
Note: page numbers for tables and figures are in italics.


aboutness, 92

accessibility, 39, 53, 106, 108

acquisitions, 3–4, 51–52, 55, 89

algorithmic criticism, 95

analytics data, 44, 52

Anatomy 4D, 33–34

Anderson, Chris, 3

ApacheSolr, 69, 78, 81

application programming interfaces (APIs), 36, 44, 52, 108

application service provider (ASP) model, 45–46

AR glasses, 30, 31, 35, 36, 38

Arduino, 116–118

AR Standards, 40

ARToolKit, 36

Asian Art Museum, 38

ASP (application service provider) model, 45–46

ATOM, 68, 69

attribution, 111

augmediated reality, 31

Augment, 21, 33

Augmented Colors, 20, 21

augmented reality (AR)

apps for, 20

definition of, 30

examples of, 29–30, 37–38

future of, 24–25, 38–39

implementation of, 17–18

integration of, 14

investing in, 22–24

methods of, 31–36

natural-content, 19–20

overview of, 13–16

pilot programs and, 21, 22–24, 23

research and discovery and, 18–21

resources on, 40

scenario regarding, 27–29

tablet setup for, 21

augmented virtuality, 30–31

automation, 119

Azuma, Ronald, 30


Bamboo DiRT, 88–89

Bavarian State Library, 37

Bedework, 72–73, 72, 76


bibliographic frameworks, 49–51, 54

Brinkman, Bo, 17

British Museum, 38


calendaring systems, 72–74

carrier convergence, 2

Center for Research Libraries (CRL), 103

Chronopolis, 103

circulation numbers, 115

Claude Moore Health Services Library, 72

closed platforms, 36–37

cloud computing, 44–47, 49

cloud-based integrated library systems (ILSs), 43, 45, 53, 54–55

coexistence, limited, 6–8

collaboration, 104–107, 109–111


augmented reality (AR) and, 38–39

creation of, 8, 9–11

digital delivery of, 115

emphasis on, 1

format-agnostic focus on, 2

library, 9–10

types of, 74

content platform, 2

Convergence Culture (Jenkins), 4–5

convergence technologies, 5, 6–10

convergence/convergence culture, 2, 4–5, 9–11

cooperative collection development, 52

copyright law, 95

Core Values of Librarianship, 1, 2

corpora linguistics, 87–88

Counting Online Usage of Networked Electronic Resources (COUNTER), 51

cultural heritage institutions, 101, 104, 110–111



description of, 102

media for, 103

data mining, 85, 86, 89

demand-driven acquisitions (DDA), 51–52

Dempsey, Lorcan, 60–61, 107

descriptive metadata, 91

digital humanities, 85, 88–90, 93–94

Digital Preservation Network (DPN), 106

Digital Public Library of America (DPLA), 101, 106, 108, 111

digital text, impact of, 85–86

discovery catalogs, 44

discovery paradigm, 3

discovery systems

augmented reality (AR) and, 15, 18–20

changes in, 57–58

cloud computing and, 48, 49

commercial, 59–60

convergence and, 8

indexes and, 59

privacy and, 63–64

researcher information and, 63

user interaction and, 60–63

distant reading, 87

Drucker, Johanna, 90

Drupal, 68, 69, 73–76, 78, 79, 80

Durkheim, Emile, 86

Dyson, George, 120



educational services, trends in, 109–110

Electronic Data Systems (EDS), 44

electronic resource management (ERM) services, 44, 51–52

embedded librarians, 83

Europeana, 101, 106, 108

Ex Libris, 58, 60

extensible markup language (XML), 69


facets, 48

federated search technologies, 58–59

FirstSearch, 60

format-agnostic focus/patrons, 2, 9, 10–11

Fraistat, Neil, 94

fulfillment, 53

funding issues, 16, 21, 25


gate counters, 118–119

geolocation, 31–32, 54

gesture recognition, 36

Gibson, William, 119

glasses, AR, 30, 31, 35, 36, 38

globally unique identifier (GUID), 69

Google Analytics, 81

Google Books, 49, 95

Google Glass, 35

Google IO conference, 67

Google n-grams tool, 87–88

Grant, Carl, 120



bespoke, 114–115

sensor-driven, 115–116

See also open hardware

Hart, Cynthia, 17

HathiTrust Research Center, 95, 101, 103, 105–106, 108, 111

Historypin, 32, 33, 38


“In the Flow” (Dempsey), 60–61

indexes, 57, 59, 78

information-seeking paradigms, 2

integrated library system (ILS) software model, 43

integrated library systems (ILSs), 9, 53. See also cloud-based integrated library systems (ILSs)

interactivity, 121

International Internet Preservation Consortium, 101

iOnRoad, 20


Jenkins, Henry, 4–5

Jockers, Matthew, 88, 92

JSON (JavaScript object notation), 68, 68, 69, 70, 71, 73–78, 74–78, 80–81

Junaio, 29, 30, 31, 33, 34, 35, 37, 38


keyword searching, 50, 62

Kishino, Fumio, 30


Layar, 29, 31–32, 33, 34, 35

Leap Motion, 36

Library of Congress, 50

library systems

convergence and, 8–9

cooperation and, 43

See also cloud-based integrated library systems (ILSs); integrated library systems (ILSs)

limited coexistence, 6–8

linked data, 8–9, 47–48, 49, 54

Long Tail, The (Anderson), 3

Ludwig II, 37


Machine-Readable Cataloging (MARC) format, 45, 49

makerspaces, 9, 15, 113–114

Mann, Steve, 31, 35

Mannion, Shelley, 38

markers, 33–35, 36

markup, 89–91

Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities (MITH), 94

McGee, Nicole, 17

media creation, 113

Meta, 35

metadata, descriptive, 91

metadata sharing, 49, 50

metasearch, 64n1

Michigan State University Libraries, 95

Milgram, Paul, 30

Mixare, 32

mixed reality, 30

Moore’s law, 121

Moretti, Franco, 87

Morgan, Eric Lease, 108

motion detectors, 36

multitenant shared infrastructure, 46, 53

Museum of London, 38

Myo, 36


natural-content AR, 19–20

non-consumptive research, 95

Nowviskie, Bethany, 94

Numbers, 21


OCLC, 43, 49, 60

one-stop shopping, 2–3

ONIX for Books, 49

open access, 1, 8–9

open architecture, 52, 54

open code, 38

open hardware

cost of, 121–122

description of, 115–118

fun and, 120–121

uses for, 118–120

open platforms, 38, 44

open source/open source software, 52, 121

open standards, 8–9

open systems, 46, 47–48, 50

OpenCV, 35


patron-driven acquisition model, 3–4, 9

Perot, Ross, 44

personalization, 108–109

physical environment, 36

Pichai, Sundar, 67

pilot programs, 21, 22–24

Piwik, 69, 81

Plone, 69, 73

Portico, 103

Posner, Miriam, 93

Prabha, Chandra, 2

preservation of digital materials, 103–107

privacy, 31, 39, 63–64

“Project Lefty,” 61–63

publishing, 106

Python Natural Language Tool Kit library, 89


QR codes, 14, 15


R (programming language), 89

Rainbows End (Vinge), 29

Ramsay, Stephen, 95–96

Raspberry Pi, 116, 117, 118

RDA (resource description and access), 50

“really simple syndication” (RSS). See RSS (really simple syndication/rite site summary)

recognition, 111

representational state transfer (REST) request, 80, 81

reputation, 110–111

research and discovery

augmented reality (AR) and, 19–21

pilot programs and, 21, 22–24, 23

See also discovery systems

resource description and access (RDA), 50

Rhodes, Geoffrey Alan, 36

Ripped from Reality, 21

RSS (really simple syndication/rite site summary), 68, 69, 70, 70, 73–74, 75, 75, 77–78


satisficing, 2, 10

scaling, 107

SCARLET (Special Collections using Augmented Reality to Enhance Learning and Teaching) Project, 18, 37

Scholars Portal, 59, 103

SDKs (software development kits), 34, 35

search engine optimized (SEO) tools, 54

search functions, 85

security management, 53

semantic processing, 108

Semantic Web, 48, 49

sensors, uses for, 118–120

Serials Solutions’ Summon service, 60

service missions, 94

service-oriented architecture (SOA), 44, 47–48

shared-platform infrastructures, 47–48, 53

ShelvAR, 17

Shields, 118

shopping, online, 2–3

Sims, Marcy, 17

SloPro, 20, 21

SnapDragonAR system, 36

Software as a Service (SaaS), 45–46

software development kits (SDKs), 34, 35

software installation, discontinuance of, 46

Solr, 68, 69, 73–74, 78, 79, 80–81, 80, 82

sourcing, 107

sousveillance, 31

Special Collections using Augmented Reality to Enhance Learning and Teaching (SCARLET) Project, 18, 37

Spyglass, 20

St. Onge, Anna, 32

staffing needs, 55

Standardized Usage Statistics Harvesting Initiative (SUSHI), 51


augmented reality (AR) and, 40

for web services, 70

Statistics Pro, 21

Suicide (Durkheim), 86

Sun Seeker, 20


Tagwhat, 17

technological convergence, 1

Technologies of Freedom, 5


competition and, 6–8

definition of, 5

obsolete, 6

text analysis, 85, 89–92

Text Encoding Initiative (TEI), 89–90

text mining

future of, 93–97

library connections and, 89–93

overview of, 85–86

in practice, 87–89

usage of, 86–87

textual analysis tools, 88–89

3D Compass+, 20

3-D printers, 118

topic modeling, 92–93

trust, 111–112

Trustworthy Digital Repositories, 103


Underwood, Ted, 86

Unity 3D game engine, 34

usability, 89, 91, 108

usage statistics, 51, 81, 82

user services, 107–110


values of librarianship, 1, 2

Vinge, Vernor, 29, 31

Voyant Tools, 89

Vuforia, 34–35

Vuzix, 35


web services

creation of, 75–76

definition of, 69

formats for, 70

implementation of, 82–83

move toward, 67–68

standards for, 70

Wikitude, 32, 33, 34, 35

WolfWalk, 17–18

Word Lens, 33

word-frequency distributions, 92


XML (extensible markup language), 69