Chapter 11
Understanding linear and exponential models
Using SLOPE and INTERCEPT to describe linear data
Predicting future data from existing data
Working with normal and Poisson distributions
When you’re analyzing data, one of the most important steps is usually to determine what model fits the data. No, I'm not talking about a model car or model plane! This is a mathematical model or, put another way, a formula that describes the data. The question of a model is applicable to all data that comes in X-Y pairs, such as the following:
Suppose now that you plot all the data points on a chart — a scatter chart, in Excel terminology. What does the pattern look like? If the data is linear, the data points fall more or less along a straight line. If they fall along a curve rather than a straight line, they aren’t linear and are likely to be exponential. These two models — linear and exponential — are the two most commonly used models, and Excel provides functions for working with them.
In a linear model, the mathematical formula that models the data is as follows:
Y = mX + b
In an exponential model, the following formula models the data:
Y = bmX
The values b and m are, again, constants. Many natural processes, including bacterial growth and temperature change, are modeled by exponential curves. Figure 11-1 shows an example of an exponential curve. This curve is the result of the preceding formula when b = 2 and m = 1.03.
FIGURE 11-1: An exponential curve.
As I discuss earlier in this chapter, many data sets can be modeled by a straight line. In other words, the data is linear. The line that models the data, known as the linear regression line, is characterized by its slope and its Y intercept. Excel provides the SLOPE and INTERCEPT functions to calculate the slope and Y intercept of the linear regression line for a set of data pairs.
The SLOPE and INTERCEPT functions take the same two arguments:
The two ranges must contain the same number of values; otherwise, an error occurs. Follow these steps to use either of these functions:
Knowing the slope and intercept of a linear regression line is one thing, but what can you do with this information? One very useful thing is to actually draw the linear regression line along with the data points. This method of graphical presentation is commonly used; it lets the viewer see how well the data fits the model.
To see how this is done, look at the worksheet in Figure 11-2. Columns A and B contain the X and Y data, and the chart shows a scatter plot of this data. It seems clear that the data is linear and that you can validly use SLOPE and INTERCEPT with them.
FIGURE 11-2: The scatter plot indicates that the X and Y data in this worksheet are linear.
The first step is to put these functions in the worksheet, as follows. (You can use any worksheet that has linear X-Y data in it.)
At this point, the worksheet displays the slope and intercept of the linear regression line for your data. The next task is to display this line on the chart, as follows:
If necessary, add a new empty column to the worksheet to the right of the Y-value column.
To do this, click any cell in the column immediately to the right of the Y-value column, and then, on the Home tab on the Ribbon, click the Insert button and select Insert Sheet Columns.
Press F4 to convert the address to an absolute reference.
It displays with dollar signs.
Press F4 to convert the address to an absolute reference.
It displays with dollar signs.
At this point, the column of data you just created contains the Y values for the linear regression line. The final step is to create a chart that displays both the actual data and the computed regression line. Follow these steps:
Click the Finish button.
The chart displays, as shown in Figure 11-4. You can see two sets of points. The scattered points are the actual data, and the straight line is the linear regression line.
FIGURE 11-3: Creating a scatter chart.
FIGURE 11-4: A data set displayed with its linear regression line.
The FORECAST function does just what its name suggests: forecasts an unknown data value based on existing, known data values. The function is based on a single important assumption: that the data is linear. Exactly what does this mean?
The data that FORECAST works with is in pairs; there’s an X value and a corresponding Y value in each pair. Perhaps you’re investigating the relationship between people’s heights and their weight. Each data pair would be one person’s height — the X value — and that person’s weight — the Y value. Many kinds of data are in this form — sales by month, for example, or income as a function of educational level.
To use the FORECAST function, you must have a set of X-Y data pairs. Then you provide a new X value, and the function returns the Y value that would be associated with that X value based on the known data. The function takes three arguments:
Note that the X and Y ranges must have the same number of values; otherwise, the function returns an error. The X and Y values in these ranges are assumed to be paired in order.
Now you can work through an example of using FORECAST to make a prediction. Imagine that you’re the sales manager at a large corporation. You’ve noticed that the yearly sales results for each of your salespeople is related to the number of years of experience each has. You’ve hired a new salesperson with 16 years of experience. How much in sales can you expect this person to make?
Figure 11-5 shows the existing data for salespeople — their years of experience and annual sales last year. This worksheet also contains a scatter chart of the data to show that it’s linear. It’s clear that the data points fall fairly well along a straight line. Follow these steps to create the prediction:
In a blank cell, type =FORECAST( to start the function entry.
The blank cell is C24 in Figure 11-5.
Drag the mouse over the Y range or enter the cell range.
C3:C17 is the cell range in the example.
Drag the mouse over the X range or enter the cell range.
B3:B17 is the cell range in the example.
FIGURE 11-5: Forecasting sales.
After you format the cell as Currency, the result shown in Figure 11-5 displays the prediction that your new salesperson will make $27,093 in sales his first year. But remember: This is just a prediction, not a guarantee!
The preceding section shows how the FORECAST function can predict a Y value for a known X based on an existing set of linear X-Y data. What if you have more than one X value to predict? Have no fear; TREND is here! What FORECAST does for a single X value, TREND does for a whole array of X values.
The TREND function takes up to four arguments:
Note that the ranges of known X and Y values must be the same size (contain the same number of values).
TREND returns an array of values, one predicted Y for each X value. In other words, it’s an array function and must be treated as such. (See Chapter 3 for help with array functions.) Specifically, this means selecting the range where you want the array formula results, typing the formula, and pressing Ctrl+Shift+Enter rather than pressing Enter alone to complete the formula.
When would you use the TREND function? Here’s an example: You’ve started a part-time business, and your income has grown steadily over the past 12 months. The growth seems to be linear, and you want to predict how much you will earn in the coming 6 months. The TREND function is ideal for this situation. Here’s how to do it:
Drag the mouse over the range of known Y values or enter the range address.
The known Y values are the income figures you entered in Step 2.
Drag the mouse over the range of known X values or enter the range address.
The known X values are the numbers 1 through 12 you entered in Step 1.
Drag the mouse over the list of month numbers for which you want projections (the numbers 13 through 18).
These are the new X values.
When you’ve completed these steps, you see the projected income figures, calculated by the TREND function, displayed in the worksheet. An example is shown in Figure 11-6. There’s no assurance you’ll have this income — but it may be even higher! You can always hope for the best.
FIGURE 11-6: Using the TREND function to calculate predictions for an array.
The GROWTH function is like TREND in that it uses existing data to predict Y values for a set of X values. It’s different in that it’s designed for use with data that fits an exponential model. The function takes four arguments:
To use the GROWTH function, follow these steps:
(Note: These steps assume that you have a worksheet that already contains known X and Y values that fit the exponential model.)
Select a range of cells in a column that has the same number of rows as the X values you entered in Step 1.
Often, this range is in the column next to the X values, but it doesn’t have to be.
Figure 11-7 shows an example of using the GROWTH function to forecast exponential data. Columns A and B contain the known data, and the range D10:D19 contains the X values for which predictions are desired. The GROWTH array formula was entered in E10:E19. The chart shows a scatter plot of the actual data, up to X = 40, and the projected data, for X values above 40. You can see how the projected data continues the exponential curves that are fit by the actual data.
FIGURE 11-7: Demonstrating use of the GROWTH function to project exponential data.
You can get a good introduction to the normal distribution in Chapter 9. To define it briefly, a normal distribution is characterized by its mean (the value in the middle of the distribution) and by its standard deviation (the extent to which values spread out on either side of the mean). The normal distribution is a continuous distribution, which means that X values can be fractional and aren’t restricted to integers. The normal distribution has a lot of uses because so many processes, both natural and human, follow it.
Excel provides the NORM.DIST function for calculating probabilities from a normal distribution. The function takes four arguments:
Normal distributions come into play for a wide variety of measurements. Examples include blood pressure, atmospheric carbon-dioxide levels, wave height, leaf size, and oven temperature. If you know the mean and standard deviation of a distribution, you can use NORM.DIST to calculate related probabilities.
Here’s an example: Your firm manufactures hardware, and a customer wants to buy a large quantity of 50mm bolts. Due to the manufacturing process, the length of bolts varies slightly. The customer will place the order only if at least 95 percent of the bolts are between 49.9mm and 50.1mm. Measuring each one isn’t practical, but previous data show that the distribution of bolt lengths is a normal distribution with a mean of 50 and a standard deviation of 0.05. You can use Excel and the NORM.DIST function to answer the question. Here’s the plan:
Here are the steps to follow:
In a new worksheet, enter the values for the mean, standard deviation, upper limit, and lower limit in separate cells.
Optionally, add adjoining labels to identify the cells.
Press Enter to complete the function.
This cell displays the probability of a bolt’s being less than or equal to the lower limit.
Repeat steps 4–10.
This cell displays the probability of a bolt’s being less than or equal to the upper limit.
In another cell, enter a formula that subtracts the lower-limit probability from the upper-limit probability.
This cell displays the probability that a bolt will be within the specified limits.
Figure 11-8 shows a worksheet that was created to solve this problem. You can see from cell B8 that the answer is 0.9545. In other words, 95.45 percent of your bolts fall in the prescribed limits, and you can accept the customer’s order. Note in this worksheet that the formulas in cells B6:B8 are presented in the adjacent cells so you can see what they look like.
FIGURE 11-8: Using the NORM.DIST function to calculate probabilities.
Poisson is another kind of distribution used in many areas of statistics. Its most common use is to model the number of events taking place in a specified time period. Suppose that you’re modeling the number of employees calling in sick each day or the number of defective items produced at your factory each week. In these cases, the Poisson distribution is appropriate.
The Poisson distribution is useful for analyzing rare events. What does rare mean? People calling in sick at work is hardly a rare event, but a specific number of people calling in sick is rare, at least statistically speaking. Situations to which Poisson is applicable include numbers of car accidents, counts of customers arriving, and manufacturing defects. One way to express it is that the events are individually rare, but there are many opportunities for them to happen.
The Poisson distribution is a discrete distribution. This means that the X values in the distribution can only take on specified, discrete values such as X = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and so on. This is different from the normal distribution, which is a continuous distribution in which X values can take any value (X = 0.034, 1.2365, and so on). The discrete nature of the Poisson distribution is suited to the kinds of data you use it with. For example, with employees calling in sick, you may have 1, 5, or 8 on a given day, but certainly not 1.45, 7.2, or 9.15!
Figure 11-9 shows a Poisson distribution that has a mean of 20. Values on the X axis are number of occurrences (of whatever you’re studying), and values on the Y axis are probabilities. You can use this distribution to determine the probability of a specific number of occurrences happening. For example, this chart tells you that the probability of having exactly 15 occurrences is approximately 0.05 (5 percent).
FIGURE 11-9: A Poisson distribution with a mean of 20.
A Poisson distribution is not always symmetrical, like the one shown in Figure 11-9. Negative X values make no sense in a Poisson distribution. After all, you can’t have fewer than zero people calling in sick! If the mean is a small value, the distribution will be skewed, as shown in Figure 11-10 for a Poisson distribution with a mean of 4.
FIGURE 11-10: A Poisson distribution with a mean of 4.
The two Poisson graphs shown earlier in this chapter are for noncumulative probabilities. Figure 11-11 shows the cumulative Poisson distribution corresponding to Figure 11-9. You can see from this chart that the cumulative probability of 15 events — the probability that 15 or fewer events will occur — is about 0.15.
FIGURE 11-11: A cumulative Poisson distribution with a mean of 20.
The POISSON.DIST function takes three arguments:
Suppose that you’re the manager of a factory that makes brake shoes. Your district manager has announced an incentive: You’ll receive a bonus for each day that the number of defective shoes is less than 20. How many days a month will you meet this goal, knowing that the average number of defective brake shoes is 25 per day? Here are the steps to follow:
In a new worksheet, enter the average number of defects per day (25) in a cell.
If desired, enter an adjacent label to identify the cell.
In the cell below, enter a formula that multiplies the number of working days per month (22) by the result just calculated with the POISSON.DIST function.
In your worksheet, this formula is =22*B3
, entered in cell B4.
The finished worksheet is shown in Figure 11-12. In this example, I have formatted cells B3:B4 with two decimal places. You can see that with an average of 25 defects per day, you can expect to earn a bonus 4 days a month.
FIGURE 11-12: Using the POISSON.DIST function to calculate a cumulative probability.