Chapter 8

A Witch’s Curios

The objects, recipes, and ingredients explained here are used at other times in this book. It’s best to understand them and in some cases prepare them ahead of time, for many of the spells to come.

Graveyard Goodies

Graveyard materials are exactly that: materials collected from a graveyard. These things are used to connect the spirit of a deceased person to your working and utilize their abilities or attributes to boost the power of your spell.

When I was quite young, I was compelled to visit graveyards out of curiosity. When I felt drawn to a specific headstone, I would keep something from its base, like a stone or some dirt, and keep it as a talisman. I felt like by doing so that I had spirits of the dead guarding me.

When a grave is considered important or special in some way, it’s a common practice for witches to collect moss from the headstone for luck or magick. Even nonwitchy people will often visit the graves of famous, powerful people to take a souvenir like a pebble or dead flower to act as good luck charms or for more intentional purposes.

Graveyard dirt in spells is mostly seen in African American conjuration practices. It’s used by root workers and those who practice Voodoo, Hoodoo, and ancestor veneration. Conjurers and root workers have their own very old traditions handed down from their ancestors, a tradition all their own, which is far older than my own intuitive approach.

Collecting graveyard materials is not as simple as wandering into a cemetery and grabbing a handful of soil. There are many things to consider when acquiring this special ingredient for your spells.

First of all, you must be fully aware of who is buried in the grave you take an item from and what that person was like in their life. Their life story will indicate what kind of spirit they are and what they can be called upon to assist with. I personally would only ever take moss or a pebble from the grave of a family member or friend who I know would support me in my life, but some people go beyond that and collect items from many different graves based on their needs.

Graveyard Rules

Be Respectful: When in a graveyard, it is important to show reverence for the spirits of the deceased, as well as their living families. Do not disrupt any monuments or floral displays that are set out. Be quiet and solemn. When you do find the grave you wish to work with, take only a small amount of dirt, a little twig, a pebble, or some other unremarkable thing. Never take live flowers or gifts that someone else has placed there. If what you take will be obviously visible, interpret that as a very clear message that the spirit doesn’t wish for you to have it.

Ask Permission: Not every spirit is willing to work with you. When you approach the grave, sit or stand near it and spend some time communicating with the spirit. Explain to them what you wish to have their aid in. Enter a quiet frame of mind and try to feel what they are telling you. Pay attention to things such as birds, trees, the wind, and any signs these may carry. If the spirit does not wish to help you, you may feel dizzy, nauseous, or frightened or otherwise sense that the answer is no. If you feel happiness and positivity, the answer is yes. If you are proficient in divination, such as with tarot cards, you can use them to seek permission from a spirit as well. Here is a simple tarot trick using the Moon card and the Sun card. After connecting with the spirit through meditation, ask if you may have something from their grave to assist in your working. Shuffle the cards and flip one up. The Sun indicates “yes” and the Moon indicates “no.” Respect the answer.

Bring an Offering: Always. This can be a drink to pour on the ground, flowers, special coins, crystals, or jewelry. You must always repay a spirit for their attentions. If you do not, it is stealing in a spiritual sense and you are bringing trouble upon yourself.

Choosing a Grave: As I said, the grave site of a loved one is the best choice if possible, in my opinion. A family member or friend will likely be willing to aid you in your workings, as long as it is in your best interest. A loved one will protect you and help you attract love, happiness, and success. They will also back you up in reversal or cursing spells. Steer clear of family members with whom you had a tumultuous or dysfunctional relationship. If you can find the grave of a public figure or historical person whose values in life mirror your own goals, they might be approachable too. Remember, pets are also loved ones! Moss or dirt from the grave from a beloved familiar can be used in all kinds of spells, including loyalty or even in finding a mate.


Taking something from a graveyard without permission, even if it is just a leaf or bit of moss, is considered vandalism in some places. Many cemeteries are locked at night. Please do not go scaling walls in the darkness and wind up being fined or worse. If you cannot gain access to a cemetery, you can purchase graveyard dirt online. While it is unlikely that you would be penalized for planting a flower on the grave of your grandmother and privately keeping a small sample of the earth, anything from a stranger’s grave may involve risks. However, if you are able to obtain permission from the owner of the cemetery to do some digging, go ahead. They may not understand why you want to take graveyard dirt, but they may still allow you to do so if they are open minded.

Since in most places entering a graveyard at night is likely to arouse suspicion and unwanted attention, you may have to do your cemetery journey in daylight. However, the phase of the moon is still in affect during daylight hours. The phases of the moon apply to collecting graveyard items in the same way as any spell work: dark moon for cursing or hexing, full moon for protection, waxing moon for gaining things and positive magick, and waning moon for banishing.

Other Kinds of Dirt

When it comes to using dirt in magick, you are certainly not restricted to the graveyard. It is believed that earth taken from any place will retain energies of whatever occurred there. Here are some alternatives if the idea of taking items from graves doesn’t appeal to you:

Bank Property: The land upon which a bank or credit union is built can be added to prosperity and wealth spells.

Court Property: A bit of dirt from the lawn of the courthouse can be added to spells for justice and legal issues.

Banquet Hall: A building that hosts many wedding receptions may retain energy useful in love spells.

Hospital Grounds: This dirt can be used in healing spells or to cause illness. Intent matters here, as hospitals are a place of healing, but they are also a place of illness.

Schoolyard: Dirt from a school playground can be added to spells for protection of children, playfulness, and new beginnings.

University Campus: Spells for learning and intellect can include dirt from university grounds.

Murder Scene: A house or building where a murder occurred carries seriously dark energy. Dirt from this site can be used in your most vicious spells.

Woods: Soil from secluded natural spaces can be included in peace and serenity spells.

As you can see, you can get really creative with where and why you collect dirt from different places. Here are some ways to use dirt in magick:

• Use it to dress candles by rolling an oiled candle in it.

• Add the dirt to sachets, spell bottles, and powders.

• Put it inside poppets.

• Sprinkle it onto your own property (e.g., sprinkle bank dirt on your lawn to attract money).

• Place grave dirt from a loved one by the front door for protection.

Ritual Knives

Weapons, specifically knives, have been viewed not only as tools but as symbols of great power. Swords are one of the oldest, revered for conquering and killing enemies. There is also a magickal side to these weapons, which is why they were often ceremoniously blessed prior to battle, and many cultures encrusted their weapons with jewels. The old story of the sword in the stone illustrates the power of the blade, for whoever could pull it from the stone was to be gifted with the power of a king. Great pits of buried weapons dating back to the Bronze Age have been uncovered, believed to be sacrifices to the gods and goddesses.9 Knives weren’t always just for physically killing things; they have been used as symbols in ritual for just as long.

The knife or sword carries heavy meaning. It’s considered a phallic symbol, that of so-called masculine energy. When I say masculine, I don’t mean the physical male sex. I’m referring to the way that many witchcraft traditions split the world into masculine/feminine, active/receptive, or solar/lunar terms. It represents aggression and the active pole in nature. I feel we all have both these energies inside us and that they have nothing to do with our physical anatomy or gender.

In ceremonies celebrating the great rite, a knife is plunged into a chalice or cauldron to represent the unity of male and female and how this union brings forth life. Many altars display a ritual knife, sometimes called an athame, which is used to cut through energetic ties or to direct energy like a wand.

Vanquishing enemies in the old days wasn’t considered evil: it was a means of survival. Luckily, times have changed and most people don’t have to fight for their lives every day, at least where I live. However, the sword is still a symbol of power, victory, and survival.

In terms of dark magick, a sword, knife, or blade is a useful tool to represent endings. In many myths, the gods and goddesses use a blade, sickle, or pair of scissors to snip the invisible life cord attached to humans to end their existence on this plane. The grim reaper holds a huge scythe for harvesting the souls of the living and taking them to the underworld. So while the blade is a battle symbol, it’s also tied to death energy.

You can use your ritual knife in spells designed to end situations, to fight against enemies, and to instill fear. Some people do use ritual knives for bloodletting in a controlled ceremonial manner, but I don’t. A knife can be difficult to control in terms of how deeply you cut and can lead to accidents, unlike a lancet. Also remember that it is considered a weapon, so it’s illegal to carry it with you.

In choosing what a ritual knife will look like, to me it’s important that it appears powerful and even intimidating. I found a pair of oversized, brutal, rusty shears at an antique shop, and those are my favorite because they remind me of old things and decay, which is in keeping with banishing magick. I can picture a scary old ghost woman snipping souls away with those things. My other favorite ritual knife is a big curved sickle that has a rusted blade and a bone handle that looks like it’s been through some battles. Neither of these is sharp enough to cut paper, mind you. While I prefer a scary-looking knife, you may feel more power from something fancy, jeweled, or artisan-made. Everyone’s style is different, so whether you chose something sleek and modern or something rustic, all that matters is that it resonates with your intention.

Here are a few ways to integrate your ritual knife into spells and rituals:

• Stab it through a photo of your enemy in victory spells.

• Cut up a photo or the name of your rival in any situation to slay them in competition.

• Place near the entrance of the home where its energy will frighten intruders (be safe, of course—keep it out of the reach of children and pets).

• Have it present during all spells in which you overpower another person.

• Meditate with it for strength and courage.

You can get creative with what symbolic weapons you use in spells. All over the world and throughout history, various weapons have been regaled as symbols of power. The key thing to remember is that they are symbolic. They shouldn’t actually put you or anyone else in physical danger.

Dark Crystals

Crystals are undergoing resurgence in popularity nowadays, especially within the wellness and self-care industry. Where crystal collecting and healing used to be seemingly reserved for new agers only, they’re now for sale at ordinary department stores, along with mass-produced salt lamps and sage bundles. Holistic health and beauty gurus definitely focus only on the positive side of crystals, touting their good vibes, healing energy, and cleansing properties. While some of this is valid, witches have been using crystals and stones for time out of mind in our practice. It’s only recently that it became cool instead of nerdy!

The current crystal trend is heavy on the “good vibes,” which is fine, but it’s important to understand that like every other thing in life, crystals have a shadow side, some kinds more so than others.

Many crystals are actually a by-product of natural destruction such as volcanoes or pressure and heat inside the earth. Some are millions of years old. These stones, crystals, and minerals are products of great change, which often includes endings. We can use these crystals, some of which were birthed by destruction and disaster, in corresponding areas of life.

Just like all magickal tools, your intent or how you “program” your crystal has a huge bearing on how it will work. That doesn’t mean you can charge rose quartz, known for love and gentleness, with hatred—that simply doesn’t make any sense. It does mean, however, that you could charge a rose quartz with the extreme, distorted side of love and gentleness by using it to create a malleable, pliant character. There’s a “dark” way to look at everything, even crystals.

When deciding on a crystal to use in shadow magick or cursing, think of them the same way you think of herbal medicine. A little bit can heal, but too much can cause illness or worse. This same theory can be applied to the energetic properties of many crystals. What is considered a good thing on one hand, such as warmth from carnelian, can be destructive on the other hand when exaggerated, such as angry fire energy in carnelian. A little fire energy is a happy spark. Too much fire energy is an impassioned rage. The list that follows briefly explains basic crystals that can be used in cursing. This list is quite small, as it’s limited to my go-to gems, but if you know the metaphysical properties of other crystals, you can figure out their shadow qualities by exaggerating their traits.

Amazonite: Amazonite can cast confusion into the mind, creating barriers in thoughts. It acts as a filter to negativity, so when there’s too much of it, it could create general blockages in the energy field.

Amethyst: Amethyst can promote apathy and laziness or can make someone so preoccupied with the spiritual realm they fail to notice the physical one.

Black Obsidian: Black obsidian has been used throughout the ages to fashion sharp deadly weapons, such as knives and arrowheads. It can be used in hexes to cut through something or someone or to hinder them in some way. Obsidian can be used to “freeze” someone in their tracks, turning their plans from active to static form.

Bloodstone: This type of jasper can be used to symbolically get into someone’s blood, to crawl inside their very self and affect them from within.

Carnelian: A fire stone, carnelian can be used to cause outrage, anger, and impulsive, damaging actions.

Diamonds: Diamonds are as multifaceted in magick as they are in jewelry. They can be used for defense due to their ability to cut anything. They can beguile someone, blinding them with beauty and sparkle.

Emerald: While often associated with dispelling envy like other green stones, emerald can also be used to inflict jealousy upon someone so that it eats them up whole.

Flint: Flint was used to make weapons and other tools. A solid, strong stone, it can be used as blunt force in defensive spells, magickally knocking someone out, so to speak (not literally).

Garnet: Garnet was believed to ward off thieves and repel negative energy, and its dark red color is associated with blood. Charge a garnet with threatening bloody energy and wear it; the effect is like you are soaked in the blood of your enemies. Others near you will feel the threat and leave you alone.

Hematite: Real hematite will develop rust over time, and this can symbolize decay and rot in magick. Real hematite produces red or rusty streaks when rubbed onto a surface, like dried blood, and can be used to symbolically bleed someone.

Howlite: Howlite is associated with recalling past lives. It can be used to immerse someone in their past actions and bring regret.

Jet: Jet is believed to be able to absorb a person’s soul. Therefore, it’s said that you can capture someone’s essence in jet and imprison them.

Malachite: Malachite is believed to dredge up hidden qualities in people, triggering life changes that they may or may not be ready to face. In terms of cursing, malachite can be used to give someone a taste of their own medicine or used in reversal spells that make someone see themselves in a new light.

Onyx: There’s a myth that black onyx is a demon imprisoned in stone who causes breakups. Onyx is used to cool the desires between couples and potentially split them up.

Petrified Wood:Petrified” in this case is another word for hardened or ossified. Petrified wood can be used to cause someone to become “atrophied” and unable to fight against you or a situation.

Pyrite: Often called fool’s gold, pyrite can be used in spells to trick someone who is materialistic and easily distracted by earthly pleasures. It can be used in spells to expose someone as fraudulent, give them illusions of grandeur, and make them play the fool.

Quartz: Quartz amplifies all spells and rituals, including dark ones.

Rose Quartz: Use rose quartz to make someone more submissive and to subdue their defenses.

Sodalite: Sodalite is normally a stone of communication, but there is such thing as too much talking. Sodalite can be used to get someone to confess to something they normally wouldn’t or cause them to spill secrets.

Tiger’s Eye: Usually associated with bravery and courage, tiger’s eye in both blue and golden form is a truth-seeking stone. It is believed to detect lies and warn us when someone is being dishonest. When you feel you’re being deceived but can’t quite prove it, carry a tiger’s eye stone. You will be shown the truth, even if it is ugly, so be prepared. It can also be used to create conceit and egotism in someone.

Volcanic Rock: A porous substance, this can be employed to suck the energy out of someone.


Brimstone, also called sulfur, is an infrequently discussed ingredient in some magickal workings. There are several reasons for this. First, it smells absolutely horrendous. Second, it can be difficult to obtain in its elemental form. Third, when burned, it can be poisonous, even though some people choose to burn it in ritual in small amounts.

Sulfur is a naturally occurring element in the earth and in our bodies. It’s a by-product of mining petroleum products. This is called “elemental sulfur,” the way it is presented on the periodic table. When mixed with other elements, chemicals such as sulfur dioxide or sulfuric acid are created, but those are not considered brimstone and not used in magick. Only pure elemental sulfur should be used.

Fire and Brimstone

You’ve probably heard of fire and brimstone. It’s a popular biblical term referring to the wrath of God. When lightning strikes, the smell of burning sulfur can sometimes be detected, and since lightning was associated with God’s rage, so was sulfur. Fire and brimstone is also used to describe a specific style of Christian preaching, in which the discussion focuses on threats of pain and terrible punishment bestowed upon nonbelievers and sinners. Fire and brimstone repeatedly appears in the Bible. It rained down upon and destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, and Satan was cast into a lake of fire and brimstone. While being destructive, brimstone was also meant to cleanse and purge evil.

Magickal Uses of Brimstone

Sulfur is mostly used in spells for exorcism and banishing. It’s especially useful in clearing the area after a situation involving extremely strong emotions or dramatic endings. Sulfur can be used to get rid of a person’s influence, banish an enemy, and in protection spells. It is even said to ease heartache and break attachments to toxic people.

Sulfur is sometimes burned to fumigate an area of mold or insects. This tells you something of its toxicity but also how it can be applied to magick. It is used to get rid of some kind of parasitic influence in your life. The fumes from burning sulfur are poisonous and smell terrible, and if you’re going to burn it for spells, I recommend doing so outdoors. Remember, sulfur isn’t like sage, which can be burned regularly in your home or energy field. Save it for using only in extreme banishing situations, and don’t breathe it in directly.

If you want to add the magick of sulfur to a spell but don’t have any, you can simply add the head of a match to your spell as a dry ingredient (it contains sulfur) or burn a match with intent to emit the smell of sulfur in a nontoxic amount.

Other ways to use sulfur include the following:

• Add it to poppets that are used in banishing or restraint.

• Sprinkle a tiny amount (¼ teaspoon) onto the soil of your houseplants to add protective energy to them. (Don’t do this if your pets like to hang out in or eat your plants.)

• Throw it into the footprints of your enemy to make them stay away.

• Add it to cursing herb mixes and charms.

• Add it to protection spells.

Safety Notes

Even though sulfur is naturally occurring, be sure not to inhale the dust or smoke from it, as it can irritate your lungs. When burned, sulfur becomes a chemical called sulfur dioxide, which is poisonous when inhaled. Inhaling the fumes from burning sulfur can cause sore throat and coughing. Touching sulfur with your bare hands can also cause irritation, so gloves are in order.

You can find elemental sulfur at some gardening specialty stores. It’s a yellowish dry clump that can be broken into bits. If you decide to burn it, do so outdoors and use only a teaspoon. Burn it in a fireproof dish and light it with a long barbecue lighter. It will burn with bluish flames and turn into a dark liquid. Don’t touch the liquid because it will burn you. When cooled, throw the remains of burned sulfur in the garbage.

Do not ingest the sulfur, and keep it away from pets, as it can be deadly to them.

Hair and Fingernails

Many spells, especially those using poppets (which are discussed in detail in Chapter 9), call for the hair or fingernails of the person involved to be added to the doll. This creates a physical link between the person and the poppet. While the idea of hair and nails is creepy to some, they do play an important role in magick. You’d be surprised how many people secretly hang on to a lock of hair from their beloved just in case they need it.

When you do any kind of spell, you make a link on the astral realm through visualization and imagery. Sometimes this is enough. Hair and fingernails contain the DNA of a person, which is unique to them and them only. Adding them to a spell creates a direct energetic bond to the individual involved.

Keeping the hair of someone you loved used to be an ordinary practice. In Victorian times, funeral jewelry was made with the hair of a deceased loved one. There were beautiful, intricate broaches, pendants, and rings made from the hair of the deceased, which the living would wear in their honor. These pieces still survive today, as hair can last for hundreds of years without decomposing. It was also customary to keep a lock of hair from your beloved with you, to keep a part of them close. Many cultures believe that all your personal power resides in the hair, and therefore it is never cut. Others say that the hair houses the soul. Even the Bible has the story of Samson and Delilah: Samson’s power is represented by his hair and Delilah the seductress cuts it off, thus robbing him of his strength. Both men and women in different faiths have religious reasons for not cutting their hair and believe it symbolizes all kinds of things, from power and beauty to humility and modesty.

Fingernails don’t have as rich a spiritual history as hair, but they’re still important in witchcraft. If you can’t get the hair of your beloved to use in a spell, fingernail clippings are an alternative. While they lack the spiritual reputation of hair, they are still a DNA link to a specific person and can be used in magick.

You’re probably wondering how one goes about collecting hair or fingernails of a person without being thought of as a weird freak. Well, unless they know your witchy ways and give it to you willingly, it can be tricky or even impossible. Use your imagination. I’m not going to give instructions on stealing, even if it is just hair out of someone’s brush.

The following are a few ways to use hair and fingernails in spells:

• Use a piece of your own hair in spells to bind something to you instead of string. If you wish to bind another person, you can use your hair to signify the “hold” you have over them, the hair symbolically keeping them tied in place.

• Weave a strand of your hair into your magickal crafts to create a bond to the physical plane. For example, when you make a protective amulet for your home in the shape of a wreath, include some of your hair. Add it to sachets and even to homemade candles and oils. Add nail clippings the same way. This ensures the energy of the spell is anchored to you.

• Add hair or fingernails to magickal oils or tinctures regarding a specific person, especially love spells.

• Burn the hair and fingernails of a person to banish them from your life.

• Tie a person’s hair around your baby finger to keep them under control.

• Leave a lock of your hair as an offering to deity, to show personal devotion.

Odds and Ends for Dark Magick

The items listed in this section are used often as ingredients in spells, most often cursing or creating endings. They’re mostly everyday items that are easily obtained and are used in magick to reflect their earthly qualities, such as being sharp to cause pain or acidic to “eat away” at things.

Binding Box: Just as you perform a binding spell with string, you can use a box to trap things. A wooden box that can be locked is best. Shut the thing you wish to restrain inside the box and bury or hide it. You can decorate the inside of the box with symbols or words to surround the object you’ve trapped, infusing it with the energy of the symbols.

Broken Glass: Broken glass is often used in curses. It’s known for causing pain and maiming people. It can be added to poppets to symbolize the infliction of anguish, sprinkled around the base of candles, or added to spell bottles.

Broken Mirror: Mirrors are used in magick to deflect energy away from you in protection spells. They can also be used to reflect someone’s actions back onto them. Bits of broken mirrors can be used in protection spells but also in revenge and to turn someone’s ill intentions back onto them. Broken mirrors most popularly are associated with bad luck.

Bullet Casings: Bullet casings left over from successful hunting trips can be saved and later integrated into spells for their association with killing. The same can be said for arrows from bow hunting. An item that has actually killed a creature is very powerful. That’s not to say it should be used in spells to kill people but rather for snuffing out life energy. Some people prefer to stay away from this entirely, as the energy left after an intentional killing can be very uncomfortable even when done for food.

Nails: Rusty old nails are oxidized and associated with tetanus and other diseases. If you step on a rusty nail, you can get blood poisoning or worse. While a rusty nail in a spell won’t necessarily cause disease, it can symbolically spread negativity, pain, or other unfortunate circumstances. A rusty nail can be shoved into a photo of someone to destroy their happiness, pounded into the ground inside an outline of their body, or shoved into their footprint on the ground. Another type of nail you might encounter in magick is coffin nails. Genuine coffin nails that actually came from a casket in a graveyard can difficult to obtain. A piece of iron can be substituted for coffin nails.

Pins: Sharp and easily obtained, pins are used in sympathetic magick. Often seen piercing poppets, pins bring a stabbing, jabbing energy to one concentrated spot, such as the heart. They can poke holes in plans or create a piercing urge in someone that causes them to act.

Scissors: Scissors represent cutting the life cord and severing ties. Many banishing spells employ the cutting of ties with the past or with negative people. They can also be used to cause a rift between two people or to cut someone off energetically.

Thorns: Thorns are a plant’s defense mechanism. Some plants, such as raspberry brambles, have small thorns, whereas some have huge spikes that can literally rip your flesh open, like the blackthorn. Whether small or large, thorns inflict a lot of pain! They can be used in defensive magick to keep threatening entities or people away from us. They can also be used to inflict pain upon others. Here is a brief list of some plants with thorns and what you can use them for.

Blackberries and Raspberries: These shrubs are considered invasive and grow swiftly. Therefore, blackberry thorns can be added to spells that you wish to take over and spread fast. In several world myths, blackberries have been said to cause blindness to those who fall into the brambles, so blackberry thorns can be used to interfere with people’s perception.

Black Locust Trees: These trees have thorns covering them from the ground up in some cases. It’s said that lightning strikes the locust more often than any other kind of tree.

Blackthorn: Blackthorn has a history in cursing and dark witchcraft. Some witch-burning pyres were said to be made of blackthorn.

Firethorn: This shrub has needle-sharp spikes on its branches and can survive in brutal conditions. Firethorn can be added to spells that require extreme strength and tenacity. When grown, it creates an impenetrable barrier, making it good for protection magick.

Hawthorn: Hawthorn trees have thorns that are up to several inches long. Hawthorn has been associated with protection of children and babies. It’s said that people in medieval times associated the smell of hawthorn blossoms with that of the great plague. Later, it was discovered that the blossoms contain the same chemical as that which is formed in decaying animal tissue. For this reason, hawthorn is associated with death and illness.

Holly: A hearty evergreen shrub, holly has tough spikes on its stems. It’s said that throwing holly at a wild animal will cause it to lie down. You can apply this idea to spells aimed toward your enemies or those who threaten you by integrating holly thorns.

Rose: Use the rose in matters of the heart, including breakup spells and the dark side of love.

Vinegar: Vinegar is a cleansing agent with antibacterial and antifungal properties and can eat right through limescale, marble, and other hard objects. For this reason, vinegar can be used in spells meant to erode a situation and cause discord, as well as for cleansing and protection.

Spells Using Common
Dark Magick Ingredients

Death Oil Spell to End a Feud

This spell is to kill an ongoing fight or disagreement between two people or parties. Perhaps it is an old grievance that has dragged on for years or even generations. In this case, that disagreement has actually taken on a life all its own and is sitting between the opposing parties like a monster, stopping both sides from moving forward. This spell is for when it’s time to kill that monster.


Materials to represent the feud or grievance. Some suggestions are bits of broken glass, dirt from the scene of an argument, or a printout of a hurtful text or email. Hurt feelings can be represented by a spoonful of sour milk, rusty nails, or any object you find unpleasant.

Empty jar with lid

1 cup death oil (see page 48)

During the dark moon, cast your circle and place the items that represent the feud in the jar one by one. As you do so, visualize what each item means. The broken glass is the pain you have inflicted on each other. The rusty nails are resentment. The rotten milk is the soured feelings between you. When you have the items in the jar, spend some time reliving all the horrible feelings of the argument. If you feel shame, anger, or sadness, send it from your heart into the jar along with the objects by imagining brown muck coming out of your heart center. That brown muck is alive—it is all the energy you and your rival have put into this fight. Allow the jar to fill with that energy until it completely disgusts you.

Then pour death oil over the items, completely covering them. See the death oil stifle the energy in the jar the way that water kills a flame. As the oil completely saturates every pore and groove in the items, see it mute the sour, repulsive power you’ve put into it as well, and then shut it off completely. Seal the jar. Close the circle.

Place it somewhere you will not have to see it. Once the feud or argument ends, dispose of the contents and recycle the jar.

Brimstone Spell to Banish Toxic Relationships

There are many different types of toxic attachments when it comes to relationships. So-called love can turn you into a fool—or worse, make you an emotional servant to someone else’s whims. This spell is for when you have tried absolutely everything to rid yourself of an attachment to a toxic person and just can’t break free of them.

This could be a person who is very manipulative and keeps reeling you back into their sphere with guilt or intimidation. Other times we can believe we’re so deeply attached to another person we just can’t let them go no matter how hard we try. You may even feel like you are helpless against your love for them, even though deep down you know they don’t have your best interests at heart. It could even be something more tangible, like believing you must stay with a person because they support you financially. These are all examples of toxic attachments that, if left unchecked, can spiral into abuse.

On the other hand, this spell can also be done to make someone stop being attached to you, if they’ve become unrelenting in pursuing you even though you’re not interested. Not only is this disrespectful of them, but it can slide into the territory of stalking. Please talk to family, friends, and authorities to ensure your safety before turning to magick.

You can do this spell for yourself or for someone else who is hopelessly enmeshed in a destructive relationship.


Access to an outdoor space

1 teaspoon elemental sulfur

Fireproof dish

Hair or fingernails of the person if possible or their name written on
a small piece of paper and rolled up small, the size of a pea

Barbecue lighter

Outdoors under the dark moon, cast your circle.

Place the sulfur in the fireproof dish. Focus on the sulfur and see it as wrath. Lightning, fire, and utter destruction are represented in that yellow material. See it glowing with noxious yellow energy, stinky, repellent, and holding inside it the power to obliterate and purge.

Hold this image in your mind and add the personal effects or name to the pile of sulfur. See them become immersed in the sulfur and therefore the fury of fire and brimstone. Say:

Fire and brimstone,
Purge and burn.
(Name) is destroyed
And cannot return.

Light it on fire. As it burns, visualize yourself rising up above it all, free and clear of this person. As you linger above, see them burning down below in the sulfur fire. Hold this image until the fire puts itself out and they disappear. Dump the remains on the earth (don’t burn yourself) and cover with dirt. Now, see yourself as clear and free of the person, independent and unattached. Once the remains have cooled completely, scoop them and the surrounding dirt up in a dish. Release the circle. Throw the dirt and burned sulfur in the garbage.

Go indoors and have a shower to wash away all the traces of the sulfur smell on your skin along with lingering attachments to the person.

Remember that detaching from this person may be painful or uncomfortable but is necessary. Be ready for some difficult but imperative changes with this spell.

Sulfur Spell to Break a Habit

Addictions and habits take many forms, not always involving drugs or substances. This spell is to help overcome addiction to a thing, person, or behavior by destroying it with brimstone. This should of course be done in conjunction with trying to curb your habits in daily life and with therapy and medical attention.

Select an object beforehand that represents your addiction or habit. If it’s smoking, use a cigarette butt. If it’s binge eating, use a tiny bit of food. If your habit is something like technology addiction, you can use a small piece of an old broken phone or device.


Item representing addiction

Small dish

Jar with a tight-fitting lid, filled with sulfur

Small chunk of black obsidian or jet

On the last night of the waning moon, cast your circle. You may wish to call upon a deity of destruction to aid you.

Place the item on a small dish in front of you. This item holds within it all the power of your addiction. See yourself at your worst as a result of this item. For example, if it is smoking, think about all the times you’ve lost your breath trying to walk upstairs. If it’s an isolating behavior, recall the times it has resulted in you missing out on important things. Picture how your habit has affected those around you. Bring to mind how you have been sickened physically by it. As you recall all these negative things, see the item start to glow in your mind’s eye with murky gray and brown sludge. The longer you imagine the powers of the addiction, the darker and darker it becomes. Pour your feelings into it, from your heart into the object in a dirty stream.

Now stuff the item into the jar of sulfur, covering it completely. Imagine you hear an actual hissing sound, like when water is dumped on a fire, as the sulfur extinguishes its power. Now all the negative energy is absorbed by the sulfur. Seal the jar.

Close the circle.

Bury the jar outside and place the black onyx or jet on top of the burial site. When you recover, you can dig it back up, throw away the sulfur, and recycle the jar.

Brimstone Matches

Ordinary kitchen matches contain sulfur, so it smells like brimstone when you light one. Instead of purchasing large amounts of sulfur, or for situations that need a quick cleansing, empower a book of matches ahead of time with purification powers and carry them with you.



Book or box of kitchen matches

½ cup witch’s salt (see page 49)

Create your own clearing and protection sigil if you’re dealing with a specific situation, or simply use a pentacle. During the dark moon, draw or paint this on the book or box of matches, both inside and out.

Sprinkle the witch’s salt in a circle and place your matches inside it.

Cast your circle and call upon your chosen deity if you wish. See the dark of the moon as a dark circle in the sky, connected directly with your salt circle. Create this connection with your mind. Release the circle. Leave the matches there overnight to be imbued with protection and cleansing energy.

Release the circle.

Carry the matches with you.

When you need a quick energetic reset for any reason, find a spot outside. Light a match, and as it burns, imagine the unwanted energy fizzling out of existence, leaving your energy field bright, strong, and healthy. Imagine the brimstone and fire destroying the unwanted feeling you’re having. If you want to get more specific, you can write what you are banishing on the matchstick with pen or marker.

Don’t do this indoors, as people may think a fire is starting.


9. Lewis, Ritual Sacrifice, 4.