COROLLARY. Let Q be a quadratic form on an n-dimensional vector space V over a field F of characteristic not two such that the associated bilinear form is non-degenerate. Then C(V, Q) is a tensor product of quaternion algebras if n is even and is a tensor product of quaternion algebras and its center if n is odd. Moreover, the center C is two-dimensional of the form F(c) where c2 = (− 1 )v 2 − nδ1, δ a discriminant, and C is afield or a direct sum of two copies of F according as (− 1)v(2δ) is not or is a square in F.
Proof. The first statement follows by induction on the dimensionality and the factorization lemma (Lemma 5). To determine the center in the odd dimensional case, we choose an orthogonal base (u1, u2,…, un) where n = 2v + 1. Then uiuj = − ujui for i ≠ j, which implies that the element c = u1u2 … un commutes with every ui Hence c is in the center and since c F 1 and the center is two-dimensional, the center is F[c]. We have
where δ is the discriminant determined by the base (ul, u2,…, un). Then F[c] is a field or a direct sum of two copies of F according as (− 1)v2− nδ is not or is a square. Since n = 2v + 1, this holds if and only if (− 1)v2δ is not or is a square.
In the remainder of this section, we shall give a brief indication of some applications of Clifford algebras to the study of orthogonal groups. For this purpose, we need to introduce the even (or second) Clifford algebra C+(V, Q) defined to be the subalgebra of C(V, Q) generated by all of the products uv, u,v ∈ V (that is, by V2). We recall that a vector u is called non-isotropic if Q(u) ≠ 0. If is non-isotropic, then
which shows that C+ = C+ (V, Q) is generated by the elements u1u, u ∈ V. Now we can write V = Fu1 + (Fu1) and u = αu1 + v where α ∈ F and v
u1 Then u1u = αQ(u1)l + u1v. It follows that C+ is generated by the n− 1 dimensional subspace V1 = u1(Fu1)
. We have
and the restriction of − Q(u1)Q to (Fu1) is a quadratic form Q1 with nondegenerate bilinear form B1. Hence we have a surjective homomorphism of C((Fu1)
, Q1) onto C+. On the other hand, if (u1,…, un) is a base for V, then 1, ui1 … uir, i1 < … < ir is a base for C(V, Q). Then the elements 1 and ui1 … uir with even r are contained in C+ and there are 2n − 1 of these. Thus dim C+ ≥ 2n − 1, while dim C((Fu1)
, Q1) = 2n − 1. It follows that C+ ≅ C((Fu1)
, Q1). This proves the first statement in
THEOREM 4.14. Let B be non-degenerate and char F ≠ 2. Then the even Clifford algebras C + (V, Q) ≅ C((Fu1), Q1) where u1 is any non-isotropic vector and Q1 is the restriction of − Q(u1)Q to F (u1)
. C + (V, Q) is central simple if the dimensionality n of V is odd and is a tensor product of a central simple algebra and a two-dimensional algebra D, which is either a field or a direct sum of two copies of F if n = 2v. The two alternatives for D correspond respectively to the following: (− l)vδ is not or is a square in F, where δ is a discriminant of B1.
Proof. The second assertion is an immediate consequence of the first and Theorem 4.13. Now assume n is even and let c = u1u2 … un where (u1, u2,…, un) is an orthogonal base for V. Then c ∈ C+ and uic = −cui and uiujC = cuiuj. Hence c is in the center of C+ and c F1. Hence the center of C + is F[c]. As in (56) we have
where β = 2− v and F[c] is a field or a direct sum of two copies of F according as (− 1)v β2δ and hence (− 1)vδ is not or is a square.
In both the even and the odd dimensional case, the subspace Fc, where c = u1u2 … un and (u1, u2,…, un) is an orthogonal base, is independent of the choice of this base. For F[c] is either the center of C(V, Q) or the center of C(V, Q) +. Moreover, c F1 and c2 ∈ F1 It is clear that these conditions characterize the set of non-zero elements of Fc.
Now let f be an orthogonal transformation in V. Then f(x)2 = Q(f(x)) 1 = Q(x) 1. Hence the universal map property of C(V, Q) implies that f has a unique extension to an automorphism g of C(V,Q). Now g stabilizes C(V, Q)+ and it stabilizes the center of C(V, Q) and of C(V, Q)+. Since one of these centers is F[c], g stabilizes F[c]. It follows from the characterization we have given of the set of non-zero elements of Fc that g(c) = αc, α ≠ 0 in F. Since g(c)2 = g(c2), we have α = ± 1 so g(c) = ±c. Now we can write g(ui) = f(ui) = ∑αijuj, αij ∈ F, where the matrix (αij) is orthogonal. Then
Since uiuj = − ujui if i ≠ j, and ui2 = Q(ui)1, it is clear from the definition of determinants that the sum can be written as det(αij)ulu2 … un+ a linear combination of elements ui1ui2 … uir, i1 < i2 < … < ir with r < n (cf. BAI, p.416). Since these elements together with u1u2 … un constitute a base and since g(c) = ±c, we have g(c) = det(αiJ)c. Hence g(c) = c if f is a rotation and g(c) = − c otherwise.
We now observe that any automorphism g of a finite dimensional semisimple algebra A that fixes the elements of the center C of A is inner. For, if where the Ai are the simple components of A, then 1 = 11 + 12+ … + 1s where 1i is the unit of Ai and
. Hence g(li) = 1i so g stabilizes every Ai and g fixes the elements of the center C1i of Ai. By the Skolem-Noether theorem, there exists an element ui invertible in Ai such that the restriction of g to Ai is the inner automorphism determined by ui. Then g is the inner automorphism determined by u = ∑ui.
We can apply this to the foregoing situation. Then we see that if the given orthogonal transformation f is a rotation, there exists an invertible element u ∈ C(V, Q) such that
These considerations lead to the introduction of the following groups.
DEFINITION 4.6. The Clifford group Γ(V, Q) is the subgroup of invertible elements u ∈ C(V, Q) such that uxu−l ∈ V for all x ∈ V. Clearly this is a subgroup of the multiplicative group of invertible elements of C(V, Q). The even Clifford group is Γ + (V, Q) = Γ(V, Q) ∩ C + (V, Q).
If x ∈ V and u ∈ Γ = Γ(V, Q), then uxu− 1 ∈ V and (uxu− 1)2 = ux2u− l = Q(x)l. Hence the linear transformation x uxu− l of V is in the orthogonal group 0(V, Q). The map
, where
(u) is x
uxu − 1, x ∈ V, is a homomorphism of Γ(V, Q) into 0(V, Q) called the vector representation of the Clifford group.
Let v ∈ V be non-isotropic. Then v is invertible in C(V, Q) and for x ∈ V we have
Since vxv− 1 = vxvv− 2 = Q(v)− 1vxv, this gives
Thus v ∈ Γ. We recall that a map of the form
is orthogonal and is called the symmetry Sv associated with the non-isotropic v (BAI, p. 363). Evidently Sxv = Sv if α ≠ 0 in F. We recall also that any orthogonal transformation is a product of symmetries and any rotation is a product of an even number of symmetries. The formula (59) now reads
Now it is clear that if the vi are non-isotropic, then v1 … vr ∈ Γ(V, Q) and this element is in Γ+(V, Q) if r is even. It is clear also that Γ+(V, Q) contains the group F* of non-zero elements of F. We can now prove
THEOREM 4.15. The even Clifford group Γ+ coincides with the set of products v1 … v2r, vi non-isotropic in V. We have the exact sequence
where the second map is the injection of F*.
Proof. Let u ∈ Γ+. Then the automorphism a uau– 1 of C(V, Q) fixes the element c = u1u2…un where (u1, u2, …, un) is an orthogonal base for V. Then, as above, χ(u) ∈ O+ (V, Q). On the other hand, let f ∈ O+ (V, Q) and write f = Svl … Sv2r where the vi are non-isotropic vectors in V. Then v1… v2r ∈ Γ+ and χ(v1 …v2r) = Sv1 … Sv2r, by (61). Thus χ(Γ+ ) = O+. The kernel of χ restricted to Γ+ is the intersection of Γ+ with the center of C(V, Q). Since either C(V, Q) or C(V, Q)+ is central simple, it is clear that this intersection is F*. This completes the proof of the exactness of (62). Moreover, if u ∈ Γ+ then χ(u)∈ O+ , so there exists an element v1 … v2r such that χ(v1 … v2r) = χ(u). Then u = αv1 … v2r, α ∈ F*, and hence u = (αvl)v2 … v2r. This proves the first statement of the theorem.
Let Cop be the opposite algebra of C = C(V, Q). We have x2 = Q(x)l for x ∈ V ⊂ Cop. Hence we have a unique homomorphism of C into Cop sending x x. This means that we have an anti-homomorphism i of C into C such that x
x. Then i2 is a homomorphism fixing every x ∈ V, so i2 = 1. Thus i is an involution in C, that is, an anti-automorphism satisfying i2 = 1. This can be characterized as the involution of C fixing all of the elements of V. We call i the main involution of C. Evidently C+ is stabilized by i, so the restriction i|C+ is an involution in C+.
Now let u ∈ Γ+ and write u = v1 … v2r. Then
If u' ∈ Γ+ , we have
Hence u N(u) is a homomorphism of Γ+ into F*. It is clear from (63) that N (Γ+) is the set of products
where the vi are non-isotropic in V and this contains F*2, the set of squares of elements of F*. If f is any rotation, there exists a u ∈ Γ+ such that χ(u) = f and u is determined up to a factor in F*. Hence the coset N(u)F*2 in the group F*/F*2 is determined by f. We now give the following definition, which ties together these concepts.
DEFINITION 4.7. The kernel of the homomorphism N of Γ+; into F* is called the spin group Spin (V, Q). Its image O'(V, Q) under the vector representation χ is called the reduced orthogonal group. If f is any rotation and χ(u) = f, then N(u)F*2 is called the spinorial norm of f
The spinorial norm map is also a homomorphism (of O+ (V, Q) into F*/F*2). The spinorial norm of a rotation can be defined directly, without the intervention of the Clifford algebra. If f is a given rotation, then we can write f = SV1 … Sv2r and we can simply define the spinorial norm of f to be the coset . Since χ(v1 … v2r) = f and
, this is the same element of F*/F*2, which we have called the spinorial norm. The difficulty with the direct definition is that it is not apparent that the spinorial norm is well defined, since there are many ways of writing a rotation as product of symmetries. The definition using the Clifford algebra shows that we get the same elements of F*/F*2 no matter what factorization of f as product of symmetries is used.
Now the reduced orthogonal group can also be defined as the kernel of the spinorial norm map. For, if f ∈ O' = O'(V, Q), then there exists a u ∈ Spin (V, Q) such that χ(u) =f. Then the spinorial norm of f is N(u)F*2 = F*2. Conversely, if the spinorial norm of the rotation f is F*2, then f = Svl … Sv2r and , β ≠ 0. Replacing v1 by β– 1 v1 we may assume
. Then χ(v1 … v2r) = f and N(v1 … v2r) = 1, so the spinorial norm of f is F*2.
The reduced orthogonal group contains the commutator subgroup Ω of 0, since any commutator can be written in the form
from which it is clear that the spinorial norm is F*2. Thus we have the following inclusions among the various subgroups of O = O(V, Q) that we have defined:
and such that O+/O' is isomorphic to the subgroup of F*/F*2 of cosets of the form βF*2 where β has the form
, vi non-isotropic. We can say considerably more in the case in which Q is of positive Witt index (BAI, p. 369).
THEOREM 4.16. Let Q be of positive Witt index. Then the reduced orthogonal group O'(V, Q) coincides with the commutator subgroup Ω of O(V, Q) and .
Proof. Since Q is of positive Witt index, there exists a subspace U of V that is a hyperbolic plane, so we have V = U
and U has a base (u, v) such that Q(u) = 0 = Q(v) and B(u, v) = 1. The orthogonal transformations that stabilize U and act as the identity map on
form a subgroup O1 isomorphic to the orthogonal group in U.
is the set of linear maps fα such that u
αu, v
α– 1v, w
w for w ∈
where α ∈ F* (BAI, pp. 365366). We have fα = Su – vSu – αv, so that the spinorial norm of fα is Q(u – v)Q(u – αv) = (– 1)( – α) = α. Since α can be taken to be any element of F*, this proves that
. Next let y be any nonisotropic vector in V and let Q(y) = α. Then Q(u + αv) = α = Q(y). Hence by Witt’s theorem there is an orthogonal transformation g such that g(u + αv) = y (BAI, p. 351). Then
. Let f ∈ O' and write f = Svl … Sv2r where αi = Q(vi) and hence
. Then we have orthogonal transformations gi such that
. Then
. Since O(V, Q)/Ω is abelian,
so to prove that f ∈ Ω, it suffices to prove that h ∈ Ω. Now f ∈ O' and since Ω ⊂ O', h ∈ O'. Hence h ⊂ O+1, so h =fα = S u– cSu – αv, as above, and α = β2. Then .
The main structure theorem on orthogonal groups, which we derived in BAI, states that if Q has positive Witt index and n ≥ 3, then Ω/(Ω ∩ {1, – 1}) is simple except in the cases n = 4, Witt index 2 and n = 3, |F| = 3. An interesting question is, when does – 1 ∈ Ω? This can happen only for even n. In this case we have
PROPOSITION 4.11. Let n be even and let Q be of positive Witt index. Then – 1 ∈ Ω if and only if the discriminant is a square.
Proof. Let (ul, u2, …, un) be an orthogonal base. Then the discriminant obtained from this base is 2–n and this is a square if and only if
is a square. On the other hand – 1 = Sul Su2 … Sun so the spinorial norm of – 1 is
. Hence by Theorem 4.15, – 1 ∈ Ω if and only if
is a square.
1. Show that any central simple algebra of degree two (p. 222) over a field F of characteristic ≠ 2 is a quaternion algebra as defined on p. 232 and that any such algebra is isomorphic to a Clifford algebra C(V, Q) where dim V = 2.
In exercises 2–9, Q is a quadratic form with non-degenerate bilinear form B on an n- dimensional vector space V over F of characteristic ≠ 2.
2. Let n be even and (u1, u2, …, un) an orthogonal base for V over F so Q(ui) = γi ≠ 0. Obtain an explicit formula
where v = n/2 and (α, β) denotes the algebra with base (1, i, j, k) such that i2 = α1, j2 = β1, ij = k = –ji
3. Use exercise 2 to show that C(V, Q) ~ 1 if Q has maximal Witt index ( = v, see p. 370 of BAI).
4. Let n be odd, but otherwise let the notations be as in 2. Obtain a formula like (66) tensored with the center for C(V, Q) and a formula like (66) for C+ (V, Q).
5. Apply exercise 4 to obtain the structure of C(V, Q) and C+ (V, Q) if n is odd and Q has maximal Witt index.
6. Let n = 4, F = . Obtain the structure of C(V, Q) for the following cases in which (u1, u2, u3, u4) is an orthogonal base for V and the matrix diag {Q(u1), Q(u2), Q(u3), Q(u4)} is respectively
7. Note that a ta (the transpose of a) is an involution in Mn(F). Use the Skolem-Noether theorem to show that any involution in Mn(F) has the form
where ts = ±s. Let Sym Js be the subspace of Mn(F) of Js-symmetric elements, that is, satisfying Js(a) = a. Show that dim Js = n(n + 1)/2 if ts = s and dim Js = n(n – 1 )/2 if ts = – s.
8. Let A be a finite dimensional central simple algebra over F, E a splitting field for A. Show that if A is viewed as contained in AE ≅ Mn(E), then any involution J in A has a unique extension to an involution JE of AE over E. Then JE = Js for some s ∈ Mn(E) such that ts = ± s. Call J of orthogonal or symplectic type according as s is symmetric or skew. Show that J is of orthogonal (symplectic) type if and only if dim Sym J = n(n + 1)/2 (n(n – 1)/2).
9. Determine the type of the main involution in C(V, Q) for n even and the type of the involution induced in C+ (V, Q) by the main involution if n is odd.
If J and K are involutions in A and B respectively then we write (A, J) ≅ (B, K) if there exists an isomorphism η to A onto B such that ηJ = Kη.
10. Prove the following extension of Lemma 5: If U is a 2v-dimensional subspace of V on which the restriction of B is non-degenerate, then C(V, Q) ≅ C(U, Q′) C(U, – δ′Q″) and (C(V, Q), i) ≅ (C(U, Q')
C(U, – δ′Q″), i
i) if v is even. (Here i is the main involution.)
11. Let c denote the conjugation a
and s the standard involution a
. Show that
, and
The next three exercises concern isomorphisms for (C(V, Q), l) where V is a finite dimensional vector space over and Q is a positive definite quadratic form on V.
12. Show that
13. Show that if n = 2v, then
14. Show that if n = 2v – 1 then
Exercises 15–18 sketch a derivation of the main structure theorem for Clifford algebras for arbitrary fields including characteristic two.
15. Define a quaternion algebra over an arbitrary field F to be an algebra generated by two elements i, j such that
Show that any such algebra is four-dimensional central simple. Show that this definition is equivalent to the one given in the text if char F ≠ 2.
Now let V be an n-dimensional vector space equipped with a quadratic form Q with non-degenerate bilinear form. Note that if char F = 2, then B is an alternate form and hence n is even.
16. Show that if n = 2, then C(V, Q) is a quaternion algebra.
17. Show that Lemma 5 is valid for arbitrary F. (Hint: Let (u, v) be any base for U and let . Use this
in place of the one used in the proof given in the text to extend the proof to arbitrary F.)
18. Prove Theorem 4.13 for B non-degenerate and F arbitrary. Note that the proof of dim C(V, Q) = 2n given in the text by reduction to the non-degenerate case carries over to arbitrary F.
In exercises 19–21 we assume that char F = 2.
19. Define C+ = C+ (V, Q) as for char F ≠ 2: the subalgebra generated by all products uv, u, v ∈ V. Show that dim C+ = 2n – 1 and C+ is generated by the elements u1v for any non-isotropic u1. Show that the subalgebra C' of C+ generated by the u1v such that Q(u1) ≠ 0 and is isomorphic to a Clifford algebra determined by an (n – 2)-dimensional vector space and that this algebra is central simple of dimension 2n – 2. Let (u1, v1, …, uv, vv) be a symplectic base (that is,
. Show that
is in the center of C+, that c
F1, and that
. Hence conclude that
and F[c] is the center of C+. Show that F[c] is a field or a direct sum of two copies of F according as
is not or is of the form β2 + β, β ∈ F. Thus conclude that C+ is simple or a direct sum of two isomorphic central simple algebras according as
20. Let F[2] denote the set of elements of the form β2 + β, β ∈ F. Show that F[2] is a subgroup of the additive group of F and put G = F/F[2]. Let (ul, vl, …, uv, vv) be a symplectic base for V and define
in G. Show that this is independent of the choice of the symplectic base. Arf Q is called the Arf invariant of Q. Note that the last result in exercise 14 can be stated as the following: C+ (V, Q) is simple if and only if Arf Q ≠ 0.
21. Show that there exists a unique derivation D in C = C(V, Q) such that Dx = x for x ∈ V. Show that C+ (V, Q) is the subalgebra of D-constants ( = elements a such that Da = 0).
Historical Note
Clifford algebras defined by means of generators and relations were introduced by W. K. Clifford in a paper published in 1878 in the first volume of the American Journal of Mathematics. In this paper Clifford gave a tensor factorization of his algebras into quaternion algebras and the center. The first application of Clifford algebras to orthogonal groups was given by R. Lipschitz in 1884. Clifford algebras were rediscovered in the case n = 4 by the physicist P. A. M. Dirac, who used these in his theory of electron spin. This explains the terminology spin group and spinorial norm. The spin group for orthogonal groups over are simply connected covering groups for the proper orthogonal groups. As in the theory of functions of a complex variable, multiple-valued representations of the orthogonal group become single-valued for the spin group. Such representations occurred in Dirac’s theory. This was taken up in more or less general form by R. Brauer and H. Weyl (1935) and by E. Cartan (1938) and in complete generality by C. Chevalley (1954).
N. Jacobson, Structure of Rings, American Mathematical Society Colloquium Publication XXXVII, Providence 1956, rev. ed., 1964.
I. Herstein, Noncommutative Rings, Carus Mathematical Monograph, No. 15, Mathematical Association of America, John Wiley, New York, 1968.
C. Faith, Algebra II. Ring Theory, Springer, New York, 1976.
For Clifford algebras:
C. Chevalley, The Algebraic Theory of Spinors; Columbia University Press, New York, 1954.