
All page numbers in the index refer to the print edition.

The italicized locators fig. 1, fig. 2, and so forth, refer to photographs in the gallery.

Aaron, Henry “Hank,” ix, 45, 57, 123, 161, 172, 174, 259n38, 274n12

Agee, Tommy, 114

Allen, Maury, 146

Allen, Mel, 55, 60, 239

Allen, Woody, 134

All-Star teams and players: 1951 season, 59; Don Newcombe, 241; George Sisler, 23; Jackie Robinson, ix, 216, 241; Larry Doby, xi, 4, 69–70, 241, 268n31; Mickey Mantle, 164; Negro Leagues, 128; Ralph Kiner, 11; Ray Campanella, 241; Satchel Paige, 145; Willie Mays, 172, 187–88

Allyn, Art, 36

American League: integration of, 6, 75, 113–17, 241, 268n31; obscuring Doby’s achievements, 119; racism in, 113–14, 116–17; teams in, 116

Amour, Lester, 36

Anson, Cap, 75

anti-segregation movements, 78–79. See also integration

Aparicio, Luis, 70, 203

Appling, Luke, 138

Aspromonte, Ken, 207, 208–9

Athletics, 55–56, 116–17, 122, 243

aversive racism, 215–16

Avila, Bobby, 67

Baird, Thomas, 18

Baker, Dusty, 67, 190, 278n7

Ball, Phil, 23

Ball Four (Bouton), 156–57

Baltimore Orioles, 70–71

Bankes, James, 86

Bankhead, Tallulah, 172

Banks, Ernie, x, 45, 57, 161, 274n12

Barber, Red, 239

barnstorming tours, 80, 81, 91, 97–98, 133–34, 174–75, 262n27, 274n12

Barra, Allen: on baseball’s greatest players, 166–67; on Doby’s talent, 44; on Mickey Mantle, 1, 153, 160, 165, 167–68; on Satchel Paige’s talent, 120; on Willie Mays’s “catch,” 172; on Willie Mays’s talent, 1, 118

baseball: ethics in, 15–16; forces pressuring integration of, 79–83, 87–89; free agency in, 210; impact of TV coverage on, 239–40; importance of military service in, 138; importance to NYC, 102–3, 111–12; minority percentages in, 206; player salaries, 10, 15–16, 63–64, 66, 277n25; post–Civil War integration of, 74–75; postwar popularity of, 1–3; racism in, 20–21; reserve clause, 63, 64, 210; statistics in, 243–47; Veeck’s impact on, 30; WWII’s impact on, 17

baseball memorabilia craze, 158–59, 169

Basgall, Monte, 14

basketball barnstorming, 164

basket catch, 185

Bauer, Hank, 155, 156

Beane, Billy, 243

Bearden, Gene, 55, 144

Bee, Clair, 48

Bell, Albert, 110

Berra, Carmen, 154

Berra, Yogi, 56–57, 61, 74, 151, 156, 166, 213

Biederman, Les, 171

Biggio, Craig, 4

Bissinger, Buzz, 146, 160, 165–66

Black, Joe, 114, 213, 274n12

“Black Sox” players, 85

Blues (Kansas City), 152

Board of Education, Brown v., 77

Bodley, Hal, 202

Bonda, Ted, 209

Borsvold, David, 44, 57

Boston Braves, 55, 116

Boston Red Sox, 2, 56, 74, 110, 113, 116

Boudreau, Lou, 44, 57, 110; and Doby’s integration, 52–53, 54, 201, 222–23, 226–27, 228; image of, fig. 9; relationship with Doby, 182, 192; and Satchel Paige, 143; on Veeck signing Doby, 31

Bouton, Jim, 137, 156–57, 188, 192

Bragan, Bobby, 72, 221

Branca, Ralph, 180

Branch Rickey (Lowenfish), 73

Brandeis, Louis, 220

Braves, 55, 116

Breadon, Sam, 15, 16, 23–24, 89, 222

Brett, George, 208

Brewers, 36, 82, 174

Briggs, Walter, Jr., 61

Brissie, Lou, 60

Brohamer, Jack, 209

Bromberg, Lester, 99

Brooklyn Dodgers: 1949 World Series, 281n13; integration of, 17–19, 24–25, 74; management’s treatment of Robinson, 225–26; player trades, 13, 14; scouting Doby, 50; spring training facilities, 205; teammates’ treatment of Robinson, 193, 221, 278n29; winning streaks, xii–xiii, 103. See also Rickey, Wesley Branch; Robinson, Jackie Roosevelt

Brooklyn Nets, 212

Brooks, Augusta, 46–47

Broun, Heywood, 79

Brown, Butts, 86

Brown, Henry Billings, 75–76, 77

Browns (Cleveland), 107

Browns (St. Louis), 23, 116, 122

Brown v. Board of Education, 77

Bryson, Bill, 247

Budig, Gene, 202, 207–8, 212–13

Buffett, Warren, 84

Busby, Jim, 66, 70, 232

California Winter League, 142

Camden (South Carolina), 46

Camilli, Dolph, 14

Campanella, Roy: after baseball, 205; as All-Star player, 241; barnstorming tours, 174, 274n12; hometown of, 45; overshadowing Doby, 119; salary of, 277n25; signed by Dodgers, 18, 50, 51

Cannon, Jimmy, 167

Cardinals. See St. Louis Cardinals

Carey, Andy, 193, 276n6

Carmichael, John, 83

Carrasquel, Chico, 66, 70, 232

Carver, George Washington, 78–79

Cepeda, Orlando, 274n6

Chandler, Albert “Happy,” 87, 226

Chapman, Ben, 55, 97, 116–17, 221

Chase, Murray, 213

Chicago Cubs, 36

Chicago White Sox, 5, 39, 85, 203–4, 205, 210–12, 232–33

Cicotte, Eddie, 85

Cincinnati Reds, 85

Claridge’s (casino), 158

The Classic Mantle (Bissinger), 146, 160

Cleaveland, Moses, 103

Clemente, Roberto, 161

Cleveland (Ohio), 101–2, 103–11, 200

Cleveland Browns, 107

Cleveland Indians: 1920 World Series, 104, 109–10; 1948 season, 4–5, 57–58, 122, 132, 145; 1948 World Series, 55; 1951 season, 190–91; 1954 season, 4–5, 67–69; 1954 World Series, 172, 182–85; under Al Lopez, 68–71; compared to Yankees, xii–xiii, 58–59; during Doby’s career, 7–8, 110–11; under Frank Lane, 71–72; under Frank Robinson, 207–10; under Hank Greenberg, 59, 62–67; history of, 109–10; honoring Doby, x, 5; images of, fig. 18; integration of, 6, 74, 115, 175; managers’ treatment of Doby, 226–28; pitching greats of, 144; player salaries, 63–64, 66; postwar popularity of, 2–3; press criticism of, 190–91, 199–200; Satchel Paige’s time with, 120, 122; signing Doby, 6, 39–40, 49–51; spring training, 6, 130–31, 175; team reactions to integration, 31–32, 53, 222–24, 278n29; trading Doby, 232, 233; Veeck’s purchase of, 36; Veeck’s sale of, 38–39

Cleveland News (newspaper), 191

Cleveland Plain Dealer (newspaper), 191, 201

Cleveland Press (newspaper), 190, 191

Cleveland sports writers, 190–92, 199–201

Coates, Jim, 169

Cobb, Ty, 24, 136, 163, 226, 259n38

Cobbledick, Gordon, 190, 201

Cohen, Rich, x

Cohn, Leonard, 134

Colavito, Rocky, 72

Coleman, Jerry, 169

Collier’s (magazine), 111, 118, 144

Color Blind (Dunkel), 128

Conlan, Jocko, 92

Connors, Chuck, 112

Copa Cabana incident, 156

Cosell, Howard, 229

Courage (film), 220

Crawfords, 117, 126–28, 140

Crutchfield, Jimmy, 140

Crystal, Billy, 170

Cubs, 36

Curvy, Helyn. See Doby, Helyn (Curvy)

Daley, Bud, 71

Dark, Alvin, 171

Davis, Arthur, 48

Dawson, Andre, 210

Day, Leon, 49

A Day at the Bleacher (Hano), 183

Dean, Jay Hanna “Dizzy,” 12, 13, 80, 112, 133

Dean, Paul, 13

DePodesta, Paul, 243

Derringer, Paul, 13

desegregation movements, 78–79. See also integration

Detroit Tigers, 113, 202–3

Dickson, Murray, 14

Dickson, Paul, 215

DiMaggio, Dom, 56, 278n29

DiMaggio, Joe, 112, 133, 138, 150–52, 173, 186–87, 239, 240

discrimination. See racism

Doby, Christina, fig. 14, 65, 225

Doby, David, 46, 178

Doby, Etta, 46, 47, 49

Doby, Helyn (Curvy), 191; business ventures, 205–6; death of, 214; image of, fig. 14; marriage of, 47; in Montclair, 56; racism faced by, 65, 225; relationship with Veecks, 31, 57

Doby, Larry, Jr., 39

Doby, Lawrence Eugene “Larry,” 3–4, 37; 1947 season, 53–54; 1948 season, 54–55, 132; 1954 season, 67–69, 182–85; and Al Lopez, 69–71, 232–34; in the American League, 114–17; background of, 46–47, 136, 178; barnstorming tours, 91, 174, 274n12; in baseball management, 39, 206–12; baseball statistics, x, 4, 53, 54–55, 58–59, 60–61, 63, 91, 100, 145; baseball talent, x, 7–8, 184, 188, 241–42; character of, 41, 44, 45, 67, 119, 192, 218, 230–31, 241; compared to Robinson, 90–93, 99–100, 241; death of, 214, 263n2; end of playing career, 202–6; first MLB game, 40–41, 226–27; images of, fig. 1, fig. 7, fig. 10, fig. 12, fig. 13, fig. 14, fig. 22; injuries of, 205; isolation endured by, 6, 130–32, 191–92; in Japan, 206; management’s treatment of, 62–63, 64–67, 226–28, 230–35; marriage of, 47; military service of, 48, 136; in the Negro League, 49–50; overshadowed by Mickey Mantle, xii, 146–47, 163, 170; overshadowed by Satchel Paige, 120, 122, 145; physical appearance, 51–52; praise for, 190, 200–201, 213, 242; preparation for integration, 218–20; press coverage of, 93–95, 98–99, 111, 118, 190–92, 198, 200, 201; pressures placed on, 182, 194–96; professionalism of, 144; racism faced by, 6, 40–43, 53–56, 65, 116–17, 215, 222–25, 235–36, 269n46; reasons for obscurity of, xi–xiii, 101–2, 115–16, 119, 238–39; recognition of, x, 5, 202, 213, 237–38; relationship with Robinson, 44–45,

66–67, 91, 258n2; relationship with Veeck, 31, 36, 38–42, 57; relative obscurity of, x–xiii, 1, 5–8, 73, 90–92; responses to racism, 44–45, 92, 258n1, 260n1; salary of, 277n25; and Satchel Paige, 130–32, 194–95; signed by Veeck, 30, 39–40, 49–51, 52; teammates’ treatment of, 32, 52–53, 67, 192, 222–24, 278n29; treatment of, in Cleveland, 107; and Wendell Smith, 198–99; with the White Sox, 66, 70, 203–4, 205

Dodgers. See Brooklyn Dodgers

Doerr, Bobby, 138

Donovan, Richard, 70, 144

Don’t Look Back (Ribowsky), 113, 135

Downs, Karl Everette, 19–20, 256n55

Dressen, Charlie, 112

Du Bois, W. E. B., 78

Dudley, Jimmy, 3

DuMont Broadcasting Network, 239

Durocher, Leo: challenging racism, 86, 221, 263n40; image of, fig. 2; and Jackie Robinson, 98; on lodging discrimination, 175; suspension of, 225–26; traded to the Cardinals, 13; on What’s My Line?, 112; and Willie Mays, 171, 177, 179, 180–81

Eagles, 40, 48, 49

Earhart, Amelia, 104

Easter, Luke, 115, 195, 276n9, 277n25

Edwin, Orla, 21

End Jim Crow Committee, 88–89

Epstein, Theo, 243

Expos, 207, 210

farm clubs, 12–13, 24

Feller, Bob: barnstorming tours, 81, 133; and Doby, 92, 118, 192, 237; with the Indians, 2, 55, 57, 67, 68, 110, 144; military service of, 138; salary of, 64, 66; on Satchel Paige, 120; statue of, 238; on Veeck, 32–33; on Willie Mays’s “catch,” 184

Felsch, Happy, 85

Ferguson, Plessy v., 77

Ferrarese, Don, 71

Figueroa, Luz Maria, 127

films, ix, 5, 55, 73–74, 220, 221

five tool players, 118, 188, 245, 268n27

Fleming, Les, 223

Flood, Curt, 229

Fohl, Lee, 109

Forbes, Frank, 178

Ford, Whitey, 155, 156, 237

42 (film), ix, 5, 55, 73–74, 221

Fowler, John “Bud,” 75

Fox, Nellie, 70, 166, 203

Francona, Terry “Tito,” 202

free agency, 210

Freed, Alan, 108

Freedman, Lew, 90

Frick, Ford, 50, 83, 222

Friend, Bob, 11

Frisch, Frankie, 226

Fromer, Harry, 73, 113

Furillo, Carl, 112

Gabrielson, Len, 171

Galbreath, John, 11

Gamble, Oscar, 209, 210

Garcia, Mike, 4, 57, 67, 110

Garfield, James A., 104

Giants. See New York Giants

Gibson, Bob, 129, 212–13, 229, 261n44

Gibson, Josh, 133, 141, 163, 197

Gilliam, Junior, 114, 274n12

Goldstein, Spud, 65, 223

Goode, Mal, 9

Gordon, Joe, 53, 57, 110, 192, 227, 230–31

Gowdy, Curt, 56, 259n45

Graham, Frank, 219

Grasping the Ring (Budig), 202

Gray, Pete, 17

Green, Elijah Pumpsie, 113, 267n2

Green, Joe, 125

Greenberg, Hank: assessing Doby, 62–63, 64, 66–67, 91; baseball career of, 61–67; on the Cleveland press, 199–200; as general manager, 59, 62–66; on Joe DiMaggio, 151; praise for, 260n6; trading Doby, 38, 70, 110, 191, 192, 204, 232–33; trading Luke Easter, 195

Greenberg, Stephen, 64

Greenlee, Gus, 126–27, 128

Greenwade, Tom, 148–49

Griffey, Ken, Jr., 235

Griffith, Clark, 29, 48, 113

Groat, Dick, 11

Gromek, Steve, 143, 192, 223

Haas, Stephan, 165

Halberstam, David, 1–2, 239

Hanna, Mark, 104, 266n12

Hano, Arnold, 183–84, 188

Hatfield, Fred, 230

Hegan, Jim, 53, 192

Helf, Hank, 266n14

Hemus, Solly, 215, 229, 280n63

Henrich, Tommy, 54

Herman, Billy, 14, 138

Herman, Garry, 85

Hersheisher, Orel, 110

Heydler, John, 85

Hirsch, James, 44, 45, 101, 120, 238

Hoak, Don, 193

Hodges, Russ, 179

Holtzman, Jerome, 199

Holtzman, Ken, 62, 261n44

Hope, Bob, 36

Hopper, Clay, 225

Hornsby, Rogers, 24, 163, 167, 226

Houk, Ralph, 112, 168

Howard, Elston, 114, 228

Hoyt, Waite, 261n44

The Hustler’s Handbook (Veeck), 34–35, 36

Indians. See Cleveland Indians

I Never Had It Made (Robinson), ix

Insull, Samuel, 106

integration: of the American League, 6, 75, 113–14, 115, 241, 268n31; early forces pressuring, 79–83, 87–89; of MLB, 175; myths regarding, 73–74; of the National League, 74–75, 114–15, 116–17, 241, 268n31; in post–Civil War baseball, 75; preparation for, 216–20; resistance to, 16–17; Rickey’s role in, 17–21; team owners against, 84, 86–89; Veeck’s role in, 31–33, 36–38; Wendell Smith’s role in, 198–99

Irvin, Monte, 83; barnstorming tours, 174, 274n12; baseball career of, 40; hometown of, 45; image of, fig. 16; in MLB management, 206; in the Negro Leagues, 49; overshadowing Doby, 119; racism faced by, 225; and Rickey, 21, 259n22; on Robinson, 196; salary of, 277n25; signed by the Giants, 51; and Willie Mays, 179

The Jackie Robinson Story (film), 220

Jackson, Reggie, 169, 234–35, 240–41

Jackson, Shep, 70

Jacobs Field (Cleveland), 108, 110

Jacobson, Steve, 66–67

James, Bill, 243, 245–46

Japanese baseball, 206

Jensen, Jackie, 166

Jet (magazine), 71, 111

Jethroe, Sam, 34, 114, 277n25

Jim Crow legislation, 75

Johnson, Ban, 85

Johnson, Greer, 158–59

Johnson, Lyndon Baines, 38

Johnson, Walter, 123

Jones, Aldona, 225

Jones, James Earl, 93

Jones, Lou, 41, 50, 52

Kahn, Roger, 93, 180

Kaline, Al, 118

Kansas City Athletics, 122

Kansas City Blues, 152

Kansas City Monarchs, 18, 40, 128, 129

Keats, Nancy, 101

Kessinger, Don, 211–12

Killifer, Bill, 39

Kiner, Ralph, fig. 5, 10–12, 58, 59, 60, 64, 66

Kissinger, Don, 39

Kluszewski, Ted, 203

Koufax, Sandy, 24, 62, 130, 261n44

Kubeck, Tony, 169

Kuhn, Bowie, 158, 206–7

Kupcinet, Irv, 27

LaGuardia, Fiorella, 88–89

LaGuardia Committee, 88–89

Lajoie, Napoleon, 109

Landis, Abraham, 84

Landis, Kenesaw Mountain: background of, 84–85; on barnstorming, 81, 262n27; and Branch Rickey, 10, 254n5; death of, 87; and integration attempts, 83; and the Jake Powell incident, 80; as MLB commissioner, 85–88; no-tolerance rules, 158; racial prejudice of, 85–86, 87–88, 221, 263n40

Lane, Frank, 71–72, 202

Larry Doby (Moore), 5, 7, 60, 215

Law, Vernon, 11

Leavy, Jane, 152, 163, 166

Lemon, Bob: image of, fig. 19; on integration, 278n29; military service, 138; playing for the Indians, 55, 57, 67, 68, 110, 144; relationship with Doby, 53, 192, 211, 213; as White Sox manager, 39, 210–11

Lewis, Franklin, 190

Lewis, Michael, 243

Lewis, Whitey, 52

Liddle, Don, 183

Lockman, Whitey, 180

lodging discrimination, 19, 52, 65, 175, 205, 224–25, 269n46

Lollar, Sherm, 70, 203

Long, Huey, 29

Lopez, Al: image of, fig. 19; as Indians manager, 68–71, 110; racial prejudice of, 71, 215, 227–35; on Satchel Paige, 143–44; trading Doby, 38, 70–71, 191, 204, 230, 232–34; trading Luke Easter, 195; treatment of Doby, 69–71, 192, 201; on Veeck, 32; on Willie Mays’s “catch,” 184

Louisville (Kentucky), 219–20

Louisville Colonels, 219–20

Lowenfish, Lee, 15, 73, 86

MacDougal, Gil, 146

Maglie, Sal, 112

Major League Baseball (MLB): ethics in, 15–16; forces pressuring integration, 79–83, 87–89; free agency in, 210; impact of TV coverage on, 239–40; importance of military service in, 136, 138; under Judge Landis, 85–87; length of season, 139–40; minority percentages in, 206; myths regarding integration of, 73–74; pitcher’s mound, 247, 282n9; player salaries, 10, 15–16, 63–64, 66, 277n25; power hitters’ strikeouts in, 234–35; racism in, 20–21, 113–14; reserve clause, 63, 64, 210; resistance to integration within, 16–17, 84, 86–89; scouting methods in, 244–45; Veeck’s impact on, 30; WWII’s impact on, 17. See also American League; National League

Manley, Abe, 39–40, 49, 67, 128

Manley, Effa, 18, 39–40, 49, 50–51, 128, 257n48, 259n22

Manning, Max, 49

Mantle, Billy, 158, 159

Mantle, Merlyn, 157–58

Mantle, Mickey: 4F draft classification, 138, 153; after baseball, 157–59; athletic talent of, 1, 58, 60, 149, 164, 237; baseball statistics, 4, 147, 154–55, 164; books about, 6; death of, 159; and Early Wynn, 224; images of, fig. 15, fig. 21; injuries of, 147–48, 163–66, 169–70; and Joe DiMaggio, 150–52; legend of, 146–47, 149–50, 153–54, 160–70; media coverage of, 111, 167; in the minor leagues, 152; overshadowing Doby, 101, 146–47, 170; overshadowing Willie Mays, 173; personal characteristics, 168–69; as power hitter, 234; public image of, 150, 155–57; rookie season, 149, 151–52, 153–54; salary of, 10; signed by Yankees, 148–49; size of, 160–61; tape-measure home runs, 153–54, 162–63; on What’s My Line?, 112

Mantle, Mutt, 149, 152

Mantle and Mays (Barra), 160

Maple Leafs, 205

Mariners, 254n7

Marion, Marty, 70, 228, 232

Maris, Roger, fig. 21, 71–72, 112, 166–68

Martin, Billy, 151, 155, 156

Mathewson, Christy, 24, 123, 136, 261n44

Mauch, Gene, 207

Mays, Cat, 177–78, 181

Mays, Margherite, 173, 186, 194

Mays, William Howard “Willie,” 57; 1951 World Series, 147; 1954 World Series, 68, 172, 183–85; athletic talent of, 1, 114, 118–19, 171–72; banned from MLB, 158; barnstorming tours, 174, 274n12; baseball statistics, 4, 274n6; basket catch of, 185; books about, 6; criticized by Robinson, 92–93, 174, 240; and Doby, 174–75; hometown of, 45; images of, fig. 20, fig. 21; masking of achievements, 173–74; with the Minneapolis Millers, 177; overshadowed by Joe DiMaggio, 173, 186–87; overshadowing Doby, 101, 118–19, 188–89, 238; pampering of, 177–80, 182; preparations for integration, 7; press coverage of, 111, 181, 186–87, 193–94; racism faced by, 173, 176–77, 181, 186–87, 194; in San Francisco, 186–87; size of, 161; on What’s My Line?, 112, 118

McClendon, Audrey, 255n35

McDougald, Gil, 169

McKechnie, Bill, 54, 258n1

McKinley, William, 104

McLaughlin, George V., 18–19

McPhail, Larry, 16, 18, 89

Medwick, Joe “Ducky,” 12, 13

Mesa, Jose, 110

Messersmith, Andy, 210

Mickey and Willie (Barra), 1

Milwaukee Brewers, 36, 82, 174

Minneapolis Millers, 7, 177

Minoso, Minnie, 66, 70, 72, 199, 230, 233–34

Mize, Johnny, 12, 14, 15, 138

MLB. See Major League Baseball (MLB)

Molito, Tony, 159

Monarchs, 18, 40, 128, 129

Moneyball (Lewis), 243

Montreal Expos, 207, 210

Montreal Royals, 6, 219–20, 225

Moore, Joseph Thomas, x, 5, 7, 215, 220, 223

Morgan, Joe, 60, 67, 90, 213, 231

Motley, Marion, 48, 107

Moulton, Jane. See Rickey, Jane (Moulton)

Moyer, Jamie, 244–45

Municipal Stadium (Cleveland), 58, 108, 110, 184

Murphy, Eddie, 120

Musial, Stan, 59, 138, 151, 161, 259n38

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 30, 37

National Commission (MLB), 85

National League: integration of, 114–15, 116–17, 241, 268n31; obscuring Doby, 119; post–Civil War integration of, 74–75; teams in, 116

Negro Leagues: compared with MLB, 141; in Pittsburgh, 117, 197; player salaries in, 18; Rickey recruiting players from, 18, 40, 51, 259n22; Satchel Paige’s career in, 123, 128, 140; stadium rentals, 49; Veeck recruiting players from, 39–40, 50–51; Veeck’s experience with, 37

Nets, 212

Newark Eagles, 40, 48, 49

Newark Stars, 128

Newcombe, Don: 1949 World Series, 281n13; as All-Star player, 241; barnstorming tours, 274n12; baseball awards, 114; friendship with Doby, 205–6, 281n13; hometown of, 45; on Jackie Robinson, 92; in Japan, 206; in the Negro League, 49; overshadowing Doby, 119; in Pittsburgh, 199; recruited by Rickey, 18, 40, 50, 51; salary of, 277n25

New Jersey Nets, 212

New York City, 101–3, 111–12, 196–97

New York Giants: 1948 exhibition games, 42; 1950s decline, 173–74; 1951 season, 180; 1954 World Series, 68–69, 172, 182–85; integration of, 7, 74, 176; in NYC, 103; in San Francisco, 186–87; spring training, 175; Willie Mays’s career with, 7, 173, 176

New York Times (newspaper), xi–xii, 93

New York Yankees: 1949 World Series, 281n13; 1960s decline, 155; against the Indians, xii–xiii, 2–3, 5, 58; integration of, 74, 228; and player salaries, 15–16; racism in, 114, 228; records set by, 254n7; spring training, 149; winning streaks, 58, 103, 164. See also Mantle, Mickey

Nickel Plate Road (railroad), 106

Niekro, Phil, 122

Nugent, Gerry, 82

Nunn, Bill, 50

Nuxhall, Joe, 17

Oakland Athletics, 243

O’Connell, Daniel, 14

O’Connor, Ian, 231

Ohio Wesleyan University (OWU), 19, 22–23

Okrent, Dan, 244

O’Malley, Walter, 11

O’Neil, John “Buck,” 120, 133, 190, 196, 197

One Summer (Bryson), 247

Orioles, 70–71

Our Tribe (Pluto), 60, 237

Owens, Jesse, 107–8

Pacific Coast League, 204

Padres (San Diego), 204–5

Pagael, Eddie, 29

Paige, Janet (Howard), 126, 127, 142

Paige, Leroy Robert “Satchel”: barnstorming tours, 80, 81, 133–34; baseball career of, 122–23, 268n5; books about, 6; and Doby, 130–32, 182, 195; hometown of, 45; income of, 139; with the Indians, 57, 110; and integration, 135–39; legend of, xiii, 120–21, 123–26, 129–30, 131–34, 142, 144–45, 268n13; negative assessments of, 121, 126–29, 142–44; in the Negro League, 140, 197; pitching talent of, 120–21, 123–25; uneven competition faced by, 141–42; womanizing habits of, 142–43

Paige, Lula, 126

Patterson, Arthur “Red,” 162

Pegler, Westbrook, 81

Perry, Gaylord, 209

Philadelphia Athletics, 55–56, 116–17

Philadelphia Phillies, 50, 55, 82–83, 116–17, 221

Pirates, 11–12, 14

pitcher’s mound, 247, 282n9

Pittsburgh, 117, 197, 198–99

Pittsburgh Courier (newspaper), 39, 86, 197–98

Pittsburgh Crawfords, 117, 126–27, 140

Pittsburgh Pirates, 11–12, 14

player salaries, 10, 15–16, 63–64, 254n9, 277n25; in the Negro Leagues, 18

player trades, 11–16, 34–35

Plessy, Homer, 77

Plessy v. Ferguson, 77

Pluto, Terry, 52, 60, 67, 237

Pollock, Syd, 80

Post, Wiley, 104

Povich, Shirley, 99

Powell, Jake, 80

power hitters, 234–35

Powers, Jimmy, 79

Prince, Bob, 11

Progressive Field (Cleveland), 108, 238

Protho, Doc, 82

Pytlak, Frank, 266n14

queen bee syndrome, 209–10

racism: in the American League, 113–14, 116–17; aversive form of, 215–16; of Commissioner Landis, 85–86; faced by Doby, 6, 41–43, 54, 55–56, 65, 116–17, 215, 222–25, 235–36; faced by Mays, 173, 176–77, 181, 186–87, 194; faced by Robinson, 55, 97, 116–17, 219–20, 221–22, 224–25, 235–36; lodging discrimination, 19, 52, 65, 205, 224–25, 269n46; in MLB, 20–21, 65–66, 116–17, 215–16, 228–34, 263n40; in the National League, 116–17; at Ohio Wesleyan, 19

radio baseball coverage, 239–40

railroads, 105, 106, 107

Ramirez, Manny, 110

Reds, 85

Red Sox, 2, 56, 74, 110, 113, 116

Reese, Pee Wee, 221

reserve clause, 63, 64, 210

Rhodes, Dusty, 68–69, 183

Ribowsky, Mark, 91, 113, 135, 140, 144

Richards, Paul, 71

Rickey, Jane (Moulton), 22

Rickey, Wesley Branch, 98, 113, 196; background of, 21–23; with the Cardinals, 23–24; character of, 9–10, 25; contrasted with Veeck, 27–28; with the Dodgers, 24–25; “El Cheapo” nickname, 79; images of, fig. 2, fig. 3; and lodging discrimination, 224–25; military service of, 24, 136; motives for integration, 16–21; at Ohio Wesleyan, 19, 22–23; and player trading, 11–16; preparing Robinson for integration, 6, 53, 178, 217–18, 219, 226; recruiting techniques, 40, 259n22; relationship with Veeck, 33–35; role in farm clubs, 12–13, 24; role in integration, 73–74, 84, 88; salary of, 10, 11–12, 14–15, 254n20, 255n29; on scouting practices, 149; and Wendell Smith, 198; on What’s My Line?, 112

Rickey and Robinson (Fromer), 73, 90, 113

Rickey and Robinson (Kahn), 93

Rigney, Bill, 187

Risberg, Swede, 85

Rizzuto, Phil, 112

Roberts, Sam, 9

Robeson, Paul, 87–89

Robinson, Eddie, 223

Robinson, Frank, 39, 172, 207–10

Robinson, Jackie, Jr., 96, 240

Robinson, Jackie Roosevelt: as All-Star player, 241; background of, 45; barnstorming tours, 91, 97–98; baseball awards, 114; baseball statistics, 91, 100, 193; books about, ix, 5, 93; compared to Doby, 90–93, 99–100, 240–41; criticism of Willie Mays, 174; education of, 136; films about, ix, 5, 55, 73–74, 93, 220, 221; image of, fig. 4; impact of TV coverage on, 240; and Leo Durocher, 179; media coverage of, 93–98, 111, 119, 197, 198, 239; military service of, 136; overshadowing Doby, 93, 119; personality of, 41, 217–18, 240–41; preparation for integration, 6, 216–18, 219–20, 225–26; professionalism of, 144; racism faced by, 55, 97, 116–17, 219–20, 221–22, 224–25, 235–36; recruited by Rickey, 40, 51; relationship with Doby, 44–45, 66–67, 91, 258n2, 265n43; responses to racism, 41, 92, 196–97; and Reverend Downs, 20, 256n55; role in baseball’s integration, ix–x, 17–18, 32–33, 73–74; salary of, 277n25; on Satchel Paige, 132; Satchel Paige’s criticism of, 135–36; during spring training, 130; teammates’ responses to, 193, 220–22, 278n29; and Wendell Smith, 178, 198; on Yankees’s racism, 114

Robinson, Mack, 90

Robinson, Rachel (Jackie’s wife), 96

Rockefeller, John D., 104, 106

Rodriguez, Alex, 234

Roosevelt, Theodore, 84

Rose, Pete, 85, 259n38

Rosen, Al: 1954 World Series, 182–83; baseball statistics, 63, 67, 193; Hank Greenberg’s treatment of, 63–64, 66; images of, fig. 13; with the Indians, 57–58, 63–64, 110; on Luke Easter, 195; treatment of Doby, 53, 192, 224; on Veeck, 32

Rotisserie Baseball, 243–44

Royals, 6, 219–20, 225

Ruth, Babe, 81, 133, 161, 167

Ryan, Ellis, 39, 62, 227

sabermetrics, 243–47

SABR (Society of American Baseball Research), 243

Sain, Johnny, 55, 192

salaries. See player salaries

San Diego Padres, 204–5

Santa Rita Hotel, 65, 130, 175, 224, 225, 235–36

Satchel (Tye), 127, 135

Schilling, Curt, 261n44

Schmidt, Mike, 235

scouting, 149, 244–45

Seattle Mariners, 254n7

Segui, Phil, 207, 209

Seitz, Peter, 210

Selig, Bud, 214

Senators, 162

Shaker Heights community (Cleveland), 105

Sheehan, Bill, 187

Shepard, Bert, 17

Shotton, Burt, 226

Sickels, John, 32, 184

Simon, Scott, 28, 42

Singletary, Wes, 215, 229, 233

Singleton, Ken, 67, 200–201

Sisler, George, 23, 226

Slaughter, Enos “Country,” 9, 15, 97, 138, 222

Smith, Al, 184, 230

Smith, Hilton, 129

Smith, Red, 34, 217

Smith, Wendell, 39, 50, 53, 54, 86, 178, 197–99, 219

Smith, Wyonella, 199

Snider, Edwin “Duke”: attitudes on integration, 221, 278n29; baseball talent of, 58, 60; image of, fig. 17; media coverage of, 101, 111, 173; military service of, 138; overshadowing of, 238; size of, 161; on What’s My Line?, 112

Society of American Baseball Research (SABR), 243

Speaker, Tris, 54, 104, 109, 259n38

Sporting News (weekly magazine), 59, 61, 94–97, 98–99

Sports Illustrated (magazine), ix, 126, 187

Sportsman’s Park (St. Louis), 20–21, 256n56

sports memorabilia craze, 158–59, 169

Stanky, Eddie, 34, 221

Stargell, Willie, 161

Stars (Newark), 128

statistics, 243–47, 282n4

Stengel, Casey, 58, 68, 155; on Mickey Mantle’s talent, 149, 163; on power hitters’ strikeouts, 152, 234; racism of, 114, 215, 228–29; on What’s My Line?, 112

Stephens, Bryan, 228

Stephens, Jake, 129

St. Louis Browns, 23, 116, 122

St. Louis Cardinals: under Branch Rickey, 12–14, 16, 23–24; farm club of, 12–13, 24; racism in, 20–21, 116, 222, 280n63

Stockton, Roy, 15

Stoneham, Horace, 51, 74, 89, 175, 177

strikeout records, 234–35

Strong, Ted, 142

Sukeforth, Clyde, 50

The Summer of ’49 (Halberstam), 239

Supreme Court, 75–77

Swift, Phil, 36

Taub, Joe, 212

Taylor Spink, J. G., 94

team owners (MLB), 84, 85, 86–89, 263n40

television baseball coverage, 239–40

They Were All-Stars (movie), 93

Thomas, Charles “Tommy,” 19

Thomas, Frank, 161

Thome, Jim, 110, 235, 238

Thompson, Bobby, 180

Thompson, Hank, 225

Thorton, Tom, 7

Tigers (Detroit), 113, 202–3

Time (magazine), 146

Topping, Dan, 16

Toronto Maple Leafs, 205

Torre, Joe, 103

Total Baseball (magazine), 237

Travis, Cecil, 138

True, Ray, 159

Tye, Larry, 127, 128–29, 135

United Methodist Council (Chicago), 19–20

University of Southern California (USC), 153–54

USA Today (newspaper), 93, 202

U.S. Supreme Court, 75–77

Van Swerington, Mantis James, 104–6

Van Swerington, Oris Paxton, 104–6

Veeck, Bill: approach to integration, 6, 53–54, 130, 175, 218, 220, 269n46; background of, 35–36, 37–38; comparing leagues, 268n31; contrasted with Rickey, 27–28; on Doby’s talent, 202, 237, 242; funeral of, 199; and Hank Greenberg, 62; images of, fig. 6, fig. 8, fig. 22; management style of, 27–28, 30, 32; military service of, 30–31; motives for integration, 31–33, 37–38; Phillies purchase attempt, 82–83; promotional activities of, 29–30, 58; relationship with Doby, 31, 36, 38–42, 57, 130, 201; relationship with players, 30–33; relationship with Rickey, 33–35; relative obscurity of, 73–74; and Satchel Paige, 122, 125, 126, 130, 135, 142, 143; selling the Indians, 62, 227; signing Doby, 18, 31–33, 39–40, 49–51, 52; as White Sox owner, 203–4, 210–12, 233; writings of, 34–35

Veeck, Mary Frances, 27, 28

Veeck, William, Sr., 36, 82

Veeck as in Wreck (Veeck), 34–35, 237

Vernon, Mickey, 48–49

Vincent, Fay, 242

voting rights, 76–77

Walker, Eric, 245

Walker, Fred “Dixie,” 221

Walker, Moses Fleetwood, 75

Walker, Welday Wilberforce, 75

Wall Street Journal (newspaper), 93, 101

Washington, Booker T., 78–79

Washington, Kenny, 198

Washington Senators, 162

Weaver, Buck, 85

Webb, Del, 16, 149

Weiss, George, 15, 114

Wentz, Lewis, 15

Wenzke, Jimmy, 7

Wertz, Vic, 68, 172, 182–85

What’s My Line? (TV program), 111–12, 118

White, Bill, 67, 194, 260n2

whites-only primary laws, 75–77

White Sox, 5, 39, 85, 203–4, 205, 210–12, 232–33

Whizzes, 148

Wilde, Oscar, 159

Wilkinson, J. L., 18, 128

Williams, Claude “Lefty,” 85

Williams, Dick, 71

Williams, Ted, 67, 216; baseball talent of, 163, 166; and Doby, 56, 213; on integration, 259n45, 278n29; military service of, 136, 138; on racism, 56

Willie Mays (Hirsch), 44, 101, 120

Willis, Bill, 107

Willis, Chester, 130, 224

Willis, Lucile, 224

Wilson, Bertha, 127

Woodling, Gene, 71

World Series (1919), 85

World Series (1920), 104, 109–10

World Series (1947), 239

World Series (1948), 55, 132

World Series (1949), 281n13

World Series (1951), 147

World Series (1954), 4, 68–69, 172, 182–85

World Series (1961), 168–69

World War II, 17, 83–84, 136, 138

Wright, Jaret, 110

Wrigley, Phillip, Jr., 82

Wrigley, Phillip K., 16, 36

Wrigley, William, 36

Wrigley Report, 16–17

Wynn, Early: 1954 World Series, 68; baseball talent of, 57, 67, 110–11; and Doby, 53, 192, 203, 223–24, 232; image of, fig. 12; with the Indians, 57, 67, 68, 110–11; on Veeck, 32

Yancey, Dan, 165

Yankees. See New York Yankees

Yastrzemski, Carl, 161

Yawkey, Tom, 74, 113

Yawkey, William, 56

You Could Look It Up (Allen), 146

Young, Cy, 123

Young, Frank Albert “Fay,” 80

Zapp, James, 178

Zisk, Richie, 210