
Abrams, J. J., 43

activism. See service activities, 3537, 99100.

See also interests

ACTs, 9698, 100, 101

ADHD, 34


community college, 115, 214215

for-profit schools, 124125

military, 142, 143144, 152154

studying abroad, 132133

university, 95102, 214215

advisors, 52, 58, 98, 183184

alternative schools, 110111

AmeriCorps, 160161, 162164, 202


government internship, 171, 184, 186

job, 198199, 200, 220221

apprenticeships, 179186, 236

art schools, 112113, 122

associate's degree, 83

at-risk youth, 240241

bachelor's degree, 83, 88

brain function, 2530, 44, 4748

budgeting, 6263, 6465, 74

business plan, 190192, 194. See also entrepreneurs


advisors for, 52, 58, 183184

brain system types and, 25, 2830

internship and apprenticeship for, 171, 179186, 236

jobs versus dreams, 177, 195

military, 144145

social orientation types and, 3842

trade schools and, 119126

unemployment, 82, 208

certification, 83, 119126, 234

civil service, 159166, 202

college. See community

college; universities

community college (CC)

admissions, 115, 214215

arguments against, 7980, 117

benefits of, 115116

costs of, 6368, 115116

degrees, 8385, 92

earning potential and, 82, 116

online learning from, 124126, 128129

community development, 238242. See also service costs. See educational costs

debt, 10, 6870, 84

degrees, 8385, 92. See also community college; universities

disabilities, learning, 34, 59

distance learning. See online education

dream plan. See also interests

changing, 55, 56

developing, 4951

executing, 5254

visualizing, 42, 45, 4849

dyslexia, 34, 59


alternative, 110111

arguments against more, 7980

changes in, 81, 92, 124125, 232

earning potential and, 8182, 116

gap year as, 232, 234, 235237

by internship or apprenticeship, 179186, 236

language immersion, 225229

online, 41, 93, 96, 124126, 128129, 228

statistics, 232

trade/technical, 83, 119126

educational costs

community college, 6368, 115116

for-profit schools, 125

military, 145146

online learning, 125, 128

university, 6368

enrollment. See admissions


business plan for, 190192, 194

finances for, 7374

interests and, 192193

successful, 34, 187, 188189, 191

expectations, 9, 12, 5758, 213, 215, 233

expenses. See educational costs; finances

extracurricular activities, 3537, 99100

FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid), 7071

family, 52, 54, 5758, 7071, 213, 215

fear, 4748, 233234, 246

Fey, Tina, 118

finances. See also educational costs; income budgeting, 6263, 6465, 74

entrepreneurial, 7374

family contribution to, 7071

for foreign services, 169172

gap year and, 234

job quitting and, 198

living costs, 6163, 66, 67

loans and debt, 10, 6870, 84

scholarships and grants, 7173, 146147, 188189

time off, 73, 218219, 234

travel, 218219

financial aid, 6872

foreign language immersion, 225229

foreign service, 167173

foreign universities, 131133

four-year college. See universities

gap year, 9, 232237

gardening, 170, 242

Gates, Bill, 13

Generation Z, 44, 244


day job, 197198, 205

of this book, 16, 246247

visualization and, 4849

Goldson, Erica, 14

grades, 93, 9596, 234

grants, 7173

guidance counselors, 52, 58, 98, 183184

Harvard University, 92

Hawking, Stephen, 130

housing, 61, 66, 219220


budgeting and, 6263, 6465, 74

education and, 8182

government internship, 186

jobs, day, 196

military, 144145

information processing, 2530, 35, 44


dream plan and, 42, 45, 4758

entrepreneurship and, 192193

expectations versus, 9

extracurricular activities and, 3537, 99100

job searching and, 201

service and, 136140

social orientation and, 3542

Internet. See online education

internships, 171, 179186, 236. See also service

interviews, 99100, 180181

Ivy League, 104110

jobs, day

firing or leaving, 207, 208

getting, 195202

keeping, 203208

Jung, Carl G., 2223

language immersion, 225229

liberal arts, 92

literacy, 239240

loans, 10, 6870, 84

Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs), 128129

military service

benefits, 144146, 148

branches, 143144, 147152

enlistment, 142, 143144, 152154

risks, 156158

scholarships, 146147

money. See finances; income

Morgan, Genevieve, 1011, 217218

motivation factors, 40. See also interests

neuropsychology, 2530, 44, 4748

nonprofits. See service

Obama, Barack, 10, 75

online education

for-profit, 41, 124126

free, 93, 96, 128129

language, 228

operating modes, 2530

Orfalea, Paul, 34

parents, 52, 54, 5758, 7071, 213, 215

passion. See interests Peace Corps, 167

peer pressure, 5758, 213, 215, 233

personality traits, 2124, 2628, 3235, 3839

planning, 53. See also

dream plan; goals

Powell, Colin, 158

private universities, 89, 104110

Projects Abroad, 172173

public universities, 89, 109110

Red Cross, 239

references, 99, 201

rent, 61, 66, 219220

résumés, 199

ROTC (Reserve Officers’ Training Corps), 146147

safety, 207208, 221223, 239

SATs, 9698, 100, 101

scholarships, 7173, 146147, 188189

service, 136140

civil, 159166, 202

community development, 238242

foreign, 167173

gap year, 236

military, 141158

Smith, Chelsea, 59

social orientation, 3133, 3842

study abroad, 131133, 219, 225226, 235237

temperament, 2122


military, 143144

personality, 2628

for trade school certification, 121

for university acceptance, 9697, 100, 101

Thiel, Peter, 188189

time off

choosing, 212216

community development, 238242

gap years and, 9, 230237

language immersion, 225229

traveling, 217224

trade school, 83, 119126

traits, personality, 2124, 2628, 3235, 3839


accommodations, 219220

finances, 218219

foreign service, 167173

gap year, 235237

military, 149150

preparation checklist, 223224

study abroad, 131133, 219, 225226, 235237

work abroad, 220221, 222

tuition, 6364, 6566, 115116, 125

tutoring, 93, 96

two-year college. See community college


acceptance to, 9095

admissions, 95102, 214215

arguments against, 7980

costs of, 6368

degrees, 83, 92

earning potential and, 82

foreign, 131133

online learning from, 124126, 128129

transferring to, 115116

types of, 8990, 104113, 124126

VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America), 161162

visualization, 42, 45, 4849

volunteering. See service

Warren, Elizabeth, 166

Watterson, Bill, 87

work. See careers; jobs