Table of Contents

I. Events Upon the British Front Up to March 21, 1918
II. The Second Battle of the Somme Attack upon the Seventeenth and Sixth Corps
III. The Second Battle of the Somme Attack on the Fourth and Fifth Corps
IV. The Second Battle of the Somme Attack upon the Fifth Army, March 2
V. The Second Battle of the Somme The Retreat of the Seventh and Nineteenth Corps
VI. The Second Battle of the Somme The Retreat of the Eighteenth Corps, March 21-29
VII. The Second Battle of the Somme The Retreat of the Third Corps
VIII. The Somme Front from April 1 Onwards
IX. The Battle of the Lys April 9-12
X. The Battle of the Lys April 13 to May 8
XI. The Battles of the Chemin Des Dames and of the Ardres May 27 to June 2