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Entries in italics indicate photos, illustrations, figures, or charts.
ActiveCampaign, 234
advertising, 32, 66–67, 75. See also influencers
affiliate program, 177–78
AIDS foundation, 53
for influencers, 112, 113–15, 115–16
air travel, 102–3, 104, 105, 106
Aristotle, 101
ARPU. See average revenue per user
audience, 10–11
authors, 224
average people, 1–2, 82, 120, 151–52, 189
average revenue per user (ARPU), 59
balloon, 134
Balmain biker jacket, 116, 116–17, 117
Baruch, Bernard, 238
baseball analogy, 22
batching time, 23, 23–24, 42, 42, 87–88, 233
big email lists, 194–95, 195. See also influencers
Bitcoin, 247
Bizness Apps, 198–99
blind spots, 38–40
Bloomberg, Michael, 57
Book in a Box, 69–70
bookkeeping services, 46
Brooks, John, 54–55
Brunson, Russell, 233
Buddy Media, 213
bundling, 227–28
Business Adventures (Brooks), 54–55
Business Insider, 56
business selling
emotions and, 239–40
market timing and, 242–44, 243
responsibilities and, 240, 240
buying businesses, 111–12
acquisition in, 168
advantages in, 159–60
affiliate program after, 177–78
customer base related to, 227
double-pricing and, 174–75
emotions in, 172
infrastructures and, 152
investment versus, 183
leads after, 177
liabilities in, 165–66
misconceptions about, 151–52
with no money, no lawyers, 153–58, 156
payment pop-up and, 176–77
payment terms in, 173–74
prospecting for, 180–81, 181–82
questions in, 170–73
raising prices after, 175
reinvestment in, 169–70
retention after, 175–76
returns after, 178, 178–79, 179, 180–82
revenue streams and, 160–61, 172–73, 183
sellers in, 171–72
simplicity in, 159
size in, 171
starting versus, 182–83
start-up costs for, 157
tech companies, 170
Carnegie, Andrew, 121
on The Top Entrepreneurs, 48–50, 49, 50, 57–59, 85
changes, 158
Chrome extension, 153–54
Clark, Frank A., 1
clawback funds, 173–74
cleaning, 95–96
ClickFunnels, 233
Clinton, Hillary, 73
for influencers, 116, 116–18, 117
coding, 170
coffee shop test, 37–39
collateral, 146–47
college side project, 18, 18–19, 19
Collins, Jim, 245
competition, 11, 17, 80–83, 121
business selling and, 239, 241–42
consultants, 29–30
Copy Your Competitors, 26, 66–69, 68, 248. See also hot industries
Bizness Apps and, 198–99
database and, 218, 218–19, 219
distribution channels and, 220–25, 221, 223, 224
freelance sites in, 29–30
NDAs and, 197
support forums and, 219–20, 220
with Toptal, 216–20, 217, 218, 219, 220
cost, 43. See also specific topics
CrazyLister, 69
credit cards, 105
crowdfunding sites, 63, 102–3, 200–201, 163–64
customer interviews, 61
Dashlane, 177
data, 3, 23, 23, 60–61, 129, 171
of venture capital firms, 57–59, 59, 60
dating apps, 76–77
Datorama, 243
“Decision Systems,” 52–54
in Quit Setting Goals, 32–33, 37–38
digital and software products, 206, 207, 212–13
Digital Doughnut, 209–10, 210–12
LinkedIn, 209–10
digital businesses, 159–60, 169
Digital Doughnut, 209–10, 210–12
digital products, 29–30
hidden money and, 99–100
discipline, 157
distribution channels, 222–23, 223, 225
business selling to, 241
GuavaBox and, 220–21, 221, 224, 224
distribution techniques, 224–25
Don’t Focus on One Thing, 8
calendar patterns in, 23, 23–24
college side project in, 18, 18–19, 19
SPOF in, 17–18
test, multiply, grow in, 24–25
three-focus rule in, 21–23
Dorsey, Jack, 88
double-pricing, 174–75
doubt, 78
DroneDeploy, 66
Dropbox, 27
due diligence, 168–69
eBay, 103
Edison, Thomas, 22–23
80/20 rule, 24
buying businesses by, 152–56, 153, 156
business selling and, 239–40
questions and, 222
stories related to, 202
employees, 74, 159, 170, 217. See also freelance sites
entrepreneurs, 4–5, 212, 212. See also specific topics
ethics, 26, 28–29
experts, 69–71
Heyo and, 33–34, 34, 220–24, 230
unconventional investing and, 187–88, 188
Zuckerberg and, 242
Facebook Markup Language (FBML), 34
failure, 8, 18, 77–78, 82, 156
FBML. See Facebook Markup Language
fear, 73
for health, 76
for life, 75–76
of failure, 77–78
of loneliness, 76–77
of losing freedom, 76
of missing out, 74–75
of unknown, 75
feedback loops, 40–41
final offers, 81
Fiverr, 52
food truck business, 187–88, 188, 248
Ford, Henry, 39
Forever Labs, 75
The 4-Hour Workweek (Ferriss), 2, 55, 76
Fowler, Jim, 216
freelance sites, 47–48, 52, 70–71, 96
in Copy Your Competitors, 29–30
free press, 201–2
fund-raising, 63, 83, 102–3, 200–201
Geffen, David, 31
GetFeedback, 62–63, 23, 23, 61, 207. See also
revenue stream and, 235–37, 236, 237
goals, 9, 86. See also Quit Setting Goals
golden eggs, 9, 31–32, 40, 48, 82
Google, 196
GuavaBox, 220–21, 221, 224, 224
Haddon, Mark, 226
hard power, 47
Harnish, Verne, 54
health, fear about, 76
Hearst, William Randolph, 8–9
Hedayati, Babak, 243
business selling of, 244–45
Facebook and, 33–34, 34, 220–24, 230
digital products and, 99–100
office space and, 98–99
homeowners association fees (HOA), 138
hostels, 25
for influencers, 107–10, 108, 110
hot industries, 204–5. See also digital and software products; physical products
reverse engineer in, 213–15, 214, 215
hyperefficient system, 46–48
income, 194, 244, 244. See also specific topics
passive, 6, 53, 139, 159, 238, 248
from real estate, 122, 123, 124, 125, 125
from sponsorships, 195, 195–96
Airbnb for, 112, 113–15, 115–16
clothing for, 116, 116–18, 117
infrastructure, 9–10
Infusionsoft, 230
inquiries, 168
Instagram, 107–9, 108, 111, 118, 120
insurance, 73–76, 138, 142, 146
Interact Quiz Builder, 176–77
Intuit App Center, 241
investments, 10, 83, 169–70, 183, 213, 225. See also hot industries; unconventional investing
invite-a-friend model, 26–27
John, Elton, 53
keyword optimization, 215
Kitchen, 46
Kravis, Henry, 247
Latka Money, 188
LBO. See leveraged buyout
letter of Intent (LOI), 168, 239, 240
leveraged buyout (LBO), 247
leveraging, 20, 80–81, 117, 157, 173–74. See also influencers
Levitin, Victor, 69
liabilities, 11, 67–68, 165–66
life, fear about, 75–76
LinkedIn, 209–10
Live Like A King, 101, 120. See also influencers
air travel and, 102–3, 104, 105, 106
loans, 200
LOI. See letter of Intent
Lujure. See Heyo
Lyft, 196
Lynch, Peter, 151
Mail2Cloud. See The Top Inbox
makeup, 77
market, 241
market data, 171
market timing, 238, 242–44, 243
Mask, Clate, 230
Mastering the Rockefeller Habits (Harnish), 54
material blindness, 39
material expenses, 48
Max, Tucker, 69–70
McDonald’s, 228
McDonald’s: Behind the Golden Arches (Love), 55, 68
Meadows, Donella, 54
media rates, 107
messaging, 74
MLS. See multiple listing service
momentum, 10
mornings, 86–87
motivation, 11
multiple listing service (MLS), 127, 127–28
multiplying, 18, 18–21, 19. See also revenue streams
Munroe, Randall, 55
NDA. See nondisclosure agreement
in buying business, 167, 167–68
final offers in, 81
options in, 80–81
neighborhoods, 126
networking, 112, 115–16, 119–20
buying businesses by, 151–52
system of, 40–41
New Rich Arsenal, 81
dream in decades and, 82–83, 86
fear in, 73–78
live in days, 85–88
negotiation in, 73
persuasion in, 72–73
think in years and, 83–84, 84, 86
time in, 87–89
unfair advantage in, 72
new rules, 7–10
new secrets, 10–11
news headlines, 62
newspaper publishing, 8–9
Nicolette Island Inn, 223, 223
nondisclosure agreement (NDA), 197
office space, 98–99
oil industry, 67, 61
online marketplace, 28
“open cart” technique, 74–75
optimize SEO, 176
Oscars, 53–54
The Outsiders (Thorndike), 55
for The Top Entrepreneurs, 42, 42–43, 43
overlap, 20
Pandiyan, Pradeepa, 93
partnerships, 227
passion, 11
passive income, 6, 53, 139, 159, 238, 248, 29–30, 64, 64–65, 99–100
patterns, 4, 23, 23–24, 27–29. See also Copy Your Competitors
payment reduction, 78–80
PayPal, 246
PC Magazine, 17
people expenses, 48
physical products, 29, 200–201, 206, 206
upselling of, 231
Vue Smart Glasses, 201, 202, 202–5, 203, 204, 205
Picasso, Pablo, 26
pictures, 96
PMI. See private mortgage insurance
podcasts, 29–30, 70, 209. See also The Top Entrepreneurs
press, free, 201–2
private mortgage insurance (PMI), 138, 142, 146
productivity, 73
in New Rich Arsenal, 81–87, 84
products, 228–29, 229. See also digital and software products; physical products
property management fees, 138–39
Pulitzer, Joseph, 8–9
in buying businesses, 170–73
emotions and, 222
on real estate profitability, 143
Quit Setting Goals, 9
blind spots in, 38–40
hyperefficient system in, 46–48
nine hours for $29 in, 41–44, 42, 43, 45, 46
outsourcing in, 37–38
replacing yourself in, 50–55, 52–54
scaling in, 33–34
seven-figure podcast system in, 48–50, 49, 50
system-building for, 33–36
system in, 31–32
Rachleff, Andy, 26–27
Ramey, Dave, 93
real estate, 10, 24–25. See also Airbnb
first purchase in, 121–22, 123, 125, 248
income from, 122, 123, 124, 125, 125
real estate profitability
balloon and, 134
bank negotiation and, 134–36, 135
bank partnering and, 130–34, 131, 132, 133
best-case scenario in, 141, 142, 143
cash closing and, 132
closing costs and, 131, 131–32, 133, 146
collateral in, 146–47
door knocking and, 126–27, 129
down payments and, 131, 135, 135–38, 137, 146–50
family members and, 136–37
first purchase financing and, 130
hazard insurance and, 138
HOA in, 138
interest rate and, 132, 132, 134, 146–49
locations and, 126–27
not-so-good deal, 145, 145–49, 149
pocket listings and, 128
property management companies and, 136–43, 141, 142, 149, 150
questions on, 143
rent potential and, 129–30, 139–40, 144, 144–46, 148, 149, 150
sales data in, 129
seller loans and, 136
selling and, 129–30
summary on, 150
taxes in, 129, 133, 138, 140–41, 141, 142, 143
winner and loser in, 144, 144–46, 145
worst-case scenario in, 142, 143
reinvestment, 169–70
rental units, 24–25, 127–28. See also real estate profitability
Rent the Runway, 118
replacing yourself, 50–51
“Decision Systems” in, 52–54
freelance sites for, 52
response rate, 196
Revcontent, 198
revenue growth
discounts and, 234–35
price per customer, 229
revenue stream multiplication for, 235
urgency and, 229–30
wallet share for, 232–33
revenue siphoning, 9–10
revenue streams
buying businesses and, 160–61, 172–73, 183 and, 235–37, 236, 237
multiplication of, 226–28, 235
reviews, 163
Rich Dad Poor Dad (Kiyosaki), 7, 93
risks, 245
Rissell, Matt, 241
sales, 74–75, 128, 128–29. See also business selling
salesforce, 243
Salesforce AppExchange, 62
Sales Hackers, 213
scaling, 33–34
search engine optimization (SEO), 176
security software, 75
selling, 129–30, 231. See also business selling
Sell Pickaxes to Gold Miners, 9–10. See also data
copy past patterns in, 66–69, 68
counterintuitive approach of, 56–57
crowdfunding sites in, 63
experts in, 69–71
GetFeedback in, 62–63
influencer eavesdropping in, 63
online learning platform leveraging in, 63
self-restraint in, 57
seven places for $5K, 61–65, 64
SEO. See search engine optimization
seven-figure podcast system, 48–50, 49, 50, 220
single point of failure (SPOF), 17–18
slack groups, 213
Snapchat, 8
social media, 76, 107. See also Facebook
soft power, 47
software, 47, 75, 234–35. See also digital and software products
software development, 34
Spiegel, Evan, 197
splurging, 52–54
SPOF. See single point of failure
for revenue stream multiplication, 226
for The Top Entrepreneurs, 44, 45–46, 49–50, 81, 226
Standard Oil Company, 67
start/end blindness, 39–40
start-up capital, 10
stocks, 40–41
stories, 202
stylists, 117
Success magazine, 181–82
system testing, 37–38
Target, 107
task automation, 46
in real estate profitability, 129, 133, 138, 140–41, 141, 142, 143
tech companies, 170
Thiel, Peter, 160
Thing Explainer (Munroe), 55
Thinking in Systems (Meadows), 54
thirty-day rule, 85
baseball analogy in, 22
rationale for, 21–22
repetition in, 22
batching, 23, 23–24, 42, 42, 87–88
market timing, 238, 242–44, 243
in New Rich Arsenal, 87–89
Quit Setting Goals and, 36–37, 37
for real estate, 122, 124, 143
restaurant business and, 68, 68
time blindness, 39
The Top Entrepreneurs, 3, 18, 18–19, 19
CEOs on, 48–50, 49, 50, 57, 85
feedback loop opportunities for, 41–42, 42
inputs for, 41–42
outsourcing for, 42, 42–43, 43
release schedule for, 42, 42, 42–43, 43
sponsorships for, 44, 45–46, 49–50, 81, 226
stocks for, 41
virtual assistant in, 43, 43, 43–44
The Top Inbox (Mail2Cloud), 19–20, 20, 23, 23
buying business of, 160–62, 162, 164–67, 167, 168, 171 and, 216–20, 217, 218, 219, 220
transparency, 2–3
travel, 102–3, 104, 105, 106. See also influencers
TSheets, 241
Turner, Ted, 66
unconventional investing
food truck business as, 187–88, 188, 193–94, 194
hostels as, 190–91
judgment-calls in, 191–93
locating, 189–90
upselling, 231
user, 159
utilities, 145–46
venture capital firms, 57–61, 59, 60
video marketing, 65
Virgil, 187
voiceover artist, 86
Vue Smart Glasses, 201, 202, 202–3, 203, 204, 205
scarcity of, 204–5
wallet share, 232–33
WCW. See World Championship Wrestling
Wealthfront, 26–27
Weebly, 241
what-if thinking, 75
World Championship Wrestling (WCW), 66
Yahoo, 242
Zendesk, 174–75
Zero to One (Thiel), 160
Zuckerberg, Mark, 242