, 197, 197n, 201

Pran, Dith, 273–77

Pravda, 3, 199–201, 203, 210

Priest, Dana, 396

Protest demonstrations. See Student demonstrations

Pu Lun, Prince, 33

Pu Yi, Emperor, 33, 354

Pulitzer Prize, 158, 212, 220, 277, 315, 317, 323, 360–61, 383, 386

Pyle, Richard, 386

Qiang Zhai, 102, 233

Qin dynasty terra-cotta warrior sculptures, 369

Qin Shi Huangdi, 369

Qiu Huizuo, 365–66

Ramírez, Alfredo, 214, 215

Rand, Christopher, 49

Rand Corporation, 29, 328

Randt, Clark, Jr., 100

Raymond, Jean de, 123

Reagan, Ronald, 215

Red Guards, 305, 307–9, 336, 338–44, 356, 374

Red Star over China (Snow), 4, 325, 326

Reid, James W., following p. 224, 261–64

Reporters Committee for the Freedom of the Press, 396

Reston, James “Scotty,” 206–7, 322–24, 331, 333, 334, 345

Reuters, 342, 365

Rhee, Syngman, 168, 171

Rice, Edward E., 235

Richter, Sviatoslav, 196

Ridgway, Mathew B., 179–80

Riggs, Robert, 34

Risen, James, 396

Roberts, Gene, 387

Robertson, Frank, 6

Robertson, Walter, 7

Roderick, John, 19–20, 33–35

Rogers, William, 265

Rolling Thunder Operation, 229–32

Romania, 269, 311, 355, 371

Ronning, Chester: and Canada’s recognition of Communist China, 104

in Canadian Ministry of External Affairs, 104

and Chiang Kai-shek and Madame Chiang Kai-shek, 51–52

death of, 240

and Deng Xiaoping, 367–68

as diplomat in Nanking during Chinese Civil War, 45, 51–52, 86, 91, 92, 97, 99

documentary on, 332–33

and documentary on Yangtze River, 368

and Ellsberg case, 362

and engagement of daughter Audrey, 52

family background of, 51

and founding of Communist China, 103, 104

and Geneva Conference on Korea and Vietnam (1954), 104, 167, 168, 185, 234, 333

and Geneva Conference on Laos (1961), 205, 234

and house detention of ST by Communists in Nanking, 92

and Huang Hua, 97

and Mao Zedong, 338

and Panikkar, 180

parents of, 9, following p. 224, 297, 332–33

on Pentagon Papers, 362

photograph of, following p. 224

and “Smallbridge” mission during Vietnam War, 234–41, 305, 314

and ST’s posting with Communist forces, 61, 68

and Zhou Enlai, 51, 168, 301, 326, 333, 338, 349, 352, 367–71

Ronning, Halvor, following p. 224, 332–33

Ronning, Hannah, following p. 224, 332–33

Ronning, Inga, 9

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 9, 20–23, 125, 127

Roschin, N. V., 81–82, 95

Rosenthal, Abe, 320–25, 330–35, 345–47, 358

Rostow, Walt, 151

Rusk, Dean, 157, 235, 238, 239, 313–14, 330

Russell, Bertrand, 210–11

Russia. See Soviet Union

Russian Daily News, 32

Russo, Anthony J., 329, 362

Saigon: Americans in, 125–27

British turnover of, to French following World War II, 128

description of, 123

Dewey’s death in, 127–29

evacuation of Vietnamese and journalists from, 381–83, 385

fall of, to North Vietnamese in Vietnam War, 381–85

“Five O’clock Follies” briefings in, 386

during French Indochina War, 122–33, 142, 145, 152, 161–64

Ho Chi Minh’s takeover of, from Japanese, 128

journalists in, during Communist occupation of, 385

Kennedy brothers in, during early 1950s, 151–52, 154–57, 209, 222, 223–24

Le Duan’s purge of South Vietnamese in, 385

New York Times bureau chiefs in, 387

opium dens in, 123, 161

refugees in, 122

ST in, 118, 122, 124–25, 151–52, 154–55, 158, 161–64, 170, 180, 225, 227, 254–55, 386

U.S. military command in, during 1960s, 123. See also Vietnam War

St. Laurent, Louis, 104

Salan, Raoul, 163

Salinger, Pierre, 206

Salisbury, Harrison, 304, 312–18, 361

Sánchez-Paridi, Ramón, 215

Sauvezon, Marie Georges, 263–64

Schanberg, Sydney, 273–77, 381, 382

Schlesinger, Arthur S., 208

Schoenhals, Michael, 372–73

Schwartz, Harry, 203–4

SEATO, 186–87, 208

Sebald, William J., 150

September 30 Movement, 283–87, 289, 294

Service, John, 21–23, 119

Shabad, Ted, 196, 210

Shanghai: and Chinese Civil War, 59–60, 84, 94

economy of, 59–60

executions in, 59, 108, following p. 110

exodus from, during Battle of the Huai-Hai, 58–59

fall of, to Communist troops, 94

Foreign Correspondents Club in, 60

Hampson as AP correspondent in, 60, 92, 97

Nationalist defense of, 94

refugees in, 59

Shanghai Club in, 59

ST in, 58–60, 105–6

Shanghai Communiqué, 200, 355, 377

Shanghai Evening Post and Mercury, 59

Shaplen, Bob, 159

Shaplen, Elaine, 159

Sheehan, Neil, following p. 224, 328–30, 334, 360, 361

Sheehan, Susan, 329–30

Sherry, Norman, 161

Siegal, Allan, 319, 330

Sihamoni, Norodom, 277

Sihanouk, Prince Norodom: and bombing of Cambodia by South Vietnam and U.S., 253–54, 262, 264, 267

and China, 258–59, 268–69, 338, 351

coup against, by Lon Nol, 255, 268

and de Gaulle, 259–61

and diplomatic relations with U.S., 253

elephant as gift to Truman from, 244, 251–53

exile of, in Peking, 242, 269, 277

on French Union, 243

and Johnson, 259, 261, 262

and Khmer Rouge, 269, 272, 276

as king of Cambodia, 242

photograph of, following p. 224

political role of, in Cambodia, 242–43, 276–77

and Soviet Union, 258–59, 268, 269

ST’s interview with, 242–43

on Viet Minh, 243, 269

and Vietnam War, 253–54, 269

Silverstein, Louis, 321

Singapore, 282

Sino-Japanese War (1894), 353

Sioux City Journal, 84

Siwantse, China, 12–13

“Smallbridge” mediation mission, 234–41, 305

Smith, Hedrick, 330

Snow, Edgar, 4, 10, 16, following p. 110, 119–20, 325–27, 333, 346

Snow, Lois Wheeler, 325, 326

South Africa, 311

South Korea: boundary between North Korea and, 168, 180

U.S. troops stationed in, 391. See also Korean War

South Vietnam: CIA-inspired coup against Diem in, 218–19, 220, 221

creation of, 2

Diem regime of, 188, 218–19, 220

Geneva Accords on, 188

maps of, 134, 226

Potsdam Conference on, 127

and SEATO, 186–87

Vietcong in, during Vietnam War, 227–29, 239, 242, 384–85. See also Saigon; Vietnam War

Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO), 186–87, 208

Soviet Union: aid for China from, 25

censorship lifted in, 203–4

and Chinese Civil War, 22–23, 25–28, 31, 81–82, 95, 96

and Cuban missile crisis, 208–14

Cuba’s relationship with, 216–17

documentary on Kremlin in, 311

and East Germany, 190–94

and Geneva Conference on Korea and Vietnam (1954) and Geneva Accords, 185, 186, 188

and Ho Chi Minh, 131

ideological split between China and, 2, 17, 199–203, 302

and India, 378

and Korean War, 171, 172, 174, 178, 180, 181

and Manchuria, 22, 25–28, 30, 31, 81, 349, 377

Mao’s foreign policy on, 98–99, 101, 378

and nuclear test-ban treaty, 212

and Pershing missiles in Western Europe, 215

possible aggression against China by, 349, 350

possible nuclear war between China and, 17

and Sihanouk, 258–59, 268, 269

Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship, Alliance and Mutual Assistance, 101, 102, 117–18

space program of, 197, 199

spies of, 197n, 205

and Stuart’s attempts at peace settlement for Chinese Civil War, 79–82

and U-2 spy flight, 197, 201

and Vietnam War, 207–8, 229, 232–33

in World War II, 25–28. See also Khrushchev, Nikita; Moscow; Stalin, Joseph

Space program, 197, 199

Stacks, John, 323

Stalin, Joseph: and Chiang Kai-shek, 22–23, 25–28, 31

and Chinese Civil War, 22–23, 25–28, 31, 81–82, 95, 96

and de Gaulle, 393

death of, 201

and declaration of war against Japan during World War II, 25–28

and Democratic Republic of Vietnam (DRV), 102

Khrushchev on, 201–2

and Korean War, 171, 172, 178, 180, 181

and Mao Zedong, 23, 25–28, 81–82, 95, 96, 98–99, 101, 117, 172, 201–2

removal of body, from Lenin Mausoleum, 202–3

and Yalta Conference, 22–23, 25, 31. See also Soviet Union

Starr, Don, 33

Starzel, Frank, 158

State Department, U.S. See U.S. State Department

Stewart, Ian, 298

Stewart, John, 222

Stewart, Potter, 360

Stillwell, Joseph W., 9, 13, 20, 30

Stillwell, Win, 9

Stindt, Gary, following p. 224

Stone, Dana, 273

Strobel, Warren, 395

Strong, Anna Louise, 16–17

Stuart, J. Leighton: burial of, 100–101

and Communist occupation of Nanking, 94

death of, 96, 100

departure of, from Nanking, 99, 105

and French Indochina War, 87

and Huang Hua, 10–11, 95–97, 100, 101

and Mao Zedong, 98–101, 103

and Marshall, 80–81

peace mediations by, during Chinese Civil War, 80–82

photograph of, following p. 110

and Yenching University, 95–98, 100–101

Stuart, John, 100

Student demonstrations: anti–Vietnam war demonstration at Kent State, 271

in Chinese Civil War, 91

and Huang Hua, 10, 95–96

Kami in Indonesia, 281

in Tiananmen Square (1966), 306–7

in Tiananmen Square (1989), 91–92, 379–80

Subandrio, Dr., 281–84, 289, 295

Sucheng Chan, 384

Sudyono, Willi, 290

Sugigsono, Col., 287

Sugiharto, Maj. Gen., 290

Suharto, Gen., 279–81, 286–88, 294–96

Sujono, Maj., 285

Sukarno, President, 2, 223, following p. 224, 278–96

Sukarnoputri, Megawati, 296

Sulzberger, Arthur Hays, 49, 320

Sulzberger, Arthur Ochs “Punch”: and evacuation of journalists from Saigon, 382

and four-section design of New York Times, 321

Kennedy’s complaint to, about Halberstam, 219

mother of, 368

and Pentagon Papers, 331–32, 334, 345, 358

and Rosenthal appointment as managing editor of New York Times, 323–24

and Salisbury’s dispatches on Vietnam War, 313

and Cyrus Sulzberger as columnist, 312

Sulzberger, Cyrus, 49, 89, 194, 311–12

Sulzberger, Iphigene, 368

Sumitro, Gen., 288–89

Sun Fo, 87

Sun Li-jen, 30–32, 35, 35n

Sun Yat-sen, 48, 78, 87, 120

Sun Yuan-liang, 58

Supardjo, Mustafa Sjarif, 284, 285, 287, 289

Supono, 284

Suprapto, Maj. Gen., 285

Supreme Court, U.S. See U.S. Supreme Court

Suramarit, Morodom, 242

Surgical use of acupuncture anesthesia, 336–37

Sutoyo, Lt. Gen., 290

Suyin, Han, 111–12

Swain, John, 274

Sydney, William, 64–65

Sylvester, Arthur, 313

Syria, 391

Szulc, Tad, 219

Tai Yung-kwan, 84

Taiwan: Chiang Kai-shek’s retreat to, 79, 83, 114

invasion of, by Communist forces, 96, 339, 353

massacre of Taiwanese by Chinese Nationalist troops in, 79

Nationalist Chinese occupation of, following World War II, 79

Nationalist government on, 120, 121n, 354

Potsdam and Cairo declarations on, 353

and Sino-Japanese War (1894), 353

transfer of Nationalist air force, navy, and army divisions to, 79, 83, 96

U.S. policy on, 117, 172, 182–83, 339, 349–50, 353, 355, 377

Zhou Enlai on, 352–55

T’aiyuan, China, 93

Tang En-po, 94

Tang, Nancy, 351

Tass, 365–66

Tat’ung, China, 11

Taylor, Maxwell, 227–28

Teng Chieh, 86

Tereshkova, Valentina, 199

Tet offensive, 231

Thai Nguyen, battle of, 143

Thailand, 146, 149

Thieu, Nguyen Van, 382, 383–84

Tho, Le Duc, 381

Thompson, Jane, 209, following p. 224

Thompson, Lewellyn “Tommy,” 209, 211, following p. 224

Tian Wuzhang, 72–73

Tiananmen Square demonstrations, 91–92, 306–7, 379–80

Tibet, 374–77

Time magazine, 119, 136, 137, 193, 230, 273

Tjugito, 284

Tokyo Club, 280

Topolsky, Anna, following p. 224

Topolsky, Joseph, following p. 224

Topping, Audrey Ronning: and acupuncture anesthesia in surgery, 336–37

in Angkor, 243–44

in Bangkok, 148

in Berlin, 190– 91, 194

in Bonn, 310, 311

China travels by, 73n, 304–5, 332–34, 336–39, 345–55

in Connecticut, 194

courtship and marriage of, 6, 45, 50–52, 112–13

and Deng Xiaoping, 367–68

documentaries by, 311, 332–33, 368

evacuation of, from Nanking, 45, 52

and Graham Greene, 159–61

in Hanoi, 135–36, 158–61

in Hong Kong, 112–13, 225, 297, 310

and Kennedy, 154

and Khrushchevs, 211, 212

in London, 158, 165, 167, 190

in Moscow, 195, 197–99, 202–3, 209–12

in Nanking/Nanjing, 50–52, 111, 120, 176

and newspaper article on Topping during Chinese Civil War, 64, 112

and Panikkar, 104, 180–81

parents and grandparents of, 9, following p. 224, 297, 332–33

and Pentagon Papers, 345, 346

photographs of, following p. 224

as photojournalist, 199, 211, 212, 238, 297, 304–6, 311, 326, 332–33, 337, 345, 348, 368– 69, 375

pregnancies of, and daughters’ births, 136, 145, 165, 191, 311

in Saigon, 122, 154, 158, 161, 180

in Scarsdale, N.Y., 311

sculpture by, 167, 199

and Sihanouk, 242– 43

in Tibet, 374–77

travel of, to Hong Gay, 137, 140–41

at University of British Columbia, 112

Vietnam trip by (2005), 129, 130–31, 387–89

and Zhou Enlai, 301, 326, 333, 349, 352, 367–71

Topping, Joanna, 311, 345

Topping, Karen: birth of, 165

in China as adult, 73n

in Hong Kong, 297

in London, 165

in Moscow, 198–99, 202–3, 209–10

photographs of, following p. 224

in West Berlin, 190–91

Topping, Lesley, 165, 198–99, following p. 224, 297, 368

Topping, Robin, 191, 198–99, following p. 224, 297

Topping, Seymour: Associated Press hiring of, 2, 49–50

books by, 9, 327, 388, 403

Council on Foreign Relations fellowship offered to, 158

courtship and marriage of, 6, 45, 50–52, 112–13

and daughters’ births, 145, 165, 191, 311

education of, 4, 6, 9, 325

grandchildren of, 73n

and International News Service, 2, 6, 7, 33, 49

novels by, 9

overview of journalistic career of, 1–3, 5–6

parents of, 51, following p. 224

photographs of, following pp. 110 and 224

on Pulitzer Prize board, 361, 396–97

salary of, 6, 49, 195

in World War II, 3–6. See also Associated Press (AP); Chinese Civil War; New York Times; Pentagon Papers; and specific countries and cities

Topping, Susan: birth of, 145

in China, 148, 158, 367–68

in Hong Kong, 297

and John Kennedy, 155

in London, 165

in Moscow, 198–99, 202–3, 209–10

photographs of, following p. 224

in West Berlin, 190

and Zhou Enlai, 367–68

Toronto Globe and Mail, 342

Tran Van Giau, 129

Transcription of Chinese language, 399–401

Treaty of Shimonoseki (1895), 353

Trinh, Nguyen Duy, 239

Trudeau, Pierre, 105, 367, 368

Truman, Harry: and atomic bombs dropped on Japan, 3

and Chinese Civil War, 7, 18–20, 31, 48, 69, 78, 80, 96, 117, 118, 156, 172

elephant as gift from Sihanouk to, 244–53

and French Indochina War, 102, 124–27, 132, 146, 329, 393, 394

and Ho Chi Minh, 102, 130–31, 388, 390

and Korean War, 170, 172–75, 179, 180

and Mao Zedong, 19–20, 23, 99, 102, 117–18, 390–91

and Soviet involvement against Japan in World War II, 27, 28

and Stalin’s alliance with Chiang Kai-shek, 26

and Taiwan, 117, 172, 182–83, 339, 353, 377

Tsinan, Battle of, 53, 55

Tsing-tao Daily Herald, 107

Tu Yu-ming, 35–39, 42, 55, 58, 61, 63, 69–71, following p. 110

Tu Yueh-sheng, 60

Tuchman, Barbara, 21, 23, 317

U Nu, Premier, 149

U Thant, 234

U-2 spy flight, 197, 201

Ulbricht, Walter, 192

United Nations: and Cambodia, 276

and Chinese forces in Burma, 150

and Communist China, 11, 105, 172

and Indonesia, 279, 280, 282

and Korean War, 169, 171, 174, 178, 180

and second Iraq War, 395

and Taiwan, 353

and Vietnam War, 222, 234

United Press, 33, 253

United States. See Chinese Civil War; French Indochina War; Korean War; National security; Vietnam War; specific presidents and government agencies

U.S. Air Force, 27–29, 33–34, 38, 148, 178

U.S. Army Observer Group, 14, 15, 20–23, 72

U.S. Defense Department, 42, 185, 192, 328, 358

U.S. Marines: and Chinese Civil War, 59, 70, 87

and Korean War, 174, 175, 177–78, 180

and surrender of Japanese at end of World War II, 107

and Vietnam War, 229, 230, 381–83

U.S. National Security Council (NSC), 146, 170

U.S. Navy, 59, 96, 394

U.S. State Department: and bombing of Cambodia, 265, 267, 268

and burial of Stuart in Hangzhou, China, 100

China specialists in, 34n, 119, 155, 325

and CIA operation in Burma, 149

criticisms of, over outcome of Chinese Civil War, 119, 155

on domino theory, 126

and elephant as gift to Truman from Sihanouk, 244–52

and French Indochina War, 153–54

Gullion and XYZ mission for, 222

and Mao’s interest in cooperation with U.S., 23

and possible coalition government between Chiang and Mao, 21

and Stuart’s peace mediations during Chinese Civil War, 81–82

and Stuart’s proposed exploratory talks with Mao and Zhou, 97–99, 101, 103

and Taiwan, 117

and U.S. recognition of Communist China, 117–18

and Vietnam War, 233, 234–35, 237–38, 313, 316

White Paper on China by, 18, 19, 118–19, 352

U.S. Supreme Court, 358–61

University of Missouri, 4, 5, 107, 325

Untung, Lt. Col., 284–86, 289

UP. See United Press

Urquhart, Robert, 59

Vance, Cyrus, 360

Vang Pao, 384

Vecchio, Mary Ann, 271

Veit, Ivan, 331

“Vesuvius” operation, 261–64, 267

Viet Minh: and Bao Dai, 131–32

bombing of Saigon by, 122–23, 152

in Cambodia, 243, 244

and China frontier, 135–47, 170

Chinese advisers to, 102–3, 155, 163, 171

as Communist, 164

de Lattre on strategy against, 153

and death of Peter Dewey, 129

and Dien Bien Phu battle, 163, 184–85, 188

and Geneva Accords (1954), 188

and Giap, 38, 103, 133, 142–44, 147, 163

and Hoa Binh offensive by de Lattre, 160–63

and Nationalist Chinese troops, 116

and Phat Diem episode, 159

and protracted war strategy, 131, 225, 227

and purge of Ho Chi Minh’s opponents, 133

U.S. support for French against, 125

weapons for, 124, 135–36, 142–43, 163

during World War II, 130. See also French Indochina War

Vietcong: attack on Pleiku by, 228–29

in Cambodia, 253–55, 258, 261–64

and Du Co battle, 255–56

in South Vietnam, 227– 31, 239, 242, 384–85

victory of, 384–85. See also Vietnam War

Vietnam: Bao Dai’s regime in, 125, 126, 131–32, 146, 152–55, 218, 384, 394

China as traditional enemy of, 170–71

free market economy in, 388

French “Road of Death” in, 134, 136–41

Geneva Accords (1954) and partition of, 188

Greene’s Quiet American on, 160

Ho Chi Minh and independence for, 129–31, 133

Japanese rule of, during World War II, 128, 131

Kennedy brothers in, during early 1950s, 2, 151–52, 154–57, 218, 222, 223–24

Le Duan as successor to Ho Chi Minh in, 385, 388

maps of, 134, 226

political assassinations and executions in, 123, 133

Potsdam Conference on, 127

refugees from, 385

Toppings’ return to, in 2005, 129, 130–31, 387–89

U.S. relations with, in twenty-first century, 388–89

war between China and (1979), over Paracel Islands, 171. See also Ho Chi Minh; North Vietnam; South Vietnam; Vietnam War

Vietnam Study Task Force, 328–29. See also Pentagon Papers

Vietnam War: Agent Orange used during, 234

antiwar movement during, 269, 271, 334, 361, 386–87

bombing of Cambodia by U.S. during, 241, 242, 253–54, 256, 262, 264–73, 391–92

bombing of North Vietnam by U.S. during, 206, 222, 227–30, 232, 233–34, 238, 239–41, 256, 257, 312–14, 328, 391–92

and Canada, 234–35

casualties of, 228–29, 230, 233, 257, 270–73, 312–14, 316, 383–84, 386, 388, 392

cease-fire during, 381

cessation of bombing of North Vietnam by U.S., 240

and China, 189, 207, 232–33, 377–78, 385

Communist victory in, 381–85

compared with U.S. invasion of Iraq (2003), 392, 393, 395

de Gaulle on, 208, 260–61

and domino theory, 126, 146, 393

Duc Co battle during, 256–57

Emerson’s reporting on, 324

fall of Saigon to North Vietnamese during, 381–85

“Five O’clock Follies” briefings during, 386

Flaming Dart reprisals in, 229

Four Points as precondition for peace negotiations in, 222, 236, 237, 240

and Green Berets, 218, 221

and Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, 394, 395

Halberstam’s critique of, 219

and Ho Chi Minh, 38, 207–8

invasion of Cambodia by U.S. and South Vietnamese forces, 269–71, 351

and Johnson, 222, 224, 227–29, 231–34, 238, 240, 256, 317, 329, 391–92, 394

journalists killed or missing during, 272–73, 386

and John Kennedy, 157, 206, 207–8, 218–19, 221–23, 329

and Robert Kennedy, 222–24

and Khrushchev, 208

and Kissinger, 381, 382

and McNamara, 126–27, 229, 232, 238, 240–41, 393

news media during, 386–87, 394–95

and Nixon, 24, 241, 242, 265–73, 381, 391–92

North Vietnamese troops and Vietcong in Cambodia during, 253–56, 258, 261–65, 267, 268

number of American soldiers in, 229

Operation Rolling Thunder during, 229–32

Paris Peace Talks on, 269, 329

refugees following, 385

Salisbury’s reporting on, 312–18

“Smallbridge” mediation mission during, 234–41, 305

and Soviet Union, 207–8, 229, 232–33

ST views on, 225, 227, 228

Tet offensive during, 231

Vietcong attack on Pleiku, 228–29

Vietcong in South Vietnam during, 227–31, 239, 242, 384–85

weapons used in, 208, 232–34, 263–64

and Westmoreland, 225, 227, 229–31, 254, 263, 386. See also Cambodia; French Indochina War; Pentagon Papers

Vorster, John, 311

Vu Xuan Hong, 388–89

Walker, Walton, 179–80

Wall Street Journal, 21, 347, 396, 397

Walter, Andrew G., 374

Wang Ching-wei, 47

Wang Dongxing, 373

Wang Guangmei, 308–9

Wang Hongwen, 373

Wang Pingnan, 104

Wang Village, China, 181

Ward, Angus, 38, 118

Washington Post, 314, 330, 359, 360, 363, 382, 396, 397

Wastin, Andre, 136–37

Watergate scandal, 362–64

Watts, William, 267

Wedemeyer, Albert C., 20–23, 81

Wei Guoqing, 142, 163

Wei Li-huang, 38–39, 41–43

Weill, Kurt, 191

Welles, Benjamin, 33

Welles, Cynthia, 33

Wenhui Bao, 302

West Berlin. See Berlin

West Germany. See Germany

Westlein, Meme, 368

Westlein, Richard, 368

Westmoreland, William, 225, 227, 229–31, 254, 263, 264, 386

White, William, 261–62

Whitney, Craig, 387

Whittlesey, Henry C., 14

Wibhawa, Col., 290

Wicker, Tom, 220

Willoughby, Charles, 5, following p. 110, 169, 170, 176, 178

Wilson, Harold, 238

World War II: atom bombs during, 3–4

bombing by Allies during, 272, 313

Burma campaign during, 30, 35, 42

Chennault in, 57n

and Chiang Kai-shek, 9

Peter Dewey in, 128

MacArthur in, 5

Soviet Union’s declaration of war against Japan during, 25–28

ST in, 3–6

surrender of Japanese forces during, 107, following p. 110

Wu Faxian, 365–66

Wu Han, 302, 373

Wu Hua-wen, 53, 55

Wu, K. C., 60

Wu Shao-chou, 63

Xinhua (Chinese news agency), 109, 298, 304

Xuzhou Daily, 73n

Yalta Conference, 22–23, 25, 31

Yang Kaihui, 376

Yang, Mr., 347

Yang Su, 374

Yani, Achmad, 281–82, 284–85, 294

Yao Dengshan, 341–42, 346

Yao Wenyuan, 302, 373

Yao Yanliu, 334

Ye Jianying, 7, 366, 373

Ye Qun, 355, 366

Yeh, George, 86

Yen Hsi-shan, 93

Yenan, 10, 13–29, 33, 38, 300, 301

Yenching University, 10, 95–98, 100–101

Yevtushenko, Yevgeny, 199

Yi Shih Pao, 92

Young, David R., Jr., 363, 364

Yugoslavia, 81, 101

Yuhoyono, Susilo Bambang, 296

Zeigler, Ronald, 267

Zeng Gelin, 26

Zhang Chunqiao, 370, 373

Zhao Ziyang, 379–80

Zhou Enlai: and American ping-pong team in China, 326, 338

and Audrey Topping, 301, 333, 349, 352, 367–71

and border dispute with India, 234

and Chen Yi, 339, 356

and Chinese Civil War, 10–11, 17, 18, 28–29, 81, 301

and Cultural Revolution, 304, 338, 340–41, 350, 355, 356, 371, 376

death and memorial service of, 309, 371–72

demonstrations honoring memory of, 372

and Deng Xiaoping, 309, 367–68, 370–71, 376

and Dulles, 168

and executions of counter-revolutionaries, 109

as folk hero after death, 372, 376

and founding of People’s Republic of China, 96

Gang of Four’s plot against, 373

and Geneva Conference on Korea and Vietnam (1954) and Geneva Accords, 168, 185, 188, 189, 333, 351, 391

health problems of, 368, 369–71

and Huang Hua, 95, 343

and Indonesia, 282–83

interpreters for, 351

and Kissinger, 349–50

and Korean War, 172–75, 178, 180, 181

and Li Tsung-jen, 121n

and Lin Biao, 27, 367

and Lin Liguo’s assassination plot against Mao Zedong, 366

and Malaysia, 282

Mao’s relationship with, 303, 355–56

and Nixon, 355, 377, 391

and Panikkar, 103

on Pentagon Papers, 352, 362

photographs of, following p. 224, 326, 333

and Ronning, 51, 168, 301, 333, 338, 349, 352, 367–71

and Roosevelt, 20–22

safeguarding of Chinese heritage by, 356, 371

and Sihanouk, 268

and Sino-Soviet split, 201, 203

Snow’s interviews with, 325–26, 346

and social events in Great Hall of the People, 269, 301, 326, 333, 338, 341, 349, 351–55

ST’s interview with, 311, 332–34, 347–48, 351–54

ST’s view of, 371

and Stuart, 97–99

on Taiwan, 352–55

and U.S. Army Observer Group, 23

and U.S. recognition of Communist China, 96

and Vietnam War, 189, 232, 268

Zhou Sufei, 16

Zhu De, 15–17, 44, 66, 83, following p. 110, 179, 340

Zhu Qiusheng, 369–70

Ziegler, Ron, 363

Zorthian, Barry, 227–28