The following information has been taken from the reverse of the postcards shown throughout this book (together with dates of postmarks where these exist); it is offered by way of acknowledgment and credit to the original photographers and publishers of these postcards. This information may be cross-referenced by using the corresponding number that relates directly to each postcard caption. The reverse of some of the more interesting postcards are also shown on these pages.
1. Fot. Ernst Baumann, Bad Reichenhall. Echt Foto.
2. Fot. Ernst Baumann, Bad Reichenhall.
3. Reichs-Bildberichterstatter der NSDAP, Heinrich Hoffmann.
4. HDK. 193 – Verlag Heinrich Hoffmann, München.
5. Photo-Hoffmann, München, Friedrichstr. 34. Echte Fotografie.
6. Photo-Hoffmann, München, Freidrichstr. 34. Echte Fotografie.
7. Alleinvertrieb Walter Preuß, Berlin Friedenau. Stamped: 8.4.38.
8. Eduard Doppler, Braunau am Inn, L&H.
9. Eduard Doppler, Braunau am Inn, L&H. Echte Photographie.
12. Photo-Hoffmann, München, Theresienstraße 74. Echt Foto.
13. Photo-Hoffmann, München, Theresienstr. 74. Echte Fotografie.
14. Photo-Hoffmann, München, Theresienstr. 74. Echte Fotografie.
15. Photo-Hoffmann, München, Theresienstr. 74. Echte Fotografie.
16. Badisch Pfälzische Flugbetrieb A. G., Mannheim. Freigeg vom RLM. Posted: 16.8.41.