
The slightly selfish big bit of chromosome”: R. Dawkins, The Selfish Gene, 35. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1976.

Chapter 1

moved forward with a snake like motion”: “Observationes D. Anthonii Lewenhoeck de Natis è semine genital Animalculis,” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 12, 1040–1043, here 1041 (1677–78).

There is one universal principle of development”: T. Schwann, Microscopic Researches into the Accordance in the Structure and Growth of Animals and Plants, transl. H. Smith, 165. Sydenham Society, London, 1847.

each cell is, within certain limits, an Individual”: ibid. 2.

elementary organism”: E. W. von Brücke, “Die Elementarorganismen,” Sitzungsberichte der Kaierlichen Akademie Wien 44, 381–406 (1861).

A cell … yes, that is really a person”: Otis, 18 (2000).

What the individual is on a grand scale”: ibid. 21.

for whatever the living cell is”: E. B. Wilson, The Cell in Development and Inheritance, 13. Macmillan, New York, 1896.

We must be careful”: J. Gray, A Textbook of Experimental Cytology, 2. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1931.

The cell is making a particular kind of reappearance”: Landecker, 4 (2007).

the higher levels of order, form and function”: Harold, 69 (2001).

I prefer to think of the genome as akin”: ibid. 69–70.

Something is not accounted for very clearly”: ibid. 65.

DNA as our soul”: Gilbert (2015).

Chapter 2

the sperm fresh-sprung from the father’s loins”: Rosenfeld (1969).

The parts of each organ help the other parts to form”: Gilbert & Pinto-Correia, 91 (2017).

an unfolding of pre-existing instructions”: Keller, 21 (1995).

greasy machines”: ibid. 27.

A more balanced and useful view”: Nijhout, 444 (1990).

We use words like sister”: Zimmer, 384 (2018a).

First Interlude

The higher animals, we learn”: Reynolds (2008a).

permanent ovum”: ibid.

our understanding of how powerful”: Shapiro, 106 (2011).

Chapter 3

In not just taking the animal body apart”: Landecker, 67 (2007).

rather limited value”: Nicholas, 148 (1961).

delicate surgical operation”: Witkowski, 283 (1979).

Carrel’s new miracle points”: Skloot, 68 (2010).

In the next century, if infection, starvation”: Friedman, 49 (2008).

the creeping horror of the most morbid”: Landecker, 92.

If some day the scientists arrive”: ibid. 98.

bringing life under control”: Wells, Huxley & Wells, 878 (1931).

fragments of that eminent personage”: ibid. 31.

My mind went back to a day in 1918”: Huxley (1926).

I commend to the great public”: ibid.

the City during working hours”: Wells, Huxley & Wells, 31.

Doctor Farnham had a fleeting”: Squier, 224 (2004).

Now every separate part is tied”: ibid. 79.

Testicles and ovaries”: ibid. 80.

At the Strangeways lab a certain lad”: ibid. 84.

There is something rather romantic”: ibid. 67.

are responses to something otherwise not easily comprehended”: Landecker, 142.

living proof of the unexpected autonomy”: ibid. 161.

has secured for the patient”: Skloot, 198.

If allowed to grow uninhibited”: ibid.

a constant preoccupation with mass”: Landecker, 174, 179.

thrust into a kind of eternal life”: ibid. 164.

Tissues that move from bodies”: Waldby & Mitchell, 34 (2006).

If you repay me not on such a day”: The Merchant of Venice, Act I, Scene iii.

the human body exists beyond relations of commerce”: Waldby & Mitchell, 23.

deeply respected the rights of patients”: https://agendapub.com/­index.php/­community/­blog/­105-­the-­curiouscase-­of-­john-­moore-­s-­spleen

What does it mean when the human body”: Waldby & Mitchell, 7.

And you know what?”: O. Catts & I. Zurr, “Artists working with life (sciences) in contestable settings,” Interdisciplinary Science Reviews 43, 40–53, here 47 (2018).

the idea of in vitro production”: ibid. 46.

People … would be drawn to see the piece”: ibid. 45.

Second Interlude

It may be triggered”: Davies, 137 (2019).

Apparently the only thing our cells do”: Raff, 121 (1998).

we can’t ignore the immune system”: L. Lynch, public talk, “Schrödinger at 75: the future of biology” Dublin, 6 September 2018.

we are now using the taboo word”: ibid.

There is no such thing as a ‘good microbe’”: Yong, 80 (2016).

Chapter 4

We thought at the time”: Yamanaka (2012).

to tell the truth, we did not expect that we had the answer”: ibid.

a paradigm shift in our understanding”: https://www.nobelprize.org/­nobel_prizes/­medicine/­laureates/­2012/­advanced-medicineprize2012.pdf

Gene expression space can in some places”: A. Klein, personal communication.

It doesn’t require any super-sophisticated bioengineering”: Willyard, 521 (2015).

Simply by providing the right conditions”: M. Lancaster, TEDxCERN talk, 30 November 2015. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjiWRINEatQ

just what an embryo does”: Madeline Lancaster, personal communication.

You don’t need a completely well formed human brain”: Lancaster, personal communication.

We hope to see the very earliest disease-associated changes”: Selina Wray, personal correspondence.

a technology of living substance”: J. Loeb, letter to Ernst Mach, 26 February 1890. In Pauly, 51 (1990).

you’re basically hacking the cell’s code”: D. Srivastava, personal communication.

It appears that, in nature”: Alvarado & Yamanaka, 115 (2014).

Chapter 5

Isolated cells have the singular power”: Carrel, 106 (1935).

engendered by cells which”: ibid. 107.

an organ develops by means”: ibid.

somatic cells do not require the control”: Wilson, 33 (2011).

some means [of] artificial circulation”: ibid. 32.

We can take an ovary from a woman”: Haldane, 64 (1924).

if what has already been done”: Anon. “Review of Daedalus, or Science & the Future,” Nature 113, 740 (1924).

Already other parts of the human body”: Burke, 3 (1938).

it is now possible to construct”: Rostand, 83 (1959).

a crowd of various cells”: Wilson, 31.

we may find ourselves curing organoids”: Marta Shahbazi, personal communication.

I watched in agony and completely helpless”: Vacanti, 397–398 (2007).

It occurred to me that”: ibid. 398.

it became clear that, even with the very best”: Martin Birchall, personal communication.

I felt there must be a better”: ibid.

Considering how little we knew”: ibid.

the ideal material for building”: Khademhosseini, Vacanti & Langer 68 (2009).

If this research is allowed”: Squier, 274–275 (2004).

With every year I see more hope”: Joseph Vacanti, personal communication.

This is difficult science”: ibid.

the realization of Pygmalion’s dream”: Vladimir Mironov, personal communication.

manufacturing platform for multicellular”: Takebe et al. (2017).

Animal-grown organs could transform”: Conger (2018).

to achieve his ambitious goal of flying”: Rashid, Kobayashi & Nakauchi (2014).

Chapter 6

If I’m honest”: Franklin, Hopwood & Johnson, 17 (2009).

Fertilized human eggs”: Edwards, Bavister & Steptoe (1969).

Embryos as we know them today”: Morgan, 4 (2009).

Had it not been for ectogenesis”: Dronamraju, 84 (1995).

There is no great invention”: ibid. 36.

What sort of creatures will these be?”: Burke (1938).

It will thus be seen”: Wilson, 38 (2011).

Next he had to get this life”: Čapek (1921).

There are the vats of liver”: ibid.

conquer the true human beings”: Burke.

a valuable technique with peculiar advantages”: Wilson, 50.

living tissues are growing”: ibid.

clearly not the sort of propaganda”: ibid. 52.

Tradition has been to regard”: Rosenfeld, 47 (1969).

the force of love may henceforth”: ibid. 47, 49.

reduce … the act of married love”: P. Singer & D. Wells, The Reproduction Revolution: New Ways of Making Babies, 52. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1984.

She was born at around 11.47 pm”: P. Gwynne, “All about that baby,” Newsweek 7 August 1978, 44.

Now when Rachel saw that she bore Jacob”: Genesis, 30: 1–2.

There is still not one social group”: Gilbert & Pinto-Correia, 24–25 (2017).

Remember that I am thy creature”: Shelley, 68 (1818/2012).

our social identities”: Morgan, 62 (2009).

Conception in vitro is now a normal”: Franklin, 1 (2013a).

confirms the viability”: ibid. 308.

is designed to precisely replicate”: ibid. 234.

is not that they are defying nature”: van Dyck, 189–190 (1995).

There is a revolutionary purpose”: Franklin, 73 (2013a).

good to think with”: ibid. 29.

Even the somewhat surprising scale”: ibid. 148.

Research on human embryos”: Alison Murdoch, personal communication.

complex amalgams of factual”: M. Warnock et al., “Report of the Committee of Inquiry into human fertilisation and embryology,” HM Stationery Office, Para 11.9. London, 1984. Available at http://www.hfea.gov.uk/2068.html

When I think about it”: Azim Surani, personal communication.

And the Lord God caused a deep”: Genesis 2:21.

regeneration of human gametes”: Werner Neuhausser, personal communication.

I get lots of emails”: Surani, personal communication.

Even with safeguards in place”: Neuhausser, personal communication.

If the human race as a whole”: E. Dolgin, “Making babies: How to create human embryos with no egg or sperm,” New Scientist 11 April 2018. https://www.newscientist.com/­article/­mg23831730-­300-­making-­babies-­how-­to-­create-­human-­embryos-­with-­no-­egg-­or-­sperm/­

could blow away the biological barriers”: A. Smajdor, talk at “Crossing frontiers: moving the boundaries of human reproduction,” Progress Educational Trust, London, 8 December 2017. https://www.progress.org.uk/conference2017

two people want their child”: Greely, 190 (2016).

evidence of just how wide-ranging”: ibid.

Chapter 7

a corpse would be re-animated”: Shelley, 168 (1818/2012).

I saw – with shut eyes”: ibid.

He sleeps, but he is awakened”: ibid.

supremely frightful would be the effect”: ibid.

In this the direct moral”: ibid. 214.

acts of damage-limitation”: ibid. 415.

rather study the established order”: ibid. 236–237.

They do say that man”: Čapek (1921).

Lonely island experiments”: Friedman, 125 (2008).

there is the distinct possibility”: Rosenfeld, 44 (1969).

there is no reason to believe”: Pera (2017).

It is unclear at which point a partial model”: Rivron et al. (2018).

if we had not had the prior experience”: Alison Murdoch, personal communication.

[He] foresees the day”: D. Rorvik, Brave New Baby, 32. Doubleday, New York, 1971.

could start us down a path towards”: Lanphier et al. (2015).

society will decide”: Marchione (2018).

The experiment was heedless”: E. J. Topol, “Editing babies? We need to learn a lot more first,” New York Times 27 November 2018. https://www.nytimes.com/­2018/­11/­27/­opinion/­genetically-­edited-­babies-­china.html

It is imperative that the scientists”: J. Doudna, Berkeley News 26 November 2018: https://news.berkeley.edu/­2018/­11/­26/­doudna-­responds-­to-­claim-­of-­first-­crispr-­edited-­babies/­

a global moratorium on all clinical uses”: Lander et al., 165 (2019).

urgent need to confine the use”: ibid.

I believe that it will become”: Ronald Green, personal communication.

The creation of designer babies”: Janssens (2018).

They have a lot to be worried”: Hank Greely, personal communication.

Almost everything you can accomplish”: ibid.

The more eggs you can get”: ibid.

The science for safe and effective”: ibid.

Where there is a serious problem”: Alto Charo, personal communication.

our ability to love one another”: ibid.

we’ll start seeing the use of gene editing”: Ronald Green, personal communication.

Genetic testing is a responsibility”: Z. Corbyn, “‘Genetic testing is a responsibility if you’re having children,’” The Observer 8 January 2016. https://www.theguardian.com/­science/­2016/­jan/­08/­anne-­wojcicki-­dna-­genetics-­testing-­23andme-­interview

For better or worse”: Green, personal communication.

very different in size and temperament”: Wilmut, Campbell & Tudge, 17 (2000).

the very essence of humanity”: J. Cohen (2018).

around the world a modest number”: Lauritzen (ed.), 114 (2001).

cloning will have come to be looked on”: ibid.

the useless parts of the body”: Bernal, 38 (1970).

Instead of the present body structure”: ibid. 39.

Philosophies of life”: More & Vita-More (2013).

manipulation of the hereditary factors”: Stapledon, 209 (1972).

he was to be a normal human organism”: ibid. 221.

The sexual superwoman may be riddled”: Ettinger (1972).

Once that is done, sexual identity”: More & Vita-More, 322.

humanity itself is a disease”: Ettinger, 4.

Those who are willing to settle”: ibid. preface (unnumbered).

What you have made us is glorious”: More & Vita-More, 449.

the right to enhance one’s body”: ibid. 55.

Third Interlude

If a heart could be kept beating”: Squier, 219 (2004).

This place is more terrible”: ibid. 220.

From now on, my pet”: R. Dahl, “William and Mary,” available at http://user.ceng.metu.edu.tr/­~ucoluk/­yazin/­William_and_Mary.html

When carried out under favorable conditions”: https://alcor.org/FAQs/faq01.html

the dominant myth of our age”: Christof Koch, personal communication.

Survival of your memories and personality”: ibid.

If you can bridge the gap”: More & Vita-More, 164 (2013).

old, weak, vulnerable, pitifully limited”: ibid. 123.

agents whose boundaries and components”: ibid.

utmost power and cunning”: The Philosophical Writings of Descartes, Vol. II, transl. J. Cottingham, R. Stoothoff & D. Murdoch, 315. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1984.

I shall think that the sky”: ibid.

It might be suggested that you”: G. Harman, Thought, 5. Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1973.

If I am a Brain in a Vat, then I am not a Brain in a Vat”: A. Brueckner, Mind 101, 123–128 (1992).

If I accept the argument”: T. Nagel, The View from Nowhere, 73. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1986.

his entire body and even his entire identity”: Mialet (2013).

Someone who is powerful is a collective”: ibid.

Chapter 8

That is not Carl Zimmer”: Zimmer (2018b).

It seems that we need to think”: Shapiro, 102 (2011).

Immunity does not merely guard”: Gilbert, Sapp & Tauber, 333 (2012).

central to the inner logic”: Clarke, 313 (2010).

we lack a theory telling us”: ibid. 323.

as brain surrogates become larger”: Farahany et al., 430 (2018).

Such capacities could include being able”: ibid.

We have to start thinking about it”: A. Boyle, “Where does consciousness come from? Brain scientist closes in on the claustrum,” GeekWire 3 November 2017. https://www.geekwire.com/­2017/­consciousness-­come-­brain-­scientist-­closes-­claustrum/­

We still have your fibroblasts”: Chris Lovejoy, personal communication.