
References to illustrations are in bold

Aertsen, Pieter 208

Agricola, Rudolph 7

Album amicorum, see Ortelius, Abraham


Emblemata 21, 36, 86, 87, 115, 211

allegory 113, 134

Anabaptists 8, 92n17, 190, 196

ancient inheritance 6

customs, survival of 56-8, 62, 68, 75

influence of 3, 53, 56, 66, 75, 88, 149

misuse of 90, 159

social distinctions, for 81

source of innovation 6

anger, see madness

Anthonisz, Cornelis 193-4, 194

anti-Catholic satire 161

anti-mythic tradition 18, 211

Antwerp, city of 3, 76-7, 134

artists guild 17

building boom 194-5

Chambers of Rhetoric 163

civic symbols 26

Giant 26,127

international center 17

map of 17

Ommegang 126,153,195

religious troubles 107, 125-6, 135n7, 143, 159, 176-7, 196-7, 199-200

schools 7, 74, 77

Apelles 153

Aristophanes 29, 33

Athenaeus 81

audience 3-5

art, fashions in 178,182-4

individual response 4

medical interests 38-40

response to proverbs 21

shared values 3

spectator, role of 165,198

viewing conditions 27, 61

avarice 112, 131-4, 155, 163; see also prodigality

Bainton, Roland 122

baptism 88-9

begging 190

Bernard of Morval 6

Bible 28, 81, 113, 116, 125, 149, 161, 177, 184

Borcht, Pieter van der 55

Bosch, Hieronymus 18, 31, 59, 109, 134, 178, 193

Haywain 147-50, 150, 159, 161, 175

Brant, Sebastian

Ship of Fools (Narrenschiff) 7, 33, 41-2, 42, 81, 82, 83, 118, 120, 134, 151-2, 152, 195

Brandt, Gerard 62, 68, 107, 125, 157, 162, 187

Bruegel, Pieter the Elder, art and career

adventurous patrons 5, 18, 43, 59

agenda in art 182

- criticism of 184

attributions, problem of 206

Brussels, move to 175-6, 199

Floris, compared with 178-84

known patrons 5

landscape interest 103

medical interests 4fl

"minoris picturae" 208

patronage 5, 207

receptive audience 134

reputation 182

- posthumous 2, 182

second Bosch, as 18, 103, 124, 149, 156, 175, 182

shift in medium 17-18

shift in subject 18, 175

strengths as artist 193, 218

technical interests 195

timeliness of his art 8, 108, 210

Bruegel, Pieter the Elder, drawings and prints by

Artist and Connoisseur 216, 217

Big Fish Eat the Little Fish 26, 31-32, 32

Descent into Limbo 124-5, 136nl4

Elck 47-8n6, 70, 108

Fair at Hoboken 54, 56

Fair on St. George's Day 54-8, 55

Large Landscapes 106

Last Judgment 147

Peddler Robbed by Monkeys 128-9, 129

Rabbit Hunt 102, 103-8

Seven Deadly Sins, The 19, 28, 31, 110, 112-14, 116, 156, 163

- Ira (Anger) 110-11, 111

Seven Virtues, The 40, 113, 116, 156, 163

- Fides (Faith) 60, 61, 63

- Spes (Hope) 63-4, 65

Stone of Folly 119

Thin Kitchen/Fat Kitchen 188, 189

Warship with Icarus and Daedalus in the Sky 210

Bruegel, Pieter the Elder, paintings by

Bay of Naples 17

Carnival and Lent 58-70, P1. III

- couple and fool 68, 69, 70 - pig and well 67

Children's Games 70-91, P1. IV

- aggression 83 - mutual help 83-7

Christ and the Woman Taken in Adultery 123, 198, 200

Dulle Griet 8, 9n5, llnl6, 108-28, 131-4, 136nl8, 148, 166, 178, 202n22, P1. V

- big foot 113

- frying pan 112-13

- Ira, use of 110

- preparatory drawing 109, 112-13, 136nl4, P1. VI

- scraping pot 122-3, 123

- Two Monkeys, relation to 131-3, 132

- veil 112

Fall of Icarus 208, 209, 201-17

- body in woods 209, 215

- poets response to 216, 221n43

- plowman 21415

Fall of the Rebel Angels, The 177-83, 179

Flight into Egypt 187, 188

Magpie on the Gallows 1, 175, 208

Misanthrope 1, 175

Netherlandish Proverbs 15-43, P1. I - fisherman 34-6, 35 - ox to ass 34-6, 36 - woman and devil 38-9, 39

Suicide of Saul 184-6, 186

Small Tower of Babel 198, 199

Thin People Eating the Fat, The 165

Tower of Babel 191, 192-8, 192 - religious controversies, relation to 196-8

Triumph of Death, The 8-9,143-67,144

- barren landscape 157

- classical Fates 151

- colored sawdust 165

- dying ox 164

- hypocritical pilgrim 155

- lighted candle 166-7

- sparrow, frivolous 159-60, 160

- wagon with wheels 163-4, 164

- see also anti-Catholic satire; skeleton, animate

Two Monkeys 129-35, 142nl01 - Dulle Griet, relation to 131-4, 132

- Peddler Robbed by Monkeys, relation to 128, 130

Visit to the Farm 190

Bruegel, Pieter the Elder, picture-making techniques 1

ambiguity 43, 58

constraints 101; see also censorship; religious controversies

identifying headdresses 63 4

internal connections 8, 31, 32, 33, 90, 110

left/right divisions 61, 68, 116, 119, 131, 132

legibility 27, 54, 61

media experimentation 103

multiple figures 5

organization 27, 59-61, 71, 145

patron participation 35, 76, 157

preparatory drawings 34, 109, 171n63

reuse of own work 71, 76, 108

- landscape drawings 106-7

strategies for holding interest 70

technical challenges 103

use of color 27, 34

workshop 206

Bruegel, Pieter the Elder, signatures of 15, 18-19, 19, 54, 59, 70, 186, 103, 109, 129, 177, 184, 186, 191

flaring R19-21, 19-21

humanist style 19

significance of 18-19

Brueghel, Pieter the Younger 64, 168n2

Carnival and Lent 64

Netherlandish Proverbs 3-6, 38-9, P1. II

Triumph of Death, The 146, 145, 157-8, 158, 159, 164-5

Calvin, John 111, 197

Calvinists 4, 8, 68-9, 108, 190, 196

Carnival 62

allegorical figure of 62

combat with Lent 59

customs, ancient 62

Carroll, Margaret 58

Castellio, Sebastian 114,122-3,125,198

Castellionists 8

Catholics 8, 61, 92, 122, 197, 200

criticism from within church 43

Catullus, famous sparrow of 159

censorship 41, 43, 51nl09, 107, 128, 177

charity 66, 188-90


aggression of 83

ancient literature, in 81-3

behavior 81, 83-5, 87, 89

fools, metaphor for 81

interest in 72, 75-6

parental responsibility 81-3

prognosticators, as 87

Cicero 12, 37, 66, 111, 153

Cleve, Hendrick van 195-6, 196

Clovio, Giulio 17, 191

Cock, Hieronymus 5, 17, 54, 61, 63, 101, 106, 128

Coecke, Pieter 17, 44n2, 126-7, 175

collections, Renaissance 54

Coornhert, Dirck 5, 90, 122, 134, 207

conservation 127, 141n94

creative process, see methodology used

danse macabre 147,151

Davis, Natalie Zemon 24, 30


ancient satirists on 149-51

death and life contending 153

motivational strategy, as 151

perspective on life, as 149

Renaissance interest in 152-3

representations of 147

see also Erasmus, Desiderius

deceit 153

"de contemptu mundi" 6, 169nl6

tradition of 147, 149, 161,

De haereticis, see Castellio, Sebastian

descent into hell 124

doctors 3, 5, 38-40, 114

art, interest in 40

Duckwitz, Rebecca 34-5

Diirer, Albrecht 62, 159-60

education 24, 75; see also Antwerp, city of, schools; Erasmus, Desiderius

ABC book 77, 78

punishment 76, 92nl7

Ennius 66, 111, 153

Epictetus 6, 33, 155

Erasmus, Desiderius 27, 33, 39, 43, 58-9, 155, 167, 199

Adages 25, 28-31, 33, 35-8, 41-2, 69, 104-5, 105, 109, 113, 115, 121, 149, 162-4

amusements, Christian 167

ancient literature, use of 90

childishness 81

Colloquies 53, 57, 59, 89

criticism of Reformed sects 62

death 154

education 75-6

games, children's 77-8, 80

medicine 39, 49n91

"mediocriter literati" 3, 22

peasant customs 57

past, proper use of 90

Praise of Folly, The 6-7, 90

proverbs 24, 28

religion 65-6, 89, 198

religious persecution 157

madness 111, 116

money 134

Ertz, Klaus 33

Fall of the Rebel Angels, The, see Bruegel, Pieter the Elder, paintings by, Fall of the Rebel Angels, The; Floris, Frans, Fall of the Rebel Angels, The

fallen angels 113

Family of Love, see Niclaes, Henrik

Fates, classical 151

Fehl, Phillip 104

Fernel, Jean 39, 53

Floris, Frans 11, 103, 178-84, 181, 193, 207

Banquet of the Sea Gods 18, 178

Fall of the Rebel Angels, The 178, 180, 182-3, 183


children as 69, 81

Folly, allegorical figure of, 116, 118-19

fool on roof 116, 119

madness, related to 116

natural and artificial 116, 121

peasant as 81

see also Brant, Sebastian, Ship of Fools

Franck, Sebastian 22, 56, 68, 88, 124, 198

Freedberg, David 184

genre 7

Gibson, Walter 5, 109

Gillis, Peter 7

Giselinus, Victor 3, 26, 39-40, 210-11

Golden, Mark 79-80

Granvelle, Cardinal 5, 156, 160, 187-8, 195

Grauls, Jan 109

Gresham, Sir Thomas 41, 126, 156, 160

Grosshans, Rainald 21, 41-3

Guicciardini, L. 182

Halliday, William R. 79

Haywain, see Bosch, Hieronymus, Haywain

Heemskerck, Maarten van 40, 119, 122, 153-4, 154

Heyns, Pieter 5, 77-8, 97n97

Highet, Gilbert 194, 211

Hill, Jeanette 78, 97nl01

Hindmaii, Sandra 71-2, 82

Hippocrates 38-9

Hogenberg, Frans 26-9, 41, 31, 37, 59, 60, 61

Holbein the Younger, Hans 116, 120, 144, 152, 160, 193

Horace 6-7, 11-14, 28, 33, 66, 79, 111-16, 124, 131, 149, 214-16; see also satire

Ars poetica 4, 7, 207

on death 149, 151

"in medias res" 148

prosaic Muse 178

humanism 2-4, 10n9, 13n36, 207

source for change 207

humor 4, 7, llnl7; see also satire

Hutten, Ulrich von 39

hypocrisy 124

Iconoclasm 64

imitation 178, 201nl4

John of Salisbury 6, 165

Jonghelinck, Niclaes 5, 182

Joris, David 157

Junius, Hadrianus 26, 39-40, 75, 81, 159

Juvenal 6, 77, 81-2, 82, 149, 156, 165, 212-14, 216-17; see also satire

Kavaler, Matt 59, 61, 70

kitchen pots 24, 25, 121-2

Kunzle, David 21, 41

Landjuweel 178

landscape 2, 18, 44, 103-6

Latin literature 12n25

audience for 3

availability 3, llnl3

relation to vernacular 3, 47n59

transmission via proverbs, sermons 22

Lent, allegorical figure of 63

Libertines 8, 68, 92nl7

Lipius, Justus 56

Lueian 7, 13-14n40, 30, 79, 148-9, 151, 211; see also satire

Lucretius 215-16, 220-21n40

Lutherans 8, 68, 190

madness 110-16

active 114

anger as precursor of 110-11

Bacchic frenzy 115

causes of 112-13

concept of furor 110

disheveled state 113

facial expression of 114, 116, 117, 184-5, 185

folly, related to 116

Madness, allegorical figure of 110, 112-13

medical description 114

treatment for 38

Mander, Karel Van 2,109,114,127,181-2

Margaret of Parma 127,176-8

Marijnissen, R.H. 77, 109, 186

Marlier, George 33-4

Martial 7, 62, 159, 163, 211-12

Martyrdom of the Ten Thousand, see Dürer, Albrecht

matrimonial customs 88

Meadow, Mark 10, 21-2

Meckenem, Israel van 131, 133

Melion, Walter 2

methodology used 1-2

minor genres 18, 208

Moxey, Keith 151

Muller-Hofstede, Justus 2

Naogeorgus, Thomas 57-8

Niclaes, Henrik 68, 177

nobility 38, 162-3

Noiret, Jean 5

Noot, Jan vander 22, 113

"Ollas ostentare", see kitchen pots

Orley, Barent van 161-2

Ortelius, Abraham 2, 5, 33, 53, 68, 122, 128, 167, 198, 207

Album amicorum 2, 5, 19, 21, 26, 77, 97n97, 152, 177, 218nl

Ovid 6, 178, 210-11

Parshall, Peter 4

patrons 16

adventurous 5, 18, 43, 59, 61

Latin, understanding of 3

participation 3, 31, 38, 43

peasants 548

behavior 56

customs 55

good 190-91

Peletier, Jacques 7

Perrière, Guillaume de la 36, 37

Persius 6-7, 79, 88, 90-91, 113, 149; see also satire

Petrarchan triumph of death 147

Petronius 79, 165; see also satire

Philip II 126-7, 155-6, 176-8

Phillips, Margaret Mann 77

Plantin, Christopher 3, 5, 122, 176-7, 207

Plato 83

Plautus 29, 30, 33, 115

Pliny the Elder 6, 72, 73, 77, 145, 178, 186

Plutarch 80, 87

Pollox, Julius 79, 80

Polydore Vergil 13, 22, 43, 56, 62, 64-5, 77, 79, 88-9, 190

Proverbium libeuus 24, 53

De rerum inventoribus 53, 77, 88.190-91

Pope Innocent III 149; see also "de contemptu mundi"

power 35-7

prodigality 119, 131-3, 134, 181; see also avarice


collecting 26

history in north 21-2

interest in 24

misericords, on 22

Proverbia communia 24, 67

proverb tapestry 22

"relics of the past" 28

role of vernacular 31

sermons, in 22

universality 30

versatility 30

see also Erasmus, Desiderius; Franck, Sebastian; Polydore Vergil

Prudentius 122

Pulmannus, Theodore 3, 10

Rabelais, Frangoise 7, 39, 43, 75, 80, 153, 155, 167, 194, 213

Reformed 8, 57, 92nl7,190; see also Anabaptists; Calvinists; Lutherans

reformers 8, 65, 92nl7; see also Castellio, Sebastian; Erasmus, Desiderius; Franck, Sebastian; Libertines; Niclaes, Henrik; Schwenckfeld, Caspar

religious controversies

conventicles 68

defections from church 41

heresy 157

informers 107, 125

Renaissance, Italian 6

Renaissance, northern 9

St. Jerome 38, 149, 153, 155, 166

Sambucus, Johannes 79, 165

Sartorius, Johannes 24, 30, 41


defense by ancient satirists 212-14

definitions of 6-7, 89

humor in 4

informative 193-4

Menippean 7, 13

naming names 127

philosophy, as 167

twelfth century 6

see also anti-mythic tradition;

Horace; Juvenal; Lucian; Persius;

Petronius; Varro

Saturnalia 56

Schwenkfeld, Caspar 124

Seneca 6, 24, 28, 35, 62, 69, 81, 93, 111, 113-14, 151

Ship of Fools, see Brant, Sebastian, Ship of Fools

Shrovetide, old women's 119, 121

signatures, see Bruegel, Pieter the Elder signatures of

Silver, Larry 145

skeleton, animate 143, 147, 151, 152

spectators 55-6

Staatliche Museen Berlin Gemäldegalerie 15

Stoicism 198

ancient 198; see also Cicero; Epictetus; Seneca

Christian 56, 137, 155

stoic spectator 56, 165

value in troubled times 198

Stridbeck, C.G. 61, 63, 70, 83

Taylor, Archer 36

technology 197

Terence 28, 31, 37

"three living and three dead" 147

Tunnicius Antonius 24

Vaernewyck, Marc van 87, 195, 199-210

Varro 79-80, 115; see also satire

Veldrnan, I.M. 40

vernacular 2-3, 7, 21-2, 24, 26, 30-31

Verougstraete, Helene 145, 164

Vida, Girolamo 115

Vives, Juan Luis 24, 39, 66, 75-6, 80, 83

Vos, Martin de 56-7, 57

Waite, Gary 163

White, John 208, 218

Wittenwiler, H. 115

Wood, Christopher 19-20

word and image 3-4, 27