Akhmatova, Anna, 175

Aldanov, Mark, 27


Bentley, Edmund C., 91n98

Berberov, Nina, 88, 88n89, 92

Bergson, Henri, 6

Borges, Jorge L., 7n

Boyd, Brian, 175, 179

Bromberg, Elena, 87

Burgess, Anthony, 96


Callier, Jacqueline, 82, 82n73

Chaykovski, Petr, 82

Chklaver, Georges, 88, 88n90

Clark, Petula, 87, 87n85

Cross, Samuel H., 5n


Dante Alighieri, 166

De la Mare, Walter , 6, 16

Dobuzhinski, Mstislav, 68, 68n56

Dostoevski, Fyodor, 39n

Dunne, John W., 14–15, 19–23, 33n2, 34, 37, 37n8, 46, 47n17, 56, 95, 115, 119, 134, 163, 167–68; his dreams, 10–12, 23; his experiment, 12–13, 20, 86, 89; his life, 4–7; his theory, 7–10


Einstein, Albert, 6, 15, 169, 190

Eliot, T. S., 6


Fairbanks, Gordon H. , 5n

Fasolt, Sophia (VN’s cousin), 85, 85n81

Feigin, Anna, 23, 24n, 70n58, 87, 96–97

Flaubert, Gustave (Madame Bovary), 99, 99n10

Florensky, Priest Pavel, 14–18, 78, 97n3, 165, 165n12, 190n54

Földes, Yolanda, 177

Fondaminsky, Ilia, 26, 26n25, 108

Freud, Sigmund, 6, 15, 18nn16 and 17, 19–21


Gershtein, Emma, 175

Gregory, Joshua, 168

Grynberg, Roman, 5n, 181

Gumilev, Nikolay, 181


Heidegger, Martin, 6

Hessen, George, 104, 104n13

Hinton, C. H., 6

Hitler, Adolf, 39

Hofeld, Evgenia K., 98, 98n7

Horace, 187

Huxley, Aldous, 6


Jolas, Eugene, 6n

Joyce, James, 6, 160, 166


Kalashnikov, Mikhail, 48 and 48n

Karpovich, Mikhail, 87, 87n86, 99

Karpovich, Tatiana, 87, 87n86

Kerenski, Alexander, 102, 102n

Khodasevich, Viacheslav, 26 and 26n26, 27, 108, 189n51

Korff, Baroness Maria von, 98

Kubrick, Stanley, 26


Ledkovski, Marina, 86n82

Léon Noël, Lucie, 171

Losev, Alexey, 190n54


Mandelstam, Osip, 68n57

Markevich, Topazia, 65, 65n44

Mason, A.E.W., 37n8

Massalsky, Princess Elena, 84, 84n78

McCarthy, Cormac, 163

McTaggart, J. M., 168

Monk, Jeremiah, 177n32

Mostel, Samuel, 90, 90n95


Nabokov, Dmitri (VN’s son), 3n3, 40, 40n10, 57, 79, 85, 170, 184–86, 192; in VN’s dreams, 44–46, 55, 64–65, 67 (“perhaps”), 70, 76, 80–81, 87, 92 (“vaguely”), 105, 108

Nabokov, Elena (mother), 52; in VN’s dreams, 53, 57, 59–62, 77; 97n4

Nabokov, Kirill (brother), 91, 91n96

Nabokov, Sergey (brother), 27, 53

Nabokov, Véra (wife), 3n3, 30, 35n4, 42, 105; 37, 41, 63, 74, 82, 90–91, 108 (“I love you”), 182–83, 184, 187 (“you”); her dreams, reported, 44–45, 46–47, 52, 57 (“irretrievable”), 64, 65, 73, 74, 76, 84, 86–87; her memoir sketch, 185–86; in VN’s dreams, 35, 39, 46, 48, 49–50, 62, 64, 65–66, 70, 80, 81, 85, 87, 88, 92, 96–97, 99, 105; in VN’s “fatidic” visions, 68, 86; in VN’s letters, 107

Nabokov, V. D. (father), 82, 98, 119; refracted in VN’s fictional dreams, 25, 151–56; in VN’s dreams, 2, 61–62, 76–77, 81, 99, 102, 105–6

Nikolay Andreevich (cook), 81, 81n71


Papineau, David, 168n18, 169n20

Paulhan, Jean, 71, 71n61

Pierce, Naomi, 178

Pelé, Edson Arantes, 107

Petkevich, Olga (sister), 87, 87n87

Planck, Max, 6

Priestly, J. B., 6

Proust, Marcel, 160

Pushkin, Alexander, 183–84


Rausch von Traubenberg, Baron George (cousin), 56–57, 57n31

Rolf, Filippa, 76, 76n66

Rukavishnikov, Vasily (uncle), 25–26

Russell, Bertrand, 168


Selivonik, Tatiana, 86n82

Shakespeare, William, 170, 170n23, 174

Sikorski, Elena (sister), 24n, 27, 63, 63n42, 73, 76

Sikorski, Nilly , 62n40, 63

Sikorski, Vladimir (nephew), 62–63, 62n40, 80, 89

Shifrin, Semyon, 92n99

Slonim, Sophia, 52

Solntsev, Konstantin, 97n4

Stoppard, Sir Tom, 173


Tolstoy, Count Leo, 87, 160

Turgenev, Ivan, 2, 99, 99n11


Ustinov, Peter, 74, 74n, 80

Ustinov, Suzanne, 74, 74n, 80


Voronina, Olga, 186n48


Wells, H. G., 6

Wilson, Edmund, 3n6, 85, 85n79, 119, 174–75


Zak, Alexander, 106, 106n15

Zimmer, Dieter, 164n9