
We have imagesy = (β0, β1,…, βm – 2, f(x)), f(x)∈ E'[x], and since (β0, β1,…, βm – 2,x) = (ρ0p, ρ1p,…, ρm – 2, xp,) it follows from (50) that xp – f(x) + x + y when yE'. Thus f(x) = xpxγ and if we choose pm – 1 gimages so that f(pm – 1) = 0, then the derivative argument shows that E'(ρm – 1) is separable over E'. Hence E = F(ρ0, ρ0, …, ρm – 1) is separable over F. The formulas show that if ρ = (ρ0,ρ1,…, ρm – 1 is then images ρ = (β0, β1…, βm – 1). images

We can now prove

THEOREM 8.31.   Let Q be a subgroup of (Wm(F), +) containing imagesWm(F) such that Q/imagesWm(F) is finite. Then there exists an abelian p-extension E of F such that the exponent of the Galois group of E/F is pe, em, and QWm(E) = Q.

Proof.   Let β(1), β(2)…, β(r) be elements of Q such that the cosets β(i) + images Wm(F) generate Q/imagesWm(F). By Lemma 2, images contains a field E that is finite dimensional separable over F and is generated by elements ρv(di) 1 ≤ ir, 0 ≤ vm – 1 such that images(ρ0(i),…, ρm – 1(i)) = (β0(i),…, ρm – 1(i)) in Wm(E). Let E' be the normal closure of E in images so E' is a finite dimensional Galois extension of F containing E. We form Wm(E') and let the Galois group G of E'/F act on Wm(E') as before. If sG and ρ(i) = (ρ0(i)m – 1(i)), then images ρ(i) = (β(i) gives images((i) = β(i). Hence images((i)ρ(i)) = 0, so (i)ρ(i) is in the prime ring of Wm(E'). This implies that sEE, sG. It follows that E is Galois over F and hence E' = E. If s, tG, then (i) = ρ(i) + γ(i), (i) = ρ(i) + δ(i) where γ(i) + δ(i)Wm(F). Hence tsρ(i) = ρ(i) + γ(i) + δ(i) = stρ(i), which implies that G is abelian. Also skρ(i) = ρ(i) + γ(i). Since Wm(E) is of characteristic pm, this implies that spm = 1 hence G has order pq and exponent pe with em. Let χi be the character of G defined by ρ(i) : χi(s) = (i)ρ(i). Then it is clear that χi(s) = 1, 1 ≤ ir, implies that s = 1. It follows that the χi generate images. Hence, if ρ is any element of Wm(E) such that imagesρWm(F) then xP = xim. This implies that ρ = ∑ mip(i) + β, βWm(F) mi integers. Then images(ρ) = ∑,miβ(i) + images(β) ∈ Q. Since ρ is any element of SWm(E) this shows that Q(Wm(E)) ⊂ Q. The converse is clear so the proof is complete. images

The results we have obtained are analogous to the main results on Kummer extensions. They establish a 1– 1 correspondence between the abelian p-extensions whose Galois groups have exponent pe, e ≤ m, with the subgroups Q of (Wm(F) +) containing imagesWm,(F) as subgroup of finite index.

We shall now consider the special case of cyclic p-extensions. We observe first that the original Artin-Schreier theorem is an immediate consequence of the general theory: Any p-dimensional cyclic extension of F has the form F(ρ) where imagesp = ρpρ = βF and β is an element such that there exists no α ∈ F satisfying imagesα = β. We shall now prove a result that if such an extension exists, then there exist cyclic extensions of F of any dimension pm, m ≥ 1. For this purpose we require

LEMMA 3.   If β = (β0,β1,…, βm – 1) ∈ Wm(F), then pm – 1) ∈ Wm(F) pm – 1 β ∈ imagesWm(F) if and only if β0imagesF.

Proof.   We note first that by iteration of the formula (66) we obtain pm – 1 β = (0,…, 0, β0pm – 1). Next we write


Evidently the right-hand side is contained in imagesWm(F). Hence pm – 1β = (0,… ,0,β0pm – 1)∈imagesWm(F) if and only if (0,…0,β0)∈imagesWm(F). Suppose that this is the case, say, (0,…, 0, β0) = ρa – α for α = (α0, α1,…, αm – 1)∈ Wm(F). Applying R to this relation gives PRα – Rα = 0 where Rα =0,…, αm – 2). Hence if γ = (α01,…,αm – 2,0), then Pγ = γ and if δ = α – γ, then Pδ – δ = (0,…,0,γ0). Moreover, since Rδ = Rα – Rδ = 0, δ = (0,…, 0, δm – 1). Then the formula (50) applied to = δ = (0,…, 0, β0) implies that imagesδm – 1 = α0, so β0imagesF. Conversely, if this condition holds, then imagesδ = (0,…, 0, β0) for δ = (0,…, 0, δm – 1) and hence pm – 1βimagesWm(F). images

We can now prove

THEOREM 8.32.   Let F be a field of characteristic p ≠ 0. Then there exist cyclic extensions of pm dimensions, m ≥ 1, over F if and only if there exist such extensions of P dimensions. The condition for this is imagesFF.

Proof.   We have seen that there exists a cyclic extension of p dimensions over F if and only if FimagesF. Suppose that this conditions holds and choose β0F, β0F. Let β = (β0, β2…, αm – 1) where the βi, i > 0, are any elements of F. By Lemma 3, pm – 1 βimagesWm(F). This implies that the subgroup Q of (Wm(F) +) generated by β and imagesWm(F) has the property that Q/imagesWm(F) is cyclic of order pm. By Theorem 8.31, Q = QWm(E) for an abelian p-extension E/F. Moreover, we have seen that the Galois group G of E/F is isomorphic to Q/imagesWm(F). Hence this is cyclic of order pm and E/F is cyclic of pm dimensions. images


        1. Show that if βWm(F) satisfies pm – 1 βimagesWm(F), then there exists a ηWm(F) such that = β(imagesWm(F)). Use this to prove that any cyclic extension of pm – 1 dimensions over F can be embedded in a cyclic extension of pm dimensions over F.


A finite subset {a1…, an}, n ≥ 1, of an extension field E/F is called algebraically dependent over F if the homomorphism


of the polynomial algebra F[x1,…, xn], xi indeterminates, into E has a nonzero kernel. In other words, there exists a non-zero polynomial F(x1,…,xn) such that F(a1, …, an) = 0. Evidently if {a1…, an}, 1 ≤ mn, is algebraically dependent, then so is {a1…,an}. We shall now say that an arbitrary non-vacuous subset of E is algebraically dependent over F if some finite subset has this property. We have the following criterion.

THEOREM 8.33. A non-vacuous subset s of an extension field E/F is algebraically dependent over F if and only if there exists an a∈S that is algebraic over F(S – {a}).

Proof.   If T is a subset of E and a is algebraic over F(T), then a is algebraic over F(U) for some finite subset U of T. It follows that it suffices to prove the theorem for S finite, say, S = {al,… an}. Suppose first that S is algebraically dependent. We shall prove by induction on n that there exists ai ai such that ai is algebraic over F(Si), Si = S – {ai}. This is clear from the definitions if n = 1, so we assume that n > 1. We may assume also that {a1,…, an– 1} is algebraically independent (= not algebraically dependent). Then we have a polynomial f(x1…, xn) ≠ 0 such that f(a1…, an) = 0. Write f(x1,…,xn) = f0(x1,…,xn) ≠ 0 such that f(a1,…,an) = 0. Write f(x1,…,xn) = f0(x1,…,xn– 1)xnm + f1(x1,…,xn– 1)xnm – 1 + … + fm fm(x1,…,xn– 1) with f0(x1,…,xn– 1) ≠ 0. Then f0(a1,…,an – 1) ≠ 0. so g(x) = f0(a1,…, an – 1)xnm + f1(a1,…, an – 1) ≠ 0. Then f0(a1,…, an – 1) so g(x) = f0(a1,…, an – 1)xnm + f1(a1,…, an – 1)snm – 1 + … + fm(a1,…,an – 1) is non-zero polynomial in F(a1…, an – 1)[x] such that g(an) = 0. Hence an is algebraic over F(a1,…, an – 1).

Conversely, suppose one of the ai is algebraic over Si = s – {ai}. We may assume that i = n. Then we have elements b1,…, bmF(al,… an – 1) such that g(an) = 0 for g(x) = xm + b1xm – 1 + … bmF(a1 …, an – 1)[x]. There exist polynomials f0(x1…, xn – 1), f1(x1…, xn – 1),…,fm(x1,…, xn – 1) ∈ F [x1,…, xn – 1] with f0(a1…, an – 1)≠ 0 such that bi = fi(a1,…, an – 1) f0(a1,…, an – 1)– 1. Then if we put


we shall have F(x1,…, xn) ≠ 0 and f(a1,…, an) = 0. Thus S is algebraically dependent over F. images

We shall now introduce a correspondence from the set E to the set images(E) of subsets of E, which will turn out to be a dependence relation on E in the sense defined on pp. 122–123. This is given in

DEFINITION 8.1.   An element a of E is called algebraically dependent over F on the subset S (which may be vacuous) if a is algebraic over F(s). In this case we write aimages S.

Using this definition, Theorem 8.33 states that a non-vacuous subset S is algebraically dependent over F if and only if there exists an aS that is alge-braically dependent over F on S – {a}. We shall now show that the correspondence images between elements of E and subsets of E satisfies the axioms for a dependence relation, that is, we have

THEOREM 8.34 The correspondence images of E to images(E) given in Definition 8.1 is a dependence relation.

Proof.   The axioms we have to verify are the following: (i) If aS, then a images S. (ii) If a images S, then a images U for some finite subset U of S. (iii) If a images S and every bS satisfies b images T, then a images T. (iv) If a images S and a images S – {b} for some b in S, then b images (S – {b}) ∪ {a}. Axiom (i) is clear and (ii) was noted in the proof of Theorem 8.33. To prove (iii) let A be the subfield of E of elements algebraic over F(T). Then SA and if a images S, then a is algebraic over A. Hence aA, which means that a images T. To prove (iv) let a images S, a images S – {b} where bS. Put K = F(T) where T = s – {b}. Then a is transcendental over K and algebraic over K(b). Hence, by Theorem 8.33, {a, b} is algebraically dependent over K, so there exists a polynomial f(x, y) ≠ 0 in indeterminates x, y with coefficients in K such that f(a, b) = 0. We can write f(x, y) = a0(x)ym + a1(x)ym – 1 + … + am(x) with ai(x) ∈ K[x] and a0(x) ≠ 0. Then a0(a) ≠ 0, so f(a, y) ≠ 0 in K[y], and f(a, b) = 0 shows that b is algebraic over K(a) = F(T ∪ {a}). Hence b images T ∪ {a} as required. images

We can now apply the results that we derived on dependence relations to algebraic dependence. The concept of a base becomes that of a transcendency base, which we define in

DEFINITION 8.2.   If E is an extension field of F, a subset B of E is called a transcendency base of E over F if(1) B is algebraically independent, and (2) every aE is algebraically dependent on B.

The two results we proved in the general case now give

THEOREM 8.35.   E/F has a transcendency base and any two such bases have the same cardinality.

It should be remarked that B may be vacuous. This is the case if and only if E is algebraic over F. The cardinality |B| is called the transcendency degree (tr deg) of E/F. A field E is called purely transcendental over F if it has a transcendency base B such that E = F(B).


        1. Let EKF. Show that tr deg E/F = tr deg E/K + tr deg K/F.

        2. Show that if char F ≠ 3 and E = F(a, b) where a is transcendental over F and a3 + b3 = 1, then E is not purely transcendental over F.

        3. Let images be the field of complex numbers, images the rationals. Show that tr deg images = |images|. Show that if B is a transcendency base of images/images, then any bijective map of B onto itself can be extended to an automorphism of images/images. Hence conclude that there are as many automorphisms of images/images as bijective maps of images onto images.

        4. Show that any subfield of a finitely generated E/F is finitely generated.

        5. Let E = F(x1…, xm) where the xi are algebraically independent. Call a rational expression f = gh – 1 homogeneous of degree m (∈images) if g is a homogeneous polynomial of degree r, h is a homogeneous polynomial of degree s, and rs = m. Show that the set E0 of homogeneous rational expressions of degree 0 is a subfield of E that is purely transcendental of transcendency degree m – 1 over F. Show that E is a simple transcendental extension of E0.


Let D be a commutative domain that is an algebra over a field F, E, the field of fractions of D, so FDE. Evidently, since F(D) is a subfield of E containing D, F(D) = E and hence D contains a transcendency base for E/F (see the comment (ii) on bases on p. 124). We call trdeg E/F the transcendency degree of D/F. This is an important concept for studying homomorphisms of domains that are algebras over the same field F. For, we have the following

THEOREM 8.36. (i) Let D/F and D'/F be domains and suppose there exists a surjective homomorphism η of D/F onto D'/F. Then tr deg D/F ≥ tr deg D'/F. (ii) Moreover, if tr deg D/F = tr deg D'/F = m < ∞ then η is an isomorphism.

Proof. (i) Let B' be a transcendency base for D'/F. For each x'B' choose an xD such that ηx = x'. Then C = {x} is an algebraically independent subset of D. Hence, C can be augmented to a base B for E/F, E the field of fractions of D (see comment (i) on p. 124). Hence


(ii) Now let B' = {x'1,…, x'm}, C = {x1,…, xm} where ηxi = x'i. Since C is an algebraically independent set of cardinality tr deg E/F, B = C is a transcendency base for D/F. Let a be a non-zero element of D. Then a is algebraic over F(x1,…, xm). Let m(λ) = λnα1λn – 1 + … + αn, αiF(x1 …, xm) be the minimum polynomial of a over F(x1…, xm). Since a ≠ 0, αn ≠ 0. We can write αi = gi(x1,…, xm)g0(x1,…,xm)– 1 where gi(x1,…, xm), g0(x1xm) ∈ F[x1…, xm]. Then we have


and hence


Since an ≠ 0, gn(xl,…, xm) ≠ 0 and since the x'i are algebraically independent gn(x'1,…, x'm) = 0. Then by (77), ηa ≠ 0. Thus a ≠ 0 ⇒ ηa ≠ 0 and η is an isomorphism. images

We prove next the important

NOETHER NORMALIZATION THEOREM.   Let D be a domain which is finitely generated over a field F, say, D = F[ul,…,um]. Let tr deg D = rm. Then there exists a transcendency base {vi} such that D is integral over F[u1,…, ur].

Proof.   The result is trivial if m = r so suppose m > r. Then the ui are algebraically dependent. Hence there exists a non-zero polynomial


in indeterminates xi with coefficients in F such that f(u1…, um) = 0. Let X be the set of monomials x1j1xmjm; occurring in F (with non-zero coefficients). With each such monomial x1j1xmjm we associate the polynomial j1 + j2t + … + jmtm – 1images [t], t an indeterminate. The polynomials obtained in this way from the monomials in X are distinct. Since a polynomial of degree n in one indeterminate with coefficients in a field has at most n zeros in the field, it follows that there exists an integer d ≥ 0 such that the integers j1 + j2d + … + jmdm – 1 obtained from the monomials in X are distinct. Now consider the polynomial f(x1, x1d + y2,…, x1dm – 1 + ym) where y2,…, ym are indeterminates. We have


where the degree of g in x1 is less than that of ∑aj1…jmx1j1 + J2d + … + jmdm – 1. Hence for a suitable βF*, β f(x1, x1d + y2…,x1dm – 1 + ym) is monic as a polynomial in x1 with coefficients in F[y2,…, ym]. If we put wi = uiu1di – 1, 2 ≤ im we have ηf(ul, u1d + w2,…, udm – 1 + wm) = 0 which implies that u1 is integral over D' = F[w2,…, wm]. By induction on the number of generators, D' has a transcendency base {vi} such that D' is integral over F[v1…, vr]. Then D is integral over F[v1…, vr] by the transitivity of integral dependence. images

A commutative algebra that is finitely generated over a field is called an affine algebra. Such an algebra is Noetherian (Corollary to the Hilbert basis theorem, p. 421). We recall that the Krull dimension of a Noetherian ring is defined to be Sup s for chains of prime ideals P0 images P1 imagesimages Ps in R. We are now in a position to prove the following theorem on dimension of an affine domain.

THEOREM 8.37.   Let D be an affine domain of transcendency degree r over F. Then the Krull dimension dim Dr and dim D = r if F is algebraically closed.

Proof.   By Noether’s normalization theorem we may write D = F[u1,…, ur, ur + 1,…, um] where the ui. 1 ≤ ir, constitute a transcendency base and the remaining uj are integral over F[u1,…, ur]. Then F[u1,…, ur] is factorial and hence is integrally closed in its field of fractions. Under these circumstances we can apply the “going-down” Theorem 7.1 to show that dim D = dim F[u1,…,ur]. First, let p0 images p1 imagesimages ps be a strictly descending chain of prime ideals in F[u1…, ur. By the lying-over Theorem 7.5, there exists a prime ideal P0 in D such that Pc0 = P0F[u1,…,ur] = p0. By Theorem 7.6, there exists a prime ideal P1 in D such that Pi = F[u1 and ur] images Px. Then P0 images P1. Then by induction we obtain a chain of prime ideals P0 images P1 imagesimages Ps such that Pi, ∩ F[u1,…,ur] = pi 0 ≤ is. This implies that dim D ≥ dim F[u1…, ur]. Next let P0 images P1 imagesimagesPs, for prime ideals Pi in D. Then, by Corollary 2 to Proposition 7.17 (p. 410), p0 images p1 imagesimages ps, pi = Pc1 is a properly descending chain of prime ideals in F[u1…, ur]. It follows that dim F[u1…,ur] ≥ dim D. Hence dim D = dim F[u1,…,ur]. Now we have the chain of prime ideals


in F[u1…, ur]. Hence dim D = dim F[u1…, u r] ≥ r = tr deg D/F. On the other hand, we have shown earlier (p. 453) that if F is algebraically closed then dim F[u1,…, ur] for algebraically independent ui is r. This concludes the proof. images


        1. Use the Noether normalization theorem to prove the Corollary to Theorem 7.15 (p. 426). {Sketch of proof. Let m be a maximal ideal in F[x1,…, xn], xi indeterminates, F algebraically closed. Then F[x1,…, xn]/M is a field that is an affine algebra F[imagesl,…, imagesn], imagesi = xi + M. By the Noether normalization theorem and Proposition 7.17, tr deg F[x1,…, xn]/M = 0. Since F is algebraically closed, F[x1,…, xn]/M = F. Then imagesi = aiF, 1 ≤ in, and M = (x1al,…, xnan)}.


The purely transcendental extension fields E/F, especially those having a finite transcendency degree, appear to be the simplest type of extension fields. It is clear that such a field is isomorphic to the field of fractions F(x1,…, xn) of the polynomial ring F[x1…,xn] in indeterminates x1,…,xn. Even though these fields look quite innocent, as noted in BAI (p. 270), there are difficult and unsolved problems particularly on the nature of the subfields of F(x1,…,xn)/F. A problem of the type mentioned in BAI, which, as far as we know remains unsolved (although it was stated as an exercise in the first edition of the author’s Lectures in Abstract Algebra vol. III (1964), p. 160), is the following: Let the alternating group an operate on F(x1,…xn) by automorphisms of this field over F so that π xi = xπ(i), 1 ≤ in, for πAn and let Inv An be the subfield of fixed points under this action. Is Inv An purely transcendental over F?

The one case where the situation is quite simple is that in which F has transcendency degree one. We consider this case.

Let E = F(t), t transcendental, and let uE, ∉ F. We can write u = f(t)g(t)– 1 where f(t), g(t) ∈ F[t] and (f(t), g(t))= 1. If n is the larger of the degrees of F(t) and g(t) then we can write


ai, biF, and either an or bn ≠ 0. We have f(t) – ug(t) = 0, so


and anubn ≠ 0 since either an ≠ or bn ≠ 0 and uF. Thus (78) shows that t is algebraic over F(u) and [F(t):F(u)] ≤ n. We shall now prove the following more precise result.

THEOREM 8.38.   Let E = F(t), t transcendental over F, and let uF(t), ∉ F. Write u = (f(t)g(t) – 1 = 1 where (f(t),g(t)) = 1, and let n = max (deg F(t), deg g(t)). Then u is transcendental over F, t is algebraic over F(u), and [F(t): F(u)] = n. Moreover, the minimum polynomial of t over F(u) is a multiple in F(u) of f (x, u) = f(x) – ug(x).

Proof. Put f(x, y) = f(x) – yg(x) ∈ F[x, y], x, y indeterminates. This polynomial in x and y is of first degree in y and it has no factor h(x) of positive degree since (f(x),g(x))= 1. Hence it is irreducible in F[x, y]. Now t is algebraic over F(u) so if u were algebraic over F, then t would be algebraic over F, contrary to the hypothesis. Hence u is transcendental over F. Then F[x, u] ≅ F[x, y] under the isomorphism over F fixing x and mapping u into y and hence f(x,u) is irreducible in F[x, u]. It follows that F(x, u) is irreducible in F(u)[x] (BAI, p. 153). Since f(t, u) = F(t) – ug(t) = 0, it follows that F(x, u) is a multiple in F(u) of the minimum polynomial of t over F(u). Hence [F(t):F(u)] is the degree in x of F(x, u). This degree is n, so the proof is complete. images

A first consequence of this theorem is that it enables us to determine the elements u that generate F(t). These have the form u = F(t)g(t)– 1 where f(t) and g(t) have degree 1 or 0, (f(t), g(t)) = 1, and either f(t) or g(t) ∉ F. Then


where a, b, c, dF, either a ≠ 0 or c ≠ 0, and at + b and ct + d have no common factor of positive degree. It is easily seen that this set of conditions is equivalent to the single condition


Now if F(u) = F(t), then we have a uniquely determined automorphism of F(t)/F such that t images u and every automorphism is obtained in this way.

The condition (80) holds for the matrix


if and only if A is invertible. Now consider the linear group GL2(F) of these matrices (BAI, p. 375). Any matrix AGL2(F) as in (81) determines a generator u = (at + b)/(ct + d) of F(t) and hence determines the automorphism η(A) of F(t)/F such that




GL2(F), then


Since any automorphism of F(t)/F sends t into a generator, η is surjective. Hence by (83), η is an anti-homomorphism of GL2(F) onto Gal F(t)/F. The kernel consists of the matrices A as in (81) such that ((at + b)(ct + d)– 1 = t or at + b = ct2 + dt. This gives c = b = 0 and a = d. Hence the kernel is the set of scalar matrices a1, a ≠ 0. The factor group GL2(F)/F*1 is called a projective linear group and is denoted as PGL2(F). Hence Gal F(t)/F is anti-isomorphic to PGL2(F) and since any group is anti-isomorphic to itself (under g images g– 1), we also have Gal F(t)/FPGL2(F).

One can determine all of the subfields of E/F for E = F(t), t transcendental: These have the form F(u) for some u. This important result is called

LUROTH’S THEOREM.   If E = F(t), t transcendental over F, then any subfield k of E/F, KF, has the form F(u), u transcendental over F.

Proof.   Let vK, ∉ F. Then we have seen that t is algebraic over F(v). Hence t is algebraic over K. Let f(x) = xn + k1xn – 1 + … + kn be the minimum polynomial of t over K, so the kiK and n = [F(t):K]. Since t is not algebraic over F, some kjF. We shall show that K = F(u), u = kj. We can write u = g(t)h(t)– 1 where g[t], h(t) ∈ F[t], (g(t), h(t)) = 1, and m = max (deg h, deg g) > 0. Then, as we showed in Theorem 8.38, [E : F(u)] = m. Since KF(u) and [E : K] = n, we evidently have mn and equality holds if and only if K = F(u). Now t is a root of the polynomial g(x) – uh(x) ∈ K[x]. Hence we have a q(x) ∈ K[x] such that


The coefficient ki of f(x) is in F(t) so there exists a non-zero polynomial c0(t) of least degree such that c0(t)ki = ci(t) ∈ F[t] for 1 ≤ in. Then c0(t)f(x) = f(x, t) = c0(t)xn + c1(t)xn – 1 + … + cn(t) ∈ F[x, t], and f(x, t) is primitive as a polynomial in x, that is, the ci(t) are relatively prime. The x-degree of f(x, t) is n and since kj = g(t)h(t)– 1 with (g(t), h(t) = = 1, the t-degree of f(x, t) is ≥ m. Now replace u in (84) by g(t)h(t)– l and the coefficients of q(x) by their expressions in t. Then (84) shows that f(x, t) divides g(x)h(t) – g(t)h(x) in F(t)[x]. Since f(x, t) and g(x)h(t) – g(t)h(x) ∈ F[x, t] and f(x, t) is primitive as a polynomial in x, it follows that there exists a polynomial q(x, t) ∈ F[x, t] such that


Since the t-degree of the left-hand side is ≤ m and that of F(x, t) is ≥ m, it follows that this degree is m and q(x, t) = q(x) ∈ F[x]. Then the right-hand side is primitive as a polynomial in x and so is the left-hand side. By symmetry the left-hand side is primitive as a polynomial in t also. Hence q(x) = qF. Then F(x, t) has the same x-degree and t-degree so m = n, which implies that K = F(u). images

We shall now indicate some of the results that are presently known on subfields of purely transcendental extensions of transcendency degree greater than one. We use the algebraic geometric terminology in which a purely transcendental extension E/F is called a rational extension and a subfield of such an E/F is called unirational. In BAI (p. 270) we have noted some results and given some references on unirational fields of the form Inv G where G is a finite group of automorphisms of a field F(x1…, xn)/F where the xi are indeterminates that are permuted by G. Further results on the rationality and non-rationality of fields of the form Inv G are given in a survey article by D. J. Saltman, “Groups acting on fields: Noether’s problem” in Contemporary Mathematics vol. 43, 1985, pp. 267–277.

An old result on subfields of rational extensions of transcendency degree two is the theorem of Castelnuovo-Zariski: if F is algebraically closed of characteristic 0 then any subfield L of a rational extension F(x1,x2) such that F(x1,x2) is affine over L is rational. The result does not always hold for characteristic p ≠ 0. (See R. Hartshorne’s Algebraic Geometry, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1977, p. 422.)

Examples of non-rational subfields of rational extensions of transcendency degree 3 over images are given in the following papers:

            1. M. Artin and D. Mumford, “Some elementary examples of unirational varieties that are not rational,” Proc. London Math. Soc. vol. 25, 3rd ser. (1972), pp. 75–95.

            2. C. H. Clemens and P. A. Griffiths, “The intermediate jacobian of the cubic threefold,” Annals of Math. (2) vol. 95 (1972), pp. 281–356.

            3. V. A. Iskovkikh and J. Manin, “Three dimensional quartics and counterexamples to the Luroth problem,” Math. Sbornik, vol. 86 (1971), pp. 140–166.

A. Beauville, J. L. Colliot-Thelene, J. J. Sansuc, and Sir P. Swinnerton-Dyer in “Varietes stablement rationelles non rationelle,” Annals of Math. (2) vol. 121, pp. 283–318 have given an example of an extension K/images of transcendency degree three such that a purely transcendental extension of transcendency degree three over K is purely transcendental of transcendency degree six over images but K is not rational over images.


        1. Let Fq be a field of q elements and let K be the subfield of fixed elements of Fq(t), t transcendental, under Gal Fq(t)/Fq. Determine an element u such that K = Fq(u).

        2. Let E = F[t, v] where t is transcendental over F and v2 + t2 = 1. Show that E is purely transcendental over F.

The following two exercises sketch proofs due to Mowaffag Hajja (to appear in Algebras, Groups, and Geometries) that Im A3 and Inv A4 are rational. This improves results of Burnside published in Messenger of Mathematics, vol. 37 (1908), p. 165. We mention also that it has been proved recently by Takashi Maeda (to appear in the J. of Algebra) that Inv A5 for the base field images is rational. The situation for Im An with n > 5 is still unsettled.

        3. Show that InvA3 in K = F(xl, x2, x3) is rational.

   (Sketch of Proof: We distinguish three cases:

               i. F contains a primitive cube root of 1, which implies char F ≠ 3.

            ii. char F ≠ 3 but F contains no primitive cube root of 1.

   iii. char F = 3.

In all cases A3 is the group of automorphisms of K/F generated by the automorphism σ such that x1 images x2, x2 images x3, x3 images x1. Also Gal K/Inv A3 = A3 and [K:Inv A3] = |A3| = 3. In case i we put xj = x1 + wjx2 + w2jx3 where w3 = 1, w ≠ 1. Then σxj = w– jXj and K = F(X1, X2, X3). Now put Y1 = X12/X2, Y2 = X22/x1, Y3 = xX3. Then σYj = Yj so F(Y1, Y2, Y3) ⊂ Inv A3. On the other hand, X13 = Y12Y2 and K = F(X1, X2, X3) = F(Y1, Y2, Y3,X1). Hence [K: F(Y1, Y2, Y3)] ≤ 3. Then Inv A3 = F(Y1, Y2, Y3). In case ii we adjoin a primitive cube root of unity w to K to obtain k' = K(w) = F'(x1, x2, x3) for F' = F(w). We have w2 + w + 1 = 0, (w, w2) is a base for k'/ K and for F'/F and we have an automorphism τ of k'/K such that w images w2. As in case i, we define Xj = xl + wjx2 + w2jx3, j = 1, 2, 3, Y1 = X21/x2, Y2 = X22/x1, Y3 = X3 = xl + x2 + x3. Then Inv A3 = F'(Y1, Y2, Y3). We have τY1 = Y2, ΓY2 = Y1 ΓY3 =Y3∈K Hence if Y2 = wZ1 + w2Z2 where Zi∈K then Y2 = w2Z1 + wZ2 and Y2 = Y2 implies σZi = Zi and Inv a3 = F(Z1,Z2,Z3). In case iii we let images = σ – 1 and U} = AJx1 j = 0, 1, 2. Then K = F(U0, U1, U2) and σU0 = U0 + U1 σU1 = U1 + U2 σU2 = U2. Let U = U0U2 + U12 − U1U2 Then K = F(U, U1, U2), σU = U, σU1 = U1 + U2 and σU2 = U2. Hence (σ((U31 - U1U2U2) and Inv a3F(U, U2, 13 - U1U22). Since [K:F(U, U2, U13 - U1U22).≤ 3 it follows that Inv a3 = F(U, U2, U13 - U1U22). (Cf. exercise 1, p. 271 of BAI.))

        4. Show that Inv A4 inK = F(x1, x2, x3, x4) is rational.

   (Sketch of Proof: It is clear that A4 is generated by the automorphisms α, β, σ of K/F such that imagesimages. If char F ≠ 2 we define


Then K = F(s, z1, z2, z3). The action of α, β, σ on (s, z1, z2, z3) is given by the following table


Put Y1 = Z1z3/z2, Y2 = σY1 = z2z3/z1, Y3 = σ2y1 = Z1z2/z3. Then F(s, Y1, Y2, Y3) ⊂ Inv H where H = images Since images, and | H | = 4, it follows as before that Inv H = F(s, Y1, Y2, Y3). Since σs1 = s1 and σY1 = Y2, σY2 = Y3, ΓY3 = Y1, the result of exercise 3 shows that Inv images in F(s, Y1, Y2, Y3) is rational over F(s). It follows that Inv A4 in K is rational over F. Now suppose char F = 2. Put x = x1, y = x1 + x3, z = x1 + x2, s = x1 + x2 + x3 + x4, X = xs + yz = xjx4 + x2x3. Then K = F(x,y,z,s) = F(X, y, z, s) and αX = X, αy = y + s, az = z, αs = s, βX = X, βy = y, ftz = z + s, βs = s. It follows that Inv H in K = F(X, s, y (y + s), z(z + 5)). Then Inv H = F(X,s,y(y + s), z(z + s)). If we put images images, then imagesimages Hence. Inv H = F(X1, X2, X3, s). Then the rationality of Inv A4 follows from exercise 3 since αs = s, αX1 = X2, αX2 = X3, αX3 = X1)


In this section we shall introduce a concept of separability for arbitrary extension fields that generalizes this notion for algebraic extensions. This is based on the concept of linear disjointness, which we now define.

DEFINITION 8.3.   Let E be an extension field of F, A, and B subalgebras of E/F. Then A and B are said to be linearly disjoint over F if the canonical homomorphism of A imagesFB into E sending a images b into ab, aA, bB, is a monomorphism.

It is clear that if A and B satisfy this condition and A' and B' are subalgebras of A and B respectively, then A' and B' satisfy the condition. Let K and L be the subfields of E/F generated by A and B respectively. Then A and B are linearly disjoint over F if and only if K and L are linearly disjoint over F. To prove this it suffices to show that if k1…,Km are F-linearly independent elements of K and l1…,ln are F-linearly independent elements of L, then the elements kilj, 1 ≤ im, 1 ≤ jn, are linearly independent over F. This follows from the linear disjointness over F of A and B by writing kt = ai = ai a– 1, ai, aA, 1 ≤ im, lj = bjb– 1 = bj, bB, 1 ≤ jn. Conversely, the linear disjointness of K and L over F implies that of A and B.

The following result permits establishment of linear disjointness in stages.

LEMMA 1.   Let E1 and E2 be subfields of E/F, a subfield of E1/F. Then E1 and E2 are linearly disjoint over F if and only if the following two conditions hold: (1) K1 and E2 are linearly disjoint over F and (2) K1(E2) and E1 are linearly disjoint over K1.


Proof.   Assume the two conditions. Let (ua) be a base for E2/F. By (1) these elements are linearly independent over and, since they are contained in K1(E2), they are linearly independent over Eu by (2). Hence E1 and E2 are linearly disjoint over F. Conversely assume that E1 and E2 are linearly disjoint over F. Then (1) is clear since K1E1. Let (ux) be a base for E1/K1 (vβ) a base for K1/F, (wγ) a base for E2/F. Then (uαvβ) is a base for E1/F and since E1 and E2 are linearly disjoint over F, the set of elements {uαVβWγ.} is linearly independent. This implies that the only relations of the form ∑diux = 0 with di in the subalgebra K1E2 generated by K1 and E2 are the trivial ones in which every di = 0. Since K1E2 is the set of elements cd– 1, c, d ∈ K1E2, it follows that (uα) is a set of elements that is linearly independent over K1(E2). Then (2) holds. images

We now assume that the characteristic is p ≠ 0 and we imbed E in its algebraic closure images. If e > 0, we denote the subset of images of elements a such that apeF by Fp– e. This is a subfield and FFp – 1Fp– 2 ⊂ … Hence Fp– ∪imagese ≥ 1 Fp – e is a subfield. Since linear disjointness is a property of finite subsets, it is clear that Fp– ∞ and E are linearly disjoint over F if and only if Fp ∈ and E are linearly disjoint over F for every e. A result on separable algebraic extensions that we proved before can now be reformulated as

LEMMA 2.   If E/F is separable algebraic, then E and Fp – ∞ are linearly disjoint over F.

Proof.   It suffices to show that if a1…, am are F-independent elements of E, then these are linearly independent over Fp – e for every e. This is equivalent to the following: a1pe,…, ampe are F-independent, which is a property of separable algebraic extensions proved on p. 489. Hence F and Fp are linearly disjoint over F. images

We prove next

LEMMA 3.   If E is purely transcendental over F, then E/F and Fp – ∞ are linearly disjoint over F.

Proof.   It suffices to prove the result for F = F(x1…, xn) where the xi are algebraically independent. Moreover, the result will follow in this case if we can show that F[x1,…,xn] and Fp – e are linearly disjoint over F for every e > 0. We have a base for F[x1,…, xn]/F consisting of all of the monomials xk11xknn, ki ≥ 0. The map m images mpe for the set of monomials is injective onto a subset. Hence if (ma) is the base of monomials, then the set {mαpe} is linearly independent over F. It follows that {mα} is linearly independent over Fp – e and hence F[xi …, xn] and Fp – e are linearly disjoint over F. images

An extension E/F is said to be separably generated over F if E has a transcendency base B such that E is separable algebraic over F(B). In this case B is called a separating transcendency base for E/F. The example of E inseparable algebraic over F shows that E/F may not be separably generated. The example of B = {xp} in F(x), x transcendental, shows that even if E is separably generated over F, not every transcendency base has the property that F is separable algebraic over F(B).

We can now prove our main result.

THEOREM 8.39.   Let E be an extension field of a field of characteristic p > 0. Then the following properties of E/F are equivalent:

            (1) Every finitely generated subfield of E/F is separably generated.

            (2) E and Fp – ∞ are linearly disjoint over F.

            (3) E and Fp – 1 are linearly disjoint over F.

Proof.   (1)⇒(2). To prove this we suppose that E is separable algebraic over F(B), B a transcendency base of E/F. By Lemma 3, Fp-∞ and F(B) are linearly disjoint over F. By Lemma 2, E and F(B)P x are linearly disjoint over F(B). Since F(B)P-∞Fp-∞ (B) it follows that FP-∞(B) and E are linearly disjoint over F (B). Then, by Lemma 1, E and Fp – i are linearly disjoint over F. Since this is a property of finite subsets, the result proved shows that (l)⇔(2).

(2) ⇒ (3) obviously.

(3) ⇒ (1). Assume that E and Fp – i are linearly disjoint over F and let K = F(a1…,an) be a finitely generated subfield of E/F. We prove by induction on n that we can extract from the given set of generators a transcendency base ai,…,ai, (where r is 0 if all the ai are algebraic over F) such that K is separable algebraic over F(ai1,…, ai). The result is clear if n = 0, so we assume n > 0. The result is clear also if a1…, an are algebraically independent. Hence we assume that a1,…,ar, 0 ≤ r < n, is a transcendency base for K/F. Then a1 …, ar + 1 are algebraically dependent over F, so we can choose a polynomial F(x1,…,xr + 1) ≠ 0 ∈ F[x1,…,xr + 1] of least degree such that f(a1ar + 1 = 0. Then f(x1,…,xr + 1) is irreducible. We claim that f does not have the form g(x1p,…,xpr + 1), gF[x1,…,xr + 1]. For g(x1p,…,xr + 1p) = h(x1…,xr + 1)p in Fp – 1[x1,…,xr – 1]and if f(x1…,xr – 1) = g(x1p,…,xr – 1p), then h(a1…,ar – 1) = 0. Let mi(x1,…,xri), 1 ≤ iu, be the monomials occurring in h. Then the elements mi(a1,…,ar – 1) are linearly dependent over Fp – 1 so by our hypothesis, these are linearly dependent over F. This gives a non-trivial polynomial relation in a1ar + 1 with coefficients in F of lower degree than f contrary to the choice of f. We have therefore shown that for some i, 1 ≤ ir + 1, f(x1,…,xr + 1) is not a polynomial in xip (and the other x’s). Then ai is algebraic over F(a1,…, xâi,…,ar + 1) where >i denotes omission of ai. It follows that {a1,…, xâi,…,ar + 1} is a transcendency base for F(a1,…,an). Then F[a1,…, ai – 1, x, ai + 1,…, ar + 1] ≅ F[x1…, xr + 1] in the obvious way and hence f(a1, …,ai – 1,x, ai + 1,…, ar + 1) is irreducible in F[a1 …, ai – 1, x, ai + 1,…, ar + 1]. Then this polynomial is irreducible in F(a1 …,a1…,âr + 1) [x]. Since ai is a root of F(a1,…,ai-1,x,ai+1,…,ar+1.) and this is not a polynomial in xp, we see that ai is separable algebraic over F(a1 …âi…,ar+1) and hence over L = F(a1 …, âi…,an). The induction hypothesis applies to L and gives us a subset {ai1…, ai} of {a1…,âh… ,an] that is a separating transcendency base for L over F. Since ai is separable algebraic over L, it follows that ai is separable algebraic over F(ai1,…,air). Hence {ai1, …, {ai1} is a separating transcendency base for F(a1…,an). images

We remark that the result is applicable in particular to an algebraic extension E/F. In this case it states that if E and Fp-1 are linearly disjoint over F, then E is separable and if E is separable, then E and Fp-∞ are linearly disjoint over F (which was Lemma 2). This makes it natural to extend the concept of separability for arbitrary extension fields in the following manner.

DEFINITION 8.4.   An extension field E/F is called separable if either the characteristic is 0 or the characteristic is P ≠ 0, and the equivalent conditions of Theorem 8.37 hold.

The implication (3) ⇒ (1) of Theorem 8.37 is due to MacLane. It implies an earlier result due to F. K. Schmidt, which we state as a

COROLLARY.   If F is perfect, then every extension E/F is separable.

Proof.   This is clear since F is perfect if and only if the characteristic is 0 or it is p and Fp-1 = F. images

The following grab-bag theorem states some properties and non-properties of separable extensions.

THEOREM 8.40.   Let E be an extension field of F, k an intermediate field. Then (1) If E is separable over F, then k is separable over F. (2) If E is separable over k and k is separable over F, then E is separable over F. (3) If E is separable over F, then E need not be separable over K. (4) If E is separable over F, it need not have a separating transcendency base over F.

Proof. We may assume that the characteristic is p ≠ 0. (1) This is clear since the linear disjointness of E and Fp-1 over F implies that of K and Fp – 1 over F. (2) The hypothesis is that E and Kp – 1 are linearly disjoint over K and that K and Fp – 1 are linearly disjoint over F. Then E and K(Fp – 1) are linearly disjoint over K since K(Fp – 1) ⊂ Kp – 1 Hence, by Lemma 1, E and Fp-l are linearly disjoint over F and so E is separable over F. (3) Take E = f(x), x transcendental, and K = F(xp). (4) Take E = F(x, xp – 1, xp – 2,…) where x is transcendental over F. Then E has transcendency degree one over F and E is not separably generated over F. images


        1. Let E1/F and E2/F be subfields of E/F such that Ei/F is algebraic and E2/F is purely transcendental. Show that E1 and E2 are linearly disjoint over F.

        2. Let F have characteristic p ≠ 0. Let E = F(a,b,c,d) where a,b,c are algebraically independent over F and dp = abp + c. Show that E is not separably generated over F(a, c).

        3. (MacLane.) Let F be a perfect field of characteristic p, E an imperfect extension field of transcendency degree one over F. Show that E/F is separably generated.


The concept of a derivation is an important one in the theory of fields and in other parts of algebra. We have already encountered this in several places (first in BAI, p. 434). We consider this notion now first in complete generality and then in the special case of derivations of commutative algebras and fields. In the next section we shall consider some applications of derivations to fields of characteristic p.

DEFINITION 8.5.   Let B be an algebra over a commutative ring K, A a subalgebra. A derivation of A into B is a K-homomorphism of A into B such that


for a, bA. If A = B, then we speak of a derivation in A (over K).

Let DerK(A, B) denote the set of derivations of A into B. Then Derk(A, B) ⊂ homK(A, B). If D1, D2∈ DerK(A,B), then the derivation condition (86) for the Di gives


Hence D1 + D2 ∈ DerK(A, B). Now let kK, D ∈ DerK(A, B). Then


Hence kD ∈ DerK(A, B) and so DerK(A, B) is a K-submodule of homK(A, B).

Now let B = A and write DerkA for DerK(A, A). As we shall now show, this has a considerably richer structure than that of a K-module (cf. BAI, pp. 434–435). Let D1, D2 ∈ DerKA, a, bA. Then


If we interchange D1 and D2 in this relation and subtract we obtain


where we have put [D1D2] for D1D2D2D1. This result and the fact that DerkA is a K-module of EndKA amount to the statement that DerKA is a Lie algebra of K-endomorphisms of A (BAI, p. 434).

There is still more that can be said in the special case in which K is a field of characteristic p ≠ 0. We note first that for any K, if D ∈ DerKA, we have the Leibniz formula for Dn:


which can be proved by induction on n. If K is a field of characteristic p, then (88) for n = p becomes


This shows that Dp ∈ DerKA. If V is a vector space over a field K of characteristic p, then a subspace of EndKV that is closed under the bracket composition [D1D2] and under pth powers is called a p-Lie algebra (or restricted Lie algebra) of linear transformations in V. Thus we have shown that if A is an algebra over a field of characteristic p, then DerKA is a p-Lie algebra of linear transformations in A over K.

There is an important connection between derivations and homomorphisms. One obtains this by introducing the algebra images of dual numbers over K. This has the base (1,δ) over K with 1 the unit and δ an element such that δ2 = 0. If B is any algebra over K, then we can form the algebra B images K images and we have the map bb images 1 of B into B imagesK images. Since images is K-free, this is an algebra isomorphism and so B can be identified with its image B images 1. We can also identify δimages with 1 images δ in B imagesK images. When this is done, then B imagesK images appears as the set of elements


This representation of an element is unique and one has the obvious K-module compositions: Moreover, if biB, then


Now let D be a K-homomorphism of A into B. We define a corresponding map α(D) of A into B images K images by


which is evidently a K-homomorphism. We claim that α(D) is an algebra homomorphism if and only if D is a derivation. First, we have D(1) = 0 for any derivation since D(l) = D(12) = 2D(1). Now




Thus α(D)(ab)) = (α(D)(a))(α(D)(b)) if and only if D is a derivation and α(D) is an algebra homomorphism if and only if D is a derivation.

The homomorphisms α(D) have a simple characterization in terms of the map


of B imageskimages into B, which is a surjective K-algebra homomorphism of B images Kimages onto B. If aA, then α(D)a = a + D(a)δ so πα(D)a = a. Hence πα(D) = 1A. Conversely, let H be a homomorphism of A into Bimages Kimages. For any a we write H(a) = a1 + a2δ. This defines the maps a images a1, a images, a2 of A into B, which are K-homomorphisms. The condition πH = 1A is equivalent to a1 = a for all a. Hence if we denote a images a2 by D, then H(a) = a + D(a)δ. The condition H(ab) = H(a)H(b) is equivalent to: D is a derivation.

We summarize our results in

PROPOSITION 8.15.   Let A be a subalgebra of an algebra B and let D be a derivation of A into B. Then α(D): a images a + D(a)δ is an algebra homomorphism of A into B imagesKimages such that σα(D) = 1A. Conversely, any homomorphism H of A into Bimageskimages such that σH = 1A has the form a (D), D a derivation of A into B.

The importance of this connection between derivations and homomorphisms is that it enables us to carry over results on algebra homomorphisms to derivations. In this way we can avoid tedious calculations that would be involved in direct proofs of the results for derivations. As an illustration we prove

PROPOSITION 8.16.   Let A be a subalgebra of an algebra B, D, D1, D2 derivations of A into B, x a set of generators for A. Call an element aA a D-constant if Da = 0. Then

            (1) D1 = D2 if |X = D2|X.

            (2) The set of D-constants is a subalgebra of A. Morever, if A is a division algebra, then it is a division subalgebra.

Proof. (1) The condition D1|X = D2|X implies that α(D1)|X = α(D2)|X for the algebra homomorphisms of A into BimagesKimages. Since X generates A, we have α(D1) = α(D2). Hence D1 = D2.

(2) The condition that a is a D-constant is equivalent to: a is a fixed element under the homomorphism α(D) of AB imagesKimages into BimagesKimages. Since the set of fixed points of a homomorphism of a subalgebra A of an algebra C is a subalgebra and is a division subalgebra if A is a division algebra, the result on derivations is clear. images

We obtain next a formula for D(a– 1) for an invertible element a of A and derivation D of A into B. Since 1 is a D = constant, applying D to aa– 1 = 1 gives


Hence we have the formula


which generalizes the well-known formula from calculus.

From now on we consider derivations of commutative algebras into commutative algebras, that is, we assume B commutative. Let D ∈ DerK(A, B) bB. If we multiply the relation D(xy) = D(x)y + xD(y), x, yA, by b we obtain


This shows that bD defined by (bD)(x) = b(D(x)) is again a derivation. It is clear that this action of B on DerK(A, B) endows DerK(A, B) with the structure of a B-module.

We now consider the problem of extending a given derivation D of a subalgebra A into B to a derivation of a larger subalgebra A'. Let α(D) be the corresponding homomorphism of A into BimagesKimages such that σα(D) = 1A. The problem of extending D to a derivation of A' amounts to that of extending H = α(D) to a homomorphism H' of A' into BimagesKimages such that πH' = 1A'. Now if H' is a homomorphism of A′ into BimagesKimages extending H, then πH' = 1A. will hold if and only if πH'(x) = x holds for every x in a set of generators for A over A. We shall use these observations in treating the extension problem.

We now suppose that A' = A[u1…, un], the subalgebra generated by A and a finite subset {u1,…,un} of B. Let A[x1,…,xn] be the polynomial algebra over A in the indeterminates xi and let I be the kernel of the homomorphism of A[x1,…, xn] onto A', which is the identity on A and sends xi images ui, 1 ≤ in. Suppose that we have a homomorphism s of A into a commutative algebra C and elements vi 1 ≤ in, of C. Then we have the homomorphism


of A[x1…, xn] into C (BAI, p. 124). Here sf denotes the polynomial obtained from f by applying s to its coefficients. The homomorphism (95) induces a homomorphism


of A[x1,…, xn]/I into C if and only if (sf) (v1,…, vn) = 0 for every fI. Since we have the isomorphism f(x1,…,xn) + I images f(u1,…,un), we see that we have a homomorphism of A' into C extending s and sending ui images vi, 1 ≤ in, if and only if


for every fL. Moreover, it is clear that it suffices to have this relation for every F in any set of generators X for the ideal I.

If F(x1,…, xn) ∈ A [x1,…,xn], we write δfxi for the polynomial obtained from f by formal partial differentiation with respect to xi. For example


If D is a derivation of A into B, then we shall write (Df)(x1…,xn) for the polynomial in B[x1,…,xn] obtained by applying the derivation D to the coefficients of f

We can now prove

THEOREM 8.41.   Let B be a commutative algebra, A a subalgebra, A' = A[u1…, un], uiB, X a set of generators for the kernel of the homomorphism of A[x1,… ,xn] onto A' such that a images a for a ∈ A and xi images ui, 1 ≤ in. Let D be a derivation of A into B. Then D can be extended to a derivation of A' into B such that ui images vi, 1 ≤ i ≤ n, if and only if


for every fX.

Proof.   The condition that D has an extension of the sort specified is that α(D) is extendable to a homomorphism of A' into BimagesKimages sending ui images ui + viδ , 1 ≤ in. This will be the case if and only if for every fX


Now let aA and consider the monomial images. We have


Hence for any fA[x1 …, xn] we have


Then the condition that (99) holds for all fX is equivalent to (98). images

We suppose next that S is a submonoid of the multiplicative monoid of A and we consider the localizations As and Bs. We can prove

THEOREM 8.42.   Let D be a derivation of A into B (commutative) and let s be a submonoid of the multiplicative monoid of A. Then there exists a unique derivation Ds of as into Bs such that


is commutative. Here the horizontal maps are the canonical homomorphisms a images a/1 and b images b/l respectively.

Proof.   We have the homomorphism α(D) of A into B images Kimages sending a images a + D(a)δ and the homomorphism of BimagesKimages into BSimagesKimages sending b/1imagesu. Hence we have the homomorphism of A into BSimagesKimages sending such that a images a/1 +(D(a)/l)α. Now if sS, then s/1 + (D(s)/l)δ is invertible with inverse l/s – (D(s)/s2)δ. Hence by the universal property of As we have a unique homomorphism H: As images BsimagesKimages such that


is commutative. If πs denotes the canonical homomorphism of BSimagesKimages onto Bs, then the commutativity of (101) implies that πsH = 1As. Hence H has the form α(Ds) where Ds is a derivation of As into Bs. Then Ds satisfies the condition of the theorem. images

We now specialize to the case of fields. We consider an extension field E/F of a field and regard this as an algebra over F. Suppose K is a subfield of E/F and we have a derivation D of K/F into E/F and a is an element of E. If a is transcendental over K, then Theorem 8.41 shows that for any b∈E there exists a derivation of K[a] into E extending D and mapping a into b. Then Theorem 8.42 shows that this has a unique extension to a derivation of K(a) into E: Hence if a is transcendental over K, then there exists an extension of D to a derivation of K(a) sending a into b. By Proposition 8.16 (and Theorem 8.42) this is unique. Next let a be algebraic over K with minimum polynomial f(x) over K. Then K(a) = K[a] and Theorem 8.41 shows that D can be extended to a derivation of K(a) into E sending a images b if and only if


If a is separable, (f(x), f'(x)) = 1 and f′ (a) ≠ 0. Then there is only one choice we can make for fo, namely,


Hence in this case D can be extended in one and only one way to a derivation of K(a) into E. If a is inseparable, then F'(a) = 0. Then (101) shows that D can be extended to a derivation of K(a) if and only if the coefficients of f(x) are D constants and if this is the case, the extension can be made to send a into any bE. We summarize these results in

PROPOSITION 8.17.   Let E be an extension field of F, k an intermediate field, D a derivation of K/F into E/F, a an element of E. Then

            (1) D can be extended to a derivation of K (a) into E sending a into any b ∈ E if a is transcendental over k.

            (2) D has a unique extension to a derivation of K(a) into E if a is separable algebraic over K.

            (3) D can be extended to a derivation of K(a) into E if a is inseparable algebraic over k if and only if the coefficients of the minimum polynomial of a over k are D-constants. Moreover, if this condition is satisfied, then there exists an extension sending a into any bE.

We now suppose that E is finitely generated over F: E = F(a1…,an). Let X be a set of generators for the ideal I in F[x1…, xn], xi indeterminates, consisting of the polynomials f such that f(a1,…,an) = 0. Then it follows from Theorems 8.41 and 8.42 that there exists a derivation D of E/F into itself such that Dai = bi 1 ≤ in, if and only if


for every fX. We recall that DerFE becomes a vector space over E if we define bD for bE, D ∈ DerFE by (bD)(x) = b(D(x)) (p. 525). We wish to calculate the dimensionality [DerFE : E] when E = F(a1…, an). For this purpose we introduce the n-dimensional vector space E(n) of n-tuples of elements of E. If D ∈ DevFE, D determines the element (Da1,…, Dan) of E(n) and we have the map


of DerFE into E(n). Evidently this is a linear map of vector spaces over E and since a derivation is determined by its action on a set of generators, λ = λa,…,an is injective. Hence [DerFE:E] is the dimensionality of the subspace λi(DerFE) of E(n). Now let gF[x1…, xn]. Then g defines a map dg of E(n) into E by


Evidently this is linear. The result we proved before now states that (b1 …,bn) ∈ λ (DerFE) if and only if


for every fX. This is a system of linear equations that characterizes λ(DerFE). This leads to a formula for [DerFE: E], which we give in

THEOREM 8.43.   Let E = F(a1, … ,an) and let x be a set of generators of the ideal of polynomials in F[x1xn] such that f(a1,…,an) = 0. Let dX denote the space of E(n)* spanned by the linear functions df, fX. Then


Proof.   We have [DerFE:E] = [λDerFE:E], and A DerFE is the subspace of E(n) of elements such that df(b1,…, bn) = 0 for all fX. Hence (108) follows from linear algebra. images

By the Hilbert basis theorem, we can take X = {f1…, fm}. Then it follows from linear algebra that [dX: E] is the rank of the Jacobian matrix


Combining this with Theorem 8.43 we obtain the

COROLLARY.   Let E = F(a1…, an) and let X = {f1,…, fm} be a finite set of generators for the ideal of polynomials in F[x1,…, xn] such that f(a1…, an) = 0. Then


where J(f1,…, fm) is the Jacobian matrix (108).

We obtain next a connection between [DerFE:E] and the structure of E/F. We prove first

PROPOSITION 8.18.   If E = E(a1,…,an), then DerFE = 0 if and only if E is separable algebraic over F.

Proof. If aE is separable algebraic over F, then Proposition 8.17.2 applied to the derivation 0 on F shows that D(a) = 0 for every derivation of E/F. Hence DerFE = 0 if E is separable algebraic over F. Now suppose that E is not separable algebraic over F. We may assume that {a1,…,ar} (r ≥ 0) is a transcendency base for E/F. Let S be the subfield of elements of E that are separable algebraic over F(a1…,ar). If S = E, then r > 0 and we have a derivation of F(a1…,ar) into E sending ai 1 ≤ ir, into any element we please in E. By applying Proposition 8.17.2 successively to ar + 1,…,an, we obtain extensions of the derivation of F(a1…, ar) to E to a derivation of E/F. Hence we can obtain a non-zero derivation of E/F. Now let E images S. Then the characteristic is p 0 and E is purely inseparable over S. We have 0 ≠ E [E: S] < ∞ and we can choose a maximal subfield k of E containing S (K ≠ E). If aE, ∉ EX, then K(a) = E by the maximality of K. Moreover, the minimum polynomial of a over k has the form xpe – b since E is purely inseparable over S and hence over x. If e > 1, then K(ape – 1) is a proper subfield of E properly containing x. Hence E = K(a) where xpb is the minimum polynomial of a over K. By Proposition 8.17.3 we have a non-zero derivation of E/K. Since this is a derivation of E/F, we have DerFE≠0 in the case E images s also. images

We can now prove the following theorem relating [DerFE:E] and the structure of E/F.

THEOREM 8.44.   Let E = F(a1,…,an). Then [DerFE: E] is the smallest s such that there exists a subset {ai1…, ais} of {ai1, …,an} such that E is separable algebraic over F(ai1,… ,ais). Moreover, [DerFE;E] is the transcendency degree of E over F if and only if E is separable over F.

Proof.   We again consider the map λ = λa1,…, ais of DerFE into E(n) defined by (105). Let s = [DerFE: E] = [λ(DerFE): E] and let D1, D2, …, Ds be a base for DerFE over E. Then sn and λ(DerFE) has the base (D1a1,…, D1an),…, (Dsa1,…, Dsan) and so the s × n matrix (Diaj) has rank s. Hence we may suppose that the ai are ordered so that


Put k = F(a1…, as) and let D ∈ DerKE ⊂ DerFE. Then D = ∑s1biDi, biE, and D(aj) = 0 for 1 ≤ js. By (110), this implies that every bi = 0, so D = 0. Hence DerKE = 0 and so by Proposition 8.18, E is separable algebraic over x. Conversely, let {ai1,…, ait} be a subset of {a1,…,an} such that E is separable algebraic over F(aii… ,ai). By reordering the a’s we may assume that the subset is {a1,…,at}. We now map DerFE into E(t) by D (Dai,„-t ,Dat). The kernel of this linear map is the set of D such that D(ak) = 0, 1 ≤ kt, and hence it is the set of D such that D(K) = 0 for x = F(ai),…, at). Now D(K) = 0 means that D ∈ Derx(E) and since E is separable algebraic over X, this implies that D = 0. Thus the map D images (Da1,…,Dat) is injective. Hence ts = [DerFE:E]. This completes the proof of the first statement. To prove the second, we note first that if [DerFE: E] = s, then we may assume that E is separable algebraic over F(a1,…,as). Then {a1…,as} contains a transcendency base for E/F, so s ≤ r = tr deg E/E. Moreover, if r = s, then (al,…,ss} is a transcendency base. Hence this is a separating transcendency base and E is separable over E. Conversely, suppose that E is separable over E. Then the proof of Theorem 8.39 shows that we can choose a separating transcendency base among the ai so we may assume this is {au…,ar}. Then E is separable algebraic over F(a1,…,ar) and hence, as we showed in the first part, r ≥ [DerFE:E]. Since we had [DerFE: E] ≥ r, this proves that [DerFE: E] = r. images


        1. Let E = F(a1…,an). Show that E is separable algebraic over F if and only if there exist n polynomials f1,…fnF[x1,…,xn] such that fi(a1,…,an) = 0 and


        2. Let D be a derivation in E/F, K the subfield of D-constants. Show that a1,…, amE are linearly dependent over K if and only if the Wronskian determinant


        3. (C. Faith.) Let E = F(a1,…,an) and let K be a subfield of E/F. Show that [DerFK: K] ≤ [DerFE:E].

        4. Let A be a subalgebra of an algebra B over a commutative ring K. Define a higher derivation of rank m of A into B to be a sequence of K-homomorphisms


of A into B such that


for a, bA. Let images(m) be the algebra K[x]/(xm + 1) so images(m) has a base (1, δ,…, δm) where δ = x + (xm + 1) and δm + 1 = 0. Note that BimagesKimages(m) is the set of elements


where bi = bi images 1, and δ = 1 images δ and that an element (113) is 0 if and only if every bi = 0. Let π denote the homomorphism of B images K images(m) into B sending b0 + b1δ + … + bmδm images b0. Show that a sequence of maps D = (D0, D1,…, Dm) of A into B is a higher derivation of rank m of A into B if and only if


is a K-algebra homomorphism of A into B imagesk images(m) such that πα(D) = 1A.

        5. Let A and B be as in exercise 4. Define a higher derivation of infinite rank of A into B to be an infinite sequence of homomorphisms D = (D0 = l, D1, D2,…) of A into B such that (113) holds. Obtain a connection between higher derivations of A into B and homomorphisms of A into B[[x]], the algebra of formal power series in x with coefficients in B.


Let E/F be of characteristic p ≠ 0 and let D be a derivation of E/F. If aE, then D(ap) = pap – 1 D(a) = 0. Hence every element of F(EP) is a constant relative to every derivation of E/F. If cF(Ep) and aE, then D(ca) = cD(a) for D ∈ DerfE. It is natural to replace F by F(EP) in studying the derivations of E/F. We shall now do this, so with a change of notation, we may assume that EpF, which means that either E = F or E is purely inseparable of exponent one over F (see exercise 8, p. 495). We restrict our attention also to finitely generated extensions E = F(a1…, an).

Let {a1 …,am} be a minimal set of generators for E/F, so m = 0 if and only if E = F. Suppose that m > 0. Then a1F and aiF(au…,ai – 1) for 1 < im. Since aipF for all i, the minimum polynomial of ai over F and of ai over F(a1…,ai–1) for i > 1 has the form xp — b. Hence [F(a1):F] = p and [F(a1…, ai): F(a1…, at – 1) = p, which implies that [E:E] = pm. Evidently E = F[ai,…,am] and since atpF for all i and [E:F]= pm, the set of monomials


constitutes a base for E/F. It is clear also that E/F is a tensor product of the simple extensions F(ai)/F.

Put Fi = F(a1…, âi,…, am). Then E = Fi(ai) and the minimum polynomial of ai over Fi has the form xp – bi, biF. By Proposition 8.17.3 we have a derivation Di of E/Ft such that Di(ai) = 1. Thus we have Di(aj) = δij. It follows immediately that the Di 1 ≤ i ≤ ra, form a base for DerFE as vector space over E and hence [DerFE:E] = m. Since [E:F] = pm, this implies that [Der FE:F] = mpm.

We now consider any field E of characteristic p, and derivations of E into itself without reference to a particular subfield of E. These are the endomorphisms D of the group (E, + ,0) that satisfy the condition D(ab) = D(a)b + aD(b). One deduces from this that D(ca) = cD(a) if c is in the prime field P, so D can be regarded as a derivation of E/P. However, we shall simply say that D is a derivation of E into itself. Let Der E denote the set of these maps. Then Der E is a set of endomorphisms of the additive group (E, + ,0) having the following closure properties: (1) Der E is a subspace of End (E, +, 0) regarded as a vector space over E by defining bL for bE, E ∈ End(E, +, 0) by (bL)(a) = b(L(a)), (2) if D1, D2 ∈ Der E, then [D1, D2] ∈ Der E, and (3) if D ∈ Der E, then Dpe Der E. We shall now call any subset of End (E, + ,0) having these closure properties a p-E-Lie algebra of endomorphisms of (E, +, 0). We use this terminology for want of anything better, but we should call attention to the fact that a p-F-Lie algebra need not be a Lie algebra over E in the usual sense, since the composition [D1, D2] is not F-bilinear.

If F is a subfield of E such that [E: F] < ∞ and E is purely inseparable of exponent ≤ 1 over F, then DerFE is a p-E-Lie algebra of endomorphisms of (F, + ,0). Moreover, we have seen that [DerFF:F] < ∞. We shall now show that every p-E-Lie algebra of derivations of E having finite dimensionality over F is obtained in this way. For, we have

THEOREM 8.45 (Jacobson).   Let E be a field of characteristic p ≠ 0, F a subfield such that (1) [F:F] < ∞ and (2) F is purely inseparable of exponent ≤ 1 over E. Then DerFE is a p-E-Lie algebra of endomorphisms of (F, + ,0) such that p[DerFE:E] Conversely, let images be a p-E-Lie algebra of derivations of E such that [images :E] ∞ and let F be the set of images-constants of E, that is, the elements that are D-constants for every DF. Then [E:F] < ∞ and E is purely inseparable of exponent ≤ 1 over F. Moreover, images = DerFF and if (Di,…, Dm) is a base for images over E, then the set of monomials


form a base for EndFE regarded as a vector space over E.

Proof. The first statement has already been proved. To prove the second, we use the same idea we used to establish the results on finite groups of automorphisms in fields: We use the given set of endomorphisms to define a set of endomorphisms L satisfying the conditions in the Jacobson-Bourbaki correspondence. In the present case we take L to be the set of F-linear combinations of the endomorphisms given in (116). Evidently L contains 1 = D10 … Dm0, so L contains EE = F1 and [L:F] ≤pm. It remains to show that L is closed under multiplication by the Di. We note first that if D is a derivation in F, then the condition D(ab) = D(a)b + aD(b) gives the operator condition


where aE and D(a)E denote the multiplications by a and D(a) respectively. Using this relation we see that Di(aD1klDmkm) = aDiDk1Dmkm + Di(a)Dik1Dmm. Hence to prove that DiL⊂ I, it suffices to show that DiD1k1DmmL for all i and all kj such that 0 < kj p. We shall prove this by showing that DiD1k1 'Dmkm is a linear combination with coefficients in E of the monomials Dik” Dm m such that 0 ≤ kj < p and ∑ kj < kj+1. The argument for this is very similar to one we used in the study of Clifford algebras (p. 230): We use induction on ∑kjkj and for a given kj induction on i. We have at our disposal the formulas




that follow from the conditions that images is closed under pth powers and under commutators. The result we want to prove is clear if ∑ kj = 0, so we may suppose that ∑ kj > 0. Then some k ≠ 0 and we suppose that kj is the first of the k’s that is > 0. Then Dik1Dmkm = DkjDmkm. If i < j, then … Dmkm is one of the monomials (116) for which the sum of the exponents is ∑ lkl + 1. Hence the result holds in this case. The same thing is true if i = j and kj < p— 1. Now let i=j, kj = p– 1. Then DiDkj ”Dmkm = DfDj+kj+l ” Dmkm and the result follows by induction if we replace Djp by ∑ bjkDk. Now assume that i > j. Then by (119),


The result follows in this case also by applying both induction hypotheses to the right-hand side. This establishes the key result that L is closed under multiplication. Hence the Jacobson-Bourbaki correspondence is applicable to L, and this shows that if F = {a|aEB = BaE for BL}, then F is a subfield such that [E:F] = [L:E] and L – EndFE. By definition of L we have [L: E] < pm and equality holds here if and only if the monomials (116) form a base for L over E. Since images) generates L, the conditions defining F can be replaced by aED = DaE for all D ∈images. By (117) this is equivalent to: a is a D-constant for every images. Hence F is the set of images-constants and images ⊂ a DerFE. Then E is purely inseparable of exponent ≅1 over F. We have [F:F] — [F:F] ≤ pm, so [E:F] = pm with mm. On the other hand, images) contains m linearly independent derivations (over F), so [DerFE: E] ≥ m and hence [E:F] ≥ pm. It follows that images) – DerFF, [DerFE: F] = m, and [I:F] = [F:F] = pm. This completes the proof. images


In these exercises we assume that E is purely inseparable of exponent ≤1 over F of characteristic p and that E is finitely generated over F.

        1. (Baer.) Show that there exist a derivation D of E/F such that F is the subfield of E of D-constants.

        2. Let D be a derivation of E/F such that F is the subfield of D-constants. Show that the minimum polynomial of D as a linear transformation in E/F has the form


where pm = [E: F]. Show that (1, D,…, Dpm – 1) is a base for EndFE as vector space over E.

        3. (J. Barsotti, P. Cartier.) Show that if D is a derivation in a field F of characteristic p ≠ 0, then Dp – 1(a– 1 Da) = a– 1 Dpa – (a– 1Da)p.

        4. (M. Gerstenhaber, m. Ojanguren-M.R. Sridharan.) Let E be a field of characteristic P ≠ 0 and let V be an E subspace of Der E closed under pth powers. Show that V is a Lie subring. Note that this shows that closure under Lie products is superfluous in the statement of Theorem 8.45.

        5. (Gerstenhaber, Ojanguren-Sridharan.) Extend Theorem 8.45 to obtain a 1–1 correspondence between the set of subfields F of E such that E/F is purely inseparable of exponent 1 and the set of p-E-Lie algebras of derivations of E that are closed in the finite topology.


If E/F and K/F are fields over F what can be said about the F-algebra E imagesFK? In particular, is this a field or a domain? It is easy to give examples where EimagesFK is not a field. In fact, if EF then F imagesFE is never a field. To see this we observe that by the basic property of tensor products, we have an additive group homomorphism η of E images F E into E such that aimages b images ab, a, b ∈ E. Also it is clear from the definitions that this is an F-algebra homomorphism. Now let a∈E,∈F. Then 1, a are F-independent in E and hence 1 images 1, 1 images a, aimages 1, and aimages a are F-independent in F imagesFE. Hence 1 images a – aimages 1 ≠ 0 but η(l images aa images 1) = a – a = 0. Thus ker η is a non-zero ideal in E imagesFE. The existence of such an ideal implies that F imagesFE is not a field.

It is readily seen also that if x and y are indeterminates then F(x) imagesFF(y) is a domain but not a field (see below).

Another fact worth noting is that if F is algebraic over F and F imagesFK is a domain then this algebra is a field. This is clear if F is finite dimensional over F. For, then E imagesFK can be regarded as a finite dimensional algebra over K ([F imagesFK:K] = [F:F]) and a finite dimensional domain is necessarily a field. The general case follows from this since any a∈E imagesFK is contained in a subalgebra isomorphic to an algebra E0imagesFK where F0/F is finitely generated, hence finite dimensional over F. If a ≠ 0 the corresponding element of E0 imagesFK is invertible. Hence a is invertible in EimagesFK.

We shall now proceed to a systematic study of tensor products of fields. In our discussion separability will mean separability in the general sense of Definition 8.4, pure inseparability of E/F will mean that E is algebraic over F and the subfield of E/F of separable elements over F coincides with F. We shall say that F is algebraically closed (separably algebraically closed) in E if every algebraic (separable algebraic) element of E is contained in F. We prove first

THEOREM 8.46.   Let E/F and K/F be extension fields of F.

            (1) If E/F is separable and K/F is purely inseparable, then E images FK is afield. On the other hand, if E/F T’s not separable, then there exists a purely inseparable extension K/F of exponent l such that E imagesFK contains a non-zero nilpotent element.

            (2) If E/F is separable algebraic, then E imagesFK has no nilpotent elements for arbitrary K/F, and E imagesF k is a field if F is separably algebraically closed in K.

            (3) The elements of E imagesF k are either invertible or nilpotent if either E/F is purely inseparable and K/F is arbitrary, or E/F is algebraic and F is separably algebraically closed in K.

Proof.   In (1) and in the first part of (3) we may assume the characteristic is p ≠ 0.

            (1) Assume E/F is separable and K/F is purely inseparable. The separability implies that if a1…,am are F-independent elements of E then these elements are linearly independent over F1/pe (contained in the algebraic closure of E) for every e = 0, 1,2,…. This implies that the elements a1, … ampe are F-independent for every e. Now let K be purely inseparable over F and let z = ∑ai. images ci ≠ 0 in EimagesFK where atE, ciK. We may assume that ai are F-independent and we have an e such that cpeiF, 1 ≤ im. Then zpe = ∑apei images cpei = ∑cpei apeiimages 1 ≠ 0. Hence ∑cpei apei ≠ 0 and this element of E is invertible. Thus zpe is invertible and hence z is invertible in EimagesFK. Then E imagesFK is a field.

   Next assume F/F is not separable. Then there are F-independent elements a1,…,amE that are not F1/p independent. Hence we have ci1/p, ctF not all 0 such that cici = 0. Then = 0 but ∑c1aE ≠ 0 since not every ct = 0. Consider the field K = F(c1/p1ai = 0,…, cm1/p). We have k images F since K = F implies the ai are F-dependent. Now consider the element z = ∑aiimages ci1/p∈E imagesFK. This is non-zero since the ai are F-independent and not every cj1/p = 0 in K. On the other hand, zp = ∑aipimagesci = ∑ciaip images 1 = 0. Hence z is a non-zero nilpotent in E imagesFK.

            (2) Assume E/F is separable algebraic, K/F is arbitrary. We have to show that E imagesFK has no non-zero nilpotents and that E imagesFK is a field if F is separably algebraically closed in K. Using the argument at the beginning of this section, we obtain a reduction to the case in which E is finitely generated, hence [E : F] < ∞. In this case since E is separable algebraic, E = F[a] = F(a) where the minimum polynomial M(λ) of a over F is irreducible and separable (meaning, E.g., that (m(λ),m'(λ)) = 1). Then E imagesFKK[a] where the minimum polynomial of a over K is m(λ). Hence E images FKK[λ]/(m(λ)). Since M(λ) is separable, we have the factorization in K[λ] of m(λ) as m(λ) = m1(λ)…mr(λ) where the mλ) are distinct irreducible monic polynomials. Then E imagesFKK[λ]/(m(λ)) ≅ ⊕r1 K[λ]/(mi(λ)) (exercise 4, p. 410 of BAI). Since Ki[λ]/(mi(λ)) is a field we see that E imagesFK is a direct sum of fields. Clearly an algebra having this structure has no non-zero nilpotent elements. This proves the first assertion of (2).

   The coefficients of the mi(λ) are separable algebraic over F since they are elementary symmetric polynomials in some of the roots of m(λ) and these are separable algebraic over F. Hence if F is separably algebraically closed in K then mi(λ) ∈ F[λ]. Then r = 1 and E imagesFKK[λ]/(m(λ)) is a field.

            (3) Let E/F be purely inseparable, K/F arbitrary. Let z = ∑1mai images ci, aiCiK. We can choose e so that aieF, 1 ≤ im. Then zpe = ∑aipe images cipe = 1 images1m aipe cipe ∈ 1 images K. If zpe ≅ 0 then zpe and hence z is invertible. Otherwise, z is nilpotent.

   Next let E/F be algebraic and K/F separably algebraically closed. Let S be the subfield of E/F of separable elements. Then E/S is purely inseparable. Now E imagesFKE imagess(S imagesFK) (Exercise 13 (iv), p. 148). Since S/F is separable algebraic and K/F is separable algebraically closed, S imagesF K is a field by (2). Since E/S is purely inseparable it follows from the first part of this proof that the elements of E imagess(S imagesFK) are either nilpotent or units. Hence this holds for E imagesFK. images

We consider next tensor products of fields in which one of the factors is purely transcendental.

THEOREM 8.47.   Let E/F be purely transcendental, say, E = F(B) where B is a transcendency base and let K/F be arbitrary. Then E imagesFK is a domain and its field offractions Q is purely transcendental over k = 1 imagesFK with B = Bimages 1 as transcendency base. Moreover, if F is algebraically closed (separably algebraically closed) in k then E = F(B) is algebraically closed (separably algebraically closed) in Q = K(B).

Proof.   For simplicity of notation we identify E and K with the corresponding subfields E images 1 and 1 images K of EimagesFK. These are linearly disjoint over F in A = E imagesFK. A consequence of this is that if a subset S of E is algebraically independent over F then it is algebraically independent in A over K. It suffices to see this for S = {s1,…, sm} In this case algebraic independence over F is equivalent to the condition that the monomials s1k1skmm, kt ≥ 0 are distinct and linearly independent over F. Since this carries over on replacing F by K it follows that S is algebraically independent over K. In particular, this holds for the transcendency base B of E. Consider the subalgebra K[B] If C is a finite subset of B then K[C] is a domain (Theorem 2.13 of BAI, p. 128). It follows thatηK[B] is a domain and this is a subalgebra of A = F(B)imagesfK. Let zA. Then z = ∑aici, aiF(B), ciK. We can write ai = piq– 1 where pi, qF[B]. Then z = pq– 1 where p = ∑picik[B]. Conversely, if pK[B] and qF[B] q ≠ 0, then p and q– 1A so pq– 1A. It follows that A is the localization K[B]F[B]* of K[B] with respect to the multiplicative monoid F[B]* of non-zero elements of F[B]. Since K[B] is a domain, its localization K[B]F[B]* is a domain. Moreover, this is a subalgebra of the localization K[B]F[B]* which is the field of fractions Q of K[B] and of A. Evidently Q = K(B) the subfield of Q/K generated by B. Since B is algebraically independent over K we see that Q is purely transcendental over K with transcendency base B. This proves the first assertion of the theorem.

To prove the second assertion we shall show that if K(B) contains an element that is algebraic (separable algebraic) over F(B) not contained in F(B) then K contains an element that is algebraic (separable algebraic) over F not contained in F. Clearly, if such an element exists it exists in K(C) for some finite subset C of B. Hence it suffices to prove the result for finite B and then by induction, it is enough to prove the result for K(x), x an indeterminate. Hence suppose zK(x) is algebraic over F(x) and zF(x). Let λn + b1λn – 1 + & + bn be the minimum polynomial of z over F(x) so n > 1. Write bi = piq – 1, pi qF[x]. Then w = qz has minimum polynomial λn + P1λn – 1 + qp2λn – 2 + … + qn – 1Pn. Replacing z by qz we may assume the Now write z = rs– 1 where r, sk[x] are relatively prime. Then we have


If deg s > 0 then s has a prime factor in K[x]. By (120) this is also a factor of rn, hence of r, contrary to the relative primeness of r and s. Thus s is a unit so we may assume zK[x] so z = z(x) = c0 + c1x+ … + cmxm, ciK. We claim that the ci are algebraic over F. We have the relation z(x)n + b1z(x)n – 1 + … + bn = 0 where bi = bi(x) ∈ F[x]. Hence for every aF we have


Since bi(a) ∈ F this shows that the element z(a) of K is algebraic over F. If F is infinite we choose m + 1 distinct elements a1, a2,…, am + 1 in F and write


Since the aj are distinct the Vandermonde determinant det (ajk) ≠ 0. Hence we can solve (122) for the c’s by Cramer’s rule to show that every ck is a rational expression with integer coefficients in the ai and the z(aj). Since the ai and z(aj) are algebraic over F it follows that every ck is algebraic over F. If F is finite we replace F by its algebraic closure F which is infinite. Then the argument shows that every ck is algebraic over F and since images is algebraic over F it follows again that the ck are algebraic over F. Since zF(x), some ck∉F and hence we have an element of K that is algebraic over F and is not contained in F.

Finally, we suppose that z is separable algebraic over F. Then F(c0,…,cm) contains an element not in F that is separable algebraic over F. Otherwise, this field is purely inseparable over F and hence there exists a pf, p the characteristic such that ckpf ∈ F, 0 ≤ km. Then zpf = c0pf + c1pf xpj+ … cmpf xmpfF(x) contrary to the separability of z over F. Thus if K(x) contains an element that is separable algebraic over F(x) and is not in F(x) then K contains an element separable algebraic over F not in F. images

In our next result we weaken the hypothesis that E/F is purely transcendental to separability. Then we have the following

THEOREM 8.48.   Let E/F be separable, K/F arbitrary. Then E imagesFK has no non-zero nilpotent elements.

Proof.   It is clear that it suffices to prove the theorem in the case in which E/F is finitely generated. In this case E has a transcendency base B over F such that E is separable algebraic over F(B) (Theorem 8.39). Then E imagesFKE imagesF(B)(F(B) imagesFK). By the last result F(B) imagesFK is a domain. If Q is its field of fractions then E imagesF(B)(F(B) imagesFK) is a subalgebra of E imagesF(B)Q. Since E is separable algebraic over F(B), E imagesF(B)Q has no nilpotent elements ≠ 0, by Theorem 8.46 (2). Hence E imagesF(B)(F(B) imagesFK) has no non-zero nilpotent elements and this is true also of E imagesFK. images

Next we consider the situation in which F is separably algebraically closed in one of the factors.

THEOREM 8.49.   Let F be separably algebraically closed in E and let K/F be arbitrary. Then every zero divisor of E imagesFK is nilpotent.

Proof.   Let B be a transcendency base for K/F. Then E imagesFK≅ (E imagesFF(B)) imagesF(B)K. By the last result E imagesFF(B) is a domain and F(B) is separably algebraically closed in the field of fractions Q of E imagesF F(B). Since F(B) is separably algebraically closed in Q and K is algebraic over F(B), it follows from Theorem 8.46 (3) that the elements of Q imagesF(B)K are either invertible or nilpotent. Now let ze(E imagesFF(B)) imagesF(B) K be a zero divisor in this algebra. Then z is a zero divisor in the larger algebra Q imagesF(B) K. Hence z is not invertible in Q imagesF{B)K SO Z is nilpotent. Since E imagesFK ≅(E imagesFF(B)) imagesF(B)K it follows that every zero divisor of E imagesFK is nilpotent. images

We can now prove our main result on the question as to when the tensor product of two fields is a domain.

THEOREM 8.50.   Let E/F and K/F be extension fields of F. Assume (1) either E/F or K/F is separable and (2) F is separably algebraically closed in either E or K. Then E imagesF k is a domain.

Proof.   By the last result if one of the factors has the property that F is separably algebraically closed in it then the zero divisors of E imagesF K are nilpotent. On the other hand, by Theorem 8.48, if one of the factors is separable then E imagesF K has no non-zero nilpotent elements. Hence E imagesF K has no zero divisor ≅ 0. images

A class of extension fields that is important in algebraic geometry (see Weil’s Foundations of Algebraic Geometry, American Mathematical Society Colloquium Publication v. XXIX, 1946 and 1960) is given in the following

DEFINITION 8.6.   An extension field E/F is called regular if (1) E is separable over F and (2) F is algebraically closed in E.

We remark that a separable extension field E/F contains no purely inseparable subfield. Hence we can replace condition (2) in the definition of regularity by: (2') F is separably algebraically closed in E. The sufficiency part of the following theorem is a special case of Theorem 8.50.

THEOREM 8.51. An extension field E/F is regular if and only if E imagesF k is a domain for every field K/F.

Proof.   It remains to prove the necessity of the two conditions. The necessity of separability follows from Theorem 8.46 (1). Now suppose F is not algebraically closed in E. Then E contains a finite dimensional subfield K images F. Then E imagesF k contains K imagesF K that is not a field. Since K images K is finite dimensional it is not a domain. Hence we have the necessity of condition (2). images

One readily sees that if F is algebraically closed then any extension field E/F is regular. Then E imagesFK is a domain for any K/F.

In the situation in which E imagesF K is a domain for the extension fields E/F and K/F we shall denote the field of fractions of E imagesF K by E · K (or FK).


        1. Show that if E/F is purely transcendental then E/F is regular.

        2. Show that if E1/F and E2/F are regular then E1 · E2 is regular.


Given two extension fields E/F and K/F, a natural question to ask is: What are the possible fields over F that can be generated by subfields isomorphic to E/F and K/F, respectively? To make this precise we define the composite of E/F and K/F as a triple (Γ, s, t) where Γ is a field over F and s and t are monomorphisms of E/F and K/F, respectively, into Γ/F such that Γ/F is generated by the subfields s(E) and t(K), that is, Γ = F(s(E), t(K)). The composites (Γ, s, t) and (Γ', s', t') of E/F and K/F are said to be equivalent if there exists an isomorphism u: Γ → Γ′ such that the following two diagrams are commutative:


Of particular interest for algebraic geometry are the composites that are free in the sense of the following

DEFINITION 8.7.   Afield composite (Γ, s, t) of E/F and K/F is called free if for any algebraically independent subsets C and D of E/F and K/F, respectively, s(C) ∪ t(D) = ∅ and s(C) images t(D) is algebraically independent in Γ/F.

Since any algebraically independent subset can be imbedded in a transcendency base, it is clear that the condition that (Γ, s, t) is free is equivalent to the following: for every pair of transcendency bases B and B' of E/F and K/F respectively, s(B) ∩ t(B') = ∅ and s(B) ∪ t(B') is algebraically independent. We now observe that the word “every” can be replaced by “some” in this condition; for, we have

LEMMA 1.   A composite (Γ, s, t) of E/F and K/F is free if and only if there exist transcendency bases B and B' of E/F and K/F respectively such that s(D) ∩ t(D') = ∅ and s(C) ∪ t(D') is algebraically independent in Γ/F.

Proof. The necessity of the condition is clear. To prove sufficiency, suppose we have transcendency bases B and B' for E/F and K/F such that s(B) images t(B') = ∅ and s(B) ∪ t(B') is algebraically independent over F. To prove freeness of (Γ, s, t), it obviously suffices to show that if B1 is another transcendency base for E/F, then s(B1) ∪ t(B') = and s(C) ∪ t(C) is algebraically independent over F. Hence it suffices to show that if C is a finite algebraically independent subset of E/F and D is a finite subset of B', then s(C) images t(D) = ∅ and s(C) ∪ t(D) is algebraically independent over F. Now there exists a finite subset G of B such that C is algebraically dependent over F on G. Obviously s(G) images t(D) = ∅ and s(G) ∪ t(D) is a transcendency base for F(s(G), s(C), t(D))/F, so tr deg F(s(G), s(C), t(D))/F = |G| + |D|. We also have tr deg F(s(G),s(C))/F = tr degF(s(G))/F = |G| and tr deg F(s(C))/F = |C|. It follows that tr deg F(s(G), s(C), t(D))/F(s(C), t(D)) ≤ |G| – |C| (see exercise 1, p. 517). From this and the above formula for tr degF(s(G),s(C),t(D))/F, we know that


Hence s(C) images t(D) = ∅ and s(C) ∪ t(D) is algebraically independent over F. Hence (Γ, s, t) is free. images

We note also that if B and B' are transcendency bases for E/F and K/F satisfying the conditions of the lemma then s(B) ∪ t(B') is a transcendency base for Γ/F. This is clear since the elements of s(E) and t(K) are algebraic over F(s(B), t(B')) and since Γ is generated by s(E) and t(K), it follows that Γ is algebraic over F(s(B), t(B')). Hence s(B) ∪ t(B') is a transcendency base for Γ/F.

We can use these results to construct a free composite for any two given fields E/F, K/F. Let B and B' be transcendency bases for E/F and K/F. Suppose first that B and B' are finite, say, B = {ξ1…,ξm}, B' = {ξ1, …, ξm}. Let Ω be the algebraic closure of the field F(x1,…, xm + n) where the xi are indeterminates. We have monomorphisms s' and t' of F(ξ1…, ξm)/F and F(ξ1,…, ξn/F, respectively, into Ω such that s'ξi = xi 1 ≤ im, and t'ξj = xm + j, 1 ≤ jn. Since E is algebraic over F(B) and Ω is algebraically closed, s' can be extended to a monomorphism s of E/F into Ω/F (Exercise 1, p. 475). Similarly, t' can be extended to a monomorphism t of K/F into Ω. Then it is readily seen that if Γ = F(sE, tK) then (Γ, s, t) is a free composite of E and K.

If either B or B' is infinite we modify the procedure used for B and B' finite as follows. We may assume |B'||B|. Then let X be a set disjoint from B and B' such that |X| = |B'|. We can decompose X as a disjoint union of two sets Y and Z such that |Y| = |B|, |Z| = |X| = |B'|. Let F(X) be the field of fractions of the polynomial algebra F[x]. Let Ω be the algebraic closure of F(X). Then, as before, we can define a monomorphism s of E/F into Ω/F whose restriction to B is a bijective map of B onto Y and a monomorphism t of K/F into Ω/F whose restriction to B' is a bijective map of B' onto Z. Then (Γ, s, t) for Γ = F(sE, tK) is a free composite of E and K.

We wish to give a survey of the isomorphism classes of the free composites of two given fields E/F and K/F. First, we consider the composites of E and K that need not be free. We form E imagesF K and let P be a prime ideal in this F-algebra. Then (E imagesF K)/P is a domain whose field of fractions we denote as ΓP. We have the homomorphism sp:a images a + P (a = a images 1) of E/F into (E imagesF K)/P and hence into ΓP/F. Since E is a field this is a monomorphism. Similarly, we have the monomorphism tP:b images b + P of K/F into ΓP/F. Since E images FK is generated by E and K, (E imagesF K)/P is generated by its subalgebras sP(E), tP(K), and hence ΓP is generated as a field by SP(E), tP(K). Thus (ΓP, sP, tP) is a composite of E/F and K/F.

We note next that distinct prime ideals P and P' of E imagesF k define inequivalent composites (ΓP, sP, tP) and (Γp', sP', tP' ). If these are equivalent then we have an isomorphism u of ΓP onto Γp, such that sp = usp and tp. = utp. Then u(a + P) = uspa = Sp'a = a + P' for aE and u(b + P) = b + P' for bK. Then u(∑ aibi + P) = ∑ aibi + P = aie biK. If ∑ aibi + P = 0 so ∑ aibi + p' = 0 and ∑aibip'. Thus PP' and by symmetry P' a p. Hence P = P' contrary to our hypothesis.

Now let (Γ, s, t) be any composite of E/F and K/F. The homomorphisms s and t give rise to the homomorphism s images t of E imagesF K into Γ which maps aibi aiE, biK, into ∑ s(ai)t(bi) of Γ. Since the image is a domain the Kernel is a prime ideal P. Hence we have the isomorphism u of (E imagesFK)/P onto the subalgebra s(E)t(K), which can be extended to an isomorphism u of the field of fractions ΓP of (E imagesF K)/P onto Γ = F(s(E),t(E)). It is clear that u is an equivalence of composites. We have therefore established a 1 – 1 correspondence between the set of prime ideals of E imagesF K and the set of equivalence classes of composites of E/F and K/F.

It remains to sort out the composites (ΓP, sP, tP) that are free. For this we shall prove

THEOREM 8.52.   The composite (TP, sP, tP) is free if and only if every element of P is a zero divisor in E imagesFK.

We shall identify E and K with their images in E imagesF K so we regard E and K as subfields of E imagesF K with the property that if S and S' are linearly independent subsets of E/F and K/F respectively then the map (s,s') images ss' is a bijection of S × S' with SS', and SS' is a linearly independent subset of E imagesF K.

Let B and B' be transcendency bases for E/F and K/F, respectively, and let m and M' be the submonoids of the multiplicative monoids of E and K generated by B and B'. Since B and B' are algebraically independent, M and M' are linearly independent in E/F and K/F and hence MM' is linearly independent in E imagesF K. Now the subspace FMM' spanned by MM' is the subalgebra F[BE'] and also the subalgebra F[B]F[B']. Thus MM' is a base for F[BB'] = F[B]F[B']. Since BB' is algebraically independent, F[BB'] is a domain. The field of fractions F(BB') of this domain contains the subfields F(B) and F(B') and it is readily seen that the subalgebra F(B)F(B') generated by F(B) and F(B') is the set of fractions a(cc') – 1 where aF[B] F[B'] = F[B]F[B'], cF[B] and c'F[B'].

We can now state

LEMMA 2.   The compositep, sp, tp) is free if and only if F(B)F(B') images P = 0.

Proof.   By Lemma 1, (ΓP, sP, tP) is free if and only if sp(B) ∩ tp(B') = ∅ and sP(B) ∪ tP(B') is algebraically independent over F. Since sP(B) = {b + P|bB} and tP(B') = {b' + P|b'B'} these conditions hold if and only if the cosets q + P, qMM', are linearly independent, where m and M' are as above. Hence (ΓP,sP, tP) is free if and only if FMM'P = 0. Since FMM' = F[B]F[B'] this condition is F[B]F[B'] ∩ P = 0. Since F(B)F(B') = {a(cc') – 1|aF[B]F[B'], cF[B],c' ∈ F[B']}, F[B]F[B'] ∩ P = 0 ⇔ F(B)F(B') ∩ P = 0. Hence {ΓP, sP, tP) is free if and only if F(B)F(B') ∩ P = 0. images

We require also

LEMMA 3.   E imagesF k is integral over F(B)F(B').

Proof.   Since B is a transcendency base for E, E is algebraic, hence, integral over F(B). À fortiori E is integral over F(B)F(B'). Similarly, K is integral over F(B)F(B'). Since the subset of E imagesF K of elements integral over F(B)F(B') is a subalgebra, it follows that E imagesF K = EK is integral over F(B)F(B'). images

We can now give the

Proof of Theorem 8.52. Suppose first that every element of P is a zero divisor in E imagesFK. Let aP images F(B)F(B'). Then a is a zero divisor in E imagesFK. We claim that a is a zero divisor in F(B)F(B'). To see this let {cα} and {} be bases for E/F(B) and K/F(B') respectively, and let {mγ} and {nδ} be bases for F(B)/F and F(B')/F respectively. Then {cαmγ} is a base for E/F and {dβnγ} is a base for K/F. Hence {cαdβmγnδ} is a base for E imagesF K over F. Then every element of E imagesF k can be uniquely written as a finite sum ∑ qαβCα where qαβF(B)F(B').

Now we have an element ∑qαβcαdβ ≠ 0 such that ∑qαβcαdβ = a(∑ qαβcαdβ) = 0. Since aF(B)F(B') this implies that every aqαβ = 0 and since ∑ qαβcαdβ ≠ 0 some qαβ ≠ 0 so a is a zero divisor in F(B)F(B'). Since aF(B)F(B') and F(B)F(B') is a domain this implies that a = 0. Hence we have proved that if every element of P is a zero divisor in E imagesF K then PF(B)F(B') = 0 and (ΓP, sP, tP) is free by Lemma 2. Conversely, assume (TP, sP, tP) is free so PF(B)F(B') = 0. Let bP. Then b is integral over F(E)JF(E') and hence we have a relation bn + c1bn – 1 + … + E„ = 0 for CiF(B)F(B') and we may assume n is minimal. Then we have cn = – bn – … – bcn – 1P since bP. Thus cnPF(B)F(B') and hence cn = 0. Then b(bn – 1 + cxbn – 2 + … + cn – x) = 0 and by the minimality of n, bn – 1 + c1bn – 2 + … + cn – 2 ≠ 0 so b is a zero divisor. Thus freeness of (Γ p,sp,tp) implies that every element of P is a zero divisor in EF K. This completes the proof. images

We now consider an important special case of this theorem, namely, that in which F is separably algebraically closed in E. In this case, by Theorem 8.49, the zero divisors of E imagesF K are nilpotent. Since the converse holds, nilrad E imagesF K is the only prime ideal in E imagesF K that consists of zero divisors. Hence we have

THEOREM 8.53.   If K/F is arbitrary and F is separably algebraically closed in E, then in the sense of equivalence there is only one free composite of E/F and K/F.

This applies in particular if E is a regular extension of F. Then E imagesFK is a domain for any K so nilrad E imagesFK = 0. Then the free composite of E/F and K/F is E · K which was defined to be the field of fractions of E (x)FK.

Finally, we consider a very simple case of composites that will be needed in valuation theory (see section 9.9), that in which one of the fields, say, E/F is finite dimensional. In this case all that we shall require of the foregoing discussion is the 1– 1 correspondence between the set of prime ideals P of E imagesF K and the equivalence classes of composites (TP, sP, tP). We note also that since E imagesF K is finite dimensional over K this ring is artinian. Hence the results we derived in section 7.11 are applicable. Using the fact that a domain that is finite dimensional over a field is a field we see that the prime ideals of E (x) K F are maximal. By Theorem 7.13, there are only a finite number of these. Moreover, the proof of Theorem 7.13 shows how to determine the maximal ideals. We remark also that if E is algebraic over F, E/F has a vacuous transcendency base. It follows from Definition 8.7 that the composites of E/F with any K/F are free.

We now suppose E has a primitive element, say, E = F(θ). This is always true ;if E/F is finite dimensional separable (BAI, p. 291). We have the following

THEOREM 8.54.   Let K/F be arbitrary and let E = F(θ) where θ is algebraic over F with minimum polynomial F(x) of degree n. Let f1(x),…,fh(x) be the monic irreducible factors of f(x) in K[x]. Then there are h inequivalent compositesi, si, ti) of E/F and K/F where Γi = K[x]/(fi(x)), si is the monomorphism of E/F into Γi/F such that θ images x + (fix)) and ti is the monomorphism b images b + (fi(x)) of K/F into Γi/F. Any composite of E/F and K/F is equivalent to one of these.

Proof. We have the isomorphism of E = F(θ) over F onto F[x]/(f (x)) such that θ images images = x + (f(x)). As we have seen before p. 546), E imagesF KK[x]/(f(x)). The maximal ideals of K[x]/(f(x)) have the form (fi(x))/(f(x)) where fi(x) is a monic irreducible factor of f(x) in K[x]. Then Γi = E[x]/(fi(x)) ≅ (E(x)/(f(x)))/(fi(x))/f(x))/( f(x)) is a field over F. We have the monomorphism si of E/F into Γi/F such that θ images x + (fi(x)) and the monomorphism ti of K/F into Γi/F such that bimages b + (fi(x)), bK. Clearly si(E) and ti(K) generate Γi. Hence (Γi, si, ti) is a composite of E/F and K/F. The rest follows from what we proved before. images


        1. Determine the composites over images of images with

            (1) images(ω), ω a primitive cube root of 1

            (2) images(images)

        2. Determine the composites over images of images(images) and images(images).

        3. Suppose E/F and K/F are finite dimensional Galois and E imagesF K is a domain hence a field. Is (E imagesF K)/F Galois?


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N. Jacobson, Lectures in Abstract Algebra III. The Theory of Fields and Galois Theory, 1964, New printing, Springer-Verlag, New York.

P. J. McCarthy, Algebraic Extension of Fields, Blaisdell, Waltham, Mass., 1966.

D. J. Winter, The Structure of Fields, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1974.