Acheulean 146–173
Acton: see West London
Africa: hominin dispersals out of 16–17
Ahrensburgian 495–501
Allerød 477–479; archaeology 479–489
Amber 447
Amiens, discovery of human antiquity at 4
Ancaster-Trent River 29
Ancient Human Occupation of Britain (AHOB) Project 29, 54
Anglian Glaciation (MIS12) 109
Antediluvianism 4
Ash Tree Cave (Derbyshire) 300, 321, 353, 355–356, 454
Aston Mills (Hereford and Worcestershire) 301, 401, 408
Atapuerca Gran Dolina TD6 (Spain) 11
Aurignacian: definition 400–401; dispersals 399–400; relationship with LRJ 401–402; settlement 408–411; sites and assemblages 402–408
Aveley (Essex) 223–226, 245–246
Aveline’s Hole (Somerset) 430, 481
Avington VI (Berkshire) 496–498
Axe River (Dorset) 139
Axe Valley Local Operational Area (LOA) 362–370
Azilian 479
Badger Hole, Wookey (Somerset) 368, 388
Baker’s Hole (Kent) 259, 263–264
Bapchild (Kent) 261
Barnham (Suffolk): Clactonian at 178, 183; geological context 109; sequence and archaeology 79–81; environments 78–83
Barnham Heath (Suffolk) 261
Barnwood, Gloucester (Gloucestershire) 419
Bâtons percés 455–456
Beeches Pit, West Stowe (Suffolk): fire at 194–195; sequence, archaeology and fire 81–83; environments 84
Beedings (West Sussex) 300, 388, 394–398
Beetles: see Coleoptera
Bench Quarry (Somerset) 322
Berry Head (Devon) 216
Biddenham (Bedfordshire) 140
Bifaces: see handaxes
Biomass, primary production of 52
Biostratigraphy: small mammal 24; mammalian 47; MIS7 230–231; MIS3-MIS2 376–381
Blade-Points 383–388
Bleadon Cave (Cornwall) 232
Bluelands Pit, Purfleet (Essex) see Purfleet (Essex)
Bob’s Cave, Kitley, Nr. Plymouth (Devon) 431, 470, 474, 481
Bølling: see Meiendorf
Boucher de Perthes, Jacques 4
Boxgrove (Sussex): Acheulean at 147; antler soft hammer 202; functional analysis of handaxes at 167–168; handaxe variation at 152, 157; hominin incisors 168; knapping scatters 199–200; sequence, environments and archaeology 117–120; hominin presence at 114, 123–124; hominin remains 144; hominin environments 62–65; horse hunting 204; rhinoceros butchery 205
Bowman’s Lodge (Essex) 152, 200
Bradgate Park, Newtown Lynford (Leicestershire) 440, 443
Bramford Road, Ipswich (Suffolk) 261, 419
Brandon (Warwickshire) 296
Britain: drainage networks and fluvial archive 108–109; palaeogeography 98–102; sea levels and marine transgressions 102–104
British-Irish Ice Sheet (BIIS) 374–376
Brockhill (Surrey) 473
Broken Cavern (Devon) 482, 491
Brumby Wood (Humberside) 470
Brundon (Suffolk) 246
Buckland, William 4
Butlins Holiday Camp, Clacton-on-Sea (Essex): see Clacton-on-Sea
Caddington (Bedfordshire) see Chiltern Hills
Cae Gronw/Gwyn (Denbighshire, Wales) 401, 406
Campsites 196–198
Castlepook Cave (Ireland) 322
Cat Hole Cave (Gower, Wales) 419, 420, 470
Cattedown, Plymouth (Devon) 430
Cave art 461–468
Channel River Basin 12, 99–102, 299–300
Cheddar Gorge (Somerset) 451. See also Gough’s Cave, Soldier’s Hole, Sun Hole
Chelm’s Coombe (Somerset) 491
Chiltern Hills (Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire: Caddington, Round Green Gaddesten Row, Whipsnade): individuals at 161; knapping scatters 200; sequence, environments and archaeology 135–137; handaxe variation at 152
Church Hole, Creswell Crags (Nottinghamshire) 300; cave art 461–468; hyaenas from 322, 354; Magdalenian 442; organic artefacts 449–450
Clacton-on-Sea (Essex): Clacton Spear 160–161; Clactonian at 178, 183; sequence, environments and archaeology at 76–83; in context of history of Palaeolithic archaeology 5;
Clacton Spear: see Clacton-on-Sea
Clactonian: 173–193; chopper cores 165–166; context in history of Palaeolithic archaeology 5; definition of 175–176, 183–184; explanations of 184–193; handaxes within 176–180
Clast lithology: and dating 47
Cleavers 157–159
Climate, British 50
Clothing 52
Coleoptera (beetles): and environmental reconstruction 34–35, 50, 297; Mutual Climatic Range (MCR) 50
Condover (Shropshire) 431–433
Coygan Cave (South wales) 300, 322, 336–337
Crayford Brickearths (Kent: Stoneham’s Pit, Norris’s Pit, Rutter’s Pits, Furner’s Pits, Slade Green) 234, 246, 281; refitting assemblage from Stoneham’s Pit 244, 270–272
Creffield Road, Acton (London) 245, 254, 261–263, 274
Creswell Crags (Derbyshire/Nottinghamshire) 5; art mobilier 461–463; cave art 461–468; Creswell Heritage Area 355; Local Operational Area (LOA) 353–362; Magdalenian (Creswellian) 440, 445–446; Magdalenian clothing 449–450; raw materials 356–358; and see Church Hole, The Crypt, Mother Grundy’s Parlour, Robin Hood Cave, Pin Hole and Yew Tree shelter
Creswellian: see Magdalenian
Creswello-Hamburgian 436
Creswello-Tjongerian 436
Cromer Forest Bed Formation (CF-bF) 23, 29, 30
Cromerian Complex 22ff.
Crypt, Creswell Crags (Nottinghamshire) 442, 454
Cryptic refugia 314
Cudmore Grove (Essex): environments 85–93
Curation 198–203
Curved-backed Point Complex 479–480, 485
Cuxton (Kent): Clactonian at 183; sequence, environments and archaeology 128–130; handaxe variation at 152, 154; Levallois at 245
Dansgaard-Oeschger events 295
Dartford (Kent) 330
Dead Man’s Cave, Anston Stones Gorge (Derbyshire) 454, 474, 491
Denekamp Interstadial 296
Deserted Britain model 284
Dimlington Stadial 424–426, 428, 430
Discoidal technology 333
Dix’s Pit, Stanton Harcourt: see Stanton Harcourt Channel, Dix’s Pit (Oxfordshire)
Dover Straight 98–100
Dmanisi (Georgia) 12
Dovercourt (Essex) 152
Dowel Cave (Derbyshire) 454, 486
Earith (Cambridgeshire) 296, 309–310
Earl’s Barton (Northamptonshire) 491, 499
Ebbsfleet Valley (North Kent): sequence, environments and archaeology 245, 264–267, 281
Eel Point cave (Caldey Island, Wales) 411
Elder Bush Cave (Staffordshire) 454, 491
Elveden (Suffolk): geological context 109; sequence and archaeology at 79–81; handaxe variation at 152;
English Rivers Project 242–244
Environments: Allerød 477–479; Meiendorf 434–435; MIS13 60–67; MIS11 68–85; MIS9 85–97; MIS7 220–242; MIS3 298–319, 373–381; MIS2 426–434, Older Dryas 477; Younger Dryas 489–491
Eolith debate 5
Evans, John 4
Façonnage 15
Farndon Fields (Nottinghamshire) 440, 443, 474
Federmesser 479–480
Federmessergruppen: chronology 480; settlement 480–485
Fenstanton (Cambridgeshire) 303
Ffynon Beuno Cave (Denbighshire, Wales) 401, 406
Fire, use of 51–52, 193–196, 481; see also Hearths
Fisherton Brick Pits, Salisbury (Wiltshire) 304
Flixton II, Vale of Pickering (North Yorkshire) 500
Fluvial archive 3
Fordwich (Kent) 152
Four Ashes (West Midlands) 296
Foxhall Road, Ipswich (Suffolk): geological context 109; handaxe variation at 152; individuals at 161; raw material and 200; sequence, environments and archaeology 110–111
Fox Hole, Peak District (Staffordshire) 430, 454, 476
Functional analysis: see Microwear analysis
Furner’s Pits, Crayford: see Crayford Brickearths
Furze Platt (Berkshire) 152
Gaddesten Row (Hertfordshire) see Chiltern Hills
Gipping Valley (Suffolk) 268–270
Glaston (Leicestershire) 394–396
Glinde Interstadial 296
Globe Pit, Little Thurrock (Essex) see Little Thurrock (Essex)
Goat’s Hole, Paviland (Gower, Wales): Aurignacian 401, 404–405; in context of history of Palaeolithic archaeology 4; Gravettian, mammoth steppe and 377–379, 419; LRJ 388; Red Lady’ of Paviland burial 412–417
Golf Course, Clacton-on-Sea (Essex): see Clacton-on-Sea
Gough’s Cave (Cheddar, Somerset): curved-backed points 481; engraved bone and ivory 460–461; fauna 430–431; in context of history of Palaeolithic archaeology 5; Magdalenian 441, 452–453, 455–456; shouldered points 474; skull cups 448–449
Grandmother hypothesis 171–172
Grasslands 17
Gravettian 377–379, 411–422; chronology 418–419; dispersals 377–379, 418, faunal context 418; ‘Red Lady’ of Paviland burial 412–417; sites 419–422
Gray’s Inn Lane (London): in context of history of Palaeolithic archaeology 4; handaxe from 145
Greenland ice cores 294, 374, 411, 422, 423–424
Greenland interstadials 295, 374, 411, 422, 434–435, 477–479
Greenland stadials 295, 374, 477, 489–491
Greenlands Pit, Purfleet (Essex) see Purfleet (Essex)
Habitat preferences, hominin 133–138
Hamburgian 469–477: definition 469–471
Handaxes: explanations for variation 149–163; bout coupé type 327–329, 349–351; individuals and 159–160; nature of variation 147–149; raw materials and 151–155; temporal trends 168–171; reduction (resharpening) and 155–159; retaining fossil inclusions 208; social functions of 191–192
Happisburgh (Norfolk) 12, 36–47; age of 45–47; climate at 50; environments 62
Harnham (Wiltshire) 260
Harpoons 485–487
Harrison, Benjamin 5
Heinrich events 294–295
Hengelo Interstadial 296
Hengistbury Head (Dorset) 471–473
Hengistbury-Type sites: see Hamburgian
High Furlong: see Poulton Elk
High Lodge (Suffolk): sequence, environments and archaeology 121–123; handaxe variation at 152; hominin presence at 114; in context of history of Palaeolithic archaeology 5;
Hillingdon: see West London
Hitchin (Hertfordshire) 152
Holbrook Bay (Suffolk) 246
Holderness (East Yorkshire) 428
Holybourne (Hampshire) 152
Homo erectus 20–21, 48, 171–172
Homo cf. ergaster 48
Homo georgicus 20–21
Homo heidelbergensis 20–21, 50, 54, 133, 207, 282
Homo helmei 282
Homo sapiens 382–383, 399, 411
Homotherium 8
Howburn (Lanarkshire, Scotland) 470, 475–476
Hoxne (Suffolk): environments 84; geological context 109; handaxe from 145; sequence and archaeology at 69–72; in context of history of Palaeolithic archaeology 4; raw material and 200
Hoxnian Interglacial (MIS11) 68–86, 134
Hoyle’s Mouth Cave (Pembrokeshire, Wales) 401, 406, 437, 481
Hunting 53–54
Hyaena Den (Wookey, Somerset): Aurignacian 401, 408; deposits, environments and archaeology 304; in context of history of Palaeolithic archaeology 5; Late Middle Palaeolithic 362–367; LRJ 388; pollen 313
Ipswichian Interglacial (MIS5a) 284–292
Ismaili centre (London) 296
Jaywick Sands, Clacton-on-Sea (Essex): see Clacton-on-Sea
Kempton Park (Surrey) 296
Kendrick’s Cave (Conwy, North Wales) 430, 487, 488–489, 499
Kent’s Cavern (Torquay, Devon): Aurignacian 401, 406–407; ‘Black Band’ 457–458; deposits, environments and archaeology 305; in context of
Kent’s Cavern (cont.): history of Palaeolithic archaeology 4; Gravettian 419; hyaenas of 322; KC4 maxilla 382, 399; Levallois technology in 347; Late Middle Palaeolithic 371–372; LRJ 388; Magdalenian 441; organic artefacts 407–408; pollen 313; post-LGM faunal recolonisation 430
King Arthur’s cave (Herefordshire) 431, 442, 485, 491
Kirkdale Cave (North Yorkshire): in context of history of Palaeolithic archaeology 4
Kilmelfort (Argyllshire, Scotland) 482–483
Kinsey Cave (North Yorkshire) 486
Lancaster Hole (Lancashire) 313–314
Landscapes of habit 198–203
Langwith Cave (Derbyshire) 454
Lankaster, Ray 5
Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) 374–376, 424–426
Lateglacial Interstadial 428–489; Lake Windermere type site 428–429
Latton (Wiltshire) 296
Launde (Leicestershire) 500–501
Leafpoints 383–388
Leman and Ower Bank 485
Levallois technology: Botany Pit (Purfleet) 257–258; concept and organisation 253–254; history and definitions 247–249; in MIS9 282–284; origins 250–253; Late Middle Palaeolithic 347–348; temporal fluctuations 254
Lincomb Hill,Wellswood, Torquay (Devon) 392
Lincombian-Ranisian-Jerzomanowician (LRJ) assemblages: 383–399; authorship 398–399; chronology 332, 398; definition 389–398
Lion Point, Clacton-on-Sea (Essex) see Clacton-on-Sea
Little Cressingham (Norfolk) 306
Little Hoyle cave (Dyfed, Wales) 322
Little Paxton, St. Neots, Riverside Pit (Cambridgeshire) 306, 334–335, 344–347
Little Thurrock (Essex) Clactonian and 178, 181, 183; sequence, environments and archaeology 130–131
Local Operational Areas (Neanderthal) 274–275, 351–370
Loch Lomond Readvance: see Lock Lomond Stade
Loch Lomond Stade 489–490
Long Blade Assemblages: see Ahrensburgian
Long Island, Portsmouth (Hampshire) 471, 473
Lower Pleistocene: faunas 17–19, 52; palaeogeography 25–27
Lynford (Norfolk) 296, 307, 332, 338–346
Lynx Cave, Clywdd 470, 474, 486
MacEnery, Rev. John 4
Magdalenian (alt. Creswellian): annual round 447; art 460–468; clothing 449–450; definition 435–439; organic artefacts 455–460; prey species 451–453; settlement, behaviour and society 440–468
Magnetostratigraphy 46
Mammalian Assemblage Zone (MAZ): Bacon Hole MAZ 330; Banwell MAZ 330; Brean Down MAZ 330; Dimlington Stadial MAZ 430; Gough’s Cave MAZ 434; Pin Hole MAZ 317–318, 377
Mammoth Steppe 283, 291, 317–319, 377–379
Marine Isotope Stages (MIS): explanation 7; Middle Pleistocene 23, 58–60; MIS15 114; MIS13 60–67; MIS11 68–86, 139; MIS9 85–97, 139; MIS7 211–212; MIS6 (absence of hominins during) 278, 285–288; MIS5e (Last Interglacial) 284–292; MIS5 sensu lato 330–332; MIS4 298–299; MIS3 293–298, 373–381; MIS2 423–428
Marine transgressions 102–104, 214–217
Marks Tey (Essex): environments 68
Marlow (Buckinghamshire) 296, 352
Marsworth (Buckinghamshire) 221–223
‘Mediterranean Type’ environments 19
Meindorf Interstadial (alt. Bølling) 434–435
Merlin’s Cave (Herefordshire) 491
Microwear analysis 163–165
Middle Pleistocene: climatic cycles 17; palaeogeography 27–29
Mildenhall (Suffolk) 419
Mode 1 lithic assemblages 14–15
Moershooft Interstadial/Moershooft Complex 296
Mortillet, Gabriel de 5
Mother Grundy’s Parlour, Creswell Crags (Derbyshire) 302, 354; engraved bones 461; Federmessergruppen 482; Late Middle Palaeolithic 357; Magdalenian 442, 451; shouldered points 470, 474
Mousterian of Acheulian Tradition (MTA) 333
Nanna’s Cave (Dyfed, Wales) 481
Neanderthals: early Neanderthal behaviour 279–281; and hyaenas 319–324; late Neanderthal presence in Britain 332, 371; multiple kill sites 282; ranges 324; raw material use 348–349; survival strategies 324–325
New Hythe (Kent) 261
Nightingale Estate, Hackney (London): environments 93
Norris’s Pit, Crayford: see Crayford Brickearths
Northfleet (Kent) 245
Nottle Tor (West Glamorganshire, Wales) 401, 408
Oerel Interstadial 296
Older Dryas 477
Oreston Cave (Cornwall) 232
Ossom’s Cave (Staffordshire) 454, 500
Overwintering, problems of 51
Oxbow open coal mine (West Yorkshire) 296
Oxygen Isotope Stages (OIS): see Marine Isotope Stages
Pakefield (Suffolk) 12, 29, 30, 30–34; age of 45; climate at 50
Paviland: see Goat’s Hole, Paviland
Peper Harrow Park, Godalming (Surrey) 419
Picken’s Hole (Somerset) 307, 362, 364–365
Piltdown (hoax) 5
Pin Hole, Creswell Crags (Derbyshire) 302; engraved objects 461–462; hyaenas from 321; Gravettian 419, 420–421; Late Middle Palaeolithic 357–361; Magdalenian 442, 456
Pontnewydd Cave (Clwydd): sequence, environments and archaeology 232–234, 245; Gravettian, mammoth steppe and 377–380
Population: artefacts as proxy for 275–277; estimates 282, 330; history 112–125; 132–133, 192–193; population sinks 3, 133
Porth-y-Waen (Shropshire) 486
Poulton-le-Fyld, Lancashire: see Poulton Elk.
Prestwich, Joseph 4
Purfleet (Essex): Botany Pit early Levallois 245, 257–258, 261; Clactonian at 183; sequence and environments 96–97, 105–108, 254
Quartzites 356–358
Quinton, Birmingham (West Midlands): environments 68
Radiocarbon: calibration 8–9
Raised beaches 214–217
Range size, hominin 52–53
Ravencliffe Cave (Derbyshire) 328, 353
Raw material distribution 348–349
Red Barns, Portchester (Hampshire) 154
Reid Moir, James 5
Rhenish (molluscan) faunas 74, 104
Rhine terraces 24
Rhinoceros Hole, Wookey (Somerset) 308, 362, 367–368
Riwat (Pakistan) 12
Robin Hood Cave, Creswell Crags (Derbyshire) 303; engraved artefact 461–462; hyaenas from 321; Late Middle Palaeolithic 354; 359–360; Levallois technology in 347; LRJ 388; Magdalenian 437, 442; organic artefacts 449–450; pollen 313; shouldered points 470
Rookery Farm (Cambridgeshire) 482–485
Round Green (Bedfordshire) see Chiltern Hills
Rutter’s Pits, Crayford: see Crayford Brickearths
Saalian Complex 211–212
Saham Toney (Norfolk) 306
Salmonby (Lincolnshire) 470
Sandford Hill, Mendip (Somerset) 322
Sandy (Bedfordshire) 296, 315–316
Seamer Site C, Vale of Pickering (North Yorkshire) 485, 487, 500–501
Seamer Site K, Vale of Pickering (North Yorkshire) 487
Selsey LBS (Life Boat Station) (Sussex) 220–221, 230–231, 245
Settlement history 49
Severn-Avon River system 139
Sewell’s Cave (North Yorkshire) 491, 500
Short Chronology (for initial hominin dispersals into Europe) 11–12
Slade Green, Crayford: see Crayford Brickearths
Soldier’s Hole, Cheddar (Somerset) 321, 388, 441
Solent River 29
South Woodford 166–167
Sproughton (Suffolk) 486–487
Stage 3 Project 314–317
Stanton Harcourt Channel, Dix’s Pit (Oxfordshire) sequence, environments and archaeology 237–238, 246
Stoke Newington, Hackney (London): environments and archaeology 93–95; handaxe variation at 152
Stoke Tunnel, Ipswich (Suffolk) 246
Stoneham’s Pit, Crayford: see Crayford Brickearths
Stour Valley (Suffolk) 268–270
Structures (e.g. dwellings) 52
Sun Hole, Cheddar (Somerset) 441, 451, 491
Swanscombe (Kent): archaeology of the Barnfield Pit at 56–58; Clactonian at 178, 183; handaxe variation at 152, 154; hominin remains 144; sequence and environments at 73–76; in context of history of Palaeolithic archaeology 5;
Syon Reach, Richmond (Surrey) 455
Syston Terraces (Leicestershire) 296
Tautavel (France) 11
Terrace formation (rivers) 88–91
Thames-Medway River: ancestral form of 28–29, 86, 108–109; terraces 88–91; archaeology of 138–139
Thames Valley Late Middle Palaeolithic findspots 352–353
Theory of mind 207
Thermoregulation and energetic s 51
Three Hole’s Cave (Devon) 431, 441, 481
Three Way’s Wharf (Uxbridge, Middlesex) 2, 492–495, 500
Torbryan Six Cave (Devon) 480
Tor Court Cave (Devon) 401, 408
Tornewton Cave (Devon) 401, 408
Uphill Quarry Caves, Weston-super-Mare (Somerset) 308, 335, 362–364, 401, 407–408
Upton Warren (Worcestershire) 296
Victoria Cave (North Yorkshire) 430, 486, 491, 498
Vivian, Edward 4
Waverley Wood (Warwickshire) 29, 114, 115–117
West Cliff, Clacton-on-Sea (Essex): see Clacton-on-Sea
West London, Hillingdon to Acton: sequence, environments and archaeology 255–257
West Runton (Norfolk) 49
West Thurrock, Lion Pit Tramway Cutting (Kent): sequence, environments and archaeology 217–219, 245, 267–268, 281
Westbury-sub-Mendip (Somerset) 29, 114
Whipsnade (Bedfordshire) see Chiltern Hills
Whitlingham (Norfolk) 152, 158
Windermere Interstadial 428–429
Windmill Hill Cave, Brixham (Devon) 308, 401
Wolvercote Channel (Oxfordshire): sequence, environments and archaeology 97, 125–127; handaxe variation at 152
Yew Tree Shelter, Creswell Crags (Derbyshire) 353