
Academic knowledge

modes of representing, 49–54

remixing of content in, 64–65

Adam, T., 97

Adami, E., 63

Advance Publications, 181

Aesthetics, 48, 55–59

Algorithms and analytics in recoding education, 103–109

Andreouli, E., 30

Aristotle, 114

Arnold, Matthew, 13

Artificial intelligence (AI), 111–119, 201

Assessment, 45, 67–70

and grading accomplished through artificial intelligence, 115–116

Atkins, D. E., 86

Attendance, monitoring of student, 176–178


assessment and, 67–70

plagiarism detection systems and, 181–189

remixing of content as, 45–46, 61–66

sustained life of digital assignments and, 71–74

Automation, 111–119, 201

politics of technical disruptions through, 121–123

Avalanche Is Coming, An, 95

Baier, Annie, 181–182, 188

Barlow, John Perry, 32

Bateman, J., 49

Bayne, S., 61

Belkhir, L., 197

Bennett, S., 32

Berlin, Isaiah, 86, 88, 96, 122

“Best practice” neglecting context, 7–11

Biesta, G., 26, 98

Birth, K., 154–155

Bodily performativity, 178

BrainCo, 202

Cadmus system, 188–189

Campus envy, 138

Caswell, T., 87

Climate crisis, 196–198

Collier, A., 23

Composition: Conversation about Content and Form, 65–66

Co-presence, 131, 164

Copyright issues, 64

Corporatization of higher education, 22

Coursera, 99–100

Daniel, J., 89

Data colonialism, 103

Datafication of society, 198–199

Data mining, 175–176

Dawson, S., 179

Digital assignments, sustained life of, 71–74

Digital education, 5–6. See also Distance education; Open education movement; Surveillance

aesthetics of, 48, 55–59

assessment in, 45, 67–70

authorship in, 45–46, 61–66

automation of, 111–119, 201

“best practice” neglecting context of, 7–11

climate crisis and, 196–198

datafication of society and, 198–199

fantasies about, 13–14

future of artificial intelligence (AI) and, 201

instrumentalism versus essentialism in, 29–31

instrumentalization of education and, 17–24

materialities of, 13–16, 39

meaning of place in, 147–151

multimodality and, 46–48, 51–54

neurotechnology and, 201–203

new ways of communicating and consuming academic knowledge with, 50

not downgraded to facilitation, 25–28

reduced costs of higher education through, 22–23

reshaping its subjects, 141, 145–146

as set of social and material practices, 16

unbundling and, 199–200

work readiness through, 21–22

Digital immigrant, 32–36

Digital natives, 6, 32–37

Digital Pedagogy Lab, 198

Diploma mills, 22

Distance education, 131–132

distance as positive principle for, 133–139, 163–164

distance as temporal, affective, political in, 153–161

face time as overvalued and, 130–131, 141–146

meaning of place in, 147–151

Distrust and plagiarism detection, 181–189, 191–192

Ditton, T., 142

Economic growth, 18–19

Ecoversities alliance, 197–198

Edwards, R., 14, 91

Electronic Frontier Foundation, 32

Elektronisches Lernen Muzik project, 159–160

Elmeligi, A., 197

Essentialism, 29–31, 134

European Commission, 18

European Union, 19, 30

“Event of place,” 154

Facebook, 114

Face-to-face interaction, 130–131, 141–146, 163–164

Facilitation, 6, 25–28

Fitzpatrick, K., 57, 61–62, 69

For-profit education providers, 23

Foucault, Michel, 61

France Université Numérique (FUN) platform, 101

Friesen, N., 29, 114–115, 134

Frith, J., 66

FutureLearn, 100

Gabriel, Mariya, 30

Gašević, D., 179

Gates Foundation, 114

Globeness, 155–156

Gneezy, U., 187

Goel, A., 118

Gourlay, L., 65

Groom, Jim, 74

Hamilton, E. C., 29, 134

Haraway, D., 66

Hayes, N., 185

Higher education, economic growth through, 18–19

Hood, Beverley, 143–144

Humanism, 14–15, 117

Institute for Public Policy Research, 95

Instrumentalism, 29–30, 134

Instrumentalization of education, 17–24

Interface design, 48, 55–59

Interpersonal trust, 181–182

Introna, L. D., 185, 187

Juxtaposition, 62

Kadianaki, I., 30

Kervin, L., 32

Killion, D., 89

Kirk, D., 156–157

Knowledge Assessment Methodology, 17–18

Knowledge-based economy, 17–18, 22

Knox, J., 86, 108

Koller, Daphne, 100

Kress, G., 46–48

Latour, Bruno, 101

“Learnification,” 6, 26, 87

Learning analytics, 105–107

Learning management systems (LMS), 55–59

Levin, Rick, 99

Lombard, M., 142

Luckin, R., 116

Lyon, D., 173–174, 175

Macfarlane, B., 177–178

Mackness, Jenny, 20

Mamdani, M., 34–35

Marinova, Milena, 114

Massey, D., 154

Massive open online courses (MOOCs), 81–82, 87–88, 122–123, 137

algorithms and analytics recoding education with, 103–109

complexity and diversity of, 93–102

corporate vision for future of education characterized by, 99–100

data colonialism and, 103

encounters between teacher and students in, 95–96

engagement outside the platform with, 100–101

enrollment numbers in, 94–95

MicroMasters programs, 98–99

standardization with, 97–98

students choosing, 99

MasterTrack, 98

Materialities of digital education, 13–16, 39

Materiality of Learning, The, 15–16

Maton, K., 32

MicroMasters programs, 98–99

Miller, V., 66

Mobilities theory, 131, 148–149

Moe, R., 23

Moffatt, M. P., 116

Moodle, 159

Morris, S. M., 184

Multimodality, 46–48, 51–54

Munro, M., 18–19, 22

Negative liberty, 88

Nelson, Simon, 100

Neurotechnology, 201–203

New York Times, 94

Noble, D., 22

Norvig, Peter, 95

Oliver, M., 65, 91–92

O’Neill, O., 174, 192

One-to-one personal tutoring, 114–115

Online teaching. See Digital education

OnTask, 112–113

Open educational resources (OER), 89, 90

Open Educational Resources Conference, 74

Open Education Consortium, 82

Open education movement, 81–83. See also Massive open online courses (MOOCs)

algorithms and analytics recoding education in, 103–109

automation and, 111–119

complexity and diversity of, 93–102

creating and depending on closures, 85–92

politics of technical disruptions with, 121–123

Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development, 18

Parsell, M., 182, 187–188

Pedersen, H., 117

“Perceptual illusion of non-mediation,” 142–143

Personalized Learning Plan software, 114

Phillips, A., 115

Place in distance education, 147–151

Plagiarism detection systems, 181–189, 191–192

Polepeddi, L., 118, 187

Politics of technical disruptions, 121–123

Positive liberty, 92

Poster, M., 61

Posthumanism, 5, 15, 39

Prensky, M., 30, 32–33

Prinsloo, P., 177

Public networks, sustained life of digital assignments in, 71–74

Quinlan, K., 156

Recoding education through algorithms and analytics, 103–109

Remixing of content, 45–46, 61–66

Rich, S. G., 116

Richardson, I., 66

Robots, 111–119

Ross, J., 23

Rushkoff, Douglas, 32

Scientific Humanities, 101, 102

Second Life, 73

Sedentarism, 148–149

Selby, M., 156–157

Seldon, Anthony, 114

Selwyn, N., 58

Sheail, P., 155

Sheller, M., 148

Siemens, G., 179

Silva, A. de Souza e, 66

Slade, S., 177

Social media, 135–137, 159

Social practices of digital education, 16

Society for Learning Analytics Research, 105

Sociomateriality, 39, 46, 104

Soft surveillance, 174–175

Sørensen, Estrid, 15–16

SoundCloud, 73

Stommel, J., 184

Stone, A. R., 135

Suppes, Patrick, 114

Surveillance, 169–171

datafication of society and, 198–199

data mining and, 175–176

future of, 191–194

plagiarism detection and, 181–189, 191–192

Surveillance (cont.)

soft, 174–175

of student engagement, 176–178

visibility as pedagogical and ethical issue and, 173–180

Surveillance society, 173–174

Teacherbot system, 118–119

Teacherless model of self-direction, 89


face-to-face interactions with students, 130–131, 141–146, 163–164

role in digital education, 27–28

Text, 49–54

Thrun, Sebastian, 95, 100

Townley, C., 182, 187–188

Turnitin, 181, 183, 188

Twitter, 159

Udacity, 100

u.lab: Leading from the Emerging Future, 101

Unbundling, 199–200

Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 87

Urry, John, 148, 203

Usher, R., 14

Van Leeuwen, T., 46–48

Veletsianos, G., 23

Vimeo, 73

Warner, John, 20

Williamson, B., 199, 201–202

Work readiness, 21–22

World Bank, 17

Year of Open, 2017, 81–82

YouTube, 62, 73

Zuboff, S., 175

Zwagerman, S., 183–184, 186–187