

Foreword by Mat Auryn

Introduction: It’s Not All Love and Light

Part 1: Shadow Work and the Dark Moon Current

Chapter 1: The Dark Moon Current and Liminal Spaces

Chapter 2: Deities and the Dark Moon

Chapter 3: Dark Moon Crafts and Basics

Chapter 4: Dark Moon Divination

Part 2: Blood and Bones

Chapter 5: Blood and Other Fluids

Chapter 6: Animals and Their Parts

Chapter 7: Bones and Skulls

Part 3: The Forbidden Craft

Chapter 8: A Witch’s Curios

Chapter 9: The Poppet

Chapter 10: Cursing and Other Magickal Manipulations

Chapter 11: Sacrifice

Part 4: Looking Death and Rebirth in the Face

Chapter 12: Death and Death Rites

Chapter 13: Working with the Dead

Chapter 14: Rebirth


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Spell Index