
Note: Page numbers in italics indicate photographs and illustrations.

aboriginal cultures, 42–43

accessibility ethic, 94

Acland, Charles, 153

activism: anti-copyright activism, 147; commodification of, 112; and “end of geoblocking” discourse, 157; and ethical issues of lockout circumvention, 155–57; free speech activism, 66; and net neutrality, 147; open internet activism, 92; and region-free media, 21, 120; and resistance to DVD region codes, 44

The Act of Killing (film), 140

Adelman, Dan, 47

advertising, 101

affordances of digital media, 6, 24, 121, 124

Afghanistan, 27

Africa: African diaspora communities, 134; and digital music streaming, 96; and region code system described, 27; and representation issues of coding regions, 38, 40; sub-Saharan Africa, 13, 39, 41. See also specific countries

algorithms, 20, 80, 103, 106, 108, 115, 154

allocation of resources, 7

Alvarez León, Luis Felipe, 150

Amazon, 129

Amazon Music, 100

Amazon Prime Video, 93

American Midwest, 15

analog televisions, 52

ancillary industries, 63

Anderson, Chris, 130

anime collectors, 136

Ansip, Andrus, 1, 11

anti-establishment sentiment, 66, 124–25

antitrust efforts, 91

Appadurai, Arjun, 131

Apple, 31–32, 102

Apple Music, 101, 107, 112

Arab Gamer (Rashed Mokdad), 69–71, 71

Arendt, Hannah, 155–56

Arrested Development (series), 83

Arrow Video, 145

art house film, 137, 140

ASCAP, 103

Ashraf, Cameran, 150

Asia: Asian diaspora communities, 131; and compatibility issues in game systems, 58; and digital music streaming, 102, 107. See also specific countries

Aslinger, Ben, 49

Atari, 47–49, 52, 58

Atlus, 57

audio quality, 30

audiovisual quality, 30, 42–46

Audio Week, 132

Australia: and compatibility issues in game systems, 58; and digital music streaming, 103; and gender issues of media consumption, 146; geocultural capital and geoblocking in, 80–83; and global hierarchies in gaming culture, 69; and growth of video-on-demand, 79; history of geoblocking in, 19; and region code system described, 27, 29; and Region Four case study, 42–46; and region-free DVD, 131; and representation issues of coding regions, 38, 40

The Australian, 138

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC), 43–44

Australian House of Representatives, 82

auteurism, 138, 141, 145, 180n59

authentication technology, 59

Azerbaijan, 73

back-end control, 76, 105

Balkans, 27

Bangladesh, 27

BBC America, 85, 87

BBC iPlayer conflict, 84–91; and “end of geoblocking” discourse, 155; and gender issues of media consumption, 147–48; and geoblocking in Oceania, 81; and nationalist sentiment, 76–77; and proliferation of video-on-demand, 72; and region-free media cultures, 125

Beaty, Bart, 131

Becker, Christine, 147–48, 155

“A Beginner’s Guide to Importing Games,” 70

Bermuda, 27

Bhaduri, Saugata, 63

Bhutan, 27

Bielby, Denis D., 10

Billboard, 30, 33

BJ the Chicago Kid, 112

Blockbuster Video, 33

blocking software, 78

The Blue Angel (film), 121

Blue Is the Warmest Colour (film), 140

Blu-ray technology: and background of DVD region codes, 34; and circumvention in gaming culture, 72; and gender issues of media consumption, 144–45; and proliferation of video-on-demand, 76; and region code system described, 25; and region-free cinephilia, 139; and region-free DVD, 128

BMI, 103

Bollywood, 136, 143

boom boxes, 114

bootleg media: and CD technology, 100; and diaspora communities, 131; and “end of geoblocking” discourse, 155; and region-free DVD, 126–27, 133–34, 136; and region-free media, 122

borders and boundaries: borderless ethic, 137, 148; borderless retail, 129; “boundary work,” 26; and digital music streaming, 107–15; and global village ideal, 74, 139

Bourdieu, Pierre, 12–15, 117

branding: and digital music streaming, 108–9, 109; and “end of geoblocking” discourse, 157; and region-free media, 125–26; Spotify’s image on global interconnection, 107–10, 109, 112, 114–15, 126

Brazil, 58

Brexit, 91

British soap operas, 148

broadcast radio, 103

Brown, Gordon, 23–24

Bulgaria, 27

Burkart, Patrick, 104, 105–6, 117

burning digital media, 130

Bypass Network Services, 81

Californian Ideology, 139

CallPlus, 81

Canada: and compatibility issues in game systems, 58; and growth of video-on-demand, 80; and region code system described, 27, 30; and representation issues of coding regions, 40; and Trump administration travel ban, 110

capitalism, 7, 68, 105, 150–52, 157

Caramanica, Jon, 149

Carless, Simon, 59, 63, 65, 67

car stereos, 114

cartel price fixing, 102

cartography, 38

cartridge-based media: and DRM debates, 62; and growth of video-on-demand, 76, 79; introduction of region chips, 18; and regional lockout in video gaming, 48, 52–56, 62–63; and region-free DVD, 128, 130; and region-free media cultures, 123

cassette tape, 97

casual gamers, 62, 67

CD manufacturing, 99

CD-ROM technology, 55

“celestial jukebox” discourse, 20, 104, 151

cellular phones, 78. See also iPhones

censorship, 77

Central America, 27

Champion, Nick, 82, 61

“cheats,” 65. See also hacking and hacker culture; modding

Checking Integrated Circuit (CIC) lockout chip, 52–53

Chile, 58

China: and background of DVD region codes, 33; and heterogeneity of geoblocking, 152; and “mythology of global media,” 74–75; and piracy of media, 40; and region code system described, 27; and representation issues of coding regions, 38, 40

Choice, 82–83

Christophers, Brett, 128

Cinema Scope, 138

cinephilia: cinephile DVD collectors, 20; gender issues of, 142–48; and Hong Kong markets, 180n59; and region code system described, 29; and region-free DVD, 120–21, 126, 130, 137–43

Circuit City, 129

“circuit of culture” model, 10–11

circumvention of regional lockout: and console games, 68–72; cultural politics of, 20–21; and digital music streaming, 117–18; and DVD technology, 20–21; and educational use of media, 154–55; and “end of geoblocking” discourse, 156–57; and ethical issues of media consumption, 156; and gaming culture, 62–67; and gender issues of media consumption, 147–48; and region code system described, 26; and region-free media, 120–24; and understanding regional lockout, 4. See also hacking and hacker culture; modding

class divisions, 2, 13–14, 25, 81–82

Clifford, James, 135

cloud-based platforms, 20

code hacking, 62

coding regions, 36–41

Cohen, Richard, 32, 36

Cold War, 38

color television standards, 52–53, 57

Columbia Pictures, 31

comment sections, 16–17

commodification of media, 143

Commodore 64, 47–48

compact discs (CDs), 20, 55, 97, 99–100, 171n9. See also Multimedia CD (MMCD); Video CD (VCD)

Compaq, 31–32

compatibility, 55–59

competing regional lockout systems, 31

competition, 14

Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), 44

Connell, John, 105

Consalvo, Mia, 19, 48, 51, 63–65

console games. See games and gaming culture

consumer choice and advocacy, 43, 66, 129, 147, 150

consumer economics, 89

Consumer Electronics, 39

consumer electronics manufacturers, 17

Consumer Electronics Show (CES), 73–75, 75

content acquisition, 107

content libraries, 74

“content not available” messages, 1–2, 3, 5, 7, 96, 112, 124

content restrictions and discrimination, 51, 101–2. See also pricing practices

Content Scrambling System (CSS), 27, 44, 122, 156–57

content variations, 30

control methods, 55–59

converting digital media, 130

copyright laws, 35, 43–44, 92–93, 122, 154–55

Copyright Office, 154–55

corporate power and influence, 23

cosmopolitanism: and cinephilia, 137–42; and DSM proposals, 94; and “end of geoblocking” discourse, 148, 152–53, 155, 157; and gender issues of media consumption, 143, 181n71; globalism contrasted with, 165n30; and Orientalism, 181n70; and promotion of streaming music, 20; and region-free media, 21, 121–22, 125–26, 137–42; and Spotify’s branding, 95, 97, 108–9, 109, 110, 112–15

counterfeit games, 53

credit card-based controls, 77

Crimea, 74

Criterion Collection, 139

critical discourse analysis, 16

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (film), 127

Cuba, 152

cult films, 137, 144–45

culture and cultural capital: and console gaming, 47–48; cultural analysis, 24; cultural communities, 132; cultural differences, 5–11; cultural discrimination, 16, 42–46; cultural distribution, 16; cultural diversity and pluralism, 93–94, 153, 156; cultural divisions, 4; cultural effects, 26; cultural history, 24; cultural imperialism, 7–8; cultural implications of global entertainment, 24; cultural politics, 21; cultural representation, 42–43; cultural resources, 21, 89–90, 150; cultural status, 11; cultural studies, 9–11; cultural tourism, 121; definition of cultural capital, 165n25; and digital music streaming, 116–17; and gender issues of media consumption, 146–47; geographic adaptations of concept, 165n30; and international relations, 165n28; and region-free media, 123–26, 136–37; and representation issues of coding regions, 36–41; and scope/purpose of study, 12–15. See also geocultural capital

Cunningham, Stuart, 130–31

Curtin, Michael, 15

cyberbride industry, 143

Dargis, Manohla, 138

The Dark Knight (film), 145

Das, Ranjana, 6

data tracking, 96

DeCSS decryption code, 156–57

Deep Discount DVD, 129

Deleuze, Gilles, 54, 68

democracy and democratic values: and growth of video-on-demand, 79; and “mythology of global media,” 75; and region-free DVD, 128, 138, 141; and video-on-demand, 8

demographics, 11, 65, 147

Demonios, Santos, 119–20

deregulation, 24, 82, 92

Desiigner, 111

desktop emulators, 62

detection software, 6

deterritorialization, 54, 63, 68, 104, 136

diasporic communities: and cinephilia, 120; diasporic “public sphericules,” 130–31, 135; diasporic video retailers, 17, 20–21, 42–43, 120, 133–36; and gender issues of media consumption, 143; and region-free cinephilia, 140; and region-free DVD, 130–37

digital commons ideal, 151

digital delivery technologies, 5

digital download stores, 20, 62

digital geolocative technologies, 78

Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), 35, 44, 64, 122

digital music streaming: and geocultural capital, 115–18; and geographic control of distribution, 98–103; impact of Spotify, 104–7, 107–15; platforms, 19–20

digital rights management (DRM): and compatibility issues, 55–56, 58–59; and digital music streaming, 100–101; and “end of geoblocking” discourse, 154; and internet-based geoblocking, 76; and logic of regional lockout, 5–11; and regional lockout in video gaming, 50, 52, 55–56, 58–63; and region-free DVD, 138; and region-free media, 122; and understanding regional lockout, 3, 4

Digital Single Market (DSM), 2, 11, 90–94, 150

digitization of media, 24

disc-based media, 55, 59

Discman, 114

discrimination: and effects of regional lockout systems, 9; and geocultural capital, 11, 16; geographic, 28; and growth of video-on-demand, 79–80; and Region Four DVD market, 42–46; and scope/purpose of study, 16; and understanding regional lockout, 4–5

Disney, 31, 41

distribution of digital media: and console gaming, 49–52; distribution models, 75, 98–99, 101; distribution windows, 4, 17, 28–29, 39, 44, 50, 78, 97, 99, 126, 151; independent distributors and retailers, 30, 140; and regional lockout in gaming, 55–56, 58–59; and scope/purpose of study, 5–6; translocal distribution, 135; and understanding regional lockout, 4. See also release schedules for digital media

diversity issues, 92–94, 108–9

DJs, 111

Doctor Who (BBC series), 87

Dotcom, Kim, 142, 142

Douglas, Susan, 115

Dreamcast, 56

DSi console, 51

Dunt, Emily, 45

DVD Consortium, 32

DVD Copy Control Association (DVD CCA), 27, 78

DVD Forum, 27, 32–33, 35

DVD region codes: and awareness of regional lockout, 17–18; CD technology compared with, 99; and collectors of digital media, 20; and diasporic communities, 130–37; and gender issues of media consumption, 142–48; geoblocking compared to, 78; and global hierarchies in gaming culture, 71–72; history of, 30–36; and logic of digital rights management, 6, 8–10; music streaming contrasted with, 97; Region Four case study, 42–46; representation issues of, 36–41; and scope/purpose of study, 10; system described, 27–30; and understanding regional lockout, 3

DVD technology: and compatibility issues in game systems, 55–56; DVD-ROM drives, 32, 56; obsolescence of, 25; and player instruction manuals, 37; and trend toward video-on-demand, 76. See also DVD region codes

DVD Utilities Resource Center, 128

Dwyer, Tessa, 124

Dyer-Witheford, Nick, 18–19, 54, 64–68

easily copied digital content, 17

East Asia, 27. See also specific countries

EastEnders (television series), 148

Eastern Europe, 39

Ecke, Peter, 153

economic markets, 39. See also free-market ideology

economic theory, 7

educational use of media, 154–55, 157

Egypt, 27, 40

Ek, Daniel, 107, 116

electronic sell-through platforms, 76

“Elevate” ad, 95

Elsaesser, Thomas, 137

encoding/decoding model, 6

end of geoblocking discourse, 149–57

The End of the Affair (film), 153

ethical issues of media consumption, 156

ethnic communities, 131, 135–36, 140

ethnocentrism, 146

Eureka Entertainment, 121–22

Europe: and compatibility issues in game systems, 58; and Digital Single Market proposal, 90–94; and DRM debates in console gaming, 59; and global hierarchies in gaming culture, 70; and inequalities in geocultural capital, 116; and online music availability, 96; and region code system described, 27; and Region Four DVD market, 42; and region-free DVD, 127; and representation issues of coding regions, 38; and video-on-demand, 77

European Commission, 1–2, 3, 90–91

European Consumer Organization (BEUC), 1

European DVD Lab, 30

European Union (EU), 19, 90–94

Exertis Gem, 50

experiential mobility, 96

Facebook, 83

Facets Multimedia, 141

fair use guidelines, 154

fan communities, 117, 124

“felt internationalism,” 153

file-sharing, 100, 125, 142

Film Comment, 140

FilmStruck, 139

filtering software, 6

firmware updates, 60

Fiske, John, 124

FLAC format, 100

forums, 144

Foucauldian analysis, 9

frame rates, 57–58

free information ethic, 156

freeloading, 88

free-market ideology, 82, 92, 139, 151

free speech, 66

French New Wave, 140

friction in cultural interaction, 8

The Future of Music (Kusek and Leonhard), 104

Gamasutra, 47

GameCube, 56, 57

Game Developer’s Conference, 56

games and gaming culture: and controlling compatibility, 55–59; and DRM debates in console gaming, 62; and DRM measures, 59–62; and “end of geoblocking” discourse, 152; and evolution of distribution channels, 49–52; game development, 58; gaming capital, 19, 48, 63, 66–67, 69; and gender issues of media consumption, 146; geoblocking of online content, 18–19; and global hierarchies in gaming culture, 69; lockout circumvention and access issues, 68–72; and origin of regional lockout, 52–55; produced by regional lockout, 46, 48; and region code system described, 25; selling gamer culture through circumvention, 62–67; and video game region codes, 18. See also specific gaming systems

Games X, 63

Gaming Hacks (Carless), 59, 63, 65, 67

Gans, Joshua S., 45

gatekeeping, 94

Geekzone, 144

gender issues and identity: and cinephilia, 142–48; and digital music streaming, 113; and “end of geoblocking” discourse, 152; and gaming culture, 66–67; and region-free DVD, 21, 142–48; and representation issues of coding regions, 37

Genesis, 70

genres of music, 97

Geoblocking and Global Video Culture (Lobato and Meese), 151–52

geocultural capital: and BBC iPlayer, 84–85, 88, 90; and console gaming, 48, 68–71, 171n9; and digital music streaming, 115–18; and “end of geoblocking” discourse, 150; and gender issues of media consumption, 143; and geoblocking in Oceania, 80–84; and geocultural differences, 26–27, 150; and impact of DVD region codes, 42–43, 45; inspiration for concept, 165n26; and international relations, 165n28; and region code system described, 24–25, 29; and region-free DVD, 127, 136, 140; and representation issues of coding regions, 38–41; and stake of regional lockout, 19; theory and description of, 11–16; and video on demand, 76–77

geography of digital media markets, 4, 10, 17, 28, 42–46, 114, 150. See also distribution of digital media; geocultural capital

Gibson, Chris, 105

Gillespie, Marie, 152

Gillespie, Tarleton, 6

global culture: and cinephilia, 137; and digital music streaming, 95; and “end of geoblocking” discourse, 152; global citizenship, 156–57; global entertainment, 25, 30–31; global governance, 34; and representation issues of coding regions, 41; and social hierarchies, 68–72; and video on demand, 73, 74. See also globalization of media; international environment of digital media

“Global Discoveries on DVD” (column), 138

Global iPlayer, 85, 89, 90

globalization of media: and development of DVD region code system, 31; and regional lockout in video gaming, 54–55; and region code system described, 24; and Region Four DVD market, 45; and region-free DVD, 126, 136

Global Mode, 81

Global North, 120

Global Positioning System (GPS), 78

Global South: and circumvention in gaming culture, 62, 68; and DRM debates in console gaming, 59; and global hierarchies in gaming culture, 69; and heterogeneity of geoblocking, 152; and region-free media, 119–20, 132; and representation issues of coding regions, 41

global sporting events, 87

global travel, 114

global village ideal, 74, 139

Godard, Jean-Luc, 140

Goldstein, Paul, 104

Google, 92

Govil, Nitin, 86

GR1 and GR2 coding systems, 58

Grand Theft Auto V, 50, 57

Gray, Ann, 144

gray markets, 26

Guattari, Félix, 54

hacking and hacker culture: and background of DVD region codes, 35; and circumvention in gaming culture, 18, 62, 65–67; and console gaming industry, 46, 61; and “end of geoblocking” discourse, 156; “hacker ethic,” 156; and public opinion on regional lockout, 16–17; regional differences vs. regional lockout, 58–59; and Region Four DVD market, 44; and region-free cinephilia, 141; and region-free media, 123, 124, 127–28, 129

Hall, Stuart, 6, 86

Hall, Tony, 89

handheld game systems, 47

hardcore gamer identity, 18–19, 48–49, 62, 65–67

hardware hacking, 62

Harlem, New York, 122, 134–36

Harrington, C. Lee, 10

Harrison, Phil, 56

Harvey, Eric, 96, 115

Hastings, Reed, 73–76, 151

Havens, Timothy, 9, 36

Hawkins, Joan, 140–41

HDTV, 57–58

Herbert, Daniel, 15, 135, 140

Hewlett-Packard, 31–32

Hide My Ass!, 125

hierarchical social structure, 37, 58, 68–72. See also class divisions

High Court of Australia, 44

high-speed internet, 61

Hilderbrand, Lucas, 133, 155

Hilmes, Michele, 104–5

Hirano, Chalinee, 131–32

Hitachi, 31

Hoberman, J., 138

Hollywood: and background of DVD region codes, 33–34; and competing regional lockout systems, 31; and development of DVD region code system, 30–31; development of overseas home video market, 28; and Digital Single Market proposal, 91; global dominance of, 43; hierarchies of values, 10; Hollywood-indie studios, 92; and region code system described, 24; and Region Four DVD market, 42; and region-free cinephilia, 140–42, 142; and region-free DVD, 126–27, 129–30; and representation issues of coding regions, 38–41

Hollywood Digital Video Disc Advisory Group, 31

Hollywood Reporter, 92

“Home Taping Is Killing Music” (campaign), 125

home theaters, 144–46, 181n77

Hong Kong, 27, 40, 132

Hooper, Tobe, 145

Hosokawa, Shuhei, 114

House of Cards, 145–46

Hovet, Ted, 154

“How to Bypass Geo-Blocking in Australia,” 145

Hu, Brian, 124

Hulu, 145, 154

The Hunger Games (film), 92

IBM, 31–32

IGN, 69

I Luv Video, 140

imaginative geography, 38

imported games, 49, 63

imported media, 126

imported products, 40

“I’m with the Banned” campaign, 110–12

independent distributors and retailers, 30, 140

independent film, 92, 120, 141

independent game developers, 50–51

independent record labels, 100–101

India, 27, 58, 73

India-American diaspora, 131, 133–36

indie development initiatives, 47

individualist ethic, 108, 157

Indonesia, 27, 73

inequality, 14, 114, 116

informal economies, 18, 26, 62–64

informal media networks, 100, 119–20

Inside Multimedia, 38–39

intellectual property (IP) laws and protections: and background of DVD region codes, 32; and end of geoblocking discourse, 151; and monetization of online media, 99; and Region Four DVD market, 43, 45–46; and region-free cinephilia, 141

international environment of digital media: and cultural globalization pressures, 45; international standards, 35, 99; international tensions over media, 44–45; treaties and trade agreements, 35, 45–46. See also global culture

International Federation of the Phonographic Industry, 97

International Standard Recording Code, 99

internet: and censorship, 77; and DRM debates in console gaming, 60; and end of geoblocking discourse, 149–51, 156–57; and globalization of media, 79; internet-based geoblocking, 76; internet-connected computers, 78; Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, 3, 6, 77–78, 81, 106; internet radio, 103; internet TV, 73; openness ethic of, 89, 92, 105–6

Ip, Barry, 51

iPhones, 102, 114

iPlayer, 19

Iran, 27, 110–12, 152

isolating effect of mobile media, 115

iTunes Music Store, 100, 107

Iwabuchi, Koichi, 70

Jacobs, Gabrielle, 51

Jamaican dancehall music, 112–13

Japan: and compatibility issues, 57; and console gaming industry, 46, 59; and global hierarchies in gaming culture, 70; and regional lockout in video gaming, 47–48, 50; and region code system described, 27; and representation issues of coding regions, 38, 40

Japanese-American diaspora, 136

Japan-West geographic dynamic, 48

Jarmusch, Jim, 141

Jenkins, Henry, 137, 153

Johnny Guitar (film), 141

Johnson, Victoria, 14

Juncker, Jean-Claude, 1

JVC, 31

Kasra V, 111–12

Kayahara, Matthew, 153

Kehr, Dave, 138

Kenya, 12, 13

Kernfeld, Barry, 100

Kilker, Julian, 34

King, Stephen P., 45

Klinger, Barbara, 139, 144

Kolar-Panov, Dona, 131

Korean retailers, 133

Kotaku, 61, 70

Krygier, John, 38

Kusek, David, 104

language differences and barriers: and digital music streaming, 112–13; and educational use of media, 153–55; and region-free DVD, 126–27; and representation issues of coding regions, 40; and scope/purpose of study, 11

Latin America: and circumvention in gaming culture, 68, 71; and digital music streaming, 102–3; and global hierarchies in gaming culture, 69; and online music availability, 96; and region-free DVD, 127; and representation issues of coding regions, 38–41. See also specific countries

Lee, Ang, 126

legal controls, 64

Leight, Elias, 112

Leonhard, Gerd, 104

Le Petit Sénégal neighborhood, 134–36

Lessig, Lawrence, 6

Levine, Elana, 146

Levy, Steven, 156

Lewis, Glen, 131–32

libertarianism, 35, 157

librarians, 154

Library of Congress, 154

Libya, 110

licensing, 27, 88–89, 103

Lieberfarb, Warren, 129

Lifehacker, 87–88

Lionsgate, 92

livestreaming, 85

Livingstone, Sonia, 6

Lobato, Ramon, 26, 73–75, 81, 125, 151–52

local distribution, 135

local media industries, 45

lockout systems, 52–53, 62–64

Lotz, Amanda, 86

Luminous Film and Videoworks, 141

Macau, 27

Malaysia, 152

man-cave trope, 144–46, 181n77

manufacturers of digital media, 31

market segmentation, 2, 5–7, 26

Marxist theory, 7

masculine identity, 21, 143–47

mass culture, 141

Masters of Cinema, 121–22

Matsushita, 31

MCA/Universal, 31

McCourt, Tom, 104–6

McDonald, Kyle, 109

McLuhan, Marshall, 74

Media and Morality (Silverstone), 155–56

media capital, 15

media education, 153–55

media literacy, 149–57

mediapolis, 155–56

Meese, James, 81, 151–52

message boards, 16–17, 144

meta-control, 34

Mexico, 37, 39–41, 58, 127

MGM/United Artists, 31–32, 36

Microsoft: and circumvention strategies in gaming culture, 64; and competing regional lockout systems, 32; and cultural history of regional lockout, 49; and DRM debates in console gaming, 59–60; and regional lockout in video gaming, 51–52. See also Xbox game consoles

Middle East: and global hierarchies in gaming culture, 68–69, 71; and online music availability, 96; and region code system described, 27; and region-free DVD, 127; and representation issues of coding regions, 39, 41

Miiverse, 60

Mitsubishi, 31

Modchip Central, 63

modding: and circumvention in gaming culture, 63–64; and circumvention strategies in gaming culture, 67; and console gaming industry, 46; modchips, 63; and Region Four gaming market, 43–44

Moh Flow, 111–12

Mokdad, Rashed (“Arab Gamer”), 69–71, 71

monetization of online media, 98–99

Mongolia, 27, 38

Mōri, Yoshitaka, 147

Morley, David, 67, 75, 93, 125, 152

Morris, Jeremy, 95–96, 107–8

Motherboard, 119

Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), 142

MPEG Audio Layer III (MP3), 10, 99, 105, 114

MTV, 111–12

Multimedia CD (MMCD), 31–32

multinational corporations, 2, 23, 31, 77, 98, 169n52

Murdoch, Rupert, 88

“Musical Map: Cities of the World,” 108, 109, 113

musica mobilis, 114

“Music for Everyone” campaign, 95–96, 110

Music Genome Project, 103

mythologies of digital media, 20, 64, 75, 104–5

“The Myths of Modding,” 64

nationalism and national identity: and BBC iPlayer, 84–90; definition of cultural capital, 157; and Digital Single Market proposal, 94; and discrimination, 11; and geoblocking in Oceania, 82; national laws governing media, 35; and video-on-demand, 76–77

Negus, Keith, 97

NeoGaf, 60–61

Nepal, 27

Netflix: and anti-geoblocking rhetoric, 12, 13; and DSM proposals, 93; and “end of geoblocking” discourse, 151; and gender issues of media consumption, 145, 147; and geoblocking in Oceania, 81, 82–83; and geocultural capital, 16; and growth of video-on-demand, 80; and Hastings keynote address, 73–75, 75; and “portals” concept, 87; and region-free media cultures, 125

Neustar, 78

Newman, Michael, 146

New York City, 135–36

New York Times, 107, 116–17, 138

New York Times Popcast, 149

New Zealand: and compatibility issues in game systems, 58; and digital music streaming, 103; and geoblocking in Oceania, 81; history of geoblocking in, 19; and region code system described, 27, 29; and Region Four case study, 42–46

New Zealand Herald, 43

Nicheflix, 141

Nielsen ratings, 107

Nigeria, 73

Nintendo: and compatibility controls, 55–57, 59; and cultural history of regional lockout, 49; and DRM debates in console gaming, 59–61; EShop, 61; Famicom system, 18, 48, 53, 62; NintendoAmerica, 47; Nintendo UK, 51; and regional lockout in video gaming, 51–54; Super Famicom system, 53; and support for region-free gaming, 47; Wii U system, 60. See also Nintendo Entertainment System (NES); Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES)

Nintendo Entertainment System (NES): and background of regional incompatibility, 47–48; and circumvention in gaming culture, 62–63, 65; and compatibility issues in game systems, 55; and global hierarchies in gaming culture, 70; and origins of regional lockout, 52–54; and region code system described, 25

Nolan, Christopher, 145

nomadic communities, 67, 68, 114

“Nordic cool,” 115

North America: and compatibility issues in game systems, 58; dominance of global media, 43; and online music availability, 96; and regional lockout in video gaming, 48, 50; and region-free cinephilia, 139

North Korea, 27, 74

Norway, 102

“Notes from Region 2” (Stone), 93

NPR, 12, 13

NTSC standard, 52–54, 57–58, 133

Obama, Barack, 23–24

objective elements of media, 10

obsolescence of digital technologies, 25

Oceania, 45, 80–84, 96. See also Australia; New Zealand

oligopoly, 49, 89

Olympic Games, 87

on-demand platforms, 72

Ong, Aihwa, 14

ontology work, 36–37

Orientalism, 69, 70, 143

otaku culture, 70, 147

Otherness, 5, 127, 143

overseas home video market, 28

Pacific islands, 27

Pakistan, 27

PAL standard, 52, 54, 57–58, 133–34

Pandora, 101

Pan European Game Information rating system, 51

pan-European identity, 93–94

parallel imports: and background of DVD region codes, 33; and CD technology, 99; and regional lockout in video gaming, 51; and region code system described, 17, 28; and region-free DVD, 133; and representation issues of coding regions, 40

Paramount, 31

paratextual industries, 63–64, 108

Parker, Sean, 116

patents, 31

Payne, Matthew, 63

pay-to-play pricing, 89

Pelly, Liz, 112–13

Penello, Albert, 62

Persona 4 Arena, 57

personalized content, 114–15

“Peru’s DVD Pirates Have Exquisite Taste,” 119, 140

petition drives, 61

Peuter, Greig de, 18–19, 54, 64–68

Philips, 31

physical controls, 53–54

Pioneer, 31, 127

piracy and pirate culture: and circumvention strategies in gaming culture, 65–67; digital ripping software, 100; and gender issues of media consumption, 146; and global hierarchies in gaming culture, 68; popular culture, 124; and regional lockout in video gaming, 51; and region-free cinephilia, 142, 142; and region-free DVD, 133; and region-free media, 119–21, 121, 124–25, 134, 146; and representation issues of coding regions, 40; as response to regional lockout, 18; and scope/purpose of study, 6

Pirate Bay, 100, 125

Pirate Party, 151, 156

PlayStation gaming systems, 43–44, 50, 56–61

PlayStation Store, 61

Poland, 27, 73

political economy, 9–10

popular culture: and digital music streaming, 108–9; and end of geoblocking discourse, 149; as geocultural capital, 12; pop cosmopolitanism, 137, 153; popular music, 97–98, 108–9; and region-free media, 124

Popular Electronics, 41

pornography, 146

portability regulation, 93

portable devices, 114

portals, 86

postcolonial regions, 41. See also specific countries

Postigo, Hector, 156

poverty, 42

power dynamics, 142–48

power of place, 80

Powers, Devon, 95–96, 107–8

Premier League football, 87

pricing practices: and digital music streaming, 101–2, 106; and Digital Single Market proposal, 91; and geoblocking in Oceania, 81; and regional lockout in video gaming, 51; and region code system described, 28; and Region Four DVD market, 43; and representation issues of coding regions, 40; and video on demand, 74

privacy issues, 151

private media, 77

privatization, 24

profit motive, 35

progressivism, 113, 122

proprietary curatorial platforms, 86

protectionism, 45

proxy services, 81, 87, 123, 125

proxy wars, 125

public broadcasting, 84. See also BBC iPlayer conflict

public opinion on regional lockout: and DRM debates in console gaming, 61; and growth of video-on-demand, 79; and region code system described, 23; and study methodology, 16–17; and video-on demand, 79, 125

public service, 86

Puckett, Jason, 154

Puerto Rico, 27

Punathambekar, Aswin, 131

Pusha T, 111

quality of digital products, 51

race and racial identity, 37

Racket Boy, 63

radio, 114

rating systems, 51

Ray, Nicholas, 141

“real” gamers, 67

The Real Man’s Guide to Absolutely Everything, 145

recommendation algorithms, 97

recording industry, 20, 96–97, 106

Red Book standard, 99

Reddit, 61

“regimes of alignment,” 6

regional harmonization, 40

Regional Playback Control (RPC), 17, 27, 134

Region Code Enhancement (RCE), 33

region coding of digital media: background of, 30–36; and DRM debates in console gaming, 60; and issues of representation, 36–41; issues related to, 23–27; Region Four case, 42–46; system described, 27–30. See also region-free media

RegionFreeGamer, 68–69

region-free media: and cinephilia, 137–42; cinephilia and cosmopolitanism, 137–42; and collectors of digital media, 20; DVD in diasporic communities, 130–37; and end of geoblocking discourse, 149–57; and gender issues of media consumption, 142–48; and global hierarchies in gaming culture, 68–69; and media cultures, 123–26; and public opinion on regional lockout, 17; region-free DVD, 126–30; region-free media players, 33, 43, 126–29, 131, 138, 140–41, 144

regulation and regulation regimes: and “end of geoblocking” discourse, 149–50, 155–56; and gender issues of media consumption, 147; and geoblocking in Oceania, 82; and region code system described, 24; and scope/purpose of study, 6; technological, 34; and understanding regional lockout, 3

release schedules for digital media: and logic of regional lockout, 2, 4, 8; and region code system described, 17, 28–34, 41–42; staggered release schedules, 4, 28–29, 32, 43, 69, 99, 126; theatrical releases, 17, 28, 40, 166n17. See also distribution of digital media

rental video, 76

representation issues, 36–41, 127

retailers of digital technology: diasporic video retailers, 42, 120, 133–36; independent distributors and retailers, 30; and region-free DVD, 129

reterritorialization, 52–55, 136

ripping software, 100

Robins, Kevin, 75

Rockstar Games, 50

Rockstar North, 50

Rohmer, Eric, 140

Rolling Stone, 112–13

Romania, 27, 124

Rosenbaum, Jonathan, 138, 141–42

royalties, 103

Russia, 27, 33, 38, 73

Russian retailers, 133

Said, Edward, 38

sanctions, 74

satellite-based geolocation, 78

Saturday Morning Herald, 81

Saudi Arabia, 73

The Sausage Factory (video program), 145

Scarecrow Video, 140

Schaeffer-Grabiel, Felicity, 143

Schmidt, Eric, 92

SECAM standard, 52, 57

Sega, 49, 55

Sega Genesis game system, 53–54

Sega Mega Drive game system, 53

Sega Saturn game system, 55

sell-through platforms, 76

Sembène, Ousmane, 136

semiformal economies, 26

“Serendipity” (McDonald), 109–10, 111, 112–13

sexual identity, 37

shadow industries and economies, 64, 131

sharing limits, 59

Silicon Valley, 92

Silverstone, Roger, 18, 26, 155–56

simultaneous listening, 111

Singapore, 73

sixteen-bit consoles, 53

sixty-four bit systems, 55

sixty- to seventy-two pin converters, 53, 63

Skype, 112

Sky TV, 81, 88

socialism, 88

social media, 60–61

social networks, 117

social status and hierarchies, 4–5, 13–14, 16, 37, 84–85, 90. See also geocultural capital

Society for Cinema and Media Studies, 154

software hacking, 62

Somalia, 110

Sony: and background of DVD region codes, 33; and compatibility issues in game systems, 55; and competing regional lockout systems, 31; and cultural history of regional lockout, 49; and DRM debates in console gaming, 60; PlayStation gaming systems, 43–44; and regional lockout in video gaming, 51–52; and Region Four gaming market, 43–44. See also PlayStation gaming systems

Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios, 56

Sony Music Entertainment, 97

Sony Walkman, 10, 114

Sony Worldwide Studios, 60

SoundExchange, 103

South Africa, 27, 38, 40

South America, 27, 33, 58

South Asia, 38–40, 68, 96

South Asian video stores, 135

Southeast Asia, 27, 68, 96

South Korea, 27, 40, 73

South Pacific, 27

Spacey, Kevin, 145–46

Spanish-language media, 154

spatial boundaries, 79

Spotify: and BBC iPlayer conflict, 90; boundaries of music accessibility, 107–15; branding and image, 97, 107–10, 109, 112, 114–15, 126; and “end of geoblocking” discourse, 149, 153; and geoblocking, 101–3; global image of, 20; and inequalities in geocultural capital, 116; and “Music for Everyone” campaign, 95–96, 110; and mythology of online music, 104–5; and promise of unbounded listening, 104–7; realities of availability, 115–17; U.S. launch of, 106–7

Sprenger, Florian, 114

standardization process, 32

Standing Committee on Infrastructure and Communications, 82

Star Wars merchandise, 144

Steam, 146

stereotypes, 41, 67

Sterne, Jonathan, 10, 34, 123

Stewart, Mark, 81

streaming media. See digital music streaming; video-on-demand (VOD)

Streeter, Thomas, 105

student use of media, 153–55

“Studios Divide and Rule to Keep Movie Disc Titles Scarce,” 138

subcultural capital, 19, 48–49, 63, 67, 70, 141

subjective elements of media, 10

subscription services, 101

subtitles, 69, 124, 153–55

Sudan, 110

Sufyvn, 112

Sullivan, Rebecca, 131

Super Density Disc (SD), 31

Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES), 54–55, 70

surveillance, 96

Switch, 61

Sydney Morning Herald, 129

Syria, 74, 110

tailored music playlists, 114–15

Taiwan, 100

Take-Two Interactive, 50

taste cultures, 117

taxation, 81, 89

TechCrunch, 116

technological advance, 60

technological compatibility, 52, 55–59

technological regulation, 34

Techtronics DVD players, 127

television distribution, 78

television standards, 52, 53

10NES program, 52

Tesco, 129

tethered appliances, 56

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (film), 145

Thai video stores, 131

theatrical release schedules, 17, 28, 40, 166n17

theft of media, 88

thirty-two bit systems, 55

Thomson, 31

3DS console, 47

Tibet, 27

Tidal, 101

torrenting communities, 117, 126

Toshiba, 31, 36

trade agreements, 45–46

trade regulation, 82

trade storytelling, 39

transfer quality, 30

translocal distribution, 135

transnational corporate media global expansion, 7

transnational gaming culture, 48, 63

transnational masculinity, 143

Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), 44

transparency, 156

travel bans, 110–11

Truffaut, François, 140

Trump administration, 44, 110–11

trusted systems, 56

Tryon, Chuck, 79–80

Tsing, Anna, 8, 39, 143

Tucker, Michael, 30

Turkey, 27, 73, 152

Twentieth Century Fox, 35

Twitter, 47

Ulin’s Rule, 29

Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives (film), 140

underdeveloped theatrical markets, 40–41

United Kingdom: and BBC iPlayer controversy, 76–77, 81, 84–90, 90–91; and Digital Single Market proposal, 90–91; and regional lockout in video gaming, 51; and Region Four DVD market, 43; and region-free DVD, 132

United Nations World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), 35

United States: American privilege, 37; and BBC iPlayer conflict, 85, 90; and compatibility issues in game systems, 58; and console gaming industry, 46; and diasporic video retailers, 42, 120, 133–36; and digital music streaming, 101–2, 103; and geocultural capital, 13; and global hierarchies in gaming culture, 69–70; and inequalities in geocultural capital, 116; and regional lockout in video gaming, 47; and region code system described, 27, 30; and Region Four DVD market, 42–44; and representation issues of coding regions, 37, 40

Universal Music Group, 97

updates to digital media, 60

Uricaru, Ioana, 124

Uricchio, William, 93–94

Urquhart, Peter, 79–80

US Copyright Office, 35

user agency, 63

utopian ideals, 21, 76, 80, 92, 139, 151–52

Vaidhyanathan, Siva, 6

Valenti, Jack, 141–42

Variety, 41

Viacom, 31

Vice Media, 119

Video Business, 32

video capitals, 140

Video CD (VCD), 29, 133–34

video games. See games and gaming culture

VideoHelp, 144

Videoland (Herbert), 135

video-on-demand (VOD): and Digital Single Market (DSM), 90–94; and geoblocking in Oceania, 80–84; and geocultural capital, 16; and global hierarchies in gaming culture, 72; and national identity issues, 84–90; and productive qualities of geoblocking, 19; proliferation of, 76; and region-free cinephilia, 139; and scope/purpose of study, 8

video stores, 120, 129, 130–37, 138, 140, 180n48

Vietnam, 73

Virgin Islands, 27

virtual private networks (VPNs), 81, 84–85, 87, 89, 123, 125, 145

Vonderau, Patrick, 36–37, 115

Waayaha Cusub (music collective), 111

Wagman, Ira, 80

Warner Bros., 31, 33

Warner Music Group, 97

Washington Post, 153

WAV format, 100

wealth inequality, 42, 114

Western culture: and end of geoblocking discourse, 152; and gender issues of media consumption, 144; and representation issues of coding regions, 40–41; Western-centrism, 25, 40–41

Western Europe, 48

Western New Guinea, 27

“Why Europe Needs a Digital Single Market,” 92

Wii, 56–57

Wii U, 60, 61, 66

WikiLeaks, 44

Wilson, Timothy, 50

Winter Sonata (serial drama), 147

Wired, 90

Wood, Denis, 38

World Cup, 87

World Economic Forum, 92

“The Wrath of Region Codes” (Arab Gamer), 69–71, 71

Xbox game consoles, 50, 55–62, 64

xenophobia, 146, 125

Yarnton, David, 51

Yemen, 69–70, 110

YesAsia, 129

Yoshida, Shuhei, 60

YouTube, 1, 16–17, 61, 69, 145, 154

Zackariasson, Peter, 50

Zuckerman, Ethan, 110