References such as “178–9” indicate (not necessarily continuous) discussion of a topic across a range of pages. Wherever possible in the case of topics with many references, these have either been divided into sub-topics or only the most significant discussions of the topic are listed. Because the entire work is about ‘targeted killing’ the use of this term (and certain others which occur constantly throughout the book) as an entry point has been minimised. Information will be found under the corresponding detailed topics.
Abbottabad, Pakistan 118, 183, 185–6, 213, 353, 361, 428–9
accessories 20, 289–91, 296, 298
accuracy 32, 87, 100, 333, 335–6, 344, 461–2
act-consequentialism 460
Actio Libera in Causa 168, 468–9
action component 19, 262–3, 267–8, 270–1, 273–80, 282, 284
active combatants 163–4
affirmative defenses 161, 184, 191
affirmative responsibilities 211–12
Afghanistan 21, 244–6, 330–3, 341–2, 349–54, 367–9, 419–22
and Pakistan 21, 334, 374, 382, 385–6
agency 152, 290, 295–6, 414, 455, 462
joint 293–5
aggression 227–9, 236–7, 239, 255–8, 260–2, 264–80, 282–4
future 252, 256, 264, 269, 273, 277–84
manifestation of 19, 265, 268, 270–1, 274, 277, 279
unlawful 256, 258, 260–1, 271, 277
victims of 259–60
aggressive actions 76, 286–7, 293, 296
aggressive operational counterterrorism 306, 311
aggressors 19–20, 259–62, 265, 267–8, 270–84, 287, 289–90
unlawful 199, 258, 260, 266, 274, 284
aircraft 98, 106, 108, 335, 385, 437
drone see drones
air strikes 22, 332–4 see also drones
al-Awlaki, Anwar 35, 58, 159, 367–8, 371
allies 62, 71, 83, 103, 327, 414–15
Al Qaeda (AQ) 33–5, 64–5, 71–5, 101–4, 214–16, 245–7, 348–53 see also bin Laden, Osama
Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) 35, 246
Altman, A. 1, 288, 403, 405, 425
America see United States anarchy 203–4, 365, 416, 420, 458, 477–8
Anderson, K. 22–3, 107, 111, 158, 165, 172–3, 232, 245, 249–50, 303
anticipatory self-defense 228, 244, 312
anti-terrorist action 146–7, 150, 153, 155, 255, 418
anti-terrorist agents 141, 143, 147–8
AQ see Al Qaeda arbitrariness 270, 273–4, 454
armed attacks 202, 207, 228–9, 232–3, 235–8, 241–4, 246–8
armed-conflict model 1, 5–10, 14, 95, 256
armed conflicts 8–13, 64–6, 74–7, 223–6, 230–3, 249–51, 339–42
existence of 211–13
international 18, 44, 70–1, 225, 230, 232, 249–52
law of 9, 12–13, 32, 112, 312–13, 339–40, 362–4
non-international 39–41, 43–5, 49–50, 52–3, 56, 230–4, 241
armed drones 1, 22–3, 160, 370, 392
armed forces 2, 38–9, 49–50, 52, 56, 84, 214
armed groups 9, 50–1, 53–8, 74, 81–7, 238, 241
organized see organized armed groups
armed organized groups see organized armed groups
arrest 36–7, 43, 46, 146–8, 152–3, 425, 479
assassinations 34–6, 119, 359, 413–14, 421–2, 432, 434
assassination teams 292–3, 296
assassins 117, 124–5, 151, 404, 432, 434
associated forces 33, 38, 225, 233, 235
asymmetric(al) warfare 12, 62, 181, 185, 210–11
asymmetrical wars 7, 215, 299, 404
asymmetric conflicts 1–3, 8, 10–11, 15, 31, 98, 101
attackers 92–4, 173–4, 209, 388–9, 445, 457–8, 474–6
attacks armed 202, 207, 228–9, 232–3, 235–8, 241–4, 246–8
drone 21–2, 62, 303–4, 333–4, 343, 368–9, 376–7
lethal 10–11, 15, 103, 105, 412
terrorist 81–2, 91–3, 138, 140, 241–3, 320–3, 360
Authorization for the Use of Military Force (AUMF) 38, 72
authorizations 37–8, 45, 72, 118, 163, 180, 360
bad states of affairs 443–5, 447, 455
balancing 40, 52, 73, 129–30, 152, 275, 447–8
consequentialist 455, 461, 463–4
battlefields 7, 22, 42, 67, 79–80, 380–1, 411–13
belligerency 47–8, 59, 72, 160, 171, 174–6, 178 see also co-belligerency
characteristics of proper war 205–10
and combat morality 198–200
and development of criminal law 190–4
and duty 200–2
historical development of laws of war 194–8
moral blurring of delineation of war 187–205
simple legal solution to complex political and moral problem 210–17
unacceptable nature of status quo 203–5
and unique nature of war 188–200
belligerent occupation, laws of 43–4
belligerents 33–5, 40–1, 48–9, 59, 164, 167–8, 194–5
civilian 219
privileged 16, 184–5, 194, 215
in bello contract 99, 106–7, 109
in bello rules see jus in bello rules
bin Laden, Osama, killing of 22, 150, 155, 165, 347–73, 403, 428–30 see also Operation Neptune Spear
blameworthiness 25, 192, 288, 296–7, 431, 442, 478
bombers 25, 285–6, 296, 321, 323–4, 380–1, 462
bombings 145, 166, 315, 349, 450–1, 462
bomb makers 150, 160, 296, 354, 458
bootstrapping problem 166, 171
Bush Administration 14, 37, 47, 142–4, 156–8, 240, 303
innocent 14, 22, 26, 141, 147, 150, 152
Caroline Incident 236, 312–13, 315
casualties 165, 315, 339, 366, 383–4, 391, 426
civilian 57, 326–8, 330–4, 346, 375, 382–3, 385–7
causal contributions 68–70, 418
causation 66, 70, 436, 447, 449, 453
CENTCOM (Central Command) 21, 332, 337, 339, 341, 350
Central Intelligence Agency see CIA
cessation of hostilities 189, 198, 212
chain of command 2, 214, 323, 330, 332, 340, 355
children 137–8, 174, 314, 335, 446, 448, 452
choices 42, 142, 172, 242, 254, 362–4, 472–4
closed see closed choice situations
hard see hard choices
Christopher, R. 18–19, 122, 178, 289, 320, 427, 457
Churchill, Winston 128, 407, 437, 451, 465
CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) 21, 159, 331–4, 343–5, 350–1, 353–4, 369–70
CIL see customary international law
civilian belligerents 219
civilian casualties 57, 326–8, 330–4, 346, 375, 382–3, 385–7
civilian deaths 21, 40, 57, 366, 374, 382–3, 426
civilian harm 59, 387–9, 396–7, 399
civilian law enforcement 204, 208
civilian life 47, 144, 206, 210, 215, 323
civilian personnel 67, 164, 339
civilian populations 2, 40, 50, 93–4, 205, 208, 437–8
civilian presumption, rebuttal 33–59
civilians 2–4, 6–9, 32–4, 47–50, 52–3, 406–8, 425–7
innocent 32, 40, 88, 154, 195, 307–11, 313–15
killing of 12, 33, 60, 126, 128, 154–5, 368
intentional 2, 4, 9, 13, 127, 154, 417
protection of 40, 54, 56, 59, 319
taking a direct part in hostilities 40–6
targeting of 6, 13, 41, 83, 93, 315, 418
civilian targets 40, 93, 109, 195
civil liberties 61–2, 85–6, 321, 372
preservation of 88–9
claims 136–7, 152–3, 243–4, 261–2, 374–6, 378, 414–17
about drones 342–6
about targeted killing policy 342–6
about targeted killing process 327–42
empirical 21, 307, 326–46, 383
of self-defense 25, 168, 232–3, 247, 266, 411, 470–1
without evidence 326–46
closed choice situations 20, 297–8
co-belligerency 61, 65, 78, 80, 182
under law of neutrality 70–2
co-belligerents 160–1
linking principles 65–78
linking problem 62–5
targeting of 60–89
coercive interrogations 350
collateral damage 178–9, 309–10, 313, 316–17, 351, 382, 387–8
collective decisions 26–7, 188, 202, 210
collective fighting forces 66, 72, 78
collective hostilities 70
collectives 73, 95–6, 99, 103–5
collective self-defense 207, 228, 246
collectivism 95–6, 98–100, 103–5, 110
combat 16, 143–5, 188–90, 196–200, 202–3, 208–11, 411–13
drones see drones
continuous see continuous combat function
combatant immunity 40, 46, 78, 188, 213
combatants 39–41, 96–101, 142–6, 175–8, 197–200, 207–8, 412–17
active 163–4
enemy 11, 144–5, 177, 195, 347, 410–14, 420–1
lawful 47, 195–6, 198–9, 213, 255
moral equality of 176, 187, 200, 410
unlawful 34, 42, 46–9, 143, 159–60, 164, 421–2
combatant status 14, 142–4, 161, 211
qualification for 213–14
unlawful 48
combined operations 379, 381, 384
command chain of 2, 214, 323, 330, 332, 340, 355
structure 53–4, 56–7, 73–4, 86
Commander of Multinational Forces Iraq 330, 332
commanders 20, 86, 160–1, 313–19, 329–32, 340–1, 353–4
commanders-in-chief 253, 359, 413–14
commandos 118, 145, 356, 363, 429–30, 433
complicity 10–11, 63, 65, 79–80, 89, 350
and conspiracy 76–8
liability 76
conduct rules vs. status rules 85–9
conflicts 49–50, 71–3, 98–9, 101–5, 213–14, 216–17, 450
armed 8–13, 64–6, 211–14, 223–6, 230–3, 249–51, 339–42
asymmetric 2, 10, 15, 31, 98, 101, 161
consent 17, 189–90, 198, 203, 233–6, 270, 342–3
self-declared 80
consequentialism 24, 27, 410, 443–9, 453–4, 460, 462–3
consequentialist balancing 461, 463–4
consequentialist calculations 460–2
consequentialist justifications 137, 436, 448, 465
conspiracy 10, 57, 65, 79–80, 88–9
and complicity 76–8
continuous combat function 50–1, 79–80, 82–5, 89
standard 82–5
contractualism 95, 97–100, 105–8, 110
contrived self-defense 25, 470
control 25, 46, 56, 61, 65, 74–5, 357–8
crime 420–1
principles 75–6
test 74–6
conventional operations 111, 380, 384–5
conventional war 15, 105, 111, 404, 420, 422–3, 426–7
targeted killing in 410–15
conventional warfare 111, 379–80, 382
cost-benefit analysis 377, 397
counterinsurgency 330, 381–2, 384, 420
counterterrorism 92–3, 245, 249–50, 310, 327–8, 357–8, 384
decision-making in 318–19
operational 307, 309, 311, 313, 325
operations 307, 314, 318, 348, 367, 384
threat definition 319–21
covert actions/operations 34–5, 225, 351, 353, 355, 360, 379
crime control 420–1
crimes 3–5, 76–7, 167, 189, 406–7, 418–19, 468–9
war 69, 169, 189, 313, 362, 383
criminal endeavors 76–8
criminal justice 146–7, 210, 219
criminal law 15–16, 61–3, 76–7, 121–2, 190–3, 198–202, 442
domestic 13–14, 88, 153–4, 175–6, 180–1, 185–6, 457–8
substantive 192–3
criminal liability 77, 190, 269–70
criminal offenses 191, 213, 217
criminal organizations 88, 423
and war 208–10
criminal punishment 171, 192, 196–7, 410
criminals 14, 142, 146, 161, 190, 418–19, 424–5
criminal systems, civilian 197, 286
culpability 61, 85, 88, 192, 288, 297, 409–10
individual 412–13
customary international law (CIL) 197–8, 212, 236–7, 244, 248–9, 314, 366
customary national security policy 366, 369
damage, collateral see collateral damage
death penalty 25, 173, 179–80, 405, 431, 476
deaths 183–4, 202–3, 406–10, 445–6, 450–3, 464–5, 475
civilian 21, 40, 57, 366, 374, 382–3, 426
death squads 113, 117, 122, 130
decision makers 306–7, 310–11, 318, 321, 324–5, 345, 347
decision-making 21, 129, 225, 305, 307–8, 316–18, 321–2
criteria-based see criteria-based reasoning
process 202, 305, 308, 314–15, 318, 322, 324–5
decision protocol 326
decision tree 24–5
declarations of war see formal declarations of war
deep morality of war 96, 102, 105, 110, 123
defenses 120–2, 135–6, 146, 168, 263, 329–32, 468–70
defensive actions 135, 139–40, 146–7, 150, 287, 291, 428
defensive attack 96–7, 101, 106
defensive homicides 20, 288–90, 292–4, 296–8
defensive killing 26, 139–40, 155, 290
defensive responses 63, 209, 257, 268, 321
defensive targeted killings, defense of 285–99
defensive war 227–30, 248, 292, 408, 428
deliberate killing 12, 126, 223, 403, 410, 423, 427
of civilians 2, 4, 9, 13, 127, 154, 417
democracies, liberal 12, 219, 404, 406, 415, 417, 432–3
deontological ethics 444–6
deontological norms 180, 455–6, 463
deontological obligations 448–50, 453–5, 464
deontological permissions 448–9, 454, 458
deontologists 444–5, 454, 466, 477
designated targets 85, 202, 206, 311
detention 7, 14, 47, 73, 156, 158, 323–4
direct attacks 39–40, 44, 56, 93, 195
direct military advantage 47, 57, 215
direct participation 43, 49–54, 56, 58, 61, 65–70, 81–3
in an armed conflict 65–70
in hostilities 38–9, 41–2, 44–5, 56, 66–70, 73, 81–5
ICRC interpretive guidance 49–54
discrimination principle 99, 106
explanations 94–100
disincentives against use of force 22, 375, 388–92
divine governance 418–19
domestic criminal law 13–14, 88, 153–4, 175–6, 180–1, 185–6, 457–8
Doswald-Beck, L. 197, 230, 369
Dressler, J. 264–6
drones 164–6, 172–4, 333–8, 341–5, 374–82, 384–9, 391–4
attacks by 21–2, 62, 303–4, 333–4, 343, 368–9, 376–7
claims about 342–6
commanders 339–40
making war too easy 387–9
missile strikes 22, 223–5, 362, 367
Predator 117, 143, 254, 256, 335–6, 350–1, 385–6
strikes 21–2, 60, 244–6, 306, 326–8, 339, 343–6
technologies 22, 165, 172, 178, 384, 386–8, 390
warfare 107, 111, 172, 374–6, 378–9, 382, 384–7
disentangling from targeted killing 379–82
drug cartels 421–2
duress 25, 161, 168, 191–2, 196, 451, 468
duty 16, 108–9, 144, 182, 194, 239–40, 448–9
as essence of soldiering 200–2
effective control test 75, 238
effective counterterrorism 306, 308, 319, 324
effective right of self-defense see right to effective self-defense
effective self-defense 18, 259–62, 276, 281, 284
in bello and ad bellum 22, 374–99
civilian casualties and collateral damage 382–7
coherency of general argument 394–5
disentangling drone warfare and targeted killing 379–82
and drones making war too easy 387–9
easier v too easy 395–7
and personal risk 375–6, 387–94
social welfare and justice 397–9
empirical claims without empirical evidence 21, 346
enemies 6–11, 22, 38, 69–72, 129–31, 213–15, 411–13
of society 129–30
enemy combatants 11, 144–5, 177, 195, 347, 410–14, 420–1
enemy soldiers 16, 65, 73, 103, 175, 188, 411–12
enhanced interrogation techniques 156, 159–60
enlistment 200–1
formal 71
estoppel arguments 471
ethics 63, 93, 95, 97, 103, 136–7, 437–8 see also morality
deontological 444–6
three-level analysis 447–57
applied to targeted killings 457–66
evidentiary devices 263–4, 267, 271, 276
evidentiary requirements 262–4, 268–70, 284
evidentiary rules 268–70
evildoers, principled 418–19
excused injustice 397
executions 80, 82, 143, 163, 171, 217, 404–5
explosive devices, improvised 51, 345
extended self-defense 464, 476
extrajudicial intentional killing 254, 404–5
families 16, 198, 203–4, 335–7, 425–6, 451–2
Ferzan, K. 264–70
financiers 160, 321, 323–4, 354
Finkelstein, C. 14–15, 17–18, 189–90, 192–3, 196, 198, 243, 254–5, 289, 468–9, 476
Fletcher, G.P. 63, 81, 191–2, 208–10, 244, 255, 264, 267–71, 282, 458
‘for such time’ requirement 42, 57, 81–2, 89
Ford, President 34–5
foreign leaders 34–5, 119, 167
formal declarations of war 142, 183–219, 422
nullification 216–17
formal equality 71
form vs function 74
function 13, 51–2, 55–6, 61–2, 259–60, 379–80, 383–4
combat see combat function
vs form 74
functional membership 10–11, 14, 88–9
as hybrid concept 86–7
future aggression 252, 256, 264, 269, 273, 277–84
general morality 192–4, 196–7, 200
genocide 67, 341, 405–6, 408, 424, 430
Germany 199–200, 336, 359, 407
global counterterrorism 358, 379
good consequences 24, 432, 448–51, 453, 455–6, 461–5
good states of affairs 443–4, 447
Govern, K.H 22, 161, 164–7, 459
divine 418–19
Gray, C. 228–9, 236–7, 239, 243–4
ground forces 304–5
groups 17, 49–58, 82–5, 103, 245–7, 250, 292–4
armed 9, 50–1, 53–8, 74, 81–7, 238, 241
of individuals 99, 101, 170, 193
terrorist 9, 17, 19, 23, 80, 110, 239–40
guerilla organizations 93–4, 102, 106–9, 111
guilt 116, 147, 184, 189, 199, 415, 459
moral 408
non-moral 436
Hamas 85, 91, 93–4, 100–2, 104–5, 108, 112
handicapped persons 472–3
Haqqani network 246
hard choices, morality of 434–66
harm 51–2, 67–8, 136–8, 297–8, 389–91, 450–3, 457–8
civilian 59, 387–9, 396–7, 399
threatened 191–2, 199, 209, 257, 424, 428, 451
helicopters 185, 285, 304, 335, 356, 380, 382
Henkin, L. 188
High Value Targets (HVTs) 353, 369, 372
Hitler, Adolf 105, 405, 407, 414, 427, 434, 436–7, 463, 465
homeland security 327, 372–3, 420
homes 42, 153, 173, 179, 203–4, 335–7, 472–3
homicides 13, 27, 113, 190, 197, 286, 298
defensive 20, 288–90, 292–4, 296–8
unjustified 192–3
hostages 22, 124, 143, 149, 196, 253, 394
hostile acts 31–2, 41–2, 46, 51, 55, 68, 213–14
hostile intent, demonstration of 31–2
hostilities 9, 39–44, 48–57, 66–70, 73, 80–5, 211–13
collective 70
humanitarian interventions 23, 385, 392, 399, 406, 408
humanity 45, 52, 73, 83, 174, 194, 197–8
human life 3, 6–7, 11, 13, 27, 36, 264
human rights 43, 45, 66–7, 75, 87, 151, 188
international 224, 226, 234, 362–3, 374
HVTs (High Value Targets) 353, 369, 372
ICC see International Criminal Court
ICJ see International Court of Justice
ICRC see International Committee of the Red Cross
ICTY see International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia
identification 14, 65, 87, 100, 174, 206, 247
statistical 170
identified individuals 162, 170, 223
identity 105, 139, 164, 178, 321, 355, 462
IDF see Israeli Defense Forces
IEDs see improvised explosive devices
Ignatius, D. 377–8
IHL see international humanitarian law
IHRL see international human rights law
illegal orders 319
immediate necessity 320–1
immediate threats 7, 67, 83, 146–7, 178–9, 192, 227
unjust 287–8
imminence 18–19, 37, 171, 289, 304–5, 319–21, 427–8
arbitrariness of action component 270–1
as evidentiary requirement 269–70
in justified targeted killing 253–84
and post-imminence 276–8
requirement 8, 18–19, 25, 122, 256–7, 259–84, 320
defenses of 263–71
evidentiary view of 268–9
having independent substantive significance v. imminence as evidentiary requirement or proxy 262–3
purely temporal 271–2
with temporal and action components 273–83
and underlying principle 264–6
as requirement of political theory 267–8
as right to respond to aggression 266–7
understanding 319–21
imminent aggression 18, 261–2, 269
imminent armed attacks 228, 247
imminent dangers 111, 160, 337
imminent threats 6–7, 174, 256, 262–3, 265–6, 271–86, 320–1
immunity 9, 42, 100, 143–4, 194, 202, 212–13
combatant 40, 46, 78, 188, 213
noncombatant 154–5
improvised explosive devices (IEDs) 51–2, 54, 345
impunity 169, 194, 198, 201, 203–4, 212, 216
incidence of armed conflict 228–9, 236, 251
incidental deaths of civilians 406, 414
indefinite detention 15, 156–7
political 8, 17, 63, 224, 228, 236, 361
indirect participation 52, 67, 360
indiscriminate attacks 21, 92–4, 195, 327
individual actions 70, 86, 293–7, 461
individual combatants 72, 175, 189–90
individual culpability 412–13
individualism 95–101, 104–5, 110
individuals 10–12, 77–81, 95–7, 99–101, 163–5, 215–18, 297–8
targeting of 8, 15, 22, 49, 79, 159, 161
individual self-defense 11, 63, 66, 95, 153, 320, 428
individual soldiers 73–4, 80, 198
individual targeted killings 291, 366
individual terrorists 65, 72, 74, 76–7, 82, 252
industrial-scale counterterrorism killing machine 161, 354
information 2, 21, 309–11, 315–18, 322–8, 335, 338–9
excused 397
innocent bystanders 14, 22, 26, 141, 147, 150, 152
innocent civilians 32, 40, 88, 154, 195, 307–11, 313–15
innocent noncombatants 406, 462–3
innocent people 136–41, 146–7, 296–8, 408–9, 423–6, 475, 477
insurgency 85, 113, 119–20, 129, 223, 225, 372–3
insurgents 84–5, 120, 213, 234, 238, 247, 420
integrity, territorial 63, 95, 224, 228, 236, 361
intelligence 56–8, 310, 319–20, 322–3, 379, 386–7, 465
community 304, 315–16, 320, 322, 359–60, 367, 442
on-the-ground 334–5, 338, 343, 386
intended victims 20, 136, 139, 147, 257, 298, 457
intentional killing 4–6, 17, 37, 137, 155, 161, 165
of civilians 2, 4, 9, 13, 127, 154, 417
intentions 3, 19, 45, 56, 139, 183, 266–7
Inter-American Commission on Human Rights 66–7
international armed conflicts 18, 39, 70–1, 225, 230, 232, 249–52
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) 44–5, 49, 52–3, 66–8, 80, 82–4, 197
international community 33, 41, 48, 102, 193, 204, 214–15
international conflicts 44, 76, 165
International Court of Justice (ICJ) 17, 74–5, 186, 197, 216–19, 237–9, 244
International Criminal Court (ICC) 67, 76, 149, 167, 204, 216, 254
International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) 75, 84, 212, 238
international humanitarian law (IHL) 60–1, 72–3, 77–83, 184–6, 223–6, 229–32, 362–3
regimes 224, 226, 230–1, 241, 248–9, 251
international human rights law (IHRL) 224, 226, 234, 362–3, 374
international law 16–18, 33–6, 47–9, 157, 223–9, 236–41, 312–15
public 60, 62, 65, 71, 73–4, 76
international peace 193, 207, 216
international relations 224, 227, 268
International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) 331–2, 338, 341, 367
international terrorism 33, 38, 360
coercive 350
interrogation techniques, enhanced 156, 159–60
intuition-based approach 306, 309, 311
intuitionism 20, 305, 309–10, 312, 317
invasions 213, 216–17, 240, 244, 299
investigations 43, 73, 78, 121–2, 340, 372, 452
involvement, substantial 237–40, 246
Iraq 53, 103, 198, 223, 330–3, 351, 369–70
Irish Republican Army (IRA) 43, 451
irregular forces 2, 11, 74, 86, 237–8
ISAF (International Security Assistance Force) 331–2, 338, 341, 367
Israel 36, 42–4, 90–2, 100, 104–5, 304–5, 359
Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) 20, 122, 305, 307, 314, 325, 464
Supreme Court 42–3, 45, 48, 81, 122, 307–8, 359
Targeted Killing Case 42–4, 47–8, 170, 474
joint actions 20, 78, 293–7, 299
joint agency 293–5
Joint Prioritized Effects List (JPEL) 160, 163, 171, 354, 365
Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) 353–4, 358, 369
JPEL see Joint Prioritized Effects List
JSOC see Joint Special Operations Command
jurisdiction 8, 17, 88, 179, 189, 199, 212–13
jus ad bellum 60–2, 65, 116–17, 168–9, 175, 389, 395
regime 223–35, 237, 239–45, 247–52
rules 17–18
and self-defense 223–52
jus in bello 60–3, 94–7, 116, 175–6, 195–9, 387–9, 393–6
neutrality of 116–17
jus in bello rules 98, 175, 417
just cause 407
justice 115–16, 175, 193, 208–10, 269–70, 396–9, 438–9 see also injustice
justified self-defense 255–6, 262, 268, 270, 273, 275, 277
justified targeted killing 155, 161, 178, 253–84, 320, 427, 457–8
just war theory (JWT) 11, 90–111, 158–9, 161–2, 165, 174–8, 421–4
collectivism 95–6, 98–100, 103–5, 110
contractualism 95, 97–100, 105–8, 110
discrimination principle, explanations 94–100
individualism 95, 98–101, 104, 110
targeted killing in the light of the three models 100–9
terrorism and guerilla warfare 91–4
JWT see just war theory
Kant, I. 108, 124–5, 192, 439, 446, 453, 455
kidnappings 444–5
Kilcullen, D. 254, 327, 334, 345, 377
known terrorists 1, 5–7, 21, 25, 417, 422, 424
Koh, H. 38, 157, 225–6, 233, 235, 244, 249, 304, 363
law enforcement 135–7, 141–3, 145–7, 155, 181, 248, 253–6
model 1, 5–9, 14–15, 160–2, 255, 415–17, 424
paradigm 33, 36–8, 44–6, 48, 58, 78, 142
lawful combatants 47, 195–6, 198–9, 213, 255
lawfulness 66, 159, 305, 310, 320, 403
lawful targets 185, 199, 209, 215, 217, 219
law of war 32–4, 38–9, 45–8, 55, 58–60, 176, 339–41
against terrorists, legal and moral foundations 357–63
development 39–40
laws of war 15–16, 116–17, 126–8, 194–5, 197–8, 285–6, 411–13
acts in compliance with 215–17
historical development 194–8
leaders 101–2, 105, 118–19, 334–5, 345, 407–8, 414
political 22, 34, 105, 107–8, 145, 154, 413–14
legal advisors 20, 38, 49, 82, 305, 307, 316–18
legal authority 52, 219, 230–1, 234
legality 1, 11, 196–7, 231–2, 305, 324, 346–7
legal norms 12–14, 36, 113, 119, 123, 130, 142
legal permissions 9, 17, 141–2, 150–1, 153, 155, 431
legitimacy 159, 166, 169, 177–8, 182, 370, 479
of naming targets 166–72
of targeted killing 94, 100–1, 104, 109, 182, 372, 405
legitimate military objectives 165, 347–73, 459
legitimate self-defense 16, 99, 108
legitimate targets 33, 103, 105, 107, 307–8, 313, 323
lethal attacks 10–11, 15, 103, 105, 412
liability 15, 97–8, 113, 137–41, 143, 238–9, 469
complicity 76
mode of 76–7
liberal democracies 12, 219, 404, 406, 415, 417, 432–3
liberal governments 403–5, 408–10, 412, 427, 430–2
liberal principles 24, 417, 423, 429
liberal states 5–6, 24, 405, 415–17, 419, 421–8, 433
liberties, civil 61–2, 85–6, 88, 321, 372
Libya 66, 111, 167–8, 368, 385–6, 392, 413
National Transition Council (NTC) 166, 368
Lieber Code 71, 194, 196–7, 205, 411, 422
life saving 405–7
linking principles 10, 61, 63, 65–81, 85, 89
McMahan, J. 13–15, 17–18, 22, 95–7, 99, 101–2, 110–11, 116–17, 123–4, 128, 135, 139–40, 144, 151–2, 168, 175–6, 187–90, 192–5, 198, 200, 202–3, 205, 210, 254–6, 290, 292, 297, 406, 410, 412, 435, 467
McNeal, G.S. 21, 124, 254, 307, 383, 386
manned aircraft 380–2, 385, 463
material support 69, 77–8, 225
Maxwell. M. 8–9, 11–13, 15–16, 18, 193, 212, 256
Mayer, J. 303, 334–6, 338, 376, 437, 451
media reports 333–4
Melzer, N. 5, 33, 39, 43, 49, 52–4, 70, 73–4, 81–4, 86, 224, 231–2, 241–2, 248, 351, 415, 467
membership 10–11, 50, 52–8, 61–2, 72–4, 78–89, 100
functional see functional membership
rethinking of 79–82
methodology 61, 305, 309, 317, 329, 372, 384
militants 72, 110, 158, 223, 247, 327, 366–8
suspected 337–8
military advantage 107, 195–6, 206, 215, 314, 331
military attacks 63, 75, 83–4, 92
military commanders 118, 145, 305–6, 350
military commissions 46–8, 85, 427
military functions 9, 55–9, 143
military headquarters 145, 412
military necessity 47, 83, 167, 194–6, 348, 393, 396
military operations 43, 86, 344, 350–1, 380, 388, 391
military organizations 50, 72–4, 78, 80, 82–3, 89, 144–5
military personnel 143, 160, 178, 204, 212, 217, 341–2
military targets 86, 92–4, 100, 109, 152, 154, 230
militias 16, 63, 186, 211, 214
missiles 93, 103, 172–3, 335–6, 368, 376, 380–1
drone-fired 22, 223–5, 362, 367
modern warfare 101, 174, 363, 370
realities of 162–6
money 8, 23, 26, 69, 194, 395–6, 473–4
Montague, P. 19–20, 136, 253, 257, 457
Moore, M. 22, 25, 27, 309, 312, 469, 476
moral codes 27, 188, 197–8, 202, 286
moral culpability 288, 408–9, 419
moral dilemmas 158, 416, 421, 423, 436–40, 442, 447
moral equality
of combatants 176, 187, 200, 410
moral guilt 408
morality 16–17, 95–7, 108, 137–41, 160–1, 186–7, 189, 438–42 see also ethics
of combat see combat morality
deep 96, 101–2, 105, 110, 123, 125
desirability of finding objective answers 441–2
of hard choices 434–66
natural 108–9
ordinary 15–17, 160, 176, 186, 286, 291, 298–9
personal 175–6
positive 126–7
possibility of finding objective answers 438–41
and self-defense 311–15
of targeted killing 1, 24, 291, 403, 421, 432, 442
of war 17, 95, 177, 186, 286, 291, 410–11
moral justifications 92, 125, 137, 151, 165, 176, 361
moral norms 27, 129, 190, 202, 286, 444
moral obligations 106, 187, 202, 364, 405, 447
moral permissibility 11, 22, 24, 135, 288, 292–3, 297
moral permissions 6, 11, 99, 141, 416, 466
moral principles 11, 16–17, 19, 24, 27, 189–90, 305–6
moral questions 136, 397–8, 434–5, 441–2, 457–8
moral relativism 398
moral responsibility 96–101, 105, 116, 137, 185–7, 190, 297
moral rules 190, 404, 467, 472
moral status 24, 95, 101, 165, 175, 285–6, 371
moral theory 1, 115, 267, 309, 435, 441, 450
murders 7, 125–7, 129–31, 139, 199–200, 254–6, 406–7
National Command Authority 331–2, 355
national liberation movements 106–7
national security 35, 61, 92, 171–2, 178, 318, 391–2
national security interests 178, 392, 396
national self-defense 172, 284, 287, 291–2
nation-states 71, 74, 107, 308, 312, 318, 325
natural morality 108–9
Navy Seals 1, 22, 148, 185, 345, 355–6, 363
NCV (noncombatant casualty value) 330, 332
necessity 25, 191–2, 247–8, 263–4, 266, 468–9, 474
immediate 320–1
justifications 137–8
military 47, 83, 167, 194–6, 348, 393, 396
neighbors 191, 204, 406–7, 464
Neptune Spear see Operation Neptune Spear
neutrality 70–2, 80, 116, 219, 435
and co-belligerency 70–2
neutral principles 112–31
murder and moral opportunism 129–30
neutrality of jus in bello 116–17
and non-neutral principles 113–15, 123–8
prevention of abuses 120–3
Wechsler, H 113–15
neutral states 206–7, 215, 217
New America Foundation 334–5, 366, 383–4
Nicaragua 74–5, 229, 237–8, 244
noncombatant casualties 327, 330–1
noncombatant casualty value (NCV) 330, 332
noncombatants 32, 44, 73, 96–100, 144, 208, 462–3
immunity 154–5
non-international armed conflicts 40–6, 49–50, 52–3, 56, 64, 230–4, 241
non-lethal alternatives, lack of 405, 409–10, 415
non-moral guilt 436
non-neutral principles 113–15, 123–8
non-state actor group 214, 216
non-state actors (NSAs) 60–5, 214–16, 224, 229, 234–42, 250–3, 312–13
actions of 239–41
non-state entities 17, 238, 240–1
non-state groups 2, 4, 80, 86, 92
non-state organizations 1, 16–17, 79, 83, 186, 215
non-State parties 49–50, 56, 82–3, 107
non-state terrorist organizations 50, 62
normativity 127–8
norms 9–10, 12–13, 112–13, 115–16, 118, 123–31, 444–6
deontological 180, 449–50, 453–6, 463
international humanitarian law 64, 87–8, 363
legal 12–14, 36, 113, 119, 123, 130, 142
moral 27, 129, 190, 202, 286, 444, 446
novel warfare, new approach to combat 54–5
NSAs see non-state actors
nuclear weapons 39, 151, 197, 232, 252, 454, 466
nullification of declarations of war 216–17
Obama Administration 22, 143, 148–9, 156–9, 306, 352–3, 364
objective manifestations 269–70
objective probability 139, 141
obligations 24, 181–2, 313, 362–3, 446–7, 449–50, 453–5
deontological 448–50, 453–5, 464
moral 106, 187, 202, 364, 405, 447
occupied territories 1, 44, 53
O’Connell, M.E. 21, 60, 62, 64, 158, 165, 224, 234, 254, 303, 333–45
OEF (Operation Enduring Freedom) 350
Ohlin, J.D. 9–11, 18, 193, 212, 242, 244, 254–5, 264, 267–71, 281–2, 415
omissions 448–50, 453–5, 464–5
one-step view of causation 68, 70
on-the-ground intelligence 334–5, 338, 343, 386
operational counterterrorism 307, 309, 311, 313, 325
operational law 341–2
operational planners 357–8
Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) 350
Operation Neptune Spear 22, 150, 155, 161, 165, 347–73, 403
legal and moral foundations of law of war against terrorists 357–63
polarizing paradigm of 366–73
politics and military necessity behind 348–56
resolution of moral doubts about targeted killing 363–6
operations 229–30, 236–40, 249–52, 322–5, 329–33, 347–8, 355–61
conventional 384–5
counterinsurgency 330–3, 382, 386
counterterrorism 307, 314, 318, 348, 367, 384
drone see drones
military 43, 86, 344, 350–1, 380, 388, 391
pre-planned 328–31
special 353, 355, 358, 367, 370, 379, 384–5
targeted killing 157, 163, 310, 331–2, 346–7, 357–9, 369
operators 22, 311, 335–7, 341, 355, 376, 380
opportunism, moral 113, 129–30
orders 11–13, 24–6, 107–9, 139, 184, 200–2, 359–60
illegal/unlawful 319
superior 200–1
taking 85–6
ordinary criminals 5, 14, 155, 255
ordinary morality 15–17, 160, 176, 186, 286, 291, 298–9
ordinary moral principles 19, 285–6, 299
organizational hierarchy 74, 86
organizations 10–11, 38, 63–5, 81–2, 93–4, 100–2, 108–9
military 50, 72–4, 78, 80, 82–3, 89, 144–5
non-state 1, 16–17, 79, 186, 215
terrorist 7–10, 14–15, 63–5, 73–5, 86–9, 107–11, 240–1
organized armed groups 33, 39, 41, 49–59, 63, 83–5, 87
definition 56
redefinition of members 55–8
other-defense 15, 19–20, 95, 136, 147, 178, 287–8
over-inclusiveness 264–5, 274–5
Pakistan 233–4, 245–7, 332–5, 343–5, 350–5, 361, 368–70
Abbottabad 118, 183, 185–6, 213, 353, 361, 428–9
and Afghanistan 21, 334, 374, 382, 385–6
government 22, 148, 234, 343–4, 350, 352, 386
Pakistani Taliban 245, 327, 368
Panetta, Leon 171, 352–3, 355, 383
participation 48, 63, 67, 77, 97, 101, 210
direct 43, 49–54, 56, 58, 61, 65–70, 81–3
peace 13, 125, 227, 341–2, 415–17, 421, 433
peacetime 36, 38, 154, 189, 411–13, 423–8, 432–3
setting 24, 419–22, 425–6, 429, 431
targeted killing in 405–10
permanent members 204, 216–17, 219
permissibility 8, 13, 60, 68, 152, 290–1, 410–11
conditions 430–2
moral 11, 22, 24, 288, 292–3, 297, 435
of targeted killing 15, 19, 150, 152, 284, 286, 294
permissible defensive homicides 288, 290, 292–4, 298
permissible targeted killing 357–8
permissions 24, 95, 105, 153–4, 182–3, 449, 463–5
legal 9, 17, 141–2, 150–1, 153, 155, 431
moral 6, 11, 99, 141, 416, 466
strong 24, 447, 449–50, 454–9, 463
personal morality 175–6
personnel 5, 23, 52, 93, 376, 380, 391–2
military 160, 178, 204, 212, 217, 341–2, 358
pilots 160, 214, 336–8, 341, 380, 387, 437
planned attacks 243, 311, 322, 427
operational 357–8
planning 12–13, 52–4, 75, 83–5, 140–1, 320, 430–2
poisoners 124–5
police 5, 15, 37, 84, 120–1, 147–8, 196
political assassinations 34–5, 135, 288
political communities 291–2, 299
political independence 8, 17, 63, 224, 228, 236, 361
political leaders 22, 34, 105, 107–8, 145, 394, 413–14
political opponents 14, 150, 153
political philosophies 113, 435, 459
political violence 288, 364, 417
politicians 96, 105, 109, 113, 129–30, 149, 210
positive morality 126–7
potential victims 93, 101, 108, 137, 139, 242, 298
powers 118, 121, 186, 190, 199, 211–14, 216–19
of the sovereign 203
precision 22–3, 32, 39–40, 59, 327–8, 386–8, 399
Predator drones 117, 143, 254, 256, 335–6, 350–1, 385–6
preemptive action 156–82, 243, 254, 289, 411, 475
belligerency, law-enforcement, and self-defense 174–8
legitimacy of naming targets 166–72
preemptive killing in war 178–82
realities of modern warfare 162–6
use of drones to kill 172–4
preemptive killing 15, 162, 178, 181–2
preemptive other-defense 289, 296
preemptive self-defense 244, 304–5, 315
preventative self-defense 229, 243–4
prevention 137, 147, 162, 179–80, 182, 416
preventive killing 136, 162, 181
principled evildoers 418–19
prisoners 142–3, 158–9, 189, 200, 208, 365, 467–8
of war 47, 64, 73, 142–3, 158–9, 184, 365
privileged belligerency 16, 184–6, 198–200, 204, 208, 211–14, 217
privileged belligerents 16, 184–5, 194, 215
probability, objective 139, 141
proof 42, 52, 88, 147, 191, 196, 209
property 172–3, 190–1, 206, 212, 297, 329, 384
proportionality 41–5, 47, 152–3, 195–6, 247–8, 312–14, 329–31
calculus 388 jus in bello 388, 396
protected status 34, 53, 65–6, 69, 81, 89, 188
protection of civilians 40, 54, 56, 59, 319
proxies 18–19, 62, 87, 193, 262–4, 266–9, 284
public international law 60, 62, 65, 71, 73–4, 76
public purposes 254, 404–5, 407
punishment 61, 135–6, 146, 152–3, 179–80, 198–200, 459
Qaddafi, Muammar 151, 166–8, 368, 385, 392, 413–14
reciprocal risk of killing 60, 65, 80, 305
Red Cross, ICRC see International Committee of the Red Cross
regular armed forces 2, 86, 214, 313
relativism, moral 398
reliability 310–11, 317, 322, 325–6, 328, 334, 346
reliable information 91, 285, 332
reliance 62, 157, 202, 224, 247, 335, 386
remotely piloted aircraft see drones
resistance 34, 147, 150, 270, 425, 429, 471
responsibilities 96–7, 101–2, 140, 189–90, 192–3, 211–13, 339–40
affirmative 211–12
moral 96–101, 105, 116, 137, 185–7, 190, 297
state 36, 75, 212, 219, 238–9, 252
retribution 135–6, 146, 180, 414
retributive punishment 180, 458, 463–4
revolving door problem 82, 88–9
right of self-defense, v. right to effective
self-defense 261–2
right to effective self-defense 18, 259–62, 276, 284
risks 14–15, 55, 136, 147–50, 170–1, 387–94, 463
statistical 170–1
Rodin, D. 93, 139, 255, 263–4, 431
ROE see rules of engagement
Rollins, J. 245, 349, 351–2, 373
rule-consequentialism 460
rules of engagement (ROE) 31, 97–8, 119, 307, 316, 330–2, 365–6
safeguards 121, 136, 147, 149–50, 202, 219, 473
Sandroni, A. 471–2
Schmitt, E. 42, 70–1, 83–5, 234–5, 240, 243
SD see self-defenders
SEALs 1, 22, 148, 185, 345, 355–6, 363
Second World War 143, 145, 193, 214, 228, 253, 336
secrecy 21–2, 121, 125, 355, 433
Secretary of Defense 21, 118, 329–32, 355
security 124, 126, 130, 151, 163, 207, 372–3
national 35, 61, 92, 171–2, 178, 318, 391–2
Security Council 17, 204, 207, 213, 216–17, 219, 239
self-declared consent 80
self-declared membership 81, 87
self-defenders 168, 176, 259–62, 266, 268–83
self-defense 17–19, 120–2, 174–9, 206–7, 255–69, 275–6, 289–92, 309–15
against terrorists 312–13
claims 168, 232–3, 247, 266, 471
doctrine 62, 224–5, 233, 235, 240, 243–4, 248
effective 18, 259–62, 276, 281, 284
individual 11, 63, 66, 95, 153, 428, 431
and jus ad bellum 223–52
justification 210, 229, 232–48, 272
justified 255–6, 262, 268, 270, 273, 275, 277
law of 176, 257–62, 275–6, 473
and morality 311–15
strategic use of 467–80
self-protection 25, 180, 227, 268, 459
Shehada, Salah 464
signals 73, 261, 267–9, 271, 338
evidentiary 263–4
skewed consequentialism 455, 462–3
societal defense 136, 146, 297
societies 11–12, 16, 146, 315, 372–3, 422–3, 438
enemies of 129–30
SOF see special operations, forces
soldiers 32, 54–5, 96–8, 187–9, 198–202, 316–19, 393–4
enemy 16, 65, 73, 103, 175, 188, 411–12
Solis, G. 160, 164, 194–6, 205, 211, 223, 230
Somalia 223, 225, 233, 235, 245–7, 370, 420
source analysis 322–4
sovereigns 193–4, 197, 199, 203, 210, 212
sovereign states 17, 229, 236, 249, 254
sovereignty 71–2, 93, 95, 167, 213, 219, 343–4
special morality of war 17, 20, 286, 298–9
special operations 353, 355, 358, 367, 370, 379, 384–5
forces 163, 185, 351, 355, 357–8, 373, 379
state actors 36, 84, 164, 262, 392
state military organizations 74, 86
state of war 20, 24, 142, 145, 167, 189, 341
state responsibility 36, 75, 212, 219, 238–9, 252
state sovereignty see sovereignty
statistical identification 170
statistical risks 170–1
statistical v. identified targets 166
statistics 157, 326, 328, 346, 367
Statman, D. 7, 11–13, 15, 212, 412–13, 416, 422
status 10–11, 14–15, 32–4, 41, 48–51, 53–6, 78–80
combatant 14, 142–4, 161, 211, 213
vs. conduct 85–9
legal 9, 90, 136, 144, 347, 442
moral 24, 95, 101, 165, 175, 285–6, 371
protected 34, 53, 65–6, 69, 81, 89, 188
status quo 35, 58, 156, 203–4, 210, 218
status rules vs. conduct rules 85–9
drone 21–2, 60, 244–6, 306, 326–8, 339, 343–6
strong permissions 24, 447, 449–50, 454–9, 463
subjects of international law 33, 229, 240, 312
substantial involvement 237–40, 246
substantive criminal law 192–3
substantive objections 124, 126
substantive principles 268–70
subversion 372–3
‘for such time’ requirement 42, 57, 81–2, 89
suicide bombers 25, 84, 285–6, 291, 296, 321, 465
superior authorities 31–2, 365
superior orders 200–1
supplies 207, 236, 238, 254, 259, 271, 449
surrender 143, 165, 172, 182, 347, 363, 425
suspected militants 337–8
suspected terrorists 7, 14, 91, 135–6, 142–3, 156–9, 253–4
targeted killing of 16, 143, 163
Taliban 22, 38, 233, 350, 375, 381–2, 384
members 420–1
tanks 67, 108, 215, 287, 289–90, 385, 422
targeted individuals 15, 79, 161, 223, 248
targeted killing see also Introductory Note
claims about process 327–42
in conventional war 410–15
criteria-based reasoning in 303–25
definition 5
general objections to 430–3
epistemic objection 430–1
objection from virtue 431–2
weight 432–3
history of 34–6
justified 155, 161, 178, 253–84, 320, 427, 457–8
legitimacy of 94, 100–1, 104, 109, 182, 372, 405
morality of 1, 24, 291, 403, 421, 432, 442
operations 157, 163, 310, 331–2, 346–7, 357–9, 369
in peacetime 405–10
philosophical analysis 403–33
policy 15, 32–3, 37, 135–6, 303–5, 310–11, 325–6
claims about 342–6
justifications for 225–6
potential impact on international law 248–52
resolution of moral doubts about 363–6
of terrorists 12–14, 16, 154–5, 255–7, 404–5, 409–10, 415–28
peacetime 419–23
wartime 419–22
targeted terrorists 15, 43, 225, 423, 464
targeting of civilians 6, 13, 83, 93, 315, 418, 422
of co-belligerents 60–89
linking principles 65–78
comparative evaluation 78–89
targeting of co-belligerents, linking problem 62–5
targets civilian 40, 93, 109, 195
lawful 185, 199, 209, 215, 217, 219
legitimate 33, 103, 105, 107, 307–8, 313, 323
military 92–4, 100, 109, 152, 154, 230
technologies 2, 22–3, 335–6, 383, 385–6, 388–9, 391–2
drone 22, 165, 172, 178, 384, 386–8, 390
temporal components 256, 275–6, 278, 280
territorial integrity 63, 95, 224, 228, 236, 361
terrorism 1–7, 11–14, 32–7, 140–1, 144–5, 363–6, 415–19
international 33, 38, 56, 224, 244, 252, 360
sui generis standard for 423–8
terrorist activities/acts 3–4, 138, 140, 147, 149, 239–40, 255
terrorist atrocities 91, 115, 117, 123
terrorist attacks 81–2, 91–3, 138, 140, 241–3, 246, 320–3
terrorist groups 9, 17, 19, 23, 80, 110, 239–40
terrorist organizations 7–10, 14–15, 63–5, 73–5, 86–9, 107–11, 240–1
terrorist plots 313, 324, 349, 352, 428, 430
terrorists 8–16, 32–4, 77–83, 138–47, 255–7, 289–93, 415–31
definition 417–19
individual 65, 72, 74, 76–7, 82, 252
known 1, 5–7, 21, 25, 417, 422, 424
suspected 7, 14, 91, 135–6, 142–3, 156–9, 253–4
targeted 15, 43, 225, 423, 464
targeted killing of 12–14, 19, 27, 154–5, 255–7, 404–5, 409–10
terrorist threats 3, 8, 10–12, 416, 420–1, 424–5, 427–30
theater of operations 413, 421
third parties 73, 87, 177, 289–91, 296, 428
third-party states 71–2
Third Reich 414–15
Thomson, J.J. 271, 287, 289–90, 292, 297, 408, 464, 475–6
‘thou shalt not kill’ 127, 445–6, 449
threatened harms 191–2, 199, 209, 257, 424, 428, 451
threats 36–40, 62–3, 99–102, 138–41, 181–2, 319–21, 424–8
immediate 7, 67, 83, 146–7, 178–9, 192, 227
imminent 6–7, 174, 256, 262–3, 265–6, 271–84, 320–1
terrorist 3, 8, 10–12, 416, 420–1, 424–5, 427–30
unjust 95–6, 98–101, 106–7, 116, 408, 414, 431
of wrongful harm 137, 140, 149
threats of serious harm, imminent 285–6
threshold deontology 454–6, 462, 466
thresholds 54, 97, 228, 252, 410, 454–6, 466
torture 98, 122, 151, 154, 159, 436–7, 473
tracks 26, 40, 125, 353, 357, 452, 475–7
traditional combatants 46–7, 66, 79–80
traditional laws of war 162, 179–80
training 37, 55, 68, 83, 128, 317, 339–42
war 340–2
transnational terrorism 33, 38, 56, 224, 244, 252, 360
trials 43, 47, 61, 68, 148–50, 152–3, 156–7
trolley problem 26, 452, 475–7
UAVs see drones
unfettered discretion 306, 311, 317, 325
Uniacke, S. 287, 290, 292, 297
uniformed military 16, 184–5, 198, 211, 379
uniforms 2, 9–10, 32, 47, 73–4, 78, 89
United Kingdom 43, 118, 239, 420, 434
United Nations 193, 206, 224, 241, 254
Charter 32, 60, 62, 186, 215, 224, 236–7, 240
Security Council 17, 204, 207, 213, 216–17, 219, 239
United States 32–9, 62–5, 74–7, 166–8, 223–6, 245–50, 337–43
Air Force 68, 336, 339–40, 353, 380
Central Command see CENTCOM
homeland security 327, 372–3, 420
Navy SEALs 1, 22, 148, 185, 345, 355–6, 363
Operation Neptune Spear 22, 150, 155, 161, 165, 292, 347–73, 403
and Pakistan 343–4
Secretary of Defense 21, 118, 329–32, 355
unjust cause 116, 187–9, 411–14, 418–20, 424–5
unjust enemies 412, 414, 418, 423
unjust enemy combatants 411–12, 414
unjustified homicide 192–3
unjust immediate threats 287–8
unjust threats 95–6, 98–101, 106–7, 116, 408, 414, 431
unjust wars 67, 101, 108, 175, 187–9, 412, 414
unlawful aggression 256, 258, 260–1, 271, 277
unlawful aggressors 199, 258, 260, 266, 274, 284
unlawful combatants 34, 42, 46–9, 143, 159–60, 164, 421–2
unlawful orders 319
unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) see drones
unprivileged belligerents 6, 48
utilitarianism 128, 439, 443, 460, 473, 477
victims 254–6, 259–61, 269–70, 287, 289–91, 407–13, 470–1
of aggression 259–60
intended 20, 136, 139, 147, 257, 298, 457
potential 93, 101, 108, 137, 139, 242, 298
victory 71, 175, 194, 196, 210, 219, 353
violence 2–3, 54, 190–7, 201–3, 208–9, 376–7, 380–2
violence of war 13, 154, 206–7
Waldron, J. 12–14, 18, 87, 91, 98, 111, 154–5, 252, 432, 435
Walzer, M. 67, 116, 125, 161, 175, 189–90, 203, 244, 256, 285, 393, 396, 404, 410
war 93–7, 142–6, 154–69, 174–219, 392–9, 403–8, 410–18
authorized by UN or in self-defense 206–7
convention 97, 106, 154–5, 393–4, 413
conventional 15, 105, 404, 410, 420, 422–3, 426–7
crimes 69, 169, 189, 313, 362, 383
and criminal prosecutions 208–10
declaration 205–6
declarations of see formal declarations of war
defensive 227–30, 248, 292, 408, 428
distinction between combatants and noncombatants 208
geographical containment 207
just see just war
law of see law of war
laws of see laws of war
model see armed-conflict model
moral blurring of delineation 187–205
state of 20, 24, 142, 145, 167, 189, 341
on terror 34, 63, 75–6, 85, 142, 144, 146
unique nature of 188–200
unjust 67, 101, 108, 175, 187–9, 412, 414
warfare 23, 49, 60, 90, 95–9, 102, 104
asymmetric(al) 12, 62, 181, 185, 210–11
drone 107, 111, 172, 374–6, 378–9, 382, 384–7
modern 101, 162, 165, 174, 363, 370
Warren, Earl 441–2
warring states 206–7
warriors 31, 376, 408, 411, 414, 425–6
wars, asymmetrical 7, 215, 299, 404
wartime 17, 131, 189, 403–5, 410–13, 431
weak permissions 449–50, 454–6, 463–5
weapons 42–3, 66–7, 69–70, 73, 139, 187–8, 429–30
nuclear 39, 151, 197, 232, 252, 454, 466
systems 23, 67, 330, 380–1, 383, 385–6, 389
Wechsler, H 113–15
wrongful harms 4, 24, 137, 154
wrongfulness requirements 281–3
wrongful parties 282–3
Yemen 35, 46–7, 223–5, 233–5, 245–8, 367–8, 370
Zeno 258–9