Nuclei and Radiations

Radioactivity is a natural phenomenon that allows us to peek into earth’s past and the history of humankind through radioactive dating. Its effects when absorbed by human beings can also be measured. We will refer to this and other topics related to nuclear physics in this chapter. For that purpose, we’ll use the Mathematica functions IsotopeData and ParticleData.

9.1 What Are Isotopes?

Matter consists of atoms that can be described in a simple way as a central part named the nucleus, containing neutrons and protons, surrounded by an electron cloud. Atomic elements have the same number of protons but the number of neutrons may change. Nuclei with the same number of protons, Z, and a different one for neutrons, N, are the isotopes of that element. Normally, an isotope is written as AX, where X is the symbol of the element and A is the mass number given by A = Z + N. For example: atmospheric carbon consists of 3 isotopes: Carbon–12 (or 12C) with 6 protons and 6 neutrons, Carbon–13 (or 13C) with 6 protons and 7 neutrons and Carbon–14 (or 14C) that has 6 protons and 8 neutrons. All isotopes of the same element possess the same chemical properties but different physical ones.

In nature there are 92 elements (we can also find traces of elements with Z > 92, such as plutonium, but these are artificial elements), with an average of 2 or 3 isotopes each, although there are some elements with only one stable isotope and others with as many as 8. Isotopes can be stable or unstable. Stable nuclei, the majority on earth, last “forever”, that is, they always keep the same number of neutrons and protons. Some theories predict the disintegration of protons, and therefore of any kind of atom, but they have not been proven yet. Furthermore, even if they could be validated, the disintegration speed would be so slow that for all practical purposes we could consider that stable nuclei have an almost eternal duration. Unstable nuclei (called radioisotopes) are those that over time (depending on the radioisotope the period can range from a fraction of a second to billions of years) are transmuted into other elements, called daughter isotopes. The new nucleus can in turn be stable or unstable. If it’s unstable, the process continues until the daughter isotope is a stable one.

The decay of a type of nucleus into another one usually happens due to the emission of particles α or β and radiation γ. In some radionuclides there are also emissions of neutrons and protons and even other types of reactions such as spontaneous fission (SF), common in some heavy nuclei. Fission is the division of a nucleus into two smaller ones, each one with approximately half the mass of the original.

Using “DecayModes” or “DecayModeSymbols” as properties we can get the type of decay for a certain isotope. One isotope can display more than one decay mode although normally one of them would be the most common one. Using “BranchingRatios” and “DecayEnergies” we can see, respectively, the probability associated to each decay mode and its energy measured in keV (kiloelectron-volt).

9.2 Decay Constants, Decay Periods and Half-Lives


The easiest case of radioactive decay is that of a radioactive isotope A that decays into a stable nucleus B, that is, A→B, where B is not radioactive. This process can be represented by a very basic compartmental model, such as the one shown in Figure 9.1 with x(t) representing the quantity of a certain radioactive isotope A present at time t in a sample and Λ being the decay constant, specific to each isotope. The quantity of atoms (measured in the most appropriate way: units, grams, becquerels, etc.) that decay per unit of time is proportional to the quantity in the sample at each moment, that is: λ x(t).


Figure 9.1     Radioactive decay of isotope A.

Let’s assume that at t = 0 the sample contains x0. This process can be mathematically modeled by a simple first-order differential equation:

dxdy=λx(t), with initial condition : x0 at t=0(9.1)


For a given radioisotope, activity A, the decay rate in 1 second (1 nuclear transformation = 1 Becquerel o Bq), can be obtained from the decay constant, λ (in s-1). The activity of nat atoms will be A = λ nat. Since what is known usually is the mass, m, we apply the conversion nat = m NA/ma, where NA is the Avogadro’s number and ma the atomic mass of the element expressed in the same units as m, normally in grams (g).

Iodine–131 example

Iodine–131 emissions from the Fukushima Daichi nuclear reactor due to the accident caused by the tsunami in March 2011, were estimated to be 1.5×1017Bq as of the end of April 2011 (http://www.nisa.meti.go.jp/english/files/en20110412-4.pdf). Given this information, let’s explore how much mass was emitted and how the emissions evolved over time.

Activity can be turned into mass using the formula A = λ nat = λ m NA/mam = maA/(λ NA).

9.3 Decay Chains


As we’ve seen, a radioactive isotope is like a father who keeps on having descendants until the offspring is a stable nucleus. Sometimes, the first descendant is stable right away, as with Iodine–131 → Xenon–131, but other isotopes, like Radium–226, shown at the end of this section, have more complicated decay chains. One of Radium–226’s daughter isotopes, Radon–222 (Rn222), is responsible for a large share of the natural radiation that people are exposed to. Each time we breathe, a portion of the air includes radon gas. The content of Rn222 changes substantially from one area to another. For example: granitic houses with poor ventilation usually have a high content level of radon. The reason is that granite contains Radium–226 that becomes radon gas when it disintegrates.

9.4 Application: Modeling the Evolution of a Chain of Isotopes over Time

A radioactive decay chain can be considered as a system of compartments in which the flow is one-directional, as shown in the figure below. This is an example of what is known in compartment modeling as a catenary model.

Graphics[{Circle[{0, 0}, 0.5], Text["1", {0, 0}, {0, 0}],
     Text["λ1, {1.75, .4}, {0, 0}], Arrow [{{0.5, 0}, {3, 0}}],
              Circle[{3.5, 0}, 0.5 ], Text["2", {3.5, 0}, {0, 0}],
     Circle[{7, 0}, T.5 ], Text["3", {7, 0}, {0, 0}],
     Arrow[{{4, 0}, {6.5, T}}], Text["λ2", {5.25, .4}, {0, 0}],
     {Dashed, Arrow[{{7.5, 0}, {10.5, 0}}]}, Text["λi", {9, .4}, {0, 0}]},
  AspectRatio → Automatic, Axes → None]


The first circle represents the first isotope in the chain, with a decay constant λ1, the second circle refers to the next isotope, with a decay constant λ2, and so on.

Let’s consider the case of a chain of 3 isotopes, with q1(t), q2(t) and q3(t) the quantities present of each one at time t, satisfying the following set of differential equations:

q1 '(t) = -λ1 q1 (t)

q2 '(t) = λ1 q1 (t) - λ2 q2 (t)

q3 '(t) = λ2 q2 (t) - λ3 q3 (t)

Following the same approach, the previous equation can be extended for n daughter isotopes:

qn(t)=b1Πj=1n1λjΣj=1neλjtΠp=1,pjn(λpλj),with initial conditions : q1(t)=b1,q2(0)=. ..=qn(0)=0(9.3)

This equation is known as Bateman’s equation, in honor of the mathematician who first published it.

9.5 Application: Dating the History of Humankind

The fact that radioactive isotopes decay following a well-known physics law even under extreme conditions, makes them the ideal candidates for dating different type of samples. The actual isotopes used for that purpose will depend, among other factors, on the estimated age of the object that we want to date. We are going to discuss two methods: Carbon-14 dating is suitable for organic samples less than 50,000 years old and the lead-lead method is used when dating rocks thousands or even millions of years old.

Radiocarbon Dating

The Carbon-14 dating method ( 14C) was discovered in 1947 by Willard Libby. It can be applied to samples that are no more than 50,000 years old. This method has become the most frequently used one for measuring the age of organic objects, especially archeological ones.

  • The table below displays the isotopic abundance (proportion of isotopes) of the different carbon isotopes and their half-lives (If “HalfLife”< 1 s is not shown). An isotopic abundance of 0 indicates that the isotope doesn’t exist in nature or is present only as traces. For example: the proportion of 14C is very small although, as we will see, it plays a crucial role in dating.

    vals = DeleteCases[Table[IsotopeData[#, prop],
            {prop, {"Symbol", "HalfLife", "IsotopeAbundance"}}] & /@
        IsotopeData["C" ], {a_, b_/;b < 1s , c_}];
     Grid[Prepend[vals, {"" , "Half-lives", "Isotope abundance"}] , Frame→All,
      Background→ {None, {{{LightBlue , White}}, { 1 → LightYellow}}} ] ]


    This method is based on the following principle: 98.9% of the carbon in the Earth’s atmosphere is Carbon–12, 1.1% Carbon–13, and the rest, 1.18 10-14 %, Carbon–14. This last isotope is the key to the method.

  • The command below returns the decay scheme of 14C. It decays into 14N with a beta emission (1 electron) and has a half-life period of 1.8 × 1011 s (approximately 5,700 years)

    c14 = IsotopeData["C14", #] & /@
      {"DaughterNuclides", "BranchingRatios", "DecayModes", "HalfLife"}


The nitrogen present in the atmosphere is subject to a continuous neutron bombardment from cosmic radiation. Some of these neutrons strike the nitrogen atoms with enough energy to transform them into 14C that will eventually decay into 14N.

If we assume that the cosmic radiation has not changed significantly during the last 50,000 years, the production rate of 14C atoms will be constant. Since the disintegration period of Carbon–14 is relatively short (approximately 5,700 years), the quantity of atoms that are produced will be similar to the ones that disintegrate, so the percentage of this isotope out of the total amount of carbon in the atmosphere will not have changed over the last millennia. Living organisms continuously absorb carbon when breathing or performing photosynthesis but when they die, this absorption stops. Two (Carbon–12 and Carbon–13) out of the three carbon isotopes are stable and will remain so; the other one, Carbon–14, will decay due to its radioactivity and its percentage of the total amount of carbon will get smaller. Measuring the content of 14C in an organic sample and comparing it with the total amount of carbon in the entire sample will allow us to know its age. In reality, the method is not that simple since the proportion of 14C in the atmosphere is not constant, but fluctuates with solar activity, introducing the need to make adjustments. Furthermore, we have to take into account 14C originated from non-organic sources, such as nuclear explosions, mainly during the fifties and beginning of the sixties in the 20th century.

The evolution of Carbon–14 can be inferred by measuring its content in the trunks of very old trees. Tree trunks consist of layers or rings, with each one corresponding to one year in the life of the tree. By counting the number of rings starting from the bark we can know the age of a tree. This dating technique is known as dendrochronology. Using this method, scientists have been able to “calibrate” the 14C method for samples up to 9,000 years old. This calibration has recently been extended to 40,000 years. This has been possible thanks to the comparison between this method and the measurement of U234 and Th230 in corals. When corals are born, their 234U content is known. From that moment on 230Th starts to accumulate. Comparing the content of C14 with Th230, we can determine the age of the coral. Since corals can be dated using the C14 method, it’s possible to compare both techniques.

Example: There are 2 grams of carbon in a piece of wood found in an archeological site and we discover that it has an activity of 10 nuclear transformations per minute per gm. How old is the piece of wood? For simplification purposes we will assume that the C14 content in the wood at the time it was cut is the same as in wood recently cut: 15 nuclear transformations per minute per gm. However, in real cases, as explained before, we may have to make some adjustments regarding this assumption.

  • This problem is a case of a decay chain with only one daughter isotope: A = A0 e-tk1 , with k1 being the decay constant of C14. Therefore, the age of the sample would be:

    Solve[{ A == A0 e-λ t}, t, Reals]\.
     {λ -> 1 /UnitConvert[IsotopeData["C14", "Lifetime"], "year"],
      A → 10, A0 → 15}
    {{t → 3.3 ×103 yr}}

The Age of the Earth

To estimate the age of the Earth, we need to know its origins. The mainstream theory of the formation of the solar system and probably, of other planetary systems similar to ours, is as follows: there are certain areas in galaxies where clouds of dust and gas accumulate and once these clouds reach certain mass and density they may condense as a result of gravitational attraction forces. This phenomenon can benefit from, or depends on?, the explosion of a star (supernova) in its proximity. During the condensation, the clouds may break into smaller units that become protostars. These protostars continue contracting rapidly until their centers reach very high temperatures and densities causing the fusion (union) of the lightest atomic nuclei. This fusion emits enough energy to stop the gravitational collapse. At this moment, stars are born. Surrounding them there are still many fragments. Some of these fragments start clustering during successive collisions until they reach a certain size and become planets. This is probably the origin of the planets closest to the Sun, such as the Earth. The fragments that didn’t become part of a bigger mass were left wandering around the solar system, originating some of the currently existing meteorites.

Over long periods of time, orogenic and sedimentary processes have destroyed the remains of the rocks that originally formed the Earth (primordial), making it impossible for us to date the Earth directly from them. Fortunately, we’ve been able to calculate its age using visitors from outer space: meteorites. Their analysis supports the idea that after the formation of the solar system, with some exceptions, the distribution of isotopes was homogeneous.

Among meteorites, the carbonaceous chondrite type is particularly interesting. Chondrites are made of chondrules, molten droplets created during the collisions that gave birth to planets, that have the isotopic composition of the planet-forming period. Furthermore, they didn’t experience any further heating intense enough to melt them again. It’s been possible to determine their age using dating techniques based on radioactive isotopes with long half-lives. The most commonly used methods are: the lead-lead method (Pb-Pb) and the rubidium-strontium one (Rb-Sr). Next, we’re going to discuss the Pb-Pb method.

  • The decay chains of Uranium–238 and Uranium–235 are of particular interest among natural isotopes. Their final nuclides are respectively: 206Pb and 207Pb.

    Row[IsotopeData [#, "Symbol"] & /@ mainbranch1["U238"], "->"]
    238U -> 234Th -> 234U -> 230Th -> 226Ra ->
            222Rn -> 218Po -> 214Pb -> 214Bi -> 214Po -> 210Pb -> 210Bi -> 210Po -> 206Pb
    Row[IsotopeData [#, "Symbol"] & /@ mainbranch1["U235"], "->"]
    235U -> 231Th ->
       231Pa -> 227Ac -> 227Th -> 233Ra -> 219Rn -> 215Po -> 211Pb 211Bi -> 207Tl -> 207Pb

  • In nature, apart from 206Pb and 207Pb, we also have other stable lead isotopes in the following proportions:

    pbestable = DeleteCases[ Transpose[{IsotopeData["Pb"],
         IsotopeData[#, "Stable"] & /@ IsotopeData["Pb"]}], {_, False}];
    vals =
      Table[IsotopeData [#, prop], {prop, {"Symbol", "IsotopeAbundance"}}] & /@
    Text[Grid[Prepend[vals, {"Isotope", "Isotope Abundance"}], Frame → All,
      Background → {None, {{{LightBlue, White}}, {1 → LightYellow}}}]]


    These proportions may vary widely depending on the origin of the sample.

  • 208Pb is a stable daughter isotope of the decay chain of Th232, and doesn’t play any role in the dating method we are about to describe. 204Pb, however, is a primordial isotope. This means that the amount of this nuclide present on Earth has not changed since the formation of our planet. Therefore it’s useful for estimating the fraction of the other lead isotopes in a given sample that are also primordial since their relative fractions are constant everywhere.

    Row[IsotopeData [#, "Symbol"] & /@ mainbranch1["Th232"], "->"]
    232Th >
     228Ra > 228Ac > 228Th > 224Ra > 220Rn > 216Po > 212Pb > 212Bi > 212Po > 208Pb

At the moment of the formation of the solar system, U238 and U235, after going through an homogenization process they started to decay respectively into Pb-206 and Pb-207 adding to the existing amount in the rocks.

The quantity from the parent isotope that decays into a daughter isotope is: Nh(t) = 1 - Np(t) that is:

Nh = Np eλt

As components of rocks or meteorites, the total number of atoms in the systems U238 + Pb206 and U235 + Pb207 remains constant.

(207Pb)P = (207Pb)I + (235U)(eλ235t - 1)

(206Pb)P = (206Pb)I + (238U)(eλ238t - 1)

with the P and I subscripts indicating respectively, the present and initial quantities, λ235 and λ238 the decay constants of U235 and U238, and t the elapsed time.

There will also be a certain amount of Pb204 that will not change. Under these hypotheses we obtain the following relationships:

(Pb207Pb204)P=(Pb207Pb204)I+(U235Pb204)(eλ235 t1)(Pb206Pb204)P=(Pb206Pb204)I+(U238Pb204)(eλ238 t1)

Rearranging the previous equations we get:

(Pb207Pb204)P(Pb207Pb204)I=(U235Pb204)(eλ235 t1)(Pb206Pb204)P(Pb206Pb204)I=(U238Pb204)(eλ238 t1)

After dividing the first one by the second one:


  • The ratio 238U/ 235U is:

    IsotopeData["U238", "IsotopeAbundance" ]/
     IsotopeData["U235", "IsotopeAbundance" ]

    However, in the scientific literature: 238U/ 235U =137.88 and this is the value we are going to use.

Since 1137.88(eλ235t1)(eλ238t1) is constant for samples from the same period, the relation Pb207Pb204/Pb206Pb204 is a straight line, as Figure 9.2 shows:


Figure 9.2     Paterson’s Lead Isotope Isochron.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Paterson_isochron_animation.gif

  • The different lines obtained depend on the original U/Pb ratio. For samples coming from the oldest meteorites (see the graph), K = 0.61, meaning that t, in eons (billions of years) is:

    K=1138.88(eλ235 t1)(eλ238 t1)/.

      {λ235 -> 1/ QuantityMagnitude[UnitConvert[IsotopeData["U235",
            "Lifetime"], "eons" ]], λ238 -> 1 / QuantityMagnitude[
          UnitConvert [IsotopeData ["U238", "Lifetime"], "eons"]]};
    FindRoot[K == 0.61, {t, 0.5}]
    {t → 4.54709}

  • We can compare this result with the one given by Mathematica using the free-form input and see that is quite similar.


     4.54×109 yr

Orogenic phenomena have left us without remains of rocks from the time of the formation of our planet. The oldest ones have been found in zircon crystals from Mount Narryer, in Western Australia. They are estimated to be more than 4,000 years old, proving that at that time the earth already had a continental crust.

9.6 Application: Calculating Binding Energies

The mass of an atom is always smaller than the sum of its component particles. This difference in mass is known as binding energy and is responsible for keeping the particles together to form the element. To obtain some property for a subatomic particle we use ParticleData .

Decays and nuclear transformations are related to binding energies. There are two types of nuclear transformations that are particularly useful: fusion and fission.

Fusion is the process of joining nuclei. This process is the most predominant one in elements with low atomic numbers, specifically, until iron. The lower the atomic number the lower the binding energy associated to it. Fusion is the normal method by which stars generate energy.

Fission is the opposite process of fusion. It consists of splitting apart nuclei to turn them into lighter ones.

Some isotopes of uranium and plutonium represent a special case where the process accelerates when interacting with neutrons.

The mass of quarks and other particles such as electrons is attributed to the Higgs field (more accurately to the Brout–Engler–Higgs mechanism) whose existence was confirmed by the detection of the Higgs boson, officially announce by CERN on July 4, 2012. In that case, what about our mass? Does it come as well from the Higgs field? Only a small portion of it.

As we’ve seen, quarks only represent between 1% and 1.5% of the nuclei mass and that mass is explained by the Higgs field. Therefore, for a person weighing 80 kg, the Higgs field explains approximately 1 kg. What about the rest? It comes from gluons, g, that keep the photons and quarks joined. In this case we should refer to mass equivalence, m = E/c2. These particles don’t interact with the Higgs field or BEH but they interact with the gravitational field. However, without the Higgs field, electrons would move at the speed of light, atoms would not have formed and therefore we wouldn’t exist.

The Standard Model of Particle Physics (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_Model), apart from quark d and quark q, also includes ten additional types of quarks and antiquarks, the leptons, the gauge bosons, and the Higgs boson. We will use the EntityClass function, which we have seen in Chapter 5, to represent some properties of these particles.

TextSentences[WikipediaData ["Standard_Model" ]][[ ;; 2]]
{The Standard Model of particle physics is a theory concerning
   the electromagnetic, weak, and strong nuclear interactions,
   as well as classifying all the subatomic particles known.,
 It was developed throughout the latter half of the 20th century,
   as a collaborative effort of scientists around the world.}

9.7 Additional Resources

In the Wolfram Demonstrations website you can find quite sophisticated examples about nuclear physics and isotopes:

Nuclear physics demonstrations:


Isotopes demonstrations: http://demonstrations.wolfram.com/search.html?query=isotopes

Individual demonstrations worth mentioning:

Table of Nuclides: http://demonstrations.wolfram.com/TableOfNuclides by Enrique Zeleny

Isotope Browser: http://demonstrations.wolfram.com/IsotopeBrowser by Theodore Gray and Yifan Hu

Binding Energies of Isotopes:

http://demonstrations.wolfram.com/BindingEnergiesOfIsotopes by Stephen Wolfram and Jamie Williams

Articles in English and Spanish in the author’s website:
