A1 Brews, 272
abbey ale, 37–38
Abita Brewing Company, 152, 222
Accidental Yak Brewing Company. See Carolina Brewing Company
Account of the Founding of New Bern. See Graffenreid, Christoph von
Across the Trax, 45
adjuncts, 25
Adventures in Wine and Beer, 269
Alcoholic Beverage Control Act, 191
All About Beer magazine, 165, 173–74, 184, 192, 197
All About Beer World Beer Festival, Durham, 184
All About Beer World Beer Festival, Raleigh, 197
Allen, George, 129
Altamont Brewing Company, 262
American barleywine, 36
American Brewers Guild, 178, 183
American Brewmaster, 189
American brown ale, 33
American Homebrewers Association, 59, 173
American IPA, 35
American pale ale, 34
American stout, 35
Amos Howard’s Restaurant & Brew Works, 16, 104–6, 134
Anchor Brewing Company, 39, 173
Anheuser-Busch, 9
Appalachian Brewery, 89–90
Appalachian Brewing Company, 90, 91
Appalachian Craft Brewery, 16, 19, 90–91
Asheville Brewing Supply, 80
Asheville Pizza and Brewing Company, 15, 65–68
Ass Clown Brewing Company, 20, 115–18
Atlantic Brewing Company, 9, 11, 12
Aviator Brewing Company, 18, 209–12
Back Bar (Top of the Hill Restaurant & Brewery), 166
Baggett, Julie, 222–23
Baggett, William, 222
Baker, Brian, 202
Baltic porter, 32
Barley & Vine, 272
Baron, Stanley, 2
barrel-aged beer, 40
Bartholomaus, Jamie, 131, 132–36, 142
Barton, Drew, 82
Basnight, Marc, 250
Battleground Brewers, 148
Beadle Brewing System, 52
Beer City USA, 59
Beer Dispensary, The, 272
Beer: Its History and Its Economic Value as a National Beverage. See Salem, F. W.
Beer Judge Certification Program, 30
Beggar’s Brewing Company, 262
Belgian ale, 37–38
Bergner & Engle’s, 6
best bitter, 32–33
Bestway, 270
Biere de Garde, 37
Big Boss Brewing Company, 18, 201–3
Big Horn Brewery, 216
Biltmore Estate Winery, 250
Bison Organic. See Bison Brewing
bitter (beer style), 32–33
Black Friday Cask Festival, 183
black IPA, 36
black malt, 33
black pilsner. See schwarzbier
Blowing Rock Ales, 267
Blue Moon Café, 222
Blue Ridge Brewing, 134
Blue Ridge Hops, 95
Blue Ridge Motion Pictures, 87
Bluegrass Brewing Company, 245
bock, 31
Bohemian pilsner, 30–31
boiling, 26
Boone Brewing Company, 267
Bottle Revolution, 272
Bottle Shoppe, The, 270
bottle shops, 269–75
Bottle Tree Beer Company, 267
bottom fermenting yeast. See lager yeast
Bowling Green Brewing Company, 227
Boylan Bridge Brewpub, 18, 199–200
Bradford, Daniel, 165, 173–74, 192
Branson’s North Carolina Business, 6
Brawley’s Beverage, 271
Brew Crew, 162
“Brew Magic” system, 74
Brew Shack, The, 210
Brew Your Own magazine, 254
Brew Your Own magazine, 254
Brewed in America: A History of Beer and Ale in the United States. See Baron, Stanley
Brewer, Josh, 238–42
Brewers Association, 8, 46, 59, 174
Brewers Association Beer Style Guidelines, 30
Brewer’s Brewing Co., 241
Brewer’s Kettle, The, 271
Brewers Publications, 173
Brewgrass, 75
Brewmasters, 245
Brews Cruise, Inc., 65, 69, 76, 80
Brickell, John, 2
brown porter, 33
Bruisin’ Ales, 269
Bull City Burger and Brewery, 20, 175–78
Burnette, Van, 93–95
Calagione, Sam, 117
California common, 38–39
Campaign for Real Ales (CAMRA), 165
Cape Fear Brewery, 262
Cape Fear Wine and Beer, 274
Capitol City Brewing, 149, 230
Carolina Ale House, 183
Carolina Beer & Beverage, 14, 15, 16, 19, 129, 135–36
Carolina Brewery, 13, 17, 157–62
Carolina Brewing Company, 13, 205–8
Carolina BrewMasters, 126
Carolinas Championship of Beer, 107
Carrboro Beverage Company, 272
Casktoberfest, 203
Catamount Brewing Company, 84
Catawba Valley Brewing Company, 15, 99–102
CenterStage@NoDa, 129
Charlotte Oktoberfest, 126
Charron, Paul, 253–55
Chesapeake Bay Brewing Company, 12, 15, 16, 202
“Chinese beer,” 5
Chip’s Wine and Beer Market, 274
Christmas Shop, The, 248–49
Christoffel, Scott, 144, 146, 147
cider, 266
cideries, 266
Cindirene’s Southern Emporium, 274
City Beverage, 271
Civil War, 5–6
“Clean In Place” cart, 121
climate (effect on beer production), 1, 2, 255
Cockade City Brewery, 6
Collier, Chris, 45
Collier, Christina, 45
Collins, Josh, 221–23
Collins, Tonia, 222
colonial period, 1–3
Common Market, The, 271
Complete Joy of Homebrewing, The. See Papazian, Charlie
conditioning, 27
Cone & Bine Hop Farm, 95
Confederate Receipt Book: A Compilation of Over One Hundred Receipts, Adapted to the Times, The, 6
contract breweries, 267–68
Cooper, Matt, 243
Cottonwood Brewery, 13, 14, 15, 135
craft beer, 46
Craft Brewers Conference, 166, 182–83
craft distilling, 167
Craggie Brewing Company, 18, 60–64
Cross Creek Brewing, 2, 10, 14, 216–17
Cubbin, Andy, 89–92
Cubbin, Kelly, 89–92
Dahm, Andrew, 80–82
“Dark Beer Specialist, The.” See Duck-Rabbit Craft Brewery, The
Deschutes Brewery, 223
Desi’s Dew Meadery, 266
Dictionary of the History of the American Brewing and Distilling Industries. See Downward, William L.
Dilworth Brewery, 12, 13, 14, 84
Dirty Jack’s, 70
Doble, Jim, 210
Doble, Mark, 209–12
Dogfish Head Brewery, 117
Dogwood Brewing Company, 61 doppelbock, 32
double IPA, 36
Downward, William L., 7
Drew, Bill, 60–64
Dry County Brewing Company, 264
dry stout, 34
dubbel. See abbey ale
Duck-Rabbit Craft Brewery, The, 16, 17, 19, 142, 243–46
dunkelweizen, 37
Easley, Mike, 192
East Wake Wines & Craft Brew, 272
eastern Carolina barbecue, 130, 242
Echoview Farm, 95
Edenton Brewing Company, 16, 18, 202
Empire Brewing, 140
English barleywine, 36
English IPA, 35
Enoch, Sharon, 253–54
Evitts, Brian, 225–28
extra special bitter, 32–33
Falstaff Brewery, 172
Farmhand Foods, 178
fermentation, 24–25, 27, 29, 30, 32
fill level, 219
First Street Draught House, 145
Flying Fish Brewery, 183
Food Truck Rodeos, 203
Foothills Brewing, 17, 18, 19, 20, 131–36, 142
Ford, Suzie, 127–30
Ford, Todd, 127–30
Fordham Brewing Company, 152
foreign extra stout, 35
42nd St. Oyster Bar, 206
Four Friends Brewing, 19, 119–22, 129
Fox Hill Meadery, 266
Franklin’s off Friendly, 150–51
Frederick Brewing Company, 87
French Broad Brewing Co., 16, 70, 74, 80–82
Frog Level Brewing Company, 20, 47–49
Front Street Brewery, 13, 229–32
fruit beer, 39
Fulcher, Jonathan, 119–22, 129
Full Moon Café & Brewery, 20, 253–55
Gail’s Hops and Grapes, 269
Gayer, John, 132
Geiger, Greg, 43
German pilsner, 31
Golden Cock Brewing Company, 264
Gonzalez, David, 142
Good Vibes Brewing Company, 267
Gordon Biersch, x
Graffenried, Christoph von, 1–2
Grapes and Hops, 274
Green Man Brewery, 19, 57, 69–71, 77
Greene King Brewery, 165
Greene, Nathanael, 145–46
Greenshields Brewing Company, 12, 16
Gunnisson, Henry, 3
Hall, Greg, 177
Ham’s Restaurant and Brewhouse, 15, 17, 18
Harrika’s Brew Haus, 275
Harris, Tom, 229
Haunted Pub Crawl, 232
Haw River Farmhouse Ales, 264
Headwaters Brewing Company, 264
hefeweizen, 37
Heiner Brau, 152
Heinzelmännchen Brewery, 16, 51–54
Heist Brewery, 264
helles bock, 32
Henderson, Chad, 130
Hickory Hops, 107
Highland Brewing Company, 13, 17, 18, 56, 61–62, 64, 69, 83–88, 105, 142
Hill, Stephen, 237, 238–39, 241–42
Hilton Head Brewing Company, 240
Home Brew Haus, 275
HomeGrown Brewing Company, 264
hop farming, 93–95
hop schedule, 26
Hop Shop, The, 162
Hope Valley Bottle Shop, 273
Hops and Vines, 270
House Bill 392, 10, 17, 19, 192
Hundertmark, Tres, 72–73
Hursey, Dave, 233–36
Huske, Benjamin, 221–22
Huske Hardware House Restaurant & Brewery, 13, 221–23
hybrid-style beer, 38–39
Imperial IPA, 36
India pale ale (IPA), 35–36
Institute for Brewing Studies, 173
Interesting Mortgages, 116–18
Irish red ale, 34
Ironwork Brewery, 141
Ivory Tower Brewery at the Broyhill Inn, 265
J. W. Lancashire Brewery, 7
Jack of the Wood, 14, 16, 19, 69–70, 77, 80
Kegs and Kans, 273
Kind Beers, 268
Klingel, Billy, 72–75
Kölsch-style beer, 38
Kona Brewing Company, 240
Kostrzewa, Theresa, 192
Kuhn, Dieter, 51–54
La Bouteille, 270
Laco, Andy, 199
lager yeast, 24–25, 29, 30, 38
Lake Norman Brewing Company, 15
Lamb, Eric, 139
lautering, 26
Left Hand Brewing Company, 146
Legend Brewing Company, 160
Lenoir, William, 3
Lewis, Leigh, 66
Lexington Avenue Brewery, 18, 20, 70, 76–78
Liberty Steakhouse & Brewery, 16, 137–41
Lighthouse Beer & Wine, 275
Lighthouse Beer and Wine Festival, 232
“lightstruck” beer, 218
Liquid Loaf Brewing Company, 265
lite American lager, 30
Lobster Trap, The, 18, 72, 74, 75
Loe, Bobby, 110–12
Loe, Stephen, 109–12
Loe’s Brewing Company, 19, 109–12
LoneRider Brewing Company, 18, 19, 20, 187–90
Lost Colony Brewing Company, 265
Lumina Winery & Brewery, 20, 233–36
Lyda, John, 83, 85, 86–88, 142
Lyerly, Steve, 103, 104–6, 108, 133–34
Mad Boar Brewery, 188
Magnolia Grill, 169 maibock, 32
Maitland, Scott, 163–67
malt beverage, 191
malted barley, 23–24
malting, 23–24
Manning, Brent, 68
Marsden, Mike, 45
Marzen, 31
Mash House Brewery & Chophouse, The, 15, 215–17
mashing, 25–26
McDermott, John, 83–84, 85, 86–87, 105
McKenzie, Christina, 261
McRitchie Winery & Ciderworks, 266
mead, 266
meaderies, 266
Mendocino Brewery, 139
microbrewery, 46
Middlesex Brewing Company, 106
mild English brown ale, 33
milk stout, 34
Mill Bakery, Eatery, and Brewery, 84
Miller Brewing Company, 9, 12, 139
milling, 25
Mobile Herald and Tribune, 5
Moon River Brewing Company, 240
Mooring, Trent, 237, 238–39, 241–42
Mother Earth Brewing, 237–42
Mucklerat Brew Works, 265
Munich dunkel, 31
Munich helles, 30
Mystery Brewing Company, 265
nanobrewery, 193
Nantahala Brewing Company, 18, 43–45
Narragansett Brewery, 124
Native Brewing Company, 152
Natty Greene’s Pub & Brewing Co., 16, 17, 19, 142, 143–47, 149
Natural History of North Carolina. See Brickell, John
New Albion, 173
New Brewer magazine, 173
New South Brewing, 138
Next Generation Beer Company, 70–71
NoDa Brewing Company, 20, 127–30
North Carolina Beer and Wine Wholesalers Association, 11
North Carolina Brewers Guild, 142, 174
North Carolina Guild of Beer Writers, 174
North Carolina Hops Project, 93–94
Norwester Brewing Company, 66
Ogan, Dean, 215–16
Ojala, Reino, 9
Oktoberfest (beer), 31
Old North State, 6
Old Town Draught House, 145
Olde Hickory Brewery, 13, 15, 16, 19, 103–8, 133–34
Olde Hickory Tap Room, 106
Olde Mecklenburg Brewery, 18, 123–26, 129
One Hundred Years of Brewing, 4, 7
Orlik, Henryk, 152
Outer Banks Brewing Station, 16, 17, 19, 254, 257–61
Outlaw Brewing Company. See LoneRider Brewing Company oyster stout, 73–75
OysterHouse Brewing Company, 18, 72–75
Pabst, 9
Palmetto Brewery, 232
Pan-American Coaster Tossing Championships, 203
Parker & Otis, 273
Pasteur, Louis, 24
Paulaner, 152
Peabody’s Wine & Beer Merchants, 270
Peace Street Market, 273
Peckerhead Brewing Company, 200
Philippon, Paul, 142, 243, 244–46
Pilgrim Brewing Company, 106
Pinehurst Village Brewery, 13
Pipkin Brewery, 245
Pisgah Brewing Company, 17, 95, 96–98
Pop the Cap (bill). See House Bill 392
Pop the Cap (organization), 16, 168–69, 170, 174, 191–92
premium American lager, 30
Prohibition in North Carolina: 1715–1945. See Whitener, Daniel Jay
Pyatt, Billy, 99–100
Pyatt, Scott, 99–102
Quigley, Josh, 138–39
Quigley’s Pint and Plate, 139
Quinn, David, 97
Rabbit & Co., 270
Rangel, Mike, 66
Ratkowski, Mike, 225–28
“Red Eye,” 238, 241–42
Red Oak Brewery, 12, 130, 150–54
regional brewery, 46
Reinheitsgebot, 124
Rembert, Jonas, 16, 80, 81, 82
Resources of the Southern Fields and Forests, 6
Revolutionary War, 3
Rice, Chris, 159–60
Richardson, Don, 15
RJ Rockers, 45
Robert Portner Brewing Company, 6
robust porter, 33
Rock Creek Brewing, x, 15, 202
Rocky Top Hospitality, 215
Rosenblum Cellars, 259
Roth Brewing Company, 19, 193–96
Rudd, Sheryl, 51
Russian imperial stout, 35
Russian kvass, 6
saison, 37
Salem, F. W., 7
Sam’s Quik Shop, 273
Savoy, Carey, 123
schwarzbier, 31
Scottish ale, 33–34
shelf life of beer, 218
Shepherd Neame, 166
Shuck, Greg, 205–7
Shuck, John, 205–7
Siebel Institute, 52, 61, 86, 146, 161, 189, 245
Sierra Nevada, 173
Simpson, Brian, 68
Single Brothers’, 2
Single Brothers Brewery and Distillery, 10
“skunky” beer. See “lightstruck” beer
Smith, Ken, 43
smoked beer, 39–40
Smoky Mountain Brewing Company, 13
sour beer, 40
Southend Brewery and Smokehouse, 13, 14, 149
Southern Appalachian Brewery, 19, 89–92
sparging, 26
Special Projects, LLC, 200
Specialty Products International, 52
spice beer, 39
Spring Garden Bar and Grill, 145, 150–51
Spring Garden Brewing, 12, 151
Starrlight Mead, 266
Statutes at Large of the Confederate States of America, 6
steam beer. See California common
Steve & Clark’s Brewpub, 14, 15
Stroh Brewing Company, 9, 12, 15
Studer, Luke, 178
Summertime Brews Festival, 148
sweet stout, 34
T-Bonz Restaurant Group, 137–39
table beer, 4–5
Tampa Bay Brewing Company, 210
Tap Room, 145
Tariff of the Confederate States of America, 5–6
Tasty Beverage Company, 273
Thies, Dennis, 69–70
Thirsty Monk South, 265
Thomas Creek Brewing Company, 267, 268
Thoroughbreds Grill and Brewing, 230
TJ’s Beverage & Tobacco, 274
Tobacco Roadhouse, 15
Toisnot Brewing, 13
top fermenting yeast. See ale yeast
Top of the Hill Restaurant & Brewery, 14, 163–67
Topo Distillery, 167
Trappist ale. See abbey ale
Triangle Brewing Company, 17, 178, 181–83, 185
Triangle Wine Company, 274
tripel. See abbey ale
Triple W Airport, 210–11
Turlington Act, 8
20 Years of American Beers: The ’30s & ’40s. See Ojala, Reino
Twin Lakes Brewing Co., 223
Two Moons Brew-N-View, 14, 15, 66
Universal Pizza, 85
Vienna lager, 31
Vintner Wine Market, 271
Virgil, Matt, 130
Vista Brewpub, 133
Volstead Act, 8
Walker, Jim, 104–5
Washburn, Jennifer, 215
Wedge Brewing Company, 18, 55–58, 70
Wedge Studios, 56
wee heavy, 34
Weeping Radish Farm Brewery, 9, 12, 14, 17, 68, 247–52, 254
weissbier, 37
weizen, 37
Wenzel, Henry, 232
Western Brewer, 4
western Carolina barbecue, 130
Western Carolinian, 3–4, 5, 10
What’s Brewing, 165
whiskey, 7
Whitbread Brewery, 165
White Star Beer Company, 265
Wilkinson’s Alley brewery, 3, 10
Williams, Clark, 47–49
Williamsville Brewery, 15, 16, 245
Wilmans, Steve, 76–77
Wilmington Gazette, 3
Wilson, Sean Lily, 168–72, 191–92
Winding River Hops, 95
Wine Authorities, 177
witbier, 37
Withey, John, 165–66
Wolf Beer Company, 268
Woodhouse Brewing, 14
wort, 26
Yates, Jason, 103, 105–6, 108, 133–34
Zillie’s Island Pantry, 275
Zonin, Joe, 205–8
Zymurgy magazine, 173