Figures in italics indicate captions.
Adler 20
Alfa Romeo 30, 30, 36, 46, 48, 48, 86
Alfa Romeo Portello works 48
Alfa Romeo-based Conguro 82
Aluminium Français 52
Amilcar 16
Anderloni, Felice Bianchi 30
argon-arc aluminium welding 70
1100 64
TX4 58
Auto Union, Ingolstadt, Bavaria 98
Bache, David 84
Bailey, Eric 58
Barthes, Roland 54
BBC Top Gear 102
Benn, Tony 86
Bentley 70
Stratos 82
Bertone, Giuseppe ‘Nuccio’ 46, 48
Bizzarrini, Giotto 72
5 Series 92
‘Baroque Angels’ (Barockengel) 92
Neue Klasse 1550 series 92
Boano, Mario 48
Boulanger, Pierre-Jules 42, 54
British Aeroplane Company 70
British leyland 92
British Motor Corporation (BMC) 64, 86
Broadley, Eric 74
Buckminster Fuller, Richard 20, 20
Buckower Dreieck 14
Bugatti, Carlo 14
Burzi, Dick 58
Cantarella, Paolo 102
Carrozzeria Touring 30
Castel Furano 50
chassis, rigid box section 28
Corvette Sting Ray 72
‘chevron’ gears 22
Chicago World Exposition (1933) 20
Chiswick, west London 16
Coles, Edward 76
Colombo, Gioachino 36
computer-modelling techniques 44
concept cars 44
Continental Alpine Trials 28
Corvair Testudo 82
Corvette 56
Costin, Frank 60
D’Ascanio, Corradino 40
Datsun 104
de Havilland 60
Delage 24
Delahaye 24
Design Museum 6
Diesel, Rudolf 80
diesel engine 100
disc brakes 60
dog clutches 10
Duncan, Isadora 16
Duroplast 62
Dusio, Piero 32
Edward G. Budd Company of Philadelphia 22
eight-cylinder engine 14, 26, 36, 74
electrical equipment 34
Enlightenment 8
ERA six-cylinder machine 36
Farina, Battista ‘Pinin’ 32
Fenaille, Pierre 18
Ferguson, Adam 8
Ferrari 32, 36, 60, 70, 72, 74, 74, 78
Ferrari Maranello factory 36
500 106
Auto 102
Nuova 500
Panda 106
Uno 94
flat-4 ‘boxer’ engine 86
Ford 66
Cortina 86
GT 74
Fordism 8
four-stroke motor 66
four-wheel brakes 26
front engine 20
front-wheel drive 18, 20, 22, 22, 64, 66
gas turbine 50
gearbox, integrated 64
General Motors (GM) 44, 44, 80, 96
Ghosn, Carlos 104
Giacosa, Dante 56, 56, 90, 102
Giugiaro, Giorgetto 46, 78, 82, 86, 86, 90, 90, 94, 94, 104
Godfrey, Ronald 10
Gold Cup Oulton Park, Cheshire 74
Grand Prix of Reggio Emilia 14
Gropius, Walter 20
GT40 programme 74
Gulf Oil 74
Hassan, Walter 70
Hayek, Nicolas 106
headlamps 54
Heusser, H. 14
Highland Park factory (Ford) 8, 8
Honda 72
Hruska, Rudolf 86
Iacocca, Lee 74
Isotta Fraschini 30
Italdesign, Moncalieri, Turin 86
Jano, Vittorio 36
Jaray Streamline Carriage Company, Zurich 26
Jensen 30
Kahn, Albert 8
KdF-Wagen (Volkswagen) 26
‘kidney grille’ 92
King, Charles Spencer 84
Kirwan-Taylor, Peter 60
V12 engine 72
Lamborghini, Ferruccio 72
Lampredi, Aurelio 36
Aprilia 30
Le Corbusier 6
Le Mans 16, 18, 30, 30, 32, 70, 74, 74
Le Quément, Patrick 102
Ledwinka, Hans 26
Levallois-Perret, Paris 16
Leyland truck and bus company 86
Lingotto rooftop track 50
Lola Cars 74
Lola GT 74
London Motor Show (1948) 70
Longbridge Austin plant 86
Loofbourrow, Alan 96
Lord, Leonard 64
LTI 58
Lyons, William 70
Magès, Paul 54
Mann, Harris 86
Mantovani, Aldo 90
Maserati brothers 30
Mays, J 74
MX-5 16
MG 16
Michelin tyre company 42
Michelotti, Giovanni 92
Miramas circuit, southern France 16
Modernism 66
Molsheim factory, Alsace 14, 24
glass-fibre 60
integrated structural 78
Monza 50
Mors 22
Moss, Stirling 36
Moulon, Alex 64
Nader, Ralph: Unsafe at Any Speed 44
Nakamura, Shiro 104
Nash 58
Nervi, Pier Luigi 46
Nissan 104
Prairie 94
S Cargo 6
NSU 98
Nuvolari, Tazio 86
off-road ‘trials’ 12
Offficine Meccanische (OM) 86
open tourers
Otto, Nikolaus 80
Paris Motor Show (1948) 42
‘people carriers’ 102
Petit, Emile 16
Piëch 84
Piëch, Ferdinand 98
Pomigliano d’Arco, near Naples 86
Prinetti & Stucchi 14
production line 8
propeller shaft 26
Public Carriage Office, London 58, 58
‘Quartic’ wheel 86
racing cars 12
Rapi, Luigi Fabio 50
rear-wheel drive 20
Espace 94
‘Retrofuturism’ programme 74
Rome Grand Prix 50
‘safety bicycle’ 38
Salmson ‘San Sebastian’ 16, 16
Salomano, Carlo 50
Sapino, Filippo 94
Sason, Sixten 66
Sayer, Malcolm 70
Scaglione, Franco 46, 48, 72, 72
Schreyer, Peter 98
Segre, Luis 48
semiautomatic epicyclic transmission 8
Setright, L.J.K. 42
Shelby, Carroll 74
six-cylinder engine 28, 28, 70
Skegness, Lincolnshire 10
Smith, Martin 98
Société des Automobiles Tracta 18
sports versions 12
Stalin, Joseph 8
Starley, John Kemp 38
Stokes, Donald 86
styling bridge 44
front 66
hydraulic suspension 54
long-travel 84
Svensk Flygmotor 66
Swatch Group 106
swing axles 34
Tai, Satoru 104
Tatra 34
Topolino 56
Touring coachwork company, Milan 32, 72, 72
Touring Superleggera construction system 30
Toyo Kogyo (now Mazda) 96
Toyoda, Dr Shoichiro 100
IQ 106
Trabant Zwickau works 62
‘Trabbie’ (Trabant) 62
transverse engine 64
Triumph 86
1300 92
Dolomite 92
Turin Motor Show 46, 48, 72, 94
twelve-cylinder engine 36
two-cylinder engine 10
Übelacker, Erich 26
Vespa 40
Vintage Sports Car Club 10
Voisin, Gabriel 22
Volkswagen 26, 76, 86, 96, 106
‘Fastback’ estate car (‘Variant’) 90
K70 saloon 90
Polo 106
Volkswagen Wolfsburg plant 34
Wankel, Felix 80
Wankel rotary engine 80, 80, 96
Warkuß, Hartmut 98
Weber carburettor barrels 78
Weslake, Harry 70
Whittle, Frank 38
Wilks, Spencer 84
Willys Jeep 38
Wilson, Harold 86
XK engine 70
Yamamoto, Kenichi 96