
(a,b) tree, 128

Integrity verification: cloud and IoT, 194

amortized analysis, 6

Aproximate nearest neighbor, 186

Auto complete, 182

B and B+ trees, 120

Balanced BST, 33

Binomial heap, 60

Block chain, 174

Bloom filter, 26

Bloomjoins, 206

Buffer tree, 130

Cache oblivious, 119

Click-stream processing, 191

Communication complexities, 85

Completely fair scheduler, 198

Computational model, 8

CouchDB, 205

Crawl frontier, 179

Cuckoo hashing, 22

Data structure, abstract data types, 4

Data synopsis, 149

Digital signature, 175

Disjoint sets, 55

Distributed caching, 200

Distributed data structures, 135

Distributed hashing, 136

Dynamic optimality, 50

Fast IP-address lookup, 192

Fingerprint, 160

Hash function, 16

Hashing, 15

Heavy hitter, 185

I/O complexities, 84

I/O model, 118

Infinite data problem, 86

KD tree, 92

Lazy delete, 10

Locality-sensitive hashing, 30

Low rank approximation, 187

Map search, 209

MD5, 171

Near-duplicate detection, 189

Paragraphs of text, 151, 204

Partial persistence, 107

Perfect hashing, 18

Posting list, 180

Quadtree, 96

Query types, 83

Queue spilling, 197

R tree, 101

Randomized BST, 36

Range queries, 89

Range search tree, 89

Ray shooting, 212

Retroactivity, 113

Sketching, 156

Skip graph, 143

Skiplist, 46

Spacial proximity in GIS, 210

Splay tree, 39

SSL, 173

Static optimality, 50

Tango tree, 45

Text retrieval from inverted index, 181

Universal hashing, 19

Wavelets, 162