We provide reliable estimates.
Programmers often consider estimating to be a black art—one of the most difficult things they must do. Many programmers find that they consistently estimate too low. To counter this problem, they pad their estimates (multiplying by three is a common approach), but sometimes even these rough guesses are too low.
Are good estimates possible? Of course! You just need to focus on your strengths.
Part of the secret to making good estimates is to predict the effort, not the calendar time, that a project will take. Make your estimates in terms of ideal engineering days (often called story points), which are the number of days a task would take if you focused on it entirely and experienced no interruptions.
Although estimates are almost never accurate, they are consistently inaccurate. While the estimate accuracy of individual estimates is all over the map—one estimate might be half the actual time, another might be 20 percent more than the actual time—the estimates are consistent in aggregate. Additionally, although each iteration experiences a different set of interruptions, the amount of time required for the interruptions also tends to be consistent from iteration to iteration.
To predict your next iteration’s velocity, add the estimates of the stories that were “done done” in the previous iteration.
This feedback leads to a magical effect. When the team underestimates their workload, they are unable to finish all their stories by the iteration deadline. This causes their velocity to go down, which in turn reduces the team’s workload, allowing them to finish everything on time the following week.
Velocity is an extremely effective way of balancing the team’s workload. In a mature XP team, velocity is stable enough to predict schedules with a high degree of accuracy (see Risk Management” earlier in this chapter).
Velocity relies upon a strict iteration timebox. To make velocity work, never count stories that aren’t “done done” at the end of the iteration. Never allow the iteration deadline to slip, not even by a few hours.
One project manager wanted to add a few days to the beginning of an iteration so his team could “hit the ground running” and have a higher velocity to show to stakeholders. By doing so, he set the team up for failure: they couldn’t keep that pace in the following iteration. Remember that velocity is for predicting schedules, not judging productivity. See Reporting” in Chapter 6 for ideas about what to report to stakeholders.
Velocity tends to be unstable at the beginning of a project. Give it three or four iterations to stabilize. After that point, you should achieve the same velocity every iteration, unless there’s a holiday during the iteration. Use your iteration slack to ensure that you consistently meet your commitments every iteration. I look for deeper problems if the team’s velocity changes more than one or twice per quarter.
There’s a secret to estimating: experts automatically make consistent estimates.[39] All you have to do is use a consistent estimating technique. When you estimate, pick a single, optimistic value. How long will the story take if you experience no interruptions, can pair with anyone else on the team, and everything goes well? There’s no need to pad your estimates or provide a probabilistic range with this approach. Velocity automatically applies the appropriate amount of padding for short-term estimates and risk management adds padding for long-term estimates.
I assume that programmers are your constraint in this book (see Theory of Constraints” in Chapter 3), which means they should be the only ones estimating stories. The system constraint determines how quickly you can deliver your final product, so only the constraint’s estimates are necessary. If programmers aren’t the constraint on your team, talk with your mentor about how to adjust XP for your situation.
If the suggested estimate doesn’t sound right, or if you don’t understand where it came from, ask for details. Alternatively, if you’re a programmer, provide your own estimate and explain your reasoning. The ensuing discussion will clarify the estimate. When all the programmers confirm an estimate, write it on the card.
Comparing your estimates to the actual time required for each story or task may also give you the feedback you need to become more consistent. To do so, track your time as described in Time usage” in Chapter 6.
Estimate stories in story points. To begin, think of a story point as an ideal day.
When you start estimating a story, imagine the engineering tasks you will need to implement it. Ask your on-site customers about their expectations, and focus on those things that would affect your estimate. If you encounter something that seems expensive, provide the customers with less costly alternatives.
Sometimes you will need more information to make an accurate estimate. In this case, make a note on the card. If you need more information from your customers, write “??” (for “unanswered questions”) in place of the estimate. If you need to research a piece of technology further, write “Spike” in place of the estimate and create a spike solution story (see Spike Solutions” in Chapter 9).
The team has gathered to estimate stories. Mary, one of the on-site customers, starts the discussion. Amy, Joe, and Kim are all programmers.
Mary: Here’s our next story. [She reads the story card aloud, then puts it on the table.] “Report on parts inventory in warehouse.”
Amy: We’ve done so many reports by now that a new one shouldn’t be too much trouble. They’re typically one point each. We already track parts inventory, so there’s no new data for us to manage. Is there anything unusual about this report?
Mary: I don’t think so. We put together a mock-up. [She pulls out a printout and hands it to Amy.]
Amy: This looks pretty straightforward. [She puts the paper on the table. The other programmers take a look.]
Joe: Mary, what’s this
column you have here?Mary: That’s the number of business days since the part entered the warehouse.
Joe: You need business days, not calendar days?
Mary: That’s right.
Joe: What about holidays?
Mary: We only want to count days that we’re actually in operation. No weekends, holidays, or scheduled shutdowns.
Kim: Joe, I see what you’re getting at. Mary, that’s going to increase our estimate because we don’t currently track scheduled shutdowns. We would need a new UI, or a data feed, in order to know that information. It could add to the complexity of the admin screens, and you and Brian have said that ease of admin is important to you. Do you really need
to be that accurate?Mary: Hmm. Well, the exact number isn’t that important, but if we’re going to provide a piece of information, I would prefer it to be accurate. What about holidays—can you do that?
Kim: Can we assume that the holidays will be the same every year?
Mary: Not necessarily, but they won’t change very often.
Kim: OK, then we can put them in the config file for now rather than creating a UI for them. That would make this story cheaper.
Mary: You know, I’m going to need to look into this some more. This field isn’t that important and I don’t think it’s going to be worth the added administration burden. Rather than business days, let’s just make it the number of calendar weeks. I’ll make a separate story for dealing with business days. [She takes a card and writes, “Report part inventory age in business days, not calendar weeks. No holidays, weekends, or scheduled shutdowns.”]
Kim: Sounds good. That should be pretty easy then, because we already track when the part went into the warehouse. What about the UI?
Mary: All we need to do is add it to the list of reports on the reporting screen.
Kim: I think I’m ready to estimate. [Looks at other programmers.] This looks like a pretty standard report to me. It’s another specialization for our reporting layer with a few minor logic changes. I’d say it’s one point.
Joe: That’s what I was thinking, too. Anybody else?
[The other programmers nod.]
Joe: One point. [He writes “1” on the story card.] Mary, I don’t think we can estimate the business day story you just created until you know what kind of UI you want for it.
Mary: That’s fair. [Writes “??” on the business day card.] Our next story...
During iteration planning, programmers create engineering tasks that allow them to deliver the stories planned for the iteration. Each engineering task is a concrete, technical task such as “update build script” or “implement domain logic.”
Estimate engineering tasks in ideal hours rather than ideal days. When you think about the estimate, be sure to include everything necessary for the task to be “done done”—testing, customer review, and so forth. See Iteration Planning” earlier in this chapter for more information.
If the programmers understand the requirements and are experts in the required technology, they should be able to estimate a story in less than a minute. If the programmers need to discuss the technology, or if they need to ask questions of the customers, then estimating may take longer. I look for ways to bring discussions to a close if an estimate takes longer than five minutes, and I look for deeper problems if every story involves detailed discussion.
A customer huddle—in which the customers briefly discuss the issue, come to a decision, and return—is one way to handle this. Another way is to write “??” in place of the estimate and move on to the next story. The customers then work out the details at their own pace, and the programmers estimate the story later.
Programmer inexperience can also cause slow estimating. If the programmers don’t understand the problem domain well, they will need to ask a lot of questions before they can make an estimate. As with inadequate customer preparation, this problem will go away in time. If the programmers don’t understand the technology, however, immediately create a spike story (see Spike stories” earlier in this chapter) and move on.
Some programmers try to figure out all the details of the requirements before making an estimate. However, only those issues that would change the estimate by a half-point or more are relevant. It takes practice to figure out which details are important and which you can safely ignore.
This sort of overattention to detail sometimes occurs when a programmer is reluctant to make estimates. A programmer who worries that someone will use her estimate against her in the future will spend too much time trying to make her estimate perfect rather than settling on her first impression.
To help address these issues during the estimation phase, ask leading questions. For example:
It’s almost a law of physics: customers and stakeholders are invariably disappointed with the amount of features their teams can provide. Sometimes they express that disappointment out loud. The best way to deal with this is to ignore the tone and treat the comments as straightforward requests for information.
In fact, a certain amount of back-and-forth is healthy: it helps the team focus on the high-value, low-cost elements of the customers’ ideas. (See How to Win” earlier in this chapter.)
One common customer response is, “Why does that cost so much?” Resist the urge to defend yourself and your sacred honor, pause to collect your thoughts, then list the issues you considered when coming up with the estimate. Suggest options for reducing the cost of the story by reducing scope.
If the questioner pushes for more information, I explain all the details of ideal days and velocity. That often inspires concern: “If our velocity is 10 ideal days and we have 6 programmers, shouldn’t our velocity be 30?”
(Reporting” in Chapter 6 discusses time usage reports in detail.)
These questions often dissipate as customers and stakeholders gain trust in the team’s ability to deliver. If they don’t, or if the problems are particularly bad, enlist the help of your project manager to defuse the situation. Team Strategy #1: Customer-Programmer Empathy” in Chapter 6 has further suggestions.
Your velocity can suffer for many reasons. The following options might allow you to improve your velocity.
The most common technical problem is excessive technical debt (see Technical Debt”). This has a greater impact on team productivity than any other factor does. Make code quality a priority and your velocity will improve dramatically. However, this isn’t a quick fix. Teams with excessive technical debt often have months—or even years—of cleanup ahead of them. Rather than stopping work to pay down technical debt, fix it incrementally. Iteration slack is the best way to do so, although you may not see a noticeable improvement for several months.
If your customers aren’t available to answer questions when programmers need them, programmers have to either wait or make guesses about the answers. Both of these hurt velocity. To improve your velocity, make sure that a customer is always available to answer programmer questions.
Tired, burned-out programmers make costly mistakes and don’t put forth their full effort. If your organization has been putting pressure on the team, or if programmers have worked a lot of extra hours, shield the programmers from organizational pressure and consider instituting a no-overtime policy.
If programmers are the constraint for your team—as this book assumes—then hand any work that other people can do to other people. Find ways to excuse programmers from unnecessary meetings, shield them from interruptions, and have somebody else take care of organizational bureaucracy such as time sheets and expense reports. You could even hire an administrative assistant for the team to handle all non-project-related matters.
Most programming teams have all the resources they need. However, if your programmers complain about slow computers, insufficient RAM, or unavailability of key materials, get those resources for them. It’s always surprising when a company nickle-and-dimes its software teams. Does it make sense to save $5,000 in equipment costs if it costs your team half an hour per programmer every day? A team of six programmers will recoup that cost within a month. And what about the opportunity costs of delivering fewer features?
Velocity is related to the number of programmers on your team, but unless your project is woefully understaffed and experienced personnel are readily available, adding people won’t make an immediate difference. As [Brooks] famously said, “Adding people to a late project only makes it later.” Expect new employees to take a month or two to be productive. Pair programming, collective code ownership, and a shared workspace will help reduce that time, though adding junior programmers to the team can actually decrease productivity.
Likewise, adding to large teams can cause communication challenges that decrease productivity. Six programmers is my preferred size for an XP team, and I readily add good programmers to reach that number. Past 6, I am very cautious about adding programmers, and I avoid team sizes greater than 10 programmers.
How do we modify our velocity if we add or remove programmers?
How can we have a stable velocity? Team members take vacations, get sick, and so forth.
Your iteration slack should handle minor variations in people’s availability. If a large percentage of the team is away, as during a holiday, your velocity may go down for an iteration. This is normal. Your velocity should return to normal in the next iteration.
If you have a small number of programmers—four or fewer—you may find that even one day of absence is enough to affect your velocity. In this case, you may wish to use two-week iterations. See Iteration Planning” earlier in this chapter for a discussion of the trade-offs.
What should we use as our velocity at the beginning of the project?
For your first iteration, just make your best guess. Set your velocity for the next iteration based on what you actually complete. Expect your velocity to take three or four iterations to stabilize.
Isn’t it a waste of time for all the programmers to estimate stories together?
It does take a lot of programmer-hours for all the programmers to estimate together, but this isn’t wasted time. Estimating sessions are not just for estimation—they’re also a crucial first step in communicating and clarifying requirements. Programmers ask questions and clarify details, which often leads to ideas the customers haven’t considered. Sometimes this collaboration reduces the overall cost of the project. (See The Planning Game” earlier in this chapter.)
All the programmers need to be present to ensure they understand what they will be building. Having the programmers together also increases estimate accuracy.
What if we don’t ask the right questions of the customer and miss something?
In the meantime, don’t worry unless you encounter these surprises often. Address unexpected details when they come up. (See Iteration Planning” earlier in this chapter.)
If unexpected details frequently surprise you, and the problem doesn’t improve with experience, ask your mentor for help.
When should we reestimate our stories?
Story estimates don’t need to be accurate, just self-consistent. As a result, you only need to reestimate a story when your understanding of it changes in a way that affects its difficulty or scope.
To make our estimates, we made some assumptions about the design. What if the design changes?
XP uses incremental design and architecture, so the whole design gradually improves over time. As a result, your estimates will usually remain consistent with each other.
How do we deal with technical dependencies in our stories?
With proper incremental design and architecture, technical dependencies should be rare, although they can happen. I typically make a note in the estimate field: “Six (four if story Foo done first).”
[DeMarco 2002] has argued that organizations set project deadlines based on the value of the project. In other words, the project is only worth doing if you can complete it before the deadline. (Some organizations play games with deadlines in order to compensate for expected overruns, but assume the deadline is accurate in this discussion.)
This approach takes about four weeks and yields a release date that you can commit to. [McConnell 2005] provides additional options that are faster but less reliable.
This approach to estimating assumes that programmers are the constraint (see XP Concepts” in Chapter 3 for more about the Theory of Constraints). It also depends on fixed-length iterations , small stories, and tasks. If these conditions aren’t present, you need to use a different approach to estimating.
This approach also requires trust: developers need to believe they can give accurate estimates without being attacked, and customers and stakeholders need to believe the developers are providing honest estimates. That trust may not be present at first, but if it doesn’t develop, you’ll run into trouble.
Regardless of your approach to estimating, never use missed estimates to attack developers. This is a quick and easy way to destroy trust.
There are many approaches to estimating. The one I’ve described has the benefit of being both accurate and simple. However, its dependency on release planning for long-term estimates makes it labor-intensive for initial project estimates. See [McConnell 2005] for other options.
Agile Estimating and Planning [Cohn] describes a variety of approaches to agile estimation.
Software Estimation: Demystifying the Black Art [McConnell 2005] provides a comprehensive look at traditional approaches to estimation.