1. The Coolest of Them All? Mantle, Mays, or Doby?
2. The Branch Rickey Yardstick
4. Doby Breaks the Color Line in the American League
5. Doby’s Middle Years: World Championships, Home Run and RBI Titles
6. It Takes a Village (and More): Efforts at Breaking the Color Line in Baseball
7. The Shadow Cast by Rickey and Robinson
8. The Second Shadow? A Tale of Two Cities
9. Playing in the American League
10. The Long Shadow of Satchel Paige
11. Should Paige Have Been the First?
12. The Mantle Shadow? Mickey, Mantle Boulevard, Mantle Museum, Mick Lit, Mick Legend, The Mick
13. Conflation of the Mantle Legend
14. Willie Mays and “The Catch”
15. Casting Their Own Shadows: Robinson, Doby, and the News Media
17. Doby, Robinson, Baseball, and Racism
18. A Seldom-Remembered Pioneer