Parenting’s purpose is brain development ~ The importance of being selective about science ~ Why do we need parents, anyway? ~ Six inescapable questions
Four things that improve a baby’s brain development ~ Is morning sickness a good thing? ~ When your baby can hear you, smell you ~ The effects of severe stress
Bundle of joy? Yes, but… ~ The four biggest reasons you’ll fight ~ Guys, get out the vacuum cleaner ~ Two steps to a relationship that’s good for baby
8,000 neurons per second! ~ The brain can’t learn unless it feels safe ~ What does “smart” mean? ~ Seven types of intelligence ~ Every brain is wired differently
The best kind of playroom ~ Talking to your child improves IQ ~ How to raise cognition scores by 50 percent ~ TV before age 2 ~ The harm in hyper-parenting
Could happiness be genetic? ~ Where emotions happen in the brain ~ Magical mirror neurons ~ Emotions and logic are not as separate as you think
The secret to happiness ~ Using empathy to calm your child’s nerves ~ The one parenting style that works
Are babies born moral? ~ The three-legged stool of discipline ~ Kids lie a lot (every two hours, by age 4) ~ Explaining your rules
The Tower of Terror ~ Let sleeping babies lie ~ Reading all the baby sleep books ~ NAP vs. CIO: a prizefight ~ A four-step plan