Chapter 5. Type Effects

image with no caption

Chapter 1 covered some of the basics of using text in GIMP. In Chapter 5, you’ll see how you can use lighting, shadows, color, texture, shape, and perspective to make the most of fonts.

GIMP isn’t designed to be used as a font editor; it’s a graphic design tool. But what you can do with text in GIMP is far more interesting than what you can do with a font editor. GIMP offers you the ability to alter the environment in which the font is displayed. No matter which of the available fonts you use, you can alter the depth, color, and texture for a text string. And that broadens your graphic design possibilities in much more meaningful ways.

The toolbox has a single tool for working with text: the Text tool. When you select this tool, GIMP opens the Tool Options dialog, in which you can choose a font and size and adjust other text formatting such as color and alignment. Text can be typed directly in the canvas window for WYSIWYG editing of short phrases or you can use the Text Editor dialog for larger blocks of text. Text entered in either window appears immediately in the current layer and incorporates the Text tool’s current settings.

You’ll use the Text tool, its Tool Options dialog, and the Text Editor in all of the tutorials in Chapter 5, but the text itself is only the starting point. Any time you work with text, your goal is to convey a particular message, and the words you choose are only the first step. An image editor like GIMP really allows you to get creative with text in raster effects.

GIMP provides a wide set of predefined text effects, from Chalk to Chrome to Frosty to Textured. If you need to achieve a certain effect but don’t have time to tinker, these predefined effects are the ticket. All of the predefined effects can be accessed by choosing File▸Create▸Logos from any canvas menu. Clicking any option in this menu will open a dialog in which you can select fonts and colors and set a variety of other options. The truth, however, is that these ready-made tools have their limitations, and you won’t rely on them in the following tutorials. To achieve something really unique, you need to do it yourself.

Now it’s time for you to explore GIMP’s Text tool while creating your own effects, such as shadows and erosion. The following tutorials will teach you how GIMP can transform run-of-the-mill characters into a stunning graphic message.

Metallic finishes are most often applied to text, but you can also utilize these general-purpose textures in user-interface design. Metallic finishes are created with the Curves dialog. Adjusting the curves of either a gradient or a smooth texture causes gradual changes in tone to become more dramatic and produces the appearance of shiny metal. This set of tutorials shows you how to create three different metal effects.

The brushed-metal effect is the product of two basic processes. First you apply the Motion Blur filter, which makes it look as though the surface is covered with tiny scratches. Applying noise to a layer adds texture to otherwise flat images. Then you adjust the image’s gray tones in the Curves dialog. Adjusting the Value curve for an image with nonlinear variations—that is, an image with gray randomly distributed in the layer—accelerates the change from black to white and mimics reflective metal. The final effect is enhanced by extruding the letter into three dimensions.

  1. Duplicate the text layer (LayerDuplicate Layer). Name this layer Blurred.

  2. Open the Gaussian Blur filter (FiltersBlurGaussian Blur) and apply a blur of 10 pixels to the duplicate layer.

  3. Click the original text layer in the Layers dialog to make it active.

  4. Open the Bump Map filter (FiltersMapBump Map). Choose Sinusoidal from the Map Type drop-down menu, and then choose the Blurred layer from the Bump Map drop-down menu. Set the Azimuth to 132 degrees, set the Elevation to 30 degrees, and set the Depth to 7. Click OK to apply the filter.

    Sinusoidal mapping produces a more realistic three-dimensional effect with edges that are less rounded than those produced by the Linear and Spherical options. The Azimuth slider sets the direction of lighting within 360 degrees. The Elevation slider changes the roundness of the edges, and the Depth slider sets the softness of the shadowed sides. To get the most out of this tutorial, I’ve chosen values to accentuate depth.

  5. Turn on the Lock Alpha Channel option for the original S layer. Turn off the visibility of the Blurred layer.

  6. Open the Gaussian Blur filter again (FiltersBlurGaussian Blur) and apply a blur of 10 pixels. This softens the shadow edges a bit, making the sides appear more rounded without blurring into the transparent areas.

  7. Duplicate the original layer (LayerDuplicate Layer). With the duplicate layer active, select the text by choosing LayerTransparencyAlpha to Selection.

  8. Press D to reset the default foreground and background colors.

  9. Choose the Blend tool from the toolbox. In the Tool Options dialog, set the Mode to Grain Merge and the Gradient to FG to Transparent. Drag from the upper-left corner of the canvas to the lower-right corner. Then drag from the bottom of the canvas to the top.

  10. In the Layers dialog, set the Mode to Soft Light.

  11. Press CTRL-SHIFT-A to deselect all.

  1. Merge the gradient layer and the original S layer (LayerMerge Down).

  2. Open the Curves dialog (ColorsCurves), and adjust the curve for the Value channel to closely resemble that shown here. The actual setting will vary, depending on the variation in gray tones in your layer. Click OK. This will be the first visible change that looks a bit metallic.

  3. Duplicate the layer (LayerDuplicate Layer).

  4. Select the letter in this duplicate layer by choosing LayerTransparencyAlpha to Selection.

  5. Use the RGB Noise filter to fill the selection with noise (FiltersNoiseRGB Noise). Uncheck the Correlated noise and Independent RGB checkboxes. Set all three color channel sliders to 0.44 and set the Alpha slider to 0. Click OK to apply this filter. Desaturate this layer (ColorsDesaturate).

    The RGB Noise filter fills the selection with random dots—in this case, the dots are colored and must be desaturated. Setting the color channel sliders to 0.44 increases the noise. (Higher values mean more noise, and lower values mean less noise.) The alpha channel is not used here.

  6. Open the Gaussian Blur filter (FiltersBlurGaussian Blur) and apply a blur of 2 pixels.

  7. With the text still selected, use the Motion Blur filter to further blur the layer (FiltersBlurMotion Blur). Set the Angle to 45 degrees and set the Length to 20 pixels.

  8. The last step is to add the blue tint that gives metal its shiny appearance. Add a new layer (LayerNew Layer). Name it Tint.

  9. Click the foreground color box to launch the Change Foreground Color dialog and set the RGB values to 16/59/130. Click OK to close the dialog. Drag the foreground color into the selection in the new layer to fill it with that color. (The letter you selected in step 4 should still be selected.)

  10. Deselect all (CTRL-SHIFT-A), and then set the layer mode to Soft Light and reduce the Opacity to 52 percent.

  11. Set the Mode of the next layer down in the Layers dialog to Grain Extract and its Opacity to 60 percent. Use the Gaussian Blur filter to apply a blur of 2 pixels to the original text layer. That’s it! Just these few steps produce the results you see here.

  12. Turn on the Background layer visibility again. Then add a drop shadow to better see the effect.

The heavy-metal effect is similar to the brushed-metal effect, but it uses the Solid Noise filter to produce a cloudy texture and relies on more dramatic curves adjustment to achieve a polished, reflective appearance.

  1. Clear any selections (CTRL-SHIFT-A).

  2. As you did with the brushed metal effect, you’ll now extrude the text. Note that in this tutorial the extruding isn’t optional. The depth created along the edges of the text creates reflection variations that contribute to the heavy metal effect. Start by duplicating the text layer (LayerDuplicate Layer). Name the duplicate layer Blurred.

  3. Use the Gaussian Blur filter to apply a blur of 10 pixels to the duplicate layer.

  4. Click the original text layer to make it active.

  5. Open the Bump Map filter (FiltersMapBump Map). Set the Bump Map option to the Blurred layer. Set the Map Type to Linear and check the Compensate for darkening checkbox. Set the Azimuth to 130 degrees, the Elevation to 30 degrees, and the Depth to 7. Click OK to apply this filter to the layer.

  6. At this point, you can delete the duplicate layer. Hide the Blurred layer by turning off its visibility in the Layers dialog.

  7. Duplicate the original text layer. Name the new layer Cloud.

  8. Select the text by choosing LayerTransparencyAlpha to Selection.

  9. Fill the selection with a cloud rendered from the Solid Noise filter (FiltersRenderCloudsSolid Noise), as discussed in 1.10 Basic Tutorials. Set the Random Seed to 0. Set the X Size to 10 and the Y Size to 2.

  10. The Random Seed value is used to change the shape of the cloud, so feel free to try different values as you experiment. When set to 0, the random seed value used here, you should end up with the same cloud structure as I did. However, because the cloud is rendered only within the selection, you won’t actually see it. You’ll just see various shades of gray inside the selection.

  11. With the selection still active, open the Motion Blur filter (FiltersBlurMotion Blur). Set the Angle slider to 95 degrees and the Length slider to 20, and then apply the filter to the layer. Deselect all (CTRL-SHIFT-A). The Motion Blur filter turns the clouds into what look more like reflections of light.

  12. Set this layer’s mode to Grain Merge to brighten the cloud layer and give the look of highly reflective metal.

  13. Merge this layer with the layer in which you originally applied the Bump Map filter (LayerMerge Down).

This effect can be further improved by increasing the contrast between light and dark areas.

  1. Open the Curves dialog (ColorsCurves) and apply a curve like the one shown here. This gives you the basic metallic effect, but you can still enhance it further.

  2. Add a drop shadow (FiltersLight and ShadowDrop Shadow). Set the Offset X and Offset Y values to –2 pixels to move the shadow up and to the left and set the Blur Radius to 10 pixels. Apply this to the image.

  3. Perhaps the edges of the text are too soft and need a more punched-out look. You can sharpen the edges of the text and get that punched-out appearance by stroking with a gray outline. Select the text in this layer by choosing LayerTransparencyAlpha to Selection. Grow the selection by 2 pixels (SelectGrow).

  4. Add a new transparent layer by choosing LayerNew Layer and setting the Layer Fill Type to Transparency. Name the new layer Outline.

  5. Click the Foreground color icon in the Toolbox and set the foreground color to gray by typing a4a4a4 in the HTML notation field of the Change Foreground Color dialog. Click OK and close the dialog.

  6. Open the Stroke Selection dialog (EditStroke Selection) and set the Line Width to 2 pixels. Click the Stroke button to stroke the selection.

  7. Deselect all (CTRL-SHIFT-A).

  8. Change the Mode for the Outline layer to Multiply.

  9. Shiny metals like chrome have a bluish tint, so you should add that for realism. Add a new layer (LayerNew Layer) named Color and fill it with blue, setting the RGB values to 16/59/130. Drag the foreground color from the Toolbox into the canvas.

  10. Set the Mode for this blue layer to Soft Light and reduce the Opacity to 53 percent. Turn on the visibility of the Background layer to see result of your labor.

Using the Curves dialog made a big improvement to the metal effect in the Heavy Metal tutorial. But where you can go from there—what else can you do with metallic text? Take the process one step further: add non-text components to the image.

The gel effect shown here is nothing more than soft shadows, smooth surfaces, and white reflections. Imagine how water in a glass tube looks and you get the idea. Gel effects are especially popular in web design, but you’ll see them used in many different contexts. The Mac OS X user interface incorporates what Apple calls the Aqua style, which utilizes gel effects in shades of blue.

The process described in this tutorial can be applied to text, borders, and buttons—just about any surface. Depending on the settings you use for the Curves dialog, the Lighting Effects filter, and the Bump Map filter, your results may be different from mine. What you should take away from this process is how to use bump maps, lighting effects, and layer modes.

  1. Create a selection around the text by choosing LayerTransparencyAlpha to Selection.

  2. Shrink the selection by 2 pixels (SelectShrink) and feather it by 2 pixels (SelectFeather).

  3. Click the foreground color box to open the Change Foreground Color dialog and set the RGB values to 31/82/255 for a slightly brighter shade of blue.

  4. Create a new layer by choosing LayerNew Layer or clicking the New Layer button in the Layers dialog. Name the new layer Bump Map.

  5. Click the Bump Map layer in the Layers dialog to make it active, and then fill the selection with the foreground color by dragging it from the toolbox into the selection.

  6. Deselect all (SelectNone).

  7. Duplicate the layer (LayerDuplicate Layer). Name the duplicate layer Blur.

  8. Open the Gaussian Blur filter (FiltersBlurGaussian Blur) and apply a blur of 10 pixels to the Blur layer.

  9. Click the Bump Map layer to make it active.

  10. Open the Bump Map filter (FiltersMapBump Map). Set the Azimuth to 105 degrees, the Elevation to 5.75 degrees, and the Depth to 10. Set the Map type to Linear, check the Compensate for darkening checkbox, and choose the Blur layer from the Bump Map drop-down menu. Click OK to apply the filter to the Bump Map layer.

  11. Set the Bump Map layer’s mode to Addition.

  12. You’ll need to make a color adjustment to the Bump Map layer in order to make the text look more gel-like. Open the Curves dialog (ColorsCurves) and set the curve as shown here. When the visibility of the Blur layer is turned off, you can see that the Bump Map layer appears brighter.

Now you’ll apply one more filter to the Bump Map layer.

In interior design, distressing is used to give furniture an aged and weathered appearance. In graphic design, it serves a similar purpose—it gives clean and crisp objects, such as text, more visual interest. While it would be possible to design a complete font set around this effect, premade effects always limit an artist’s design options. Adding your own personal touches is tough if every F in your text looks exactly the same.

The next part is the hardest. You’re going to add a series of vertical lines of varying widths to be used as the basis for the distressed effect. The difficulty here will be in positioning the lines randomly over the letters.

  1. Turn on the image grid (ViewShow Grid) and set GIMP to snap to the grid (ViewSnap to Grid). You’ll use the grid to make drawing perfectly vertical (and thus parallel) lines easier.

  2. Choose the Pencil tool from the toolbox and select the Round brush, with the Size set to 1.00 in the Tool Options dialog. Draw a single line extending from the top of the canvas to the bottom. To do this, click near a grid point at the top of the canvas, hold down the SHIFT key, and then click near a grid point in the same vertical line as the original point at the bottom of the canvas. This will draw a straight line 1 pixel in width.

  3. Hide the image grid (ViewShow Grid) and turn off Snap to Grid (ViewSnap to Grid). At this point you may also want to turn off the visibility of the text layer, though that isn’t required.

  4. Choose the Fuzzy Select tool from the toolbox and use it to click the line you just drew with the Pencil tool. You may need to zoom in on the line to make clicking it easier.

  5. Once you’ve selected the line, press CTRL-C to copy it, press CTRL-SHIFT-A to deselect all, and press CTRL-V to paste the duplicate line as a floating selection.

  6. Use the Move tool to move the duplicate line to the right or to the left, then click outside the floating selection to anchor it to the original layer. Do this a few times, positioning the lines randomly across the width of the canvas. When you’ve finished, you should have one layer containing many lines. Duplicate this layer (LayerDuplicate Layer).

  7. Offset the duplicate layer by entering 1 pixel in the Offset X field (LayerTransformOffset).

  8. Merge the active layer with the layer below it by choosing LayerMerge Down. This effectively doubles the width of your lines in a single layer. You also could have used a brush 2 pixels in width from the start, but knowing how to enhance effects through duplicating and offsetting layers is a useful skill.

  9. With the Distressed layer active, choose the Pencil tool again, set the brush Size to 3.00 in the Tool Options dialog, and repeat the process described above, this time drawing thicker lines overlapping the lines you’ve already positioned. Avoid uniformly spacing these thicker lines, and make sure they intersect the text here and there. Don’t forget to use the grid to draw the first line!

  10. Open the Hurl filter (FiltersNoiseHurl). Set the Random Seed to 150, the Randomization to 10 percent, and the Repeat to 1 time. The Hurl filter scatters dots in the current layer, overwriting pixels if necessary. The Randomization value specifies how much of the layer should be filled with dots. Higher Repeat values indicate that the filter should be applied repeatedly, thus increasing the overall number of dots applied. Click OK to apply the Hurl filter to the Distressed layer.

  11. Open the Pick filter (FiltersNoisePick). Set the Random Seed to 10, the Randomization to 20 percent, and the Repeat to 3 times. Click OK to apply this filter to the Distressed layer. The Pick filter is similar to the Hurl filter, but it chooses the pixels and which color to use for them in a slightly different manner. In this case, using the Pick filter makes the dot distribution more random and introduces some larger dots to the pattern. After applying the Hurl and Pick filters, you’ll be left with a set of distressed lines.

A standard GIMP installation provides several specialty filters, including the Sparkle filter (Filters▸Light and Shadow▸Sparkle), which takes specks of white in an image and stretches them out into spokes of light. You can use the Sparkle filter to produce frost, snow, and icicle effects, but the results are not always ideal, because the spokes of light are fairly uniform. This tutorial explores other ways to achieve a frost effect.

In this tutorial you’ll use the Pick and Slur filters to randomize the edges of selections, and then you’ll apply the Wind filter to those selections to generate icicles. You used the Pick filter in 5.3 Distressed Text, so you should be familiar with it how it works. The Slur filter is a pretty standard noise filter; it works by replacing the color of randomly chosen pixels with the color of nearby pixels.

The lesson here is that you’ll seldom find a single filter that gives you exactly the effect you need. You’ll have to learn to use filters in combination—and in the correct order.

  1. Click the text layer in the Layers dialog and merge it with the duplicate Background layer by choosing LayerMerge Down. Click the layer name and change it to Text Layer.

  2. Set the Mode for the Text Layer to Grain Merge. Once the text is embossed, the Grain Merge mode will allow the text edges to blend with the original Background layer.

  3. Now you’re ready to emboss the Text Layer (FiltersDistortsEmboss). Use the Emboss function, and then set the Azimuth to 313 degrees, the Elevation to 39 degrees, and the Depth to 19. You may wish to change these settings, depending on the font you use, but if you use a thick font, similar settings should work well for you. Click OK to apply this filter.

  4. Right-click the saved Outline channel in the Channels dialog and choose Channel to Selection. Remember this process; you’ll need to re-create this selection shortly.

  5. Grow the selection by 2 pixels (SelectGrow).

  6. Feather the selection by 1.6 pixels (SelectFeather) and then invert it (SelectInvert). This will select everything but the letters.

  7. Click the Text Layer in the Layers dialog to make it active. Cut this selection from the Text Layer (CTRL-X). This will leave behind the embossed text with the colored background.

  8. The current selection will still be displayed, but you should replace it. Retrieve the Outline channel selection once again. Grow this selection by 2 pixels (SelectGrow) and save it to another channel. Name this channel Stroked.

  9. Set the foreground color to white. Working in the new Stroked channel, stroke the selection using a Line Width of 3 pixels (EditStroke Selection), and then deselect all (CTRL-SHIFT-A). Temporarily turn on visibility for this channel so you can see what you’re doing in the next few steps.

  10. Open the Pick filter (FiltersNoisePick). Set the Random Seed to 10, the Randomization slider to 30 percent, and the Repeat slider to 2 times. Click OK to apply these settings to the Stroked channel. Working in a channel instead of a layer allows you to easily create a shape that you can turn into a selection later and fill with white in a layer. Not all filters work in channels. Fortunately, the noise filters are an exception, and the results are excellent.

  11. Open the Slur filter (FiltersNoiseSlur). Set the Random Seed to 100, the Randomization slider to 30 percent, and the Repeat slider to 3 times. Click OK to apply these settings to the Stroked channel.

  12. The Pick and Slur filters add some random perturbations to a layer or selection. The noise filters may produce artifacts at the top of the channel. If this happens, make a selection at the top of the channel and fill it with black.

You’ve created a cute snow pile on your text, but you can do more to enhance this design’s frosty feeling.

  1. Rotate the image by 90 degrees clockwise (ImageTransformRotate 90 degrees clockwise).

  2. Press CTRL-J to fit the window to the image.

  3. Open the Wind filter (FiltersDistortsWind). Set the Style to Blast to achieve thicker streaks, set the Direction to Right to indicate the direction from which the wind should blow, and set the Edge Affected to Leading to indicate that the streaks should flow with the wind from the point of impact. Set the Threshold slider to 20 and the Strength slider to 5. Click OK to apply this filter to the Snow layer.

  4. Reapply the Wind filter, this time setting the Style to Wind, the Direction to Right, and the Edge Affected to Leading. Set the Threshold slider to 20 and the Strength slider to 20. The second application adds more streaks but softens the overall effect.

  5. To add the finishing touches, start by rotating the image counterclockwise by 90 degrees (ImageTransformRotate 90 degrees counter-clockwise).

  6. Resize the canvas to fit the window again.

  7. Open the Slur filter (FiltersNoiseSlur) again. Set the Random Seed to 100, the Randomization slider to 20 percent, and the Repeat slider to 2 times. Click OK to apply this filter to the Snow layer. This will add icy particles to the snowy streaks.

  8. Set the Mode for the Snow layer to Grain Merge.

  9. Duplicate the Snow layer (LayerDuplicate Layer), and then set the Mode of the duplicate layer to Addition.

  10. Turn off the visibility of the Stroked channel, if you haven’t done so already.

One of the most interesting effects in a digital artist’s bag of tricks is the glowing neon sign. This was one of the first tricks available to GIMP users, and it’s still one of the easiest to master. Neon is a gas that glows reddish-orange when electrically charged. Real neon signs are made to glow in different colors by being filled with gases (often argon) that emit ultraviolet light. The inside of the tube is then lined with phosphors that glow when exposed to the ultraviolet light generated by those gases.

While science can explain how real neon signs work, using GIMP-generated colored light to simulate a glowing neon sign requires a little magic. There are many ways to perform this magic, but most of them involve using the Emboss filter to transform ordinary lines into 3-D tubes, and all of them use some degree of blurring.

Now you’re ready to work on the sign itself.

  1. Choose the Text tool from the toolbox and then choose a font that suits your project. This example uses SoutaneBlack Thin sized to 110 pixels, with letter spacing set to 5.0. Thick fonts like this work well, especially when you’re still learning how to master this technique, but neon signs can have all sorts of shapes, so feel free to experiment.

  2. The text color should be set to the current foreground color, but if it isn’t, set the RGB values to 244/0/0 to match the red in the background.

  3. Click the canvas and type Joe’s Bar. Use the Align tool to position the text in the center of the canvas.

  4. Expand the text layer boundary to match the image size (LayerLayer to Image Size). This allows you to add elements to the layer that would otherwise be cut off by the original layer boundary.

  5. Create a selection of the text’s outline by choosing LayerTransparencyAlpha to Selection. Save this selection to a channel (SelectSave to Channel), and then double-click the channel name and change it to Outline. You’ll use this channel again later.

  6. Grow the selection by 3 pixels (SelectGrow).

  7. Create a new layer (LayerNew Layer) and name it Stroke. Return to the Layers dialog to see the new layer.

  8. Stroke the selection by choosing EditStroke Selection and setting the Line Width to 5 pixels.

  9. Delete the original text layer and then deselect all (CTRL-SHIFT-A). You now have the outline for creating the sign’s neon tubes.

  10. Duplicate the Stroke layer and name the duplicate layer Emboss.

  11. Open the Gaussian Blur filter (FiltersBlurGaussian Blur) and apply a blur of 6 pixels to this layer.

  12. Open the Emboss filter (FiltersDistortsEmboss). Set the Function to Emboss, the Azimuth slider to 43, the Elevation slider to 30, and the Depth slider to 43. These settings give the Emboss layer a cutout appearance. Click OK to apply this filter to the layer.

  13. Lower the Emboss layer in the Layers dialog by choosing LayerStackLower Layer once.

  14. Set the Mode for the Emboss layer to Addition.

  15. Open the Gaussian Blur filter (FiltersBlurGaussian Blur) and apply a blur of 6 pixels to the original Stroke layer. Set the Mode to Grain Merge.

  16. Add a drop shadow to this layer (FiltersLight and ShadowDrop Shadow). Offset the drop shadow by setting the Offset X and Offset Y values to 8 pixels. Set the Blur Radius to 6 pixels, set the Opacity slider to 100 percent, and uncheck the Allow resizing checkbox. If you were to instead check the Allow resizing checkbox, it would resize the canvas and place transparent areas around the edges. That’s not what you want for this tutorial. Apply this drop shadow.

  17. The Stroke layer should still be active, but if it isn’t, click the Stroke layer in the Layers dialog to make it active again.

  18. Add a second drop shadow. This time, set the Offset X and Offset Y values to 9 pixels, the Blur Radius to 15 pixels, and the Opacity slider to 100 percent. Again, uncheck the Allow resizing checkbox. Applying these drop shadows raises the neon tubing above the background wall.

  19. Move the Emboss layer above the Drop Shadow layers but below the Stroke layer.

In 1.2 Layers and Modes you learned the basics of working with layer modes, which provide a unique way of merging one layer with another. While modes are available for use with all GIMP paint tools, tool-based modes blend directly within the layer and actually change the layer’s pixels. This becomes a problem if you make a long series of brushstrokes, for example, and want to backtrack later. If you haven’t specified enough undo levels in the Preferences dialog, you might not be able to undo some of those strokes.

Layer modes, on the other hand, don’t change any underlying pixels. The blending is done only during compositing, meaning it happens when GIMP combines all the layers to generate the display on the canvas. This sort of blending is nondestructive and offers greater flexibility for experimentation.

The spray-paint effect makes use of layer modes to blend a painted layer with a textured layer. In the last tutorial, you used layer modes to merge the light cast from a neon sign with the brick wall behind it. The same process applies to spray-painting a textured surface. First you create the surface, then you add a spray-paint layer above the first layer, and finally you use a layer mode to blend the two together.

  1. Return to the Layers dialog and delete the text layer.

  2. Add a new transparent layer by choosing LayerNew Layer and setting the layer fill type to Transparency. Name the new layer Paint.

  3. Retrieve the Outline channel selection from the Channels dialog, and then grow the selection by 2 pixels (SelectGrow) and feather it by 10 pixels (SelectFeather). These steps will soften the edges of your selection, enhancing the spray-paint effect.

  4. Click the Paint layer in the Layers dialog to make it active again.

  5. Choose WindowsDockable DialogsBrushes from the canvas menu to open the Brushes dialog, and then choose the Round brush.

  6. Choose the Airbrush tool from the toolbox. In the Tool Options dialog, set the size to 20.

  7. Click the foreground color box in the toolbox to open the Change Foreground Color dialog, type Yellow in the HTML field, press ENTER, and then close the dialog.

  8. Paint inside the selection with quick, uneven strokes, but don’t fill the selection completely. Don’t worry if the text doesn’t look exactly like spray paint yet. Deselect all (SelectNone).

  9. Choose the Rotate tool from the toolbox and use it to rotate the Paint layer by –20 degrees.

  10. Open the IWarp filter (FiltersDistortsIWarp). Set the Deform Radius to 40 pixels, and then drag the mouse through the lettering to distort it lightly. This step makes the spray-painting appear more random.

  11. Duplicate the Paint layer (LayerDuplicate Layer). Set the Mode for the original Paint layer to Color, and then set the Mode for the duplicate layer to Grain Merge. These layer modes allow the bricks’ shadows and cracks to show through your spray-painting.

  12. Duplicate the original Paint layer again (LayerDuplicate) and name this layer Drip.

  13. You’ll reuse a technique you used to create frosty icicles in 5.4 Frost, this time to create paint drips. Start by rotating the Drip layer 90 degrees clockwise (LayersTransformRotate 90 degrees clockwise).

  14. Open the Wind filter (FiltersDistortsWind). Set the Style to Blast, the Direction to Right, and the Edge Affected to Both. Then set the Threshold to 3 and the Strength to 20. Click OK to apply this filter to the Drip layer.

  15. Rotate the Drip layer 90 degrees counterclockwise (LayerTransformRotate 90 degrees counter-clockwise).

  16. Set the Mode for the Drip layer to Screen. For an enhanced drip effect, duplicate the Drip layer one or more times.

Advertising, web design, and many other kinds of projects involve combining text with images. As you begin working with type in your GIMP projects, consider this food for thought.