Little Old New York, 614
‘Little Red,’ 514
Little Salmon River, 645
Little Valley (village), 685
Little Wee (lake), 384
Livingston Family: Alida, 610; Brock-hoist, 591; Edward, 591, 611; Henry Gilbert, 610; Janet, 611; Joanna, 581; John, 591, 608; Margaret Beekman, 609; Peter Van Brugh, 588; Philip (1686–1749), 608; Philip (1740–1810), 588, House, 588; Robert (1654–1728), 607, 609; Robert (1688–1775), 608, 609; Robert (1708–90), 608; Robert E., 610; Robert R., Chancellor (1746–1813), 407, 609, 615; Robert R., Judge (1718–75), 609; Robert Thong, 609, Memorial Chapel, 609
Livingston, Henry Walter, 168
Livingston County, 19
Livingston iron works, 93
Livingston Manor, 105, 460, 562, 607, 609, 631
Livonia, 667
Locke, 426
Locke, David Ross (‘Petroleum V. Nasby’), 140–50
Lockwood, Belva Ann, 680
Lockwood, Thomas B., 224; Memorial Library, 223
Locust Valley, 696
Logan, John, 200
Logan, Sir William, 445
Lomb, Henry, Capt., 290, 294, 304; Memorial, 297
Long Island, 3, 4, 7, 11, 12, 16, 24, 59, 64, 84, 87, 88, 105, 126, 142, 147, 155, 156, 157, 165, 176, 690–715; Herald, 712; Historical Society (Brooklyn), 266; Sound, 36, 48
Long Lake, 515
Long Point State Park, 640
Long Reach, 616
Long Tom Coffin, 712
Long Wharf, 576
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 111, 514, 590
Longstreet, C. Tyler, 341
Loomis, George Washington, 643
Loon Lake, 47, 497, 514; Post Office, 514
Loonenberg Pike, 419
Lorenzo House (Cazenovia), 423
Lorillard, Pierre, iv, 384
‘Lothrop, Amy’ (see Warner, Anna B.)
Lovelace, Francis, Gov., 595
Low, Cornelius P., 373
Low, Will H., 193
Lowell, James Russell, 514
Lower Chateaugay Lake, 513
Lower Fort (Schoharie), 632
Lower manor of Rensselaerwyck, 406
Lowville, 641
Ludington, Henry, Col., 546; and Sybell, 546
Ludlow House (Claverack), 167, 407
Ludlow Valve Plant (Troy), 351
Luks, George, 159
Lundy’s Lane Battlefield (Niagara Falls, Ont.), 209, 278
Lunn, George R., 320
Luther, D. Dana, 661
Luther Forest Preserve, 560
Lutheran Church, Berne, 446; Stone Arabia, 461
Lutherans, 126–7
Lyell, Sir Charles, 445
Lyman, Duane, 218
Lynbrook, 706
Lynch, Dominick, 486
Lyndhurst House (Tarrytown), 170, 585
Lynds, Elam, Capt., 199, 200, 360, 581
Lyons, 671
Lyons Falls, 642
Mabie, Jan, 478; House, 21, 478
McAfee, Mildred, 284
McBean, Thomas, 166
McCloskey, John, 129
McClure, Joseph, 686
McComb, J. Jennings, 582
McComb, John, 256
McCrea, Jane, 24, 65, 624, 625; Grave of, 624
McCurdy, John, 657
MacDonald, Wilson, 246
Macdonough, Thomas, 25, 68, 551, 553; Memorial (Plattsburg), 553
Macfadden, Bernarr, 668
Macfadden-Dansville Health Resort, 668
McFee, Henry Lee, 159
MacGrath, Harold, 338; Home, 338
McGraw, John J., 529
Machin, Thomas, Capt., 418; Grave of, 418
MacIntyre Range, 511
McKay, James, Col., 219; Castle, 170, 219
Mackay, William Andrew, 213
MacKaye, Steele, 219
McKibben, Frank P., 299
McKim, Mead, and White, 256, 261, 302–3, 325, 362, 367
McKinley, William, 195, 217–9, 495; Monument, 211; Site of assassination, 221
McKownville, 416
MacMonnies, Frederick, 368
McMullin, Neil, 166
McNeil, Esther, Mrs., 439
MacNeil, Hermon Atkins, 240
Macomb, Alexander, Gen., 25, 553
Macomb Purchase, 67, 497, 638, 642
McQuaid, Bernard, Rt.Rev., 299
Macy, Seth G., Capt., 566; House, 566
Madison Barracks, 517
Madison County, 88, 644; Historical Society, 488
Madison Square Garden, 143, 256
Mahican (Indians), 407, 455–6, 621
Mahopac, 395
Mahwah River, 382
Maintenon, Madame de, 556
Maison Française, La, 262
Malbone, Edward G., 156
Malden-on-Hudson, 594
Malone, Dudley Field, 579
Malone, Edmund, 519
Mambrins Messenger (trotter), 397
Manchester, 664
Manhasset, 695; Bay, 695; Neck, 695
Manhattan, 7, 13, 58–9, 64, 81, 105 126, 147, 163, 255–65, 417, 548; College, 133; State Hospital, 121
Manlius, 469; Military Academy, 469
Mann, George, Tavern, 446
Mannetto Hills, 704
Mannsville, 526
Manorial system, 92
Mansion, The, 467
Manumission Society of New York, 132
Marbletown, 404
Margaretville, 503
Marin, John, 253
Marion River, 497
Marlboro, 599
Marshall, Benjamin, 94
Marshall House, 625
Martin, Homer D., 159
Martin, Walter, Gen., Tavern, 641
Martin House (Buffalo), 173, 222
Martinsburg, 641
Mary Island State Park, 639
Marymount College, 374
Masonic Home (Utica), 360
Masonic Temple, Rochester, 296; Sag Harbor, 712
Massena, 14, 99, 138, 532–3; Works of the Aluminum Co. of America, 532
Massepequa, 707
Mather, W.W., 445
Matinecock, 696; (Indians), 381
Matteawan (see Beacon); State Hospital, 576
May, Samuel J., Dr., 334, 338; Memorial Church (Syracuse), 338
Mayville, 394
Meacham, Joseph, 415
Meacham, Thomas, 519
Meacham Lake State Campsite, 519; Woods, 519
Mead, Edward Nathaniel, Rev., 582
Meadowbrook: Hospital, 704; State Campsite, 507
Mechanicville, 626
Medina, 673
Megapolensis, Domine, 479
Melville, Herman, 147
Memoirs of an American Lady, 145
Menard, René, 427–8, 671; Memorial Bridge, 428
Mendon, 663
Menken, Adah Isaacs, 153
Merrick, 709
Merrillville, 513
Merriwold Park, 386
Mesier, Matthew, 575; House, 575
Messenger (trotter), 397
Metropolitan Life Insurance Co., 560
Metropolitan Museum of Art, 258, 263
Metropolitan Opera House, 160, 256, 260
Mexico (village), 645
Meyer, Hans, 426
Michie, Dennis Mahan, 364
Middleburg, 634
Middleburg & Schoharie R.R., 8, 633
Middlebury Academy (Wyoming), 679
Middleport, 674
Middletown, 385
Middleville, 491
Milbank Memorial Fund, 333
Milborne, Jacob, 60
Milburn House (Buffalo), 219
Military Tract, 67, 234, 414, 423, 665
Mill Neck, 696
Millay, Edna St. Vincent, 151, 284, 543, 579
Millen’s Bay, 640
Miller, Burr, 464
Miller, Elizabeth Smith, Mrs., 428
Miller, Gerrit Smith, 141
Miller, Kenneth Hayes, 160
Miller, Lewis, 393
Miller, Morris S., Judge, and Rutger B., 358
Miller, Pliny, Capt., 507
Miller, William, 130
Miller, William H., 240
Miller House, Claverack, 407; White Plains, 548
Millerites (see Seventh Day Adventists)
Millerton, 544
Millet, Jean, 651
Mills, Clark, 157
Mills, Harriet May, 469
Mills, Ogden L., 616; and Ruth Livingston, Memorial State Park, 571
Minaville, 418
Mineola, 699
Minerva, 495
Mineville, 537
Minisink Trail, 385
Minord, Zenobe, 297
Minot, Charles, 82
Minuit, Peter, 59
Mirror Lake, 506
Mitchell, J. Guernsey, 302
Mitchell Field, 704
Modjeski, Ralph, 402
Moffits Beach State Campsite, 493
Mohawk (Indians), 54, 62, 184, 306, 317–18, 407, 453, 455, 458, 463, 478, 480, 677
Mohawk (village), 169, 464, 482; Carpet Mills, 457; Drama Festival, 154, 316; Mission, 126; Trail, 542; Turnpike, 95, 453
Mohawk & Hudson R.R., 7, 80, 185, 320, 345, 386, 454
Mohawk River, 3, 9, 16, 21, 50, 59, 62, 76–7, 84, 165, 319, 354, 453, 477, 486, 487, 612
Mohawk Valley, 6, 18, 21, 36, 62, 64, 66, 67, 86, 98, 99, 105, 107, 126, 151, 159, 164, 166, 184, 319, 353, 451, 453, 458, 459, 461, 470 476, 477, 481, 489, 609; Knitting Mills, 482
Mohegan (village), 395; Lake Academy, 395
Monitor, 97, 346, 545, 547, 582
Monks and Johnson, 217
Monroe, 397; County, 11, 148, 663; Courthouse, 291
Montague, Mrs. Hannah Lord, 345
Montauk (Indians), 690; (village), 714; Peninsula, 714; Point, 715; Point State Park, 715
Montcalm, Louis Joseph, Gen., 62, 539, 558, 628, 646
Montcalm Landing Ferry, 540
Montezuma (village), 670; Swamp, 428, 670
Montgomery, Richard, Gen., 64, 554, 607
Montgomery County, 6; Courthouse, 460; Historical Society, 457
Montgomery Place (house), 611
Monthly Journal of Agriculture, 136
Monticello, 386
Montour, Catherine, 655
Montour Falls, 655
Montreal, P.Q., 60, 61, 62, 68, 77, 183
Montross, J.W., 325
Moody, Jacob Smith, and Martin, 507
Moore, Edward Mott, Dr., 290, 301
Moos, Elizabeth, 580
Moose River, 498
Moran, Daniel E., 402
Moravia, 426
Moravian Missionaries, 425
Morgan, Daniel, Col., 65, 625–7
Morgan, William, 70, 410, 434, 472, 651
Morgan Library (New York City), 261
Morgan’s Rifle Corps, 626, 634
Moriches, 710
Morley, Christopher, 696
Mormons, 18, 70, 130, 525, 660, 664, 672; Church, 660, 666; House, 452; Monument, 660
Moroni Headquarters Building, 660
Morris, Anne, 523
Morris, Benjamin W., 261
Morris, Gouverneur, 522; Mansion, 522
Morris, Robert, 67, 441, 453, 473, 679; House (see Jumel Mansion)
Morris, Roger, Capt., 373
Morris Reserve, 678
Morrissey, John, 307, 309, 544
Morristown, 534
Morse, Samuel F.B., 156, 241, 574, 616
Morton, J. Sterling, 525; House, 525
Moses, Horace A., 539
Mostly Canallers, 151
Mott, Lydia P., 425
Mount, William Sidney, 157, 698
Mount: Adams, 495; Beacon, 576, 617, Inclined Railway, 576; Colden, 495; Goodenow, 495; Gulian, 575; House (Stony Brook), 698; Independence (West Point), 364; Lebanon Shaker Settlement, 176, 414, 415; McGregor, 560, Sanitarium, 560; McIntyre, 495, 505, 510; Marcy, 15, 495, 505, 510, 511; Merino, 407; Morris, 515; Onistagraw, 634; Palomar Observatory, 389, 390; Santanoni, 495; Skylight, 495; Taurus (Bull Hill), 617; Utsayantha, 412; Van Hoevenberg Bobsled Run, 510; Vernon, 371, 549
Mud Lock, 427
Mulford, Samuel, 713; House, 713
Mullaney, Kate, 102
Muller, Daniel, 481
Muller, Lewis Anath, 644
Muller Hill 644
Munson, Jairns, 411
Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute, 359
Murphy, Timothy, 112, 413, 633, 634
Murray, William Henry Harrison (‘Adirondack’), 14, 497
Museum: of the American Indian, 257; of the City of New York, 263; of Fine Arts (Binghamton) 204, (Syracuse) 338; of Modern Art, 177, 262; of Natural History (Rochester) 302
Music, 160–2
Mutual Broadcasting System, 140
Mutual Welfare League, 200
Mynders, Burger, and Jr., 601
Napanoch, 405; State Institution for Male Defective Delinquents, 405
Napeague Beach, 714
Naples, 661
‘Naples Tree,’ 661
Nappeckamack, 371
Narrasketuck Yacht Club, 707
‘Nasby, Petroleum V.’ (see Locke, David Ross)
National Academy of Design, 594
National Aniline and Chemical Plant, 226
National Baseball Museum, 501
National Broadcasting Co., 140, 250, 321
National Christian Association Opposed to All Secret Societies, 472
National Glider Meet, 388
National Golf Club of America, 711
National Grange of Patrons of Husbandry, 439
National Institute of Arts and Letters, 257
National Labor Relations Act, 103, 252; Board, 103, 339, 484
National Negro Baseball League, 142
National Typographical Union, 102
National Variety Artists Club, 507
Native American Party, 70, 107
Nativism, 107–8
Natty Bumppo, 111, 146, 330, 502, 615, 647; Cave, 502
‘Ned Buntline’ (see Judson, Edward Zane Carroll)
Nedrow, 527
Negroes, 63, 108, 118, 128, 132, 139, 182, 198, 208, 216, 229, 245, 264, 296, 320, 329, 344, 384, 422, 426, 429, 441, 474, 509, 529, 586, 593, 659, 670, 701; Slavery, 70–1, 105–6, 526, 599
Negro Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 127
Nell Gwynn Theater, 416
Nellis Family, 462
Nelson House (Poughkeepsie), 282
Neuter Indians, 651
Nevis (home), 587
New Amsterdam, 59, 92, 105, 118, 129, 132, 163, 183
New Croton Reservoir, 689
New England, 59, 60, 62, 65, 67, 70, 92, 130, 331, 345
New Englanders, 59, 67, 68, 106
New Hampton, 398
New Hartford, 465
New Paltz, 21, 62, 126, 166, 402–3; State Normal School, 402
New Rochelle, 62, 126, 127, 145, 151, 154, 244–8, 695; College, 19, 247
New School for Social Research, 253
New Windsor, 603
New York: Art Students League, 159; Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor, 121, 610; Athletic Club (see Travers Island); Central & Hudson River R.R., 81; Central R.R., 7, 11, 81, 82, 320, 334, 345, 454, 460, 473, 563, 580; Port of, 106–8, 253; Commercial Advertiser, 149; Countryside, The, 3–26; County, 126; Daily News, 139; Dairymen’s Association and Board of Trade, 463; Evening Post, 146, 695, 696; Gazette, 135; Herald-Tribune, 138; Hospital, 119, 263; Institution for the Blind, 121; Institution for the Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb, 120; Journal and General Advertiser, 135; Juvenile Asylum, 587; Military Academy, 603; Mission Society, 544; Museum of Science and Industry, 262; Natural History Survey, 11; Packet and American Advertiser, 135, 578; Post, 138; Printers’ Union, 102; Protestant Association, 107; Provincial Convention, 577; Sun, 593, 696; Times, 138, 150, 451; Training School for Girls, 122; Trap Rock Quarry, 575; Tribune, 410, 429, 696; World’s Fair, 269; Yacht Club, 610
New York City, 8, 9, 18, 20, 27, 46, 59, 60, 61, 62, 64, 65, 68, 69, 71, 73, 80, 81, 84, 85, 93, 96, 98, 99, 100, 101, 103, 107, 108, 119, 120, 122, 123, 128, 129, 131, 132, 133, 135, 136, 138, 142, 143, 144, 147, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 158, 160, 161, 165, 166, 167, 170, 172, 173, 175, 176, 177, 185, 249–70, 354, 370, 504, 549, 580, 582, 588, 590, 600, 606, 613, 635, 683, 715; Housing Authority, 264, 266; Reformatory (New Hampton), 398
New York State: Agricultural and Industrial School at Industry, 120; Building (Buffalo), 213; Bureau of Labor Statistics, 102; Capitol, 171, 191–2; Commission in Lunacy, 121; Court of Appeals Building (Albany), 190, 581; Education Building (Albany), 193; Department of Mental Hygiene, 544; Division of Archives and History, 24; Executive Mansion (Albany), 196; Experimental Game Farm, 444; Fair, 13, 91; fair grounds (Syracuse), 469; Federation of Labor, 103; Geological Survey, 350; Hospital for the Treatment of Incipient Pulmonary Tuberculosis, 122; Historical Association, 26, 501, 538; Industrial Commission, 103; Institute for the Study of Malignant Diseases, 218, 688; Labor Relations Board, 104; Office Building (Albany), 194; Olympic Winter Games Commission, 510; Park Commission, 641; Planning Board, 46; Prison Commission, 121; Psychiatric Institute and Hospital, 122; Public Service Commission, 633; Quail Farm (Ridge), 700; Racing Commission, 142; Ranger School, 342, 515; Reconstruction Home, 122, 605; Salt Reservation, 330; School for the Blind, 121, 473; Trades Assembly, 102; Tree Nursery (Saratoga Springs), 315; Veterinary College (Ithaca), 242; Vocational Institution for Boys, 592; World War Memorial Highway, 505
New York & Harlem R.R., 81
New York & New England R.R., 600
New York University, 20, 133, 253, 393, 589, 703; Washington Square College, 259
Newark, 671
Newburgh, 15, 23, 25, 66, 98, 103, 105, 127, 138, 147, 159, 164, 169, 170, 203, 599, 602, 616–17
‘Newburgh Addresses,’ 602, 610
Newburgh & Wallkill R.R., 600
Newburgh-Cochecton Turnpike, 600
Newcomb, John, 401; House, 401
Newcomb, Sarah Tobias, 400; and Zacheus, House, 400
Newell, William, 527
Newfane, 682
Newhouse, Samuel, 467
Newman, A.G., 203
News Building (New York City), 262
Newspapers and Radio, 135–40
Newtown Battlefield Reservation, 388
Niagara: County, 89; Gorge, 35, 279, 652; Park System (Canadian), 278; River, 276, 651; University, 133, 652
Niagara Falls, 16, 29, 99, 103, 157, 210, 271–7 651; Museum, 276
Niagara Falls, Ont., 228, 277–9
Niagara Frontier, 25, 68, 221, 272; Food Terminal (Buffalo), 226
Nichols, James, Dr., 688
Nichols Pond, 422
Nicolls, Richard, Col., 59
Nine Mile Swamp, 643
Nine Partners: Meeting of the Society of Friends, 400; School, Site of the, 400
Niver, Thornton M., 601
Noah’s Brig (island), 614
Normans Kill, 590
North, William, 417; House, 417
North American Cement Corp., 449
North and South Notch Trails, 506
North Chili, 676
North Collins, 684
North Country, 67, 82, 149, 150, 346, 516, 518, 530, 552, 641
North Hamlin, 679
North Haven, 713
North Lake State Campsite, 408
North Mountain, 594
North Point, 408
North Star, The, 289
North Tarrytown, 21, 165, 583–4
North Tonawanda, 683
Northern and Adirondack R.R., 515
Northern Inland Lock Navigation Co., 627
Northern R.R., 82
Northport, 698
Northville-Lake Placid Trail, 630
Norwich, 136, 644; Pharmacal Plant, 644
Noses, The, 460
Noyes, John Humphrey, 130, 467, 468
Nyack, 154, 159, 606, 621; Ferry, 585
Oakes Garden Theatre (Niagara Falls, Ont.), 278
Oatka Creek, 471
O’Bail (Abeel), John, 470, 481
Oblong Meeting House, 545
Observatory Museum (Corning), 390
Oceanside, 707
Octagonal House, 566
Odell, Jonathan, 587
Odell Inn (Irvington), 586
O’Donovan, William R., 602
Ogden, Samuel, Col., 534
Ogden Township, 148
Ogdensburg, 62, 82, 135, 138, 533–4; diocese, 129
Oheka, 700
Ojageght (Ind. chief), 56
Olcott, 681
Olcott, Chauncey, 154
Old Batavia Cemetery, 472
‘Old Bet’ (elephant), 546
Old Breckenridge Presbyterian Church (Buffalo), 219
Old Clump (hill), 636–7
Old Drovers Inn, 544
Old Fort Niagara Association, 651
Old Hollyhocks House (Southampton), 712
Old Hudson County Courthouse (Claverack), 406
Old Indian Fort (Ellenville), 405
Old Mansion House (Williamsville), 474
Old Military Cemetery (Sackets Harbor), 517
Old Saratoga (see Schuylerville)
Old Schoharie Turnpike, 448
Old Stone Church (Upper Nyack), 606
Old Stone Fort (Schoharie), 166
Old Union Hotel (Sackets Harbor), 517
Old Westbury, 699
Oliver, Andrew, House, 404
Olmstead, Jonathan, House, 421
Olmsted, Frederic Law, 16, 220–1
Olympic Arena, 507
Onderdonk House, 695
Oneida, 467, 488; Castle, 467; Community, 18, 102, 130, 467; County, 18, 94, 127; Historical Building (Utica), 358; Lake, 669
Oneida (Indians), 306, 354, 422, 466, 527
Oneida, Ltd., 468; Administration Building, 467; Factories, 467
Oneonta, 82, 154, 450; State Normal School, 450
Onondaga (Indians), 423, 437, 527
Onondaga (village), 184; Council House, 527; County, 99, 334; Courthouse, 335; Creek, 329–30; Furnace, 331; Historical Association Building, 334; Lake, 94, 328, 648; Parkway Development, 648; Pottery Plant, 339; Reservation, 471, 527; Valley, 340
Onontare, Site of, 671
Ontario County, 11, 664; Courthouse, 433; Historical Society, 433
Ontario Female Seminary (Canandaigua), 433
Onteora Park, 408
Ontiora, 111
Opalescent River, 495
Orange County, 11, 88, 93, 145, 200, 397; Courthouse, 398, 601
Orchard Beach (New York City), 268
Orchard Park, 443
Orient, 702; Beach State Park, 702; Point Inn, 702
Oriskany, 485; Battlefield, 485 (see also Battle of Oriskany); Creek, 485
Orringh Stone Tavern (Brighton), 672
Osborn, William Church, 618; Castle, 618
Osborne, David Munson, 199, 201; Co., 199
Osborne, Thomas Mott, 200
Osgood and Osgood, 296
Osseruenon, 479
Oswegatchie River, 523
Oswego, 25, 61, 64–5, 85, 96, 166, 645–7; Canal, 9, 80, 85, 331, 646, 648; County, 12, 88, 645; Harbor, 647; River, 645, 647; State Normal School, 647
Oswego & Syracuse R.R., 332
Otis, Calvin, 431
Otis, Elisha G., 372–3; Elevator Works (Yonkers), 373
Otis House, 517
Otsego: County Fair, 91; Creek, 451; Hall, Site of, 500; Lake, 500–2
Otsquago Creek, 420
Outer Barrier, 707
Oval Wood Dish Co., 515
Oven Mountain, 492
Ovid, 666
Owasco occupation, 49
Owl’s Head, 4; Mountain, 510–11
Oxbow, 523
Pack, Charles Lathrop, 557; Demonstration Forest, 342, 557
Paddock, Judah, Capt., 614
Paine, Thomas, 127, 145; Cottage, 246; Memorial House, 246; Monument, 246; National Historical Association, 246
Painted Post, 390
Painting and Sculpture, 155–60
Pakatakan Mountain, 503
Palatine: Bridge, 83, 460; Church, 166, 462; Regiment, Tryon County Militia, 462
Palatines, 21, 62, 105, 126, 166, 354, 445, 448–9, 453, 460–4, 477, 482, 600, 609, 631, 634
Palazzo d’Italia, 262
Palen, Gilbert, 401
Palenville, 408
Palisades, 33, 621; Interstate Park, 396, 619, 621
Palmer, Edward, 396
Palmer, William, 606
Palmer and Hornbostel, 174; and Jones, 193
Palmer House (Evans Mills), 523
Pan-American Exposition (Buffalo), 211, 221
Panther Mountain, 494
Paris, 643
Paris, Isaac, Jr., 643
Paris-Bleeker House, 481
Park Church (Elmira), 231
Parker, Amasa J., 195
Parker, Arthur C.,Dr., 111, 298
Parker, Michael, Sergeant, 442
Parkman, Francis, 24
Parrish, Samuel L., 711; Memorial Art Museum, 711
Parrott, Robert P., Col., 618
Passos, John Dos, 253
Patch, Sam, 273
Patchin, Frank G., 148
Patchogue, 710
Pathfinder, The, 647
Pathfinder Island, 647
Patriarch Elm, 430
Patrick, Samuel, Capt., 449
Patrons of Husbandry, 102
Patterson, 546
Patti, Adelina, 550
Paul Smiths, 520
Paulding, James Kirke, 146, 586
Paulding, John, 585
Paulding, Philip R., 585; Mansion, 170
Pavilion Hotel (Sharon Springs), 419
Pawling, 545; School for Boys, 545
Payne, Samuel, 421
Payne, William, 714
Peabody, George Foster, 308–9; Katrina Trask, Memorial, 309
Peace Bridge (Buffalo), 84, 219
Peach Lake, 394
Peale, Charles Willson, 156
Peck Lake, 490
Peconic Bay, 690
Peconic River, 700
Peek, Jan, 395
Peek’s Kill, 395
Peekskill, 395–6, 619–20; Military Academy, 395
Pell, Mary (Polly), 617
Pell, S.H.P. and William Ferris, 539
Pennell, Joseph, 227
Pennypacker Collection, 714
Perfectionists, 467
Perry, 676–7
Perry, Isaac G., 192
Perry, Matthew C., Commodore, 583; Memorial Bell, 583
Perry, Oliver Hazard, Statue of, 219
Perry, R. Hinton, 221
Peru, 536
Petersburg, 542; Mountain, 542
Petrified Gardens, 489
Pettis, Clifford Robert, 45, 507; Memorial Forest, 507
Pfaudler, Casper, 290; Plant (Rochester), 301
Pheasant Breeders and Hunting Association, 400
Phelps, Orson Schofield (‘Old Mountain’), 511
Phelps and Gorham Purchase, 433, 665
Philadelphia, 554
Philipsburgh, 371, 562, 581, 584, 588
Philipse, Adolphus, 584
Philipse, Frederick, 371, 583, 588
Philipse, Mary, 373
Philipse Manor House, Yonkers, 21, 165, 372; North Tarrytown, 21 (see also Castle Philipse)
Philosophers’ Camp, 514
Phoencia, 504
Pickering treaty, 433
Picnic Point State Park, 640
Picquet, François, 534
Pierrepont, 522
Pierron, Jean, 664
Pike, Zebulon, Gen., 517
Pike Home, 624
Pilgrim State Hospital, 705
Pine: Camp, 516; Hill, 503; Lake, 491; Valley, 655
Pintard, Lewis, 248; Manse, 248
Pioneer Cemetery (Canandaigua), 434
Pioneers, The, 615
Pitcher, Nathaniel, Gen., 101
Pitcher’s Mill, 445
Pitchoff Mountain, 510
Pitt, William, 62
Pitts, Gideon, 441; Mansion, 441
Pittsford, 672
Plaisance, 698
Plant and Animal Life, 37–42
Plateau Mountain, 408
Platt, Thomas Collier, 358, 388
Platt, Zepheniah, Col., 401; House, 401
Plattsburg, 25, 68, 109, 135, 401, 552–3, 553–4; State Normal School, 553
Pleasant Lake, 491
Pleasant Valley, 401; Winery, 658
Plum Point, 617
Plumb, Joseph, 685
Plymouth Avenue Spiritualist Church (Rochester), 295
Plymouth Church of the Pilgrims (Brooklyn), 266
Pocantico Hills, 584
Pocantico River, 583
Poe, Edgar Allan, 268, 363, 365; Cottage (New York City), 267
Poe, Virginia, 268
Poestenkill, 343–4
Point au Roche, 552
Point Comfort State Campsite, 494
Point Gratiot Park, 475
Point Lookout, 410
Point Peninsula, 640
Poke, Greenfield, 360
Poke-O-Moonshine Mountain, 556
Poke-O-Moonshine State Campsite, 556
Poles, 71, 108–10, 129, 161, 182, 198, 202, 208, 252, 259, 265, 270, 272, 287, 317, 320, 329, 353–5, 371–2, 397, 456, 464, 472, 474, 486, 627, 674, 683, 701, 710
Pomeroy & Co., 424
Ponselle, Carmela, 162
Pontiac, Chief, 647
Pontiac Boulder (Oswego), 646
Poor & Co. (Rail Joint) Plant, 351
Poosepatuck Indian Reservation, 690, 710
Pope, John Russell, 248, 553, 704
Poplar Point State Campsite, 494
Poplar Ridge, 426
Port: Byron, 162, 670; Chester, 379; Crane, 452; Henry, 97, 351, 537; Jefferson, 698; Jervis, 399; Ontario, 517; Washington, 695
Portageville, 677
Porter, Augustus, 272
Porter, Noah, 511
Porter, Peter B., Gen., 209, 434; House (Canandaigua), 434
Porter, William Sidney (‘O. Henry’), 253
Porter Mountain, 510
Post, Emily, Mrs., 385
Post, John, 354
Poth, Anna E., Home, 586
Potsdam, 19, 520; State Normal School, 521
Potter, Edward Tuckerman, 170, 324, 326
Potter, William Appleton, 283
Pouchot, François, Capt., 651
Poughkeepsie, 7, 66, 98, 130, 135, 140–50, 171, 280–5, 401, 616; Intercollegiate Regatta, 143, 280; Journal, 137
Powder Mills Park, 663
Powers, Abigail, 426
Powers, Daniel W., 291; Building (Rochester), 171, 288, 291
Powers, Gersham, 199
Powers, Nicholas, 635
Powys, John Cowper, 406
Pratt, George W.,Col., and Zadock, 411
Pratts Rocks, 411
Pray, Melvina, 154
Precision Tool Co. (Elmira), 230
Pre-emption Line, 67
Prendergast, James, 392
Prendergast, Maurice B., 159
Presbyterian Church: Chittenango, 469; Esperance, 418; Hempstead, 703; Huntington, 697; Pompey, 424; Rensselaerville, 445; Sag Harbor, 712; Setauket, 698
Preston, Thomas J., Jr., Mrs. (Mrs. Grover Cleveland), 436
Prevost, Sir George, 553
Prince, Joseph, House (Southold), 701
Prince, William, 89; Nursery, 89
Proctor, A. Phimister, 211
Proctor, Frederick Towne, 355, 359
Proctor, Thomas R., 353, 355, 359; Memorial Building, 355
Prospect Mountain, 558; Ski Trail, 558
Prospect Park (Brooklyn), 46, 266
Prosser, Charles S., 445
Protestant churches, 128
Protestantism, 128
Protestants, 107
Province of New York, 59, 60, 105
Provincetown Playhouse, 155
Prudential Building (Buffalo), 173, 212
Pruyn, John V.L., 187; Library (Albany), 187
Psi Upsilon, 326
Public School Society, 132
Public Service Commission, 72
Public Works Administration, 191, 264, 325, 341, 673
Public Welfare, 118–25
Pullman, George M., 673
Pullman Memorial Universalist Church (Albion), 673
Pulteney, Sir William, 67; Estate, 431, 668
Pultneyville, 659
Purdy, 546
Purdy-Ferris House (White Plains), 548
Purling, 410
Putnam, Elisha, 187
Putnam, Gideon, 307
Putnam, Israel, Gen., 380, 578–9
Quaker Cemetery, 665
Quaker Street, 448
Quakers (see Society of Friends)
Quantuck Bay, 711
Quarterly Journal of Agriculture., 136
Quassaick Creek, 600
Queen Anne, 318
Queen Anne’s Chapel, 126
Queen Anne’s Parsonage, 478
Queen Anne’s War (1702–13), 61, 461, 531
Queen Victoria Park (Niagara Falls, Ont.), 278
Queens, 268; College, 133; County, 126, 691; Midtown Tunnel, 255
Queen’s Fort (Schenectady), 318, 325
Queensbury Patent, 559
Queenston Heights Park (Niagara Falls, Ont.), 279
Queenston-Chippawa Generating Station, (Niagara Falls, Ont.), 279
Quick, Tom, 401–2; Farm of, 404
Quincy, Josiah, 379
Quinn House, 611
Radio, 139–40
Radio Corporation of America Transmitting Station, 699
Railroad Lobby, 70
Rainbow Falls, 555
Ramage, John, 156
Ramapo: Mountains, 382, 384; River, 384; Valley, 605
Rambusch, Harold, 224
Ramée, Joseph Jacques, 20, 168, 326
Randall, James A., 335
Randolph, 148
Raquette Lake, 497
Raskob, John J., 674
Rathbone, Justus H., 359; Monument, 359
Rawlings, Marjorie, 151
Ray Brook Sanatorium, 507
Raynham Hall, 696
Raynor, Daniel, Homestead, 708
Reber family, 462
Recollect missionaries, 54, 297
Reconstruction Finance Corp., 124, 308
Red Cross, 668
Red House, 392
Red Jacket, 209, 428; Monument, 220
Red Stone Dock Campsites, 605
Red Wing (airplane), 657
Redskins, The, 146
Redwood, 535
Reed, Daniel, 582
Reed, John, 580
Reed and Stem, 262
Regis, John Francis, 351
Reid, Whitelaw, 583
Reidsville, 444
Reinhard and Hofmeister, 262
Religion, 126–30
Remington, Eliphalet, 13; and Eliphalet, Jr., 483
Remington, Frederic, 158, 245, 522, 534; House (Canton), 522; Art Memorial, 522, 534
Remington Arms Plant (Ilion), 97, 483
Remington-Rand Plant (Ilion), 103, 483
Rensselaer, 81, 99, 169, 185, 186, 352, 563; Plateau, 447; Polytechnic Institute, 19, 27, 133, 139, 344, 345, 350, 627
Rensselaer County, 22; Courthouse, 169; Fair Grounds, 416
Rensselaer & Saratoga R.R., 81
Rensselaerswyck, 58, 59, 105, 118, 163, 182–3, 562–3, 627
Rensselaerville, 167, 444–5; Academy, 444
Renwick, James, 171, 263, 341; Castle, 171; James Jr., 285
Renwick Bird Sanctuary, 243
Republic Aviation Plant, 705
Republic Steel Plant (Buffalo), 227
Republican Agriculturist, 136
Republican Party, 71, 73, 108, 137, 185, 332, 339, 393, 410, 415, 470, 583, 697
Republican Tree (Syracuse), 339
Resort, 649
Revere Copper and Brass Plant (Rome), 487
Revolutionary War, 3, 21, 25, 56, 63–4, 67, 69, 106, 119, 152, 306, 319, 325, 344, 354, 363, 368, 371, 373, 382, 395, 407–8, 413–14, 416–18, 420, 451, 457, 458, 460, 462, 466, 470, 477, 479, 482, 485, 551, 576–8, 590, 595, 604, 608, 617, 619, 623–5, 628, 632, 640, 645, 651, 652, 655, 690, 696–8, 703
Reynolds, Marcus T., 174, 186–7, 191, 195, 315
Rhees, Rush, Dr., 301
Rhind, J. Massey, 191, 196, 352
Rhinebeck, 609
Ribaud, Gabriel de la, 297
Richardson, Henry Hobson, 172, 190–2, 221
Richfield Springs, 14, 420, 523
Richmond, Dean, 473; Mansion, 473
Richmond, Grace S., 151
Rider House (Rensselaerville), 167, 445
Riedesel House, 625
Riis, Jacob, Park, 269
Rip Van Winkle, 112, 145, 408, 588; Boarding House, 408; Bridge, 84, 407; Trail, 407
Riparius, 492
Ripley, 440
Ripley, Robert, 381
Ritter, Frank, 290; Dental Plant, 301
Riverside (see Riparius); Church (New York City), 264
Riverview, 640
Roadside Crafts, 435
Roberts, Isaac Phillips, 242
Roberts, Nathan S., 468, 674; House, 468
Robertson, Alexander, and Archibald, 156
Robeson, John, 695
Robineau, Adelaide Alsop, 338
Robinson, Beverly, House, 618
Robinson, Boardman, 580
Rochester, 4, 13, 19, 45, 84–5, 96–103, 109, 120, 123, 127–30, 136, 138, 149, 151–2, 154, 160–1, 169–71, 174, 286–304, 410, 652, 672; Airport, 286; Diocese, 129, 290, 300; Daily Advertiser, 135; Gazette, 136; Times Union, 138; University of, 21, 127, 133
Rochester, Nathaniel, Col., 288, 291, 300
Rochester & Syracuse R.R., 332
Rock City, 687
Rockaway: Beach, 14, 690; Hunt Club (Lawrence), 706; Peninsula, 706
Rockefeller Family, 582, 584; John D.,Sr., 374, 584; William, 583; Birthplace of John D., 426
Rockland County, 164, 605; Courthouse, 605
Rockville Centre, 706
Rockwell, Norman, 245
Rockwood Hall, 583
Roebling, John A., and Washington A., 255
Roeliff Jansen Kill, 609
Roemer, Ferdinand, 445
Rogers, Herman, 573; estate, 616
Rogers, James Gamble, 300
Rogers, John, 158
Rogers, Robert, 628; Rock, 628
Rogers, Will, Memorial Sanatorium, 507
Rogers Island, 407
Rokeby, 611
Roman Catholic Church, 128–9, 479
Roman Catholics, 107–8, 126, 463, 476
Rombout, Francis, 575
Rome, 11, 13, 36, 99, 108, 184, 486–8; Iron Works, 487; State Fish Hatchery, 488
Rome Haul, 151
Rome, Watertown & Ogdensburgh R.R., 8, 82
Romeyn, Dirck, Rev., 319
Romulus, 666
Rondaxe Mountain, 499
Rondout, 615; Creek, 594, 595, 597
Ronkonkoma, 705
Roosevelt, Eleanor, Mrs., 611
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 21, 73, 123, 124, 186, 213, 216, 252, 282, 341, 532, 573–4, 616, 639; ‘Dream Cottage,’ 611; Library, 573
Roosevelt, James, 573–4; Memorial Library, 573
Roosevelt, James R., Estate, 574
Roosevelt, Quentin, 704
Roosevelt, Sara Delano, Mrs., 573
Roosevelt, Theodore, 186, 190, 211, 218, 296, 396, 495, 598, 696, 697; Grave, 697; Memorial Park (Cove Neck), 697
Roosevelt: Bird Sanctuary, 697, Field, 249, 704; International Bridge, 532; Marcy Highway, 495; Raceway, 704
Roosevelttown, 532
Root, Edward, 209
Root, Elihu, and Oren, 466
Root, Erastus, Gen., 101
Ropewalks, 411
Rosa, James, 325
Rose, Robert Seldon. Jr., 430
Rose Mountain, 503
Ross, Robert, Monument, 352
Rotterdam Junction, 21
Roumanians, 108
Rourke, Constance, 284
Rouses Point, 552; Bridge, 552
Rundel, Morton W., 295; Memorial Building (Rochester), 174, 295
Ruppert, Jacob, 618
Rural New-Yorker, 136
Rush-Bagot Treaty, 651
Russell Gardens, 694
Russell Sage College, 19, 344, 347
Russians, 71, 108–9, 182, 198, 202, 252, 259, 287, 329, 372
Rutland R.R., 82
Ryder, Albert Pinkham, 158–9
Ryder, John M., 325
Rye, 380
Rysdyk, William M., 397
Sacandaga: Reservoir, 15, 47, 629; River, 612, 629–30; State Campsite, 630
Sacket, Augustus, Home, 517
Sackets Harbor, 25, 517, 641; Battleground, 517
Sacred Stone of the Oneidas (Utica), 359
Saddle Rock, 694
Sagamore Hill, 696
Sage, Henry W., 237
Sage, Russell, 352, 544; Monument, 352; Mrs. Russell, 242, 347, 350, 361
Sailors’ Snug Harbor, 270
St. Clair, Arthur, Gen., 540
St. Leger, Barry, 64–5, 184, 487, 645
Saint-Gaudens, Augustus, 159, 220
Saint-Gaudens, Louis, 190
St. John, Robert P., 151
Saint-Memin, Charles Balthazar Julien Fevret de, 610
St. Andrews golf course (Yonkers), 371
St. Andrew’s Novitiate, 574
St. Andrew’s-Dunes Church, 712
St. Bernard’s Seminary, 129, 299
St. Bonaventure College, 133, 391, 688
St. Elizabeth’s Academy, 391
St. Francis Indians, 541
St. Francis, Order of, 563
St. George Episcopal Church, Newburgh, 601; Schenectady, 324; Hempstead, 703
St. Gerard’s Roman Catholic Church (Buffalo), 224
St. Hubert’s Inn, 512
St. James Church (Indian), 531
St. James Episcopal Church, Hyde Park, 170; Goshen, 398
St. John’s Episcopal Church, Clyde, 671; Ellicottville, 688; Yonkers, 372
St. John’s Roman Catholic Church (Utica), 358
St. Johnsville, 462
St. Joseph’s Cathedral (Buffalo), 218
St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic Church (Albany), 190
St. Joseph’s Seminary, Troy, 129, 350; Yonkers, 374
St. Lawrence: County, 88, 521; Fish Hatchery, 533; River, 47, 68, 73, 77; State Hospital, 533; University, 19, 127, 133, 521; Valley, 35, 530
St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, Beacon, 576; Rochester, 170, 291
St. Margaret’s-Highlands, 576
St. Paul’s Church, Eastchester, 166; Kinderhook, 170, 565; Troy, 170, 347
St. Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral (Buffalo), 212
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church (Syracuse), 334
St. Peter’s Church, Albany, 170, 190; Poughkeepsie, 283; Van Cortlandtville, 166, 396
St. Regis, 532; Indian Reservation, 531; Lake, 14; Paper Co., 516; Roman Catholic Church, 532
St. Vincent de Paul Roman Catholic Church (Buffalo), 223
SS. Peter and Paul Russian Orthodox Church (Buffalo), 225
Salem, 541
Salesian College (New Rochelle), 247
Salina (see Syracuse); and Central Square Plank Road, 526
Salisbury (Michael Cornelison) House, 606
Salisbury-Pratt Homestead, 529
Salt Museum, 648
Salvatore, Victor, 500
Sampawan’s Neck, 707
Sampson, William T., Birthplace of, 672
Sanders, Robert, House (Schenectady), 324
Sands, John.Capt., 695
Sands Point, 695
Sandy Creek, 517
Sanford, John and Stephen, 456
Sanger, Margaret (see Slee, Mrs J. Noah H.)
Sanita, 699
Santa Clara Lumber Company, 45
Santa Cruz Park, 408
Sarah Lawrence College, 19, 374–5
Saranac: Inn, 520; Laboratory for the Study of Tuberculosis, 508; River, 553; Valley, 512
Saranac Lake (village), 507–8; Curling Club, 508
Saratoga: Association for the Improvement of the Breed of Horses, 307; Battlefield State Park, 25, 625 (see also Battle of Saratoga); County, 19, 99; Historical Society, 309; Farmer, 136; Lake, 560; Monument (Schuylerville), 625; Race Track, 312
Saratoga Springs, 14, 138, 160, 172, 305–15; Airport, 305; Authority, 315; Reservation, 17, 28, 309, 313–15, 560
Sargent, Henry Winthrop, 576
Satanstoe, 146
Saturn Club (Buffalo), 218
Saunders, David, 372
Saunders, William, 588
Savage, Annette, 523
Savage Arms Co. (Utica), 355
Saw Mill River Parkway, 689
Sawkill Painters, Gallery of the, 504
Saxon Woods Park, 380
Scanenrat, 54
Scanlon, John J., 576
Scarborough, 582–3
Scarsdale, 549
Schenck, Alice, 576
Schenck, Peter, 575
Schenectady, 7, 19, 59, 60, 77, 81, 96–7, 99, 101, 103, 139, 143, 154, 162, 166, 168, 170, 177, 185, 191, 195, 316–27, 354; Airport, 316; Massacre, 24, 55, 183, 455; Mohawk Mercury, 135
Schenectady & Saratoga R.R., 81, 307
Schenectady & Troy R.R., 345
Schenectady County, 6, 102; Historical Society, 324
Schermerhorn, Symon, 318
Schmill, Carl, and Son, 224
Schoellkopf, Jacob F., 272
Schofield, Josephine, 509
Schoharie, 21, 151, 166, 195, 632; Aqueduct (Fort Hunter), 176, 360, 479; County, 16, 99; Creek, 418, 635; Reservoir, 47, 635; Valley, 62, 66, 86, 105, 126, 151, 166, 319, 458, 460, 609, 631; Village, 325
Schoolcraft House (Guilderland), 416
Schouten, Dirck, 306
Schroon Lake, 556; Village, 556
Schultze and Weaver, 263
Schurz, Carl, 583
Schuyler Family: Alida, 609; Ariaantje, 564; Catherine, 625; Elizabeth, 196; Gertrude, 580; Louisa Lee, 122; Margarita, 447; Peter, 60–1, 190, 318; Philip, Gen., 9, 65, 184, 196, 245, 308, 319, 354, 447, 458, 487, 554, 623–7, 635, (Monument), 191; Homestead (Watervliet), 447; Mansion (Albany), 21, 165, 196, 625
Schuyler’s Island, 554
Schuylerville, 65, 184, 542, 625–6
Schwizer, J. Otto, 359
Scintilla Magneto Co., 451
Scots, 58, 62, 105–6, 182, 371–2, 489, 600
Scott, Winfield, Gen., 25, 364, 427
Scrantom, Hamlet, 288
Scribner, Lucy Skidmore, 312
Scythe Tree, 430
Sea Cliff, 696
Seabury, Samuel, Rev., 577
Seal-Right Plant (Fulton), 647
Secord, Laura, Monument (Niagara Falls, Ont.), 279
Secret Caverns, 449
Selden, George B., 290, 296; Home, 650
Selfridge, Thomas, Lieut., 657–8
Selkirk, 591; Shores State Park, 517
Senate House (Kingston), 25, 595–6
Seneca (Indians), 61, 287, 391, 432, 437, 441–2, 474, 651, 655, 664, 677, 680, 687; Council House (Letchworth State Park), 163, 677; Lake, 48, 77, 653–4; Turnpike, 198
Seneca Falls, 19, 70, 428; Historical Society, 430
Seneca Farmer, 136
Seventh Day Adventists, 70, 289
Seventh Lake, 498
Seventy-Six House (Tappan), 607
Seward, William H., 137, 199, 200–1, 326, 339, 384; Birthplace, 398; Mansion, 200; Monument, 397
Seymour, Horatio, 358; Birthplace, 424; Home, 355; and Julia, 358
Seymour, John, 201
Shad Island, 614
Shafer, Don Cameron, 151
Shakers, 18, 130, 160, 414, 653; Buildings (Mt. Lebanon), 176; Cemetery, 561
Sharon Center, 418–19
Sharp Bridge State Campsite, 556
Sharparoon Pond, 544
Sharpies, James, 373
Shaw, Henry Wheeler (‘Josh Billings’), 149, 282
Shawangunk Mountains, 36, 401, 403, 617
Sheffield Producers’ Association, 90
Sheldon, Edward Austin, 647
Shelter Island, 4, 22, 713; Heights, 713
Shepard, Helen Gould, Mrs., 585, 637
Shepard Iron Works (Buffalo), 210
Shepard-Niles Crane and Hoist Co., 655
Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge, 284
Sheppard, Edwin L. (‘Jack’), 499
Shequaga Falls, 655
Sherburne, 644, 663; State Farm, 644
Sheridan, Philip, Gen., 193
Sherman, Paul, 614
Sherrill, 466–7
Sherwood, 426
Sherwood, Robert E., 154
Shinhopple, 638
Shinn, Everett, 159
Shinnecock: Bay, 711; Canal, 711; Hills, 711; Indian Reservation, 711
Shipman, David and Nathaniel, 112
Sho Foo Den, 386
Shoemaker House (Mohawk), 483
Shongo, 681
Shredded Wheat Plant (Niagara Falls), 277
Shreve, Lamb, and Harmon, 261
Shrine of our Lady of Lourdes, 415
Shrine of our Lady of Martyrs, 479
Shuckburgh, Richard, Dr., 563
Shurtleff, Roswell Morse, 511
Sibley, Hiram, 241, 304; Musical Library (Rochester), 303
Sidney, 451
Sigma Phi, 326
Sigma Xi, 241
Silliman, Gold Selleck, Maj.Gen., 707
Sillon B. (horse), 430
Silver Bay, 629; Association, 629
Silver Creek, 438
Silver Grays (political party), 434
Simcoe, John Graves, Lieut.Col., 696
Sing Sing Prison, 200, 581, 621
Singer, Isaac, 670
Six Nations (see Iroquois and individual tribes)
Sixth Lake, 498
Sizer, Henry Huntington, 211; House, 211
Skenandoah (Ind. chief), 466
Skene, Philip, Maj., 540
Skenesborough (see Whitehall)
Skinner, Halcyon, 374
Skoiyase, 430
Slabsides, 598
Slate Hill, 398
Slee, Mrs. J. Noah H. (Margaret Sanger), 578
Sleepy Hollow, 21, 408, 621; Cemetery, 583; Dutch Reformed Church, 164, 583
Sleight, Jacobus, 401; House, 401
Slide Mountain, 409, 504; Ski Trail, 504
Sloan, Alfred P., 617
Sloan, John, 159
Sloatsburg, 384
Sloughter, Henry, Gov., 60, 246
Smedes, Johannes, 155
Smith, Alexander, 372, 374; Carpet Mills, 374
Smith, Alfred E., Gov., 73, 103, 186, 216, 259, 396
Smith, Apollos A. (Paul), 14, 520
Smith, Chard Powers, 151
Smith, Claudius, 384–5, 398; Caves, 385
Smith, Gerrit, 334, 342, 422, 425, 509
Smith, Goldwin, 241
Smith, John, Maj., House, 164, 606; Barn, 606
Smith, Joseph, 18, 130, 452, 525, 663, 666; Farm, 660
Smith, Judson, 504
Smith, Lyman C. and Wilbert, 333 (see also Smith, L.C, etc.)
Smith, Mordecai (‘Rock’), Rev., 707
Smith, Peter, 354
Smith, Seba (‘Major Jack Downey’) and Elizabeth Oakes, 710
Smith, Vivus W., 330, 332, 339
Smith, William, 145
Smith Brothers (Andrew and William Wallace) Plant, 283
Smith, L.C.: and Corona Typewriters, Inc. (Groton), 426; Typewriter Plant (Syracuse), 339
Smith’s Tavern (Sloatsburg), 384
Smithtown, 698, 700; Branch, 698, 700
Snider Packing Plant (Albion), 673
Snook, William, 425
Social Welfare, New York State Department of, 57
Society of the Cincinnati, 575
Society for the Control of Tuberculosis, 508
Society of Friends (Quakers), 57, 106, 126, 400–1, 425–6, 448, 541, 543, 545–6, 555, 611, 641, 665, 684, 696, 713
Society of Jesus (see Jesuits)
Society for the Prevention of Pauperism, 119
Society for the Reformation of Juvenile Delinquents, 120
Sodus, 649; Bay, 649, 653; Canal, 653; Point, 653
Solvay Plant, 470
Solvay Process Co., 329
Somers, 546
Sons of Liberty, 184
South Beacon Mountain, 575–6
South Butler, 127
South Lansing, 427
South Mountain, 594
South Nyack, 606
Southampton, 690, 711; Township Wildfowl Association, Sanctuary No. I, 711
Southern Tier, 69, 82, 151, 593
Southwick, Solomon, 136
Spafford, Horatio, 530
Spanish-American War, 672, 697
Sparta, 581
Speculator, 493
Spencer, Ivan G., Rev., 662
Spencer, John Canfield, 434
Spencerport, 672
Sperry, Elmer Ambrose, 529
Spingarn, J.E., 544
Spinner, Francis E., 359, 483; House, 169, 483; Statue, 464
Spiritualism, 18, 130, 671 (see also Fox Sisters)
Spitzenberg, 579
Split Rock, 536
Sployd House (Rensselaerville), 445
Sports, 141–3
Sprakers, 36
Springbrook, 685
Springwater, 667
Spuyten Duyvil Creek, 112, 371, 622
Spy Island, 645
Spy Lake, 493
Staats, Abram, Maj., House, 566
Staatsburg House (see Mills, Ogden, and Ruth Livingston, Memorial State Park)
Stagecoaches, 77, 185, 203, 319, 372
Stalton, Johannus, 588
Standard Brands Plant (Peekskill), 395
Standard Furniture Plant (Herkimer), 464
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, Mrs., 429
Stanwix, John, Brig., Gen., 487
Starkey Seminary, 654
Stark’s Knob, 625
Starr, Frances, 154
State Charities Aid Association of New York, 122
State flower, 38
State Line House, 542
State Publicity, Bureau of, 47, 143
State Tower Office Building (Syracuse), 335
Staten Island, 46, 92, 105, 126, 141, 270; Institute of Arts and Sciences Public Museum, 270
Statue of Liberty, 254
Stearns, E.C., Plant (Syracuse), 339
Stedman, J. Harry, 290
Steele, Caman N., 503
Steele, Joel Dorman, 231; Memorial Library (Elmira), 231
Steepletop, 543
Stein, Clarence S., 263
Steinheim Museum (Alfred University), 662
Steinmetz, Charles P., 320, 321, 327, 455; House, 327
Stephens, Uriah, 662
Stephentown, 411
Stepmother’s House (see Bronck House)
Sterling, Antoinette, 161
Sterling Iron Works, 93
Stern, Isaac and Louis, 582
Stern, Maurice, 579
Steuben, Frederick W., Baron von, 417, 469, 499, 575, 581, 601, 604, 616, 620; Cabin 499; Grave, 499; Statue (Utica), 359; Memorial Park, 499
Steuben County, 668
Stevens, Doris, 579
Stevens, John, 551; House, 551
Stevens, John Cox, 610
Stevens House (Rensselaerville), 167, 444
Stevens’ Tavern (Clifton Park), 561
Stevenson, Robert Louis, 508, 539; Memorial Cottage, 508; Society of America, 508
Stewart, Alexander Turney, 308, 704
Stewart, Donald Ogden, 555
Stillman, William J., 514
Stires, Ernest N., Rt.Rev., 629
Stoddard, William Osborn, 528–9; Home, 528
Stone, Edward D., 177
Stone Arch Bridge (Leeds), 409
Stone Mountain Ski Trails, 629
Stone Ridge, 480
Stoner, Nicholas, Maj., 490; Monument, 490
Stony Brook, 698; Farm, 658; State Park, 668
Stony Clove, 408
Stony Point, 604–5, 620; Battlefield Reservation, 605; Heights, 620; Lighthouse, 620; Museum, 605
Stouppe, Pierre, Rev., 245
Stout, Rex, 394
Stoutenburgh, Jacobus, 573
Stoutenburgh, William, House, 164, 611
Straight, Willard D., 237
Strange, Daniel, 395
Stream Gauging Station of the U.S. Geological Survey, 630
Street, Alfred Billings, 150
Stromberg-Carlson Telephone Manufacturing Plant, 297
Strycker, Jacobus Gerritsen, 156
Stuart, Gilbert, 156, 365, 373
Stuart, John, 55
Stuyvesant, 564
Stuyvesant, Peter, 59, 183, 317, 402, 595, 619, 622, 696
Suffern, 383; Summer Theater, 383
Suffolk County, 4, 691; Buildings of, 701; Historical Society, 701
Sugar Loaf Hill, 618
Sugarloaf Mountain, 408, 409, 615
Sullivan, James, Gen., 387, 414, 442 (see also Sullivan-Clinton Campaign); Monument (Honeoye), 441
Sullivan, John, Gen., 234, 501, 655, 679, 680
Sullivan, Yankee, 544
Sullivan County, 15, 148, 386, 410
Sullivan-Clinton Campaign, 3, 56, 66, 229, 387–8, 390, 414, 425, 431–2, 441–2, 459, 526, 655
Sun Briar Court, 204
Sunken Meadow State Park, 698
Sunmount, 515
Sunset Park, 408
Susquehanna: River, 3, 68, 106, 451, 500, 642, 668; Turnpike, 593; Valley, 67, 413
Sutherland, Jacob, Judge, 635
Sutton & Suderley Brick Plant (Coeymans), 590
Swanenburgh, 595
Swede Mountain Observation Tower, 492
Swiss, 661
Syracuse, 13, 84, 91, 96, 99, 100, 101, 103, 108, 109, 112, 152, 153, 154, 171, 328–42, 469, 648, 670; Airport, 328; Chilled Plow Co., 333, 339; Diocese, 129; Onondaga Gazette, 136
Syracuse & Binghamton R.R., 332
Syracuse & Utica R.R., 81, 332, 334
Syracuse University, 19, 20, 127, 133, 142, 151, 330, 333, 341, 440; State College of Foresty (see Forestry, State College of)
Taber, Harry P., 443
Table Rock House (Niagara Falls, Ont.), 278
Taconic State Park, 544
Tahawus, 495
Tait, A.F., 511
Talc mills, 522
Talequega Park, 462
Talleyrand, Duchess de, 585
Tammany Society, 575
Tanner, Cora, 245
Tannersville, 408
Tappan, 606; Landing, 606; Zee, 112, 581, 585, 621
Tarrytown, 145, 170, 374, 582, 584–6, 621; Historical Society, 584
Taughannock Falls, 35, 47, 666; State Park, 16, 666
Tawasentha (see Normans Kill)
Taylor, Anna Edson, Mrs., 273, 277
Taylor, Emma Flower, Mrs., 524
Taylor, George, 289
Taylor, Myron C., 236
Taylor Instrument Plant, 301
Tekakwitha, Kateri, 479
Teller, Isaac de Peyster, 576
Temperance, 19, 70, 127, 342, 428, 429
Temple Beth Zion (Buffalo), 218
Temple Emanu-El, 263
Temple Hill, 602; Monument, 602
Temple of the Society of Concord (Syracuse), 340
Temporary Emergency Relief Administration, 123, 124
Ten Broeck, Abraham, 190; Mansion (Albany), 190
Ten Broeck, Peter, 687
Ten Broeck, Wessel, Col., 596
Ten Broeck Academy (Franklinville), 686
Tess of the Storm Country, 150
Thacher, John Boyd, 445; Park, 16, 445
Thayer, Sylvanus, Maj., 363, 364, 368
Thayer-West Point Inn (West Point), 363
Theater, The, 152–5
Theater Guild, 155
Theater Union, 155
Thendara, 499
Theresa, 535
Thessehenmaecker, Petrus, Rev., 318
Theta Delta Chi, 326
Thiells, 122
Third Lake State Campsite, 498
Thirteenth Lake, 496
Thomas, Augustus, 245
Thomas, Lowell, 545
Thomas, Parry, and McMullen, 223
Thomas, Philip E., 438
Thomas, W.C., Dr., 425
Thomas Indian School, 438
Thomaston, 694
Thompson, Benjamin F., 698
Thompson, Frederick Ferris, Memorial Library, 284
Thompson, Harold W., Dr., 24
Thompson, William Boyce, Col., 373
Thompson’s Lake, 445
Thomson, Elihu, 321
Thousand Island Park, 639
Thousand Islands, 16, 34, 535, 639, 640; International Bridge, 84, 639
Three Bags Full, 151
Three River Point, 647
Three Sister Islands (Niagara Falls), 276
Throgg’s Neck, 381
Thurber, Benjamin, 344
Tiana Beach, 711
Ticonderoga, 25, 26, 54, 62, 64, 65, 96, 538–9, 554, 628, 641; Ski Trails, 628; Pulp and Paper Plant, 539
Tiffany, Charles L., 582
Tiffany colony, 160
Tilden, Samuel J., 72, 374, 415, 424
Tilton & Githens, 480
Time and Life Building (New York City), 262
Times Square, 260
Tionondogue, Site of, 461
Tioughnioga Valley, 526
Tivoli, 610
T Lake, 493; Falls, 493; Mountain, 493
Todd, George W. and Libanus M., 290; Plant, 297
Tomhannock Reservoir, 447
Tompkins County, 99; Courthouse, 243
Tonawanda, 683; Creek, 682; R.R., 81
Tonawanda Indian Community House, 474; Reservation, 474
Tongue Mountain, 629
Toombs, Robert, 326
Topography, 34–6
Toronto Power Generating Station (Niagara Falls, Ont.), 278
Torture Tree, 442
Toureuna Mountain (Kinguariones), 455
Tower, Charlemagne, 643
Tower of Victory (Newburgh), 602, 617
Town, Ithiel, 256
Towne, Silas, 645
Townsend, Peter, 93
Townsend Furnace and Machine Shops, 45
Tracy, Alexandre de, 480
Tracy, Francis W. and Agnes (Ethel) 220; Monument, 220
Transit Road, 682
Transport Workers Union, 252
Transportation, 75–85; Railroads, 210; Streetcars, 83; Turnpikes, 68, 76, 86, 185, 319, 341, 372, 409, 420, 422, 525
Trask, Spencer, 309, 314; Memorial Fountain, 309
Travers, William R., 307
Travers Island, 381
Treason Hill, 620
Treason House, 605
Treatise on Landscape Gardening, 622
Treaty: of Fort Stanwix, 106, 487; Ghent, 651; Paris, 319; Ryswyck, 60; Utrecht, 61
Treman, Abner, 666
Treman, Robert H. (Enfield Glen) State Park, 16, 666
Trevor Mansion, 373
Trinity Church: Fishkill, 166, 577; New Rochelle, 248; New York City, 166, 170, 256
Trinity Episcopal Church, Buffalo, 217; Geneva, 431
Triple Cities (see Binghamton)
Trollope, Frances, Mrs., 209
Troop, O.B., Drugstore, 195
Trott, Benjamin, 156
Trowbridge, John T., 148, 673; Home, 672
Troy, 4, 19, 81, 94, 95, 96, 97, 99, 100, 101, 107, 136, 139, 153, 167, 169, 170, 309, 320, 343–52, 525, 537, 540, 574; Airport, 343; Furnace Division of the Republic Steel Corp., 351; Iron Moulders Association, 346; Orhhan Asylum, 351; Theater, 153; Times Fresh Air Home, 542
Troy-Schenectady Turnpike, 344
Trudeau, 514
Trudeau, Edward Livingston, Dr., 507, 508, 514, 520; Statue, 514; Foundation (Saranac Lake), 508; Sanatorium, 514
Trumansburg, 666; Fair Grounds, 666
Trumbull, John, 156
Trustin, Benjamin, House, 398
Truxton, 529
Tryon County, 65; Committee of Safety, 480, 481, 482
Tubman, ‘Aunt Harriet,’ 198, 426; Home, 426
Tucker, Luther, 136
Tuckerman, Stephen Salisbury, 373
Tug Hill Plateau, 35
Tully Valley, 526
Tunungwant Creek, 688
Tupper Lake, 515
Turin, 641
Turner, Aaron, 547
Turtle House, 566
Tuscarora (Indians), 55, 384; Indian Reservation, 650
Tuxedo, 384; Lake, 384; Park, 384
Twachtman, John Henry, 159
Twain, Mark (see Clemens, Samuel L.)
Tweed, William M., 424
Twichell, Joseph H.,Rev., 511
Twin Mountain, 408
Tyler, Royall, 152
Typographical Union No. 12, 102
Tyron Hall (Massepequa), 707
Ulster County, 15, 410, 594, 599, 615; Courthouse, 597
Ulster County Gazette, 135
Ulster & Delaware R.R., 82
Unadilla, 451; Library and Community House, 451
‘Uncle Sam’ (see Wilson, Samuel)
Underground Railroad, 70, 127, 216, 231, 289, 295, 296, 338, 422, 425, 426, 442, 527, 529, 640, 641, 659
Underhill, John, Capt., 696
Underwood, 556
Union, 387; Bag and Paper Plant, 624; Cemetery (Fort Edward), 624; Springs, 427; Square (New York City), 259; Twine Mill (Patchogue), 710; University (see Union College)
‘Union,’ The, 520
Union College, 14, 19, 20, 127, 133, 136, 154, 168, 170, 191, 195, 200, 316, 317, 319, 320, 324, 326–7, 423, 434, 539
Unitarian Church, 18
United Electrical, Radio, and Machine Workers Union (Schenectady), 103, 321
United Presbyterian Church (Salem), 541
United States: Army Reserve Warehouse, 448; Bureau of Fisheries, 663; Coast Guard Station: (Buffalo) 227, (New Rochelle) 247, (Oswego) 646; Courthouse (Buffalo), 213; Experimental Fur Farm, 630; Geological Survey, 630; Government Arsenal (Watervliet), 447; Military Academy (see West Point); Military Reservation (Oswego) 646, (Plattsburg) 554; Navy Plant (Baldwin), 707; Soil Erosion Service, 668; Veterans’ Hospital (Canandaigua), 434
United States Hotel (Saratoga Springs), 172, 307, 308
‘Universal Friend’ (see Wilkinson, Jemima)
University of Rochester (see Rochester)
University of the State of New York, 20, 132
Untermeyer, Louis, 151
Untermeyer, Samuel, 374
Upjohn, Richard, 170, 190, 204, 212, 237, 250, 356, 358, 398, 431, 564, 565, 577, 599; and Richard M., 190, 358
Upper Jay, 555
Upper Nyack, 606
Upper St. Regis Lake, 520
Upper St. Regis Landing, 520
Upper Saranac Lake, 520
Use, The, 439
Utica, 4, 12, 88, 96, 99, 101, 107, 108, 128, 143, 150, 169, 320, 353–60, 524, 525; Airport, 353; and Black River R.R., 8; Observer, 136; Observer-Dispatch, 138; State Hospital, 169, 359
Utica & Schenectady R.R., 81, 355, 454, 456, 460, 463
Utowana Lake, 497
Val Kill Center, 611
Valley Stream, 706; State Park, 706
Van Alen, Helen, 564; Homestead, 564
Van Alen, William, 262
Van Alstyne, Marte Janse, 481; House, 481
Van Antwerpen, Daniel, 478
Van Buren, Abraham, Capt., 566
Van Buren, Martin, 137, 185, 415, 543, 564, 565; Grave of, 565
Van Buren, Smith T., 576
Van Corlaer, Anthony, 622
Van Cortlandt Family: Catherine, 583; Oloft Stevense, 580; Philip, 580; Pierre, 581; Stephanus, 580
Van Cortlandt: House Museum (New York City), 268; Manor, 562; Manor House (Croton), 21; Manor House (Van Cortlandtville), 396; Park (New York City), 143, 268
Van Curler, Arent, 317, 324, 536
Vanden Heuvel, Jacob A., 534; Dwelling, 534
Vanderbilt Family, 582, 616; Cornelius, Commodore, 8, 81, 82, 307, 334, 395, 461; Frederick W., 572–3
Vanderbilt: Marine Museum, 698; Square (Syracuse), 334
Vanderbo House, 407
Van der Donck, Adriaen Cornelissen, 371
Vanderheyden, Derick, 344; and Jacob D., 344, 347
Vanderlyn, John, 156, 596, 597; and Pieter, 156
Vanderpoel, Aaron, 565
Van Deusen House (Hurley), 404
Van Dyke, Henry, 555
Van Dyke House, 444
Van Hoevenberg, Henry, 509, 510
Van Hornesville, 420; Central School, 420
Van Loon, Albertus, House, 591
Van Loon, Jan, 591; House, 591
Van Ness, William Peter, Judge, 564
Van Olinde, Illetie Van Slyck, 627
Van Pelt, Hans, 616
Van Rensselaer Family: Hendrick, 406, 563; Henry, 534; Kiliaen (fl. 1630), 58, 182, 344; Kiliaen (1717–81), 564; Martha, 242, (Hall) 241; Stephen (1764–1839), 350, 462, (Grave of) 627; William Paterson, 169, 563
Van Rensselaer: Island, 182; Manor House (Claverack), 406; Mansion (Ogdensburg), 534
Van Rensselaer-Genêt House, 564
Van Schaick, Anthony and Gassen Gerritse, 627; Mansion (Cohoes), 627
Van Schaick, Goose, Col., 184
Van Steenbergh, Tobias, Jr., 596; House, 596
Vanuxem, Lardner, 445
Van Wart, Isaac, 585
Van Wickle, Clarence H., 430
Van Wyck, Cornelius C., House, 578
Van Wyck, Cornelius R., Capt., House, 578
Van Wyck Barn, 164
Vassar, Matthew, 284
Vassar Brothers Institute, 282
Vassar College, 19, 21, 133, 171, 283–5
Vault Hill, 268
Vaux and Withers, 574
Veazie, Charles, 345
Veazie & Barnard, 95
Veeder, Albert, 456
Vernon, 466
Verona, 352
Verplanck, Gulian, 575
Verplanck’s Point, 620
Verrazano, Giovanni da, 612
Vespucci, Maria Ameriga, 523, 534
Vestal, 149
Vick, James, 289
Victor, 664
Victory Mills, 625
Villard, Henry, 582
Vincent, John Heyl, 393
Vine Valley Occupation (archeology), 49
Visscher, Frederick, Col, 459
Visscher-DeGraff House, 459
Von Schoultz, N.G.S., Col., 534
Voorhees, Gmelin, and Walker, 295
Vrooman, Adam, 632
Vrooman, Tunis, Capt. and Ephraim, 635
Vrooman’s Nose, 634
WABC (New York City), 250
WABY (Albany), 181
Waddington, 533
Waddington-Morrisburg Ferry, 533
Wade, John J., 212
Wadsworth Family, 441; cabin, site of first, 441
Wagenfuhrer, Martha, 277
Wagner, Robert F., 103
Wagner Family, 462: Peter, 462; Webster, 83, 461, 673; House, 460; Car Co., 461 Wake Robin, 148, 636
Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, 262
Walker, C.J., Mrs., 586
Walker, Mary Edward, 646
Walker, William, 433
Walker and Gillette, 548
Walk-on-the-Water, 209
Wall, Edward, 490
Wallace, Dillon, 149
Wallack, James W., 153
Wallface Mountain, 510
Wallkill River, 402
Walton, 147
Walton, Abraham, 331
Wanamaker, John, 307
Wantagh, 709
Wappinger: Creek, 575; Falls, 575
Wappinger Indian Confederacy, 245
War of 1812, 25, 68, 77, 209, 272, 331, 340, 344, 352, 427, 428, 441, 517, 519, 534, 551, 614, 641, 650, 651, 653, 682, 690
Wa-ra-i-ya-ge (see Johnson, Sir William)
Ward, Aaron, Gen., House, 169, 581
Ward, Henry A., 302; Natural Science Museum, 302
Ward, Leroy P., 266
Ward, Robert B., 610; Manor, 610
Ward, Samuel R., 127
Waring Homestead, 426
Warner, Andrew Jackson, 172, 175, 212, 291
Warner, Anna B. and Susan, 147, 361, 364
Warner, Charles Dudley, 511
Warner, J. Foster, 291
Warner’s Lake, 445
Warren, Constance, 284
Warren, Henry H., 532
Warren, James, 557
Warren, Joseph, 705
Warren, Sir Peter, 458
Warren and Wetmore, 262
Warrensburg, 557
Washington, George, 3, 64, 65, 66, 184, 197, 245, 256, 258, 263, 268, 307, 308, 363, 365, 367, 368, 373, 384, 396, 459, 481, 548, 549, 564, 578, 579, 581, 601, 602, 603, 604, 605, 606, 607, 610, 618, 620, 623, 715; Memorial Bridge, 382; Headquarters (Newburgh), 25, 403
Washington, Martha, 373, 601–2
Washington: County, 94, 99, 130, 624; Hollow, 400; Square, 259; Valley, 604
Wassaic, 544; State School, 544
Wassdorp, Leonard A., 295
Waterford, 627
Watertown, 13, 83, 96, 135, 151, 524–5
Waterville, 643
Watervliet, 83, 97, 346, 415, 447; Arsenal, 345
Watkins Glen (village), 654; State Park, 47, 654
Watkins Salt Plant, 654
Watterson Point State Park, 639
Waverly, 388
Wayne, Anthony, Gen., 384, 433, 605, 620
Wayside Inn (Scarsdale), 549
WBBR (New York City), 250
WBEN (Buffalo), 206
WBIL (New York City), 250
WBNX (New York City), 250
WBNY (Buffalo), 206
WCAD (Canton), 139
WEAF (New York City), 140, 250, 261
Weaver, Jacob, Judge, 463
Webb House, 702
Webb-Fremont House, 583
WEBR (Buffalo), 206
Webster, Ephraim, 112, 330, 340
Webster, Jean, 284, 439; Home, 439
Webster-Ashburton Treaty, 552
Weed, Thurlow, 70, 137, 185, 200, 332, 339, 410, 472
Weed Iron Mines, 544
Weedsport, 670
Weeks, ‘Aunt Kate,’ 307
Weidman, Jacob, 445
Weighlock Building (Syracuse), 335
Weir, J. Alden, 159
Weir, Robert M., 364
Weiser, Conrad, 632
Weiser, John Conrad, 634
Weiser’s Dorf (see Middleburg)
Weiting Opera House (Syracuse), 330, 332
Welch, Thomas Branwell.Dr., 438; and Charles Edgar.Dr., 440
Welch Grape Juice Co., 440
Welfare Island, 255
Wells, Gardiner, 391
Wells, John, 157
Wells College, 19, 133, 428, 670
Wells Island, 639
Wellsburg, 230
Wells-Fargo Express Co., 424, 670
Wemple Barn (Fort Hunter), 164
Wendel family, 582
Wendell-Lansing House (Troy), 352
WENY (Elmira), 229
Wesleyan Methodist Episcopal Church (Seneca Falls), 429
West, Benjamin, 156
West Branch of the Sacandaga River, 493
West Endicott, 387
West Haverstraw, 122
West Henrietta, 667
West Hurley, 505
West Lake, 491
West Park, 598
West Point, 25, 65, 170, 174, 361–9, 418, 585, 606, 618–19
West Salamanca, 685
West Shore R.R., 8, 82, 320, 484, 595, 600
West Virginia Pulp & Paper Co., 626
Westbury, 699
Westchester County, 17, 84, 126, 579; Center (White Plains), 548
Westcott, Edward Noyes, 150, 338, 528; Home, 338
Western Gateway Bridge, 318, 321
Western Presbyterian Church (Palmyra), 672
Western Union Telegraph Co., 240, 296, 637
Westfield, 148, 394, 440; State Farm, 122
Westminster, 639
Westoff, M.H., 538
Westport, 537
‘Wetherell, Elizabeth’ (see Warner, Susan B.)
WEVD (New York City), 250
Wevertown, 495
WFAB (New York City), 250
WFBL (Syracuse), 328
WGY (Schenectady), 139, 177, 316, 321
Whaler’s Monument (Sag Harbor), 712
Wharton Home, 578
WHCU (Ithaca), 234
WHEC (Rochester), 286
Wheeler, William Almon, 519; House, 519
Whetstone: Creek, 641; Gulf State Campsite, 641
Whipple, George H., Dr., 304
Whirlpool Rapids (Niagara Falls): Bridge, 277; State Park, 277
Whistler, James A.M., 158, 363, 365
Whitcher, Frances Miriam, Mrs., 148
White, Andrew Dickson, 19, 235–7, 240–1, 528; Statue of, 241; House (Homer), 528
White, Canvass, 480
White, Delos, Dr., House, 419
White, Hugh, Judge, 485
White, Stanford, 174, 220, 268, 312, 368, 573, 587
White Sulphur Spring, 560; Hotel, 560
White Sulphur Springs (Sharon Springs), 419
White Wings (airplane), 658
Whitefield, George, Rev., 581
Whitehead, Ralph Radcliffe, 159, 505
White’s Island, 498
Whitman, Walt, 147, 148, 253, 700; Birthplace of, 700
Whitmer, David, Joseph, Jr., and Peter, 666
Whitney, Joshua, 203
Whitney, Willis R., 321
Whittlesey House, 295
WHN (New York City), 250
Wiard Plow Plant (Batavia), 472
WIBX (Utica), 353
Wicks Act, 123
Wick’s (Bull’s Head) Tavern, 712
Wilcox House, 218
Wilder Hook, Site of, 634
Wildwood State Park, 699
Wilkeson, Samuel, Judge, 209
Wilkeson & Goodrich, 210
Wilkinson, James, Gen., 531
Wilkinson, Jemima, 18, 130, 151, 657
Wilkinson, John, 330, 332, 333
Wilkinson’s Point, 640
Will, Anthony, 332
Will & Baumer Candle Factory, 340
Willard, Frances E., 676; Birthplace, 676
Willett, Marinus, Col., 65, 66, 418, 487
Willetts, Deborah and Jacob, 400
William Smith College, 19, 431
Williams, David, 585
Williams, Eleazar, 531; House, 532
Williams, Elias, 137
Williams, Ephraim, Col., 558–9; Monument, 559
Williams, James Watson, 355
Williams, James Watson, Mrs., 355, 358
Williams, John, 541
Williams, Jonathan, 365
Williamsburg Houses (Brooklyn), 176, 266
Williamson, 649
Williamson, Nicholas, 606
Williamsville, 474
Willink, John and William, 682
Willis, John N., 658
Willis, Nathaniel Parker, 148, 501, 603–4, 617
Willowlake, 578
Willsboro, 536
Wilmington, 505; Mountain, 505; Notch, 506, (State Campsite), 506
Wilson, Francis, 245
Wilson, Samuel, 345, 352; Monument, 352
Wilton, 560
Wiltwyck (see Kingston)
Wing, Alfred, Homestead, 545
WINS (New York City), 250
Winslow, Horatio, 346
Winslow, John F., 574
Winterset, 154
Wisner, Henry, 397
Witherbee, 537
Withers, Frederick C., 170, 576
WKBW (Buffalo), 206
WMCA (New York City), 250
WNEW (New York City), 250
WNYC (New York City), 250
Wodenethe, 576
WOKO (Albany), 181
Wolcott, 648
WOLF (Syracuse), 328
Wolfe, James, Gen., 62
Woman Suffrage, 70, 338, 342, 428–9
Women’s Christian Temperance Union, 128, 439
Women’s Club of Scarsdale, 549
Wood, James, 605
Wood, Jethro, 427
Wood, William, 433; Library, 433
Wood Creek, 486–7
‘Woodchoppers’ Church,’ 216
Woodchuck Lodge, 636
Woodcliff Recreation Park, 574
Woodlawn National Cemetery (Elmira), 232
Woodruff, Theodore, 83
Woodstock, 159, 504–5; Art Association Gallery, 504; School of Modern Art, 504
Woolsey, M.L., Maj., 634
Woolworth Building, 256
Worden, John Lorimer, Admiral, 545, 582; Mansion (Scarborough), 582
Work Projects Administration, 47, 57, 124, 160–1, 194, 208, 221, 253, 268, 269, 333, 368, 470, 474, 638
Workers’ Laboratory Theater, 155
Working Farmer, 136
Workingmen’s Assembly of the State of New York, 102
Workingmen’s Federation of the State of New York, 103
World War (1914–18), 71–2, 211, 355, 373, 591, 658, 700; Memorial (Ticonderoga), 539; Memorial (Yonkers), 372
WOV (New York City), 250
WQXR (New York City), 250
Wray, George, Col., House, 624
Wright, 449
Wright, Abner, 230
Wright, Frank Lloyd, 173, 177, 222, 226
Wright, Gordon, 335
Wright, Silas, 415
WSAY (Rochester), 286
WSVS (Buffalo), 206
WTRY (Troy), 343
Wurlitzer, Rudolph, Plant, 683
Wurts, Maurice and William, 385
Wyman, Jeffries, 514
Wyoming (village), 679; County, 88, 99; Valley, 56, 442, 470
Y Drych (The Mirror), 354
Yama Farm, 405
‘Yankee Doodle,’ 563; House (see Fort Crailo)
Yaphank, 705
Yates, Abraham, House, 324
Yates, J.V.N., 120
Yates, Joseph C., Gov, (319, 325; House, 325
Yaw, Ellen Beach, 688
Yelverton, John, 397; Inn, 397
Yeo, Sir James, 653
Yonkers, 21, 99, 129, 142, 165, 370–75, 583, 621
Yorkville, 484
Young, Brigham, 660, 670; House (Mendon), 663; Site of Chair Factory, 664
Y.W.C.A., 128
Youngstown, 651
Zabriskie, Andrew C., 611
Zachs Bay, 709
Zeh, Magdalena, 632
Zentzytski, Stanislaus, 510
Zimmerman, Jacob, 462
Zion Episcopal Church (Dobbs Ferry), 587
Zoar Valley, 684