apple crisp 150
apple stacks 142
apple granola 12
soda bread 42
apricot cookies 136
eggplant stew 112
hot oatmeal 14
soda bread 42
artichokes: seafood pizza 72
chicken tacos 66
cornbread & avocado 36
sushi rolls 70
baba ghanoush 74
bacon & pear salad 60
cornbread & avocado 36
banana muffins 140
banana pancakes 10
banana smoothie 20
beef stew 96
meatball pasta 98
bell peppers
broccoli hash 38
chicken tacos 66
pepper cornbread 156
pesto hash browns 120
shrimp noodles 92
berry crunch 16
blueberry bars 24
cream puffs 130
raspberry bake 152
soda bread 42
strawberry roll 138
strawberry shake 22
blueberry bars 24
broccoli hash 38
vegetable tempura 76
buckwheat/buckwheat flakes
apple crisp 150
apple granola 12
berry crunch 16
golden pilaf 52
beef stew 96
breakfast muffins 44
golden pilaf 52
spicy carrot soup 62
tofu salad 64
vegetable curry 118
vegetable tempura 76
celiac disease 6
chicken curry 104
chicken tacos 66
roasted chicken 106
chickpea fritters 30
eggplant stew 112
lamb skewers 100
spicy falafels 78
chocolate cake 132
mocha brownies 126
chicken curry 104
coconut macaroons 124
panna cotta 134
risotto cakes 54
shrimp noodles 92
cornbread & avocado 36
bruschettas 56
cornbread & avocado 36
pepper cornbread 156
cream cheese
banana muffins 140
mango cheesecake 144
seafood tart 88
strawberry roll 138
dairy allergies and intolerances 6
dairy-free alternatives 7
dates: apple granola 12
baba ghanoush 74
eggplant stew 112
broccoli hash 38
eggs & fritters 34
potato tortilla 116
sausage frittata 32
pesto hash browns 120
stir-fried vegetable 40
fish & seafood
baked cod 90
salmon sticks 94
seafood pizza 72
seafood tart 88
shrimp noodles 92
spice-crusted fish 114
sushi rolls 70
food allergies and intolerances 6
gluten allergies and
intolerances 6
gluten-free alternatives 7
holiday fruitcake 158
lamb skewers 100
lentils: spicy carrot soup 62
mango cheesecake 144
millet flakes
apple granola 12
berry crunch 16
hot oatmeal 14
eggplant stew 112
eggs & fritters 34
mushroom pasta 86
pork pot pies 102
stir-fried vegetables 40
vegetable tempura 76
shrimp noodles 92
spring rolls 68
stir-fried vegetables 40
tofu salad 64
apple granola 12
apple stacks 142
apricot cookies 136
banana smoothie 20
beef stew 96
blueberry bars 24
coconut macaroons 124
mango cheesecake 144
mocha brownies 126
orange syrup cake 128
peach puree 18
pear salad 60
strawberry roll 138
strawberry shake 22
onion soup 50
breakfast muffins 44
chocolate cake 132
orange syrup cake 128
panna cotta 134
meatball pasta 98
mushroom pasta 86
peach puree 18
pear salad 60
pear sorbet 148
apple crisp 150
plum pancakes 26
pork pot pies 102
spring rolls 68
broccoli hash 38
gnocchi 80
pesto hash browns 120
pork pot pies 102
potato pancakes 28
potato salad 48
potato tortilla 116
salmon sticks 94
sausage frittata 32
vegetable curry 118
quinoa/quinoa flakes
blueberry bars 24
tabbouleh 58
raspberry bake 152
risotto 108
risotto pie 54
sushi rolls 70
rice flakes
apple crisp 150
apple granola 12
berry crunch 16
risotto 108
sausage frittata 32
seafood tart 88
mushroom pasta 86
risotto pie 54
vegetable curry 118
spring rolls 68
strawberry roll 138
strawberry shake 22
sushi rolls 70
tabbouleh 58
tapioca 146
peach puree 18
tofu cakes 110
tofu & noodle salad 64
vegetable tempura 76
bruschettas 56
chicken curry 104
eggplant stew 112
gnocchi 80
meatball pasta 98
pesto hash browns 120
potato salad 48
roasted chicken 106
sausage frittata 32
seafood pizza 72
tabbouleh 58
tomato focaccia 154
vegetable curry 118
zucchini quiche 82
wheat allergies and
intolerances 6
wheat-free alternatives 7
pesto hash browns 120
zucchini quiche 82