- Acheson, Dean, 49, 84
- Adenauer, Konrad, 43
- Afghanistan
- British involvement, 44
- consequences of Soviet defeat, 198
- drone attacks, 116–17
- in the future, 167
- Soviet invasion and campaigns, 109, 193
- Trump’s attitude to, 139, 141
- and the UN, 83
- US allies in, 42, 52
- US involvement in, 117–19, 160
- war crimes, 81–2
- Africa
- wars, 107–8, 109
- see also individual countries by name
- agriculture, 90, 91–2, 93
- aid programmes, 41
- AIIB see Asian Infrastructure and Investment Bank
- al-Jaafari, Ibrahim, 115
- al Qaeda, 116, 186
- Albright, Madeleine, 76, 172
- Algeria, 83, 109
- American Service-Members’ Protection Act (ASPA; 2002), 78–9
- American War of Independence (1775–83), 192
- Angola, 109
- anti-communism, 50, 52, 108–9
- anti-Semitism, 147
- appeasement, 171–5
- Applebaum, Anne, 44–5
- Arab Spring revolutions, 9, 75, 160
- arms control see missile control; nuclear weapons
- Asia
- current battle for hegemony, 160
- in the future, 164, 180, 182, 183–7, 189–92, 193–4
- Mao’s acknowledgement of US primacy, 106
- US encouragement of economies, 92
- US pursuit of dominance, 123–4
- wars, 108, 109–10
- see also individual countries by name
- Asian Infrastructure and Investment Bank (AIIB), 163, 167
- ASPA see American Service-Members’ Protection Act
- Athenian empire, 5, 13, 134
- Atlantic Charter (1941), 31
- Augustus (formerly Octavian), Roman emperor, 69, 70
- Australia, 12–13, 91–2, 163, 175, 185
- Bales, Robert, 81–2
- Balkans
- NATO’s expansion into, 178
- NATO’s involvement in conflicts, 46, 80, 82
- termination of conflicts, 73, 87
- US involvement in conflicts, 52, 124
- Baltic states, 188
- Bangladesh, 73, 107, 109
- Bay of Pigs (Cuba), 41, 179
- Belgrade embassy bombing (1989), 124
- Belt and Road Initiative, 163, 167–8, 185
- Biden, Joseph, 8, 79
- Bikini Atoll, 57
- biological weapons, 86
- Blair, Tony, 74, 112
- Bolton, John, 101, 138
- Bonin Islands, 87
- Boot, Max, 18, 58, 70, 166
- Bosnia, 52, 124
- Brazil, 77
- Bremer, Paul, 114
- Bretton Woods financial settlement, 31
- Brexit, 9, 44, 63
- Britain
- and AIIB, 163
- Brexit, 9, 44, 63
- and consolidation of liberal order concept, 31
- and free trade, 89
- and Iraq War, 112
- original place in post-war era, 83–4
- and rules-based order, 12
- and Second World War, 173–5, 176, 192–3
- Suez crisis, 2
- and Syria, 19, 79
- US post-war weakening of, 84–5
- US relations with, 4, 43–4, 57, 180
- Brzezinski, Zbigniew, 52, 70
- Bull, Hedley, 4, 29
- Bundy, McGeorge, 74, 111
- Burns, Nicholas, 43
- Bush, George H. W., 36, 92
- Bush, George W.
- and compromise, 75
- and free trade, 93–4
- and imperialism, 22, 27–8, 49
- and Iraq, 112, 114, 115, 125
- and militarism, 145
- relationship with Blair, 74
- and Russia, 125, 126
- system’s constraints on his actions, 142
- Byrnes, James, 102
- Cairns Group of Fair Trading Nations, 91
- Cambodia, 109, 110
- Cameron, David, 79
- Campbell, Kurt, 51
- Canada, 175
- capitalism see economics and finance
- Carr, E. H., 33, 121
- Carter, Ashton, 42–3, 79–80
- Castro, Fidel, 18
- Chagos Islands, 57
- Chamberlain, Neville, 173
- Chechnya, 83
- chemical weapons, 19, 79, 95–6
- Cheney, Dick, 113
- Chile, 77
- China
- behaviour as reaction to that of USA, 122–4
- Civil War, 109
- Clinton’s attitude to
- conversion to market economy, 41, 42
- economic model, 90–1
- and free trade, 88, 93, 150–1
- as illiberal state, 9, 36
- and India and Turkey, 168
- and Indonesia, 155
- and land grabs, 57
- likely behaviour as hegemon, 28
- Ming dynasty, 27
- Nixon’s agreement with, 106–7, 124, 198
- Roosevelt’s attitude to, 84
- and rule of law, 82
- self-mythologizing in, 202
- as threat, 177, 239
- Trump’s attitude to, 140
- US relations with, 51, 73, 106–7, 120, 124, 160, 178, 198
- US relations in the future, 163, 167, 180, 182–3, 184–7, 189–92, 193, 194
- Chirac, Jacques, 82
- Christianity vs Machiavellianism, 157–9
- Churchill, Winston, 31, 102, 174–5
- CIA, 41–2, 52
- Clifford Memorandum (1946), 85–6
- climate change, 129, 133
- Clinton, Bill
- attitude to China, 151
- and free trade, 93
- and international institutions, 78
- and Iraq, 112
- and the liberal order, 40
- on power politics, 36
- and Russia, 126, 127
- system’s constraints on his actions, 142
- Clinton, Hillary
- and ASPA, 79
- and free trade, 150
- presidential campaign, 131
- on Qaddafi’s death, 70–1
- romantic view of US history, 17–18, 40
- and spheres of influence, 37
- Cold War
- defining super-enemies, 51–2
- financing, 168–9
- number of US military interventions, 104
- rhetoric, 49–50, 52
- spheres of influence, 103
- US compromises, 74
- US conduct, 85–6, 92
- US containment of Soviet Union, 52, 73
- US strategy document (NSC 68), 170–1
- communism see anti-communism
- Congo, Democratic Republic of, 107–8
- Contras, 41
- Cooper, Robert, 68
- corruption, 148–9
- Cotton, Tom, 146
- coups and regime change
- courts, 78–9, 81–2
- Crawford, Neta C., 236
- Crimea, 9, 37, 44, 100, 178, 187
- Cuba
- Bay of Pigs, 41, 179
- missile crisis, 98
- and Soviet Union, 100
- Trump’s attitude to, 139
- US relations with, 18, 54–5, 103
- Czechoslovakia, 175
- Daalder, Ivo, 40, 43, 45–6, 66–7
- Daewoo, 90
- Darius I, Persian emperor, 27
- Dayton Accords (1995), 87
- democracy
- as aim of Iraq War, 113, 114
- expansion as future goal, 182
- and the liberal order, 23, 28, 32, 41
- liberal order’s compromises, 74–5
- Diego Garcia, 57
- dissent, liberal attitude to, 62–5, 132
- Dominican Republic, 100
- drones, 57–8, 101–2, 116–17, 139, 141
- Dulles, John Foster, 43, 49–50
- economic sanctions, 6, 76, 120, 177–8, 188
- economics and finance
- Bretton Woods, 31
- China’s conversion to market economy, 41, 42
- crisis of capitalism, 133–4
- dollar’s rise, 84–5, 88
- failure of US policies, 161
- future fiscal correction, 196
- global crisis, 38
- liberal order control mechanisms, 31–2, 41
- liberal order and inequality, 133–4, 147–9
- post-war economic orders, 88–94
- in post-war Iraq, 114
- Russian move to free markets, 38, 88–9
- Trump’s attitude compared to that of liberal order, 147–52, 165, 169
- US coercion of European policy, 43
- US current fiscal strain, 153, 164–6, 167–70
- US post-war wealth, 162
- US public attitude to, 197
- wealth shift from West to East, 162–3
- see also trade, free
- Economist, The, 19
- Egypt, 75, 77
- Eisenhower, Dwight D., 2, 52, 85, 103, 168
- elections, interference in
- Erdoğan, Recep Tayyip, 177
- espionage, 76–7
- Ethiopia, 109
- euphemisms, 1–3, 69–70
- Europe
- European Reassurance Initiative, 120
- European Union
- and free trade, 90, 91, 93, 150
- French and German flouting of rules, 76
- and the liberal order, 62
- and spheres of influence, 99–100
- trade with USA, 93
- exceptionalism, 13, 71
- Fazal, Tanisha, 106
- Feingold, Russ, 148
- Ferguson, Niall, 38
- finance see economics and finance
- First World War (1914–18), 174, 175
- football, 143
- force see war and militarism
- Foreign Affairs, 10
- Forrestal, James, 102–3
- ‘Four Freedoms’ speech (President Franklin Roosevelt), 31
- France
- African interventions, 100
- and American revolutionaries, 192
- Bastille Day procession
- in Indochina and Asia, 85
- and Iraq War, 45
- Napoleonic, 27
- and outbreak of Second World War, 172
- and rule of law, 76, 82
- as US ally, 180
- Franco, General Francisco, 46
- Friedman, Thomas, 113
- Fukuyama, Francis, 38
- Fullilove, Michael, 129
- Gaddafi, Colonel Muammar, 70–1
- Ganesh, Janan, 195
- Garfinkle, Adam, 47
- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), 32, 41
- geopolitics see spheres of influence
- Georgia, 37, 100, 124, 178, 187, 188
- Germany
- and Iraq War, 83
- and outbreak of Second World War, 171–7
- as potential world hegemon, 61–2, 66
- and rule of law, 76
- as US ally, 180
- US attitude to, 45
- US tapping of Merkel’s phone, 77
- see also West Germany
- Ghana, 93
- Gilpin, Robert, 152–3
- globalization, 148–9
- Goldberg, Jonah, 68
- Greece, 46
- Greenpeace, 82
- Grenada, 100
- Grote, George, 13
- Guam, 57
- Guatemala, 77
- Gulf War (1990–1), 36, 95–6, 124
- Haass, Richard, 65, 76
- Haiti, 93, 100, 124
- Hamas, 75
- Hamilton, Alexander, 89–90
- Hatoyama, Yukio, 57
- hegemonies
- characteristics, 27–9
- in the future, 163–4
- overview, 2–3
- reasons for fall of, 170–9
- and vanity, 27
- Helsinki Final Act (1975), 103
- Hirohito, Japanese emperor, 86–7
- Hitler, Adolf, 172–5
- Holbrooke, Richard, 17
- Holmes, Mike, 116
- Hong Kong, 90
- Hoover, J. Edgar, 50
- Hull, Cordell, 84
- human rights
- and China, 91, 151
- and drone attacks, 101
- and India, 191
- as justification for intervention, 59
- and the liberal order, 32, 40, 74
- and Russia, 127
- and the UN, 85
- US rivals’ attitude to, 122
- Hungary, 46, 103
- Huntington, Samuel P., 197–8
- hypocrisy, 76–9
- Hyundai, 90
- ICC see International Criminal Court
- ICJ see International Court of Justice
- Ignatieff, Michael, 68–9
- Ikenberry, G. John, 4, 22, 38, 54, 69, 80
- IMF see International Monetary Fund
- immigration, 143
- imperialism
- and exceptionalism, 13
- and the liberal order, 65–72, 121
- and nostalgia, 18
- and ordering, 2, 21–2, 25
- republics turning into empires, 69–70, 145–6, 202–3
- US weakening of British empire, 84–5
- and USA, 22, 27–30, 49, 55–7, 65–72, 117, 145–6
- and violence, 67–9
- Independence Day (4 July, USA), 139
- India, 83, 95, 163, 168, 191
- Indonesia, 41–2, 93, 109, 155, 191
- industry, 151–2
- inequality, 133–4, 147–9
- International Court of Justice (ICJ), 82
- International Criminal Court (ICC), 78–9, 81–2
- international institutions, 78–9, 81
- see also individual institutions by name
- International Monetary Fund (IMF), 31–2, 41, 63
- Iran
- as illiberal state, 36
- and the liberal order, 64
- Trump’s attitude to, 134, 139, 140, 141, 144, 168
- US attitude to, 18
- US authority to make war on, 146
- US-backed coup (1953), 77
- US failures regarding, 160–1
- US relations in the future, 180, 184
- Iran–Iraq war (1980–8), 19, 109
- Iraq
- Iraq, invasion of (2003)
- British involvement, 44
- Bush’s announcement of end, 27–8
- consequences, 120
- French and German attitude to, 45–6, 82
- funding, 133–4
- legitimacy, 18, 80
- as result of anti-isolationism, 179
- Russian attitude to, 125
- US aims and conduct, 112–15
- Islamic State, 9, 116, 141, 160–1
- Islamist militants
- future conflict with, 167
- Trump’s attitude to, 141
- US failure to contain, 160
- US relationship with, 52–3
- see also War on Terror
- isolationism, 15, 170–1, 176–9
- Israel, 42, 95–6, 120, 160
- Italy, 52, 176–7
- Jackson, Bruce, 66
- Japan
- and free trade, 90
- and imperialism, 2
- reasons for US nuclear attack on, 56, 96
- and Second World War, 177
- US influence and relations, 44, 57, 86–7, 180
- US relations pre-Pearl Harbor, 172
- and Vietnam War, 111
- Kagan, Robert, 38, 45–6, 55–6, 157
- Kahn, General Yahya, 42, 107
- Kant, Immanuel, 31
- Karzai, Hamid, 82
- Kennan, George, 49, 51, 126
- Kennedy, John F., 43, 50, 98, 103, 111
- Keohane, Robert, 47–9
- Kerry, John, 37, 79
- Khamenei, Ayatollah, 140
- Khrushchev, Nikita, 103
- Kim Jong Un, 140
- Kirkpatrick, Jeanne, 82
- Kissinger, Henry, 43, 111, 113
- Korean War (1950–3), 54–5, 109–10, 179
- Kosovo, 46, 82, 124, 126
- Kristol, Bill, 65–6, 172
- Kyrgyzstan, 124
- Laos, 110
- Latin America, 41–2, 100
- see also individual countries by name
- law, rule of
- and China, 151
- and EU, 76
- and justice, 74
- and the liberal order, 32
- US rivals’ attitude to, 122
- and war, 69, 79–83, 101
- and Wilson, 159
- Lebanon, 109
- Lesotho, 78
- Lévy, Bernard-Henri, 66
- liberal order
- boundaries, 59–60
- compromises, 73–5
- contradictions, 18–20
- defenders’ arguments, 9–15, 17–20, 53–61, 200–3
- as distinct from liberalism, 21
- durability, 61–2
- features, 32–4
- future possibilities, 155–7, 170–203
- and historical reality, 83–121
- as hypocrisy, 76–9
- illiberal order defined, 35–6
- illiberal tendency, 62–72
- origins, age, and history of concept, 29, 30–9, 42, 47, 48
- overview of author’s attitude to, 21–6, 159–60
- in practice, 73–127
- pre-liberal order, 36–7
- rhetoric, 50–1
- sceptics, 15–17, 121–2
- sources of order’s stability, 34
- in theory, 30–9
- liberalism, 21
- Libya, 46, 70–1, 75, 116, 125, 160
- Lieber, Robert, 120
- Lincoln, Abraham, 145, 181
- Lindsay, James, 66–7
- Linker, Damon, 19–20
- Lucas, Deborah, 166
- Luce, Henry, 50
- McCain, John, 10, 143
- McCarthy, Cormac, 1
- McCarthy, Joseph, 50
- Macedonia, 178
- McFaul, Michael, 63, 126–7
- Machiavelli, Niccolò (1469–1527), 157–9
- McMaster, H. R., 118
- MacMillan, Margaret, 176–7, 178–9
- McNaughton, John, 111
- Madison, James, 145
- Maidan revolution, 100
- Maier, Charles, 38
- Malaysia, 191
- Mao Zedong, 106
- Marshall Islands, 57
- Marshall Plan, 41
- Mauritius, 57
- mental health, and the military, 166
- Merkel, Angela, 43, 77, 99
- Middle East
- conflict overview, 9
- in the future, 184, 195–6
- place in the liberal order, 60
- US failures in, 160–1
- see also individual countries by name
- militarism see war and militarism
- Miller, Paul, 118
- missile control, 144, 161
- monarchism, 65–8
- monetary policy see economics and finance
- Montenegro, 178
- Morefield, Jeanne, 25, 72
- Morgenthau, Hans, 75
- Mozambique, 109
- Munich agreement (1938), 171–2
- Munich Security Conference (2019), 8, 10
- Muslim Brotherhood, 52, 77
- NAFTA see North American Free Trade Agreement
- Napoleon Bonaparte, French emperor, 27
- nationalism, 9, 71, 143–4
- anniversary, 42
- and authoritarian regimes, 46
- and Balkans, 46, 80, 82
- Chinese attitude to, 124
- enlargement into Russian spheres of influence, 100, 187
- founding principles, 31, 32
- in the future, 187
- and the liberal order, 41, 66
- and liberal values, 46
- and Libya, 71
- modern containment of Russia, 178
- and peace, 107
- reasons for creation, 100
- Trump’s attitude to, 140
- US relations with, 43–7, 120
- Nazis
- potential containment by preemptive strike, 173–5
- potential containment without war, 171–3, 176–7
- US help for former, 86
- Netanyahu, Benjamin, 42
- New Zealand, 163
- Newfoundland Declaration (1941), 31
- Nicaragua, 41, 82
- 9/11, 112, 144
- Nixon, Richard, 43, 106–7, 198
- non-intervention, 58–9
- North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 32, 93
- North Korea
- in the future, 167, 184, 191, 194
- as illiberal state, 36
- nuclear programme, 9, 79–80, 191, 194
- Trump’s attitude to, 139, 140
- US relations with, 79–80, 160
- Northern Mariana Islands, 57
- nostalgia, 17–18, 25
- NSC 68 (Cold War strategy document), 50, 85, 170–1
- nuclear weapons
- in the future, 167–8
- liberal attitude to, 56
- near misses, 98
- non-proliferation regime, 35, 44, 97, 160
- North Korean programme, 9, 79–80, 191, 194
- nuclear deterrence, 41, 56, 94–9, 180
- Russian arsenal, 239
- Trump’s attitude to, 140
- US post-war attitude to, 86
- US recent acquisitions, 178
- weapon testing sites, 57
- Nunn–Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction Program, 94–5
- Nye, Joseph, II, 47–9, 54–5, 170
- Obama, Barack
- and drone strikes, 58, 101
- and imperialism, 28, 37
- and Indonesia, 155
- and Merkel, 77
- and militarism, 139, 145
- and NATO, 44–5
- relations with Japan, 57
- and Russia, 126
- system’s constraints on his actions, 142
- Trump’s attitude to, 134
- as Trump’s policy predecessor, 130–1, 135, 139, 145
- Octavian see Augustus
- O’Hanlon, Michael, 176
- Okinawa, 57, 87
- Operation Condor, 42
- Orwell, George, 109
- Ottoman empire, 27
- Packer, George, 17
- Pakistan, 42, 95, 101, 107, 116–17, 119
- Palestine, 75, 77–8, 160
- Panama, 100, 124
- Panama Papers, 134, 148
- Park Chung Hee, 90
- Patriot Act, 145
- Pearl Harbor (1941), 161–2
- Pence, Mike, 167
- Perry, Commodore William, 96
- Perry, William J., 79–80
- Persian empire, 27
- Petraeus, David, 116–17
- Philip II, king of Spain, 27, 175
- PNAC see Project for a New American Century
- Poland, 43–4, 46, 102, 103, 178
- Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, 175
- Pompeo, Mike, 14, 138
- populism, 9
- Portugal, 46
- Potsdam summit (1945), 102
- poverty, 40, 41
- Power, Samantha, 38
- Princeton Project, 62, 80–1
- Project for a New American Century (PNAC), 112
- Puerto Rico, 57
- Putin, Vladimir
- attitude to USA, 42–3, 126, 127
- and China, 186
- and Crimea, 100
- and Iraq War, 125
- liberal attitude to, 63
- and Syria, 178
- as threat, 177
- Trump’s attitude to, 140
- race issues, 169
- Rainbow Warrior (Greenpeace ship), 82
- Ramadan, Said, 52
- Rana, Aziz, 135
- RAND, 60–1, 83
- Reagan, Ronald, 43–4, 49, 93, 103
- regime change see coups and regime change
- religion
- and Cold War rhetoric, 49–50, 52
- and liberal order rhetoric, 50–1
- rendition, 42, 145
- Republican Party conventions, 143–4
- restoration politics, 17–18
- Rhineland remilitarization, 174
- Rice, Condoleezza, 112
- Roman empire, 3, 69–70, 145–6, 202
- Romania, 178
- Roosevelt, Franklin D., 31, 83–4, 86, 102
- Rose, Gideon, 37
- Rostow, Walt, 111
- Rusk, Dean, 49
- Russia
- behaviour as reaction to that of USA, 122–3, 124–7
- expansionism, 9, 37, 44, 125
- free markets and their consequences, 38, 88–9
- future US relations with, 180, 182–3, 184, 185–9, 193
- as illiberal state, 9, 36
- liberal attitude to, 64
- and nuclear weapons, 94–5, 97
- spheres of influence, 37
- as threat, 177, 239–40
- Trump’s attitude to, 140
- and Turkey, 163, 168
- and Ukraine, 99–100
- US attitude to, 177–8
- US economic sanctions, 120, 177–8, 188
- US failure to contain, 160
- and Venezuela, 101
- and Westphalia, 76
- see also Soviet Union
- Russia Today (TV channel), 178
- Rwanda, 83
- Sachs, Jeffrey, 88–9
- Saddam Hussein, 42, 95–6, 112–13, 114
- Salman al Saud, Mohammed Bin, 42
- Samoa, 57
- Samsung, 90
- Saudi Arabia
- as illiberal state, 60
- Trump’s attitude to, 139, 141, 145
- US public attitude to, 197
- US relations with, 42, 75, 188
- Schake, Kori, 121
- Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr., 74
- Schroeder, Gerhard, 82
- Second World War (1939–45), 21, 161–2, 171–5, 176–7, 192–3
- security
- Serbia, 80, 82, 87
- Shanghai Communiqué (1972), 124
- Shifrinson, Joshua, 47, 48
- Shultz, George, 92
- Singapore, 90
- Slaughter, Anne-Marie, 80–1
- Somalia, 116–17, 141
- South Africa, 175
- South China Sea, 9, 82, 120, 185
- South Korea, 90, 120, 144, 180
- Soviet Union
- and Afghanistan, 109, 193, 198
- division of post-war Europe, 102
- end of, 41
- and nuclear weapons, 95, 98
- original place in post-war era, 83–4
- and outbreak of Second World War, 173, 174
- Polish pipeline, 43–4
- spheres of influence, 102, 103
- suppression of insurrections, 54–5
- US appeasement in Second World War, 21
- and Vietnam War, 193
- see also Cold War; Russia
- Spain, 46
- Spanish empire, 27, 175
- spheres of influence, 36–7, 99–104, 182
- Srpska, 87
- Stalin, Joseph, 102, 173, 174
- Suez crisis (1956), 2, 85, 179
- Suharto, General, 41–2
- Suleiman the Magnificent, Ottoman emperor, 27
- Sullivan, Andrew, 145–6
- Suri, Jeremy, 41–2
- surveillance, 76–7
- Syme, Ronald, 69–70
- Syngman Rhee, 90, 110
- Syria
- Tacitus, 3, 203
- Taiwan, 44, 87, 90, 106, 185, 190–1
- Taliban, 118, 119, 160
- terrorism
- Thatcher, Margaret, 43–4
- Thucydides, 134
- Tibet, 106–7
- tolerance, 62–5, 132
- torture, 42, 60, 140, 145
- TPP see Trans-Pacific Partnership
- trade, free
- liberal order’s promotion of, 32, 35, 38–9
- Trump’s attitude compared to that of liberal order, 150–2
- US attitude to, 87–94
- US public attitude to, 197
- Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), 32, 150
- Truman, Harry S., 31, 77, 96, 102–3
- Trump, Donald
- actions and beliefs compared to that of liberal order, 26, 128–54, 165
- attitude to Russia, 177–8
- Biden on, 8
- liberal order’s attitude to, 9–13, 41, 42–6, 52, 128–35
- and NATO, 44–6
- reasons for his election, 131–4, 136, 147
- system’s constraints on his actions, 142
- Turkey, 46, 163, 168, 177
- Tusk, Donald, 4
- Ukraine, 44, 99–100, 124, 178, 187–8
- United Nations (UN)
- and Diego Garcia, 57
- liberal order’s flouting of authority, 79–81, 82, 83
- and non-intervention, 58
- original function and principles, 18–19, 31, 32, 83–4, 85
- and outbreak of Second World War, 174
- US attitude to, 171
- US surveillance of delegates, 77
- United Nations Security Council (UNSC), 19, 80, 82, 83, 85, 124
- universities, 148–9
- UNSC see United Nations Security Council
- US Virgin Islands, 57
- future possibilities, 155–7, 170–203
- greatest post-war achievements, 73
- original place in post-war era, 83–4
- public attitude to US foreign policy, 167, 196–7
- Second World War aims, 84–5
- summary of current situation, 152–4, 157–70
- system’s constraints on presidential actions, 142
- treatment of former enemies and friends, 84–7
- Venezuela, 76, 77–8, 101, 139, 161
- Versailles, Treaty of (1919), 159
- Vietnam War (1955–75)
- consequences of US defeat, 198
- and exceptionalism, 13
- and the liberal order, 53, 54
- as result of anti-isolationism, 179
- Soviet Union and the Viet Cong, 193
- and the UN, 83
- US aims and conduct, 109, 110–12
- violence see war and militarism
- war and militarism
- brushfire wars, 192–3
- failure of US interventions, 160–1
- financial cost, 133–4, 164–6, 167–70
- human cost, 106, 166
- imperialism and violence, 67–9
- and inequality, 133–4
- and the liberal order, 18–19, 23–4, 33–4, 104–21, 109
- militarization of civic life, 143–7
- nuclear deterrence, 41, 56, 94–9, 180
- state’s authority to make war, 145–7, 196
- Trump’s attitude compared to liberal order’s, 138–47, 167
- and Trump’s election, 137
- and US future security, 163–4, 167, 170–99
- US military preponderance, 38, 56–7, 163
- US public attitude to, 167, 196–7
- US use of force, 39, 55–6, 79–81
- War on Terror
- British involvement, 44
- call for extension, 117–19
- costs and funding, 133–4, 168
- drone strikes, 57–8, 101–2, 116–17
- effect on terrorism, 120
- in the future, 196
- and the liberal order, 38, 42, 45–6, 49, 60, 143
- problems with, 183
- and rule of law, 69
- Trump’s attitude to, 142, 144
- US conduct, 101
- see also Iraq War
- Washington, George, 62
- weapons of mass destruction (WMD), 94–5
- Wertheim, Stephen, 50
- West Germany, 86, 111
- Wilson, Woodrow, 4, 31, 159
- WMD see weapons of mass destruction
- Wolfowitz, Paul, 113
- Wood, Tony, 213–14
- World Bank, 31–2, 41
- World Economic Forum, 10
- World Trade Organization (WTO), 31–2, 41, 88, 91, 93