Chapter 1: Dialogue of the Deaf
The Price Paid: Policy Gridlock
What Went Wrong: Origins of the Dialogue of the Deaf
An End to the Dialogue of the Deaf and an Exit from Gridlock
The Illogic of Policy Analysis Today
What Must Be Done to Raise the Level of Debate
Chapter 2: Must There Be a Lost Decade?
Seven Headwinds That Have Stunted U.S. Economic Recovery
Reasons for Lackluster Growth During the Remainder of this Decade
Exit from Gridlock: Mr. President, You Can Have Your Cake and Eat It, Too
Socratic Dialogue: A Rethink of Fiscal Policy
“Good” versus “Bad” Deficits, and the Main Policy Proposal
How the Proposed Policy Satisfies the Four Desiderata
A Further Justification of the Proposed Marshall Plan
Are the Needed Resources Available?
Legal System Difficulties—NIMBYism in Particular
The Identification and Ranking of Public Investment Projects by Their Return
An Objective Assessment of Returns
Keeping Analysts Honest in the New Bank
A Deeper Approach to Justifying the Proposal
Rethinking the Role of Deficit Spending from Scratch
When Very Large Deficits Are Justified: A Unification of the Arrow-Kurz and Keynesian Theories
Appendix: The Case for Very Large Deficits and/or Surpluses
Chapter 3: Resolving the Entitlements Spending Crisis
The Ideal: More Health-Care Services, Lower Total Expenditures
A Supply-Side Solution to the Health-Care Crisis
Three Basic Assumptions for an Optimal Health-Care System
An Analogy from Agricultural Reform
Can the Supply Curve Shift Way Out? If So, How?
Importance of Health-Care Reform—A Postscript
Redressing the Social Security Deficit
Chapter 4: Preventing Perfect Financial Storms
The Four Origins of Today’s Financial Crisis
Misguided Theories of Market Deregulation—“Markets Always Know Best”
Emergence of a Pathological Incentive Structure
Chapter 5: Bargaining Theory 101
The Origins of Economics Imperialism
Why the Paradigm of Economics No Longer Suffices
The Possibility of the Hegemony of Political Science: The Nash-Harsanyi Pluralistic Bargaining Model
The Remarkable Power of the Bargaining Model in Political Science and Beyond
Chapter 6: Beyond Democratic Capitalism
True Textbook Capitalism, and the Correct Role of Government
Beyond Efficiency: The Eight Ideals of an Optimal Social System