
Page numbers refer to the print edition.

Abie’s Irish Rose, 151

abolitionists, 36, 78

abortion, 87

abstinence, 176

Across to Singapore, 128

An Act for the Suppression of Trade in, and Circulation of, Obscene Literature and Articles of Immoral Use. See Comstock Act of 1873

Adams, John, 33

addiction, drug, 187

adultery: Beecher-Tilton affair as, 78–79; in colonial America, 5, 22–23, 218n35; and consent, 23; in Lady Chatterley’s Lover, 161–62; in post-Revolutionary America, 31, 49–51, 54; in post–World War II America, 165

advice books for teens, 47–49

Affordable Care Act, 176

African Americans: and alcohol drinking and drunkenness, 16–17; and civil rights, 238n51; and drug abuse, 176–83, 212; and interracial sex and marriage, 163–64; and mandatory minimum sentences, 177–82; in movies, 126–29, 135–36, 231n213; and vice between World Wars, 106–10; and vice in colonial America, 13, 16–17, 19, 22, 217n21; and vice in post–Civil War America, 60–61, 66–67; and vice in post-Revolutionary America, 34, 42, 58, 60–61, 66–68; and vice in post–World War II America, 163–64, 176–83

After the Thin Man, 136

Albany Moral Society, 39

alcohol drinking and drunkenness: addiction to, 109; among African Americans, 16–17; in colonial America, 14–18; and consent, 96, 108–9; among immigrants, 95–96; and keeping of the Sabbath, 2; in post-Revolutionary America, 31–32, 38, 44–45, 53–57; in post–World War II America, 155, 178–79; between World Wars, 108–10. See also Prohibition

Alcoholics Anonymous, 110

Alexander, Michelle, 178

Alfred, Lord Tennyson, 65

Allen, William C., 106–7

Alsbrook, James, 141–42

Amendments. See U.S. Constitution

American Birth Control League, 88–89

American Family Association, 155

American Psychiatric Association, 169

amphetamines, 185

Anderson, Craig, 191, 198–99, 243n19

Anderson, Margaret C., 83

Angier, Mary, 119

Annual Review of American Colored Actors, 128

Anti-Cigarette League, 104

antivice societies, 56

Arbuckle, Fatty, 232n14

Arehart-Treichel, Joan, 210

Aristotle, 1, 3

Armey, Dick, 189

Arnaz, Desi, 209

Aspects of Birth Control, 90

atomic bombs, 147

Baby Face, 135

Baker, Josephine, 140–41, 233n36

Ball, Lucille, 209

Banzhaf, John F., III, 203–4

Bartlow, Jeff, 190

bathing suits, 115–18, 147–50, 175, 235n5

“bath salts,” 240n82

battered wives, 209–10

Bazile, Leon M., 164

Beckett, Wendy, 189

Beecher, Henry Ward, 78–79

beer, 91, 93

behavioral science, 49–52, 64–65

benefit of clergy, 35, 220n12

Ben Hur, 132

berdache, 222n46

Bestia, 130–31

Bettelheim, Bruno, 193, 195–96

bikinis, 147–50, 175, 235n5

Bill of Rights, 30–31, 33, 37, 70

birth control, 6, 87–90, 93–94, 136, 172, 175–76, 210, 230n20

The Birth of a Nation, 127, 129, 231n213

Blackbirds, 140

blasphemy, 35, 105, 236n26

Bloomer, Amelia, 114

bloomers, 114–18

Body of Liberties (Massachusetts, 1641), 31

Boggs Act of 1951, 179

Boone, Daniel, 53

Booth, Martin, 65

bootleggers, 17–18

booze. See alcohol drinking and drunkenness

Bowers v. Hardwick, 169–70

bowling, 18–19

Boxer Rebellion, 63

boxing, 20, 100–101, 130, 217n28

boycotts of movies, 132

Bradford, William, 26–27, 219n47, 219n51

Brady, William, 178–79

Breen, Joseph, 135

Briegleb, Gustav, 124–25

brothels. See prostitution

Broughton, Jack, 100

Brown, Julia, 41

Brownson, Orestes, 55–56, 223n75

Brown v. Board of Education, 238n51

Bryan, Frederick, 162

burlesque, 137–46, 151, 155

Burnap, George W., 47–49, 52

Burr, Aaron, 20–21

Burstyn, Joseph, 161

Byers, Calvin, 193

Cagney, James, 135

Calhoun, John C., 43–44, 47

Call Off Your Old Tired Ethics (COYOTE), 207

cancer, 197–98, 200, 203, 243n26

candy-flavored cigarettes, 243n30

Cantor, Eddie, 120

card games, 18

Carnagey, Nicholas, 191

carriage riding, 32

carriage tax, 32, 220n3

Carroll, Earl, 140, 143–45, 151

cartoon violence, 3–4

Cary, Virginia, 48–49, 52, 55

castration, 31

Catholic Film Society, 125

Catholic Holy Name Society, 145

Catholics: and bikinis, 148; and birth control, 89–90, 94; and drug abuse, 111; and homosexuality, 170; and interracial sex and marriage, 237n33; and pornography, 189; and Prohibition, 96; and teen pregnancy and sex education, 172–73; and temperance movement, 56–57, 223n75; and tobacco smoking, 10; and vice in movies and theatrical performances, 124–25, 132–36, 144–45; and violent comic books, 194

CAT scans, 199

censorship, 81–87, 101, 123–26, 129–35, 161, 231n7, 232nn15–16

Cerf, Bennett, 86

Chester, John, 39

Child Online Protection Act of 1998, 156

child pornography, 156

Chinese Americans, 59, 62–66, 127–29, 136, 178, 186, 204, 211–12

Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, 63

Christian Coalition, 155

Christian Crusade, 173

Christiansen, Richard, 4

Christie, Chris, 182–83

Church, Brooke Peters, 192

Church Federation, 143–44, 150–51

cigarettes, 1, 6, 10, 102–4, 197–204, 243n30. See also tobacco smoking

Civil Rights Act of 1964, 177, 208

civil rights movement, 179

Civil War, 57–58

The Clansman, 127

Clinton, Bill, 156, 170, 183–84

Clinton, Hillary, 183–84

Coca Cola, 185

cocaine, 2, 65–67, 112, 178–82, 185–86, 197

cock fights, 99

Cohan, George M., 151

Colbert, Stephen, 200

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 65

Colgate, Samuel, 79

Collins, Joseph, 85–86

Collins, Wilkie, 65

Columbine High School, 190–91, 242n16

comic books, 193–95

Commission on Pornography, 158

Communications Decency Act of 1996, 156

Communism, 173–74

The Compleat Sportsman (Jacob), 99

Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970, 177–78

Comstock, Anthony, 77–83, 87–88, 144, 175

Comstock Act of 1873, 80–84, 88–90, 131, 155–57

Confessions of an English Opium-Eater (De Quincey), 65

Connecticut Society for the Promotion of Good Morals, 38

consensual violence, 20, 53, 100

consent: and adultery, 23; and alcohol drinking and drunkenness, 96, 108–9; and boxing, 100; and child pornography, 156; and drug abuse, 187; and Hamilton-Burr duel, 21; and homosexuality, 98, 165; and movies, 125; power of, 23, 214; and striptease, 154; and theatrical performances, 143, 234n42; and tobacco smoking, 202–3; and violent entertainment, 99–100

contraception. See birth control

Controlled Substances Act of 1970, 185

Corio, Ann, 140–41

cosmetics, 106

A Counter-Blaste to Tobacco (James I), 9–10

COYOTE (Call Off Your Old Tired Ethics), 207

crack cocaine, 179–82, 187, 241n82

Crafts, Wilbur, 131, 232n16

Crane, George, 167

Crawford, Joan, 134

cross-dressing, 97

Crothers, Thomas, 69

cursing, 20, 28

The Cyclopedia of Temperance, Prohibition, and Public Morals, 95

dancing, 107–8

Dandridge, Ray G., 141–42

darts, 18

Davis, Kingsley, 206–7

Dawson, Jonas, 217n28

death penalty, 22, 31

debtor’s prison, 15

Democratic Party, 90, 183

Dennett, Mary Ware, 5, 90, 101

De Quincey, Thomas, 65

designer drugs, 184–87

dice, 18

Diggs, Rebecca, 115

Dilley, Hannah, 25

dipsomania, 109

divorce, 25, 218n42, 232n16

Dixon, Thomas F., Jr., 127

The Doctor Looks at Literature (Collins), 85–86

dog fighting, 100

domestic violence, 5–6, 209–10, 244n42

Donnerstein, Ed, 190

Douglas, Stephen A., 74

Dow, Neal, 96–97

drug abuse, 63–69, 111, 176–83, 197–99, 204, 207–13, 240n82. See also specific drugs

drug paraphernalia, 91

Drums Along the Mohawk, 129

drunkenness. See alcohol drinking and drunkenness

Du Bois, W. E. B., 60–61, 107–8

dueling, 20–22, 217n30, 218n32

Durante, Jimmy, 120

Eastland, James, 162

Eckerd Drug Stores, 185

Edmunds Act of 1882, 74

Edwin Meese Center for Legal and Judicial Studies, 181

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 165

Elkins, Tice, 148

emotional growth, five sexual stages of, 167

empowerment of women, 208–12

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 209

Essays on Sex, 90

eugenics, 89

Evans, John, 40

Evans, Polly, 40

Evarts, Jeremiah, 45

excise taxes, 32, 220n3

Executive Order 10450, 165

Exon, James, 155–56

Fairness Doctrine, 203–4

fairy tales, 192–93

false modesty, 50

fan dancing, 139

Fanny Hill, 39

The Farce of the Citizen, 30

farting, public, 62

fashions, 25, 48–49, 113–19

Feats of Activities, 38

Federalist Party, 33

Federated Women’s Clubs, 124

female independence, 51

films. See vice(s) in movies

flappers, 105–6

Flesh and Devil, 132

Flowers, Gennifer, 183

Foote, Edward B., 113

fornication, 23, 25, 171

Fort, Joel, 197–98

Forty-Second Street Property Owners’ Association, 145

Fowler, Lorenzo, 50

Fowler, Orson, 50

Frank, Barney, 169

Franklin, Benjamin, 93

Free and Equal, 126

free love, 28, 51–52, 73, 116, 172, 230n20

free speech, 129, 230n20

French Canadian immigrants, 54

gambling: in colonial America, 11, 18–19, 29; in Nevada, 75–76; in post–Civil War America, 60–62, 75–76; in post-Revolutionary America, 33

ganja, 198

Gates, Horatio, 18

General Aggression Model, 198–99

General Federation of Women’s Clubs, 106

gentlemen’s clubs, 138

Georgia, alcohol prohibition in, 14–15

Ghost Dance, 71, 225n33

GI Bill, 160–61

Gladwell, Malcolm, 181–82

Glanvil, Joseph, 11–12

gluttony, 32

Goldberg, Barbara, 211

Goldstein, Herbert S., 145

Griffith, D. W., 127

Grove Press, 162

Gynecandrical Dancing, 24

Hadden, Samuel H., 36

Hahn, Theodor, 118

Haldeman, H. R., 176

Haley, Joseph, 172

Hallam, Lewis, Jr., 37–38

Hamilton, Alexander, 21, 32

Hamilton, Eli, 35

Hammond, Matthew, 60

Hancock, John, 32–35

Harlequin Doctor, 38

Harlequin’s Frolics, 38

Harrington, Daniel, 40

Harris, Eric, 190

Harrison, Paul, 141

Harrison Narcotics Act, 69

Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 49–51, 53–56

Hays, Will, 131–35, 232n15

Heap, Jane, 83

Hefner, Hugh, 43

Hentz, Caroline Lee, 58

Hepburn, Katharine, 134

Herkimer, Johan Jost, 17–18

heroin, 2, 178–79, 181–83, 187, 240n75

Hobby Lobby, 176

Hoffman, Connie, 163

Hoffman, Frederick L., 59–60, 67

Holmes, Sherlock, 65

Holy Name Society, 145

homosexuality: and Catholics, 170; in colonial America, 22; and moral reformers, 98–99; in movies, 2–3, 132, 215n2; among Native Americans, 45–46, 72, 222n46; in post-Revolutionary America, 31, 45–46, 222n46; in post–World War II America, 238n50

honor, 21–22

Hookers’ Ball, 207

Hookers’ Film Festival, 207

Hopper, Hedda, 2

Houston, Sam, 21, 46–47

Hubert, Mrs. P. G., 124

Huckleberry Finn (Twain), 104

Hudson, Rock, 2–3, 215n

Hughes, Langston, 234n42

Huss, Magnus, 109

Hyles, Jack, 173–74

Hylton v. United States, 152, 220n3

Ickes, Harold, 109

idleness, 11, 19, 33

I Love Lucy, 209

immigrants: and alcohol drinking and drunkenness, 95–96; French Canadian, 54; Irish, 53–57; Jewish, 88–89, 106, 124–25, 144–45, 237n33; Mexican, 110–13; in post–Civil War America, 62–64; in post-Revolutionary America, 33–34, 52–57; and prostitution, 62; and vice in movies, 123–25; and vice in theatrical performances, 144; between World Wars, 105–6

indecent exposure, 115, 120, 139, 147, 231n32

industrialization, 47, 52–57, 68–69, 118

intemperance, 33, 55–56, 58. See also alcohol drinking and drunkenness

Internet pornography, 155–56

interracial marriage, 163–64, 237n33

interracial sex, 24, 43, 163–64

Irish immigrants, 53–57, 105–6

Jacob, Giles, 99

James I, King of England, 9–11, 216n2

jazz music, 106–8

Jefferson, Thomas, 31, 33, 129

Jelliffe, Smith Ely, 98

Jenkins, Walter, 165–66

Jenness, Valerie, 207

Jewish immigrants, 88–89, 106, 124–25, 144–45, 237n33

Joe Camel, 202, 204

John Birch Society, 173

Johnson, Lyndon, 165

Johnston, Eric, 215n

Joint Committee for the Promotion and Protection of Art and Literature, 84

Jones, Aaron, 100

Jones, Paula, 183

Joyce, James, 83–87, 160

juggling, 1, 11–12, 28, 42

Kandyland, 154

Kefauver, Estes, 195

Kendrick, William, 5

King Turd, 160

Kinsey, Alfred, 166–67

Kitty Kat Lounge, 153

Klebold, Dylan, 190

Know Nothing Party, 89

Ku Klux Klan, 127

Ladova, Rosalie, 117

Lady Chatterley’s Lover (Lawrence), 160–62, 236n26, 237n30

Laidlaw, Robert W., 166–67

Lane, H. E., 119

lap dancing, 154

laudanum, 65, 68–69, 203–4, 211–12

Lausche, Frank, 162

Lawrence, D. H., 160, 236n26

Lawrence v. Texas, 169–70

Lebensreform (Life Reform), 118

A Lecture on Heads, 37–38

Lectures to Young Men (Burnap), 48

Lee, Gypsy Rose, 140–41

Legion of Decency, 135, 161

leprosy, 62

Leslie, Lew, 140, 151

Letournel, Joanne, 141

Letters on Female Character (Cary), 48

levity, 33

Lewis, Dio, 97

LGBTQ, 170–71

Librium, 204–5

licentiousness, 5, 26, 34, 46

Life Reform (Lebensreform), 118

Lincoln, Abraham, 75–76

liquor. See alcohol drinking and drunkenness

literature, obscene, 83–87

Little Caesar, 135

Little Mothers’ Association, 172

Little Review, 83

living pictures, 139–40

Lord, Daniel, 134–35

lotteries, 29

Louisiana Purchase, 33–34

Love Rights of Women, 90

Loving, Mildred Jeter, 164

Loving, Richard, 164

Loving v. Virginia, 164

Loy, Myrna, 136

LSD, 178

Lucky Strikes, 103

Lyerly, D. K., 67

MacLaine, Shirley, 151

MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving), 194

Magdalen Facts, 171–72

mandatory minimum sentences, 177–82

Mann Act of 1910, 82–83

Manousos, Demetrius, 172

Manslaughter, 132

Marbury v. Madison, 220n3

marijuana, 2, 111–13, 178, 182, 184–86, 189, 197–200

Mary Lyndon (Nichols), 50–51, 134–35

Mason, Perry, 5

Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Vice, 38

Mather, Cotton, 12, 14, 16, 26

Mather, Increase, 24

Mathew, Theobald, 57

Mattachine Society, 166

Maule, Frances, 208

Maurstad, Tom, 190

May-pole dancing and drinking, 26

McCaffrey, Joseph, 151

McCarthy, J. J., 69

McCool, Mike, 100

McDonald, William, 99

McKay, Claude, 142–43

McLaughlin, Dewey, 163

Meese, Edwin, 157–58

Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure, 39

Memoirs v. Massachusetts, 159

Men Who Have Made Love to Me, 130–31

methamphetamines, 185–87, 241n82

Mexican immigrants, 110–13

Miller, Adeline, 41

Miller, Henry, 160, 163

Miller v. California, 159

Miltown, 204–5

Minsky, Morton, 233n28

Minsky’s Burlesque, 137–38, 143–44, 151

The Miracle, 236n26

Monroe, Marilyn, 159

The Moonstone (Collins), 65

moral myths. See myths about vice

moral reformers. See vice(s) and moral reformers

Morgan, J. P., 79, 87

Mormons, 73–75

morphine, 68–69, 112, 178

Morrill Act of 1862, 74

Morton, Thomas, 26–28, 219n47, 219n51

Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), 194

Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA), 131

Motion Picture Production Code, 2–3, 135–36, 161, 215n2, 233n20

Mount Wollaston settlement, 52

movies. See vice(s) in movies

Mrs. Warren’s Profession, 82

Mumford, John, 42

Muni, Paul, 135

Mutual v. Ohio, 129

mythinformation, 196–200

myths about vice: and Asians, 128; in colonial America, 21, 25–26; and drug abuse, 179; and homosexuality, 98; and Mexican Americans and marijuana, 113; and Native Americans, 108–9; in post–Civil War America, 62, 66–67, 69; in post-Revolutionary America, 31, 41, 53, 55; and Prohibition, 94–95, 97; and scientific mythinformation, 196–200; and synthetic drug abuse, 185; and teenage pregnancy, 173; in theatrical performances, 137–38; and tobacco smoking, 197–200; and violent entertainment, 99; between World Wars, 107–9, 111–12

Nation, Carrie, 90–94

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 67–68

National Association of the Motion Picture Industry, 130–31

National Board of Censorship of Motion Pictures, 125

National Bureau of Reform, 131

National Council of Women, 115

National Endowment for the Arts, 189

National Geographic Magazine, 156–57, 236n18

National Institute on Drug Abuse, 186

National Legion for Wholesome Literature, 194

National Police Gazette, 101

Native Americans: disproportionate punishments for vice among, 213; and homosexuality, 45–46, 72, 222n46; in movies, 127, 129, 136, 231n213; and vice between World Wars, 108–9; and vice in colonial America, 13–18, 21–22; and vice in post–Civil War America, 70–73; and vice in post-Revolutionary America, 43–47

naturalization law, 33

Nevada, gambling and prostitution in, 75–76, 225n43

New York Boxing Commission, 101

New York Public Library, 81–82

New York Society for the Suppression of Vice, 80, 87–88, 143–45, 175

Nichols, Mary Gove, 50–51

Nichols, Thomas Low, 51

nickelodeons, 123

The Night They Raided Minsky’s, 137–38

Nixon, Richard, 159, 176–80, 185

nude dancing, 152–53

Nudism in Modern Life (Parmelee), 119

nudity, public, 42–43, 118–21, 136–46, 152–55

Obama, Barack, 176

Oberndorfer, Mrs. Max, 106–7

O’Brien, David Paul, 152

O’Brien Test, 152–54

obscenity: and bikinis, 147; and birth control, 90; and bloomers, 115; and Internet pornography, 155–56; in literary novels, 83–87; in mailed literature, 77–82; in movies, 124–25, 130–31; and Playboy magazine, 158–59; in post–Civil War America, 72; in post-Revolutionary America, 39, 47; in post–World War II America, 147, 152, 155–56, 158–59, 160, 163; and public nudity, 119; and sex education, 101; Supreme Court decisions on, 4, 160, 163; in theatrical performances, 152; views on, 4–5; and Will Hays, 131–35, 232n15; between World Wars, 115, 119. See also Comstock, Anthony; Comstock Act of 1873

O’Connell, Daniel, 57, 223n75

Oglethorpe, James, 14–15

online pornography, 155–56

opium, 62–69, 112, 178, 186, 204, 211–12

Opium Exclusion Act, 64

Opium Wars, 63

orgasms, 25, 218n42

Osaw-wen-dib, 45

Oschner, Alton, 197

The Pajama Game, 151

parental controls, 156

Parent Teacher Association (PTA), 174, 194

Parmelee, Maurice, 119

Parsons, Daniel A., 113

Pavlov, Ivan, 173–74

Pavlov’s Children, 173

Peter Pan, 151

peyote, 70

Philaretes, 9–10

phrenology, 50

Phrenology (Fowler), 50

physicians and scientists, power of, 59–62, 66, 85–86, 89–90, 95–96, 104, 168, 182–85, 193–201, 208, 243n26

Physiology of Sex Life, 90

Piss Christ, 189

plaçage, 34

Plain Home Talk (Foote), 113

Planned Parenthood, 89

The Planter’s Northern Bride (Hentz), 58

Playboy, 43, 157–60

Plessy v. Ferguson, 238n51

plural marriage, 73–75. See also polygamy

The Polish Dancer, 130–31

politicians, 194–95

polygamy, 2, 73–75, 225n41

Pontiac’s Rebellion, 18, 57, 199

pornography, 38–39, 77–83, 138, 155–56, 175, 189, 236n26

Powell, William, 136

The Price of Ambition, 125

privacy, 6, 42–43, 169, 208

prizefighting. See boxing

profanity, 20, 35, 161

Prohibition, 91–97, 108–10, 154, 232n16

prostitution: and Anthony Comstock, 81–83; among Chinese immigrants, 62; in colonial America, 23, 25–26; current views and demographics of, 205–8, 211; and drug abuse, 179; and gentlemen’s clubs, 138; modern views of, 205–8; in Nevada, 75–76, 225n43; in post–Civil War America, 75–76, 225n43; in post-Revolutionary America, 39–42; in post–World War II America, 179

Protestants, 55, 89, 110–11, 124, 132–34, 144–45, 227n27, 232n16, 237n33

PTA (Parent Teacher Association), 174, 194

The Public Enemy, 135

Puritans and puritanism, 11–12, 14, 18, 22, 24–30, 95, 162, 172

Queensberry, Marquess of, 100

racism: in colonial America, 16–17; and idleness, 19; in movies, 126–28; in post–Civil War America, 59–61; in post-Revolutionary America, 42; and theatrical performances, 141

Raitt, John, 151

Raleigh, Sir Walter, 9, 216n2

Rand, Sally, 140–41, 234n36

random violence, 242n16

rape, 22, 218n35, 232n14

Raynor, John, 22

Reagan, Ronald, 157–58, 179–81

Réard, Louis, 147

Red Fox, 128

religious leaders, power of: and censorship, 162; in colonial America, 11, 19; and flappers, 106; and homosexuality, 98, 165, 167; and Margaret Sanger, 89; as moral crusaders, 79; and movies, 124, 137; in post–Civil War America, 75; in post-Revolutionary America, 35–37, 45; in post–World War II America, 162, 165, 167, 171, 173; and Prohibition, 96; and prostitution, 205; and teen pregnancy and sex education, 171, 173, 211; between World Wars, 106

Republican Party, 75–76, 159, 183–84

Richmond, Ray, 4

Ring, Fred, 119–20

Ring, Ophelia, 119–20

Robinson, Edward G., 135

Robinson, Jane, 23

Robinson, Maude, 167–68

Rodwell, William, 217n28

Roth, Samuel, 86, 160, 236n26

Roth v. United States, 4, 160

Rubin, Isadore, 174

Rugs, Margery, 23

Russell, Sylvester, 128

Sabbath, violation of, 2, 20, 28, 34–35

salacious movies, 130–36

Sally Hemings, 129

Sanchez, Adame, 113

Sandburg, Carl, 142–43

Sanford, R. A., 113

Sanger, Margaret, 87–90, 94, 116

Santorum, Rick, 6

Scalia, Antonin, 153, 192

Scandals, 140, 143

Scarface, 135

The Scarlet Letter (Hawthorne), 49–51, 54

scientists. See physicians and scientists, power of

The Secret of the Confessional, 125

Seduction of the Innocent (Wertham), 193

Serrano, Andres, 189

servility, 58

Seventy Birth Control Clinics, 90

sex, interracial, 24, 43

sex education, 5, 90, 101, 173–76

Sex Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS), 174

Sex Side of Life (Dennett), 5

sexual harassment and assault, 2, 183, 208–10

sexual vices. See specific sexual vices

Shaw, George Bernard, 82

She Done Him Wrong, 133–35

Sheehan, Lawrence, 237n33

She Strives to Conquer (Maule), 208

shiftlessness, 60

Shoemaker, John V., 64–65

shuffleboard, 1, 18

SIECUS (Sex Information and Education Council of the United States), 174

silk stockings, 105–6

Simon, Paul, 4

The Simpsons, 3–4

slaves and slavery, 13, 15–16, 24, 33–34, 43, 57–58, 180, 218n32

Smith, Charles C., 194

Smith, Robert Holbrook, 110

smoking. See tobacco smoking

social workers, 123–24

sodomy, 22, 98, 218n35, 219n47. See also homosexuality

Sokolsky, George, 168

The Souls of Black Folk (Du Bois), 60–61

Stanwyck, Barbara, 134

St. Cyr, Lili, 150

Steinem, Gloria, 158

Stewart, Potter, 4–5

Stonewall Inn, 168

Story of the Nun, 125

Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 57–58

Stranger in the Land (Thomas), 168

Strange Transgressor, 130–31

Straub, Jacques, 92

Straub’s Manual of Mixed Drinks (Straub), 92

striptease, 121, 138–46, 150–51, 154–55, 158, 234n42

The Sultan’s Wife, 130–31

Summer, John S., 175

Sun Dance, 71–72

synthetic drug abuse, 184–87

synthetic marijuana, 184–86

syphilis, 59

Tanner, John, 45–47

taxes, excise, 32, 220n3

Taylor, Henry, 73

teenage pregnancy, 171–76, 210–12

teens, advice books for, 47–49

Television Code, 135

temperance movement, 45, 56, 91–97, 114, 134. See also Prohibition

Terry, Luther, 212

THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), 184

theatrical performances. See vice(s) in theatrical performances

Thief of Bagdad, 128

The Thin Man, 136

Thomas, Alice, 26

Thomas, Ward, 168

thong bathing suits, 150

Tillman, Benjamin R., 60

Tilton, Mrs. Theodore, 78–79

Tinee, Mae, 161

Title VII of Civil Rights Act, 208

Tobacco Institute, 198

Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement, 204

tobacco smoking, 9–11, 13–14, 46, 102–4, 197–204, 243n26, 243n30

topless bathing suits, 117, 149–50

The Tragedy of Zara (Voltaire), 30

tranquilizers, 204–5

Treadway, Walter, 206

Tropic of Cancer (Miller), 160, 163

Tuttle, Sarah, 45

Twain, Mark, 104

twin beds, 136

Ulysses (Joyce), 83–87, 160

Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Stowe), 57–58

Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America, 145

unpredictability, 214

unwed mothers, 171–76

urbanization, 52–57, 68–69

U.S. Constitution: First Amendment of, 129, 132, 152–53, 158–59, 161, 189, 195, 220n12; Fifth Amendment of, 91; Eighteenth Amendment of, 96; Nineteenth Amendment of, 61, 94; Twenty-First Amendment of, 96, 108

U.S. Customs Service, 87

U.S. Postal Service, 77–83, 157, 160, 162

valued participation, 211–12

Vanities, 140, 143, 145

Venus School Mistress, 39

vice: vs. crime, 97; as empowerment, 212–14; overview of, 1–7; victories over, 200–212. See also specific vices

vice(s) and moral reformers: and alcohol drinking and drunkenness, 95–96; and Anthony Comstock, 77–83, 87–88, 144, 175; and birth control, 87–90, 93–94; and Carrie Nation, 90–94; and homosexuality, 98–99; and Margaret Sanger, 87–90, 94, 116; and obscene literature, 83–87; and obscenity in mailed literature, 77–83; and pornography, 77–83; and Prohibition, 91–97; and prostitution, 81–83; and sex education, 5, 90, 101; and temperance movement, 91–97; and violent entertainment, 99–104; and women smoking, 102–4. See also physicians and scientists, power of

vice(s) between World Wars: among African Americans, 106–10; alcohol drinking and drunkenness as, 108–10; bathing suits as, 115–18; blasphemy as, 105; bloomers as, 114–18; dancing as, 107–8; drug abuse as, 111; in fashions, 113–19; among immigrants, 105–6; indecent exposure as, 115; jazz music as, 106–8; marijuana as, 111–13; among Mexican immigrants, 110–13; among Native Americans, 108–9; overview of, 105–8; public nudity as, 118–21; punishment of, 109–10; striptease as, 121

vice(s) in colonial America: adultery as, 5, 22–23, 218n35; among African Americans, 13, 16–17, 19, 22, 217n21; alcohol drinking and drunkenness as, 14–18; bowling as, 18–19; boxing as, 20, 100–101, 130, 217n28; card games as, 18; cursing as, 20, 28; darts as, 18; dice as, 18; dueling as, 20–22, 217n30, 218n32; and enforcement of vice laws, 17–18; entertainment as, 18–30; in fashions, 25; free love as, 28; gambling as, 11, 18–19, 29; “Gynecandrical Dancing” as, 24; homosexuality as, 22; idleness as, 11, 19; interracial sex as, 24; juggling as, 1, 11–12, 28; licentiousness as, 5, 26; May-pole dancing and drinking as, 26; among Native Americans, 13–18, 21–22; profanity as, 20; prostitution as, 23, 25–26; sodomy as, 22, 218n35, 219n47; theatrical performances as, 30; tobacco smoking as, 9–11, 13–14; violation of Sabbath as, 20, 28

vice(s) in movies: and African Americans, 126–29, 135–36, 231n213; boycotts of, 133; and censorship, 123–26, 129–35, 231n7; and free speech, 129, 230n20; homosexuality as, 2–3, 215n2; and immigrants, 123–25; obscenity as, 124–25, 130–31; overview of, 123–29; salaciousness as, 130–36; self-regulation of, 130–31; and twin beds, 136; and violence, 123, 126–27, 129, 132, 135, 191–92; wife abuse as, 209, 244n42

vice(s) in post–Civil War America: among African Americans, 60–61, 66–67; drug abuse as, 63–69; gambling as, 60–62, 75–76; among immigrants, 62–64; laudanum as, 68–69, 203–4, 211–12; morphine as, 68–69; among Native Americans, 70–73; opium as, 62–69; overview of, 59–63; polygamy as, 2, 73–75, 225n41; prostitution as, 62, 75–76, 225n43; and racism, 59–61; scientific views of, 59–61; shiftlessness as, 60; and women’s rights, 61–62

vice(s) in post-Revolutionary America: adultery as, 31, 49–50, 54; and advice books for teens, 47–49; among African Americans, 34, 42, 58, 60–61, 66–68; alcohol drinking and drunkenness as, 31–32, 44–45, 53–57; and behavioral science, 49–52; blasphemy as, 35; carriage riding as, 32; false modesty as, 50; in fashions, 48–49; and female independence, 51; free love as, 51–52; gambling as, 33; gluttony as, 32; homosexuality as, 31, 45–46, 222n46; idleness as, 33; among immigrants, 33–34, 52–57; interracial sex as, 43; juggling as, 42; levity as, 33; licentiousness as, 34, 46; missionary views of, 45; among Native Americans, 43–47; overview of, 31–36; pornography as, 38–39; profanity as, 35; prostitution as, 39–42; public nudity as, 42–43; slaves and slavery as, 33–34, 57–58; theatrical performances as, 37–39, 42; tobacco smoking as, 46; and urbanization, 52–57; violation of Sabbath as, 34–35; voodoo as, 34–35, 106; as weapons in Civil War, 57–58

vice(s) in post–World War II America: adultery as, 165; among African Americans, 163–64, 176–83; alcohol drinking and drunkenness as, 155, 178–79; amphetamines as, 185; bathing suits as, 147–50, 175, 235n5; child pornography as, 156; cocaine as, 178–82, 185–86; designer drugs as, 184–87; drug abuse as, 176–83; fornication as, 171; heroin as, 178–79, 181–83, 187; homosexuality as, 165–71, 238n50; indecent exposure as, 147; interracial sex and marriage as, 163–64, 237n33; lap dancing as, 154; LSD as, 178; and mandatory minimum sentences, 177–82; marijuana as, 178, 182, 184–87; methamphetamines as, 185–87; morphine as, 178; nude dancing as, 152–55; obscenity as, 152, 156, 158–60, 163; pornography as, 155–60, 175, 236n26; profanity as, 161; public nudity as, 152–55; sexual harassment and assault as, 183; striptease as, 150–51, 154–55, 158; synthetic drug abuse as, 184–87, 240n82; teenage pregnancy as, 171–76; tobacco smoking as, 197–204

vice(s) in theatrical performances: in burlesque, 136–46; in colonial America, 30; and immigrants, 144; myths about, 137–38; in post-Revolutionary America, 37–39, 42; and racism, 141; striptease as, 121, 138–46, 150–51, 158, 234n42; and violence, 126

video games, 6, 189–93, 195–96, 198–99, 242n16

Vietnam War, 159

Violations of the Child Marilyn Monroe, 160

violence: in cartoons, 3–4; in comic books, 193–95; consensual, 20, 53, 100; domestic, 5–6, 209–10, 244n42; in movies, 123, 126–27, 129, 132, 135, 191–92; random, 242n16; in theatrical performances, 126; in video games, 6, 189–93, 195–96, 198–99, 242n16

Virginia Slims, 102

voodoo, 34–35, 106

Walker, Mary, 114–15

war on censorship, 83–84

war on drugs, 63, 178–80, 185–86

WCTU (Woman’s Christian Temperance Union), 95, 116

Weber, Henriette, 105–6

Welch, Robert, 173

Wertham, Frederic, 193, 195–96

West, Mae, 133–34

Whac-A-Mole, 4, 32, 37–38, 185

Whiskey Rebellion, 32

White, Byron, 153

White, George, 140, 143, 151

white slavery, 83

white supremacists, 164

Whitlock, Brand, 125

wife abuse, 209–10, 244n42

Williams, Edward Huntington, 66–67, 197

Wilson, William Griffith, 110

Wilson, Woodrow, 69, 106, 127

Winchell, Walter, 120

Wise, Stephen S., 125

witchcraft, 11, 34, 70, 73

Wittenmyer, Annie, 95

Wollstonecraft, Mary, 52

Woman Rebel, 88

Woman’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU), 95, 116

women’s clubs, 124

women smoking, 102–4

women’s rights, 6, 52, 61–62, 102, 114–16, 208

women’s suffrage movement, 93–94

Wong, Anna May, 128–29, 134, 192

Woodhull, Victoria, 78–79

Woodhull & Claflin’s Weekly, 78–79

Woolsey, John M., 87

Workingmen’s Party of California (WPC), 62–64

World’s Temperance Convention in New York (1854), 95

Wounded Knee Creek, 71

Wyler, William, 2–3

Yahger, Margaret, 41

Yberri, Lola, 139

The Yiddisher Cowboy, 125

YMCA, 77, 79–80, 165

Young, Brigham, 2

Zapata, Emiliano, 112

Ziegfeld, Florenz, 140, 151

Ziegfeld’s Follies, 140, 151

zoot suits, 112–13