
abdomens: abdominal fat and health, 52; breastfeeding’s effect on size, 39; and clothing, 1734; differences between the sexes, 17, 36; societal ideal through the ages, 147, 1489

abdominoplasty, 186

Abercrombie and Fitch, 187

Adam, 164

adipocytes, 2931, 35

African ideal female body shape, 1534, 155

African-American ideal female body shape, 1512

age: and body-dissatisfaction, 958; and eating disorders, 127; and sexual selection, 6970, 79

aggression, 1935

Agta people, 25

amphetamine-regulated transcript, 110

amygdala, 131, 1323

Andaman Islanders, 155

androgens, 367, 73

anger: and body image, 101; and weight gain, 113

anorexia nervosa, 12341; non-fat-phobic, 153; see also eating disorders

antidepressants, and eating disorders, 133

anxiety: and appetite, 113; and eating disorders, 129

appetite, 30, 10815, 11920

Aqua, 1456

areolae, 79

arms, 12, 14, 1617, 35, 40, 174

aroma see smell

art, and sexual selection, 67

Artemis statue, Ephesus, 147

arthritis, 54

Asian ideal female body shape, 153

athletic abilities, 246

atherosclerosis, 54

attractiveness: children’s attitude to, 85, 95; and goodness, 1023, 1212, 196; and health, 656, 1978; and social status, 195200; see also sexual attraction and selection

Australopithecus, 1920, 24

autism, and eating disorders, 129

backs and spines, 12, 20, 40

Baghavad-Gita, 61

Bailey, David, 167

ballet dancers, 120

Bantu people, 155

Barbie, 1456, 1601

Bardot, Brigitte, 82

beauty contests, 1534, 187

beer, 34

bellies see abdomens

Bible, 104

bipedalism, 1112

black ideal female body shape, 1512

blood pressure, 53

body-dissatisfaction, 958, 120

Body Dysmorphic Disorder, 124

body image, 84103; avoiding, 100; checking, 99; coping with, 99; and eating disorders, 1302; ethnosocial variations, 1516; fixing, 99; and the media, 153, 15663; and social status, 199200

body mass index: calculating, 8, 467; and health, 52; and sexual selection, 734, 80

body-perception, 935

body-relevance, 978

body shape, female: ability to be changed, 2012; body-model concept, 92; changes throughout life, 2741; differences from male, 1328, 3144; and eating disorders, 1346; escaping the obsession, 2057; and evolution, 926, 424; female disregard for male preferences, 3, 823; female obsession with, 23, 856, 189205; female perception of, 84103; female preferences, 801; and health, 201; and inheritance, 42; male preferences, 6183, 152, 156, 1756, 183, 2023; and social status, 199201; societal ideal and the media, 153, 15663; societal ideal and its pressures, 146, 15663; societal ideal in different ethnosocial groups, 1556; societal ideal in flux, 2035; societal ideal through the ages, 14651; symmetry, 71; teasing about, 134; uniqueness of human, 2, 5; variations in female, 414, 65, 812; ways of altering and enhancing, 16488

body-tending activities, 99100

bones, 17, 54

boredom, and appetite, 113

botox, 1867

bottoms see buttocks

brain: brain regions which identify bodies, 8893; brain size and body shape, 15, 1821; brain size’s relation to mother’s size, 14; cardiovascular disease, 534, 175; development pre- and post-birth, 1819; dieting and mood, 119; eating and mood, 10815; and eating disorders, 12933, 141; energy consumption, 37; evolution, 18; exercise and mood, 120; and female fat stores, 23; and fertility, 4950; relationship to the body, 8693, 99103; and sexual selection, 689; size dimorphism, 16; and walking upright, 12; and wearing high-heeled shoes, 177

bras, 171, 172

breastfeeding see lactation and breastfeeding

breasts: breast size and health, 547; cancer, 54, 557; and clothing, 1702; cosmetic surgery, 1856; development, 33; and fat deposition, 21, 22; female dissatisfaction with own, 97; lactation’s effect on, 39; large breasts and promiscuity, 158; post-menopause, 40; reason for size of human breasts, 7780; and sexual selection, 7681; societal ideal through the ages, 147, 149, 150; waist–bust ratio, 767, 801

bulimia, 12341; see also eating disorders

Burkina Faso, 154

Burma, 173

buttocks: and breastfeeding, 23, 39; and clothing, 1703; cosmetic surgery, 186; development, 33; and fat deposition, 21, 22, 23, 31, 35; and pregnancy, 39; prominence, 1213; and sexual selection, 634; societal ideal through the ages, 147, 1489; steatopygia, 155

cancer, 21, 35, 54, 557, 175

carbohydrate, 11011

cardiovascular disease, 534, 175

carrying angle see elbow angulation

cellulite, 36

cheeks, 36, 72, 183

chests, 17

chewing, 15, 109

childbirth: and being overweight, 48; and female size, 14; and pelvis size, 1821; and the seasons, 22; see also pregnancy

childcare: feeding babies, 23, 379; and female athletic abilities, 256; and female fat deposition, 22; and the hips, 201

children: and body image, 956; and clothes, 169; differences between the sexes, 314; eating habits, 11213; and embodiment, 856; overweight children and eating disorders, 134; reactions to fatness, 85, 957

chimpanzees: birth, 19; faces, 16; female competition among, 191; sexual selection, 69; skeleton shape, 13; weight dimorphism, 14

China, 187

chins, 72

chocolate, 11415

chromosomes, 289

cinema, and ideal female body shape, 1578

cingulate gyrus, 1323

class see social status

cleavage, 171

clitorises, 37

clothing, 16482; to alter appearance, 16882; colour, 17881; as concealment, 1667; and gender-specificity, 168, 1789; and menstrual cycle, 180, 198; origins, 166; as protection, 1678; and sexual arousal, 167, 168; stripes, 1812

cocaine, and dieting, 118

cocaine-regulated transcript, 110

colour: of clothing, 17881; mammals’ discernment of, 179

colour blindness, 86

competition, 1908, 2036; historical form, 206

contraception, and body image, 101

corsets, 149, 171

cortisol, 113

cosmetic surgery, 1857

cosmetics see makeup

Cotard’s syndrome, 93

Croft, Lara, 161

Cycladic civilisation and figures, 148, 148

Darwin, Charles, 63

dementia, 54

depersonalisation disorder, 93

depilation, 184

depression: and chocolate, 115; and dieting, 116, 118, 119

Descartes, René, 84

diabetes, 514, 175

diet see food and eating

dieting, 105, 11619, 134

disruptive selection, 43

division of labour, 246, 190

dogs, 120

dolls, and ideal female body shape, 1456, 1601

dominance: historical form, 206; importance to women, 1908; uncertain nature of criteria for women, 2035

dopamine, 133

eating see food and eating

eating disorders, 12341; among African-Americans, 151; and brain function, 12933, 141; definition, 1236; and evolution, 13640; and exercise, 120; among Hispanics, 1523; historical incidences, 136; male, 1267, 136; the media’s influence, 160; partial, 126; resistance to treatment, 1401; and social status, 199; sociocultural explanations, 1336; websites, 161

elbow angulation, 1617

embodiment, 84103

emotions: and eating disorders, 1323; see also mood

endocannabinoids, 110, 115, 120

endogenous opioids, 110

energy availability, and fertility, 4950

enteroception, 91

Eve, 104, 149, 164

evolution: and body shape, 926, 424; disruptive selection, 43; and eating disorders, 13640; by natural selection, 63; by sexual selection, 6383

exercise: differences between the sexes, 36; effects on women, 11921; exercise dependence, 126; and fertility, 46, 48; among Sudanese women, 153; see also athletic abilities

eyebrows, 72

eyes, 12, 71, 72, 73

faces: decrease in variation, 201; development of facial recognition abilities, 85; differences between the sexes, 1516; and sexual selection, 69, 703

families see children; parents; siblings

fashion, 169

fashion models, 82, 1778

fat: abdominal, 523; changes in body stores throughout life, 3141; different types in female body, 301; and fertility, 4551; function, 212; and health, 527; and division of labour, 246; liposuction, 186; measuring gluteofemoral, 489; and reproduction, 224; science behind function, 2930; and sexual selection, 736; and variations in female body shape, 44

fat-talk, 96

feet, 12, 16, 88, 174, 176

femininity, and sexual selection, 656, 67, 723

Feral Cheryl, 145

fertility: and body shape, 4551; clothing as guide to, 1801; and competition, 191; and eating disorders, 13940; and leg length, 175; and menstrual cycle, 180; and sexual selection, 656

figure skating, 120

fingers, 16, 125

Florence, Brancacci Chapel, 164

food and eating: comfort foods, 11011; cravings, 113, 11415; diet and fertility, 49; dieting, 105, 11619, 134; food availability and ideal female body shape, 155; food’s relationship with mood, 10815; guilt about, 11112; instinctive urge to eat, 105; male and female eating habits, 108; see also eating disorders

fractures, 17

gall bladder, 54

genetics see inheritance and genetics

ghrelin, 110, 113

gorillas, faces, 16

gossip, 194

gynaecomastia, 545

hair: blonde, 183; depilation, 184; pubic and armpit, 367, 166, 184; and sexual selection, 70

hands, 16, 867, 174, 1767

happiness, and appetite, 113

Harry, Debbie, 82

health: and attractiveness, 656, 1978; and body shape, 201; and body symmetry, 71; and dieting, 118; and intelligence, 67; and leg length, 175; and skin tone, 73; and weight, 517

heart, 24, 534, 125

height, 36

Helmholz illusion, 182

Hepburn, Audrey, 82, 150

heroin chic, 150

hips, 12, 15, 201; waist–hip ratio, 49, 51, 746, 801, 154

Hispanic ideal female body shape, 1523

Hitchcock, Alfred, 150

homosexuality: role of female body in same-sex relationships, 4; and sexual selection, 6970

hormone replacement therapy, 35

hormones: and appetite, 10910, 113, 115; and eating disorders, 125; and fat deposition, 30, 31, 346; and fertility, 4950; and other pubertal changes, 367; and sex differentiation, 29; and sexual selection, 689, 723

hosiery, 174

humour, and sexual selection, 67

hunger, 109

hunting, 256

hyperphagia, 118

hypothalamus, 4950, 689, 131

inheritance and genetics: and appetite, 109; and body image, 945; and body shape, 43; and breast cancer, 56; and competition, 191; and eating disorders, 128; and sexual selection, 66, 68

insula, 93, 131, 1323

insulin, 30, 512

intelligence: and body symmetry, 71, 80; body’s role in, 867; and breastfeeding, 23, 39; and dieting, 119; and sexual selection, 62, 667, 62, 667

internet: and body image, 90; and ideal body shape, 158, 160, 161

Irving, John, 9

jeans, 164, 16970

Jeffries, Mike, 187

joints, 17, 54

Jolie, Angelina, 82, 156

Jung, Carl, 123

Kayan people, 173

Kennedy, Jacqueline, 150

Khoisan people, 155

kidneys, 54

Knowles, Beyoncé, 82, 153

lactation and breastfeeding: and breast size, 778; calories needed for, 389; and cancer, 56; and fat deposition, 22; and female athletic abilities, 256; and infant intelligence, 23, 39; strategies for meeting the demands, 44

Lagerfeld, Karl, 90

legs, 12, 16, 1747

Lemburg Castle, 171

leptin, 30, 36, 50, 10910

Lewis, Matthew Gregory, 27

lice, 1656

life expectancy, 20

liposuction, 186

lips, 36, 72, 183

liver, 52; disease, 175

Lukyanova, Valeria, 1601

lungs, 24

magazines, and ideal body shape, 158, 159, 160, 1612, 1623

makeover programmes, 162

makeup, 182, 183

Manet, Edouard, 149

manipulation, physical, 867

Mansfield, Jayne, 82, 150

marriage, and weight, 114

Mary, Virgin, 149

Masaccio, 164

Mauritania, 152

media, and ideal female body shape, 153, 15663

men: attitude to makeup, 182; clothing, 168, 1723, 1789; and female body concealment, 167; and oestrogens, 35; preferences for female body shape and appearance, 6183, 152, 156, 1756, 183, 2023; societal ideal for body shape, 146; see also sex differences

menopause, and after, 40

menstrual cycle: and appetite, 11415; and clothing, 180, 198; and fertility, 180

mental health, 71, 77; see also anxiety; depression

mice, 21, 30, 68

Middle Eastern ideal female body shape, 153

mind, relationship to the body, 8693, 99103

mirrors, and body image, 8990, 100

Monroe, Marilyn, 82, 150, 176, 183

mood: and dieting, 119; and eating, 10815; and exercise, 120, 121; see also emotions

Moore, Demi, 174

movement, 87, 88, 176, 177

muscles, 17, 21, 23, 31, 32

music, and sexual selection, 67

muzzles, 15

nakedness, 164, 167

Navratilova, Martina, 32

necks, and clothing, 173

nerves, sympathetic, 30, 35, 36

noradrenaline, 30

noses, 72

nudity see nakedness

Nystrøm, Lene, 1456

obesity see weight

oesophagus, 125

oestrogens: and appetite, 115; and body shape, 356, 37; and breast symmetry, 80; and facial features, 183; and the menopause, 40; science of, 334

osteoporosis, 54

ovaries, 35, 40

Pacific islanders, 155

Paltrow, Gwyneth, 82

pancreas, 512

parents: and competition, 191, 192; and eating disorders, 134; other-sex parents as models of desirability, 66, 72; and their children’s body image, 967

peacocks, 64

pelvises, 1213, 1821, 31

personality: and body image, 94; depersonalisation disorder, 93; and eating disorders, 1289; and reaction to carbohydrate, 111; and sexual selection, 67

Philippines, 25

photography: female tricks for appearing smaller, 107; and self-perception, 8990

piercings, 185

pituitary gland, 4950

plastic surgery see cosmetic surgery

Playboy magazine, 82, 1501, 1556, 159

pornography, 1589, 167

prefrontal cortex, 1301, 1323

pregnancy: and being overweight, 48; clothing, 174; and eating disorders, 127; and fat deposition, 22; and female abdomens, 17; and female athletic abilities, 256; fetal sex development, 289; preferred intercourse positions during, 76; shape of bulge, 76; stance in late pregnancy, 20; weight gain during, 378; see also childbirth

pregorexia, 127

primates, and female competition, 191; see also chimpanzees

proprioception, 91

puberty: and body image, 96; and differences between the sexes, 317; and eating disorders, 127, 135, 139; onset triggers, 458, 50

pubic hair see hair, pubic and armpit

pubic mounds, 35

rats, 138

reproduction see childbirth; fertility; lactation and breastfeeding; pregnancy

ribcages, 17

right- and left-handedness, 17, 92, 131

Rihanna, 153

Rirgendanwa, Carine, 154

romantic relationships: and appetite, 113–14; and body image, 1001; and social status, 192; and victims of aggression, 194

Rubens, Peter Paul, vii, 149

sadness, and appetite, 113

schizophrenia, 177

self-awareness, and the body, 84103

self-esteem, and body image, 1012

serotonin, 111, 113, 115, 128, 133

sex development, fetal, 289

sex differences: aggression, 193; athletic abilities, 24; body-dissatisfaction, 2, 97; body shape, 1328, 3144; colour blindness, 86; competition and social status, 1903, 2035; diabetes, 523; eating disorders, 1267, 136; eating habits and preferences, 108, 110, 118; exercise, 36; fat metabolism, 223, 52; maturation age, 323; perceiving body shape change, 889; sense of smell, 86; size, 1315; talking, 193; vertical growth, 36

sexual abuse, and eating disorders, 134

sexual attraction and selection: acceptability of criteria, 202, 207; and body image, 1001; and body shape, 6183, 1756; and clothing, 17980; and competition, 1901; and exercise, 120; and skin, 1823

sexual intercourse: preferred positions in pregnancy, 76; sex-life and body image, 100

sexual jealousy, 184

Shakespeare, William, 189

shoes, high-heeled, 1767

shoulders, 17, 173

shrews, 21

siblings: identifying by smell, 68; and origins of eating disorders, 13940

Simpson, Wallis, vii

size, 1315

skin, 40, 41, 70, 73, 1824

skulls, 12, 16

smell: and self-perception, 91; sexual differentiation in sense of, 86; and sexual selection, 689

smiles, 67

smoking, and dieting, 118

social roles see labour division

social status: and attractiveness, 195201; and body shape, 154, 199201; and clothing, 1689; hierarchy formation, 1912; importance to women, 1908, 2036; male, 2045; and stress, 191

Some Like It Hot (film), 176

spatial timidity, 1067

spines see backs and spines

sporting abilities see athletic abilities

steatopygia, 155

steroids, 34, 367; see also oestrogens; testosterone

stomach, 125

strength, 17

stress: and eating, 111, 113; and social status, 191

stripes, and clothing, 1812

Sudanese ideal female body shape, 153

suntans, 1834

surgery see cosmetic surgery

swimming, 120

symmetry, and sexual selection, 701, 80

talking, 1934

tanning see suntans

tattoos, 1845

teeth, 15, 70, 125

television, and ideal female body shape, 153, 1578, 160, 162

testicles, 29

testosterone, 367

thighs: brain’s perception of, 88; and breastfeeding, 23, 39; and fat deposition, 21, 22, 23, 31, 35; liposuction, 186; male–female differences, 15; and pregnancy, 39; societal ideal through the ages, 147, 1489; steatopygia, 155

thoraxes, 17

tickling, 90

Tolstoy, Leo, 84

Tomb Raider, 156

torsos, 17

touch, 90, 91

tummy tucks, 186

Twiggy, 150

uniforms, 168

uteruses, 39

Venus of Willendorf, 147, 147

vision, and body image, 878, 98

vital statistics, average, 150, 151

voices, 678, 71

Voltaire, 45

waists, 13, 1415, 40, 181; waist–bust ratio, 767, 801; waist–hip ratio, 49, 51, 746, 801, 154

waitresses, 103

walking and gait, 176, 177; bipedalism, 1112

Webb, Wilfred Mark, 164

weddings: wedding dresses as symbols, 168; and weight, 114

weight: and body image, 102; children’s reactions to fatness, 85, 957; cult of thinness, 10422, 1346, 141, 187; and health, 517; and hormones, 30; and leg length, 175; methods of losing, 105, 11621; and sexual relationships, 1001; and social status, 199200; weight gain in pregnancy, 378; weight loss before and after forty, 401; see also body mass index

youth see age