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actors. See also specific individuals

earnings, 83

exclusive studio contracts, 171, 182

glamorous image, 169

housing discrimination against, 20, 22, 64, 69

independent productions, 181, 235, 251

influence over public, 140

investments and business ventures, 38, 59, 70, 93–94, 192, 201, 217

ownership of own films, 70, 89

privacy, 14–15, 182–86

reputations, 14, 171, 176–77, 180–82

television work, 250

during wartime, 207–9

work schedule, 9, 169–70

Agua Caliente, 57–59

Ambassador Hotel, 229–31, 231

Anderson, J. Stanley, 27–28

Anderson, Stanley, 27, 44, 66–69, 97

Anderson, Margaret, 27, 66–67

Anderson & Sheppard, 159–62

Arbuckle, Fatty, 26


Art Deco, 81–82

California ranch house, 122–25

conglomeration of styles, 30, 63, 78, 81, 107–8

drama and excess, 80–82

formality with approachability, 73

form-imitates-function designs, 80

modern, 48–49, 78–79, 84

movie theaters, 79

novelty, 96

playfulness, 82

rich detail, 77

romantic styles, 27

Spanish Mediterranean, 63

streamlined designs, 84, 250–51

studio buildings, 80–81

transitional style, 84

Arrowhead Springs Hotel, 38–39, 39, 243

Astaire, Fred, 121, 150, 160–62, 161, 214, 215

Baiano, Solly, 44

Barnett, Vince, 143

Barnsdall, Aline, 108

Barrymore, John, 84–85

Bautzer, Greg “Tex,” 49

Beaumont-Gantt, Ernest Raymond “Don the Beachcomber,” 237–39

Beebe, Lucius, 193

Bel Air, 29–32, 110, 231

Bel Air Country Club, 31, 145, 147–48

Bel Air Hotel, 31–32, 98

Bell, Alphonzo, 30–31

Bellamy, Ralph, 45

Bennett, Constance, 38, 54

Berlin, Irving, 59, 121

Bernheimer family, 22

Beverly Hills

architectural styles, 78–79

barrenness and desolation, 66, 70, 72, 82

construction boom, 75

economic base, 28

intolerance and restrictions, 64, 69

mass transit system, 34–36, 68

movie stars and movie business in, 73–74, 83–84

planning and development, 27–28, 64–66, 65

population growth, 109

tourists, 109

Beverly Hills Hotel, 67–69, 73, 90–99, 91, 94

Birdwell, Russell, 179–80

blacks, 64, 95–96, 214, 231

Blackton, J. Stuart, 64

Bogart, Humphrey, 148, 219, 229, 241

Bond, Ward, 43

boxing, 202–3

Brand, Harry, 175–78, 178

Brandstatter, Eddie, 194–95

brothels, 216

Brown, Clarence, 155, 231

Brown Derby, 195–204, 197, 198

Burton, Richard, 93, 182

Café Montmartre, 194

Cagney, James, 119–20, 226

Carroll, Harrison, 170–71

Case, Frank, 71–72

Catalina, 40–45

Chaplin, Charlie

home, 70, 73

leisure activities, 148–49

Oscar award, 97

ownership of own films, 89

parties, 101, 141, 141–42, 144

public criticism of, 181

restaurant investment, 192

studio, 70, 81

Chasen’s/Dave and Maude Chasen, 224–28, 227, 229, 232

Chateau Marmont, 231–32, 234

Ciro’s, 209–11, 213

Clarebut, Helena and Noel, 32

clothing and style, 159–65

clubs. See gambling clubs; nightclubs

Cobb, Bob, 199–202

Cocoanut Grove, 215, 230–31, 231

Coffee Dan’s, 189

Cohn, Harry, 10–11, 53, 207

Columbia Pictures, 10, 53

Conger, Cornelia, 116

Cook, Wilbur, Jr., 64–65

Cooper, Gary, 58, 150, 160, 201, 227, 250

Cornero, Tony, 55, 191

Courtright, Hernando, 93–95, 97–98

Crawford, Joan, 79, 81, 103, 107, 198, 230

croquet, 151, 151–54, 154

Crosby, Bing, 58, 144, 149, 163, 230

Cruze, James, 144

Daniels, Bebe, 99, 106, 154, 191

Davies, Marion, 101–4, 103, 105–6, 135

Davis, Bette, 109, 207, 210

de Longpré, Paul, 21–22

de Mille, Agnes, 26

DeMille, Cecil B., 23–25, 24, 81, 148

Dennis, Oliver Perry, 66

Depression years, 28, 31, 82

Dietrich, Marlene, 93, 160, 222

Don the Beachcomber’s, 48, 237–40

Draper, Dorothy, 38–39

Duke of Windsor, 159

Dunne, Irene, 94, 222

Edmunds, Larry, 190–91

Embassy Club, 194–95

Fairbanks, Douglas, Sr.

after divorce, 99, 101

death, 73

home, 69–71, 72, 73, 135

involvement in gambling resort, 59

ownership of own films, 70, 89

parties and guests, 71, 73, 140, 141

tastes and fashion sense, 71, 160, 161

fan magazines. See press and publicity

Farmer, Frances, 177

Farrell, Charlie, 45

Farwell, Lyman, 66

fashion, 159–65

Feldman, Charles, 219–22, 221

Fidler, Jimmy, 170, 172

Flynn, Errol, 148, 149, 150, 172

Ford, John, 43, 148

Fox, Virginia, 116–17

Fox, William, 73–74

Fox/20th Century Fox

decline in profits, 249

founding of, 58, 74

new leadership, 118

publicity department, 171, 175, 177

Gable, Clark

death, 250

departure from MGM, 250

home, 110

leisure activities, 58, 147, 154, 227

marriage proposal, 203

military service, 207

parties, 103, 105

tailors, 162

trysts, 90–91

gambling clubs

Agua Caliente, 57–59

Clover Club, 54–55

gamblers, 52–54, 242

gambling ships, 55–57, 56

La Boheme, 204

media coverage and advertising, 55

Sunset Strip location, 204–5

Wilkerson ventures, 204–5, 243

Garland, Judy, 3, 7, 13–14, 31

Gest, David, 3–8

Gibbons, Cedric, 81, 82, 144

Gillette, King, 74

Goetz, William and Edie, 127–31, 128, 150, 206

Goldwyn, Samuel, 11, 23, 24, 152–53, 154, 242

golf courses, 51, 86, 110–11, 144–48, 146

Graham, Sheilah, 170

Grant, Cary, 99, 160, 182, 207

Grauman, Sid, 53, 80, 195

Green, Burton, 66, 67–68

Grieve, Harold, 82, 214

Griffith, D. W., 21, 70

Gully, Richard, 179

Haines, William

career as decorator, 12–13, 79, 81–82, 106–7, 111–13, 127

homosexuality, 12, 176–77

Hansen, Kenneth, 236–37

Harlow, Jean, 58, 110

Hawks, Howard, 153, 222

Hearst, William Randolph, 101–2, 105

Hepburn, Kate, 99, 198

Hollywood. See also studios and movie business

during Depression, 28

founding of, 19–20, 189

historic highlights, 21

intolerance and restrictions, 20, 22–23

mass transit system, 34–36, 35, 36

population growth, 25, 84

Hollywood Canteen, 207–8, 208

Hollywood Hotel, 20–21, 66–67, 67

Holmby Hills, 110, 127

homes. See houses and homes

homosexuality, 12, 176–77, 181

Hopper, Hedda, 104, 170, 172–75, 174, 176, 181


Agua Caliente, 57–59

Ambassador Hotel, 229–31, 231

Arrowhead Springs Hotel, 38–39, 39, 243

Bel Air Hotel, 31–32, 98

Beverly Hills Hotel, 67–69, 73, 90–99, 91, 94

Chateau Marmont, 231–32, 234

Hollywood Hotel, 20–21, 66–67, 67

Oceanhouse, 103, 105

houses and homes. See also architecture; specific individuals for descriptions of their homes

construction boom and decline, 75, 82–83

design by set designers, 82

early-twentieth-century survivors, 22

exclusion of actors from neighborhoods, 20, 22, 64, 69

fashionable addresses outside Hollywood, 26

modest Santa Monica and Malibu homes, 99–100

in remote and rural areas, 109–10

Frank Lloyd Wright designs, 108–9

Hudson, Rock, 181

Hug, Fred and Laura, 244–45

Hughes, Howard, 58, 92–93, 99, 204, 232

Jackson, Michael, 3, 4, 5–7

Jesse L. Lasky Feature Play Company, 23–24, 24

Jolson, Al, 38, 59

Koverman, Ida, 174

La Rue, 240–42

Lasky, Jesse L., 23, 24, 25, 59, 99

Leon, Jean, 228–29

Lloyd, Harold

death, 90

family, 87, 88, 89

home, 84, 85–90, 86, 88, 110–11

ownership of own films, 89

retirement and pastimes, 89

Lombard, Carole

homes, 107, 110

marriage proposal, 203

parties, 104–5, 139–40

tax bill, 180

trysts, 90

Long, Baron, 57, 189–91

Loper, Don, 96

Los Angeles, 19–20, 29, 34, 108. See also Beverly Hills; Hollywood

Lubitsch, Ernst, 117, 143

Lyon, Ben, 99, 106, 154

Malibu, 40, 100

Marino, Joe, 244–45

Martin, Dean, 51, 163, 220

May, Cliff, 48, 122–26, 124, 140

Mayer, Louis B.

beach house, 99, 144

daughters and wives, 128–29, 130, 214

horses and stable, 150

during Prohibition, 190

studio, 10–11, 130

media. See press and publicity


former employees, 178–79

Mayer as head of, 10–11, 130

production rate, 28–29, 250

stars’ publicity and reputations, 7, 174–75, 176

Minnelli, Liza, 3–8

Minnelli, Vincente, 7

Mitchum, Robert, 177

Mix, Tom, 74, 199

Mizner, Wilson, 195–97

Mocambo, 211–14, 212, 213

Monroe, Marilyn, 91, 96, 184

Montand, Yves, 91

Montgomery, Robert, 32, 215

Moore, Colleen, 31

Morgan, Frank, 148

movie studios. See studios and movie business

movie theaters, 79, 249

Neff, Wallace, 74, 116

Neutra, Richard, 48, 100–101

Niblo, Fred, 84

nightclubs. See also restaurants

black entertainers, 214

Café Montmartre, 194

Ciro’s, 209–11, 213

Club Mont-Aire, 216

Coffee Dan’s, 189

Embassy Club, 194–95

Hollywood Canteen, 207–8, 208

image of nightclubbing stars, 169–70

informal atmosphere, 216

The Magic Castle, 22, 66

Mocambo, 211–14, 212, 213

during Prohibition, 189–91

Sunset Inn, 190, 191

Trocadero “The Troc,” 204–6, 214–16

Vernon Country Club, 190

Niven, David, 184–85

Novarro, Ramon, 81

Oliver, Harry, 81, 244

Olmedo, Alex and David, 99

Orsatti, Frankie, 190

Palm Springs, 45–52

Paramount, 24, 28, 45, 81, 165, 193

Parsons, Louella, 170, 172–75, 173, 174, 241


decline of, 135–36

practical jokes and gags, 143

prominent hosts and hostesses, 71, 101, 104–5, 127, 129–30, 133, 139–43

social standing and networks, 126, 143–44

theme parties, 81, 103–4, 139

Perino’s/Alexander Perino, 232–34, 233

Pickford, Mary, 69–73, 72, 135, 140, 141, 241

Players, 234, 234–35

Polglase, Van Nest, 82

polo, 94, 98, 109, 150–51

Powell, William, 40, 49, 83, 110, 153, 198

Power, Tyrone, 153, 162, 184–85, 207, 250

press and publicity

freelance press agent, 179–80

gossip columnists, 170–75, 173, 174

paparazzi and scandalmongers, 172, 182–86

protection of stars’ reputations, 14, 171, 176–77, 180–82

restaurant policies concerning, 183, 194, 226, 228

studio publicists and press agents, 171–72, 175–79

writers’ fees, 171

Prohibition years, 189–91, 205

radio studios, 216–17

Raft, George, 163, 202, 203

Rathbone, Basil and Ouida, 142–43

Ratoff, Gregory, 55, 152

Reeves, John J., 27

restaurants. See also nightclubs

Au Petit Jean, 228–29

Brown Derby, 195–204, 197, 198

Café Swiss, 244–45

Chasen’s, 224–28, 227, 232

Cock ’n Bull, 237

Cocoanut Grove, 215, 230–31, 231

Don the Beachcomber’s, 48, 237–40

experimentation and novelty, 237

Henry’s, 192

home-style cooking, 192

La Rue, 240–42

La Scala, 228

manners and standards at, 193, 213

Musso & Frank, 192

Perino’s, 232–34, 233

Philippe the Original, 21

Players, 234, 234–35

policies on photographers and reporters, 183, 194, 226, 228

Romanoff’s, 217–24, 218, 232

Sardi’s, 195

Scandia, 235–37, 236

Schwab’s Pharmacy, 245–46

Ship Café, 191

Smoke House, 244

Tam O’Shanter, 244

Tick Tock Tea Room, 245

Vendôme, 241

Victor Hugo, 192–93

Yamashiro, 22

Rex gambling ship, 55–56, 56

Rindge family, 40

Roach, Hal, 149, 150

Robinson, Edward G., 142, 142

Rogers, Ginger, 82

Rogers, Will, 75, 90, 94, 102, 109, 150

Roland, Gilbert, 54, 100, 116

Romanoff’s/Mike Romanoff, 154, 217–24, 218, 220, 229, 232

Scandia, 235–37, 236

Schenck, Joe

after divorce, 116

gambling, 53, 55, 242

homes, 26, 100, 116–17

investments, 38, 57, 59

loans to friends and employees, 75, 204, 243

personality, 115

studios, 58, 176

Schindler, Rudolph, 48, 195

Schulberg, B. P., 53, 126

Schwab’s Pharmacy, 245–46

Selznick, David O., 53, 55, 81

Selznick, Irene Mayer, 128–29, 130

Selznick, Myron, 53, 150, 206

Shatto, George, 41

Shearer, Norma, 99, 104–5

Sinatra, Frank, 51, 52, 162–64, 164, 219, 220

St. John, Jill, 3, 52, 77, 109, 125, 135, 179

Stanwyck, Barbara, 40, 150, 201

stars. See actors

Stewart, Jimmy, 131–32, 154–55, 207, 226, 227, 228

Strickling, Howard, 175, 178–79

studios and movie business. See also specific studios

actor layoffs, 169

agent package deals, 221–22

changes after World War II, 8–10

clannishness and competitiveness, 10, 113–14, 130

corporate owners, 11

creation of fantasy, 28, 79–80, 81

decline in production and profits, 182, 249–50

during Depression, 28–29

exclusive actor contracts, 171, 182

investment in stars, 79, 195

in Los Angles economy, 29

passion and pride of founders, 11–12

protection of stars’ reputations, 14, 171, 176–77, 180–82

publicists and press agents, 171–72, 175–79

studio buildings, 80–81

studio locations, 73–74, 109, 193

Sturges, Preston, 234–35

Swanson, Gloria, 74, 141–42

Talmadge, Norma, 99–100, 116, 140, 195

Taylor, Elizabeth, 4–6, 92, 93, 182

Taylor, Francis, 95

Taylor, Robert, 154, 155, 201, 207

television, 9–10, 136, 182, 249, 250

Thalberg, Irving, 104

Thompson, Kay, 179, 211, 245

Tracy, Spencer, 90, 150, 178, 209

Trocadero “The Troc,” 204–6, 214–16

20th Century Fox. See Fox/20th Century Fox

United Artists, 58, 70, 115

Universal, 28–29, 127, 250

Valentino, Rudolph, 75–78, 76, 159–60

Van Heusen, Jimmy, 223

Vendôme, 241

Victor Hugo, 192–93

von Sternberg, Josef, 100–101

Wagner, Robert J.

adolescent years, 32, 43, 83, 120

children, 51, 125, 145

contract with Fox, 44, 58, 175, 251

first film, 239–40

golf, 144–48, 146

homes, 30, 51–52, 109, 125

love for horses, 32–34, 33, 125, 253–54

marriages, 51, 52, 125, 203

move to California, 29–30

photos, 33, 46, 47, 50, 87, 118, 146, 164, 173

on St. John’s Hospital board, 132

Wald, Jerry and Connie, 126

Walker, Robert, 43, 177

Walsh, Raoul, 54, 150, 252–53

Warner, Ann, 113, 114, 179

Warner, Harry, 10, 93–94, 113, 114, 150

Warner, Jack

at costume party, 142

donation to Hollywood Canteen, 207

gambling, 242

gentrification of, 179

home, 110–14, 115

interest in horses and racing, 150

ouster of brother from studio, 113–14

passion for moviemaking, 11–12

restaurant investments, 196, 217, 224

Warner Bros.

in movie industry family, 10–11

ouster of Harry, 113–14

production rate, 28–29, 250

studio locations, 109, 193

typical movies, 115

Wasserman, Lew, 115

Wayne, John, 43, 222

Webb, Clifton, 13, 54, 153, 173

West, Nathanael, 30

Weyl, Carl Jules, 195, 199

Wilcox, Horace and Daeida, 20

Wilder, Billy, 63, 132–35

Wilkerson, Billy, 54, 204–6, 205, 209–10, 215–16, 240–43

Williams, Paul Revere, 95–97, 230–31

Williams Brothers, 211

Willson, Henry, 181–82

Wood, Natalie, 44, 52, 164, 186, 203, 228

Wright, Frank Lloyd, 107–8, 108

Wrigley, Phil, and family, 44

Wrigley, William, Jr., 41–42

Zanuck, Darryl

favorite restaurants, 197–98, 219

homes, 116–17, 117

investments, 38, 217

leisure activities, 94, 151, 151, 152, 153–54

military service, 207

studio, 58, 176

types and styles of movies, 8–9, 11–12, 116

Zanuck, Richard, 117–18

Zukor, Adolph, 11, 24, 165