Accessing Scientific and Technical Information

In this chapter we introduce commands to access databases containing up-to-date information from many different fields such as: astronomy, chemistry, economy, genetics, geography, physics and many more. These commands can be part of Mathematica-based programs. In later chapters we will make extensive use of some them.

5.1 Computable Data: Doing Computations with Data from Different Fields

Mathematica has functions to access databases from many different fields such as:

Physics and Chemistry: ElementData, ChemicalData, IsotopeData, ParticleData ...

Earth Sciences: WeatherData, GeodesyData, GeoDistance ...

Astronomy: StarData , PlanetData ...

Life Sciences and Medicine: GenomeData, GenomeLookup, ProteinData ...

Economics and Finance: FinancialData, CountryData ...

Mathematics: FiniteGroupData, GraphData, KnotData, LatticeData, PolyhedronData ...

Linguistics: DictionaryLookup, WordData, ExampleData ...

Engineering: AircraftData, BridgeData, NuclearReactorData ...

People and History: PersonData, SocialMediaData, MovieData, Historical PeriodData ...

Geography: GeoGraphics, GeoListPlot ...

The number of fields covered by Mathematica keeps on growing with each new release of the program. The big advantage of these functions is that they import the data – internally known as computable data or collections – in a format that makes their manipulation easy. When using them, Mathematica will connect to a server at Wolfram Research which in turn will access a specialized server containing the relevant data. There are three different types of data collections: (i) Pre-computed: most of the mathematical data is precomputed in a Wolfram server: e.g., GraphData, KnotData, LatticeData, PolyhedronData; (ii) Aggregated from publicly available sources: e.g., AstronomicalData, CityData, CountryData, ChemicalData, ElementData, IsotopeData, ParticleData, WordData; Direct connection to web services-based provider: e.g., FinancialData, WeatherData. The execution time may vary depending on the speed of your Internet connection and that of the Wolfram Research server itself.

The following pages contain illustrations about the use of some the functions for computable data. The examples shown may be more difficult than the average ones included in this book. If that’s the case, you may want to use them as templates and make the necessary modifications to suit your needs. As usual, we strongly recommend seeking further information about the functions in the help files to find out more about all of their potential uses.

In general, computable data functions contain a list of properties related to the entity (Entity) to which they refer. Typing Function[“Properties”] will tell us all the available properties of Function. Alternatively, we can always go to the help page for the function.

System options specify parameters relevant to the internal operations of the program. If we make changes to those options, we should always reset the parameters as soon as we are done with our calculations to avoid potential problems.


5.2 Astronomy

The latest Mathematica version contains several computable functions for astronomical calculations as we will see in Chapter 8. Until Mathematica 9 the only available function was: AstronomicalData (still available) but since Mathematica 10 this function has been replaced by others containing new functionality: PlanetData , StarData ....

The curve describing the sun and the visible planets in the sky every day of the year always observed at the same location and time of the day is called analemma.

A solar analemma can be obtained with a camera and patience, taking pictures of the horizon every day or almost every day of the year from the same position, with the same exposure and at the same solar time. The result will be a composition similar to the one below. It shows an analemma taken by Jack Fishburn between 1998-1999 from Bell Laboratories in Murray Hill, New Jersey:

WikipediaData["Analemma", "ImageList"][[3]]


You can also make analemmas for other celestial objects such as Venus or Mercury.

With less patience and without having to wait for a year, we can simulate an analemma with Mathematica from our own computer.

5.3 Nuclear and Particle Physics

The IsotopeData and ParticleData functions deal with nuclear and particle physics applications. We will make extensive use of them in Chapter 9.

The output tells us that this isotope, whose complete symbol is I7853131, has an atomic mass of 130.09061 atomic mass units (amu), with a single type of radioactive decay, a beta decay, that disintegrates into Xenon–131 with a disintegration period of 6.9338 × 105 and that it doesn’t exist in natural form (0.).

5.4 Engineering

Mathematica has a group of functions to access data related to engineering structures.


5.5 Chemical and Physical Properties of Elements and Compounds

With ElementData and ChemicalData we can access a wide variety of information about chemical elements and compounds.

ElementData["element", "property"] displays the requested property information for a given element.

ChemicalData ["compound", "property"] shows the information specified in “property” for a given compound.

5.6 Genomics and Proteomics

The following examples refer to typical functions applicable to genetic and protein data related to humans.

5.7 Meteorology


With computable data we can have access to historical as well as real-time weather information: WeatherData, WeatherForecastData, AirTemperatureData, AirPressureData, WindSpeedData, WindDirectionData, WindVectorData.

5.8 Combining Data and Graphics

    Clear["Global` *"]

5.9 Geodata

   Clear["Global` *"]

There are many functions available for the computation of data related to the earth sciences.

To make the visualization of the information easier, we use GeoRegionValuePlot to represent the values on a map. We can use "MissingStyle"Color for those cases where there are no available data.

We can use CloudDeploy in combination with GeoGraphics to build a web application.

5.10 Some Recommendations

5.11 Additional Resources

To access the following resources, if they refer to the help files, write their locations in a notebook (e.g., guide/EarthSciencesDataAndComputation), select them and press <F1>. In the case of external links, copy the web addresses in a browser:

Working with data collections tutorial:


Astronomical Data: guide/AstronomicalComputationAndData

Earth Sciences: guide/EarthSciencesDataAndComputation

EngineeringData: guide/EngineeringData

Financial and Economic Data: guide/FinancialAndEconomicData

Geodesy: guide/Geodesy


Life Sciences and Medicine: guide/LifeSciencesAndMedicineDataAndComputation

Socioeconomic Data: guide/SocioeconomicAndDemographicData

Physics and Chemistry: guide/PhysicsAndChemistryDataAndComputation

Transportation Data: guide/TransportationData

WordData: ref/WordData